

Official Newsletter of Oklahoma Home and Community Education


Hello OHCE members!

What an interesting Spring we are having. It has been cold in my area, and still warming up in

front of the fireplace. However, the District Meetings welcomed everyone with such warm

greetings from the District Representatives and all the Hostesses. Each District meeting was

outstanding. Thank you to all who had a part in their District’s meeting. I was able to attend a

few of the workshops and enjoyed each one.

The reports at each meeting of what was done in your counties and the new members that

have joined OHCE (close to 400) is just phenomenal. I am so proud to be a part of an organi-

zation that lends a helping hand to those in need, our youth who will be going on for further

education, our veterans, our population in general. You are the greatest.

I am looking forward to seeing many of you at the State meeting in July. A new president will be installed at that

time. I will miss this experience but will delight in moving on to Chair the Nominating Committee for the next two

years. I plan to hear from many of you during this time as you consider serving as a member on the State Board.

What a joy it has been to serve as your State President and to get to know so many of you.

Continue your passion for OHCE. It is a wonderful organization that I am so proud to be a part of.

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to serve.

Debbie Mote, President

OHCE State Board

Dear OHCE members:

What a wonderful set of district meetings you’ve had this year. I learned a lot and came out of

each meeting filled with your enthusiasm and dedication to making a positive change for all

Oklahomans. I thank the district representatives, advisors, and the state board members for

exhibiting great leadership. As I mentioned during my remarks, I encourage your groups to re-

port your volunteer work. With just a 3rd of all groups reporting, we were able to see how much

you mean to the communities and the state. You change lives by helping our youth and adults

learn new things, and engage in projects that make a difference. For the first time, we were

able at OSU to send to our US Congress delegation a summary of your accomplishments along

those of the Family & Consumer Sciences Extension programs we deliver. Keep up the good

work!. Finally, I invite you to come to the OHCE Annual State Meeting in Oklahoma City, July 8-10, 2018. For more

information visit your website at

See you there!

Dr. Jorge H. Atiles, Associate Dean, Extension & Engagement

OKLAHOMA STATE UNIVERSITY | College of Human Sciences

“Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean.” —Ryunosuke Satoro

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Southeast District Meeting News

A great time was had at the 2018 SE District

Meeting at the Ardmore Convention Center in

Ardmore, Oklahoma. It truly was, “Hats Off to

OHCE” and the hosting members of Carter,

Bryan, Johnston, Love and Marshall Counties for putting together

a great program and wonderful array of workshops.

Starting on Monday evening the members were offered the oppor-

tunity to take a trolley ride and visit the Greater Southwest Histori-

cal Museum. This is a wonderful museum to take in the history

and culture of south-central Oklahoma. If you haven't been, it will

make an educational and fun outing for your local or county club.

Tuesday morning was off to a great start with 241 members regis-

tered and 30 guest/presenters. There were 24 workshops to

choose from this year. How to Make OHCE Bloom had great ideas

to implement for growing your membership. Making Natural Probi-

otics-Beginning Fermenting was very informative. There were

many members walking around with eggs from, Faberge' Eggs-Lets

Recycle. And our State Project, Know Your Lemons and Comfort


Our lunch entertainment was Susan Pfau Yeager with Dr. Danise

Gallaway, her accompanist. Susan was wonderfully entertaining

with story and song.

The silent auction included raffle items this year along with gift

baskets. The two big raffle items were a quilt and a free 2-night

cabin near Beavers Bend.

I have had a fun time serving as your SE District Representative, it

has been a pleasure to travel your beautiful state and meet so

many wonderful Oklahoman, thank you. With pleasure I welcome

Pat Chapman as our new SE District Representative. I look forward

to seeing you all next year in Wonderland.

Christine Hammond, SE District Representative

Northeast District Meeting News

The 2018 Northeast District Meeting was

held on April 3 in Tulsa, Oklahoma at the

beautiful Asbury United Methodist Church.

Our theme was "There's No Place Like

HOME ". Special thanks to the OHCE members of Osage, Tulsa

and Washington Counties and their educators, Donna Robbins,

Michelle Bonicelli and Gale Mills for their hard work and commit-

ment toward making this meeting such a success. OHCE members

from Adair, Cherokee and Sequoyah Counties were in charge the

Silent Auction. They will host the 2019 NE District Meeting.

After the registration of the 370 attendees, 27 presenters and 12

OSU representatives, the general session began. A special tribute,

"Ragged Old Flag" narrated by Johnny Cash, was presented. The

Union Public School Air Force Junior ROTC did the presentation of

colors. Kenny Smith, Tulsa Convention Bureau welcomed the

group to Tulsa and Dr. Jorge Atiles brought greetings from OSU.

We were pleased to introduce Dr. Damona Doye, the new Associ-

ate Vice President and Director of Oklahoma Cooperative Exten-

sion Service. OHCE State President Debbie Mote began the busi-

ness meeting introducing members of the OHCE State Board in

attendance and sharing the accomplishments of OHCE. Mildred

Taylor was elected Northeast District OHCE Representative. Kay

County, Logan County and Noble County will be joining the NE Dis-


Following the business meeting, three workshop sessions were

held. Twenty-seven different workshops were available for mem-

bers and guests to attend. There were workshops for various offic-

ers and presenters speaking on family mental health and opioids,

monarch butterflies, laughter yoga, chicken scratch embroidery,

foot issues, wool spinning, handmade natural bath and skin prod-

ucts, aroma therapy, cooking beef, quilting, scrapbook boxes, Okla-

homa products and protecting what is important.

Lunch was catered by M&M Catering. The Keynote Speaker was

Lori Randall who gave a talk on Laughter Bash. She, also, did a

workshop on "Which Shoe Are You". OHCE Awards and Reports

Chairman Sandy Pogue announced the NE District Young Member

of the Year was Heather Eden from Cherokee County, NE Rookie

Member of the Year was Lola Reynolds from Ottawa County, NE

District Member of the Year was Kathy Erwin and NE District Heart

of OHCE was Sue Rendel from Ottawa County .

Door prizes and $100 were presented at the meeting came to an

end. A special thanks to Brenda Miller Northeast District Advisor

for her guidance and support. The NE District OHCE thanks AARP

for sponsoring the Northeast District Meeting.

Thank you for allowing me to be your NE District Representative.

You are the BEST!!!

Dee Porter, NE District Representative

Northwest District Meeting News

The 2018 NW District Meeting began bright and

early March 16th at Langston University in the John

Montgomery Event Center. Before entering the main

meeting room attendees were welcomed by snacks

provided by Langston University culinary department, a country

store where many spent a little money and the silent auction items.

A total of 150 members and 20 speakers and guests spent the day

at Langston.

The opening meeting began at 9 am with the Guthrie High School

JROTC doing a great job with the Presentation of Colors and Jessie

Showalter, an OSU student and Guthrie 4-H alumni, doing an

amazing job singing the National Anthem.

Dr. Dorothy Wilson, head of Langston University Extension and

Outreach and Dr Wesley Whittaker, Langston University Dean of

Agriculture and Applied Sciences were on hand to welcome us to

Langston University. Dr Atiles, State OHCE advisor and Assistant

Dean of Extension from OSU gave greetings from OSU.

District OHCE awards were presented by Patsy Thibodeau and Deb-

bie Mote OHCE State President. Awards presented were Young

Member to Kari Weiand of Seiling Community Homemakers OHCE

in Dewey County, Rookie of the year to Marcina Overman from

Kildare OHCE in Kay County, Heart of OHCE to Florence Alkire from

Home Betterment OHCE in Dewey County, and OHCE member of

the year to Marilyn Gibson from Prairie Rose OHCE in Woodward


State President of OHCE Debbie Mote called the business meeting

to order by introducing board members and committee members

from NW District and giving the Presidents message to the District.

The election of our NW District Representative followed with San-


District OHCE Award Winners

Young Member: NE – Heather Eden, Cherokee County; NW – Kari

Weiand, Dewey County; SE – KaraLee Bundy, McCurtain County;

SW – Melissa Spurlock, McClain County .

Rookie Member: NE – Lola Reynolds, Ottawa County; NW –

Marcina Overman, Kay County; SE – Margie Pratt, McCurtain Coun-

ty; SW – Peggy Eiss, Grady County

Heart of OHCE: NE – Sue Rendel, Ottawa County; NW – Florence

Alkire, Dewey County; SE – Jacque Compton, McCurtain County;

SW – Martha Aughe, Cleveland County

Member of the Year: NE – Kathy Erwin, Tulsa County; NW – Mari-

lyn Gibson, Woodward County; SE -Mary Roberts, Pottawatomie

County; SW – Carol Doner, Cleveland County

These membership award winners will be honored at the State

OHCE Meeting on Monday night, July 9th at the “Friendship Ban-

quet”. There will be special seating close to the head table availa-

ble for each nominee. There were 81 membership award applica-

tions for 2017.

By the time you receive this Outreach, the judging will be com-

plete on the project area report books. 113 project report books,

49 photos, and 28 Life Stories were received for 2017. This num-

ber was down again this year. It does not include OHCE Week re-

port books. Those reports are due to me, Sandy Pogue at 297932

East 1730 Road, Duncan, OK 73533 by June 1st. Anything post-

marked after June 1st will not be judged. Remember, these re-

ports are for projects/activities completed for OHCE Week 2018.

We will all enjoy the reading of the top three Life Stories at our

luncheon on Monday, July 9th at the State Meeting. The awards

ceremony will be Tuesday morning at the state meeting to honor

the project report books. There will be special seating by the head

table for the top three winners in each area. Volunteers will be

available to assist you to your reserved seat. Please be at your

seats by 8:30 am.

Again congratulations and good luck! See you at the State Meet-

ing! Sandy Pogue

Awards and Reports Chairman

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A Note from Membership Committee Chair

I hope to see you at the State Meeting in July. I will have a First

Time Attendee's Workshop at the State Meeting. I would like to

encourage everyone to attend. It will be fun, informative, and you

will make new friends. I would like to remind everyone that the

50+ members and Clubs that will be recognized this year is for

those who met their milestone in or before 2017. Those who meet

that milestone in 2018 will be recognized in the July 2019. Let's

grow OHCE one member at a time.

Linda Swindler, Membership Chair

dra Judge from Mooreland being elected to the position.

Following the business meeting was the first of four workshop

sessions, followed by lunch in the Langston University Cafeteria

where we were able to choose from several entrees, offerings

from the salad and dessert bar, and enjoy the college atmosphere

along with the students from the University.

Our three afternoon workshop sessions were varied, interesting

and educational, with a short closing session where we held draw-

ings for 4 $50.00 cash awards.

Our thanks go out to Noble, Kay and Logan Counties for the mak-

ing the 2018 NW District meeting a success. Thanks to Langston

University for providing a wonderful site for our meeting and to the

Culinary Department for great snacks and lunch. Also a big thank

you to the staff and student body of Langston who could not have

been more helpful and courteous.

Looking forward to the State meeting and then NW District in

2019! .

Patsy Thibodeau, NW District Representative

Southwest District Meeting News

“Spring Into Action with OHCE “ The Southwest

District held their district meeting On April 6th

in Pauls Valley at the Trinity Baptist Church.

We had 244 county members and 26 guest in attendance for this


This meeting was hosted by McClain, Garvin and Cleveland coun-

ties and their educators and membership did a wonderful job.

There were 23 different workshops presented and we hope every-

one was able to attend most of the workshops they wanted.

We honored Gloria King, our retiring SW District Advisor. We just

wanted her to know she will be missed. Also we introduced Cindy

Conner, the Western District Advisor to the membership knowing

that there may have been some that has not met Cindy. We are

looking forward to working with her.

I would like to say thank you for allowing me to serve these past

two years as your SW District Rep.

This was the last meeting for our host counties as they are being

moved to the SE District. We wish them the very best in this new


Looking forward to seeing everyone at the State Meeting in July!

Debra E. Stevenson, SW District Rep.

Silent Auction Plans Again this year, the Public Relations and Recruitment Committee

is planning on another successful Silent Auction with the help of

donors, bidders, and volunteers during the OHCE State Meeting on

Monday, July 9th! Ambassadors and supporters are encouraged to

share in the excitement. We know that everyone looks forward to

browsing and some competitive bidding!

Detailed information on the auction as well as forms to pre-

register your auction items are available in this newsletter. The

forms and information will also be emailed to county educators

through District FCS Program Specialists.

Consider Ambassadors in 2018! Please consider this reminder that it is the time of year to show

your support! As Ambassadors, we need to continue to support

Extension Family & Consumer Sciences programs for both youth

and adults through any size of donation, starting at only $10.00!

Visit under “Quick Links” click on CE-

FCS Ambassador/Fitch Fellowship Donation and Pledge Form. You

can print off the pledge form and send in your donation to Ambas-

sadors Fund, 135 HES, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK

74078-6111. We hope to receive your membership soon! Your

friends, family, Extension Supporters, OSU Alumni and any other

interested persons are also welcome and encouraged to support

and be a part of this organization.

Thank you to those that presented Ambassadors promotional in-

formation at district OHCE meetings as well as continued support

of the Silent Auction to be held during the OHCE State Meeting.

Dana Baldwin

Public Relations and Recruitment Chair

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Membership Chair: Dee Porter, Payne County, NE

Note: As per our policy book and handbook, nominations from the

floor are acceptable if the qualification forms are completed and

submitted to the Nominating Committee. (That would include all

requirements including letter from Educator, picture, County Presi-

dent's signature, etc.)

I would like to thank the Nominating Committee members, for

their help in composing the list of nominees and the list of recom-

mendations for appointments. Their help and suggestions were


Shirley Burns, Nominating Committee Chair


The following will be installed as new Officers at the 2018 State


President--Leslye Owen from Pottawatomie County

in the Southeast District is a 16 year member of

OHCE and has served as Leadership Development

Chairman as well as other positions at the State

OHCE level. She has served as President of her

local group and her county. She has also served as

her county treasurer and leadership development

chairman. Additionally, she has served her local

group as secretary, Vice-President and Family Issues Chairman.

Treasurer-Karen Pospisil from Cleveland County in

the Southwest District is a 7 year member of

OHCE. She has served her local group as Secre-

tary and as Treasurer. Her Cleveland County OHCE

positions include Treasurer, Hospital Committee

member, Cultural Enrichment Committee member,

Quilt Show Committee member. At the State OHCE

level, she has served as a member of the Resource

Management Committee. She also is a former PTA

Treasurer and President, a home room mother and Carnival Chair-

man. She serves as OHCE class instructor.


NE—Mildred Taylor, Sequoyah County

SE---Pat Chapman, McCurtain County

SW—Pam Booker, Jackson County,

NW—Sandra Judge, Woodward County

The Nominating Committee has communicated and chosen the

following OHCE members to be nominated for State Board Posi-


Secretary—Pamela Vaughn from Comanche County

has been a member of OHCE for 39 years during

which time she has held various offices on the State

Board, most recently as President from 2012-2014,

Nominating Chair from 2014—2016 and Parliamen-

tarian from 2016-2018.

Leadership Development Chair—Marie Jones, Ok-

mulgee County, NE. Marie has been a member of

OHCE since 2003 and has served on the State

Board in various positions.

Appointed positions that are recommended by the Nominating

Committee include:

Parliamentarian—Angela Hudson, Pottowatomie County, SE

Historian—Shem Hamil, Cleveland County, SE

Chaplain—Marion Stout, Woodward County, NW

Editor—Carol Doner, Cleveland County, SE

Promotional Sales—Phyllis Tunender, Cleveland County, SE

Appointed Program Area Committee Chairs:

Arrangements Chair: Mary Bacon, Rogers County, NE

By-Laws Chair: Javonna Earsom , Murray County, SE

Nominating Chair: Debbie Mote, Noble County, NE

Healthy Living Chair: Robbie Sloan, Haskell County, SE

Cultural Enrichment Chair: Linda Swindler, Woodward County, NW

Leadership Development Committee

The 2018 District Meetings workshop went well and we are now

excited for our State Meeting workshops presented by Dr. Michael


"What to do If..." Helpful Tips to Conflict Resolution

"Managing Change Through Effective, Positive Leadership Skills"

Each of these workshops is a State Leader Lesson

Marie Jones Leadership Development Chair

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Program Area Committee News

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Cultural Enrichment News

Cultural Enrichment will be having a workshop at the State Meet-

ing, entitled “Take the Party Outside!, presented by Stacy Thomas,

David Davis and Steve Ruby

Resource Management News

We want to say a HEARTY THANKS to Cindy Clampett, OSU Re-

search Management Specialist, for the excellent presentation she

made on "Different Types of Insurance" available to her listeners.

We will see you all at the State Meeting when Cindy leads a work-


Viola Allen, Resource Management Chairman.

State Historian News

Saving Memories by Digitizing Old Photos was a great success at

all the 2018 District Meetings. I was so happy to see everyone so

excited to learn about this topic. I can’t wait for State Meeting. I

will have the same class but with a few updates from questions I

got from members taking the classes at the district meetings. I

hope to see you at the State Meeting in July!

Shem Hamil, State Historian


Helping Hearts Pillow Contest from January 1—March 1 re-

sults were:

Northwest Southeast

1st Woodward (222) 1st McCurtain (230)

2nd Beaver (100) 2nd Carter (50)

3rd Noble (50) 3rd Pontotoc (48)

Northeast Southwest

1st Rogers (116 1st Cleveland (772)

2nd Okmulgee (87) 2nd Grady (180)

3rd Tulsa (85) 3rd Caddo (108)

Certificates were given at each District Meeting. Other coun-

ties added to these numbers totaled 2,413 by March 1,

2018. Continue to make pillows for your year end report.

Next deadline is June 1 for results at State Meeting. Please

send total number of Helping Heart Pillows made by county

since January 1 by e-mail to Rhonda DeVor, Woodward

County Educator or text to Mariilyn Gibson (580-254-0644)

or call. Pillow numbers that is turned in in June should be

your cumulative, (i.e. March number plus any additional you

have made).

Thanks to all who have made pillows. Patients really appre-

ciate them. Suggestions of places to donate: Cancer cen-

ters, Hospital surgical department, ER, Outpatient services,

dialysis centers, friends, relatives and someone you know

who has to sit a spell to receive treatment. There are plenty

of places to donate to that wants them.

Thank You,

Marilyn Gibson, State Project Chair

Healthy Living News

Healthy Living will be having a workshop at the State Meeting,

entitled "The Greatest Wealth is Health" presented by Lauren Ama-

ya .

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The cut-off date for OHCE membership dues and member information to be received by the state treasurer is July 1.

The number recorded on that date is your official county members for 2018.

The state treasurer sends the count of paid OHCE members to the state office on July 1 each year and that is the num-

ber of your county paid members for the year.

Each county should use this date as the official cut-off date. The number of members that have paid dues by July 1

should be the number referred to as the official count for 2018 to determine your county membership gains or losses. If you have ques-

tions or need to verify your county number, contact Vina Spickler, State Treasurer, at [email protected].

Welcome to the Embassy Suites Oklahoma City Downtown

Sunday, July 8– Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Hotel Reservations

Telephone Number: 1-405-239-3900 or 1-800-445-8667

Group Name: OHCE

Room Rates: Single $95.00; Double $99.00; Triple $109.00; Quad $119.00

Rate includes complimentary Breakfast Buffet and evening Manager’s Reception

Reservation Deadline: 5:00pm on Tuesday, June 8th, 2018

Driving Directions to 741 N Phillips Avenue


From the South: I-35 North, merge onto I-235 N, Exit 1D for Lincoln Blvd toward Oklahoma Health Center/State Capital,

N Lincoln Blvd to 8th, Right turn on 8th, Embassy Suites is on the right

From the North: I-35 South, merges with I-40 West, Exit 126 toward Oklahoma Health Center/State Capital/Edmond, Merge

onto I-235 N, Exit 1D for Lincoln Blvd toward Oklahoma Health Center/State Capital, N Lincoln Blvd to 8th, Right turn on 8th,

Embassy Suites is on the right

From the West: I-40 East to I-235 N, Exit 1D for Lincoln Blvd toward Oklahoma Health Center/State Capital, N Lincoln Blvd to

8th, Right turn on 8th, Embassy Suites is on the right

From the East: I-40 West, Exit 126 toward Oklahoma Health Center/State Capital/Edmond, Merge onto I-235 N, Exit 1D for

Lincoln Blvd toward Oklahoma Health Center/State Capital, N Lincoln Blvd to 8th, Right turn on 8th, Embassy Suites is on the


From the Northeast: I-44 West, exit 128A Lincoln Blvd toward State Capital, continue South on Lincoln past the Capital, left

turn on 8th, Embassy Suites is on the right

From the Northwest: I-44 East, exit 128A Lincoln Blvd toward State Capital, continue South on Lincoln past the Capital, left

turn on 8th, Embassy Suites is on the right

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83rd Annual State Conference News July 8, 9 & 10, 2018

“Planting the Seeds of OHCE”

Tend Them with Passion and Creativity

Change Will Bloom

Embassy Suites, Oklahoma City Downtown

Greetings from Kathy Fentress, Vice President for Programs

The plans for this year’s annual meeting are in the final stages, and YOU are invited to join OHCE mem-

bers from all across Oklahoma for this special time together. We will celebrate accomplishments, attend interest-

ing and fun workshops, and reconnect with friends.

All conference activities will take place at the Embassy Suites, Downtown, Oklahoma City where we have

met for the last two years. Hotel room rates have not increased. And, conference registration has been held at

$115.00 which includes Monday and Tuesday lunch and the Friendship Banquet on Monday evening.

On Sunday afternoon, the fun begins at 3:30 p.m.! Beautiful green and sparkly gold beads, pearls, and

special OHCE charms will be made into fabulous bracelets! President Elect, Leslye Owen, and her helpers will

teach a limit of 100 participants how to make this beautiful bracelet. Ten dollars reserves your place with confer-

ence registration. You will not want to miss out on this one!!

Monday morning enjoy a complimentary made-to-order breakfast and buffet. Then begin the conference

at 8:00 a.m. with the First-Timers session and the Voting Delegate Orientation. Voting delegates please be in your

assigned county seat up front by 8:55 a.m. The Business meeting begins promptly at 9:00 a.m.

There will be five learning session opportunities with five workshops each session. Some workshops will

repeat allowing greater flexibility to attend workshops of your choice.

During the Monday lunch, the winning Life Stories will be read! At the Friendship Banquet, the OHCE

Member Awards will be presented followed by the evening entertainment, the 405 Barbershop Quartet. The ban-

quet concludes with Vespers. Next, we welcome incoming President, Leslye Owen, at the President’s Reception.

Tuesday will be our time to celebrate our Outstanding Award and Report Winners beginning at 8:45 a.m.

Sandy Pogue will announce the winners, and our 50+ members and groups will also be recognized. During lunch,

State Project winners will be announced, door prizes will be given, and one lucky winner will go home with a

$100.00 bill!

Registration and Hotel reservations can both be made online at Click on Calendar and

then click on State Meeting and follow prompts. Registration may also be done by mail with a check. Registration

deadline is June 18th. On June 19th the registration fee increases to $140.00.

Make your room reservations now (405-239-3900) as there are a limited number of rooms available. Dis-

counted rates are $95.00 for a single and $99.00 for a double. Be sure to mention that you are with the OHCE

group. Deadline for rooms at discounted rates is June 8th at 5:00 p.m.

Register. Reserve your room. Get ready for a great time together!

See you in July!

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OHCE 2018 State Conference

Embassy Suites and Conference Center Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Tentative Schedule of Events Sunday, July 8, 2108

Hotel Shuttle available to Bricktown or Oklahoma City Memorial – contact front desk for information

1:30pm-3:00pm State Pre-Conference Board Meeting Young DE 2:30pm-5:00pm Registration Hall by Everest A 3:30pm-5:00pm Beaded OHCE Charm Bracelet Young DE Dinner on Your Own Monday, July 9, 2018 7:00am-8:00am Silent Auction Items Accepted Great Hall 7:00am-5:30pm Registration Hall by Everest A 7:00am-5:30pm Hostess Desk Hall outside McGee Bdrm Promotional Sales Hall by Young DE 8:00am-8:30am First Timers Welcome and Orientation Everest AB 8:00am-8:30am Voting Delegates Young ABC 8:00am-8:30am Hostess Orientation Young D 8:00am-8:30am LDCE Board Meeting Young E 8:00am-4:45pm Silent Auction Great Hall 9:00am-11:00am Business Meeting Young ABC 11:15am-12:15noon Learning Session I 12:30pm-1:45pm Luncheon Young ABC 2:00pm-3:00pm Learning Session II 3:15pm-4:15pm Learning Session III 4:30pm-4:45pm Last call for Bidding on Auction Items Great Hall 6:00pm-8:30pm Friendship Banquet & Vespers Young ABC After Vespers for 30 min. Release of Auction Items Great Hall At conclusion President’s Reception

Tuesday, July 10, 2018 7:00am-8:15am Past-President’s Breakfast Everest A 7:00am Registration Hall by Everest A 7:00am 2:30pm Hostess Desk Hall outside McGee Brdrm Promotional Sales Hall by Young DE 8:00am State Board Group Photo Lobby

8:00am Outstanding Award Member Photos Lobby 8:00 a.m-8:45 a.m. FCS Educators’ Session Young DE 8:45am-10:45am Reports & Awards Ceremonies Young ABC 11:00am-12:00noon Learning Session IV 12:15pm-1:15pm Luncheon Young ABC 1:30pm-2:30pm Learning Session V 2:45pm-3:45pm Post-Conference State Board Meeting Young DE

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What is the Silent Auction? Glad You Asked!

Each county OHCE group is being asked to bring one gift basket/item for the CE-FCS Ambassadors Silent Auction.

Or, in lieu of a basket/item, the county OHCE can make a donation and bring it that day. A donation basket will be


Please write down the value of the basket/item as well as other requested information on the following form. The

starting bid for baskets/items will be 30% of the value (i.e. $40=$12 [30%]).

Proceeds are donated to the CE-FCS Ambassadors grant program for OHCE and FCS/4-H related projects.

Please complete the printed form below and send to Dana Baldwin by July 2. In addition, also attach a copy of the

form to your item stating the $ value for the item. Baskets/Items will be accepted in the Silent Auction from 7a.m.-

8 a.m. on Monday, July 9.

Schedule for Silent Auction:

Monday, July 9, 2018

7:00 to 8:00 a.m. Items for Silent Auction accepted

8:30 a.m.– 4:45 p.m. Silent Auction bidding At conclusion of Friendship Banquet & Vespers (for 30 minutes) - Silent Auction items released/paid for

Donations are requested for the 2018 Silent Auction at the OHCE State Meeting, Monday, July 9th at the Embassy Suites,

Oklahoma City--a fundraiser supporting grants for OHCE and FCS/4-H projects. If you are unable to attend but would like to

donate, contact your county FCS Extension Educator

Complete the form below to provide information on each donated item. Please PRINT or TYPE. Also, please securely attach a

copy of this form to each item prior to arrival at meeting.

Item for Auction: _________________________________________________________

Value of Basket/Item: $____________________________________________________

Donor’s Name: __________________________________________________________

Donor’s County/OHCE Group: _____________________________________________

Address: _______________________________________________________________


Before Monday, July 2nd: Mail the completed form(s) to: Dana Baldwin, Major County OSU Extension

500 E. Broadway, Courthouse Suite 3

Fairview, OK 73737

Fax- (580) 227-4786

E-mail- [email protected]

This enables bid sheets to be prepared ahead of time for each item.

Again, please securely attach another copy of this same form to your item before dropping it off at the Auction table.

Thank You! Dana Baldwin Major County Extension Educator- FCS/4-H & CED Chair, CE-FCS Ambassador Public Relations Committee Phone- 580-227-3786

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Sunday Workshop 3:30 – 5:00 p.m.

A beautiful beaded OHCE charm bracelet will be made at this workshop. When finished, the beads

wrap around the arm several times so it is adjustable. Register EARLY and include your $10.00 fee with your

registration. That will guarantee you a kit that includes all the beads, the OHCE charm, memory wire, and

small jewelry pliers, and your place in this workshop will be reserved. The workshop is limited to 100 partici-

pants. Save your place NOW. You don’t want to miss this one!

Monday, July 9, 2018 Session I 11:15 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.

“What to Do If…” Conflict Resolution State Leader Lesson – Michael Stout

Trick out Your Financial Toolbox Cindy Clampet

All About Depression Glass Gina Peek

Take the Party Outside! Stacy Thomas & David Davis & Steve Ruby

Cut the Chemicals! Use Essential Oils – Samples To Go Rikel Bundy LIMIT 30

Session II 2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Managing Change through Effective Leadership” State Leader Lesson – Michael Stout

Cut the Chemicals! Use Essential Oils – Samples To Go Rikel Bundy LIMIT 30

Catch the Buzz! Beekeeping 101 Kelsey Ratcliff & Lauren Wren

Cute as a Button – Make & Take Rachel Lockwood & Melody Ennis LIMIT 30

Women’s Health Education: Focus on Women’s Cancers Marilyn Gibson

Session III 3:15 p.m. – 4:15 p.m.

Prepare to Care Kelsey Ratcliff

Cute as a Button – Make & Take Rachel Lockwood & Melody Ennis LIMIT 30

The Greatest Wealth is Health Lauren Amaya

Creative Gifts of Money – Hands-on Activity Arleen James & Liz Gardner-McBee

Keep Your Memories Shem Hamil

Tuesday, July 10, 2018 Session IV 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 noon

Cash in on Quilt Trails Rhonda DeVor & Lynda Latta-Ellis

Swedish Weaving –Hands-on Activity Janetta Mixon LIMIT 30

Year-Round Landscaping Casey Hentges

Quilting with Cake Mixes Shirley Burns

Recycle Crafts Teo Hair

Session V 1:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.

Year-Round Landscaping Casey Hentges

Aging 101 – Keys to Embrace Aging Gracefully Sonya McDaniel

Quilting with Cake Mixes Shirley Burns

Recycle Crafts Teo Hair

Classy Paper Art – Make & Take Marie Jones & Kathy Brison $5 LIMIT 30

Please Note: These are tentative. The final workshop schedule, descriptions, and presenters

will be listed in your OHCE Conference Program.

Please help as a hostess! Check the box “willing to serve as a hostess” on the registration form.

An Orientation for Hostesses will be held at 8:00 a.m. on Monday. We have everything you need to do a great job!

Thanks, and I look forward to working with you!

Kathy Fentress

Page 11

Make Your Room Reservations Now

Embassy Suites Oklahoma City Downtown

741 North Phillips Avenue, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, 73104

405-239-3900 or 800-445-8667 (provide our group code of HCE)

Or direct at


July 8h, 9th & 10th, 2018

Embassy Suites -Embassy Suites Oklahoma City Downtown

Registration Form

Please Print


Check One _____OHCE Member _____Guest _____Extension


City_______________________State_______Zip___________Daytime Phone_______________________

FIRST TIMER YES ____ NO_____ I would be willing to serve as a Hostess YES_____ NO_____

Registration fee includes Monday Luncheon, Monday Friendship Banquet and Tuesday Luncheon

_______ $115.00 Registration (Through June 18) $__________


_______ $140.00 Late Registration (Starting June 19)

Sunday Jewelry Workshop - $10.00 (Limited space available, register early) $__________

TOTAL DUE $___________

Please list any Food Allergies or Other Dietary needs:______________________________________________________

Make check payable to: OSU

Mail to: Agricultural Conferences. 430 OSU Student Union, Stillwater, OK 74078

Registration by Visa, MasterCard, Discover or American Express : CC# ___________________________________

(OSU Personnel – Personal cards only – OSU P-cards are not permitted)

Expiration Date__________ Signature Required ___________________________________________ Fax Credit Card with signature to 405-744-8491 Register online with Visa, MasterCard, Discover or American Express @ Calendar heading - Click on State Meeting on the drop down menu and follow prompts

Or direct @

OSU Personnel – Personal cards only – OSU P-cards are not permitted)

REFUND POLICY: No refunds after June 29, 2018 Contact Ag Conferences 405-744-6489

Refund of registration fee paid by credit card will be refunded back to the credit card. Refund of registration fee paid by personal check will be made after the conference by OHCE.

For more registration information call Agriculture Conferences at 405-744-6489

Call and make your hotel reservation today. 1-800-445-8667 Deadline June 8 at 5:00pm

Embassy Suites Oklahoma City Downtown, 741 North Phillips Avenue, Oklahoma City, OK 73104

Ask for the OHCE Discounted Rate! Limited Number of Discounted Rooms Available

$95 + tax Single – King Suite $99 + tax Double – Queen Suite

Includes Full Breakfast Buffet for Each Registered Hotel Guest and complimentary self parking

V O L U M E 2 7 N U M B E R 2 S U M M E R 2 0 1 8

Oklahoma Home and Community Education 155 Choate Rd Broken Bow OK 74728-5135

Nonprofit Organization

PAID Permit No. 1

Okla. City, OK 731

Oklahoma Outreach is published three times a year by Oklahoma Home and Community Education, Inc. (OHCE), is a 501c3 non-profit organ-

ization whose mission is education, leadership development and community service. OHCE is one of the educational organizations spon-

sored by the Oklahoma Extension Cooperative Service, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma. All members are invited to submit

timely OHCE news items. Deadlines are the 1st of February, May and September. Editor reserves the right to edit all articles.

President Debbie Mote P O Box 94, Morrison, OK 73601 Email: [email protected]

Editor Pat Chapman 155 Choate Rd, Broken Bow, OK 74728-5135 Email: [email protected]

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