Download - RSN September 2012

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Rock Spring CongregationalUnited Church of Christ

5010 Little Falls Rd. Arlington, VA703-538-4886

The Rock Spring NewsSeptember 2012 Vol. 08 No.09







Seasons Of The Spirit

Healing the Heart of Democracy:The Courage to Create a Politics Worthy of the Human Spirit

Godly PlayL i v i n g Th e Qu e s T i o n s

Lectionary Study

C u l t i v a t i n g C h u r C h v i t a l i t y :Wh a T We Ca n Le a r n f r o m oT h e r Co n g r e g a T i o n s

Choristersvi d e o & di s C u s s i o n se r i e s

Parent ing


An Experiential Journey through the Hebrew Bible

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New Adult educAtioN offeriNgs this fAll

Rock Spring News September 2012 2

JoiN us this fAll…New Christian Education Offerings This Fall

Sunday school--no, it’s not just for our children, and it’s not even just on Sunday! This Fall, Rock Spring launches a rich menu of opportunities for adults seeking to explore faith (and faith questions!), to try out new forms of spiritual practice, to learn and challenge themselves to live more fully into their beliefs, or simply to find fun and fellowship. We invite you to sample just one or two, or to dive into the full feast.

Look for a brochure providing the calendar and details for Rock Spring’s offerings from September 9th through the end of the year very soon but, in the meantime, take a look, mark your calendars, and join us!

Sunday Mornings

10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.

All sessions will be designed to allow both 9:00 a.m. and

11:00 a.m to participate--starting as soon as folks have

grabbed a cup of coffee after 9:00 and ending promptly so you’ll be on time for

the 11:00 a.m. service.

Video and Discussion SeriesA standard format of fellowship, a 30-minute high-quality film, followed by a short discussion, makes this long-standing program a perfect opportunity to learn and meet folks who attend the other service. Martin Luther is the focus through October 7; the series Skeptics and Believers kicks off October 14.

ParentingParenting is a great joy, but it is surely not for the faint of heart! Gather with other Rock Springers for an 8-week exploration of parenting with faith beginning in mid-September. Led by Deb Benavidez, this offering will focus on parenting children from Pre-K through elementary school. The nursery, Choristers rehearsal, and other child care will be provided.

Sunday Evenings

7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.

October 7through

November 18

See the Fall 2012 brochure and watch the bulletins for time and location details.

Living the QuestionsAn exceptional series of exploration, LTQ2 features thirty acclaimed scholars and theologians and invites Rock Springers to explore what’s next for Christianity. The 21-part program is broken into three, seven session series--come to one, or mark your calendar for all three. The first, Invitation to Journey, will kick off on October 7 and will be led by Dwight Rodgers with the assistance of Kathy Dwyer, Janet Parker, and other lay leaders.

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Rock Spring News September 2012 3

New Adult educAtioN offeriNgs this fAll

Monday Nights

October 15, 22, 29 and November 5.

Carpenter Hall6:30 p.m. Dinner

7:15 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Seminar

Childcare available upon request

Healing the Heart of Democracy: The Courage to Create a Politics Worthy of the Human Spirit. Parker Palmer-inspired book study to be led by Kathy and Dale Dwyer. “For those of us who want democracy to survive and thrive, the heart is where the work begins—that grounded place in each of us where we can overcome fear, rediscover that we are members of one another, and embrace the conflicts that threaten our unity as openings to new life for us and for our nation.” —From the Prelude Join Kathy and Dale Dwyer for a four-week series that will explore the intersection of faith and American politics and what it means to take our citizenship seriously. Drawing from Parker Palmer’s book by the same name, Dale and Kathy invite you to join in this evening series that will include breaking bread with one another, provocative questions and discussion, fun experiments in citizenry, and exploring how we can live as a community who may disagree with one another, even as we honor the true dignity of the human spirit. Of Palmer’s book, Terry Tempest Williams, author of The Open Space of Democracy, writes, “…a book born for this moment. Wise, evocative, and pragmatic at its core, this dream for a new politics is grounded in dignity and liberty for all.” Bill Shore, founder of Share Our Strength and author of The Imaginations of Unreasonable Men calls this book, “…the most important manifesto in generations for breaking through the divisiveness that has paralyzed our democracy.”

The book will be available for a suggested donation of $14 through the church office. It is also available on Kindle, Nook, and iBooks

Please register by calling the church office or signing up on the list on Kathy’s office door.

Tuesday Mornings

9:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.Saegmuller Room

Lectionary Study

Join Kathy, Janet, or Hank (whoever is preaching that week) each Tuesday morning from 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. in the Saegmuller Room for an in-depth, but informal, exploration of the Biblical texts that will inspire the sermon and the service for the Sunday ahead.

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New Adult educAtioN offeriNgs this fAll

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Wednesday Nights

Saegmuller Room

6:30 p.m. Refreshments

7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Class

September 12, 19, 26October 3

From Stars to Soil: A Faith-filled Journey from Life’s Beginnings to the Food on your Plate Janet Parker will offer this Wednesday evening learning opportunity to accompany the Ecumenical Season of Creation emphasis in worship during the month of September. This series will explore themes ranging from the beauty and complexity of our planet through the award win-ning film, Journey of the Universe, to a theological exploration of climate change, to the faith basis for our choices in producing and eating food. Sessions and Dates:September 12: Journey of the Universe film screening. 6:30 p.m. - 8:45 p.m. (slightly longer due to length of film)September 19th: Sacred Breath, Holy Wind: From the Air Inside Us to the Climate CrisisSeptember 26th: Eating Mercifully, with guest speaker Victoria Strang from the Humane SocietyOctober 3: Food and Faith: Reflecting with Rock Spring Gardeners

Cultivating Church Vitality: What We Can Learn from Other Congregations

Kathy Dwyer invites you to a three-week conversation about church vitality exploring stories, lessons, and experiences from other congregations.

Wednesday Nights

Saegmuller Room6:30 p.m.

Refreshments7:00 p.m. Class

October 10, 17, 24

Falling Upward: A Spirituality for the Two Halves of Life By Richard Rohr. Book Discussion led by Janet Parker Come along with noted writer and Franciscan priest Richard Rohr as he explores the distinctive spiritual tasks associated with the two halves of our lives. During the first half of life, we are naturally concerned with constructing our identity, building our ego, and achievement. Drawing upon Jungian psychology and Christian spirituality, Rohr offers particular insights into the “further journey” that can take place in the second half of our life if we have the courage to ask the tough question, “what is this all for?” This book appeals to all ages, but has special significance for those going through mid-life and those making meaning in their later years. Rohr helps us reframe our “failures” and “mistakes” so that we can see that “falling down” can really enable us to “fall upwards” spiritually—to grow in spiritual depth and richness. The book may be purchased on Amazon, or available for a suggested donation of $12 through the church office if ordered by October 24. The book is also available on Kindle.

Wednesday Nights

Saegmuller Room

6:30 p.m. Refreshments

7:00 p.m. Class

November 7, 14, 28December 5

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Rock Spring News September 2012 5

New christiAN educAtioN offeriNgs this fAll

Sunday School @ 9:00

Parents of our youngest Rock Springers have always appreciated the 9:00 a.m. service— they’ve been up for hours anyway—but this Fall’s Sunday School programs at 9:00 a.m. may well tempt many more to get up and out to church a little earlier. Experiential and hands-on are at the center of our 9:00 a.m. offerings:

For the very youngest:Nursery care is always available throughout the morning.

Christian Education Is Having New Offerings Too...

September marks the return to school—Sunday school that is! Join us for a Back to School Celebration on Sunday, September 9 as we begin our Fall programming with some new and exciting opportunities and choices. More information will be sent directly to parents, but here’s a short preview of what’s on tap on Sunday mornings for your child:

For toddlers through 1st grade:

Godly Play A curriculum that engages the whole child in creativity and community fellowship, the heart of each Godly Play session is the telling of a story using beautiful materials to illustrate the story and engage the imagination. It provides our younger children the opportunity for active, playful worship in a multi-age setting.

For early readers through 5th Grade

Preparing the Way: An Experiential Journey through the Hebrew BibleWith this new curriculum created by Linda Carder and Janice Langholz, your child will become one of the Hebrew people, donning costumes and travelling throughout the Rock Spring campus as the faith history of Israel comes to life.

Wondering what to do after (or before) Sunday School?From the latest American Idol to the newest The Voice, where do singers consistently say they got their start? In church! Music is an important and joyful part of well-rounded Christian Education, so we encourage children to take part in Choristers (K-5th grade). Rehearsals are held between the services at 10:00 a.m., which, by clever design, gives parents a chance to check out Rock Spring’s offerings for adults!

Sunday School @ 11:00 a.m.At the 11:00 a.m. service, children and youth break out by grade level and discover the Seasons of the Spirit.

To read more deTails abouT our ChrisTian eduCaTion offerings, go To The Children, YouTh & families seCTion on page 11.

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Rev. Kathy Dwyer

Do you remember your favorite teachers? I do: Mrs. Fahrbach, Mrs. Sisney, Dr. Hewitt, and Dr. Thomas. As I think about these teachers, spanning elementary school through seminary, I realize they all have some things in common. Each of them, while having different teaching styles, seemed to love what they were teaching and seemed to love their students. Their love for their subjects – from spelling and economics to the Bible and preaching – was contagious. I can still remember my third-grade teacher, Mrs. Fahrbach, sharing with the class how she had mastered spelling the tricky word, “banana,” and showing us how we could express ideas through writing stories. I remember Mrs. Sisney

inviting our ninth grade class to create our own economic community with mock-businesses and then unpacking the economic theories that our approaches to business implied. Perhaps equally important as their enthusiasm for their subjects, for me, I felt affirmed, encouraged, and challenged by each of these people. They created learning environments that were safe places for exploration, creativity, and growth. These are the same things we strive to provide in the church.

At Rock Spring, we have affirmed learning as one of our core values.

Rock Spring is a Learning Community: We are curious, open-minded peo-ple of all ages who meet to nurture our intellectual and spiritual develop-ment. We help each other listen for the still-speaking God.

Learning isn’t limited to schools or to children and youth. At Rock Spring, we can all be teachers and learners, and learning can be a lifetime endeavor. I am delighted to see the wide variety of learning opportunities that are being offered for people of all ages this year at Rock Spring. Much gratitude to the many people who are sharing their knowledge, enthusiasm, and love with us. It is going to be a great year!

Grace and peace,


At Rock Spring, we have affirmed

learning as one of our core values.

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Rock Spring News September 2012 7

If this question comes to your mind when you think about my book project, Becoming Human Again, you are not alone! And it is a natural question to be asking, more than a year after my sabbatical ended. Alas, however, the answer is not what either you or I might wish! No, I am not “almost done” with the book, in spite of the wonderful study leave time I had for writing in beautiful Portland, OR this July. It turns out that writing a full-length book while serving as a full-time pastor is an excruciatingly slow process! Despite that reality check, I did indeed make real progress on the book this summer. I am excited to report that I now have an editor and writing coach who is working with me, and I have some good leads on getting a publisher.

What I focused on in July was getting a really solid chapter written to send to the publisher in hopes of nailing down a contract, so I’m now on my fourth draft, with my editor’s help, of said chapter! And I am working on the book proposal for the publisher. I guess the best news is that I really am enjoying the writing! The chapter I’m writing is called “The Thankful Animal,” and that chapter inspired the content of the sermon I preached on the last Sunday in August. So, I had a beautiful time in Portland writing, and also took some time to enjoy a trip over to the Oregon coast (Newport and Pacific City area) and some wonderful hiking (Silver Falls State Park). If you are a book lover and you have never been to the Sylvia Beach Hotel in Newport, this should be on your “bucket list.”

Speaking of the thankful animal, I am a very thankful animal indeed that Rock Spring affords me the time and opportunity to work on this book in the midst of all of my pastoral responsi-bilities. Please join me for my adult education series in September, From Stars to Soil: A Faith-Filled Journey from Life’s Beginnings to the Food on Your Plate, so I can share more with you on themes I have been exploring for this book.


Rev. Janet Parker

“So are you almost done with that book now?”

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spirituAl growth & leArNiNg

eNgAge with usThe staff is looking for ways to increase engagement outside of Sundays to increase bonds and better understand the lives of our members.

• Hank will be seeking opportunities to attend events of the children and youth in the program such as baseball and soccer games, recitals, school plays, or concerts.

• Elizabeth would like to invite people to join her for tea or coffee at Starbucks.

• Janet would like to invite people to take a walk with her in the natural world or sit and talk in a natural setting.

• Kathy is inviting members of the congregation to invite her to their places of work.

Most of our days are filled primarily with tasks and responsibilities. And yet we know that our relationships with one another are often put on the back burner as we “check off” a to-do list. It is our hope that engaging more fully with each other will help all of us better understand who we are, what we value, how we serve our larger world, and the challenges we face every day.

Rock Spring News September 2012 8

worship with us iN september

Season of Creation

In the seasons of Advent, Epiphany, Lent and Easter we celebrate the life of Christ. In the season of Pentecost we celebrate the Holy Spirit. Now, in the season of Creation, we have an opportu-nity to celebrate creation and the Creator. During worship on the first four Sundays in September we will celebrate the Season of Creation. See below for the themes for each week.

September 2: Earth (Hymn-sing Sunday)

September 9: Humanity Welcome Home Sunday and return to two services at 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.

September 16: Sky

September 23: Mountain

September 30 is the Fifth Sunday of the month (see article on page 16). In addition, Rev. Dwyer will begin a sermon series titled, “Healing the Heart of Democracy.” The series will explore the intersection of faith and American politics and be loosely tied to Parker Palmer’s book of the same name.

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worship through music

Rock Spring News September 2012 9

Music at Rock Spring Start-up Dates:Just a reminder that we have many musical offerings for all ages! Please note the 1st rehearsal date, and if you can’t make the 1st one, please come to the 2nd, or feel free to contact Ed Roberts or Elizabeth Kluegel Niblock.

A Dialogue on Rock Spring’s MusicPart of the Music Board’s mission is to “help ascertain and review with the director of music from time to time the choral and other musical interests of the congregation.” The Board of Music, Elizabeth Kluegel Niblock, and Ed Roberts want to engage in a dialogue with the rest of the con-gregation on the content of our choral and other church music. We’ll meet in the newly refurbished choir room during the coffee hour after the second service on Sunday 16. Feel free to bring your coffee to the meeting.

Rehearsals beginning on Thursday, September 6:

Sanctuary Choir is an adult choir which sings each week at the 11:00 a.m. service

Choir meets Thursday nights from 7:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

Child care available with notice.

Rehearsals beginning Thursday, September 13:

Men’s Choir is a men’s ensemble which sings every 4 to 6 weeks.

Choir meets from 7:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Child care available with notice.

Rehearsals beginning on Wednesday, September 12:

Handbell Choir is an ensemble for bell ringers. The choir plays most Sundays for

11:00 a.m. introit

Choir meets Wednesday nights at 7:45 p.m.

Rehearsals beginning Thursday, September 16:

Choristers is an ensemble for children grades K through 5 which sings the Introit each Sunday

Choir meets on Sundays at 10:00 a.m. First Sunday to “robe-up” is September 23.

Youth Choir is an ensemble for children grades 6 through 12 which sings every

4 to 6 weeks

Choir meets on Sundays from 12:30 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.

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childreN, Youth & fAmilies

Rock Spring News September 2012 10

Sunday School News and Notes

Welcome back! The Board of Christian Education hopes you had a great summer, and that you are ready to come back to another year of encountering God’s still-speaking word. “Back to School” Sunday is Sunday, September 9, with our two services of worship, educational and special offerings paired alongside! The first day of regular classes and children’s and youth music offerings will be the following week, September 16.

Getting to Sunday School is half the fun!

Our building has a couple of twists and turns to get from the Sanctuary to the Hunter Education Building. In order to help our participants and parents find their way, we’ve paired the color of each room with a grade level.

Lower Level:Infant / Toddlers OrangePreschool RedKindergarten/ 1st Grade Purple

There will be signs at the stairways to help guide you to the correct classroom.

Just follow the colors!

Upper Level:2nd/ 3rd Grade Sky Blue4th/5th Grade Grass GreenMiddle High (6th-8th) Deep Red (Interns’ Office)Senior High (9th-12th) Dove White (Peace Room)

For our Youngest Ones Rock Spring offers seasoned, professional Childcare in our Infant and Toddler Nurseries from the beginning of the 9:00 a.m. service to the end of our Fellowship Hour following the 11:00 a.m. service.

When you drop off your child with our excellent caregivers, you will receive a small vibrate-only “Parent Pager.” Parents, if you are needed by our caregivers, we’ll “buzz” you to come down to the Nursery. We hope that the pagers will allow our families with younger children the freedom to share deeper in worship and in the life of the congregation.

During the year, we share in many different educational, fellowship, and small-group events. It is our promise to have childcare available at every offering. If you are planning on attending one of the many events, please feel free to call and let the organizer know that you will be using our childcare so that we can be sure to have the appropriate number of folks to help out!

Rev. Henry “Hank” Fairman

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childreN, Youth & fAmilies

Rock Spring News September 2012 11

Godly Play

Building on the many years of our ministry with the youngest in our midst, this fall brings us to a time of Godly Play. This approach teaches children the art of usingChristian language - parable, sacred story, silence and liturgical action - helping them become more fully aware of the mystery of God’s presence in their lives.

The authors describe the approach as:Godly Play is a creative and imaginative ap-proach to Christian nurture.Godly Play is based on long established, tried and tested approaches.• Godly Play encourages participants to

make meaning for themselves by inviting them into stories and providing the opportunity for them to connect the stories with their personal experience.

• Godly Play is a non-coercive way to encourage people to move into larger dimensions of belief and faith through wondering questions and open-ended response time.

• Godly Play values process, openness, and discovery.

• Godly Play is a way of preparing children to join in the worship and life of their congregations as they develop a deeper understanding of stories, symbols, and rites.

We will share in our second year with Godly Play at our 9:00 a.m. Multi-age class and our 11:00 a.m. Preschool class this fall. For more information, please visit


Preparing the Way: An experiential Journey through the Hebrew Bible

For second graders through fifth gradersSunday Mornings @ 9:15 a.m. (or after the children’s time in worship) until 10:15 a.m. beginning September 9 and continuing through November 25!

Come join us as we become a bunch of Abrahams and try to convince our wife Sarah to leave the big city and move out into the unknown to discover God. Later, you could be one of Jacob’s sons trying to get rid of your younger brother Joseph because he is your father’s favorite and has been given a beautiful coat while you have to wear scruffy old clothes! So maybe you and your brothers take his coat, put him in a pit, and then he is stolen! Or how would you like to be working with bricks and watch Moses take out one of the Egyptians who has been mean to one of your people. Or you might even get to go with Moses to meet God and discover what God’s name really is and what it means. And what does the word exile mean anyway, and what would it be like to be in exile?

The children will wear costumes each week so that they can experience being one of the Hebrew people. We will begin each session by putting on the costumes, praying, and collecting an offering. As we go through the program, the children will decide where the offering will be directed. Then we will begin the session. We will use the whole church complex for our classes. Sometimes we will be outside, other times we will be in Neighborhood House, and other times, well, we will let you know!

The classes will not end until 10:15 a.m. so that we have time to do all we want to do.

If you are out of church before that, enjoy your coffee before you come for your child.

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Seasons of the SpiritSeasons of the Spirit returns for another year of incredible faith-building fun. This time-tested curriculum provides age-appropriate encounters with God’s word in the scriptures with a lens pointed to living the life we are called to live.

Seasons of the Spirit is an inclusive program, offering something for every place on life’s journey. We use the materials for our Kindergarten through High School ages. Each level is designed to meet the needs of the learner, while challenging them to think outside of the box as they hear the stories of the Bible, and find the meaning and mystery that challenges us today.

Seasons of the Spirit is also “lectionary-based.” This means that each week, the same scriptures will be shared in the sanctuary and in the Sunday school (give or take). We like this style because it means that parents and children can engage the lesson of the day, and find out together what message each other received.

For more information on the curriculum, check out

To help connect our Sunday mornings to our daily and family life, we will be adding some additional “connections” this year.

• First, the weekly “Sunday School @ Home” email will be delivered to your inbox every Monday. This will share the Sunday school lesson for the week, the scripture stories that were shared, and a way to continue the practice with your family through the week. This message will also share information on upcoming events, special activities, and ways that your family can join in the life of our congregation.

• Second, at the end of each quarter (every 8-12 weeks), there will be a Family Feedback session held at 10:15 a.m. in between our two services in the upper atrium. If you come for the 9:00 a.m. service, please hang out for a bit; if you come for the 11:00 a.m., arrive early, and grab a cup of juice or coffee.

• Third, we have awesome teachers. Please check in with them every week, and see what wonderful things were shared in class!


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Rock Spring News September 2012 13

childreN, Youth & fAmiliesCome Meet Your Teacher(s)!Please come and meet our Sunday School teachers on Sunday, September 16, following our 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. worship services. This is a time to meet the students and parents in each of our wonderful educational pro-grams. Rest assured, juice and cookies will be provided!

Children and Youth Information UpdateAt the beginning of each program year, the Sunday School reviews its roster to make sure that we know everyone’s name, grade, and birthday. Parents, please fill out a Sunday School Registration form, verifying your chil-dren’s information. These are located in the Atrium to the Hunter Building, by the bulletin boards. We are working on an online form as well and will send an email when this is ready. The Board of Christian Education thanks you in advance for helping us keep good records!

You can also do this via SurveyMonkey:

Confirmation Class of 2013The Confirmation Class of 2013 will be forming this month. Confirmation is open to any youth who is currently in or beyond Ninth Grade. If your child is in this age group, you will be receiving an invitation letter in late September.Confirmation is a year-long group study in personal faith and spiritual discernment, sharing in the faith and order of the United Church of Christ. The schedule of the class will be determined by the participants to provide the best experience for the participants and their families. This walk in faith will conclude in the spring, with the Confirmation Sunday service led by the class.

This year, we will be experimenting with a new approach to Confirmation. This will involve a deeper walk in faith with our confirmands, their families, and the whole congregation. You may be asked to share in this process as a Mentor (a God-parent for the Confirmation year). If you are asked, please take on this relationship with great honor; it’s really cool to be trusted to walk with our youth on their journey!

Youth of Rock Spring (YoRS)Welcome back to all of the Youth of Rock Spring! This year will be a great time for fun, faith, and fellowship for every youth of Rock Spring, and many friends from our community! Every week, updates and information on the weekly gatherings will be emailed out in the “YoRS Weekly Update.” The first of these should have been in your inbox on Wednesday, September 5. If you didn’t get it and you should have, please send an email to [email protected]. We’ll get you set up!

Middle High YoRSMH YoRS kicks off this year with a Lock-In on September 14-15! Parents, we’ll need both male and female chaperones for the night. Please email [email protected] if you are available.

Our first meeting at our regular time of 4:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. every Sunday will begin the following week, September 23.

MH-YoRS Dates:9/9 Parents’ Fall Information and Organization Meeting, 4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m., Carpenter Hall9/14-15 MH YoRS Lock-In (starts 7:00 p.m. Friday; ends 9:00 a.m. Saturday) No Sunday Meeting!9/23 Regular Meetings begin, 4:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. @ Carpenter Hall9/30 5th Sunday Activities (events after church; No Evening Meeting)

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Senior High YoRSSH YoRS will get together on Sunday, September 16, from 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. We’ll do a pizza-feast for this one, and talk about the amazing things will be doing this year! PLEASE NOTE: Details for our fall retreat will be sent out soon.

SH-YoRS Dates:9/9 Parents’ Fall Information and Organization Meeting, 4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m Carpenter Hall

9/9 Cooking Lunch for SEEC - Carpenter Hall 6:30 p.m.

9/16 Kickoff Dinner Meeting, 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m., Carpenter Hall

9/30 5th Sunday Activities (events after church; No Evening Meeting)

Parents of the Youth of Rock SpringParents, please join for an Information and Organization Meeting on Sunday, September 9, 4:00 p.m. - 6:00p.m. in Carpenter Hall. Please bring an appetizer or sweet to share. We will look towards the fall calendar, and discuss our leadership and chaperone needs for the coming year. This is a meeting for parents, guardians, and adults. Members and Friends of Rock Spring, you are also invited to come and learn more about the YoRS groups.

For all of our Members and Friends who would like to help out with our Youth ministries, you are welcome to come and share in this gathering. There is room for all who feel called to walk with our youth! Parents, Members, and Friends, please RSVP to [email protected]. If you have a child in 6th Grade through 12th Grade, YoRS is the place to be!

Meet the Interns!We continue our mission as a teaching church this year, welcoming two new interns into our Rock Spring family. Laura Martin and Kyle Wyman will be with us for the next two school years, working on their vocational development through a series of learning goals, small group encounters, and spending time with the many faces of our Congrega-tion’s ministry.

Laura Martin comes to us from our sister church, Emmaus UCC. She is a graduate of UVA, and studying at Wesley Theological Seminary. Laura works for Shelter House, where she is the director for the Patrick Henry Family Shelter.

A deeply spirit-filled person, Laura describes her call to ministry as one “that is shaped around a charge to live the Gospel in social justice.”

Kyle Wyman returns to Rock Spring, wearing two different hats. Kyle will continue his work with our youth as one of the Youth Ministry Staff. In addition to this, he will share his gifts as an Intern.

Kyle grew up in the United Methodist church. He is a graduate of Temple University, and is also studying at Wesley Theological Seminary. Kyle is also a Second Lieutenant serving the 99th Regional Support Command in the Army Chaplaincy Corps. His career path is to serve in this specialized ministry, “helping soldiers through counseling, administering the sacra-ments, and providing education and discussion in the Christian faith.”

Please welcome Laura and Kyle to the Rock Spring family!

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Rock Spring News September 2012 15

sociAl Justice

9/11 Unity WalkOur friends from Dar Al Hijrah have personally invited us to join with them in this year’s 9/11 Unity walk.

“Join people of all ages, backgrounds, and faiths in building respect for each other through a framework of education, compassionate leadership, and service. The 2012 Walk commemorates the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks on Sunday September 9, 2012 with the theme: From different paths, we walk as one (911” For more information, go to

Our gifts at work in the communityThe Social Action and Mission (SAM) Board focused on Rock Spring’s Community Partners at its August meeting. Rock Spring’s Wider Mission budget for 2012 allocated $35,600 for our partners. The Board received requests amounting to $57,500 from 23 organizations for grants under the new application-based approach first adopted in 2011.

We gave priority to: (a) organizations engaged with housing, the homeless, medical care, and emergency needs; (b) organizations where our limited contribu-tions would have the greatest impact; (c) organizations that had well-prepared and well-conceived applications. Most of the recipients are in Arlington, Northern Virgin-ia, or the Washington metropolitan area.

In total, 19 grants or allocations were ap-proved by the SAM Board at its August meeting. A full list will be placed on the website once the applicants have been notified (look for an announcement in an upcoming Sunday bulletin).

The seven largest grants ($2,500 or more) went to: Arlington Street People’s Assis-tance Network (A-SPAN), Arlingtonians Meeting Emergency Needs (AMEN), the Arlington/Alexandria Coalition for the Homeless, Arlington Free Clinic, Arlington Pediatric Center, and the Shaw Commu-nity Ministries. Virginians Organizing for In-terfaith Community Engagement (VOICE) received an allocation of $2,500. The larg-est non-regional recipient was the UCC Coalition for LGBT Concerns.

The SAM Board is very conscious that it is responsible for distributing the gifts you make for God’s work. If you have ques-tions, comments, or concerns please be in touch with any member of the Board, and particularly the Grants Sub-commit-tee (Howard Hjort, Michael Bell, Hamilton Brown, Martha Huelsbeck). Extensive details of the process, the analysis, and background documents are available in a binder in the library.

The Community Partners program is one el-ement of Rock Spring’s Wider Mission bud-get which also contributes to the work of the UCC in its local (Potomac Association), regional (Central Atlantic Conference) and national settings. Details may be seen in the 2011 Annual Report and in this fact-sheet on Rock Spring’s Wider Mission.

To access the annual report, visit:

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tAsk force corNer: 5th suNdAY

2nd Annual God’s Harvest – a 5th Sunday Event

Please join us on September 30 for our next 5th Sunday event: God’s Harvest. Hunger remains a challenging issue in our local and wider community. Rock Spring is committed to addressing hunger on many levels, from our Plot Against Hunger gardens and weekly food donations to AFAC, to participation in the CROP Walk, to advocacy for hunger-relieving policies.

For the second year, we are adding to that list a God’s Harvest 5th Sunday event. During worship at 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m., we will ask young people to bring in canned goods for AFAC. Following the 11:00 a.m. service, we again will be partnering with Stop Hunger Now to assemble complete rice-based meals for distribution overseas. Last year, we bagged 11,111; this year, we are increasing our goal to 20,000 meals bagged. We will need YOUR help! As we saw last year, people of ALL ages can make a meaningful contribution to this effort.

To fund the meal bagging and to raise money for AFAC and Church World Service’s Water for All campaign, we will again hold a Silent Auction. To make it a success, we need both bidders on September 30 AND items for people to bid on. See below for information about how to donate.

Beginning at 9:30 a.m. on September 30, please drop in for brunch and bidding, either before or after worship. Immediately following the 11:00 a.m. service, we will gather for refreshments and a spirited round of final bidding. The auction will close at 12:45 p.m. to allow everyone to participate in the meal bagging, which is expected to take between 90 minutes and 2 hours. Please stay for as long as your schedule permits! Beginning at 2:00 p.m., winning bidders will be posted and can check out and retrieve their items.

Call for DonationsDo you have a treasure or talent to share for our upcoming Silent Auction? Please consider donating your treasure such as weekend or weeklong stays at vacation homes, event tickets (sports, theater, music), memorabilia, artwork, jewelry, or your talents, such as babysitting or parent helper services, gardening expertise, cooking or baking services, handyperson expertise, scrapbooking consultations, music lessons, etc. Please contact Susan Olson at 502.439.8310 or [email protected] or email [email protected] with the item you would like to donate, dates available (if applicable), and approximate monetary value. Thanks in advance!

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5th suNdAY eveNt review

Creating Synergy While Building Friends in FaithOn Sunday, July 29, nearly 70 Rock Springers joined with members of Lincoln Temple UCC and Shaw Community Ministry for our latest 5th Sunday’s event – Building Friends in Faith. The day began with a joint-worship service, including a Gospel Choir made up of individuals from Lincoln Temple and Rock Spring as well as liturgical dance presented by some of the young people from Shaw Community Ministry. Rev. Anne Troy, Executive Director of Shaw, gave the sermon. A core component of her message was that this event would not have been possible without the syn-ergy generated from our three groups working together.

After the service, participants joined in a fellowship luncheon. Following the luncheon, there were three service opportunities:

• At Lincoln Temple UCC, volunteers painted a room and hallway in the church. Additionally, crews from Rock Spring and Lincoln Temple gathered on three Satur-days prior to the event to prep the church for painting.

• A second group assisted at Shaw Community Ministry to organize their library and assemble furniture.

• Our third group consisted of children and adults from Shaw Community Ministry and Rock Spring. This intergenerational crowd traveled to the Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial, Tidal Basin, and Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial for a fellow-ship field trip. One of our tour guides shared her life experiences growing up in Memphis at the time of Dr. King’s assassination.

Not only was Building Friends in Faith a fun-filled day of service and fellowship, it helped strengthen ties with a sister congregation and an organization with whom we have had an on-going relationship. Several people from Lincoln Temple, Shaw, and Rock Spring expressed the hope that the events of July 29 would be a springboard for future collaborations.

Special thanks to all the Rock Springers who helped make Building Friends in Faith a success: the July prep crews at Lincoln Temple, the participants in worship, luncheon prep, servers, and clean-up crew, participants on the fellowship field trip, painters, furniture assemblers, and library organizers. Some follow-up work remains to be done at Lincoln Temple. If you are interested in helping, please contact Joe Kelly.

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mArkers & milestoNes

In MemoriamWe are saddened that Don Bacon, a long time member of Rock Spring, passed away at the end of July 2012.

A memorial service to celebrate his life will be held at Vinson Hall at the end of September. When we receive further details we will send out an additional notification. Please hold his wife, Lois, and their family in your prayers.

Baptisms:Congratulations to Jack Andrew Mest, son of Andrew and Kathleen Mest, who was baptized on Sunday, August 19.

Congratulations to Kathryn Eleanor Nolan, daughter of Matt and Julie Nolan, who was baptized on Sunday, August 26.

News & Notes

Beachbody Aerobic Workout Beginning Wednesdays @ 4:00 p.m. Rock Spring member and fitness enthusiast, Sar-ah Gurgo, invites Rock Springers to join her in a vigorous workout on Wednesday afternoons beginning on September 5. We will gather in Neighborhood House on Wednesday afternoons to support one another in getting and staying fit. Using the “Insanity” DVD from the Beachbody series, these workouts will involve long bursts of maximum-intensity exercises with short periods of rest. Each Insanity workout keeps you constantly challenged as you alternate between aerobic and anaerobic intervals performed at your max. This class is open to all and there is no fee for participation. Questions? Please contact Sarah Gurgo at [email protected].

New Members Information SessionsEach year at this time, we reach out to those who have visited our church in worship, gatherings, and programs. We hope that your time spent with the Rock Spring family has been memorable, and that you will consider learning more about the mission, vision, and ministry of our congregation. We also know from past gatherings that many people come and visit, and participate as “friends” of the church for many years. This invitation goes out to you as well. Maybe you are feeling God’s gentle tug to share more deeply in the ministry of Rock Spring as a member. In either case, you are invited to come and share in this year’s New Member Information Sessions. This fall’s sessions will take place on Sunday mornings. Childcare will be available in our Sunday school and nurseries. 10/28 9:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.11/4 9:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.11/11 9:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. These gatherings are offered to help familiarize you with the many faces of the ministry at Rock Spring. We welcome you to learn more about our ministries of Christian Education and Fellowship, Worship and Music, Mission, Advocacy, and Outreach, and Pastoral Care in our community and our congregation. At the conclusion of the sessions, you are invited to join in membership with the congregation. If you have any questions about membership at Rock Spring, please call us at the church office.

You can RSVP to the sessions by email to [email protected].

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“Yoga for the Stiff and Terrified” at Rock Spring United Church of Christ

A yoga class will be offered Saturday mornings at 8:30 a.m., starting September 15 in the Saegmuller Room. Taught by experienced certi-fied personal trainer and registered yoga teacher Laura Dow, the class will be an introductory/beginner level, traditional Hatha yoga style and slower-paced. It is not necessary to have any prior experience with yoga. If you’ve wanted to try a yoga class but have been confused by the number of different styles or think that you are too inflexible to do yoga, this class is for you!

A regular yoga practice confers a multitude of health benefits such as improved posture, better balance, deeper breathing, and reduced stress. Laura’s teaching method includes explaining proper alignment in each pose, adapting poses to each individual body while keeping class members safe and, of course, having fun. Laura loves helping people learn more about their bodies through movement and breath. Come join her for this new class and see what benefits yoga may offer you!

If you want to join but question whether the class is suitable for you or you have health issues or physical limitations which may affect your ability to participate, please contact Laura directly at [email protected]

A complimentary class will be offered Saturday, September 1 at 8:30 a.m. Pre-registration required, email Laura to register.

Fall class session dates are: 9/15-12/22. Note: there will be no class on 10/6 and 11/24. There will be 13 classes in total. Class is 1 hour in length, class size limited to 12. Fee for Rock Spring UCC members for complete session of 13 classes is $175. Pre-registration required to reserve a spot; email [email protected].

Session fee may be pro-rated depending on individual circumstances. Family discount avail-able. Non-Rock Spring UCC members may join, space permitting. Email Laura to register and for additional information on pro-rating the session, family discounts and for the non Rock Spring UCC member rate.

Laura Dow, RYT-200, is an experienced health and fitness professional, holding multiple certifica-tions in personal training, lifestyle and weight management coaching and yoga. She completed her yoga teacher training through YogaFit, a premier yoga school which emphasizes “safe yoga for every body.” In addition to teaching yoga classes in Arlington and Reston, Laura also works as a personal trainer at Ballston Sport and Health Club and is a life coach for residents at The Jef-ferson, an assisted living complex in Ballston.

Laura Dow Instructor

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Altar FlowersIf you would like to donate altar flowers for Rock Spring’s Sunday service, there are open-ings available on October 14, October 28, and November 25. You can reserve a date by emailing Angela Manning at [email protected] or by signing up on the flower donation calendar posted in the narthex.

Blessing of the AnimalsOn Sunday, October 7, 3:00 p.m. the third Blessing of the Animals will take place at Rock Spring on the lawn or, if raining, in Carpenter Hall. All household pets are invited. Dogs must be on a leash. Do come and bring your favor-ite pet. For info contact Ann Rudd.

A Note From Lincoln TempleDear Rev. Dwyer and Members of Rock Spring UCC:

Please accept the sincerest thanks and appre-ciation of Lincoln Temple UCC for blessing our church through your 5th Sunday Outreach Min-istry. We cannot overstate the tremendous joy we experienced and continue to experience through the kindness and generosity of spirit of Rock Springers. What a wonderful ministry emanating from Rock Spring Congregational UCC.

In Christian Love,

Ministers and Members of Lincoln Temple UCC

heAliNg our heArts, heAliNg our lANd:

A service for persoNAl ANd commuNAl heAliNg

As part of our First Friday worship offerings,Rock Spring is holding its second healing service.


6:30 P.M.

Come join us as we expand our healing circle to include prayers for healing for our society

and our land.

Prayers and anointing for personal healing

will be available, and we will also pray for the ruptured fabric of our civil society inour politically

polarized, often uncivil

nation, and for our damaged land, sea, and

sky, suffering under

the onslaught of drought,

pollution, and climate change.

Join us for this service of

olistic healing.

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speciAl eveNts cAleNdAr

Rock Spring News September 2012 21

september eveNts

Saturday, September 1 8:30 a.m. Yoga For The Stiff & Terrified - Saegmuller Room

Sunday, September 2 9:00 a.m. Hymn Sing and Premier of Seasons Of Creation Series (Details on page ) - Sanctuary

Monday, September 3 Church Office Closed for Labor Day

Tuesday, September 4 5:30 p.m. Leadership Staff - Parsonage

Wednesday, September 5 5:30 p.m. Beachbody Workout Group Neighborhood House 6:00 p.m. Seasons Of The Spirit Training - Peace Room

Friday, September 7 6:30 p.m. Healing Service - Sanctuary

Saturday, September 8 2:00 p.m. Patty Page Memorial Service - Sanctuary

Sunday, September 9Welcome Back Sunday 9:00 a.m. Worship & Sunday School - Sanctuary 9:15 a.m. Preparing The Way Sunday School- RS Campus

Tuesday, September 11 6:00 p.m. Godly Play Training - 4th & 5th grade classrooms 6:30 p.m. 5th Sunday Meeting - Library

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september eveNts

Wednesday, September 1211:30 a.m. SEEC Lunch- Shirlington Employment & Education Center

Thursday, September 13 7:00 p.m. Rock Spring Preschool Fall Membership Meeting - Carpenter Hall

Friday, September 14 7:00 p.m. MH YoRS Lock-In - Neighborhood House

Saturday, September 1512:00 p.m. Private Event - Carpenter Hall

Sunday, September 1612:30 p.m. Prayer Circle - Peace Room

Wednesday, September 19Rock Spring News Deadline

Thursday, September 20 6:30 p.m. Thursday Night Supper - Carpenter Hall

Sunday, September 23 2:00 p.m. Handmade Knitting Ministry Saegmuller Room

Friday, September 28 8:00 a.m. AACH Staff Retreat - Neighborhood House

Sunday, September 305th Sunday

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prepAriNg the wAY: AN experieNtiAl JourNeY

through the hebrew bibleFor 2nd graders through 5th graders

Sunday Mornings at 9:15 a.m. (after the children’s time in worship)

until 10:15 a.m. Beginning Sunday, September 9

and continuing through November 25!

We will begin each session by putting on the costumes, praying and collecting an offering. As we go through the program, the children will decide where the money will go. Then we will begin the session. We will use the whole church complex for our classes. Sometimes we will be outside, other times we will be in Neighborhood House, and other times, well, we will let you know!

The classes will not end until 10:15 a.m. so that we have time to do all we want to do. However, if you have a child in choristers, they may leave to go to practice. If you are out of church before that, enjoy your coffee before you come for your child.

We will be making this class available not only to our children but to children of interfaith families.

So please feel free to share this information with your friends!

It has several purposes:

• First, the children will learn the faith history of Israel much as one might learn it in seminary, except that it will be appropriate for children.

• Second, it will be taught so that it does not need to be relearned as they get older.

• Third, the curriculum will be totally experiential, interactive, and will use all of the multiple intelligences.

• By the way, you won’t mind if your child has to take care of sheep or be threatened by a Roman centurion will you? The children will wear costumes each week so that they can experience being one of the Hebrew people.

Questions? Contact Linda Carder ([email protected]) OR Janice Langholz ([email protected])

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Rock Spring Congregational5010 Little Falls RoadArlington, VA 22207

worship with us

Worship in September: Season of Creation

In the seasons of Advent, Epiphany, Lent and Easter we celebrate the life of Christ. In the season of Pentecost we celebrate the Holy Spirit. Now, in the season of Creation, we have an opportunity to celebrate creation and the Creator. During worship on the first four Sundays in September we will celebrate the Season of Creation. See below for the themes for each week.

September 2: Earth (Hymn-sing Sunday)

September 9: Humanity Welcome Home Sunday and return to two services at 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.

September 16: Sky

September 23: Mountain

September 30 is the Fifth Sunday of the month (see article on page 16). In addition, Rev. Dwyer will begin a sermon series titled, “Healing the Heart of Democracy.” The series will explore the intersection of faith and American politics and be loosely tied to Parker Palmer’s book of the same name.

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