Page 1: RURAL COMMUNITY BOARD MEETING TO BE HELD ON MONDAY … · d) providing input to strategies, policies and plans that impact on the Board’s area; and e) Providing input to bylaw changes

Doc No RDC-786824 1 Rotorua Rural Community Board meeting

11 December 2017

File No: 01-14-011





Mrs S Trumper

Members: Mr R Martin

Mr C Sutton

Mr B Heard

Cr M Gould

Quorum: 3







4.1 Minutes of the Rotorua Rural Community Board meeting held on 13 November 2017……………5


5.1 Installing CCTV System Coverage for selected sites In the rural area………………………………………….14

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11 December 2017


6.1 Rural Waste Collection Extension of Services……………………………………………………………………………17

6.2 Strategy, Policy & Finance – verbal update

6.3 Regional –verbal update

6.4 Community –verbal update

6.5 Chair Report……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 22

6.6 Strategic Plan for Rural Community Board Direction


The general subject of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter, and the specific grounds under Section

48(1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987, for the passing of this resolution are as follows:

General subject of each matter to be considered

Reason for passing this resolution in relation to each


Ground(s) under Section 48(1) for

passing of this


8.1 Verbal update Protect information where the making available would be likely to prejudice the supply of similar information, or information from the same source, and it is in the public interest that such information should continue to be supplied.

Section 48(1)(a) Section 7(2)(c)(i)

This resolution is made in reliance on Section 48(1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 and the particular interest or interests protected by Sections 6 or 7 of the Act or Sections 6, 7 or 9 of the Official Information Act 1982, as the case may require, which would be prejudiced by the holding of the whole or the relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting in public are as shown above (in brackets) with respect to each item.


8.1 Verbal Update Geoff Williams and JP Gaston meeting with elected members.

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11 December 2017


1. A open discussion is held to enable members of the public to address the board on matters that may concern them;

2. At the commencement of the public discussion the Chairman will call for an indication of those members of the public who wish to speak;

3. Speakers will be allocated 5 minutes to outline their points of concern. Board members may ask questions to seek clarification;

4. The open discussion will conclude no later than 30 minutes after commencement of the meeting or at such other time as may be determined by the Chairman.

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11 December 2017



Type of Committee Independent board


Committees N/A

Legislative Basis Schedule 7 S30, Local Government Act 2002

Purpose The purpose of the Community Board is to: Represent and act as an advocate for the interest of its


Consider and report on all matters referred to it by the

territorial authority, or any matter of interest or concern to

the community board

Maintain an overview of services provided by the territorial

authority within the community

Prepare an annual submission to the territorial authority for

expenditure within the community

Communicate with community organisations and special

interest groups within the community

Undertake any other responsibilities that are delegated to it

by the territorial authority.

Reference 01-14-741

Membership 4 elected representatives

1 Council representative

Quorum 3

Meeting frequency Monthly

Delegations Make submissions (as a Community Board) to any

organisation relating to matters of interest to the Board in

respect of the Board’s area (a copy of any such submission is

to be given to the Council’s Chief Executive);

Represent the interests of the community at Council,

Committee or Subcommittee meetings when a motion under

debate relates to a matter that the Board considers being of

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11 December 2017

particular interest to the residents within its community;

Consider matters referred to it by Officers of the Council, the

Council, including reports relating to the provision of Council

services within the Board’s area, and make submissions or

recommendations in response to those matters as

appropriate. This will include:

a) monitoring and keeping the Council informed of

community aspirations and the level of satisfaction with

services provided;

b) providing input to the Council’s long-term plan and

annual plan;

c) providing input to proposed District Plan changes;

d) providing input to strategies, policies and plans that

impact on the Board’s area; and

e) Providing input to bylaw changes that impact on the

Board’s area.

Council shall consult with the Board on issues that impact on

the Rotorua Rural Community Board’s area and allow

sufficient time for the Board’s comments to be considered

before a decision is made.

File No: 01-14-011

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11 December 2017



MINUTES Rotorua Rural Community Board meeting held Monday, 13 November 2017 at 1pm

Committee Room 2

PRESENT: Mrs S Trumper (Chair)

Mr C Sutton, Mr B Heard, Mr B Martin, Cr M Gould

APOLOGIES: Rob Griffiths PUBLIC PRESENT: Gaylene Brough; Neil Heather; Phil Thomass(Chair Lakes Community Board)

Justin Rae, Jeremy Froger, Desiree Wherle,

OFFICERS PRESENT: R Dunn, Governance Lead


The chairperson, Mrs Shirley Trumper, declared the meeting open and welcomed everyone present. 2. APOLOGIES That the apologies from Cr Gould (for lateness) be accepted.

Mr Martin/Mrs Trumper CARRIED

3. PUBLIC FORUM Neil Heather provided an update Federated Farmers position on the Section 274 for PC10. He said that Rotorua Lakes Council had joined with CNI Iwi Land Management Ltd to lodge an appeal. However there was a concern that there was no support was for the farming community. Mr Heather asked if an explanation could be sought regarding RLC’s position and be provided at a future Board meeting. Gaylene Brough discussed the Rerewhakaaitu Residents and Ratepayer Association position on the waste and expressed concern the matter had not changed since the working party group discussion. The residents had been notified of a survey, which stated costs over and above what others receiving a service were paying and was concerned about making a decision based on inconsistent information. The Ratepayers meeting considered discussing with other providers if this matter was

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11 December 2017

not clarified within 24 hours, because that was when the Waste discussion was being held in Rerewhakaaitu. Mrs Trumper explained the survey was not as expected nor was the intended costs as expressed meant to be shown as a cost for the waste service. The costs were purely the cost to Council, however, Mrs Trumper conveyed her disappointment it was even mentioned on the survey as she had requested that the final draft to be approved by Stavros Michael Infrastructure GM before going to the residents. There was robust discussion over the way forward, but the Chair would seek a remedy within the time frame suggested by Mrs Brough. Mrs Trumper ruled that an urgent item would be discussed by the Board members, in confidential, at the conclusion of the public meeting. 4. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES 4.1 “That the minutes of the Rotorua Rural Community Board meeting held 17 October 2017 are confirmed as a true and correct record.”

Mr Heard/Mr Martin CARRIED

5. VERBAL UPDATES 5.1 Safe Road Alliance Mr Justin Rae spoke to a power point presentation (Attachment 1) The following points were made:

Okere Falls is a busy area due to recreational activities – speeds to be lowered.

Speed limit at Waiotapu to reduce to 80km. 75% of accidents are from overtaking and misjudging the length of the road and from

crossing the centre line.

Could consideration be given to consistency with merging lanes following passing lanes ie 100m or 200m or 300m?

Could pull over lanes be introduced to enable trucks to be passed safely? Mrs Trumper thanked the Safe Road Alliance team and looked forward to speed reduction through the Waiotapu corridor.

5.2 Waikato Regional Council Long-term Plan Cr Kathy White provided an update:


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11 December 2017

Top three priorities gathered form community feedback were fresh water, land use choices and regional development.

Reviews undertaken will be - regional plan and coastal plan; levels of service; infrastructure and assets.

Flooding prevention initiatives to be undertaken. Healthy Rivers Committee to look at the selection of the Commissioners.

Develop reginal framework funding – concern around how Taupo and Rotorua will benefit. Biosecurity and biodiversity issues e.g. funding

Predator free by 2050 – mostly possums and wallabies. There is a regional economic development fund set aside for matters where there was a

cross region and community benefits. Currently Hamilton City Council are seeking funding ideas for a new theatre and are considering the prospect of WRC regional fund as an option.

Waikato Regional Service Fund – surf lifesaving; rescue helicopter likely to have a shortfall.

Mr Heard expressed an interest in this fund for forestry and would like to seek clarification. Discussion took place regarding flooding events in Reporoa and how this required joint management. Flood plain management had been suggested for Hauraki Plains and Mrs Trumper said there was a need for better management of the issues faced by lower lying farms in Reporoa. The Board agreed for Mr Sutton to draft a letter for Mrs Trumper to send to the CE of WRC inviting him or a representative to present to the Board an update of water levels on the Waikato River affecting the low lying areas of Reporoa and the Whirinaki Valley arm sediment issues. Mrs Trumper thanked Cr White for attending and informing the Board of events pertaining to the the rural district. Action Point: Cr White to be invited back 6 or 8 monthly to update the Rural Board on WRC matters. 5.3 Update from the Chair The upcoming Waste meetings were advised to Board members The Board has its own Facebook page for engagement with communities and was proving very successful - efficient way of letting communities know of upcoming events. There was conflict over confidential sections of respective Board members on Committee meetings and the Chair wanted to seek clarification before going further.

Meeting Closed at 3.30pm

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11 December 2017

An unofficial confidential discussion took place regarding what should be brought back to the Rural Board by members of the respective committees – Strategy, Policy & Finance Committee and Operations and Monitoring Committee. The outcome of the discussion was that a meeting would be arranged with Geoff Williams and JP Gaston to talk over this matter. The Rural Board also noted the following recommendation. 5.4 RECOMMENDATION 1: 5.4 Resolved:

We, the Rotorua Rural Community Board, agreed in good faith with Rotorua Lakes Council, in

process and content for the waste proposal, which has had changes made without the Board

consultation and approval.

Chris Sutton/Bryce Heard CARRIED

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11 December 2017

File No: 01-14-011 RDC-786840


Chairperson and Members RURAL COMMUNITY BOARD INSTALLING CCTV SYSTEM COVERAGE FOR SELECTED SITES IN THE RURAL AREA Report prepared by: Peter Dine/Infrastructure Capital Programme Manager Report approved by: Stavros Michael/GM Infrastructure


To advise the Board of the feasibility and cost of installing CCTV system coverage for selected sites in the Rural Area utilising the devolved funding for the Board




The Board requested that staff explore the feasibility of installing a CCTV network in the rural area. This report covers the cost and practicality of such a system and the use of CCTV networks. The stated purpose of such CCTV coverage is to consider additional security measures for the rural community. CCTV Use Use of CCTV network is covered by legislation under the Privacy Act. Council as a public body must comply with this and Council’s policy for utilisation of CCTV networks is attached (Appendix 1). The policy does place limitations on what the system can be used for, who uses it, transfer of information etc. Council’s CCTV network operates in accordance with the policy and hence this proposal needs to be operated as part of Council’s system that will ensure compliance. The option of a stand-alone network is not available. Broadband Network This is not available currently everywhere. A Broadband map is available on-line and will be shown at the meeting, it can be accessed at The networks that support CCTV functionality are:

Fibre VDSL

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11 December 2017

Further explanation can be provided at the meeting and the 4G Spark network is also a possibility (not on Broadband map). Power While power is available everywhere, a low voltage connection is necessary and this is often the determining cost of installing a camera. This can be significant but can also only be determined on a site by site basis. It is not recommended that reliance on solar power is an option as this has proved unreliable. Cameras To integrate with Council’s network a number of different camera types are available:

PTZ (Pan, tilt and zoom) cameras with suitable optics for night cost about $2000 per installation.

Fixed cameras are about $500 each Installation costs vary considerably but assuming low voltage power is available at the

site it is about $1000. Once reticulation is involved cost rapidly climbs.

Operational costs are about $160 per month.


Selection of camera type is dependent on purpose. PTZ cameras are remotely controlled and are suited more to where monitoring is required. If monitoring is not required then fixed cameras are suitable.

5. ATTACHMENT (page 16)

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Date Adopted Next Review Officer Responsible

*** *** Director, Transport Solutions

Policy Purpose: The Policy provides guidance on the management of the Council’s CCTV network and in a manner that ensures alignment with the Privacy Commissioner Guidelines for CCTV. The overarching objective is and to meet the principles of the Privacy Act 1993 regarding the operation of a CCTV network.

Policy: Purpose of the Council’s CCTV network CCTV based monitoring will be provided where a number of criteria are applicable:

a) For Council owned facilities where large number of public and visitors may create crowd management or public safety/security risks.

b) As a crime deterrent in public spaces where significant numbers of people

frequent and where there is emerging evidence of criminal activity.

c) To provide active monitoring of the transport network operations and to assist in the efficient response to emergencies under the CDEM Act.

Rotorua Lakes Council operates a Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) monitoring network in both public spaces and on Council owned and administered facilities or assets. In particular the CCTV network is provided for: a) In public space:

• To deter criminal activity from occurring • To provide evidence, following criminal activity, to the NZ Police • To assist in traffic and events on public spaces management • To assist the management of emergency response operations • To assist in the investigation of incidents eg. Health and Safety

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11 December 2017

File No: 01-14-011 RDC-787432

RURAL WASTE COLLECTION EXTENSION OF SERVICES December 5 2017 Report prepared by: Shirley Trumper, Chair Rural Community Board 1: Purpose The purpose of this report is to provide a recommendation for an extended waste service to Council for adoption, based on findings supported by the Rural Community Board. 2: Executive Summary The responsibility for waste management services to extended rural communities rests with Rotorua Lakes Councillors. The Annual Plan (page 11) consultation process gave the Rural Board the authority to engage with each community on solutions beneficial to each community rather than the blanket process which initially was proposed. Waste minimisation in and around the Rotorua District had been under review since June 2015 with a Solid Waste Bylaw being implemented in 2016. Within the bylaw were strategies to combine the whole of the region into one provision of service, however, there was approximately 10% of Rotorua not under a current scheme. A discussion commenced with the community under the Waste Management and Minimisation Plan (WMMP) for an extended waste service to areas not receiving any form of service. This resulted in a considerable number of engagements where the results of that discussion and the last process has now cumulated in this proposal. 3: Recommendation 1 1: That the report “Rural Waste final consultation and discussion document” be received. 2: That the Rural Community Board resolves to consider and determine the outcome from the consultation process carried out from 2016 until November 2017. 3: That the Rural Community Board resolves to present the preferred option to Council. 4: Background The waste proposal has had extensive investigation and engagement process of nearly 2 years, into providing a waste service over the entire Rotorua catchment area. The initial engagement was carried out by Council officers, commenced before the concept of the Board to the extended area not currently receiving a waste service. Going into the Annual Plan the Board, newly elected, commenced working with the Officers in engaging with the respective communities. Meetings, concept discussions, surveys and responses

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were collated with over 1000 responses. Since those results another 400 plus responses provided significant feedback from communities and their needs which gives the Board a sound base on which to make a recommendation. The extended communities supported a proposed 100% targeted rate but rejected a service which entailed having to take the waste to a collection point but cost the same as though receiving a gateway collection. Council Officers and Board noted the responses and submitted to Councillors at the Annual Plan that the Board be given an opportunity to discuss with the waste providers and Officers a better method of collection and ensure an equitable solution could be found. Based on the feedback, the Board's submission in May 2017 ( Strategy, Policy and Finance Committee 2017 -2018 Annual Plan Hearings) rejected the Annual Plan consultation proposal and requested that the Board be able to engage with the respective communities to obtain options to meet the waste objective set out in the Rotorua Lakes Council Bylaw on waste minimisation. In the adopted Annual Plan, Council decided to continue working with the residents to find an agreeable solution. (Waste Management Services, Additional waste management services for Rural Communit ies, page 11 of the Annual Plan) The Rural Board then met with Smart environmental management and the Infrastructure GM with the objective to go out and discuss with respective working groups to formulate a waste proposal suitable for their community. The working groups were informative and wholly supportive of the format. From the working parties came the proposed weekly, roadside service as the preferred option but costs must be equitably distributed throughout the district and that there be no addit ional differentials placed on rural areas. There was a categorical rejection of costs at the listed $350 - $450 per household. Robust discussion was around the "per household" rate and whether the existing "free service will continue." To provide continuity Council staff agreed to maintain status quo, free drop off at Rerewhakaaitu Hall and Strathmore Road, with a red bag option and the ability for those in Ngakuru and surrounding areas using the landfill to drop off at no additional cost while discussions were ongoing. This solution is not intended to be maintained after 30 June 2018. In essence those residents, receiving a service and paying for it, had been subsidising the "free" pick up and were subsequently advised this was not an equitable use of rates. Urban is on a per household basis therefore rural residents would also be expected to pay a per household rate but the current "free" drop off points in Reporoa and Rerewhakaaitu will cease from July 1 2018. Landowners and landlords will be responsible to ensure their staff and tenants are familiar with the new proposed waste collection service. Angst within the respective communities was when the survey indicated costs, whether there was an over whelming response to yes we want a service, to a categorical no. This did not provide

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11 December 2017

balance to those responding to the survey without seeking clarification and it justified the dissident voice to say No. I do not believe this cost should not have been written but left to the detail on the website. The Board, with the support of Council officers, will recommend the cost be consistent across the District as noted in the Annual Plan. (Note: page 11 of the Annual Plan, is proposed that "everyone in the district where the service can be provided pay the targeted rate and everyone who receives a service pays the same amount") Using the existing data I believe the Board can make a fully informed recommendation to Council for adoption. 5: Discussions and Options Recommendation 2 Option 1 (preferred) 1: That based on the cumulative findings, using meetings, results of surveys, feedback from online engagement and newsletters, the following is approved by the Rural Board for presentation to Council for adoption to commence a roadside waste service to the following areas: 1.1 Rerewhakaaitu - This community based on using the above method of engagement has a 95% support and brings the balance of the community into line with the village currently receiving a service. 1.2 Reporoa - This community based on using the above method of engagement has a 70% plus support and brings the balance of the community into line with the village and outlying areas of Broadlands and Golden Springs currently receiving a service. 1.3 Waikite Valley - The community based on using the above method of engagement has an over 50% support and would be an introduction of a Household waste collection and recycle service. 1.4 Atiamuri - There is a 45% support for a service based on survey and online engagement. This area did not want a separate meeting and was difficult to engage initially although they have shown a willingness to engage through online forums. Based on this result from Atiamuri it would my recommendation this is discussed with the Waste team to gauge potential introduction of service where practicable. Could potentially start with the main road and Ohakuri Road. The balance being windy metal roads which the contractor is reluctant to use. UPDATE---- LATEST FIGURES DROP 45% SUPPORT DOWN TO UNDER 40% FOR ATIAMURI 1.5 Ngakuru - This community, regardless of the number of consultations, has an active and vocal group against any introduction of a waste collection service, while there is the landfill and recycle centre in town. The support for an introduced service is less than 30%

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11 December 2017

It would be my recommendation to not commence with a waste collection service for the Ngakuru area. Should circumstances change then I recommend that the staff and Board engage on a more personalised basis to ensure concerns are addressed. 1.6 Horohoro - This community has not had a separate meeting but have had a small number of attendees at the Ngakuru meetings. The support for a service in this area is less than 30% and based on that I would recommend that a service is not commenced. Should circumstances change then I recommend that the staff and Board engage on a more personalised basis to ensure concerns are addressed. Option 2 (not preferred) That based on the cumulative findings and to meet the objectives of the Rotorua Lakes Council waste minimisation plan that a service is commenced for the extended rural areas not currently serviced by a waste and recycling service. That based on findings option 2 is not considered suitable based on consistent discussions. (i)"The recommendation is Ngakuru and Horohoro do not receive a waste and recycling service at this time." (ii)The advice to Council would be to revisit this decision in three years or earlier should circumstances change where the landfill become unavailable, or the recycle centre in town becomes less viable or a change in policy by Waikato Regional Council." The results of the survey from November 2017 and the conversations during the recent round of meetings: Rerewhakaaitu 95% in favour Reporoa 70% in favour Waikite Valley 45% in favour Atiamuri 45% in favour Ngakuru 28% in favour Horohoro 29% in favour 6. Community Engagement and Publicity 6.1 This policy recommendation has been the subject of numerous consultative forums, meetings, surveys, working parties, local newsletters, social media and direct contact. 7. Considerations 7.1 Financial considerations While the Board does not have the direct ability in setting costs we should ensure Council are aware of the statement within the Annual Plan document and request Council adopt an equitable rate for services.

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8. Risks 8.1 The risk of the process is Council could potentially reject a separated service and make a final recommendation to enforce the Waste Management Minimisation plan bylaw to all areas not currently receiving a service. It is in the rural communities’ interests the Board outline the sound reasoning for choosing the option recommended. 9. Authority 9.1 The Board has delegated authority to present recommendations to Council on behalf of the rural community “provided for in the Rural Community Board delegations to input to strategies, policies, and plans that impact on the Board's area. 9.2 The Board were given delegation from the Annual plan adoption (page 11) to consult further and bring back to Council's 2018 - 2028 Long Term Plan process. References: 1: Waste - Solid Waste Bylaw 18 August 2016.pdf 2: Waste Management and Minimisation Plan - Waste Strategy 2016-2022.pdf

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Chair report and update 1 Communication to any person/ organisation on matters relating to the Rural Board needs to be signed off by an elected Board member or Chair where matters are of significance. 2 Spatial Planning hearings The SP&F committee sat through 2 sessions of submissions (over 2 days) to listen to residents views on the spatial plan. Okareka Only 1 speaker wanted the community to grow with the balance saying no. Confusion over consultation however this was clarified by the Councillor representing that the community were notified and consulted. Rotoiti / Rotoma Considerable Iwi input and presentations all having aspirations to grow and earn a sustainable income from land. Talked of pathways for resident safety and moving the highway to land behind the villages. Iwi keen to further discuss aspirations but asked that Iwi are included in any planning discussions from the outset Bay of Plenty RC Interesting position taken on growth statistics of Rotorua. Council do not agree with growth projection and believe more research needs to be completed. Want to work collaboratively? yet submission states otherwise. Interesting perception on how farmers see PC10. 3 Staff reports 1. Calendar for meetings for 2018 - recommendation adopted Our Board meetings will remain on Mondays 2. Remuneration Policy - discussion from Te Tatau that although they are not funded through LGNZ they requested the partnership be reflected within the document. This could be added to the opening statement. To be actioned 3. Te Tatau - Maori language - Rotorua Reorua - Bi Lingual City Recommendation of a staged approach was recommended and adopted. Te Taru spoke about Te Tatau’s lead with bi lingual Rotorua and who is involved in getting this initiative started. Funding a combined TPK, Te Arawa, Council 4.Taui Street classification of Reserve - adopted. 5.Youth employment and engagement - Youth employment / one centre / Mayoral forum / adopted - People portfolio to manage 6. Update on Mudtopia

12000 participated over the weekend

6000 on Sunday (word of mouth how good it was)

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Spa and wellness sessions sold out the whole weekend.

2000 attend concert ( may revisit for future events) Shortfall of $437K

Expectations on growth discussed. Options will be investigated. Councillors believe event will grow.

Daily Post had positive coverage of event which was appreciated. Korean Delegation found family / children participation to be inspiring and will add

family events to their programming Lakefront costs - $500K 7. Attended 3 meetings in the Community Mamaku - Wendy Roe

Invited Mamaku to attend Cafe style spatial planning event. Very keen to discuss what the community needs.

Supportive of Security Cameras and have a firm willing to install in or around the village to monitor areas not covered by CCTV

Successful Dansey Road clean up

New initiatives to ensure Hall is better utilised Ngongotaha Community Forum - Rachel Clark

I suggested Charles Sturt be invited as a supporter of Ngongotaha

Also Attended by Community Patrol, Fire and Emergency and others. Kaingaroa Council Following on from Rerewhakaaitu meeting on waste I was able to connect with the Council and discussed CCTV cameras for our Board area - specifically villages I did not want to presume the Council would be supportive of this initiative Concerns raised by Council 1. Waste Village Council collect and take to landfill costs $1200 per month 2. Water charges for testing Pay $450 per month for testing Costs currently being met by Council of approx $20K per annum

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