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m -..": Ii IT7"RW: Bruce Miler, Charimrson, Sam Luis Obispo Count7 Central Committee

Peace and Freedom , lo62 Hope St., San Luis , California

The following resolution was passed unanimously by the state executiveco~i ittee 6f the California Peace and Freedom Party Central Committee

meeting in San Luis Obispo. A copy of the resolution has been forwardedto the State Dept of Health, 7& "P" St., Sacral'.ento, QA. $581~(.

00~0 HUM%R ~f]

(EQ(( $ UE'L 5~ ~ ~+~ ( ~ /WHERZAS the PGBZ nuc1ear power plant at Diablo Canyon willproduce as a by-product hundreds of pounds of radioactivematerial including plutonium; and,


MKM'AS these radioactive .materials are the most dangerous

substances handled: in quantity by man; and

'tlHEtEAS there is at the present time no adequate storage

facility or permanent method of disposal for these materialsfor the duration of their radioactive life: 'Iherefore be it

gg CXK!f005NRC

.PPR18 1877 +PBks


RESOLVED that the Executive Committee of the CaliforniaPeace and Freedom Party request the California StateDepartment of Public Health to require PGBZ to satisfactori1ydemonstrate that a13. radioactive material produced by theDiablo Canyon nuclear power plant can be permanently disposed

of or stored safely for the duration of its radioactivelife, estimated to be several thousand years; and be it

RESOLVED further that until PG8Z can guarantee that these

conditions can be met, the Executive Committee of theCalifornia .Peace and Freedom Party request the CaliforniaState Department of Public Health, through its administrativeauthority to protect the health and safety of all Californiacitizens, to use all legal means possible to prevent the

Diablo Canyon plant from operating.

~4~ < C

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~ spy' ~ ~

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PROD. 5 UTJL, f~ g--g

'mr~g 4 I

U.S; Nuclear Regula ~ry Cczrmission.Washington, D.C. 20555

Gen &even:

Because o.": the critical lack of water this yeardue tc the Q"ought situation, I strongly urge you Loallcw P.G-SE. to place Weir nuclear power plant inDiablo Ca yon in semwce at the arliest possibldate:

h-'s will a "'o al le&icit'z o o,matepcs to help .ave millions o" dollars of ~""ps.


Page 6: RW: -..: Ii Sam Committee q(4o Hope San · m-..":Ii IT7 "RW: Bruce Miler, Charimrson, Sam Luis Obispo Count7 Central Committee Peace and Freedom, lo62 Hope St., San Luis, California

~ j



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WHENAS, all responsible agencies are forecasting sub-

stantial growth in Califoznia energy requirements; and

RiEREAS, .the need for substantial new generation of thermal

enezgy is amp'iy demonstrated by the r'educed amount of hydzo-P

electric energy available from time to time and especially inthe current dzought year; and

WHENAS, thi.s Board of Supervisors by'Resolution.R-75-1109 .

urged the siting of new thermal power plants on the coast wherever

practicable; and . I

WHEREAS, one of the largest nucleaz generating stations -inCalifornia, known. as Diablo Canyon Plant, .is nearing completionand i.s awaiting issuance of. an operating license by. the Nuclear .

Regulatory Commission; and

MH~, the enezgy generated at the Diablo Canyon Plantwill be needed .California ip 1977 under certain con-

ditions and will be absolutely essential in 1978 if currentdrought conditions affecting California and the Pacific Northwest

continue; and

MHEREAS, safety analyses and acti.ons required thereby ofthe Diablo Canyon Plant have been under way for many months;

N(W, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervt.sors

of the County of San Joaquin that Pacific Gas and Electri.c Company

and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission are urged to expedite inevery way the earliest possible licensingPower Plant for operation consistent withquestions.

of the Diablo Canyon

resolution of safet


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~ ~

~.~ e ~

be transmitted to the Nuclear Re~atory Commission, U.S. Senator

Alan Cranston, U.S. Senator S. T.. Hayakawa, Congressman John J.

McFall, Pacific Gas and Electri.c Company, State Senator John R.

Garamendi, Assemblyman. Carmen Perino, and Assemblyman Norman


PASSED AND ADOPTED this 29th day of March, 1977, by the

following vote of the Board of Supervisors, to wit:AYES: WISDOM, FQNDSE, BARBER, YOSHZKAWA



RlCHARO 8. YOSH(KAWA, C a rman

Board of Supervi.sorsCounty of San JoaquinState of California

ATTEST: RALPH W EPPERSON ~u IIY'County Clerk and ex-officio >o. " "- ".e

.Clerk of the Board of Super +...visors of the County of SaJoaquin, State of Californ III: Ii~.c

By D REM (5BQk.) "~Deputy er

4i go'i+


AlTEST APR 5 |977 ~ I 8~lyyr,

Urt:.-a w < '. 4~

Page 10: RW: -..: Ii Sam Committee q(4o Hope San · m-..":Ii IT7 "RW: Bruce Miler, Charimrson, Sam Luis Obispo Count7 Central Committee Peace and Freedom, lo62 Hope St., San Luis, California



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UNITCO STATFS >Dry',g HUfNER" .'- ~,„

~UC "E<R RE<U "ATOR~ coMMiSSION,)(g0g Uyg gL p() «".2


April 13, 1977

Mr. Howard D. Mankins, ChairmanIn The Board Of SupervisorsCounty of San Luis ObispoState of CaliforniaDear Mr. Mankins:

~~~ou" phd


We have been asked to reply to the recent resolution yousent to Chairman Rowden regarding operation of the DiabloCanyon Nuclear Power Station.


The Nuclear Regulatory Commission staff and the independentAdvisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards are working toresolve questions which have been raised about the abilityof 'the facility to withstand earthquakes.

When this question is resolved, the Atomic Safety and LicensingBoard will resume the public hearing on Pacific Gas andElectric Company's application to operate the facility. Atthis time, it is not possible to predict when a final decisionwill be reached.

In the meantime, we are taking the liberty of forwarding acopy of your letter for inclusion in the Diablo Canyon fileso that all parties to the proceeding will be aware of yourvl.ews ~


John A. Harris, DirectorOffice of Public Affairs

cc: ~ocketing and Service Branchw/incoming letter

Page 12: RW: -..: Ii Sam Committee q(4o Hope San · m-..":Ii IT7 "RW: Bruce Miler, Charimrson, Sam Luis Obispo Count7 Central Committee Peace and Freedom, lo62 Hope St., San Luis, California
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~ IA'4 It@ 'P k ae ~W 4» M M

c '$ ~


3 (G-6)



Tu~ day Uaxcb.3,5 ", 1927

PRESENT: Supervisors Hans Heilmann, M. E. Willeford, Kurt P. Kupper,Richard J. Krojsa and Chairman Howard D. Mankins


In the Matter of Proposed Resolution Urging Decision to Start Up Diablo CanyonNuclear Power Plant:

Proposed resolution urging decision to start up Diablo Canyon Nuclear Powerp A

Plant, is presented and read into the 'record. Motion .of Supervisor Willeford,

seconded by Supervisor Heilmann, to adopt the resolution urging decision to start

up Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant, is offered on the 'floor. Mary Phillips,

Dorothy NcNeil, Pete Evans of the 'Peoples Wedge''and others speak on the matter.

John Holloway of P. G. & E. 'speaks on eneigy resources matters. No one else

appearing, Superv'isor Kupper presents amendment to motion with a new resolution

which is read into the 'record. Motion of Supervisor Kupper, seconded by Supei-

visor Krejsa, that the 'amended motion of ros'olution urging rational behavior on,

the pait of the Board of Supervisors ',and Nuclear Regulatory Agencies relating to

Di.ablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant, is lost on the following roll call voto, to

wit:AYES: Supervisors Kupper, KrejsaNOES: 'upervisors Heilmann, Willeford,'hairman MankinsABSENT: None

Thereafter, upon motion of Supervisor Willoford, seconded by Suporvisor Heilmann

and on the following roll eall vote, to wit:AYES:. Superv'isors Willeford, Heilmann, Chairman MankinsNOES: Supervisors Kuppor, KrejsaABSENT: None

RESOLUTION NO. 77-212 urging decision to start up Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power

Plant, adopted.


j> +fr 1q" ~ okdi. 0$ I

3-21-77 klan~ ~".-~

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r<s" rX ~i+ ~cyrus; iiy i OppiL!y 1

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tVHH * IJ'W < I ~ ~P \ Nl 'P ' ' ~ 6 v )6, t ~ 4 . ' *'''

, ~ I'



Tues day March 15 ,19 17

PRFAENT: Supervisors Hans Heilmann, tt. E. Uilleford, Kurt P.'upper,Richard J. Kregsa and Chairman tloward D. Mankins


RESOLUTIOtt HO. 77-212


WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the fresno County and City*l

Chamber of Commerce have passed a resolution urging an end to the

delay in opening the Diablo Canyon nuclear power project and have

requested by letter to Supervisor Hilton E. Willeford the assistance

of other interested parties in seeking the early approval of thisadditional electrical energy source; and

WHEREAS, the County of San Luis Obispo,. being the site of sai'd

nuclear power plant, and the citizens thereof have a substantia't

interest and'concern which is directly affected by the procrastination

of agencies regulating nuclear power sources; and

WHEREAS, the State of California faces the prospect of a serious

electrical power shortage because of delay in completion of new

power sources and because of an unprecedented shortage of hydro-

. electric resources; and

WHEREAS, a power shortage may result in severe unemployment.\

inflated fuel costs, curtailment of essential services, and similar

hardships, all of which may be al.leviated by prompt action in

starting up the Diablo Canyon nuc'lear power project;~ HOW, THEREFORE. the Board of Supervisors of San Luis Obispo

County hereby urges that the various permit-granting agencies involved

in the approval of nuclear power sources hasten their decision with

regard to the Diablo Canyon project so 'that unnecessary power

,. shortages. in California may be avoided. and further directs that a

copy of this resolution be sent to Senators Alan Cranston and S.I.'l, ~ ~

„Hayakawa and to Representative Leon Panetta in Washington D.C. and

'o Governor Brown, Senator Robert Himmo, and Assemblywoman Carol1

Hallett in Sacramento, andMarcus A. Rowden, Nuclear Regulatory Commission.Washington, D. C.

ig~ggDA/ J F/mj <, " a

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Page 17: RW: -..: Ii Sam Committee q(4o Hope San · m-..":Ii IT7 "RW: Bruce Miler, Charimrson, Sam Luis Obispo Count7 Central Committee Peace and Freedom, lo62 Hope St., San Luis, California

On motion of Supervisor


vote, to-wit

seconded by

, and on .the following roll call

AYES: Supervisors Willeford, .Heilmann, Chairman Jfankins

HOES: Supervisors Kupper, Krej sa


the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted.



Chailman of -the Board of Supervisors


woLggClerk of the Board of Supervisors

STATE OF CALIFOItNIA,County of San Luis ObisiIo, J

t'e~jgtjt;!gj (gf f+tjI', ' ', County Clerk and ex-ofIicio Clerkof the Board of Supervisors, in and for thc County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, dohereby certify the foregoing to bc a full, true and correct copy of an order made by thc Board'f Supervisors, as the same appears sprerid upon their minute hook.

WITNESS Iny hand and the seal of said Board of Supervisors, aAixcd this +IMC



lhlSBEl8 ifgjggCounty Clerk and Fx.Officio Clerk of tho 1l'ocrd

of Supcrricorc'~y'( C~~Mi2/B&Deputy Clcr';

Page 18: RW: -..: Ii Sam Committee q(4o Hope San · m-..":Ii IT7 "RW: Bruce Miler, Charimrson, Sam Luis Obispo Count7 Central Committee Peace and Freedom, lo62 Hope St., San Luis, California
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0 I

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4, 1977 tc:IuS'I--

U. S. Nuclear Regulatory CommissionWashington', DC 20555


It has come to our attention that the government agencies responsible forpassing on the safety of nuclear power plants, and for giving such plantsauthority to commence operations, are proceeding on a "business as usual"basis with respect to Pacific Gas and Electric Company's Diablo CanyonNuclear Power plant near San Luis Obispo, California.

Considering the serious drought in California, and its consequences onour State's agricultural production, and considering the degree to whichour Nation is dependent upon California's agricultural production foreconomical food supplies, and considering that the Diablo Canyon plantcould, as early as July of this year, be producing power sufficient tooperate 5,000 wells at 200 horsepower each, it seems ridiculous that thegovernment agencies involved would be treating the Diablo Canyon plantas "business as usual". These are anything but "usual" times!

Using San Joaquin Valley requirements and procedures as an example, 5,000wells could serve as much as 400,000 acres of crops.

In addition to considerations of food supplies and agricultural produc-tivity, we should also recognize that our economy still has a considerableway to go to achieve full recovery from recession. There are still toomany people unemployed. Agricultural production on 400,000 acres 'means

jobs for 5,000 to 10,000 people.

Me recognize fully that potential hazards to our environment and safetymust. be analyzed carefully with respect to installations such as theDiablo Canyon plant. Me do not advocate the relaxing of prudent safetystandards; nor, do we mean to suggest that any necessary investigationsshould be overlooked.


Page 24: RW: -..: Ii Sam Committee q(4o Hope San · m-..":Ii IT7 "RW: Bruce Miler, Charimrson, Sam Luis Obispo Count7 Central Committee Peace and Freedom, lo62 Hope St., San Luis, California
Page 25: RW: -..: Ii Sam Committee q(4o Hope San · m-..":Ii IT7 "RW: Bruce Miler, Charimrson, Sam Luis Obispo Count7 Central Committee Peace and Freedom, lo62 Hope St., San Luis, California

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory CommissionPage 2April 4, 1977

!<hat we do most urgently suggest and advocate is that all necessaryinvestigations contingent to all prudent safety standards be pushedwith all possible haste. He feel present circumstances justify nothingless than 24-hour-per-day attention by every government agency involvedin getting the Diablo Canyon plant, and any other sources of electricalpower, on stream at the earliest possible moment.

Yours truly

H. T. PayneVice President


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Page 27: RW: -..: Ii Sam Committee q(4o Hope San · m-..":Ii IT7 "RW: Bruce Miler, Charimrson, Sam Luis Obispo Count7 Central Committee Peace and Freedom, lo62 Hope St., San Luis, California

f V ~

Cept " l Co" ~~e8n ~ la o1+Rga

'i-} . for o:;.in< r";>3'".on ~,"" "at "-i '": r..„.o« ' b,. tne sta e eY."."- >'-ve

... of t}'.:. '"q>i."orni~ '"c: ..".'r-:.=horn ""re e".""'l "o"mJ „' ':r ~p),q co g o t'~n mesolug,a.on rr; ~ b:.en ore<'m "<r

~ t ~ ~ '- ~the .jtatq D:sot ~~ ..'!".nlth 7d;r ':;t ~, ~pc 't'".ento

~~:<;") zl

+~c, ~iggff~~

-Q'!UPAS the PC~ nuc3.ear po:;er plant at Diablo Car<.on ~6.11~p~ Q

'0 ~~<t'p. ~ roduce as a by-product h'undreds of pounds of radio ctivematerial including plutonium: arid'/

M}KReAS these radioactive materials are the most dangeroussubstances handled in quantity by wan; and

1J}ERAS there is at the present time no adequate storagefacility or per,anent method of disposal for these materialsfor the duration of their radioactive life: Trrerefore be itRESOLVED that tne Executiv Committee of the CaliforniaPeace and Freedom Party request the California StateDepartment; of Public Health to requ're PGc"-~ to satisfactorilydemonstrate that all radioactive.e hat ria3. produced by theDiablo Canyon nuclear po>;er plant can be permanently disposedof or tored safely for the duration of its radioactivelife, estimated to be several thousand years; and be it


HESOLVED further that until PG8< can guarantee that theseconditions can be met, the Executive Committee of theCalifornia Peace and Freedom Party reoiue.t the Ca3iforniab~..te i)„';,nL tmer» of !-<relic rieal~n, l;h';-:«::h "};.':..'..!i4nistra".."::authority to protect the health and safety of all Californiaciti'ens, to usia a3l legal rn an'ossib3.e to p'event theDiablo Carin plan!'rom opera ing.

Page 28: RW: -..: Ii Sam Committee q(4o Hope San · m-..":Ii IT7 "RW: Bruce Miler, Charimrson, Sam Luis Obispo Count7 Central Committee Peace and Freedom, lo62 Hope St., San Luis, California

~ 0

~ ~ ~

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April 8, 1977

U,~.;(i I

~~o suI]g [Ac. g4-->+3>$

~0P ~9sgtc


Ms. Judy Hamilton1671 Manitoba. DriveSunnyvale, CA 94087

Dear Ms. Hamilton:

The White House has asked us to reply to your recent letter to PresidentCarter and to thank you for takihg time to share your views with him.

The NRC staff and the independent. Advisory ComIittee on Reactor Safeguardsare working to resolve questions which have been raised about the abilityof the facility to withstand earthquakes.

When this question is resolved,: the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board willresume the public hearing on Pacific Gas and Electric Company's applicationto operate the facility. At this time„ it is not possible to predict whena final decision will be reached or what it will be.

In the meantime, we are taking the liberty of forwarding a copy of yourletter for inclusion in the Diablo Canyon file so that all parties to theproceeding will be aware of your views.


~John A. Harris, Director

<+Office of Public Affairscc: Docketing and Service Branch

w/incoming letter

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( '


0> i g,7 Mi~z4'f 4g Ci. MM CM~y2J! C 'v~ZP+'~~+~ NcA em .wc// .42'~~


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~~"><- cc ~ Wcc.~g + ~c / ~g~~cm ~

~w~ u-C~~

~c ~~w~j~ ~~a G.E—

4/4 to PA for direct reply. Susp. April 13.

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April 8, 1977



Ms. Linda Peets2650 HemlockMorro Bay, CA 93442

~ Dear Ms. Peets:

The White House has asked us to reply to your recent letter to PresidentCarter and to thank you for taking time to share your views with. him.

The NRC staff and the independent Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguardsare working to resolve questions which have been raised about 'the abilityof the facility to withstand earthquakes..


When this question is resolved, the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board willresume the public hearing on'Pacific Gas and Electric Company's applicationto operate the facility. At this time, it is not possible to predict whena final decision will be- reached or what it will be.

In the meantime, we are taking the liberty of forwarding a copy of yourletter for inclusion in the Diabl'o Canyon file so,that all parties to the.proceeding will be aware of your views.


/c: Docketing and Service Branchw/incoming letter

)I'Ih1lk Qnop&3

dahn A. Harris, Director<C Office of Public Affairs-

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Narch 20, 1977

3immy CarterWhite HouseWashington, D.C ~,

Dear President Carter'.

I am writing on behalP of'yself, my relatives and Priendsin this insignificant little area on the. Central Coast

of'alifornia,on behalf oP the unimPormed and misinformed, andthose yet unborn I write on behalP of the environment and

. alZ, life ~ QIABLO CANYON NUCLEAR POldER PLANT PIUST NEVER BE!Oid someone have f'oresight when they named the canyon- Diablo,meaning the'evil'? Pacif'ic Gas A Electric is proud that unitgl- is built on a sacred Indian burial ground. And not faroff shore is the Hosgri. earthquake Pault, nou stated to becapable of'.an B.O quake This is in the best interest of alllife? This is 'uell planned? Safe?

I have a hard time living with the knouledge I now haveAnd I know it uill only get harder~ these. Pacts will never goauay. 'Ny conscience can not allow m'e to see Diablo operate ~

And as the days become Pewer bef'ore, the Pinal decision,. Ihave faith the anti-nuclear Pollowing will grow stronger, willbecome more united —will uork in. nonviolent. direct action waysto see that. this plant will not. operate. Whyl, Germany isan example oP such strength and conviction I believe theAnti-Nuke movement will be as stron if not stronger than thePeace Plovement oP the'0's. It is only nou beginning togain momentum, This is not a fight abr'oad as much as one closeto home —in my back yardl

I urge you to do everything'n your power to block theoperat'ion of Diablo first and Puture nuclear plants. as well ~

~ Y'ou have a chance to be a leader, you are a leader now. Ihope you will listen to your conscience. Perhaps you willremember your 89seconds,of'our,:past when you think of Oiatilo ~,

Please insure our lives and homes~

4/4 to PA for direct reply. Susp. April13.'inda

Peets2650 HemlockPlorro Bay, CA 93442

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In the llatter of ))


(Diablo Canyon, Units 1 and 2) )))))

Docl'et: Xo. (s) gO27'0-323


I hereby certify that I have this day served the foregoing document(s)/'poneach person designated on the official service list compiled by

the Office of the Secretary of the Commission in this proceeding inaccordance with the requirements of Section 2.712 of 10 CFR Part 2-Rules of Practice, of the ivuclear Regulatory Commission's Rules andRegulations ~

Dated at h~ashington, D C. thisday o2 cate 197+.

. cZOffice of the Secretary of 'e Commission


Page 38: RW: -..: Ii Sam Committee q(4o Hope San · m-..":Ii IT7 "RW: Bruce Miler, Charimrson, Sam Luis Obispo Count7 Central Committee Peace and Freedom, lo62 Hope St., San Luis, California

~ . 0 I'

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In the .Hatter of ))


(Diablo Canyon, Units 1 and 2) ))

Docket No.,(s) 50-27550-323


Elizabeth S. Bowers, Esq., ChairmanAtomic Safety and Licensing BoardU.S. Nuclear Regulatory CommissionWashington, D.C. 20555

Mr. Glenn O. BrightAtomic Safety and Licensing BoardU.S. Nuclear Regulatory CommissionWashington, D.C. 20555

Dr. William E. MartinSenior EcologistBattelle Memorial InstituteColumbus, Ohio 43201

Richard S. Salzman, Esq., ChairmanAtomic Safety and Licensing Appeal


Nuclear Regulatory CommissionWashington, D.C. 20555

Dr. Lawrence R. QuarlesAtomic Safety and Licensing Appeal

BoardU.S. Nuclear Regulatory CommissionWashington, D.C. 20555

Dr. W. Reed JohnsonAtomic Safety and Licensing Appeal

BoardU.S. Nuclear Regulatory CommissionWashington, D.C. 20555

Office of the Executive Legal DirectorCounsel for NRC StaffU.S . Nuclear Regulatory CommissionWashington, D.C. 20555

Philip A. Crane, Jr., Esq.John C. Morrissey, Esq.Pacific Gas & Electric Company77 Beale Street -, 31st FloorSan Francisco, California 94106

Stanley T. Skinner, Esq.Dennis C. Sullivan, Esq..Pacific Gas & Electric Company77 Beale Street - 31st FloorSan Francisco, California 94106

Yale I.. Jones, Esq.100 Van, Ness Avenue - 19th FloorSan Francisco, California 94102

Paul C. Vallentine, Esq.400 Charming AvenuePalo Alto, California 94302

Andrew J. Skaff, Esq.California Public Utilities CommissionState Building 5066San Francisco, California 94102

Hs. Sandra A. Silver5055 Radford AvenueNorth Hollywood, California 91607

Hs. Elizabeth E. Apfelberg1415 CazaderoSan Luis Obispo, California 93401

Hr. John J. Forster985 Palm StreetSan Luis Obispo, California 93401

Page 40: RW: -..: Ii Sam Committee q(4o Hope San · m-..":Ii IT7 "RW: Bruce Miler, Charimrson, Sam Luis Obispo Count7 Central Committee Peace and Freedom, lo62 Hope St., San Luis, California


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50-275/323 ' ~pard and Parties continued: Page 2

Ms. Raye Fleming1746 Chorro StreetSan Luis Obispo, California 93401

Mr. Wil'liam P. CornwellP.O. Box 453Morro Bay, California 93442

Mr. Gordon A. Silver5055-Radford AvenueNorth Hollywood, California 91607

Brent N. Rushforth, Esq.Center for Law in the Public Interest10203 Santa Monica BoulevardLos Angeles, California 90067

Arthur C.Gehr, Esq.Snell and Wilmer3100 Valley., CenterPhoenix, Arizona 85073

Bruce Norton, Esq.3216 North Third StreetSuite 202Phoenix, Arizona 85012

San Luis Obispo City CountyLibrary'.O. Box X

San Luis Obispo, California 93405

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