  • . “ ” “

    ” “ ” “Saint Victor’s Abbey in Paris.”

    date. “I ” , “” by “ ” by Aaron D. Rubin

    m the E’s:2004 “An Outline of E Semitic Morphology”

    edge article entitled “ ”

    “ ”

    . , –

    ב ּׁתכְ יִ “ ”

  • 16 (2014)


    Gaenssle’s ׁאׁשר , for example, appears as “ארׁש ” in the bibliography of “ ” sōpir/

    appears as “/ sōpir/” in “ ”,

    “ ”Modern Hebrew as “ׂש ז [č]; ׁש צ [ts],” which is a typo for ׂש זׁש [č]; צ

    .row of Table 2 in Zewi’s “ ”“nominal clause includin ”.היה


    occasions, even for simple searches such as “Huehnergard, John.” “ ” “

    ” “ ” were broken in Zewi’s article on Syntax.

    “ ” יתנִ חֲ ‘spear’ as a Canaanite loanword into Egyptian, but Azzan Yadin


    ץֶר אֶ ׁתויְ חַ ‘beasts of the field’ (Gen 1:24; Ps 79:2) and ָינות ִׁד ְּמ ּבַ י ִת ָר ׁש

    ‘a princess among provinces’ (Lam 1:1)endings in “S ”

    “ ”



  • 16 (2014)


    Thamar Gindin’s article on , “[p]ossible OP [Old Persian]

    טוב ׁבלֵ ‘good hearted (i.e., happy)’ (Est. 5.9).” Yet such constructions are

    ‘wide of ear’ i.e. ‘wise’ o‘excellent of fingers’ i.e. ‘adroit’

    . “Since it has –

    be part of the basic case markers.” But mimation –

    . . “

    ” “ ”


    ’s goal

    Several of Rendburg’s. “Morphology,” תחַ ַא

    ˀ ‘one (f.)’ as “a rare instance of a consonant” in Hebrew

    ** Ge‘ez

    Rendburg’s explanation for the

    : “the original 3fs suffix was .

    ” “Morphology” § 3.2‘they f.

    killed’ ‘they f. killed’ ‘’

  • 16 (2014)


    “Morphology”“ ”


    “Morphology” §

    §2.4 of Phonology, Rendsburg cites Joshua Blau’s 1982 . Yet Richard Steiner’s “On the Dating of Hebrew Sound

    Ḫ Ḥ and *Ġ > ʕ) and Greek Translations (2 Esdras and Judith)” –267 and “Variation, Simplifying Assumptions, and

    the History of Spirantization in Aramaic and Hebrew,” in




    l, Na’ama and Aren Wilson “Features of Archaic Biblical

    .” –410.

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