Page 1: S claims. Fully In- ss.»iy». ; Disk3/Watertown Times/Watertown Ny...ARGUS' 40 camera with case ^and=film—at-^S-aekets—Harbor cemetery. Memorial

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1 Watertown Daily Times, Friday, June; 2, 1967

BOSIKESS 3E8V. OFFERED 54 W O M A N wants few hours

work dally, cooking, general ; cleaning, Ironing. Write A-56

Watertown Times.

GRANGER'S rubbish removal, odd jobs, "moving Jobs, top dirt, crushed 'stone, gravel, cement patios, 788-8283.

WINDOWS washed, storms re­moved, screen placed, prompt

. courteous service. Kellar's Window Cleaning Company. Sy2-7U1. Of ho answer please calif-evenings..

L A f B springtime S p i c i als: AJlimlnum siding.- windows,

. doijSL roofs installed, r t i pa'jred. General construction. WHw estimates, also for . In-tefr'^ce claims. Fully In-S „Jwt. Prica or iiiateilal can't be ' beat. Lo/al dealers. Wa-t e r t o w n/EnterdHsesr SU2^ 7091:

P L U M B I N G service Jby li­censed/master plumber. Call Sp2-4S54. ., » ;__

P A I N T I N G ! P r o f e s s i o n s ! painters. 30 years experience. Go anywhere. Fully Insured. Queal. 782-2510.

T R U C K I N G , moving, rubbish, cellars cleaned, lawns mowed raked, windows washed. Odd jobs. Harry. 788 4508. '

WINDOWS washed, storms re-moved, screens placed, paint­ing, odd iobs. Call Harry. 788-4.508.

C H I M N E Y S built -or repaired, free estimates. • other mason work, fully Insured. SU2-1796.

B ' i lLDINGS d e m o I ished by Buck's Wreckers. Also used Suilding materials for s'ale. 7824067. .

CEPTfC jtanks,— drain - lines cleaned. Call Able Septic Tank Service. 493-1166.







For Opening An ^Account of $10


ROOMS in Montreal in private noma for Expo '67. Reason­able prices. For further in­formation call 788-5674 after 4- p.m.

A R T E S I A N spring water, help ^purself. Adjacent P f i s t e r JM'qiior Store. GHford (Burr-Villa) Road.

COST AND FOUND 57 ARGUS' 40 camera with case ^and=film—at-^S-aekets—Harbor

cemetery. Memorial D a y Please return. Call collect A02-8572. Reward.

-Harbor -—ealHG

UOST: Dingman Point vicin­ity. Toy" Spaniel, light tan, enale, , blind in . right eye. Answers to Sandy or Sam. Phone collect MA8-5309.


uction Thursday,

JUNE 8th At 1:00 P.M. Located: on the Stone Church road, 6 ; miles from Ogdensburg, N 2 miles to El weir Park, 6 miles to Morristown.

Due to the labor situation I must discontinue farm­ing; - •.-;' -: y

69 cows, and 1 bull. 3 cows to freshen, 9 two year old heifers will freshen by September. 25 are first and se'kond calf heifers. Several •fall cows, one registered bull "sired by Rockman .Supreme.

(This dairy was all raised on the farm.)

-Mr.-flummer-alwayT-had-a purebred sire. This dairy lacks finish, but are send­ing over one ton a day to

-ftierplantr :—

THIS 300 ACRE FARM With 10 room house .with iVi baths and basement, barn, 72 stanchions, 2 silos is for sale.

••"• See Mr. \Villiam l Hummel '

' Terms—Cash or Check Owners—Mr. & Mrs.

William Hummel

Auctioneer-^-Lyle Hamilton

Sales Mgr. — ", Clark Livingston

AUCTION NOTICE: The Jef­ferson County Welfare de­partment will M 1 | at public, auction to the highest bidder, .(he proptry of the late Rose Spragut. The auction will be held at ' the residence on June 18. 1987 at 2:00 p.m. O.S.T. Ten per cent of the purchase price to b* paid at the time of t i l e and the balance when trie deed and abstract are delivered. Tho'mai A. Grey, as Commissioner of Public Welfare, reserves the right to accept or reject any. or all • Ids . Thle property I* located In Oxbow, Jefferson County,

K tw York , consisting of two >ts, two story house, wood

construction, three r o o m t , Kitchen, toilet down, three

Pmi^UPw-ttectrtelty— and n. For further Information suit R. P. Smith, 173 erial streets , ,W«lertown,

Y. Phone 782-11M . or Jacket* Harbor Midway «• 3M2. ,

1 * 1 - - - - I ' ' - I -I 1 " 1 . " I I I - II I ' • - - • • • — '• " - ' -

CHANCES are you'll Hnd the Item of furniture you've been *00Wni for* In todays Class! fled Ada. Check Abw. •


ATTENTION Would you like to ship your •ivestock to ADAMS COMMIS­SION SALES? We have the buyers and will use you right. fo i l can watch your livestock weighed and sold and take your money home with. you. If you don't nave a truck coming to Adams Monday or Thursday, give i is 'a-cal l - the night before and we'll heve a truck at your barn.'

Lawrence Gracey, ' Sales Manager

. Dexter NE 9-3851. J:. < or ADams 2-5091 ,

— - P a u l Hamilton Auctioneer

PRICES paid per hundred wt. at the Lowville ^and DeKalb

J Jet. Commission Sales week of May 29th. Good Cows 18 to 121. M«d"um Cows 14 to $18. Canners 10 to $14. Good Bulls 22 to $26. Medium Bulls 18 to $22. Veals 25 to $36. Good Bobs 25 to $30. Light Bobs 20 to $25. Receipts were 251 Cattle, 419 Calves. Sates at Lowville every Monday, De­Kalb Jet. Wednesday John Seymour. Sales Mgr. Henry Welter, Auctioneer.

AUCTION at John Beswlck's barn at Buck's Bridge, near Madrid. Monday evening 6:00 p.m. June 5. Phone .-calls answered before 8 a.m.




n f\f\ Trade-in


On Your Old Can of — Dry or lumpy ..^

PAINT No. 201

With Trade In WHITE PAINT $A80 (Reg. $5:80 gal) gal.

E M P I R E LIVESTOCK M a r ­kets Watertown, every Mon­day and Thursday, Gouver-neur every Tuesday, Water-town, 782-4110, Gouverneur 287-0220-

No. 415 SUPER BARN RED $-235 -(Reg.-$4.35 gal.) - 'gal .


921 West Main

Watertown, N. Y. _'

F U R N I T U R E auction. Satur­day June 3 1:30 p.m. sharp. West Martinsburg, (arrows) Personal property consisting of Kenmore wringer washer, W e s t I nghouse refrigerator, freezer, Frigidaire electric stove with double oven, 5 piece breakfast set w i t h extra leaves, mangle, chest or drawers, writing desk, r o c k i rig chairs, occasional chairs, platform rocker, par­lor suite, stands, complete metal single bed, 3V radios, lamps, children's toys, Elgin outboard (6 twin) , ' fellies (some crated) few antiques, etc. Clean and most like nqw.-John Niezabytoski, o w n e r . .Harold Johnson, auctioneer. 493-1438 Carthage.

LIVESTOCK fOR SALE 59 SERVICE bulls to let o-it, all

breeds, servicing St. Law­rence, Jefferson and Lewis counties. Clifton Gates, Gou­verneur, 287-3043.

200 H E A D close , o r . fresh springers h e i f e r s to sell. Phone Sandy Creek 793-7108. George Moyer or Tully, N.Y. 696-5023. Edinger Brothers Livestock Corp.

T H R E E Holstein cows, pick your choice of 20. Reason no room. John Nowak, Lorraine, N.Y. Telephone AD2-1236:

F IRST calf heifers and cows. Fresh and closeup. Or trade fo.r beef. One,complete dairy. Will finance. Low interest rates. P a u l and Stanley Schreiber, Webster, N. Y. TD2-3760.

LIVESTOCK WANTED 60 W A N T E D : Dairy cattle and

young stock. Will pay cash, ouverneui—287-3653. —

GOOD grade or purebred ewes with or without lambs and purebred ram Write •• A-48 Watertown Times.

CATTLE and horses. Brown-ville Rendering Co. NE9-3022, SU2-8659.

HORSES FOR SALE 61 F E M A L E Welsh pony, all black. 12 years. Harness or saddle. Jerry Dwyer, Chau-mont.

SMALL chestnut, mare 2 .years old. Very pretty and gentle. Broken to ride. Pat Eggles-ton. Theresa, Antwerp road. 628-5321...

HORSES, good work team, one or both-. William Reyn­olds, Richville., y . Y .

R E G I S T E R E D quarter .mare. Registered colts, weanlings, yearlings and 2 year olds. Grade horses. McNeil Horse Ranch, Skaneateles. 685-3333.

PALOMINO gelding-for exper­ienced rider. Phone, Hender­son. HE5-2114.

W I L L accept best offer for pony stallion. Kind, gentle. Can be seen anytime. Will d e l i v e r . Oscar Schneider, Theresa. 628-5530.

PASTURAGE PASTURE for rent. $7 head. Call ; Lawrence Vancha. MA9-4673.


PASTURAGE for young stock. Lots of feed and water $5. each.John Schlagetter. Chau-mont. M19-2466. If no answer Ml 9-2927.


M A Y T A G WASHERS and dry­ers. See America'^ No. 1 washer now at Butler's. Au­tomatic and wringer washers,

%gas and electric dryers, big trade-in allowances for your old machine. No money down,

2 years to pay. Butler's Park-side Furniture, 1509 State. Open evenings till 9, Satur­day till 5. * •• •

R E F R I G E R A T O R S , b r a n d new at discount p r i c e s . Terms. Strauss . Electric, on

_lhe_Sauax& . F U R N I T U R E Barn has 2 pc. al l ,nylon living room suites, $118.00 reg. $169.95 Under Arsenal Street bridge.

R E F R I G E R A T O R , good condl ~tion ideal for "cottage" er

camp, will deliver. MacNay, 122 Howe St.? Black River. 773-5965. "

C O L O R T.V. combination; large 23" color T.V. .Walnut console with stereo record player, A . M . - F . M . radio, used only few months, repossessed, selling for unpaid balance. 3 years to pay. Butler's Furni­ture Warehouse, 248 High St. Open evenings till 9, Satur­day till 5.

BABY C A R R I A G E , y o u t h chair, 4 kitchen c h a i r s , dresser, porch glider. 426 So. Meadow. 782-4096. , . ,

S E V E R A L used, portable type­writers in stock.. Ed Lyng Office Supply & Equipment, Gifford Street road.

WASHERS, wringers, automa­tic, reconditioned, guaranteed $29.95 up. Strauss Electric," on the Square. - - . ^

RANGES, gas, electric, recon­ditioned, guaranteed $39.95 up. Strauss Electric on the Square. s

F U R N I T U R E BARN does take trade-ins on our appliances. Whan you go; shopping for your next TV , refrigerator or washer get Furniture Barn's price for your old appliance. Furniture Barn, under Arsen­al Street bridge. Open daily until 9:00; Saturday until 5: CO.

C O L O R T.V." combination; large 23* color T.V. walnut console with stereo record player, A . M . - F . M . radio, used only few months, repossessed, selling for unpaid balance>_.3 years to pay. Butler's Furni­ture Warehouse, 248 High St. Open evenings till 9, Satur­day till 5.

REFRIGERATORS, all sizes, r e CO n ditioned, guaranteed, $39.95 up: Strauss Electric, on the Square.

T H E F U R N I T U R E BARN has complete bedroom s u i t e s , grey or-walnut. These include double dresser, chest, bed.' These are. all new and -in original crates and will be sold complete for the low low discount price of $98. Most stores sell this same package $198. " Nothing fancy at The Furniture . Barn except we sell our furniture for a lot less than our competitors. Furniture Barn, under Arsen­al Street bridge. Open "until 9 o'clock every night except Saturday until 5 o'clock.

CASH register for sale. In--qntre7~ Apex~Army=and—Navy

Store, 103 Public Square.

CAMP lots, meadow land with spring water, white cook stove. AD2-2662 Worth.

MATTRESSES', box springs, Hollywood bed outfits at low­est-prices, get our prices be­fore you buy, lower overhead means . lower prices. Choose from top brands, "England-er," ^Sealy," "Restonic", "Bemco" , ' "Duplex" , all sizes .In stock including King and Queen size. See our decorator Hollywood bed outfits. Easy terms. Butler's Parksida Fur­niture, 1509 State. Open eve­nings till 9, Saturday till 5.

S P E E D Q U E E N washers and dryers. All Speed Queen ap­pliances sold at low low dis­count prrces. Way below the

• suggested retail price. Furni-. ture .Barn, under Arsenal

Street bridge. Open daily un­til 9:00, Saturday until 5:00.

FURNACES, used and new; oil, coal, gas. Blowers, " gas a,nd oil conversion burners, wijl install, free estimates. MI6-2286 after 6.

F U R N I T U R E BARN has for you thr i f ty , homemakers all nylon wall-to-wall carpeting reg. $6.98 squart yard, for the low-low discount price of $3.98. Also continuous fila­ment nylon carpeting, reg. $8.95 square yard, noW only $4.98. Furniture Barn, under Arsenal Street bridge. Open every day until 9 o'clock, ex­cept Saturday to 5 o'clock.

R I D I N G MOWERSI America's best ' rider buy! New Roto-Hoe Islander 32 inch cut with 6 h.p. engine, easy start, only $279.95. Also 5 h.p. new Roto-Clipper rider only $199. Wil­son's, Rt. 11, Adams. 2-5592.

11x14' T E N T . Very good con­dition. 356 South Indiana Ave­nue. ' * " _ ,_ ' .

" E A R L Y A M E R I C A N " living room. Choice tweed or prlrtt coverings, 3 zippered foam reversible cushions, matching chair. Special this week, tables and lamps included. Only $188.95. 36 months to pay. Over 79 years customers satisfactipn. Cohen Furniture 509 State.

KNAPP-ahoes-for-menr-women and children. John A. Cole­man, Adams Center 3-4754,

TV SETS. All shapes, sizes, reconditioned, g u a r a nteedr-$24.95 vp, Strauss, Public Square.

GARAGE equipment, electric welder. Jacks, miscellaneous, tools and parts. 214 Colorado Avenue.

BUY FACTORY direct famous name box springs and mat­tresses. Eliminate the middle man. Smoothtop " mattresses, no buttons, or tufts, pre-built border. Marked by factory $59.50 (which* most stores sail these for.) Our lowi low dis­cbunt price, $28 each. Deluxe f i rm quilt top mattresses and box springs marked by fac­tory, $69.50. Our low, low dl»-count prica, $38. Foam mat-)r«tse«, $24.95. We stock all kinds of mattr'esset Including cotton mattresses for cot* and hotel typa ,mattr«s«s. all at reduced prices. Op«n every night until 9 except Saturday until 5. Furniture Barn, un­der Arsenal Street bridge.

T H E F U R N I T U R E BARN has terms but we do not sell you credit. The stores that sell

"credit—are-^credit—stores and you pay the long dollar for anything you buy from them? We can finance anything for you on the spot at the,.Furnl-ture Barn and give you cash pricesl Furniture Barn, un­der Arsenal. Street bridge. Open daily until 9, except Saturday until 5.v .




4 pc. "Fu ture" sectional with revefsible foam rubber cush­ions. Gorgeous tweed in choice of colors.

ss.»iy»; OUR LOW


Furniture Barn Under the Arsenal St. Bridge


BEDROOM O U T F I T . Large 6 drawer dresser, 1 o y'ely bevel mirror, roomy chest, full sized bed, plus "Duplex." spring • mattress. All pieces finished in warm walnut. 6 piece outfits $158.95. No down payment. Still your best place to savel Cohen Furniture 509 State.


W A T C H Crystal frea with any watch^or rlnst repair and th l * ad. Wil l iams Watch Repair Service. Adams Center. •

R E L I G I O U S supplies, g i f t s accessories for individuals or groups, Christian S u p p l y Center, 414 Court .street- 782-7145. .- > - • :•

PLUMBING SUPPLIES, pta*-; tic pipe, " pumps, vanities, kitchen sinks. D i s c o u n t prices. Sales every Saturday. Upstate Plumbing. 557 -Fac ­tory, Watertown.

" A D M I R A L COLOR" televi­sion, 26,000 volt picture tube with power t r a n s f o r m e r , brings sharp picture. $379.88 up. 36 m o n t h s to pay. Cohen Furniture s e r v i e e s what Cohen sells. Over 79 years of customer satisfac­tion. 509 State. .

COLOR T.V. at lowest prices. Admiral , Olympic arid, other famous brands, get our prices before you buy, 19" Deluxe portable only $348.00 w.t. , 23" walnut consoles $477.00 w.t. , 23" cherry Provincial console with doors $488.00 w.t. , 25" mahogany consoles $498.00 w.t.. 23" color T .V. 3 way combinations w a l n u t console models with stereo and A . M . - F . M . radio, only $688.00. No "money down. 3 years to pay. Butler's Park-side Furniture 1509 State. Open evenings till 9, Satur­day till 5.

RE-ISSUE used work pants. $1.00 a pair. Apex Military Supplies, 103 Public Square.

FOR SALE, 18' shuffle board, overhead score board, $350. Liscums Billards, 39 East Main street, Gouverneur. 287-1180, 287-2936.

O V E R H E A D doors fiberglass or wood. Dick Fields, Black River. 773-5529. ' ~

COHEN F U R N I T U R E : Mat­tress trade in. Smoothtop quilted Innerspring mattress­es. Advertised $59.50. Limit­ed tl me only $38.95. Hotel in­nerspring $29.95 mattresses now $16.98. Special sizes built to Order. 509 State.

GOLFERS: Trade your un­used guns for Wils.on Golf Edujpment. Steele's, „Claytoh. 686-.1351.

CAST IRON furnace, pipes, conversion unit. Cheap. In op­eration. 788-3253.

E S T A T E ' D I A M O N D % carat. _fine blue white color lady's diamond r i n g only $125. Rothschild's 152 Court.

KODAK 8 m.m. movie outfit. Excellent condition. Call 688-2621 Copenhagen.

12x55' HOUSE T R A I L E R bed. Suitable for hauling boat. $250. 782-6056 after 6.

F U R N I T U R E BARN has fa­mous' make Admiral freezers (chest type or upright). All at low, low discount prices starting a t ; $148. Furniture Barn, under Arsenal Street bridge. Open daily until 9

"pTm. except Saturday until 5 p.m.

$ P I E C E breakfast set: Dress­er, lawnmower. 2" maple chairs. Dingy. Kelly's, Main streat, Chaumont, N. Y . MI9-5227. . *_ - '

C A R P E T INSTALLATION. Rolls and rolls in stock! We do net show you samples," we show you rolls, so "you can take your pick and get a bet­ter prica because we buy full rolls. Shop around, get all the prices then come to the Fur­niture Barn and save $$. Fur­niture Barn, under Arsenal Streat bridge. Open dally un­til 9:00; Saturday until 5:00.

M O D E R N 17" R C A . portable ' TV , %TS. Harmony, jumbo

arch top Spanish guitar, $75. SU2-4629.

W A L K I N , shampoo, s e f ^ - u t . $3.So. Jack and Alma's, Ar­cade Ralcony. 782-0860.

L I F E preservers, 1 child's, 2 adult's. Chest of drawers, glider, canning j a r s . 119 North Meadow street.

GAS and electric ranges at lowest prices. Deluxe apt. gas ranges $89.95; 30" gas ranges $118.00; apt. electric ranges $128.00; 30" deluxe electric ranges $138.00; West-inghouse 30" deluxe electric ranges, automatic oven, lift off door, plugout- burners, glass in door, white 'or C o p p e r t o n e $199.00 w.t.; double oven coppertone 30" gas range with rotisserie- in top oven $299.00 w.t.; 30" ie -luxe double oven coppertone electric range with rotisserie in eye .level oven $349.00. w.t. You buy for less at Butler's Parkside F u r n i t u r e 1509 State. 2 years to pay. Open evenings till 9, Saturday till 5. .

CAR T O P carrier rack, I'x4'x6 locking box. 788-8917.

C A R P E T I N S T A LLATIONS and sales. Linoleum and cer­amic tile, installed residen­tial or commercial, skilled mechanics . i n s u r e d. Beat Floors. 566 State. 788-3082.

22" F U R N A C E , complete with blower. Ideal for camp or garage.. Cheap. SU8-1302.

M U F F L E R S . May S p e c i a l ! Chevy and Fords 1958 to 1964 $8.95 and free Installa­tion. Sam DaFranco Flying " A " Station, outer Leray street. Phone SU2-9668."

T A R P A U L I NS! Complete stock all sizes, lowest prices. Apex Supplies. 103 Public Square."

O V E R H E A D doors wood or fiberglass. Overhead D o o r Co., of Watertown. Black River Road. SU8-4390.

TENTS! For- children and fam­ily. Reasonably priced. Apex Army and Navy Store, 301 Public Square.

H I ' F l ^Components . nd tape recorders. Largest selection

. _ in_Nor4hem— N,—Y-,—All—-tbi brands: LaFayette, S c o t t , Fisher, Dual, Garrard, A.R. NorelcO, C r" a"T"g; La*Fsy«tte Radio-Electronics, '304 Fac­tory Street, Watertown. 788-7840. •

D I N I N G canopies furnish sum­mer shade for your comfort.

(Large' variety) . Apex Army and Navy Store, 103 Public Square.

USED automatic washers and d r y e r s . Refrigerators and electric ranges. Ideal f o r home or cottages. Reason­ably priced and in good con­dition. Halley Electric, 307 Mill street. 788-2700.

BROADLOOM C A R P E T I N G , 12x15 tweed $39.95; 8.6x11.6

Ion viscose rugs, $16.95; i0 K n y l o n $22.95; 100S

'Herculon" carpet 12' or 15' wide, $8.49 sq. yd. Skilled in­stallation. Easy terms. Cohan Furniture, 509 State.

hy! 100

B E L I E V E It or notl You ycan save money by buying your TV antenna,- tubes, batteries for portaola radios at Carl's. Free tube tasting. Also we repair your set. Bring It in. Carl's Auto Accessories, 170 Court. Open Friday nights. Free parking.

COHEN F U R N I T U R E Speed Queen q u a l i t y automatic washersi $148. Automatic dry­ers, $88.50. 36 months to pay. Cohen Furniture s e r v i c e s what Cohen sells. 509 Stat*.

P.OR SALE. Harmony double pickup guitar and Gibson twin speaker amplifier. Call 788-6111 after 4 p.m.

COTTAGE 8PECIAL8I Refrig­erators, r a n g e s . Recondi­tioned. $29.95 up. Strauss, Public Square. Free dellvary.

REPOSSESSED furniture - for 3 complete rooms, used only abort tima, selling for unpaid balance. 2 years to pay. Butler's Furniture Warehouse 248 High St. Open evenings till 9, Saturday till 5. '

4 s v I J

3 ROOMS of brand new qual­ity furniture. Includes 10 pc. living room outfit, 10 pc. bed­room suite, » 7 pc. dinette group, 'plus your choice of new gaa range, washer Or T.V. , only I39SO0 complete. 2 yaara to pay. Free storage and delivery wh in wanted. Butler's Parksida Furniture 1509 State. Open avanings fi l l ». Saturday t i l l 5.

, " . V r

N.Y. S T A T E . Impact ion. sta» Hon.-Safety, la first, with your .car. . Brakes. " fall p l ' p e a , ^shocks, tires, mufflers, bat-ter i f t Installed, angina tuna-ups. Let us repair while you *r* shopping or at work. Easy terms.- Open Thursday and . Friday nights. Carl's Auto Accessories, 170 Court.

R O T O T I L L E R (original), win-"dow alr^condittonar, good con­dition. Philadelphia, N a w York . 642-3319.

CASH, registers, adding ma­chine*, typewriter*, eervice, North County Business Ma­chine*. Phona 7M-80$0.


SPARTAN POOLS. Do it your-self $1,995. 16x32 with diving area. Water Lounge*, pool toys, slides, baby seats, above ground pools, also available. Robert Bast. Theresa Road, Watertown. Phone 788-7093.

W A L L P A P E R -Wall-tex, SanT-ta«. Fabr lque-by-Bi selection*^ Robblns 15~55 State street. r

RE- ISSUE used work cover­alls. $2.-99 a pair. Apex Sup-plles. 103 Public Square

N E W " F A N T A Z I A " Latex In­terior paints. Special $4.80 gal . Robblns, 1555 S t a t t street.

FOR SALE: Several pieces of dental equipment, all in first class shape, nearly new. One portable Emesco Dental En­gine, $50.00. One special Elec­tric Dental Welder. $35.00. One Bailor Vacuum Dust mo­tor $35.00. Portable head rest, $10.00. Quantity of new bgrrs, per dozen, .50. P. A. McAlpin, D.D.S., Waddington, N. Y .

WELL m m : 100 Y E A R A R O U N D work, guar­anteed. Gascon Bros., R a m . mond. 324-2761 or 324-4440.

IUNK 102 ALWAYS B U Y I N G - n e w s p a -pers, magazines, rags.. metal and Iron. Great Northern Sal­vage Company. 788-1471. •

SCRAP I R O N , brass, copper, metal all.'.kinds. Machinery, tools. 782-2293.

LAWNMOWERS SHARPENED 103 LAWNMOWERS s h a r pened. , repaired. C r a n k s h a f t s straightened In engine. All la­bor is guaranteed. New and used mowers. Edson House, LaFargevll le. . 658-9942.

SEWING MACHINES 106 NECCHI sewing machine, fully

tulpped., to... do all sewing tasks. Guaranteed: Balance of $39.00 or $7.50 per month. Call 788-2690.

P I N A L Clearance. S e w i n g room • machines demonstra-.

»tors for easy summer sewing. $20 to $50. Singer Sewing Cen­ter, 160 Court. Open Friday nights until 9:00.

WEARING APPAREL 107 FOR Good used clothing; see Leyare's Bargain House, 146 Franklin St.

G IRL 'S summer c l o t h i n g : Size's, 5-6x, spring- coat and dresses." Miscellaneous. 450 Paddock street.

CASH R E G I S T E R , glass show­case, metal salesman's desk 'set, ,10' counter. Phone 788-4810 daytime.

C O M P L E T E furnace^with heat runs, . registers, thermostat, and conversion gas burner. Excellent condition. Phone 782-9862.

T A N D E M house trailer, wheels with electric brakes, also boat, 10 horse motor and trai ler. Richjfrd Ortlieb, Mar­tinsburg.

R E F R I G E R A T O R Sale: West-inghouse. Admiral , Norge, all sizes in stock, including Ad­miral 25 cu. ft. side by side duplex refrigerator' - freezer big - trade-in allowance for your old refrigerator, 3 years to pay. Butler's Parkside Fur­niture, 1509 State, open eve­nings till 9, Saturday till 5.

O N E used - overhead door 9' wide x 7' high. Also new over­head doors. Sales service and installation. Dick Fields Won-derwash Building, Black Riv­er 773-552*.

L I V I N G ROOM outfit at. low-est prices: New 9 pc.-outfits include your choice of new 2 pc. nylon frieze living room suite or 2 pc. sofabed suite, 2 plastic top step tables, cock­tail table, 2 table lamps, 2 sofa pillows, all 9 pieces .only $128.00 at Butler's Furniture Warehouse, 248 High streeh Easy terms.. Open evenings till 9, Saturday till 5.

2 E X T E N S I O N ladders. Rea­sonable. Call 788-3509.

BEDROOM Suites: "Bassett," "Coleman", " A m e r i c a n", " T i m l y " , and others at low­est prices, Danish walnut, modern walnut, maple, oak. See us for a real 'deal . Easy terms. Free : delivery. But­ler's Parkside Furniture, 1509 State. Open evenings till" 9, Saturday ti l l 5.

2 SNOW T I R E S mounted 15" wheels, used one winter, $25. 688-2916 evenings.

G E N E R A L .Electric apt. re­frigerators $39.00: apt. gas ranges $39.00; 30" electric ranges- $59.00; Hot Point De­luxe built-in automatic elec­t r i c range "$119.00; living room suites $29.00; Danish

walnut sofa $29.00; large alt cedar wardrobe $29.00; break­fast sets $19.00; large gas heater $69.00; electric hot

.water heater $29.00; 3 pfc. * bedroom suites $49.00; small

upright freezer $89.00; , 9 x 1 2 linoleum $4.88; 9x15 linoleum $7.88; 12x12 linoleum :$9.88:' 12x15 linoleum $12.88. Terms. Butler's Furniture Warehouse 248 High St. Open evenings till 9, Saturday till 5.

RUMMAGE SALE 121 FRIDAY«4 p.m., through Sun­day. Clothing, dishes, miscel­laneous. 6938 Spring Valley Drive, Watertown Center.

SATURDAY only, 1008 Hun-gerford b e t w e e n Moffett, South- Hamilton. -Household, miscellaneous, c u r t a i n s , skates.

SATURDAY 9 to 5 8 mm camera, 200 books, dishes, cloths, etc. Cemetery Road, Felts Mills^ look for sign.


I F YOU'RE Looking for a new boat,-

see Northern Yachts; Inc. $250,000 Worth of Boalts from Which to Choose *

NEW BOATS Hatteras, Bertram, Donzi,

Alglas, and Pacemaker

USED BOATS Northern New York's

Largest Selection of Used and Brokered Boats

Financing Readily Available

Henderson Harbor Phone HE 5-3561

FAST 14' ski boat with 45 h.p. Mercury motor. Good condi­tion. 788-1470.

26' CHRIS CRAFT sedan $800; 24' Luers. See Glen at East­man Marina, Henderson Har­bor.


gear shift speedometer, 8 gallon tank, tote cart, good Shape $75. 788-7760. »-

Y O U R Johnson outboard deal­er is Nesco, Gouverneur, toperr w'eakday evenings May, June), v . •-

BOAT HOUSES 129 SOME choice open and cov-.

e r e d slips -still available. Beautiful sheltered. „• harbor. Deep -water. Navy P o i n t Marina. Sacket Harbor.

PET STOCK 141 H E A D A N D TAJL L ITES, 3 for $1.00. Exotic Aquarium. 44 Grange Avenue, Adams AD2-5123. . .'. ,

4 K I T T E N S , male, to give away, house broken, 2 months

.old. 782-6254. . ?

S I A M E S E kittens priced to move, house' trained. The per­fect graduation gift. 788-5022.


"-.:-, 6IG, NEVV< > 10'WIDE/2/BEDR0pM


Outer Leray ?t. Watertown Open Evenings ' t i t 9:00 ,'

. - - • • ' Saturdays. *tlt 6:00 .- •

ADORABLE Sealpolnt Siamese kittens, housebroken. 8 weeks old. MI9-2978. Three M i l e Bay. "

DOGS FOR SALE 142 N E W F O U N D L A N D pups, reg­istered, X-Rayed stock sire champion Edenglen's Banner. Wil l iam Elliott, R. R. # 2 , Napanee, Ontario. >

1962 CUSTOM Craft 75 h.p. Johnson electromatic g a t e r-tilt-bed trailer, n e v e r li­censed. $1,695. Harlo Motors, outer Washington Street.

18' CORRECT^Craf t , 100 h.p. Chrysler inboard. In .the wa­ter*, ready to go. Good clean, fast boat. -788-5260.

CLOTHES, dishes, mittsr. tele­vision, toys, power mower, lawn chairs. Garage. 931 Go­tham.

C A M P DISHES, furniture, and miscellaneous. T h u r s d a y through Sunday. Durwood Lashaw. Elm Ridge Road, Evans Mills.

HOUSEHOLD GOODS 77 PORCH G L I D E R for sale,.715 Franklin. Anytime."

M A P L E bedroom suite, hall dinette table and 4 chairs. Nairn floor polisher. Miscel­laneous items. 788-6592.

TWIN BED, dresser, vanity set, 782-6773 between 4 and 7 p.m.

K R O E H L E R couch and chair, like new, coffee 'table, end tables, lamps, 9x12 rug. pad and swivel chair and kitchen cabinet, SU'8-2079.

LARGE chrome .kitchen set bed, buffet, mounted snow tires 6:00x15, miscellaneous. All in good condition. 318 Gale. Saturday. 11 to 5.

UNIVERSAL deluxe electric stove. Easy 3 speed mangle, perfect condition. jPhone AD2-5835 after 6 p.m.

F R E E Z E R , maple table, 3 chairs, "2 rugs, 9x12, 2 ma­hogany chairs with cushions, Hide-A-Bed, glass front book­case, reasonable. 688-2916 eve­nings.

9 WOODEN storm windows, .and 8 half screens. All 30" wide. 134 Bishop street;—

F L A T press electric Ironer, Lane mahogany cedar chest, drapes, 1 kitchen wood wall cabinet. 193 Green street, cor­ner Myrtle Avenue.

USED Hot Point clothes wash­er $40. Sackets Harbor 646-2065.

W A L N U T gate-leg table, cen er— drawr—excellent-condition,-

Antinue. Phone 782-4323.

V ISAMATIC wringer washer. Like new.. Rinse tubs and

. clothes bars. Also molders tools, knick-knack shelf. Mid-

_dle_gate__S£ metal fence. 2 c i g a r e t rolling machines. 6346 Weaver Road.

824 MORRISON, one sewing machine, chairs, 100' of % rope, hundreds of other Items.

BEDS, chairs dishes, antiques, T.V.'s, Tantem bicycle, cof­fee mill, miscellaneous, 1 mile from Carthage, Rt. 3. Open 1-5. Sign, appointments. 493-3555.

L A M P SHADES, all sizes and shapes In stock. Lamps and s h a d e s made to order. Sylv ias Gifts, 71 P u b l i c Square.

MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 82 GIBSON model E S 225 guitar, 65W amplifier, 12* Jensen speaker with 4 imputs, vibra­tor and foot switch. Complete outfit like ntw. Call NE9-3924

_or '_NE9-6426.

USED fender bassmsn amp. Excellent c o n d i t i o n . Call Robert Yoyngs. 782-2308.

USED Gretch electric guitar, Chet Atkins Nashville model. Excellent condition. Call Rob­ert Youngs. 782-2308.

A O L E R Music Company re­maining inventory on display at t l n l t « Rent-All , 4H Mi l l street.- 2 Spinet pianos, 1 Lowray organ, 3 Ludwig drum sets, 1 guiiara, 3 amplifiers, 1 banjo at wholesale prices.

RADIO I TELEVISION I) F R E E tube tasting. Coma In for fr«,a catalogue. Every­thing Electronic at catalogue prices. LaFayatta R a d i o Electronics, 30* P a 11 o r y Street. WatartOwn. 788-7840.

WEIL DnlLUHG reo L W. BRISTOL, work guar; antaad. Great Band, N. Y . PR3-572S.

r fATCR P R O B L E M S our spe­ciality. Insured. Carpenter Walt Drilling, Glen Park, Wa­tertown. S U M 0 * O . \ ', V

NEIGHBORHOOD sale, 116, West Brownville.

r u m mage Main St.,

GARAGE: 723 S t a t e 1,000 items. Must bex sold immedi­ately. Any reasonable ^offer.

G IRL 'S clothing: ^Small sizes, radio, toys and miscellan­eous. Garage. 323 Flower Av-enus East.

H E L D OVER! Stuffed chairs! fur neckpiece, large radio, many new things. Much cloth­ing. Through Saturday, 176 East Main street.

F U R N I T U R E , T V , refrigera­tor, dishes, washing machine, s t o v e , clothing, miscellan­eous. Starts Thursday. 529-533 Morrison street.

C H I L D R E N ' S , adults' clothing, furniture, antiques, -v miscel­laneous. Wednesday through Saturday. 659 Cooper, garage.

CLOTHING, .chairs, tables, miscellaneous. Junctions Rt. 11 and 37, .Theresa Road, sign. Thursday and Friday.

R U M M A G E, knick-knacks, men and women's clothing, canning jars. In garage. 663 Burchard -Street.

NE IGHBORHOOD r u m m a g e sale. New- English bike, fam­ily clothing, miscellaneous. New items daily. "522, Mo­hawk. Wednesday.- May 31st till?

16' S H E L L Lake with 5 h.p. Sea King motor, $95. Bron-

"son t Sackets_Ha.rbpr. 646^350?^

14* THOMPSON boat, fully equipped motor, trailer. Ex­cellent condition. 9x11 station wagon tent, used once. NE9-3653.

SAILF ISH and Sunfish by Al-cort. These are class' boats In stock* at Schermerhorji Boat Sales, Hammond, N. Y .

19* THOMPSON outboard 90 h.p. Johnson Motor. Belleville 4-2751.

ANTIQUES 122 ANTIQUES a n d miscellane­

ous. Buy, sell and trade. 6359 Weaver Road. (off upper State) 782-2969.

C H E R R Y T A B L E , drop leaf. Good condition. Phone 493-0726. Great Bend, N. Y.

CASH B U Y E R , glass, lamps, c h a i r s , paintings, estates. Phone 782-9862.

BOTTLES, ' pewter, hanging lamps, farm bell, Jefferson county history, glassware, and books: Durwood Lashaw. E-l m Ridge Road, Evans-Mil ls. .

A N T I Q U E S b o u g h t . Phone Marjorie L a L o n d e. Three Mile Bay. Midway 9-2493.

A N T I Q U E S bought and soldi Florence Esford 505 Church street. Glen Park. 788-4414.

B U Y I N G old dishes, coins, copper, frames, lamps, toys. Call Alice Ward. 788-4450.

N E W Antique- Shop open. 16 North Main Street, Adams Glassware, lamps, etc. .

MOTORCYCLES FOR SALE 125 1965- F R E N C H automatic Mo-

bilette. First $75. 1617 Colum­bia street.

1966 HONDA 305 Scrambler. Like new. Priced to sell. 1966 Bultaco Mecurio 175 road bike $345. 1967 Sherpa S 125 Scrambler. Brierton A u t o Sales, Black River.

1966 HONDA Super 90, 900 miles. Excellent condition. Windshield, saddle bags. 782-6893. After 5."

1965 HONDA 90. Exceptional condition. Low mileage. Must sell. Phone 788-2426...

1966 HONDA 160 c.c. electric start, generator and . wind­shield, also 1965 Honda 50 c.c. Town Motor Sales, 311 State St. Phone 788-7400.

4954_HARLEY_J5AvJdson_modeL 74. New engine,* new chains and. sprockets. A - l shape. Call 482-2417.

BULTACO and Hodaka. "The best for road; track, or trail riding." See the new Bultaco Mecurro ffli c x i road" ma" chine. Only $580. Brierton Auto Seles, Black River.

1,966 BOLTACO Campers, 175 c.c. Road or track machine. 214 Colorado Avenue.

1966 HONDA S-90. Excellent c o n d i lion. Reasonable. 782-2628 after 5:00. •

BRICQESTONE- Super 90. ex­cellent condition 180 miles. Sacrifice. Phona 788-8548 or 788-1246.

H A R L E Y DAVIDSON: 900 c.c. Completely rebuilt. 788-6253..

L I K E instant FS-1 service for motorcycle i n s u r a n c e . Adams MacKean- Inc., .116 Sterling street. Ask for Mrs. Campbell 788-7411.

T R I U M P H leadership, backed by a tradition tof British craftmanship. Sea' the fabu­lous lightweight cubs, the Daylona Super Sports 500cc and 650cc road cycles, plus complete accessories. CAI Sport Shop. Brasie Corners. Watch for open house* date.

ROADS are wide, trails are long. Get on the Yamaha and swing alorig. White's Lawn Supply, Bradley Stieet Road:

ROATS 126 M A R A T H O N weekend special! Coma on down and watch these Mercury's run. 90S of these Marathoners use them and "we have a full Una of beautiful Glastrona lust wait­ing to prove to you that noth­ing ride* Ilka Glastron and nothing runs Ilka Mercury. Have you heard about Check­mate boat*?? Ouachita alum­inum aaml-V'a eanoea and prams, soma used riggs.

'Shfpma'te custom boat trai l* er* . All at O'Brien's -Boat*. Alexandria . Bay, "Where you try before you buy." Oban 7 day*.

W THOMPSON boat \wl th.45 h.p. Johrfaoft^ motor, electric

. a t a r i $350. M I M 6 3 3 . f

FOR SALE; 22' Chris Craft cruiser. ' Inboard. 95 h.p., sleeps 4, stove, toilet, radio, depth finder. Write A-54 Wa­tertown Times. *• .

28'„JHUTCHINSON built family ^bpat. 85 h.p, Kermith motor. 1st class condition. 686-5967 Clayton.

24" CHRIS CRAFT: Head, bait well. 215 Interceptor motor. Sleeps 2, good shape, depth finder. Call after 5 p.m. 788-5253. 788-8518.

1963 15 HORSE outboard, long shaft fine condition — reason­able — cash. MI9-5107.

SALE: Boat hoist in A - l shape. Lawrence D o c t e u r, Cape Vincent.

1967 25* Owens Skiff, 6 sleeper. Harbor, Marina, Henderson Harbor,' N. Y .

INBOARDS, outboards. There • is no comparison after you

have tried Cobia. Schermer-horn Boat Sales, Hammond, N. Y .

1961, 34' Clayton skiff, fly bridge, S p o r t Fisherman, twin 220 Grey V8's. Harbor Marina, Henderson Harbor, N. Y .

FOR SATE, 27' Qwens. - 1962 Express cruiser. Sleeps A, 185 "h.p. Many extras, fully equipped. 482-2825. " Redwood.

CHRIS CRAFT~1956 25' open Sea Skiff. Fisherman's de­light, 130 h.p.' ejigine, ship shore, compass, depth finder, head, other extrast Excellent condition. $2,700. NE9-2448.

P U R E B R E D cocker puppies, reasonable, Gilbert Eggleston. Phone 2871917 Theresa.

A.K.C. COLLIES, 7 week old puppies $35. no papers. 8 months old male. $35." no pa-

fers. Full grown show male 100 papers. Also female

shepard $35. papers. A D 3-4775.

R E G I S T E R E D English setter puppies. Excellent . for hunt­ing or pets. 788-1904.

A.K.C. Poodles. 2 black males, 10 weeks. NE9-2289. Walter Mayne, Evans Road, Dexter.

A.K.C. registered small minia­ture black female poodle puppy. 788-6433.

WOOD LOTS 147 FOR SALE: 28s acre wood lot. plenty of hard wood pulp. State land. 3 sides, good hunt­ing, small camp. T u g - Hill , near Route 177. Harold R. Snyder, Lowville, N.Y." Rt. 3 13367. Phone 376-6158 after 7:30 p.m.


soil. 5727.

taking orders for top -Reasonable. Call- PR3-

TOP quality. Compact whan folded, spacious when opan. Extra.easy on your car (and pocketbook). This ls'<Camel for '67 $369 up. Immediate*" delivery. Balcom's T r a v e l Trailers, Centerville Road*^ Pulaski. Phone 298-2248. '->

F U L L U n a of Winnebago truck KAPS and - Champion. pickup campers. Thompson Campers, Lowville. 3J6-3610.

v U S E D •/ Large Selection 8'10'12'WIDE

Reconditioned —• Guaranteed

" Davis- Honies Outer Washington St.

At Sign of Bouncing Red Balloons

S M A L L down payment. 1963 Liberty 10'x60V 3 bedrooms with or without large lot.v782« 5203.

1966 S K Y L I N E 12'x55' fur* nished, 3 bedroom $4,500. Phone 782-2169.

G O S I E R ' S . M O B I L E HOMES now showing beautiful Prin­cess Homes. Many sizes. Op« poslte Watertown A I r p o rt, NE9-6648. . •

PORTER'S M A R I N E . Fan trailers, supplies, service. 248 West Main streat, Gou-verneur. Open 9-9.

POTATOES FOR SALE Ul GOOD quality cooking and

eating. $1.50 (50 lbs.) pick-outs. Also, seed potatoes; certified in 1966. 50 lbs. $1.50. Tony Grieco. Adams 2-2491.

HAY FOR SALE 163 GOOD quality alfalfa and tim­

othy hay, 50c large bale. Homer H o b b s, Watertown, Champion Road. SU2-2627.

FOR SALE: 15' Fiberglass, motor and trailer. Hum­phrey's, Mud Creek."

15' F IBERGLASS. '64 Mercury 65 motor, Michigan trailer. Complete. J o h n Noftsier, .11308 Madison St., Carthage, N. Y.

F IBERGLASS, 16 Ft. Larson fullI top;and 43.7 horse power outboard. Perfect condition. 788-2025. 842 Leray street,

C R E S T L I N E , 16' 40 h.p. Evin-rude. Complete with trailer $1,295. Schermerhorn B o a :t Sales, Hammond, N. Y .

SAILFISH - SUNFISH. "The perfe'et family sail boat." Ready now for fun afloat. Jones Sport Shop, 75 Public Square.

CLOSEOUT paint. 50%

on off.

Woolsey boat Call 788-7653.

30 FT . Chris-Craft twin screw* sedan cruiser; engines re­cently "overhauled. Must sell on account of sickness. Can be seen at Mance Marina, Alexandria Bay, New York. James W. Bennison, : Frank­fort, New York. Phone 894-2206 or 894-8661. or consult with Ernest Mance, Mance Marina, Alexandria Bay.

L I V E a little on the water with a new Star Craft boat and Evinrude motor from H. Chalk and Son. Fishers Land­ing, N.• Y . NT6-5622.

SEEDS, PLANTS, FLOWERS ,169 FLOWERS. Geraniums, petu­nias, single and double and other flower plants, cabbage, tomatoes, peppers, Spanish onion plants . and so forth. Sam Mitchell's Green Houses. E d d y street. Intersection Boon street and Breen ave­nue.

B E D D I N G annuals. The best_ your money can buy. Hybrid tomato- and -pepper plants, sweet onions. Sugar Maple Nursery, Perch Lake Road.

FOR SALE: Tomato plants .50c dozen, 5 different kinds. 124 Duffy street.. .

T O M A T O , cabbage, cauliflow­er, plants, rhubarb 15c per bunch. "130 Palmer. Phone 782-6211. -

M I L L I O N S of people, are en­joying mobile home living,-

' why don't you! Star* Is lead­ing in the moderate price field. For sale at Stone's Mo­bile Homes, Watertown.

HAWK M O B I L E HOMES June '67 Is a ^banner month! at Ha'wR, 10'. and 12" widths, 2, 3 and 4 bedrooms at low­est prices ever offered "to the retail purchaser. Terms to fit your budget. Act nowl Save at Hawk Sales Company, Inc.

-256 , Main street, • Massena, - N . Y. Open evenings f 'onday through Friday until 9:00.

-Saturday until 6:00.

V IS IT "The Garden Shop" on Route 3 between Sackets Har­bor and's Beach State park Jor all your plant box and garden plant needs. Opening June 1st 8 a. m. ,9 p.m. daily. . -

ROSE T R E L L I S , picket fenc-ing, picnic fables, bird houses and feeders,' arid many other items of wood for the lawn anH garden. Open, evenings and" Sundays. Williams Boat Works, Adams Center.

TREE SERVICE 175 T R E E stump removal. R. J . VanDeusen. Route 1, Potsdam 265-4690. Free estimates.

TOURING 182 F A M I L Y desires other family with camper or trailer to ac­company on trip. New Bruns­wick, Nova Scotia July or August. Contact Merri l l Lan-ham. 788-5088.

MCCULLOCH a n d Chrysler outboard motors, Qlassmas-ter and Duratech b o a t s . Michigan Lo-Loader and ship-ma.te trailers. Esposito Out­board Shop, 540 Stone.

D E M O N S T R A T I O N S now available on the following boats: 19' Johnson Surfer, o.m.c. 200 h.p., I.O., 19' Hy-drodyne o.m.c. 120- h.p., I.O., 19' Hydrodyne, Volvo 110 h.p., I.O., 17' H y d r o d y n e Volvo. 110 h.p.. I.O., 16' Hy­drodyne "competitor" w'th

~40 , n.p."Johnson outboard.-15' Cherokee with 40 h.p. John­son outboard. Van's Motor Marine, Alexandria Bay, N.Y. Open 7 days a week including legal holidays.

12* Wl 17*- CRESTLINERi—RbeVglass-MFake outboard with 90 h.p. son. Clayton Marina.


BUT BOATS can be expen­sive, especially If uninsured. Would "you believe "All-Risk" coverage at $25 per $1,000.00. Insurance by. Failing and M C E v o y. 520 Woolworth Building. Phone 782-3900

"BEST terms' (open May,

boats, ' at Ne

week June).

best SCO,


buys. best Souvernc^jr

evenings -

FOR SALE, 1959 20' Su-Maeh fiberglass. 196* 75' h.p. Evuv rudee motor. -Sleeps 2, head, galley, full canvas. Complete, ready .to go. S. Gerald Inger-ton. Clayton 686-3697."

A U T H O R l i w > _ - o r e V l e r for Thundarbird a n d Formula boats. Dritt-R-Cruz h o u s e boats and Universal ""Marine engines. From 30 to 300 ff.p. Several good used boats and used marine engines. Rogers Texaco Marine, Alexandria Bay.

SUN LINER*. Cruiser • House* boats. Now" for the first time In New York state both th« 42' and 32' twin engine mo­del* are available for Inspec­tion and demonstration. The luxury, living space, perform­ance, end'quietness of the** boats are unbelievable.' The old rule of thumb "$1000 par foot" I* gone forever. We chopped this In half and than cut tha price tt l l l mora. No appointment .naceterry. Open 7 day* a week. Sales-charters. Van ' * Motor Marina, Alex­andria Bay, N. Y . 815-482-2271.

PORTER'S M A R I N E M . F . G , boats, Grumman canoes, 248 West M a i n street, Gouvar-naur. Open 9-9.

HOW to b* a Want A d axpertl Placa your "Want Ad in tha Watartown Tlmea,' the me­dium of best "tatuttft day after day. v-Let classified ad­vertising work for you. Call 782-1000 and ask for i n Ad .Taken • • v

AUTO SERVICE 188 WESTON'S Shoppers City of­

ficial N Y. State Auto In­spection Station Auto Service Center, Arsenal Street and Rte. 81, Watertown.



193 C H E V Y

gauges, feen St.

engine, parts.

S A W 468 Cof-


G osier s Mobile Homes

Opposite Watertown • Airport Our Fine Selection .

Stop and See ic~x Low Prices"--- " ~

x Excellent Service Phone NE 9-6648

D E . Three bedroom. over - payments. Plenty

of room and closets. 788:5S25.

USED 3 bedroom 10' wide mo­bile homes, Lake Trailer Sales, Calcium.




55$ State St. Watartown, N. Y .

A I R S T R E A M Trai ler, 22' self contained, many e x t r a s $2,495. 4V4 miles west of 81 on Route 3 at John Rose's.

13W NORRIS Ca"mping trail-er, sleep* 6. Like ntw. 214 Colorado Avenue.

WANT E D u s e d traiiers*10'~and" 12' wide only._jCalll_384-425l.

1964 fiLCONA, * EaTly ArnerT can design, can be Seen by appointment.- 2 . bedroom*. 788-2423 or 782-3096."

10*x54' 3 bedroom trailer, fur­nished or unfurnished. Call after-6. 782-2909", NE9-2495.

M U S t ta l l , 2 bedroom, 1964 Deluxe Buddy, 12x60'. Ready to move in, step* Included. Conifer Court, Black River. 773-5008.

N I M R O D C a m p i n g trai ler* displayed a t . your authorized dealer,. State Street Body Works, 420 State St,

ROOM «*xl6' for mobile home. Suitable for living room or

'bedroom. 782-4352.


Y O U ' L L have luxury with a small Investment In a mobile home from Morrison'*. \ 2 3 0 Factory street. Free barking. Open till 9.


USED 10'x55' Starlet, excellent, condition, many extras. Small down payment. Take over payments, 788-8573.

COME S E E and compare the newest in camper trailers. Starcraft at J . C. Camper Trailers, 400 F a c t o r y St. Open evenings and Satur­days.

L A R G E assortment of new and used mobile homes. Open for inspection anytime at Lake's Trai ler Sales Calcium.

CAMPERS B A R G A I N , tl' alu­minum trailer, 'awning and add-on included. $695. In­quire 331 West Hoard after 6 p.m.

12x60 3 BEDROOMS IV* baths, $4900. Reduced $800 from pre­vious ad. 3 years old. Origi-nally $7300. 788-5525.

B E A U T I F U L selection of fine used homes. Reconditioned and guaranteed. D w i s Mobile Homes. Outer Washington St. At sign of bouncing Red Balloons.

N E W MOON and Travalo built for the north, many sizes.and floor plans. Also Yellowstone

• vacation trailers, all sizes. Trai ler park for our custom* ers, and trailer supplies, also bottled gas . , Low down' pay­ment. Free setup. Also traffv er - moving 30 j / ea r * expert* ence. Lennbx Trailer Sales, Inc., 555 State, Watertown. SU2-1460.

WE DISCOUNT Travel Trai l -ers and campers, s h o p around, then try us, save hundreds on the very best. Gillispie, A r s e n a l street bridge.- Watertown 782-8888, open day and night.

S L E E P eight in Starcraft Camper. Nesco, Gouve/neur, (open weekday evenings May, June).

C O M P L E T E housing available up to 1440 sq. ft., living space at Summit Homes, o u t e r Washington. Open evenings.

W H E E L campers, hardtop, 13* Scotty.. Davron trailers, Del Ray truck campers. Pick up cabs- Will accept trad* >n% and rentals oni camping trai l ­ers. Larry's Used Cars, 441 E. Main. Gouverneur. 287-2220.

TRUCKS AND BUSES 198 I960 C H E V R O L E T . Fleetslde

half ton • truck, good condi* tlon. 629-4849.

T H E 1967 Dodge is rugged; powerful and good looking, Fulkerson Motors, Adams.

1959 • International 16 f o o t Metro van, good tires, motor less than 30,000 miles. Must be sold. Call 788-4100, 9 a.m.

~tttl 9 p.m. r ~

1962 FORD F-100 pickup, 4 new tires, good condition, $750.00 cash. Paul W. Falllrfg Rt. HI ChaUmont, N. Y . MI9-5280.

NAT IONAL trailer c o n v o y , movers of mobile homes (lo­cal or long . distance). In­sured. Certified carriers. Call Ogdensburg. 393-2504; Albany' 869-8129 collect.

1960 FORD truck. H ton. Good condition. 629-4833 E v a n a Mills.

1965 FORD Econollne. panel, heavy duty model; 1961 Chev­rolet H ton pickup; 1961 Willys 1 ton pickup with snow plow; 1960 Ford V4 ton p i c k u p , wtth electrician or plumbing box only $595. Com­plete. Trade and bank terms. Ryan'* Used Car*, 241- Cof-feen.

O IL TRUCK, 1956 Internation­al 900 gallon, good condition, fully equipped, reasonably priced. Star Lake. 848-3343.

1*963 VOLKSWAGEN transport"* 37.000 mile*. Only $250.00. Can be used for. camper. Call 782-0947.


age condition only. Ellison Auto Sales, $12. State. Water-town.


ONE f9«$ Chevy Supersport^ two 1964 Oldsmobl!**, A door; 1964 Buick 4 door; two 1953 Chevy Wagon*; 2 1962 Pen' tiac, 4 doors. Our usual top quality, Goslln Chrysler Pjy. mouth, Adam*.

1963 C T B I L L A C , Modtl «2, 36.000 mile*, all power. Excel• , , * .1 t , , c ,?n d i , , i o n ' . A»klng I1 .M5. 78fr7232 after 5. • •. •-

mi MUSTANG. Economic I cylinder ttandard. light tan. Clean. New mounted snow tire*. $1750. 646-2?g3>

•1M7 DODGE convertible, top Ilka new. Body good condition, V-8, naada little work. Best of. fer accepted. 773:SOt7. . -

1945 FORD 2 door sedan, V8 , good running order. 7M-S2tft.

I960 C H E V R O L E T Blteeyne. One owner, good running con. dltion. • Phone PR3-5M7 • f ta f 6. ' *,': ' V

• » • »WCK Invlcte, 4 doot hardtop, full power, gold

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Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069

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