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Ruling PlanetsRangarajan Krishnamoorthy Man Machine Systems February 12, 2005 The Ruling Planets (RPs) are the following: 1) Lagna Star Lord 2) Lagna Sign Lord 3) Moon Star Lord 4) Moon Sign Lord 5) Day Lord Also include Lagna Sub Lord and Moon Sub Lord. Of these, Lagna Sub lord is the most powerful and Day Lord the weakest. (Clarification needed: Is Day Lord determination from Sun Rise to the next Sun Rise or Calendar day? KSK in [7] recommends Sun Rise.) We should also include those planets that are conjoined with the above RPs within an orb of 5 degrees [1]. Whenever a planet is in rapt conjunction with RPs that planet will find a place at the time of fructification of the event. If any planet is aspected by the RPs then that planet is to be included in the RPs [2]. Also include the Nodes tenanting the signs of the RPs [3] (Query: Should the node replace the sign lord, or is it additionally included? [8] says the node should replace the sign lord as RP). If a planet aspects the RPs, then that planet is an RP [3]. When applied to the Natal chart, RPs will agree fully with the Dasa, Bhukti and Anthara periods in operation [3]. If an RP is in the constellation or sub of a retrograde planet, discard it. If the RP is retrograde, but in the star and sub of planets in direct motion, then the RP can be taken. However, the RP will not give its results until it becomes direct [7, P202]. However strong a RP is, it cannot fructify the desired result if it is conjoined with or aspected by Saturn. So is the case of Punarphoo Dosha caused when Moon is in a sign, star and sub of Saturn. Then Moon in the capacity of a RP cannot be useful [5]. An RP posited in the star or sub of another RP is powerful [6]. An RP in its own sub is very powerful [10]. If the RP is found in retrograde motion, it should be eliminated [8] (This contradicts [7, P202]!).

Although Suns position is not included as an RP, [8] observes that if the sign lord and star lord of Sun are common among the already selected RPs, then Suns star lord and sign lord become strongest to offer results according to their disposition. If an RP is in the sub of another (??) who is detrimental to the house to be judged for a particular matter by being the significator of houses 8 and 12 to the house to be judged, then this is not a fruitful RP [9]. Rules Regarding Nodes and RPs: If a node is conjoined with an RP, then the node is an agent for that RP If a node is aspected by an RP, then the node is an agent for that RP If a node is in the sign owned by an RP, then the node is an agent for that RP If a node is in the star of an RP, then the node is an agent for that RP But if the node is deposited in the sub of a retrograde planet, then the node carries no strength [10]. When a node directly appears as an RP, then include the following planets as RPs [11]: Planets conjoined with the node Planets aspected by the node Lord of the sign where the node is located If an RP appears multiple times in the RPs list, then it gets more power. For aspect calculation, it is recommended to use Hindu aspects [11]. If the occupant or the owner of 11th house or Lagna Sub Lord RP is a fast moving planet the event will take place early and if it is a slow moving planet, the event will take a long time to fructify [12]. Fast moving planets: Moon, Venus, Mercury, Sun. and Mars. Slow moving planets: Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu, and Ketu. Reference [11] is an excellent source for Ruling Planets. A MUST read! References 1) Ruling Planets Some Guidelines, Vaikari Ramamurthy, KP & Astrology, Jan 1995, Page 20. 2) Efficacy of Ruling Planets, A.Ramanarasimham, KP & Astrology, Dec 1994, Page 5. 3) Ruling Planets The Best Guide in KP, KP & Astrology, Oct. 1994, Page 9. 4) Ruling Planets Never Err, K.M.Subramaniam, KP & Astrology, Dec. 1991, Page 16. 5) Ruling Planets Under the Sway of Saturn, R.Mukundarajan, KP & Astrology, May 1993, Page 10. 6) Application of Ruling Planets, Nambiar, Astrology & Athrishta April June 1985, Page 4. 7) Krishnamurti 6th Reader.

8) Ruling Planets Its Significance and Applications in Predictive Astrology, Pratap Narayan Biswas, Astrology & Athrishta, July Sept 1984, Page 13. 9) KPSARI Notes, Module 2, Chapter 2. 10) Ruling Planets, Astro Secrets and KP, Part 2, Page 117. 11) Timing of Events by Ruling Planets A Research Study, Astro Secrets and KP, Part III, Page 253. 12) Miracle of Ruling Planets, Vaikari Ramamurthy, KP and Astrology, Feb 1994, Page 12. *** END ***

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