  • 8/10/2019 Rpt Science f5 2015 (english)





    Week Learnin O!"e#$i%e& S'e&$e( Learnin A#$i%i$ie& Learnin O'$#)*e& N)$e&

    1 1.112/1/2015 Understanding the Observe prepared slides or view charts of various types of microorganisms: student is able to :

    to classification of !ist the charactreistis of various types of1"/1/2015 microorganism a# l is t the character is tics of var ious t ypes of microorganism into groups i .e . microorganism.

    bacteria$fungi$proto%oa$viruses and algae based on their characteristics such as

    variation in si%e$shape or other appearances. &lassify microorganism intobacteria$fungi$proto%oa$viruses and algae

    'iew videos or computer simulation and discuss the following:

    a# various groups of microorganisms i.e. bacteria$fungi$proto%oa$viruses and (escribe the characteristics of each

    algae groups of microorganismb# characterictics of each groups of microorganism in terms of appearanceshape$si%e$method of reproduction$nutrition and habitat.

    1 1.2 Observe specimens such as fresh bread$mouldy bread$fresh and spoilt student is able to: )emind students to

    12/1/2015 *ynthes is ing ideas mil+.(iscuss: identify factors that affect the growth of adhere strictly to safetyto about the factors that a# why the bread and mil + turn bad microorganisms precautions while

    1"/1/2015 affec t the growth of b# the fac tors that affect the growth of microorganisms design an e,periments to study how conducting e,perimentsmicroorganism nutrient affect the growth of involving

    (esign and conduct e,periments to study how each of the following factors microorganisms microorganisms.

    affects the growth of microorganism- design an e,periments to study how )emind students that

    a# nutrient humidity affect the growth of microorganisms canb# humidity microorganisms cause disease orc# light design an e,periments to study how light illness.d# temper atu re affect the growth of microorganismse# p icroorganism is also

    design an e,periments to study how+nown as microbes.temperature affect the growth of

    (iscuss how each factor affects the growth of microorganisms microorganisms

    design an e,periments to study how paffect the growth of microorganisms

    e,plain how each factor affect the growthof microorganisms.


    Week Learnin O!"e#$i%e& S'e&$e( Learnin A#$i%i$ie& Learnin O'$#)*e& N)$e&

  • 8/10/2019 Rpt Science f5 2015 (english)


    1.0 'iew videos or computer simulation and discuss the uses and roles of student is able to: *cientific names of

    pplying +nowledge microorganism- microorganisms are not

    about useful a# food digestion state e,amples of uses of microorganisms reuired

    microorganism b# decaying process e,plain with e,amples the roles of usefulc# medicine$agriculture and industry microorganisms

    suggest potential uses of microorganismsin various fields

    &arry out an activity about he uses of microorganisms such as ma+ing bread oryoghurt

    'isit factories to study how microorganisms are used to produced food or otherindustrial products.

    3ather information from maga%ines$boo+s and internet and discuss the potentialuses of microorganisms in various fields.

    2 1.4 Observe specimens or models$ or view charts on tooth decay caries# and student is able to :16/1/2015 nalysing the harmful discuss how microorganisms cause the decay.

    to effects of state the harmful effects of microorganisms2/1/2015 microorganisms. 3ather information from newspapers$ boo+s$ maga%ines and internet or on human being$

    interview medical e,perts and discuss other harmful effects of microorganisms relate each group of microorganisms to theon human beings such as causing food poisoning and diseases. diseases caused by it$

    describe the various ways howa+e folio scrap boo+ about the groups of microorganisms that cause the microorganisms can cause infection.following diseases and the ma7or symptoms of the diseases :

    a# tuberculosis$ cholera and various se,ually transmitted diseases suchas gonorrhea and syphilis 8 cause by bacteria.

    b# &ommon cold$ dengue fever$ hepatitis and the cuired mmune(eficiency *yndrome (*# 8 caused by fungi$

    c# tinea and ring worm 8 cause by fungi$d# malaria 8 cause by proto%oa.

    'iew videos or computer simulations and discuss the various waysmicroorganisms can infect human being such through air$ water$ food$ contact

    and vector.


  • 8/10/2019 Rpt Science f5 2015 (english)


    Week Learnin O!"e#$i%e& S'e&$e( Learnin A#$i%i$ie& Learnin O'$#)*e& N)$e&

    2 1.516/1/2015 nalysing ways to 3ather information from boo+s$ newspapers$ maga%ines$ nternet or visit student is able to :

    to prevent infection institutions such as nstitute of edical )esearch )# and 9usat awalan

    2/1/2015 caused by 'e+tor and discuss the ways to prevent infect ion such as control of vectors$ list ways to prevent infection$microorganisms ster il i%at ion and immunisation. relate the control of vectors to their habits

    and life cycles$

    &arry out the following activities : e,plain with e,amples various methods of

    a# draw the life cycles of vectors such as mosuito and housefly$ sterilisation$b# describe the habits of these vectors$ state with e,amples various methods ofc# relate the lifecycles and habits of these vectors to the control and sterilisation$

    prevention of infection. state what immunity is$

    (iscuss the following methods of sterilisation : compare and contrast the various types of

    immunity$a# the use of heat : heating$ boiling and using autoclave$

    state the importance of immunity.b# the use chemicals : antiseptics and disinfectants$c# the use of radiations : gamma ray and ultraviolet light.

    'iew videos or computer simulations and discuss the following :

    a# the meaning of immunity$b# types of immunity and their e,amples$c# the importance of immunity.

    &arry out activity to compare and contrast various types of immunity. llustrate

    the similarities and differences in a graphic organi%er.

    1."2"/1/2015 Understanding how (iscuss ways to treat diseases caused by microorganisms such as the use of student able to :

    to diseases caused by antibiotics and antifungal drugs. state the ways to treat diseases caused by0/1/2015 microorganisms are microorganisms$

    trea ted &onduct an e,per imen t to study the effects of an tibio ti cs on bacte ria. state the effects of antibiotics on


    nvite a medical officer to tal+ about using drugs without medical advice and describe the dangers of using drugs

    through prescription. without medical advice and through

    unauthori%ed prescription

    1.;)ealising that (iscuss the effects of microorganisms in relation to : student able to :

    microorganisms have a# human life describe the roles and effects ofprofound effects on b# balance in nature microorganisms on human and the balancehuman being and the in naturebalance in nature

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    Week Learnin O!"e#$i%e& S'e&$e( Learnin A#$i%i$ie& Learnin O'$#)*e& N)$e&

    4 2.1 &arry out a an activity to determine the following: student is able to :

  • 8/10/2019 Rpt Science f5 2015 (english)


    5 2 .0 'iew charts$ videos or compute r simu la ti ons on nitrogen cycle and discuss the student is able to :

    6/2/2015 nalysing nitrogen following : describe nitrogen cycle

    to cycle and its e,plain the processes involved in nitrogen

    1/2/2015 importance a # the nitrogen cycle cycle.

    b # the processes involved in the nitrogen cycle. e,plain the importance of nitrogen cycle

    c # the importance of the nitrogen cycle.

    (raw a labeled diagram of nitrogen cycle.

    2 .4 3ather imforma ti on from boo+s$ maga% ines or in ternet on guides to healthy die ts student is able to :

    ppreciat ing the and healthy eat ing habits . practice healthy eating habits

    importance of having plan how to manage food resources

    good nutrition 9lan and practice ta+ing healthy daily meals. to avoid wastage.

    9ropose ideas on how to manage food resources to avoid wastage. a+e a plandescribe the benefits of having

    healthy eating habitsbased on the proposed ideas.

    (iscuss the benefits of having healthy eating habits.


  • 8/10/2019 Rpt Science f5 2015 (english)




    Week Learnin O!"e#$i%e& S'e&$e( Learnin A#$i%i$ie& Learnin O'$#)*e& N)$e&

    " 0.1 nalysing 'iew videos or computer simulation and discuss- student is able to :1"/2/2015 balance in nature a# the meaning of balance in nature

    to (escribe what balance in nature is$

    20/2/2015 b# the roles of the three natural cycles in maintaining balance in nature$ i.e. *tate the natural cycles that help tonitrogen cycle$ carbon cycle and water cycle. maintain balance in nature$

    =,plain how these natural cycles help to'isit a garden and carry out the following activities: maintain balance in nature$a# list the organisms =,plain how food webs help to maintainb# draw a food web$ balance in nature$c# discuss the role of food webs in maintaining balance in nature

    3ather information from boo+s$ newspapers$ maga%ines and internet on naturaldisasters.

    9resent and discuss:

    =,plain with e,amples the effects ofnatural disasters on balance ina# the effects of natural disasters on balance in nature$ nature$b# ways to maintain the balance in nature.

    *uggest ways to maintain balance innature$

    0.2 nalysing the 3ather information from boo+s newspapers$ maga%ines and internet and student is able to :

    effects of discuss: dentify the sources of environmentalenvironmental pollution$

    pollution a# the sources of environmental pollution such as: =,plain the effects of environmentalpollution$

    i. the uncontrolled use of fossil fuels$

    ii. the disposal of by products waste$ to,ic substances$ radioactive substances$ (escribe global warming$smo+e and heat from factories$iii. the uncontrolled used of chemical fertilisers$ pesticides and fungicides in

    )elate greenhouse effect to globalagriculture$ warming$iv. the production of noises$ smo+e and poisonous gases from vehicles andmachinery$

    *tate what o%one layer is$v. the disposal of rubbish such as plastic $ leftover food and solid substances$

    the disposal of sewage$ =,plain the importance of o%one

    vi. the use of chlorofluorocarbon &> in aerosols$ air conditioners and layer$refrigerators$ and the improper disposal of electrical appliances such as air

    *tate the chemicals that damage theconditioners and refrigerators that contain &>&

    o%one layer

    b# the effects of environmental pollution from the aspect of: !ist the sources of chemicals that can


  • 8/10/2019 Rpt Science f5 2015 (english)


    Week Learnin O!"e#$i%e& S'e&$e( Learnin A#$i%i$ie& Learnin O'$#)*e& N)$e&

    i. human health damage the o%one layer$ii. habitats and nature$

    iii. the e,tinction of species$ =,plain how damaging o%one layeriv. the loss of economic resources. affects living things.

    'iew videos or computer simulation and discuss:a# global warmingb# greenhouse effect and its relation to global warming$c# o%one layer and its importanced# chemical such as &>& and o,ides of nitrogen that can damage the o%one

    layere# chemicals in *tyrofoam coolant and aerosol that can damage the o%one layer$f# how damaging o%one layer affects living things.

    ; 0.0 *ynthesi%ing the 'iew videos on environmental preservation and conservation and discuss the student is able to :

    2/2/2015 idea of preservation importance of preservation and conservation of the environment. state the importance of preservation andto and conservation of conservation of the environment$

    2;//2015 the environment and (iscuss the following :

    pollution control a# environmental pollution control$ . generate ideas on environmental pollutionb# e,amples of how preservation and control$

    conservation can contribute to a clean

    and healthy environment e,plain with e,amples on how preservation

    &arry out a pro7ect to study :and conservation of the environment cancontribute to a clean and healthy environment

    a# what efforts are ta+en to preserve and conserve the environment.b# what are the impacts produced by these efforts

    0.4 (iscuss proper ways of managing natural resources to maintain balance in student is able to :

    =valuating the nature. generate ideas on the proper ways to manage

    importance of proper natural resources in order to maintain balance inmanagement of 'iew a videos or computer simulations and write a report on : nature$

    natural resources in a#the effects of improper management of natural resources$ e,plain with e,amples the effects of improper

    maintaining balance in b#the need for proper management of the environment. management of natural resources

    nature 7ustify the need for proper management of the


    0.5 9lan and practice good habits to preserve and conserve the environment student is able to :9racticing responsible through the following activities :

    attitudes to preserve a#awareness campaigns on reducing$ reusing and recycling$ practice good habits to preserve andand conserve the b#7ungle tre++ing to appreciate the beauty of nature and an unspoilt conserve the environmentenvironment environment$


    Week Learnin O!"e#$i%e& S'e&$e( Learnin A#$i%i$ie& Learnin O'$#)*e& N)$e&

  • 8/10/2019 Rpt Science f5 2015 (english)


    c#adopt part of an area such as beach$ river$ hil and forest to practiceresponsible and caring attitudes to preserve and conserve$

    d#write a proposal on how to preserve and conserve the environment ina local community

    ? 4.1 Observe various samples of carbon and non carbon compounds. (iscuss what student is able to:2//2015 nalysing various carbon compounds are.

    to carbon compounds state what carbon compounds are"//2015 'iew videos or computer simulation and discuss organic and inorganic state what organic compounds are

    compounds in terms of give e,amples of organic compounds.a. thei r sources state what inorganic compounds are.b. their characteristics i.e.

    give e,amples of inorganic compounds.i. elements present

    &ompare and contrast organic compoundsii. metallic and non metallic with inorganic componds.iii. changes upon heating

    &lassify substance into organic and

    &arry out an activity to compare and contrast organic and inorganic compounds.inorganic compounds.

    *tate what hydrocarbons are.llustrate the similarities and diffrences in a graphic organiser.

    !ist source of hydrocarbons.

    &lassify samples of carbon compounds into organic and inorganic compounds.

    3ather information from boo+s$ maga%ines and internet and discusshydrocarbons and their sources .




    to 1ST

    SEMESTER ,REA.20//2015

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  • 8/10/2019 Rpt Science f5 2015 (english)


    the process of e,tracting palm oil from the oil palm fruit. list the uses of palm oil

    3ather information from boo+s$ newspapers$ maga%ines and nternet to list the nutritional substances found in palm oil$

    prepare a folio on: describe the local )A( activities on oil palm$a#the uses of palm oil$ suggest the potential uses of oil palmb#nutritional substances found in palm oil such as fats$ vitamins and


    'isit institutions such as alaysian 9alm Oil Board 9OB# to gatherinformation on the research and development of oil palm.(iscuss the potential uses of oil palm

    4.5 (iscuss the following student is able to : olecular formula

    nalysing the process a#oils contain fatty acids and glycerol state that oils contain fatty acids and glycerol and structure of soap

    of ma+ing soap from oil b#e,amples of fatty acids give an e,amples of fatty acids are not reuired.

    and the cleansing describe the process of ma+ing soapaction of soap &arry out an activity to study the process of ma+ing soap through the reaction state that soap is a salt produced by the

    between fatty acids and sodium hydro,ide solution reaction between sodium hydro,ide and fatty

    (iscuss soap as a salt produced by the reaction between sodium hydro,ideacids

    and fatty acids.

    'iew videos or computer simulations and discuss: state the characteristics of the components of a

    soap moleculea#the characteristics of the components of a soap molecule

    b#the cleansing action of soap molecules e,plain the cleansing action of soap molecules

    1 4 ." &arry out an activity using beads and strings to show the fol low ing structu res or studen t is ab le to:1/4/2015 Understanding natural processes:

    to polymers a# polymer state what a polymer is$

    1;/4/2015 b# monomer give e,amples of polymer$

    c # polymer isat ion state what a monomer is$d# depolymerisat ion give e,amples of monomer$

    (iscuss the following: describe polymerisation$

    (escribe depolymerisation$a#what polymers and monomers are$

    state what natural polymer is$b#e,amples of polymer and monomer$

    c# what polimerisation is$ give e,amples of natural polymer$

    d# what depolymerisation is state what synthetic polymer is$

    Observe various samples of natural and synthetic polymers give e,amples of synthetic polymer$

    state the characteristics of natural rubber$

    9repare folios or scrap boo+s on the various uses of natural and synthetic e,plain the action of acids on late,$

    e,plain the action of ammonia solution onpolymerslate,$&arry out activities to study the following:


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  • 8/10/2019 Rpt Science f5 2015 (english)


    concepts of speed$ (b) the relationship between speed$ velocity and acceleration. define speed$

    velocity and define velocity$

    accelerat ion &arry out an activity to compare and contrast speed$ velocity and accelerat ion. state the unit for speed and velocity$llustrate the similarities and differences in a graphic organi%er. define acceleration$

    &arry out activities using a tic+er timer or other suitable methods to determine state the unit for acceleration$

    e,plain the relationship between speed$

    the velocity and acceleration of a moving ob7ect. velocity and acceleration$

    &arry out an activity to solve problems involving velocity and acceleration. compare and contrast speed$ velocity and


    determine the velocity and acceleration ofa moving ob7ect$

    solve problems involving velocity andacceleration.


    to MID /YEAR EAMINATION26/5/2015

    1/"/2015to MIDYEAR ,REA.


    5.0 &arry out activities and discuss the following: student is able to:Understanding the a# the meaning of inertia$ state what inertia is$

    20 concept of inertia b# the occurrences of inertia in everyday life. give e,amples of everyday occurrences15/"/2015 involve inertia$

    to (esign and conduct an e,periment to study the relationship between mass and e,plain with e,amples the relationship16/"/2015 inertia. between mass and inertia$

    'iew videos or computer simulations and discuss safety features use in vehicles state the safety features use in vehicles to

    reduce negative effects of reduce negative effects of inertia.

    5.4 (iscuss the following: student is able to:

    pplying the concept a# the meaning of momentum$ define momentum$of momentum b# events involving momentum in everyday l if e

    e,plain the relationship between

    &onduct e,periments to study the relationship between momentum$ mass and momentum $mass and velocity$

    velocity. state the 9rinciple of &onservation of

    &arry out an activity using @ewtonCs &radle to demonstrate the 9rinciple of omentum.&onservation of omentum.


    Week Learnin O!"e#$i%e& S'e&$e( Learnin A#$i%i$ie& Learnin O'$#)*e& N)$e&

  • 8/10/2019 Rpt Science f5 2015 (english)


    'iew videos or computer simulations and discuss the applications of momentum =,plain with e,amples the application ofin the following: momentum in everyday life.a# vehicle design that incorporates safety features$b# the use of the pile driver$c# the speed and weight limits for heavy vehicles.

    20 5.5 &arry out activities and discuss what pressure is student is able to: Dhe problem solving

    15/"/2015 *ynthesising the define pressure$ activity involves direct

    to concept of pressure. (esign and conduct e,periments to study the relationship between pressure$ e,plain the relationship between application of the formula:16/"/2015 force and surface area. pressure$ force and surface area$

    e,plain with e,amples the application 9F>

    (iscuss the applications of pressure in everyday life. of pressure in everyday life$ &arry out an activity to solve problems involving pressure. solve problems involving pressure.

    21 5 ." Observe models$ view videos or compu ter simulations and d iscuss the fo llow ing - studen t is ab le to:

    22/"/2015 pplying the principle a# the principle of transmission of pressure liuids$ state the principle of transmission ofto of hydraulic system in b# the relationship of pressure e,erted on the small piston to that on the large pressure in liuids$

    2"/"/2015 everyday life piston in hydraulic system. relate pressure on the small piston tothat on the large piston in the operation

    &onduct e,periments to study the effect of transmission of pressure in liuids. of a hydraulic system$

    e,plain the effect of transmission of

    &arry out an activity to solve problems on the transmission of pressure in liuids. pressure liuids$

    (iscuss the following : solve problems on transmission of

    pressure in liuids$a# e,amples on the use of the hydraulic system$

    e,plain with e,amples the applicationb# principle of operation of the hydraulic system$ of the hydraulic system in everyday life.(c) the application of the hydraulic system in a hydraulic 7ac+ and the

    hydraulic bra+e.

    5.; 'iew videos or computer simulations and discuss the principle of operation of student is able to :

    nalysing the motion vehicles in water such as ships$ hovercrafts and hydrofoils. state the principle of operation of

    of vehicles in water vehicles in water$&arry out activities to identify the shape of vehicles that facilitate motion in water. identify the shape of vehicles

    (iscuss the relationship between shapes and the design of vehicles in water. to facilitate motion in water$

    &onduct e,periments to study rchimedesC principle: relate shapes to the design of vehicles

    in water$a# the change in weight of an ob7ect when it is immersed in a liuid$

    state rchimedesC principle$b# the relationship between upthrust and the weight of the liuid displaced

    e,plain with e,amples the applications(iscuss the application of rchimedesC principle in ships and submarines. of rchimedesC principle.


  • 8/10/2019 Rpt Science f5 2015 (english)


    Week Learnin O!"e#$i%e& S'e&$e( Learnin A#$i%i$ie& Learnin O'$#)*e& N)$e&

    22 5.? 'iew videos or computer simulations and discuss: student is able to:

    26/"/2015 nalysing the motion a# the principle of operation of vehicles in the air$ state the principle of operation ofto of vehicles in the air b# forces of motion generated by the 7et engine and the roc+et. vehicles in the air$

    /;/2015 compare and contrast how forces of&arry out an activity to compare and contrast forces of motion generated by the motion are generated by the 7et engine

    7et engine and the roc+et. llustrate the similarities and d ifferences in a graphic and the rac+et$organi%er.

    &arry out activities to study BernoulliCs principle. state BernoulliCs principle$

    'iew videos or computer simulations and discuss the application of BernoulliCs e,plain the application of BernoulliCsprinciple in air flight. principle in air flight.

    5.6 (iscuss the need to invent vehicles such as: student is able to:

    ppreciating the ability a# to shorten the time of traveling$ Gustify the need to invent vehicles$and creativity of b# to transport goods$ people and animals.

    man+ind in inventing )elate the creativity of humans to theand designing vehicles 'iew videos or computer simulations on vehicle designs and discuss the designing of vehicles$

    for the betterment of relationship between the creativity of human to the design of vehicles to fulfill thelife needs of human. 9ractice good habits in handling

    vehicles$9articipate in campaigns on the importance of:a# practicing good habits in handling vehicles$

    9ractice caring attitudes when usingb# 9racticing caring attitudes when using public transportation system. public transport system.

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  • 8/10/2019 Rpt Science f5 2015 (english)




    Week Learnin O!"e#$i%e& S'e&$e( Learnin A#$i%i$ie& Learnin O'$#)*e& N)$e&

    ".1 Observe samples of fresh food and processed food. (iscuss the following: student is able to:

    2 nalysing the methods a#processed food and e,amples of processed food"/;/2015 and substances used b#the purpose of processing food describe what processed food is$

    to in food technology c#chemicals used in food processing such as preservatives$ give e,amples of processed food

    10/;/2015 colouring$bleach$ flavouring $stabliser$sweetner $ antio,idants and e,plain the purpose of processingemulsifier food

    d#function of the chemicals used in food processing. state the chemicals used in foodprocessing

    'iew videos or computer simulation and discuss the technology used in: e,plain the functions of the

    chemicals used in food processinga#food processing such as:

    e,plain with e,amples thei.pasteurisation technology used in food processingii dehydration and pac+agingiii free%ing

    e,plain the effects of e,cessive useiv free%e drying

    of chemicals in food processingv . coolingvi. irradiation

    b#food pac+aging such as:i. canningii. vacuum pac+aging

    3ather imformation from boo+s$maga%ines$internet and discuss the effects of

    e,cessive use of chemicals in food processing on health.

    ".2 (iscuss the need to increase the uality of food production. student is able to :nalysing ways to

    improve food 3ather informat ion from boo+s$ maga%ines$ internet and discuss ways to e,plain the need to increase theproduct ion increase the uali ty and uanti ty of food product ion such as uality and uantity of food

    a#use of uality breeds production

    b#use of modern technology e,plain with e,amples ways toc#education and guidance for farmers increase the uality and uantity ofd# research and development food production

    e# optimum use of land and irrigafed areas describe with e,amples what

    f# efficient land management genetically modified food is

    'iew videos or computer state the advantages and

    disadvantages of genetically*imulations and discuss: modified fooda#what genetically modified food is$b#the characteristics of foods that have been genetically modified

    (ebate on the advantages and disadvantages of genetically modified food


    Week Learnin O!"e#$i%e& S'e&$e( Learnin A#$i%i$ie& Learnin O'$#)*e& N)$e&

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    24 E 25 ".0 ppreciating the 'isit institutions such as alaysian gricultural )esearch and (evelopment student is able to :

    1/;/2015 contribution of nstitute )(#$alaysian 9alm Oil9OB# and institutions of higher learning describe the )A( activities in foodto technology in food to gather information on )A( in food production and ma+e a report on the production

    24/;/2015 product ion for the information gathered predict what will happen if there isbetterment of life an imbalance between population

    (iscuss the conseuences if population increase is faster than the technological increase and technological

    development in food production or vice versa development in food production

    ".4 9ractising critical 3ather information from consumer associations or internet pertaining to the student is able to:

    and analytical thin+ing >ood ct and >ood )egulations 7ustify the need to educatedwhen selecting consumers in selecting processed

    processed food (iscuss the need to educate consumers to be critical and analytical when food

    selecting processed food. practice critical and analytical(iscuss information given on labels of processed food such as thi+ing when selecting processed

    a#chemicals present in the food food.b # e,p iry datec# ing red ients

    &arry out an activity and discuss information left out on food labels andpac+aging

    *elect a processed food after analy%ing the information given on the label


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    Week Learnin O!"e#$i%e& S'e&$e( Learnin A#$i%i$ie& Learnin O'$#)*e& N)$e&

    2" E 2; ;.1 Observe ob7ects made from synthetic polymers and discus synthetic polymers student is able to :

    2;/;/2015 Understanding and their synthetic polymers list synthetic polymers$

    ;/?/2015 'iew videos or computer simulations and discuss the process of manufacturing state uses of synthetic polymers$

    synthetic polymers such as synthetic rubber$ plastics and synthetic fibers. describe the process of ma+ingsynthetic polymers$

    (iscuss the general characteristics of synthetic rubber and relate these relate the general characteristics ofcharacteristics to the uses of synthetic rubber. synthetic rubber to its uses$

    3ather information from boo+s$ maga%ines$ newspapers or internet on the give e,amples of goods made from

    synthetic rubber$e,amples of goods made from synthetic rubber and combination of natural and

    give e,amples of goods made from asynthetic rubber. combination of natural and synthetic

    &arry out an activity to compare and contrast synthetic rubber and naturalrubber$

    compare and contrast synthetic rubberrubber. llustrate the similarities and differences in a graphic organi%er.

    and natural rubber.;.2 Observe various samples of thermoplastic and thermosetts : student is able to :

    nalysing plastics a# (iscuss the following: list e,ample of plastics$

    i. e,amples of plastics and their uses$ list the uses of plastics$

    ii. types of plastics i.e. thermoplastic and thermosetts$ state the types of plastics$iii. the characteristics of thermoplastic and thermosetts. list the characteristics of

    b# &lassify plastic goods into thermoplastic and thermosetts. thermosetting plastic materials$&arry out an activity to compare and contrast thermoplastic and thermosetts.

    classify various plastic goods intollustrate the similarities and differences in a graphic organi%er. thermoplastic and thermosetts$

    3ather information from boo+s$ maga%ines$ newspaper or internet and ma+e a compare and contrast thermoplastic

    and thermosetts$report on potential uses of plastics.

    'iew videos or computer simulations and discuss : suggest potential uses of plastics$a# the effects of improper disposal of plastic materials to the e,plain the effects of improper

    environment$ disposal of plastic materials to the

    c# the proper management of disposal of plastics. environment$

    describe proper management ofdisposal of plastics.

    ;.0 nvite a publis health officer to give a tal+ on management of disposal of student is able to :

    9ractising responsible synthetic polymers and ma+e a report on the information gathered. =,plain the importance of properattitudes in the disposal of synthetic polymers$

    disposal of synthetic &arry out the following activities on ways to dispose synthetic polymers in order *uggest ways to dispose syntheticpolymers to preserve the environment :


    Week Learnin O!"e#$i%e& S'e&$e( Learnin A#$i%i$ie& Learnin O'$#)*e& N)$e&

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    a# brainstorming$ polymers in order to preserve theb# awareness campaigns$ environment$

    c# visiting waste management centre$ 9ractice good habits in disposingd# setting up disposal bin for synthetic polymers. synthetic polymer.



    Week Learnin O!"e#$i%e& S'e&$e( Learnin A#$i%i$ie& Learnin O'$#)*e& N)$e&

    ?.12? E 26 Understanding radio Use an oscilloscope and observe the characteristics of waves i.e. amplitude$ student is able to :

    10/?/2015 waves freuency$ wavelength and wave velocity. describe the characteristics ofto waves$

    21/?/2015 'iew charts on electromagnetic spectrum to locate the position of radio waves. identify the location of radio wavesin the electromagnetic spectrum$

    'iew videos or computer simulations and discuss how the properties of radio relate the properties of radio waves

    waves are applied in communication. to communication.?.2 Observe and identify the symbols of the following electronic components in student is able to :

    nalysing radio radios: identify electronic components usedcommunication d# resistors$ in radio and their symbols$

    e# capacitors$ e,plain the functionof electronicf# diodes$ components in radio$

    g# t ransistors$ describe the radio transmissionh# inductors$ and system$ i# t ransformers. describe the radio receiver system$

    (iscuss functions of each type of electronic component. e,plain transmission and reception

    of signals in the radio

    Observe models or view charts on the radio communication system.communication system.

    (raw schematic diagrams and discuss the following:a# the radio transmission system

    b# the radio receiver system.

    'iew videos or computer simulations and discuss the transmission and receptionof signals in the radio communication system.

    &arry out pro7ect to build simple functional model of radio receiver.

    ?.0 Vie4 %i(e)& )r #)*'$er &i*'6a$i)n& an( (i'&&: student is able to :

    Understanding e3 &a$e66i$e #)**'ni#a$i)n &7&$e*8 describe how satellite


  • 8/10/2019 Rpt Science f5 2015 (english)


    Week Learnin O!"e#$i%e& S'e&$e( Learnin A#$i%i$ie& Learnin O'$#)*e& N)$e&

    satellite 93 $e a(%an$ae& )9 '&in &a$e66i$e& in $ran&*i$$in in9)r*a$i)n8 communication system wor+s$

    communication 3 )$er '&e& )9 &a$e66i$e&- state the advantages of using

    satellites for communications$

    Di'&& $e '&e )9 #)**'ni#a$i)n &7&$e* in&r'*en$& 9)r $e !ene9i$ )9 list applications of satellite

    *ankin(- communication.

    C)66e#$ an( in$erre$ (a$a )n $e er&er%eran#e )9 ien$i&$& in in%en$in*)(ern #)**'ni#a$i)n *e$)(& an( (e%i#e&

    student is able to:

    ?.4 7ustify the use of &D for the

    Be aware of the benefit of man+ind.importanceof using&D for the benefit ofman+ind





    1/?/2015 SPM TRIAL E0AMINATIONto



    to 2ND

    SEMESTER ,REA.25/6/2015




    12/10/2015 REVISION FOR SPM 2015


    6 8 41

    SPM E0AMINATION2/11/2015to


    20/11 8 2/1/1" END YEAR SCHOOL HOLIDAY


  • 8/10/2019 Rpt Science f5 2015 (english)




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