  • 1. Verbs!
    • Averbdescribes what a noun is doing.
    2. Verbsare about action (body or mind) or states of being 3. They can exist in the present, past, or future 4. Present : Paul sings for the band Staring Problem. 5. Past : Brett sang for the band Get Real. 6. Future : Jason will do vocals at the band Automaton's reunion next year.

7. Verbs!

  • We will talk more about this when we discusssubject/verb agreement , but subjects and verbs need to agree. 8. See the pronoun chart on the course wiki 9. Theperson of the verbis who is doing the action. 10. They can be in the first, second, or third person. 11. First : Geoff owns TDT Printing. 12. Second : Brett will print the new issue. 13. Third : He gave the tapes to Rick for him to sell.

14. Verb Voice

  • Verbscan take on two kinds of voice:activeandpassive . 15. With very few exceptions, your writing should be in theactive voice . 16. Active voicemeans that the subject of the sentence is performing the action described by theverb . 17. Marc plays bass for the band. 18. Passive voicemeans the action described by theverbis performed on the subject. 19. The bass was played by Russ.

20. Verb Tenses

  • Professor Wend is going to put together a verb tense chart for the course wiki. (See page 494 in The DK Handbook)

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