Page 1: SABCDE, 13 AAGAHI 2017: NJBKIKKBIL SABCDE JB … · Office Hours Monday 12pm - 3.30pm Tue - Friday 9.00am - 3.30pm PARISH TEAM Parish Priest Fr Brendan Hogan Assistant Priest

Office Hours

Monday 12pm - 3.30pm

Tue - Friday 9.00am - 3.30pm


Parish Priest

Fr Brendan Hogan

Assistant Priest

Fr James Fernandez

Pastoral Associate

Conny James


Suzie Schumacher

Sacrament Co-ordinator

Emily D’Sylva

Administra�ve Assistant

Cimolina Nigli


Mario Raj, Lynn Richards, Joe

Dannaoui, Douglas Rodrigues,

Canute Jacob, Amalraj Pushpa-

raju, Mini Johny, Sheila Fran-

cis, Julius Samarakoon.


Saturday…….………..….. 6.00pm

Sunday……………..….….. 8.00am

Sunday……………..….….. 9.15am


Sunday………….…..…….. 6.00pm


Monday Liturgy….........9.15am

Tuesday ………….......…. 7.30pm

Wednesday….....…...... 9.15am

Thursday……………..…... 9.15am

Friday.......................... 9.15am

Saturday...................... 9.15am


Every 3rd Sunday at 4.00pm


Every 4th Sunday at 3:30pm

Saturday Reconcilia�on

9.45am - 10.45am

Divine Mercy Group

Every 3rd Sunday


Contempla�ve Prayer Group

1st & 3rd Saturday

11.00am - 12.00 noon


Every Tuesday at 6.30pm



Every Tuesday at 7.00pm

Bap�sms, Marriages &


Please contact the Parish

Office 9704 7935.



9704 7946. FOR ALL OTHER MAT-



496 Princes Highway, Narre Warren Diocese of Sale

Ph: (03) 9704 7935 Fax: (03) 9704 7023 Email: [email protected]



FJMHI RKDCJBG : 1 Kgs 19:9.11-13 A reading from the first book of the Kings

RKHOPBHPMJDQ: Lord, show us your mercy and love, and grant us your salva>on.

SKRPBC RKDCJBG: Rom 9:1-5 A reading from the le?er of St Paul to the Romans

GPHOKQ ARRQDNDIJPB: Alleluia, alleluia!

I hope in the Lord, I trust in his word.


GPHOKQ: Mt 14:22-33 A reading from the holy Gospel according to MaThew

AAer he had fed the people, Jesus made the disciples get into a boat and precede him to the other side,

while he dismissed the crowds. AAer doing so, he went up on the mountain by himself to pray. When it

was evening he was there alone. Meanwhile the boat, already a few miles offshore, was being tossed

about by the waves, for the wind was against it. During the fourth watch of the night, he came toward

them walking on the sea. When the disciples saw him walking on the sea they were terrified. "It is a

ghost," they said, and they cried out in fear. At once Jesus spoke to them, "Take courage, it is I; do not

be afraid." Peter said to him in reply, "Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the water." He

said, "Come." Peter got out of the boat and began to walk on the water toward Jesus. But when he saw

how strong the wind was he became frightened; and, beginning to sink, he cried out, "Lord, save

me!" Immediately Jesus stretched out his hand and caught Peter, and said to him, "O you of li?le faith,

why did you doubt?" AAer they got into the boat, the wind died down. Those who were in the boat did

him homage, saying, "Truly, you are the Son of God."

The Gospel of the Lord.

Dear Parishioners,

AAer much considera>on and discernment which has also included a survey of the parish, asking parish-

ioners for a show of hands to vote for preferred mass >mes. It has been decided that mass >mes are

amended to provide more effec>ve pastoral ac>vity in our community. This decision has not been taken

lightly and I am well aware of the difficulty that change can bring to our lives. However, I have seen in

the past that we are very adaptable to change and willing to work with things for the be?erment of the


The change of mass >mes has been a result of trying to work with a number of pastoral issues that we

are facing in our community.

The 9.15am choirs are finding the amount of >me they have to set up to sing at the 9.15 am mass is

inadequate and oAen brings a delayed start to the 9.15 mass.

Our new Parish Centre will have the facility for a cup of tea/coffee and gathering >me aAer Mass. This

will be a vital >me for us to build community. However the present mass >mes will result in conges>on

in the car park not allowing the 9.15am parishioners to park.

Our Catechist program has been a wonderful faith building ministry in our community. Last year about

90 children a?ended our Catechist program during the 11am Mass in our parish. Liturgically it is im-

portant that Mass is given priority and no other ac>vity take place while masses are being celebrated.

For this to happen an amendment to mass >mes is required so that the catechist classes can be held at

a suitable >me.

The changes to mass >mings will come into effect from the weekend of 7th and 8th of October 2017

(Start of Daylight Saving).

Listed below are the New Mass �mings , effec�ve 7th & 8th October 2017:

Saturday Evening - 6pm

Sunday - 7.30am, 9.00am, 10.00am – 11.00am Catechist Classes, 11.00am & 6.00pm

Fr Brendan Hogan

Page 2: SABCDE, 13 AAGAHI 2017: NJBKIKKBIL SABCDE JB … · Office Hours Monday 12pm - 3.30pm Tue - Friday 9.00am - 3.30pm PARISH TEAM Parish Priest Fr Brendan Hogan Assistant Priest

FEAST OF THE ASSUMPTION - There will be morning mass at 9.15am at the Don Bosco School Hall on 15th August 2017

for the Feast of the Assump>on along with the Don Bosco School students. Parishioners are Welcome to a?end. There

will also be Rosary at 6.30pm, Novena at 7.00pm , Solemn mass at 7.30pm followed by fellowship - Please bring a plate

to share.


August the normal access to the Parish Office and Keogh Room will be blocked as the area will be dug up to install storm

water connec>ons. Temporary access to the Parish Office and the Keogh Room will be via the side gate of Don Bosco

School (close to the school office block on the side of the Keogh Room). The gate will be unlocked for this dura>on and

there is adequate ligh>ng for those a?ending any night mee>ngs. Thank you for your understanding and coopera>on.

RCIA - enrolment is now open. RCIA is for people who are interested in becoming Catholic and want to learn about the

Catholic faith; or Catholic adults who have not completed their sacraments and would like to do so; or for Chris>ans from

other denomina>ons who wish to be received into the church. There will be an Inquiry Night on August 17th at 7.30 in

the parish office and anyone is welcome to a?end. Please contact Conny James on 0431961679 or at the parish office if

you have further enquires. If you would like to join the RCIA team and help with suppor>ng candidates we would love to

hear from you.

CONFIRMATION ENROLMENT AND PARENT ONLY WORKSHOP will be held on Thursday 24th August 2017 at 7.30pm in

the church. A?endance is mandatory for those parent/s who wish to prepare their child for the Sacrament of Confirma-

>on this year.

ALPHA PROGRAM: Our Alpha Retreat will be at Don Bosco Retreat Centre 465 Lysterfield Rd Lysterfield on August 20th

from 10-4. Lunch will be provided. Mass will be aAer lunch. Par>cipants, for catering purposes, please let Lynn know if

you are coming. If there are other parishioners who are not doing Alpha but would like to come to the retreat day please

contact Conny James in the office or on 0431961679. We look forward to seeing all Alpha par>cipants this Wednesday

night at 7pm. Thanks for your great commitment to date.

ALTAR SERVERS ENROLMENT - There will be an enrolment and workshop on 20th August 2017 at 2.00pm at the Don

Bosco School Hall for New and Exis>ng Altar servers.

ALTAR SERVERS SAUSAGE SIZZLE - The Altar servers will be conduc>ng a sausage sizzle on 20th August 2017 aAer the

8.00am, 9.15am and 11.00am masses. Please support them in this event.

CELEBRATING MIGRANT AND REFUGEE SUNDAY: All with a migrant or refugee story, indeed all parishioners, are invit-

ed to celebrate the 103rd World Day of Migrants and Refugees, with Bishop Patrick O’Regan, on Sunday, August 27th.

Mass is at 2:00pm, at St Patrick’s Church, 142 Princes Highway, Pakenham. Mass will be followed by refreshments in the

parish hall. Please bring some food to share and wear na>onal dress if you can. All are welcome! Pope Francis has

wri?en, “Migra>on today is not a phenomenon limited to some areas of the planet. It affects all con>nents and is grow-

ing into a tragic situa>on of global propor>ons. There is much to pray about as this World Day comes around. All are in-


FRIENDSHIP GROUP – At our last “Cuppa & Chinwag” it was unanimously agreed to discon>nue the monthly mee>ngs in

the Keogh Room un>l the new Church renova>ons are completed. Therefor there will be no mee>ng this month , howev-

er, in the future, should the need arise to discuss an important issue, a mee>ng will be called. No>fica>on of same will be

displayed in the Church Bulle>n. Meanwhile, we shall con>nue with our normal monthly ou>ngs/lunches on the first

Thursday as usual. Our next Lunch on Thursday 7th September will be at The Tavern, Hampton Park from 12pm. Further

details will appear in the Church Bulle>n from >me to >me. Bob & Sylvia.

HOME MASS - There will be a Home Mass celebrated in the Galilee Region on the 25th of August at 7.00pm at the residence of

France & Annie Bagnoux, 85 Hinrichsen Drive, Hallam . Any parishioners interested in a?ending this mass are requested to

contact the parish office.

Baptism this Weekend

Evie Marion Geekiyanage

Congratulations and Welcome into our Parish

Page 3: SABCDE, 13 AAGAHI 2017: NJBKIKKBIL SABCDE JB … · Office Hours Monday 12pm - 3.30pm Tue - Friday 9.00am - 3.30pm PARISH TEAM Parish Priest Fr Brendan Hogan Assistant Priest

SLICE OF FAITH - Meet every

Friday ,7.30pm-9.00pm at the

Don Bosco class rooms behind

the church

HEALING MASS - Every First

Friday at 7.30pm


ING-Every Friday at 7.30pm @

OLHC. Contact Tina - 9796


Intercessory every Monday -

7.00pm @ OLHC

Sri Lankan Charisma�c Re-

newal Group Meets on the

1st Sunday of every month at

4.30pm at Mary MacKillop

Primary School Gym, 2 Ernst

Wanke Road, Narre Warren.

Conducted in Sinhala & Eng-

lish. Contacts: 5991 7552 or

0401 511 514.


OLHC Church every Thursday

at 7.30pm. For details Con-

tact Rony : 0421 125 239 or

Michelle: 0426 232 346.


Meet every Tuesday 10.00am.

JABJPMH: Meet every 1st & 3rd

Saturday at 4.30pm. Venue for

both Keogh Room.


GROUP - (Age 15 - 25 years)

Every Friday @ 7:30pm in the

Don Bosco School Hall. Con-

tact David Giacco?o



7.30pm every 2nd & 4th Tues-

day at the Keogh Room.


Just a reminder that if you

are sick or housebound and

wish to receive communion,

please contact the office on

9704 7935.

PQDE GMPAO - Trinity Primary

School, Narre Warren South ,

Tuesday 9.00am-10.30am for

Term 1.

PQDE GMPAO - Mary MacKillop

Primary School, Narre Warren

North Wednesdays 9-10.30am

in the Gym Hall during School



ry 3rd Thursday of the month

(aAernoon) Contacts: Sylvia

or Bob 9705 1094 / 0404 098

A CURRENT OF GRACE’-----NEXT WEEKEND , CCR Conference 18th-20th August, St

Michael’s Parish, Hall TRARALGON. Fr Ken Barker, Moderator, Missionary of God’s Love,

will lead the conference. All welcome. Please see brochures on church no>ce board. To

help with catering, please contact Cathy McLure 0432588195 As soon as possible.

VICTORIAN EUTHANASIA BILL - You may be aware that very shortly the Victorian Parlia-

ment is to introduce a Bill allowing Euthanasia in the State of Victoria. Parliamentarians

will have a conscience on the ma?er. Similar legisla>on was overwhelmingly rejected (118

to 330) by the UK parliament but defeated by only one vote in the South Australian Parlia-

ment. In Victoria, the numbers are also very close. This is an important social jus>ce issue

as it goes to the heart of our social teaching – the dignity of each human person. There are

a number of electorates where the Member of Parliament has yet to declare which way

they will vote on the proposed legisla>on. Par>cularly in the seats of Cheltenham, Mordi-

alloc and Brighton, we are looking for social jus>ce contacts to assist the campaign against

the Bill. If you are able and willing to assist the campaign could you please contact this

office at: jus>[email protected]

“THE VICTORIA MAURITIAN PASTORAL COUNCIL invites parishioners to our annual mass

in honour of Blessed Jacques Désiré Laval at Pere Laval Centre, which is located at 15 Mal-

ibu Circuit, Carrum Downs. The Mass will be celebrated by Rev. Fr. Jean Dupuche (Fr John)

on Sunday the 10th of September at 2.00PM. AAer the Mass cake & refreshment will be



St Joseph invite you to join the Na>onal Pilgrimage, giving you the opportunity to journey

to significant places in Australia made holy by St Mary MacKillop. Commence Melbourne 8

November, travel through Victoria & South Australia, conclude in Sydney 18 November

2017. For further informa>on or a Pilgrimage brochure, please contact Sr Therese Leydon

02-89124845 or Sr Annie Bond 02-89124818, or at MMP.Na>[email protected]

PILGRIMAGE TO THE HOLY LAND 4 – 19 April 2018 – an Informa>on night will be held on

28th September at 7.00 pm at Don Bosco Hall. We currently have 14 people who have

paid their deposits. There are s>ll spots available, feel free to contact Sujani Aponso on

Mobile 0422049972 or email address [email protected] for further details.

Please see flyer on the no>ce board.


to the upcoming Diaconate Ordina>on for Hiep and Avinash on Saturday 2nd September 2017

at 11am in St Mary’s Cathedral Sale. If you intend travelling to Sale on the day, please inform

Fr. Peter Bickley on phone 51444100 or by emailing [email protected] for catering

purposes by Friday 19th August.

Page 4: SABCDE, 13 AAGAHI 2017: NJBKIKKBIL SABCDE JB … · Office Hours Monday 12pm - 3.30pm Tue - Friday 9.00am - 3.30pm PARISH TEAM Parish Priest Fr Brendan Hogan Assistant Priest


Sat 12/08 6.00pm Norverto Catalogna (RIP) 8th Death Anniversary

Clifford Bourne-Mullen (RIP) Birth Remembrance

Alexandrina Fernandes (RIP) Birth Remembrance

Kanchana Peries (RIP) Remembrance

Sun 13/08 9.15am Maria Cris>ano Costabile (RIP) Remembrance

Francis Polley (RIP) Remembrance

Cesar C. Vergara (RIP) 3rd Death Anniversary

For the departed members of

the GiglioY & Pasquali families

11.00am Sergio Galucho (RIP) Death Anniversary

Theresa & Oswald Rogers (RIP) Death Anniversary

Annie Ellen (RIP) Remembrance

Kristy Reincastle Agos>nelli (RIP) Death Anniversary

6.00pm Benjamin Nigli (RIP) Remembrance

Georgina & Florencia Ma?hews (RIP) Remembrance

Brigida Alber> (RIP) Birthday Remembrance

Giuseppina Pavone (RIP) Birthday Remembrance

Wed16/08 9.15am Alice & Mary Lees (RIP) Remembrance

Mrs Street (RIP) Remembrance

For the souls of Maureen,

Peter & Joy (RIP) Remembrance


Fr John McGirr, Bishop Patrick Francis Lyons, Fr John L* McCor-

mack, Fr Thomas Shearman, Fr Patrick Cremin, Nick Pilakis, Pe-

dido Jornadal,Pedro Prias, Ta>ana Flahive, Richie James Parker,

William Faria, Daisy Peters, Francine Francis, Hilda Surrao, Jas-

per Harris, Bridget Fernando, Dulcie Moses, Gladys Jones,

Norverto Catalogna, Cesar C. Vergara, Sergio Ga;ucho, Theresa

& Oswald Rogers, Kristy Reincastle Agos>nelli.


Constante Landoy, John M Doherty, Amanda Lees, Ambik Shar-

ma, AYlio Piasente, Linda Fennel, Patricia Sullivan, Joy, Rosa

Maria Santos, Terry O’Connell, Alistaire D’Rosario, Fernando

Molina, Peter Cashman, Natalie, Cheryl & Brian Sheehan, Norma

Rouse, Celine Moore, Charles Smart, Dorothy Healey, Elsa

Araujo, Shirley, Ber>e & Ber>e JNR Fernandez, Rosalinda Araujo,

Eric, Baby Finn, Johnny Tannous, Gordon Clark, Efren Moldez .

PARISH SCHOOLS Don Bosco Primary School, 496 Princes Hwy, Narre Warren - 9704


Mary MacKillop Primary School, Cnr Ernst Wanke Rd & Narre Warren

Nth Rd, Narre Warren North - 8794 5777

Trinity Primary School, Oakgrove Drive, Narre Warren South - 9704


St Francis Xavier College, Cnr Beaconsfield Ave & Princes Hwy, Bea-

consfield - 9707 3111

PDMJHL RPHIKMH 6.00pm 8.00am 9.15am 11.00am 6.00pm



Altar Servers - 12/13 August

Taylah H Jason J Terina R Jozsef G Tyrone B

Curt F Johnson L Rachel D Mariah I Alan S

Chantel F Jordan M Sarah V Akila K Kevin S

Shervin C Shanelle P Mathew C Tracy P Nicola D

Aus>n C Brianna R Hillary D Gabriella H Joshua R

Readers - 12/13 August

Nancy H Jeane B Shirlene P Seann B Amanda R

Canute J Roland D Ken S Arianne D Jessica Y

Extraordinary Ministers - 12/13 August

Tina R Brendan M Jacqui V Volunteer Peter G

Kathy V Elda D Ian B Theresa S Dorina L

Richard V Veronica E Maria C Jaymie T John L

Sandra W Peter F Anthony D Maureen T Olivia S

Juel A Sylvia J Daniela P Germaine Y Ian V

Rozi?a A Marlon L Delrine E Gina B Jacqui D

Luke D Alf L Natalie E Annabelle B Ramona D

Ashley B

Peter C

Linda D

Lindsay D

Sacristans 12/13 August

Dexter R Rebecca F David F Wendy H Ramona D

Cheryl R Jeremy C

Welcome Group– 12/13 August

Florina F Sylvia J Vincent F Ashley B Ramona D

Chantelle F Maria A Sheila F Beverley D Richard D

Claudia E Edna L Suzanne B Antoine M

Willen E Gwenda B Ken J

Dewi D

Altar Servers - 19/20 August

Jaydan H Jason J Ma?hew D Jared D Tristan P

Maria S Johnson L Peona R Monica G Eaiden T

Brianna A Jordan M Eugene T Eliza-M Jonathan R

Kiara D Shanelle P Ana I Sarah E Imasha N

Nikita N Brianna R Amelia J Emilia W Julienne L

Readers - 19/20 August

Malley M Jan J Ian B Joselito D Mary B

Monica O Kevin J Shiela F Dina D Joanita D

Extraordinary Ministers - 19/20 August

Chris>na C Roland D Kevin R Beverly D Jeremy C

Troy B Rae L Volunteer Wendy H Kim C

Joe D Deb M Lupe L Michael K Tiffany D

Olga D Cynthia M Michael M Dennis K Ramona D

Meghan D Brendan M Chris>ne M Marilyn K Ruby F

Sally Ann D Cole?e M Daniela P Rosita L Peter G

Jacqui D Gordan M Chris>na P Barbara L Dorina L

Yolanda L

Astrid N

Jacqueline M

Antoine M

Sacristans 19/20 August

Dexter R Roland D Con L Rebecca F Ramona D

Cheryl R Jeremy C

Welcome Group– 19/20 August

Ken W Jeane B Lupe I Dimphy V Jeremy C

Sandra W Patricia W Salote L Deborah M Oscar P

Lester D Errol P Ane L Rita P

Liz M Clare R Adrian F

Prince M Ruby F

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