






Date NOVEMBER 15, 1973


MOTION 1: "That Senate approve, as set forth in S.73-134, a change in

the requirements for a major in Commerce

From 'At least 30 upper division credits in Commerce, including

COMM 478-3 plus at least one other 400 division Commerce

course and at least one course from each of the following

four areas ....

To: 'At least 30 upper division credits in Commerce including

at least two 400 division Commerce courses. At least one

course is required from each of the following four areas



MOTION 2: "That Senate approve, as set forth in S.73-1 3 4 , a change in

requirements for a major in Economics and Commerce

From: 'At least 25 upper division credits in Economics, including

at least one 400 division Econ9mics course, and at least 26

upper division credits in Commerce, including at least one

course from each of the four areas mentioned for Commerce

majors and at least one 400 division Commerce course in

addition to COMM 478-3.

To: 'At least 25 upper division credits in Economics including

at least one 400 division Economics course and at least 26

upper divison credits in Commerce, including at least two

400 division Commerce courses. At least one course is re-

quired from each of the four areas mentioned for Commerce





"That Senate approve, as set forth in S. 73-134, a change in

requirements for honors in Commerce

From 'At least 44 upper division credits in Commerce, including

one course from each of the four areas mentioned for Commerce

majors and including COMM 478-3. At least two 400 division

Commerce courses in addition to COMM 478-3 are required.

To: "At least 44 upper division credits in Commerce, including one

course from each of the four areas mentioned for Commerce

majors. At least three 400 division. Commerce courses are

required. '"

MOTION 4: "That Senate approve, as set forth in S.73-134, a change in

requirements for honors in Economics and Commerce

From: 'At least 30 upper division credits in Economics, including

ECON 310-3 and 331-5, and 30 upper division credits in Commerce,

including one course from each of the four areas mentioned for

Commerce majors and COMM 478-3. Also required are ECON 401-5,

• at least one additional 400 division Economics course, and at

least one 400 division Commerce course in addition to COMM


To: 'At least 30 upper division credits in Economics, including

ECON 310-3 and 331-5, and 30 upper division credits in Commerce,

including one course from each of the four areas mentioned for

Commerce majors. Also required are ECON 401-5, at least one

additional 400 division Economics course, and at least two 400

division Commerce courses. '"

MOTION 5: "That Senate approve, as set forth in S.73-134, for ECON 201-3

the change in vector

From: '(1-2-0)

To: '(2-1-0)'"

MOTION 6: "That Senate approve, as set forth in S.73-134, for ECON/COMM

293-3 the change in description by adding:

'ECON/COMM 293-3 is not to be taken concurrently with COMM 393."'

I a

-3 -

MOTION 7: "That Senate approve, as set forth in S.73-134, for COMM 393-3

i) The change in description by adding:

'ECON/COMM 293-3 is not to be taken concurrently with COMM 393. ii) The change in vector

From '(3-0-0)'

To 1(2-1-0)'"

MOTION 8: "That Senate approve, as set forth in S.73-1 34, for ECON 302-3

the change in prerequisite

From: 'ECON 202-3'

To: 'ECON 200-3.

MOTION 9: "That Senate approve, as set forthin S.73-134, for ECON 310-3

the change in description

From: 'The demand for money; money and credit creation; interest rate

theory and practice; monetary policy in a centralized banking

system and in relation to international finance.'

To: 'Banking theory and practice in a Canadian context; the supply

theory of money; the, demand for money; money and credit creation;

monetary policy in a centralized banking system and in relation

to international finance.'"

MOTION 10: "That Senate approve, as set forth in S.73-134, for ECON 332-3

i) The change in title

From: 'Elementary Economic & Business Statistics'

To: 'Elementary Economic and Business Statistics I.'

ii) The change in vector

From: '(2-1-1)'

To: '(2-2-0)'"

MOTION 11: "That Senate approve, as set forth in S.73-134, for Economics 333-3

the change in vector

From: '(2-1-1)'






MOTION 12: "That Senate approve, as set forth in S.73-134, for ECON 351-5

the change in description

From: 'Examination of the economic evolution of mature industrial

nations of Europe since the Industrial Revolution, with special

emphasis on technology, financial institutions, forms of business

and labor organizations, and the role of government.

To: 'A detailed examination of the major issues in European economic


MOTION 13: "That Senate approve, as set forth in S.73-134, for ECON 365-5

the change in description

From: 'Introductory analysis of location and space economy. Economic

development problem related to the sub-national status of regions.

Strategy of regional development measures.'

To: 'Investigation into the practical and theoretical aspects of

industrial location analysis. An examination of models of spatial

equilibrium and change. Urbanization patterns. Regional growth

and development theory and policy. Strategies for regional


MOTION 14: "That Senate approve, as set forth in S.73-134, for ECON 390-3

the change in vector

From: '(1-2-0)'

To: '(2-1-0)'"

MOTION 15: "That Senate approve, as set forth in S.7•3-134, for ECON 410-3

i) The change in description

From: 'Analysis of money as an economic variable; role of money in

micro- and macro-analysis. Banking theory and the supply theory

of money.'

To: 'Analysis of money as an economic variable; role of money in

micro- and macro-analysis.'"

ii) The change in prerequisite

From: 'ECON 304-3'

To: 'ECON 302-3, ECON 304-3,and ECON31O-3.'"





MOTION 16: "That Senate approve, as set forth in S.73-134, for COMM 223-5

the change in description

From: 'Purpose and logic of accounting. Basic techniques and accepted

principles, balance sheets and income determination, sources and

application of funds statements, accounting for partnerships and

corporations, price level influences.'

To: 'Examination of the basic accounting process and the analysis of

financial statements. Includes a review in detail of the account-

ing problems for all types of business organizations, with

emphasis on the owners' equity, cash, investments, receivables,

inventories, fixed assets and liabilities, plus an examination of

current accounting principles and the limitations of accounting


MOTION 17:. "That Senate approve, as set forth in S.73-134, for COMM 322-3

i) The change in title

From: 'Intermediate Accounting'

To: 'Intermediate Financial Accounting.'

ii) The change in description

From: 'Theory of balance sheet accounting; instalment sales and con-

signment accounting; analysis of financial statements.'

To: 'An understanding of the principles behind current practice and

a review of alternative theories of accounting. Practice in

problem-solving and analysis as a step towards the development of

competence at the professional levels."

MOTION 18: "That Senate approve, as set forth in S.73-134, for COMM 324-3

i) The change in title

From: 'Cost Accounting I'

To: 'Managerial Accounting I.'

ii) The change in description

From: 'Theory and method, efficiency standards and variances, avoidable

and general overheads, contributions, patterns of production, and

integra ion with financial accounts.'

To: 'Theory and methods of cost compilation for managerial planning,

control and deëision making: the use of budgets and analyses in

planning and controlling operations, establishing supervisory and



S departmental responsibility, and various techniques of measuring

results . '."

MOTION 19: "That Senate approve, as set forth in 5.73-134, for COMM 332-3

i) The change in title

From: 'Economics and Business Statistics.'

To 'Elementary Economic and Business Statistics I.'

ii) The change in vector

From '(2-1-1)'

To: '(2-2-0)"

MOTION 20: "That Senate approve, as set forth in S.73-134, for COMM 333-3

The change in vector

From: '(2-1-1)'

To: '(2-2-0)'"

MOTION 21: "That Senate approve, as set forth in S.73-134, for COMM 337-3

. The change in prerequisite

From: 'MATH 106-3 or OMPT 100-3 or 102-2'

To: 'MATH 106-3 or CMPT 100-3.'"

MOTION 22: "That Senate approve, as set forth in S.73-134, for COMM 371-3

The change in description

From: 'The study of organization theories using multidisciplinary per-

spectives and research. Comparative analysis of organizational

change and its impact on the behaviour, processes and administration

or organization.'

To: 'Examines organizational processes and structures from various per-

spectives. The study of human factors influencing organizational

effectiveness and organizational adaptation -- motivation,

communication, authority, leadership, decision-making and

organization-environment relationships.

MOTION •23: "That Senate approve, as set forth in S.73-134, for COMM 387-3

The change in description


. From: 'Recruiting, training, and organization of staff, job demarcation

and specification; remuneration policy;joint consultation.'

To: 'Human resource management; recruitment, selection, and training;

individual and group motivation and behaviour; internal labour

markets; assessment and compensation systems; personnel work as

specialty and profession; cooperation and conflict in labour-

management relations."

MOTION 24: "That Senate approve, as set forth in S.73-134, for COMM 423-5

1) The change in description

From: 'Liquidations, business combinations, departmental and branch

accounting; consolidated statements; estate and trust accounting;

government accounting.'

To: 'Accounting theory and the relationship of accounting to other

disciplines and society. Instalment and branch accounting, con-

solidations, bankruptcy, estate, trust, and government accounitng.

ii) The change in vector

From: '(3-0-2)'

W To: '(2-0-3)"

MOTION 25: "That Senate approve, as set forth in S.73-134, for COMM 424-3

The change in title

From: 'Cost Accounting II'

To: 'Managerial Accounting II.'"

MOTION 26: "That Senate approve, as set forth in S.73-134, for CO1 428-3

i) The change in title

From: 'Accounting Systems and Auditing'

To: 'Management Information Systems'

ii) The change in description

From: 'Evaluation and design of financial information systems. The

economics of information production. Measurement and communication

factors. Implementation questions. Auditing (controlling) the

system. Management evaluation.'

To: 'Evaluation, design and implementation of MIS.. A review of the

current "state of the art" and exañii.nation of technical, economic,





organizational and behavioural problems.'

The change in prerequisite

'COMM 223-5'

To: 'COMM 337-3. '"









Date NOVEMBER 14, 1973. I

On the recommendation of the Faculty of Arts, the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies has approved changes, - as. set forth in SCUS 73-37111 - for the Department of Economics and Commerce in requirements for a major in Commerce, major in Economics and Commerce, honors in Commerce, honors in Economics and Commerce, changes in course titles, course descriptions, pre-requisites, vectors, and recommends approval to Senate.

I. Mugridge

FINE j b


V-'1 as approved Nov.6, 1973


79 Major Change in Requirements: From "At least 30 Upper in Division credits in Commerce, including COMM 478-3 Commerce plus at least one other 400 division Commerce

course . • . "

to "At least 30 Upper Division credits in Commerce including at least two 400-division Commerce courses."


Commerce 478-3 has been dropped as a requirement for Commerce majors and Economics and Commerce majors. However, the requirement of two 400 Division courses has not been changed.

Major Change in-Re . quirements: As above. in Economics and Commerce

p. 80 Honors Change in Requirement: From " . • . including one - in course from each of the four areas mentioned for . Commerce Commerce majors and including Commerce 478-3. At

least two 400 division courses in addition to Commerce 478-3 are required."

to " . • • including one course from each of the four areas mentioned for Commerce majors. At least three 400-Division Commerce courses are required."


Commerce 478-3 has been dropped as requirement for Commerce honors. However the requirement of three 400 Division courses has not been changed.

Honors Change in Requirement: As above. in Economics and Commerce

This course is now being offered as 2 one hour lectures and one hour tutorial.

Prerequisite change: From Economics 202-3

P. 81


ECON Vector change. From (1-2-0) 201-3

to (2-1-0).


p. 82

Vector dscriptlon was incorrectly printed in previous calendar.

ECON/ Change in Description: Add "ECON/COMM is not to COMM be taken concurrently with COMM 393. 293-3


p.89 COMM 393-3

Description change: Add "ECON/COMM 293 is not to be taken concurrently with COMM 393.

Vector change: From (3-0-0)

to W :2-1- o)



p. 83


ECON 302-3

to Economics 200-3.

ECON Change in Description: From "The demand for money; 310-3 money and credit creation; interest rate theory and

practice; monetary policy in a centralized banking system and in relation to international finance."

to "Banking theory and practice in a Canadian context; the supply theory of money; the demand for money; money and credit creation; monetary policy in a centralized banking system and in relation to inter-national finance."

See Appendix.

ECON Title Change: "Elementary Economic and Business 332-3 Statistics I." This course was formerly "Elementary

Economic & Business Statistics".


To conform to COMM 333-3 which is number "II".


Vector Change: From (2-1-1)

to (2-2-0).


When the course was originally put forth for approval the class was using Mathematics labs and facilities (Computing) on a' regular basis and the 1 hour lab was indicated. This is no longer the case and the department wishes to correctly reflect the nature of the course.

ECON' Vector change: From (2-1-1) 333-3

to (2-2-0)


As for 332-3.

ECON Change in Description: ' From "Examination of the 351-5 economic evolution of mature industrial nations of

. Europe since the Industrial Revolution, with special emphasis on technology, financial institutions, forms of business and labor organizations, and the role of government."

to " A detailed examination of the major issues in European economic history."

See Appendix C.

p. 84 ECON Change in Description: From "Introductory analysis 365-5 of location and space economy. Economic develop-,

ment problem related to the sub-national status of regions. Strategy of regional development measures."

to "Investigation into the practical and theoretical aspects of industrial location analysis. An exami-nation of models of spatial equilibrium and change. Urbanization patterns. Regional growth and devel-opment theory and policy. Strategies for regional development."

See Ajip endix D.

ECON Vector Change: From "(1-2-0)" 390-3.




This course is now being offered with two one hour lectures and one hour tutorial.

p. 95

p. 87


ECON Change in Description: From "Analysis of money as 410-3 an economic variable; role of money in micro- and

macro-analysis. Banking theory and the supply theory of money."

Delete "Bankin, g theory and the supply theory of money."

Prerequisite change: From. "ECON 304-3"

to "ECON 302-3, ECON 304-3, and ECON 310-3."

See Appendix E.

COMM Change in Description: From "Purpose and logic of 223-5 accounting. Basic techniques and accepted principles,

balance sheets and income determination, sources and application of funds statements, accounting for partnerships and corporations, price level influences."

to "Examination of the basic accounting process and the analysis of financial statements. Includes a review in detail of the accounting problems for all types of business organizations, with emphasis on the owners' equity, cash, investments, receivables, inventories, fixed assets and liabilities, plus an examination of current accounting principles and the limitations of accounting data."

See Appendix F

COMM Title Change: "Intermediate Financial Accounting". 322-3 This course was formerly "Intermediate Accounting".

Change in Description: From "Theory of balance sheet accounting; instalment sales and consignment account-ing; analysis of financial statements."

to "An understanding of the principles behind current practice and a review of alternative theories of accounting. Practice in problem-solving and analysis as a step towards the development of competence at the professional levels."

See Appendix C. so 1

p. 88


COMM Title Change: "Managerial Accounting (I)". This

324-3 course was formerly entitled "Cost Accounting (I)".

Change in Description: From "Theory and method, efficiency standards and variances, avoidable and general overheads, contributions, patterns of production, and integration with financial accounts."

to "Theory and methods of cost compilation for managerial planning, control and decision making: the use of budgets and analyses in planning and con-trolling operations, establishing supervisory and departmental responsibility, and various techniques

of measuring results."

See Appendix H.

COMM Title Change: "Elementary Economic -and Business

332-3 Statistics (I)" This course was formerly entitled "Economics and Business Statistics".

Vector Change: From (2-1-1)

rl^ to (2-2-0)


Course no longer using Mathematics labs.

COMM Vector Change: From (2-1-1)

333-3to (2-2-0).


Course no longer using Mathematics labs.

COMM 337-3

Prerequisite change: From "Prerequisite: Math o-3,-Cm 100-3 or 102-2".

Delete "or 102-211.

Change in Description: From "The study of organiza-tion theories using multidisciplinary perspectives and research. Comparative analysis of organiza-tional change and its impact on the behaviour, processes and administration or organization."

to "Examines organizational processes and structures from various perspectives. The study of human factors influencing organizational effectiveness and organi-

p. 89

COMM 371-3


zational adaptation -- motivation, communication, authority, leadership, decision-making and organ-

izat.ion-environmertt relationships."

See Appendix J.

COMM Change in Description: From "Recruiting, training,

387-3 and organization of staff; job demarcation and specification; remuneration policy; joint consultation."

to "Human resource management; recruitment, selection, and training; individual and group motivation and behaviour; internal labour markets; assessment and compensation systems; personnel work as specialty and profession; cooperation and conflict in labour-management relations."

See Appendix K. VM_ WOMEN"

P. 90 COMM Change in Description: From"LiquidatiOflS, business

423-5 combinations, departmental and branch accounting;

consolidated statements; estate and trust accounting:

government accounting."

to "Accounting theory and the relationship of account-

ing to other disciplines and society. Installment

and branch accounting, consolidations, bankruptcy,

estate, trust, and government accounting."

Vector Change: From "(3-0-2)"

to 11(2-0-3)". e e

COMM #Wiew_tle Change: Mhagerial Accounting(II)". This

424-3 course was formerly entitled "Cost Accounting (II)".

See Appendix M.

COMM Title Change: "Management Information Systems".

428-3 This course was formerly entiled"Accounting Systems

and Auditing".

Change in Description From "Evaluation and design

of financial information systems. The economics of information production. Measurement and communi-cation factors. Implementation questions. Auditing (controlling) the system. Management evaluation."

. to " Evaluation, design and implementation of MIS. A review of the current "state of the art" and exam-ination of technical, economic, organizational and

behavioural problems."


Prerequisite Change: From "COMM 223-5"

to "COMM 337-3".

See Appendix N.




1. Calendar Inforcation Department: Economics and Commercc

- Abbreviation Code: Econ. Course Number: 310 Credit flours: 3 Vector: (2-1-0)

Title of Course: MONEY AND BANKING (no change) -.

Calendar Description of Course: Proposed: Banking theory and practice in a Canadian context; the supply ,theory of money; the demand for money; money and credit creation; monetary policy in a centralized banking system and in relation to international finance.

Nature of Course : Unchanged.

Prerequisites (or special instructions): Unchanged.

What course (courses), if any, is being dropped from the calendar if this course is approved: None. This is not a request for approval of a new course.

2. Scheduling

How frequently will the course be offered? Will continue to be offered approximately /twice a year

Semester in which the course will first be offered?

Which of your present faculty would be available to make the proposed offering possible? The same ones who have been teaching it•in the past.

3. ObjectivesoftheCourse

See proposed calendar description. NO CHANGE IN COURSE CONTENT IS BEING PROPOSED.

4. Budgetaryand Space Requirements (for information only) Unchanged.

What additional resources will be required in the following areas:

Faculty None



Audio Visual








5. Approval

Date: Qc.k._i9 c:DG$._l -

v&&L-Department Chairman Dean Chairman, SCUS

SCUS 73-34b:- (When completing this form, for instructions see Memorandum SCUS 73-34a. Attach course outline).

(C Jeli



Calendar Information

EconomIcs a1 Commerce

Abbreviation Code Econ.Course Nuer:__351'

Credit tours:Vector: (31-2-0)


ECONOMIC HISTORY OF EU ROPE (no change) Title of Course:

Calendar Description of course: proposed: A detailed examiflati0fl of the major

issues in European economic history.

Nature of Course: Unchange d.

Prerequisites (or special instructio) unchanged.

What course (courses), if any, is being

dropped from the calendar if this course is

course. approved: None. This is not a request for approval of a new

2. Sched How frequently wil. the course be offered? Will continu

e to be offered approximately /once a year.

be offered? semester in which the course will first %.thich of your present faculty would be available to make the proposed offering

05sibla? The same ones who have been teaching it in the past.

Ob4ectiVeS of the Coursedescription. NO CH.ANGE IN COURSE CONTENT IS BEING

See proposed calendar. PROPOSED.

4. Bud etar(for information only) Unchanged.

ired in the following areas: What additional resources will be requ

Faculty None


Library None.

Audio Visual None

None Space

None Equipment




Department Chairman De

SCUS 73-34b- (When completing this form, for instructions see Memorandum SCUS 73-34..

Attach course outline).



'JL IJ.'I) 1J.AJUf\iL iUL)LLS '


Aqi 1. Calendar Information Deartment:ECOflOmics and Commerce

Abbreviation Code: Econ. Course Number: 365 Credit Hours: 5 Vector:_________

Title of Course: REGIONAL ECONOMICS (no change)

Calendar Description of Course: Proposed: Investigation into the practical and theoretical aspects of industrial location analysis. An examination of models of spatial equilibrium and change. Urbanization patterns. Regional growth and development theory and policy. Strategies for regional development.

Nature of Course : Unchanged.

Prerequisites (or special instructions): Unchanged.

What course (courses), if any, is being dropped from the calendar if this course is approved: None. This is not a.request for approval of a new course.

2. Scheduling

How frequently will the course be offered? Will continue to be offered approximately

/ Semester in which the course will first be offered? once a year.

Which of your present faculty would be available to make the proposed offering 'possible? The same ones' who have been teaching 'it in the past.

3. Objectives of the Course

See proposed calendar description. ' NO CHANGE IN COURSE CONTENT IS BEING PROPOSED.

4. Budgetary and Space Requirements (for Information only) Unchanged.

What additional resources will be required in the following areas:

Faculty None

Staff None

Library None'

Audio Visual •None

Space None

Equipment ' Non's

5. ,pproval

Date: .O&.u^Ll


Department Chairman De an Chairman, SCUS

SCIJS 73-34b:— (When completing this form, for lnstructionssee Memorandum SCUS 73-34a. Attach course outline).


4 f.cec'.id. , 1. C alendar Information Department: Economics and Coerce

Abbreviation Code: Econ, Course Number: 410 Credit hours; I Vector: (2-1-0) Title of Course: MONETARY THEORY (no change)

Calendar Description of Course: Proposed: Analysis of money as an economic variable; role of money in micro- and macro-analysis.


Nature of Course : Unchanged.

Prerequisites (or special instructions): Change to: Ec. 302, Ec. 304, and Ec. 310. (was: Ec. 304 only).

What course (courses), if any, is being dropped from the calendar if this course is approved: None. This is not a request for approval of a new course.

2. Scheduling

How frequently will the course be offered? Will continue to be offered approximately S / Semester in which the course will first be offered? once a year.

t'(hich of your present faculty would be available to make the proposed offering possible? The same ones who have been teaching it In the past.

3. Oblect jves of the Course

S. See proposed calendar description. NO CHANGE IN COURSE CONTENT IS BEING PROPOSED.

4. BudgetaryandSpaceRequirements (for information only) Unchanged.

What additional resources will be required in the following areas:

Faculty None

Staff • None

Library None

Audio Visual. None

Space . None

Equipment None

5. pprova1

Date: _. 19.,/ .. 1 / 7 3 /R 4aT _________

Department Chairman Dean Chairman, SCUS


SCUS 73-34b:- (When completing this form, for instructions. see Memorandum scus 73-34a. Attach course outline).



Department; Economics annuner

Course Number; 223 Credit Hours: 5 Vector: (302) INTRODUCTORY ACCOUNTING. (no change)

Calendar Description of Course: Proposed: Examination of the basic accounting process and the analysis of financial statements. Includes a review in detail of the accbunting problems for all types of business organizations, with emphasis on the owners' equity, cash, investments, receivables, inventories, fixed assets and liabilities, plus an examination of current accounting principles and the limitations of accounting data. Nature of Course : Unchanged.

Prerequisites (or special instructions): Unchanged.

What course (courses), if any, is being dropped from the calendar if this course is approved: None. This is not a request for approval of a new course.

2. Scheduling

How frequently will the course be offered? This course will continue to be offered

Semester in which the course will first be offered? / every semester.

tthich of your present faculty would be available to make the proposed offering possible? The same ones who have been teaching it. in the past.

( 3. Objectivesof the Course

See calendar description (bove). NO CHANCE IN .COURSE CONTENT IS BEING PROPOSED.

4. Bud getaryandSpaceRequirements (for information only) Unchanged. What additional resources will be required in the following areas:


1. Calendar Information

Abbreviation Code: Corn.

Title of Course:

Faculty None

Staff None

Library None

Audio Visual None

Space None

Equipment None

5. Approval

Date: () $_, 1 C) .,3. :. O. 1 L\J /

Department Chairman' Dean -. Chairman, SCUS

SCJS 73-34b:— (When completing this form, for instructions see Memorandum SCUS 73-34a. Attach course outline)..


•. L Course Title Md - • '4ge •s.I /Course Description 1. Calendar Information Departnient;E0oflOmiC8 & Comme

Abbreviation Code: Course Number:3 22 Credit hours: 3 Vector-:1-0-2-Title of Course: Oiangeto: INTEI*IEDIATE FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING

Calendar De scrip tiot( RMEDIATE 'ACCOUNTING) Proposed: An understanding of the principles behind current practice and a eviewof alternative theories of accounting. Practice in problem-solving and analysis as a step toward the development or

competence at the professional levels. Nature of Course The course was, and remains, the second in the sequence Prerequisites (or special instructions): of standard accounting courses.


• What course (courses), if any, is being dropped from the calendar if this course is approved:None. This is not a request for approval of a new course.

2. Scheduling This course has been offered' approximately three times a year How frequently will the course be offered? and will continue to be so offered.

Semester in which the course will first be offered? Which of your present faculty would be available to make the proposed offering

'possible?The same ones who have been teaching it in the past.

3. Objectives of the Course

See calendar description. NO QIANGE IN COURSE CONTENT IS BEING PROPOSED. Changes proposed in course title and description are intended to bring bur description of what we have been doing into, somewhat closer agreement with more modern professional W academic termitiplogy 4. Budgetary and Space Requirements zor lnrortnation only Unchanged

What additional resources will be 'required in the following areas: Faculty None Staff None Library : None Audio Visual ' , iIone

Space ' .' . . . None Equipment ' ' . • None

5. Approval Date: I?3

4Z1-i IL Department Chairman


(4a,Chairman, scus

SCUS 73-34b:- (When completing this form, for instructions see Memorandum SCUS 73-34a. Attach course outline). '


'' -' A T


1. Calendar Information Department :0rb0miC8 and

rce Abbreviation Code: Corn. Course Number: 324

Credit Hours: 3 Vector: (2-l-O

Title of Course: Change to: MANAGERIAL ACCOUNTING I (was: Cost Accounting I).

Calendar Description of Course: Proposed: Theory and methods of cost compilation for managerial planning, control and decision making: the use of budgets and analyses in planning and' controlling operations, establishing supervisory and departmental responsibility and various techniques of measuring results.

Nature of Course: Unchanged.

Prerequisites (or special instructions): Unchanged.

That course (courses), if any, is being dropped from the calendar if this course is approved: None. This is not a request for. approval of a new course.

2. Scheduling

How frequently will the course be offered? This course has been offered two or three times a year and will continue to be so offered.

Semester in which the course will first be offered?

Which of your present faculty would be available to make the proposed offering possible? The same ones who have been teaching it In the past.

3. Objectives of the Course

See calendar description. NO CRANGE . IN COURSE CONTENT IS BEING PROPOSED. Changes proposed in course title and description are intended to bring our description of what we have been doing into somewhat closer agreement with more modern professional and academic terminology.

4. Budgetary and Space Requirements (for information only) Unchanged.

What additional resources will be required in the following areas:

Faculty None

Staff None

Library None

Audio Visual


Space None



5. Approval

Date: 0.4. /' /3 /95_

- - ' Department Chairman

Chairman, SCUS

SCUS 73-34b:- (When completing this form, for instructions see Memorandum SCUS 73-34a. Attach course outline).


1 4%AjU

I. Calendar InformationDepartmerit:ECOflomics and Commerce

Abbreviation Code: Corn.. Course Number: 371 Credit flours: 3 Vector: (2-1-0)

Title of Course: ORGANIZATION THEORY (no change)

Calendar Description of Course: Proposed: Examines organizational processes and structures from various perspectives. The study of human factors influencing organizational effectivenessand organizational adaptation--motivation, communication, authority, leadership, decision-making, and organization-environment relationships.

Nature of Course: Unchanged.

Prerequisites (or spacial instructions): Unchanged.

What course (courses), if any, is being dropped from the calendar if this course is approved:

None. This is not a request for approval of a new course.

2. Scheduling

Row frequently will the course be offered? Will continue to be offered two or

Semester in which the course will first be offered? /three times a year.

thich of your present faculty would be available to make the proposed offering possible? The same ones who have been teaching it in the past.

3. Obectjves of the Course


.See proposed calendar desèription. NO CHANGE IN COURSE CONTENT IS BEING PROPOSED.

4. Budgetary and Space Requirements. (for information only) Unchanged.

What additional, resources will be required in the following areas:

Faculty None



Audio Visual







: None

5. Approval 0


Department Chairman Dean Chairman, SCUS

4RCUS 73-34b:- (When completing this form, for instructjons ' see Memorandum SCUS 73-34 g . Attach course outline).


1. Calendar InformationDepartiuert:Economics and Con

Abbreviation Code: Corn. Course Number:387 Credit Hours: 3 * Vector: c-

Title of Course: PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT. (no change)

Calendar Description of Course: Proposed: Human resource management; recruitment, selection and training; individual and group motivation and behavior; internal labour markets; assessment and compensation systems; personnel work as specialty and profession; cooperation and conflict in labour-management relations.

Nature of Course: Unchanged.

Prerequisites (or special instructions): Unchanged.

What course (courses), if any, is being dropped from the calendar if this course is approved: None. This is not a request for approval of a new course.

2. Scheduling

How frequently will the course be offered? Will continue to be offered two or three

Semester in which the course will first be offered? /times a year.

%hich of your present faculty would be available to make the proposed offering 'possible? The same ones who have been teaching it in the past.

3. * Objectives of the Course

See proposed calendar descr1ption. NO CHANGE IS ' COURSE CONTENT IS BEING PROPOSED.

4. Budgetary and Space Requirements (for information only) Unchanged.

What additional resources will be required in the following areas:

Faculty None

Staff , None

Library 'None

Audio Visual None

Space ' ' None

Equipment None

5. Approval

Date: OA. i c'k !, I to

Depa tinent Chainn n lean Chairman, SCUS

I' SCUS 73-34b:- (When completing this form, for instruction see Memorandum SCUS 73-34a. Attach course outline). '







- ' • r' " ?i.Zl 1. Calendar Information

Abbreviation Code:Corn.


Department: Economics and Commerctl ________ Course Nutnber: 421 Credit Hours:_____

Title of Course: ADVANCED ACCOUNTING (no change)

Calendar Description of Course: Proposed: Accounting theory and the relationship of accounting to other disciplines and society. Installment and branch accounting, consolidations, bankruptcy, estate, trust, and government accounting.

Nature of Course: Unchanged.

Prerequisites (or special instructions): Unchanged.

What course (courses), if any, is being dropped from the calendar if this course is approved: None. This is not a request for approval of a new course.

2. Scheduling

How frequently will the course be offered? Will continue to be offered approximately

Semester in which the course will first be offered? / once a year.

Which of your present faculty would be available to make the proposed offering possible? The same ones who have been teaching it in the past.

3. Objectives of the Course

• See proposed calendar description. NO CHANGE IN COURSE CONTENT IS BEING • PROPOSED.

4. Budgetary and Space Requirements (for if only) Unchanged.

What additional resources will be required in the following areas:

Faculty None

Staff None

Library None'S

Audio Visual None

Space None

Equipment None

Vector :J_p...3)

(was: (3-0-2))

5. pproval

Date: ()A./9 l?)' LtL -

Department Chairman

C4::.. ic,

Den Chairman, SCUS

SCUS 73-34b:- (When completing this form, for instructions see Memorandum scus 73-34a. Attach course outline).



1. Calendar Information Department: Economics and Commerce

Abbreviation Code: Corn. Course Number:424 Credit Hours:3 Vector:(1-0-2) Title of Course: Change to: MANAGERIAL ACCOUNTING II (was: Cost Accounting II)

Calendar Description of Course: Unchanged.

Nature of Course : Unchanged.

Prerequisites (or special instructions): Unchanged.'

What course (courses), if any, is being dropped from the calendar if this course is approved: None. This is not a request for approval of a new course.

2. Scheduling

How frequently will the course be offered? Was offered three times in 1973 and will continue to be offered regularly.

Semester in which the course will first be offered?

Which of your present faculty would be available to make the proposed offering 'possible? The same ones 'who have been teaching it un the past.

( 3. Objectives of the Course


4. Budgetary and Space Requirements (for information only) Unchanged. What additional resources will be required in the following areas: Faculty None



Library None1

Audio Visual






5. Approval

Date :cDcJ I, ?3' Q$. 1°f /95-1 Lek

- kAzt Yntin' (V______________ Department Chairman ( Dean ' Chairman, SCUS

SCUS 73-34b:- (When completing this form, for instructions see Memorandum SCUS 73-34a. Attach course outline). '



1. Calendar Information Department: ii"onomics and Commerce

- Abbreviation Code: Corn. Course Number: 428 Credit Hours: 3 Vector:(120)

Title of Course: Change to: MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS (was: (was: 2-1-0) Accounting Systems and Auditing).

Calendar Description of Course: Proposed: Evaluation, design and implementation of MIS. A review of the current "state of the art" and examination of technical, economic,' organizational and behavioral problems.

Nature of Course : Unchanged.

Prerequisites (or special instructions): Prerequisite changes to Corn. 337-3 (was: Corn. 223-5).

What course (courses), if any, is being dropped 'from the calendar if this course is approved: None. This is not a request for approval of a new course.

2. Scheduling

How frequently will the course be offered? Will be offered more frequently than in the past -- apprgximately once per yea.

Semester in which the course will first be offered?

tJhlch of your present faculty would be available to make the proposed offering possible? The same ones who have been teaching it in the past.

S3. Objectives of the Course

See calendar description (above). NO CHANGE IN COURSE CONTENT IS BEING PROPOSED. S

4. Budgetary and Space Requirements (for information only)

What additional resources will be required in the following areas:

Faculty None

Staff None

Library None

Audio Visual None

Space None

Equipment None

5. Approval

Date; OCr /C) /ff)3 S

-Department Chairman

Dean Chairman, SCUS

SCUS 73-34b:- (When completing this form, for instructions see Memorandum SCUS 73-34a. Attach course outline).

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