

Safenets Going The Distance



We’re opening the door to a whole new

thing. It’s benevolence with style.

No more shallow thinking, it’s time to

invest in the things that matter; people.

People with a cause make things happen,

that matter.


Life is like a great party where nothing ever runs out. Good things just

keeping coming and coming and coming. If you are not living like that

you are not living… right yet. Anything else should only be a vapor.

Created and Written by Nikena Leason

©Copyright 2013


What are you spending your money on?

This is a lot of money. Just think what we could do with a lot of money. It goes along

way to help prevent the factors that causes crime. We could develop more projects

at Safenets Going the Distance that enhances safety to make it a safer world.

Savvy people know how to invest. They realize that if they invest in the right thing it

renders a reciprical. Oftentimes; there is a lofty return on their pecuinary

investment. Investing in you and your families safety is the highest return you can

get. Start Now with investing in the things that promotes the things that will add

value to this life. It’s the only the one you have now, you may as well make the best of



Safenets GTD [email protected] Welcome to Safenets Going The Distance we value your affiliation with our Social Safety Media

Network. We urge you to join our premium membership club so that you will experience the full

benefits of this innovative rotary. We are the innovative technological rotary club that will keep you

connected to the people, places and things you want to know about and the things that matter most.

We offer you pragmatic and empirical information to enhance your safety. We want you to share your

experiences with other members so that you may be able to help enlighten someone else’s life as well.

This is the perfect opportunity to expand your social network. You can never have too many safety

tools. The more you know the better safety mechanisms you develop. Knowledge is power and we

believe in equipping you with as much power as you need to be successful. We provide you with the

information you need to travel, commute, and enjoy your life. Our Buddy On the Road Program is

effective and essential for commuting and traveling, it equips you with the things you want to know on

the route you travel. Our reading room is the perfect opportunity to connect with someone with your

favorite book. Share your favorite music, upload and carry it with you on your cell phone, tablet or P.C.

Your entertainment interests are satiated here with concerts, athletic and charitable events at your

fingertips and upon your request. Global travel discounts and free movie and show tickets (when

available). We give you something to help keep you connected every day. We offer global news 24

hours per day, sports, global weather -when you want and when you need it, those are the free added


Your affiliation with a rotary club offers a myriad of benefits; it looks good on your college application,

your resume, and it expounds your professional accolades. It says something special about you. We aim

to make this world a safer more functional world for us all and that includes you.

It’s important to be connected to the right things, it’s even far more important to be cognizant of the

right affiliations that will enhance your life and help get you where you want to go. Safenets GTD will

enhance your life in every way. You are increasingly growing, learning and being entertained each time

you access the service. It’s an information portal and we are the information highway. Your

participation is essential to giving you the right start.

Safenets GTD recent projects include for 2013 implementation of a $120,000,000.00 (one hundred

and twenty million dollar) project. Our efforts continue to offer safety and function anywhere and


Stay Safe!

Purchase your membership card today for $20.00 at the (Web store)

©Copyright 2013


Your affiliation with this social media network, which is for all intensive purposes has facets of a

rotary club, looks outstanding on your professional resume. It will add value to you and your resume.

Your work ethics will be substantiated with the extras, setting you apart from the rest. It’s what you

do when you are not at work that says more about who you are at work. Everyone’s on their best

behavior when every one’s watching. It’s what you do when you have time to your self that interest

employers. Safenets GTD is the highest recognition you can receive. It says you believe in making

things happen to make this world a better place for us all. It shows that you are a team player and

that you are astute enough to pick the right team.


Nikki Roberts 123 Honor Road Benevolence Square, Safety USA Phone: 719-555-1010 - Cell phone: 719-888-0000


My objective is to obtain a position as a Supreme Court Judge.

Work Experience: Ten years as a Superior Court Judge at Benevolence Square County Superior Court

in the civil law division.

Whitford, Roberts & Tritman: A senior partner with the firm Whitford, Layman & Tritman. Fifteen years

of experience as a trial lawyer specializing in medical malpractice litigation; maintaining the highest

standards in malpractice litigation with an arbitration ratio of 20%.

Davis & Wyman: A junior partner specializing in corporate law. Worked with the administration to

implement the free trade Embargo with incentive tax. Assisted Administration with the implementation

of the legislative bill to insure every American citizen with medical and dental health insurance receive

benefits on a pay scale. Help to generate support for the Social Security Administration initiative to

provide accumulative credits for ailing seniors.


Harvard University - Law J.D.

Yale University – Internal Medicine

Oxford University – PHD Independent Studies - Medical Science Research and Discoveries in Biniks

Business affiliations: Safenets GTD Rotary Club in honor of world peace and safety. Who’s

Who’s – in business and the San Diego County Bar Association. Helped organize a drive for Preserving

Senior Health as a volunteer with Safenets GTD.


College Resume

Nikki Bradford 321 High Honors Road Benevolence Square, Safety USA


To obtain a Bachelors Degree in Journalism.

Major: Journalism with an emphasis in television news broadcasting and foreign affairs.

Minor: Political Science- International politics

I aspire to study in the discipline of international politics and world trade. My goal is to complete a four

year degree program at Columbia University and transfer to Oxford University to pursue a Masters

degree in Political Science.

Work Experience:

Safenets Petroleum – My position entails public relations and developing concept for media responses

and data marketing analysis.

Work Related Experience: Interned with Safenets GTD for two years as a student journalist

reporting on foreign affairs and International Entertainment. Working with export systems in the trade

market of petroleum.

My accomplishments include: Professional Photographer for International Arts and Science Magazine,

Professional Affiliations: Safenets GTD Rotary Club – Scheduled for 2014 Foreign World

Peace Mission with Safenets GTD.

Previous Academic Achievements: Honor Student 4.0 Grade Point Average – Alpha Delta Kappa

Hobbies include: Photography, tennis and swimming.

Foreign Languages: Fluent in French.



When you think about purchasing, you think about fulfilling a need.

Now you can meet your needs while meeting the needs of others. Every

time you purchase apparel, cosmetics or novelty items you strengthen

the safety bonds of society. You help spread the message of safety and

awareness throughout the world, bringing us closer to a stronger, safer


We are reaching every mountain and every valley spreading the message

of safety. Keep the momentum going, let your next purchase stand for

something, help support the cause. Start Your Part today.

[email protected] Visit us at:






Safenets GTD

Mission Statement

Safenets Going the Distance is a professional organization designed with you in mind. The concept is

benign and forthright. We aim to mitigate the factors that lead to missing persons with a valuable

concept “Know Before You Go” we keep this concept on the forefront of your cognition because we find

that it is necessary for you to always be fully equipped with as much knowledge as possible. Knowledge

is power. The majority of human victimization is stemmed from being caught off guard due to

unpreparedness largely associated with a lack of knowledge about a person, place or thing. Having the

right resources to keep you safe is imperative. It’s called investing in you and your family. You are a

valuable part of your family and when you live a good, healthy safe life it’s rewarding for them. You are

invaluable and Safenets GTD acknowledges and appreciates your value. It’s worth protecting. That’s

why Safenets GTD does what we can to offer you the protection that you and your family needs as

much as we can.

We realize that resources at any given time can be ceased or limited therefore we provide the tools

that you need to continue to protect those you love and cherish, that starts with you. We provide the

basic fundamentals of safety. Safenets GTD is working hard to achieve roadside safety with major

improvement projects that continue to harness a safer, more easily accessible commute. In addition to

the infrastructure projects we have introduced and will continue to be involved in, our Buddy OnThe

Road Program is one of many that we believe will continue to keep you abreast and connected to

people, places and things to ensure your safety as much as possible. We invest in and implement the

tools to help you protect yourself and others who care about safety.

We at Safenets GTD believe that the primary factors which determine your success in life is right at

your fingertips when you choose to partner with us. We make life a little easier, less stressful and a lot

more enjoyable while we keep you connected to the people, places and things you want to know.

We are a resource center for pragmatic and empirical information. Safenets GTD is an organization

offering to help relieve some of the stresses of life by introducing a myriad of methods to relax,

entertain, and challenge your intellect. We are the learning tool that enables you to learn and grow

every time you access our service. We stimulate your moral compass while providing you with the

information that you need to understand the needs of you and those around you. Our goal is to make it

relaxing, stimulating, refreshing and rewarding. We accomplished our goal when we created and

implemented the product and service.


Safenets GTD was created and founded by Nikena Leason and continues to be a beacon of hope for

many who value themselves as a priceless treasure. We realize that an investment in your self can be

the best investment of all. We are a network with a product and service that offers endless benefits.

Women’s Long Tee Men’s Short Tee Ladies Stap Tee Top

Long Men’s Tee’s V-Neck Tee Shirts


Montage of M.P.

Assorted Tee Shirt Styles and Hoodies *Prices may vary and subject to change without notice.


You can wear it anywhere you want any way you want just as long as you wear it

and get it here. Tee’s.


There are photos being added to the registry of missing persons every minute

throughout the world. What are you doing to help mitigate the factors that lead to

missing persons. You could be next.

You can’t complain if you don’t do anything. Join the network who does what it

can to prevent missing persons and human victimization, at least you would be

doing something. We are doing something. We are not just talking about it after

the fact. We are doing something to help prevent it. Now that’s something to talk


Safenets GTD E-mail: [email protected] for more information.

Updating photos regularly so that if they are deemed missing at least you have an

account of how they last appeared. (Coming soon hand-held device).


Take a look at this face, he is still missing. Take a second to think about

what you are doing to prevent this from happening to you or your love ones. Sign them up with

us and let the added protective benefits begin with the hand held GTD device that will keep

them connected to you all day everyday.

Oh and it doesn’t stop there, we never like to leave you without reminding you that there is

someone out there that needs you. Remember this face, you may just be their way home. Visit

our Webstore or our Café Press and purchase over 100 different items, from book bags, to

baby wear to coffee mugs all with the face of a missing person or love one, or the message that

says; you support the cause. Let every sip stand for something good, who knows that next sip

could be a tip.

Join our Blue and Red ribbon celebration.

One dollar will keep the memory alive for one of these or one of your hopefuls.

I do this in remembrance of you. and you

Every time you logon you give someone hope. It’s building a network that spreads safety and

goodwill. Let’s start today holding hands with each other around the world. Building a stronger,

safer world is not just fun and games, but if you’re going to have fun and play games you may

as well play with the best, the people who are sharp enough to know their value and the value of

others. Those who realize that life is not just fun and games there’s a real world out there with

serious things happening all day everyday. It’s a decision to make a stand for someone who

may not be able to stand for themselves, will you stand with them?

Add shipping and handling to every item in the catalog EXCEPT Membership Card(s).

Some offers may vary during promotions where free shipping is offered. ©Copyright 2013 Safenets GTD


Colors: Gray, Blue, Black, White Men’s Tee Shirts $20.00

Safenets GTD Wear It With A Cause

Tees Shirts & Hoodies

Wear with an attitude for a cause.


Women’s Tee Shirt $20.00

Wear it Well! It’s nothing without you; with you, it’s a true

fashion statement.

It’s attractive to stand for something

more than yourself. It’s alluring to stand for someone else too.

That’s true elegance.


Remembering those who are gone

but not forgotten, or missing and still wanted. A memory goes

along way with every sip.


There’s something to be said about a great cup of coffee and a

great memory. It makes every day worth it. It’s the reflection

of good times that makes all other times possible.



Memories keep you alive and the memory of them could help keep them alive.

While you’re

enjoying this you may want to think of how you are helping this.

Safenets GTD COFFEE MUG $12.00



In life you are always building, and if you are always

building you should have a firm foundation, so if you

ever need to fall back on something you’ll always have

a sound, firm foundation to fall back on. Building with

the right framework will keep your foundation strong

and solid. What are you building with?

Safenets GTD we’re giving you the tools to build a

stronger foundation.

It starts with building a safer world, that’s what makes

us strong. Join us.

Written by Nikena Leason ©Copyright 2013


Before you take your trip to paradise take some of these items with you. A Safenets Tee, Hoodie or Tote

is just what you’ll need. There is nothing else like the serenity and piece of mind you get when your safe.

Knowing that you are a part of something that stands for your safety is re-assuring. It’s the added

protection that we all need. Add it, your worth it.

The beauty of a protected environment is surreal. The tranquility of your milieu should be just as

protected. It is the things we value most, is what we deem worthy to protect. Your are so worth it. If you

don’t do it for anyone else, do it for yourself. Join Safenets Going the Distance, the company with a

cause. Before you go here, find out what’s happening there. You want make sure that it is the protected

beauty that it appears to be. We don’t know everything, but we tell you everything we know. Isn’t that

worth it?

“Know Before You Go”


Go Ahead


ECUADOR 10 days / Land & Cruise Tours, Nature & Wildlife

Tours, Eco Tours

Antisana Volcano

Visit the Antisana Ecological Reserve and marvel at Antisana Volcano, part of the Condor Bioreserve. The

sprawling reserve is dedicated to preserving the region’s rare flora and fauna, including the endangered

condor—an important symbol in Andean folklore and mythology. Take in sweeping views of rugged

peaks, glacial formations, lava flows and pristine plateaus as you make your way through the area’s vast

landscapes. After your exploration, sit down for an included lunch at a rustic restaurant serving up

authentic local fare.

Overnight Flight1 night


Southeast of Ecuador’s

capital city, and cut off

from any major road

connections, sits the

smoldering Antisana

Volcano. A stratovolcano

of the northern Andes,

Antisana rises an

impressive 5,704 meters

into the air, making it one

of the highest active

volcanoes in the world

(but only the fourth

highest peak in Ecuador).

The volcano is surrounded

by the lush landscapes

encompassed within the Antisana Ecological Reserve, which is part of the still larger Condor Bioreserve.

Named for the country’s Andean condor, the 5.4 million-acre bioreserve works to protect the farms,

ranches, indigenous territories, volcanoes, cloud forests, páramos (high altitude grasslands) and

rainforests within its bounds. Its major initiatives include strengthening protected areas, working with

landowners to develop conservation-friendly agricultural processes and supporting indigenous people

through their “plan de vida” (plan of life) designed to implement local sustainable practices.


OCT 21 8 left


Mon, Oct 21 to Wed, Oct 30

from $3,839*

Go Ahead Tours

Extend Your Stay

Add Peru & Machu Picchu $1,299*

Experience Peru in all its diversity, and wander the colonial cities that display the legacy of Spanish

conquistadors, explore the ancient Inca capital of Cuzco and visit the lost city of Machu Picchu.

Cuzco4 nights - hotel info

Relax. We have the hotel for you. Our team personally visits every hotel, carefully selecting each

accommodation to make sure you have the best possible stay. While the types of hotels vary, the

criteria is the same: location, comfort, cleanliness and charm - all at the right price.

Sample Hotels

Hotel Jose Antonio Cuzco - Comfortable, well-appointed rooms with TV,

phone, safe, private bath or shower & more.

Located in the heart of the archaeological center of America's oldest city.

A few minutes from the Plaza de Armas, this recently built hotel has

modern architecture with fine colonial details.


Lima 2 Nights

Eco Inn Cuzco Jose Antonio Lima

Comfortable, well-appointed rooms with TV, phone, safe, private bath or shower & more. Centrally


Eco Inn Cusco is located at the principal avenue of the city “Av. EL Sol”, at some blocks from Cusco’s

main square and just in front of the largest craft market in the City. The hotels rooms offer cable TV,

table and chair, and black out curtains, telephone, Safe Deposit Box, Wi-Fi access, bathroom with tub or

shower, and hair dryer. Lima - Relax. We have the hotel for you. Our team personally visits every hotel,

carefully selecting each accommodation to make sure you have the best possible stay. While the types

of hotels vary, the criteria is the same: location, comfort, cleanliness and charm - all at the right price.

The hotels shown here are booked on most tours. While hotels are subject to change, please know the

style and quality will be comparable or better. Your hotels will be posted to your account approximately

30 days before departure.

Day 1

The sunsets, the volcanoes, the ceviche—start envisioning Ecuador

After your flight, arrive late this evening in Quito, where a Go Ahead representative greets you as you

clear customs. You’ll then be escorted to your hotel and assisted with check-in.

Day 2

Stand with one foot in the northern hemisphere and one in the southern

Breakfast, Dinner

Equatorial Line Monument

Embark on a guided sightseeing tour of Quito, taking in views of the Valley of Tumbaco before passing

by the Legislative Palace, Independence Square and El Sagrario Church. Stop to view the 16th-century

San Francisco Monastery en route to La Compañia, the city’s baroque church. After your tour, you’ll

head out on an excursion to the Equatorial Line Monument, where you can stand with one foot on

either side of the equator. Meet your fellow travelers at tonight’s welcome dinner.


Day 3

Mingle with the locals, peruse the crafts and get a feel for Ecuador


Enjoy a free day in Quito or join your group for a full-day optional excursion to the traditional crafts

market of Otavalo, stopping at some of the indigenous villages along the way.

Otavalo & Hacienda

La Hacienda Hotel & Casino- La Hacienda Hotel embraces the mystique

that comes from a history steeped in tradition.

Otavalo & Hacienda $89* pp

Optional Excursions

Mercure Alameda Quito – It’s comfortable, well-appointed rooms with TV, phone, safe, private bath or

shower & more. Centrally located

The Mercure Alameda Quito hotel offers guests all facilities necessary for business or leisure trips, as

well as cultural information about the city. Our 147 comfortable rooms with WIFI provide the perfect

setting for combining business and leisure, while our 41 Privilege Rooms will give

you a more personalized service, adapted to each guest's individual requirements.

Mercure Alameda Quito Hotel



Or Try a New Adventure

Imperial China & the Yangtze River

15 days /Land & Cruise Tours





Discover China’s contrasts, from pristine landscapes to towering cityscapes, from ancient sites to modern marvels.

Departure Dates: 2013 2014 JUL03JUL24 10 LEFT

Denali National Park & Wild Alaska

12 days /Land & Cruise Tours

Anchorage, Alaska

Denali National Park

Wasilla, Alaska



You’ll understand why Denali is known as “the great one” when you see it towering over the surrounding landscape.

Departure Dates: 2013 2014 JUL09JUL23AUG20

prices starting from

$3,859* *Prices may vary and certain terms and conditions will apply.


Where do you where a Hoodie? Places like this. This is the perfect day for a tee and a Hoodie. It’s

chic, cool and comfortable, or you can always Swag.

Swags Original Designs by Nikena Leason


Swags Original Designs By Nikena Leason


A beautiful sight is something to be desired and appreciated. Don’t forget to enjoy the priceless

benefits that should always be a guarantee, safety. The natural parts of life should be automatic. It’s

Mother Nature taking its course. Protecting yourself should be one of those things that are automatic

and whatever you can do to enhance it should be right up there at the top of your list with Mother

Nature, it should also come natural.



Our Entertainment page offers a vast array of events; from sporting events, operas,

concerts, concert clips, ballet, PGA, Nascar, cricket, archery, Christian, gospel,

Broadway plays and more.

Join today for a $20.00 membership fee. Go to our Web Store at Safenets Going the

Distance or,and purchase your membership card and let the

endless benefits begin. Allow fun and excitement to help balance a hectic lifestyle while

doing everything possible to maintain your safety. You may also e-mail us with your

request, questions and information.


Tote Bag $15.00


Messenger Bag

$22.00 If you can send a message in a bottle who said you can’t carry a message here?


He looks like he could use a friend. He needs a network. When you are new in town or just need new associates being a part of the network offers you the ability to develop a friendship. There are so many advantages with the conversations pieces we offer; news, weather, sports, traffic, books, movies, Neighborhood to Neighborhood, Buddy On The Road, Travel Discounts, and Tutorial Tools, Ballet, Concerts, Opera and Free Hollywood Show Tickets. Having the ability to reach out and touch someone when you need it is surreal. It’s a necessity and at times it can feel enlivened as an epiphany.


Making a room feel more like home for your little one is building the memoirs

they will never forget. Giving them a legacy of the importance of being afiliated

with a cause is teaching them early in life how to build strong character.

The depth of a person is more than on the surface, it’s what they are made of,

that is what establishes who they really are. What people do is who they

become. You can get a glimpse of that just by seeing what’s important to them.


When you are preparing a special meal for that

special someone you need a little protection from the little accidents that can occur. No kitchen is complete without an apron. The perfect meal requires all the right tools an apron is part of the right tools. An apron completes your kitchen.

Protecting your clothing from grease and other stains is thinking ahead. It’s like making the right investments in the right things, it just makes sense.

Apron $20.00


Apron $20.00

Some things are made better from scratch their irreplaceable. The must have’s-this is one of those things.

If you’ve got have it, you may as well get it here.


Some things are too messy to not use protection. Some stains

can’t be removed. Some things are too precious to take a chance

on loosing.

Support the cause that perpetuates the purpose, that you and

your love ones are too precious to take a chance on loosing.



You can’t ever stop preparing them for the stages in life, even when they are all

grown up they will still come to you for direction. It’s only fair that you give them

every tool you can to protect them and give them the advantages of a fresh, safe

start. That starts with the value of principles and everything you do to instill good

morals and strong values. What better way is there to send that message then

teaching them the true value of investing in a good cause? Isn’t that really

showing them that you practice what you preach? That you mean what you say

and say what you mean. You can show them, better than you can tell them. It’s

what you do, that will have the greatest impact on their life. Lead by example.

Other than that life is just full of a bunch of stuff that they never really figure out

how it is supposed to work.






A precious picture of perfection. That’s how you want their life

to be, something that’s picture perfect. You start with

preparing them for life. Teaching them what’s important and

right at the top of the list should be, understanding their value.

When you understand their value and yours you realize its

worth protecting regardless of the cost.

The comfort of supporting the cause with a Safenets GTD baby

jumper or bib is a perfect place to start. It’s setting them up for

a healthy harvest, because sewing the right seed at the right

time will produce the best harvest in due season.




Shop by Design

For storing those inimitable little things that are treasures to you.

Keepsake Box $22.00


What does your car say about you? What kind of

message are you sending?


No matter what you drive you are always going some where so why not drive

with a purpose. It doesn’t matter where you are going you should love where

you are going.

Bumper stickers are no longer just bumper stickers there billboards for your notebook, book bag, water bottle, bike, motorcycle, desk (in a frame) along side of your photos, laptop, tool box anywhere you want to make a statement.

Bumper Sticker $4.50


Going the distance to get the best is sparing no expense. We offer you the best at Safenets Going the Distance you may as well spread the message. Let’s face it, going the distance is going the distance with love, with toys and with life, it’s a statement that speaks for itself.


A Walk in Central Park is perfect for your dog.

A walk in the park could be soothing, comforting and revitalizing. That’s what it is

for you and your dog. A dog who you invest in becomes your best friend. He

always shows you admiration. They’re the ones who truly show their affection

shouldn’t they be rewarded for that. Your lack of affection towards them is like an

empty park a beauty that’s not embraced.


Some scenes make good memories, so does the times you spend with your dog. It’s

evenings like this that makes it worthwhile. It’s a perfect night for walking a dog. You’ll

always remember the wonderful evenings when you walked them. The route they

took home and the sights you saw along the way. The memories you make with your

pet is a keepsake; something to be cherished for a lifetime. We help you make those


When you love your pet you invest in them with long walks, grooming and the perfect

attire for them. There’s nothing too much for someone you love.


Every moment with them is a treasured moment. Let’s face it they are a big part of your

life. It shows how big they are in your life by the things you do to show your love. Every

opportunity is an opportunity to give to them, and to help keep them safe.

Your purchase of our line of dog apparel will help protect them if they decide stray too far

away. Their name on their shirt with your e-mail address, just in case they get lost, this

may be the missing piece of the puzzle when they need to find their way home.


Dog T-Shirt $18.00

[email protected]

Rover’s apparel makes him or her feel special. You can add the extra safety precautions with Rover’s name and e-mail address on his or her shirt to prevent them from becoming a missing pet.


Cap $14.00

You’ve got to know how to where a hat because not everyone knows how to wear them. People with personality wear hats. You have to have an attitude with style. The person who wears hats makes a statement and every hat makes another statement. A hat says more than you can say every time you wear it. They are sassy, smart, sophisticated, savvy, cool and classy. What are you saying?

A hat expresses how you feel, your mood is explicit. It shows you are bold enough to be different. Now all you need to do is make an even bolder statement to join the network with a cause. If you don’t stand for something you’ll fall for anything.


Hats, everyone can wear them, but some people really know how to wear them.


Timing Is Everything - That Says It All!

This clock makes a

statement at your office

that you are a stand up

person with a strong

value system. It says

you believe in doing

what’s right and that’s

good character. You’re a

recipe for promotion.

A clock says you have places to go and you believe in getting there on time. Your

time peace makes a statement about you that you believe in being prompt. It can

say anything you want, what do you want it to say about you? Decorate your

office with a statement that says; you love going the distance. Where else other

than your job are you willing to go the distance?


Here it just says -that’s how you got here. You did the right

thing, you made the right choices, you made the right investments

and it paid off. You aligned yourself with the factors that

permeate success; people, places and things, and voila. Good

things happen to good people.


The right time at the right place will open the door to endless

opportunities. Some people just have problems opening it. It can’t

happen until you open the door. You have to do something to make

things change, they won’t change by themselves.

Some people are always looking for the wrong things; that’s why

they can’t ever see the right things. You would be surprised at what

you can see when you open the right doors. The right things open

the right doors. Are you opening any doors? Open the door to

Safenets GTD and explore the world of endless opportunities.


It’s time to go shopping start adding to your shopping cart.

What ever your shopping style

we can accommodate your desires because in

order to shop you must first have a purpose.

We provide the purpose so that your shopping

experience will be guilt free. Shopping with a

conscience, means you’ve given to someone

who may not be in a position to give to them self; that includes you. You can’t do

and know everything, that’s where we come in; we give you what we can, based

on what we know so you can do what you want and do everything you can.


Is it the right time for you to expand your interest? Join Safenets GTD

we have plenty.

Books, Educational Assistance, Global News 24 Hrs. per day, Sports,

Weather, Buddy On The Road, Entertainment, Calendar of Events,

Watch movies and music from your laptop, p.c., tablet and phone.

You’re always learning with us, we are the innovative portal to the

information highway. Anyone who’s interesting has to be interested.


Safenets Going the Distance

What time is It? Time to get a Clock It’s Perfect HERE

Safenets Going the Distance Something’s missing from this

Picture A Clock Here There are always the little extras that complete the room and that completes the

home. When something’s missing, it’s as if someone is missing and you know

how we feel about missing persons.

Safenets GTD the company that’s working hard to make this world a safer place

in every way we can. We’re always promoting your safety. What time is it? It’s

time to get a cause. Start with a Going the Distance clock it makes a statement all

its own. It says you too are going the distance with your part to help make this

world a safer place. If you are not willing to do anything when it’s this easy, you

don’t have the right to complain.


A room without a clock is only half of a room.

Modern Wall Clock



Or it could go here. There are so many places for a clock and a cause

especially a clock with a cause.


Modern Wall Clock $35.00

It’s the door to a world of possibilities it just starts here.


Sigg Water Bottle 1.0L $28.00

No hiking trail is complete without a way to stay

hydrated. A hike or sitting back and enjoying the scenery its wonderful when you have your favorite beverage in this bottle. Having the right things at the right time is perfection at its best. If you don’t think you deserve the best no one else will.


Travel Discounts with one of the most competitive rates on the market. Group

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About This Experience

Follow in the footsteps of countless artists, authors and celebrities who have been seduced by la belle France.

Don your designer shades on the Côte d’Azur, longtime playground for the rich and famous. Explore the

spectacular scenery and tempting cuisine of Provence, a favorite setting for painters like Vincent van Gogh and

writers like Peter Mayle. Then push on to Paris to relive la Belle Époque. Find your own inspiration amidst the

history and artistry of France. Your Tour Includes; Round-trip airfare & transfers, 8 nights in hand-picked

hotels, Breakfast daily, 3 three-course dinners with beer or wine, Multilingual Tour Director, Private

deluxe, motorcoach with Select entrance fees.

Why You'll Love It:

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Go AHEAD and make this the best planned vacation money can buy, that can be arranged easily.

Contact Safenets GTD at [email protected]


Even when you are at home you want to have the security of expanding your horizons. A

network of people from here and there is just where you need to be regardless of where you

are. Connecting with people who share a common interest of being associated with a cause

and people with a cause is exceptional and everyone knows it. Now you need to know how

important it is to be connected with someone from another area even if you are out here. They

may know something that you don’t that could affect your life. That’s the point, sharing

empirical and pragmatic information.


You never know where you will end up, when you think outside of the box. This is

reported the most expensive house in the United States. Somewhere down the line

some one chose to step out on the limb and invest in something different, and it

rendered spectacular results. That’s what happens when you align yourself with a

rotary club. It looks good and we all know the right affiliations with the right things will

take you far. Safenets Going the Distance is that cause.

It’s your affiliations that tell the world what you are here to do. What you plan to do with

your life is what opens the door to opportunities. Start making the right decisions today,

so that tomorrow will take care of itself.


Purchase Gift Certificates insert New Member Card w/ Tickets: Concert, Ballet,

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Shows, Oscars, Grammy’s and more…


GTD Handheld Device: $725.00

Travel Discounts – Vacation & Relocation Packages

Fire Starter Kit: $35.00


Nothing lacking nothing slacking is a sign of auspiciousness and

fecundity; it’s God’s favor. Knowing who you are, is realizing how you

are supposed to live. What are you expecting out of life? It’s an

indication of who you are. Do you really know who that is?

Created by Nikena Leason

©Copyright 2013



sizing chart Sizes: S, M, L, XL, 2XL

Men's Long-Sleeve T-Shirt


Men's Hoodie $35.00

Men's T-Shirt $20.00

Men's Organic Fitted T-Shirt $26.00


Men’s Long Sleeve T- Shirt


Wearing the right thing at the

right place is comfort. It’s the difference between taking off

a shirt or it feeling so good you won’t want to take it off.

Those are the shirts you wear and go to sleep wearing

because it’s so comfortable you just don’t want to take it off.


Hoodies have been around

for a while, but people are just starting to wear the actual hood. It’s become a

part of the look, style and trend. It’s like a good friend in the neighborhood, you

expect to see them and spend quality moments exchanging conversation and

sharing information. The Hoodie is the new hood you’ve gotta have one, when

you need it, you’ll feel lost without it.

Men’s Hoodie with matching Cap

Sizes: S,M, L, XL Colors: White, Black, Blue (Hoodie)

$45.00 HOODIE

CAP $17.00


CAPS $17.00 (Each) Men and Women’s Colors: White, Black, Blue, Tan, White

Sponsor a Missing Person and add their photo on your hat, or just support the cause by wearing the

Going The Distance message, its promoting the company that’s promoting your safety.


A Heads Up- a tee shirt and cap are so perfect for comfort. Oh and they’re

available in organic fabrics for both men and women.


Organic Fitted


There going to need a tee-shirt and a hoodie. Don’t start your summer without

the right attire. The beach without a tee-shirt, cap and hoodie is like getting out

of the water without a towel. It just doesn’t feel right.


Men’s Tee Shirt


Don’t just wear a tee-shirt make a statement. Help the helpless, start a trend that should

never end. Anything other than that is like not wearing anything at all, it’s just naked.


Women’s (Full) Tee Shirt



Living well means being happy and happiness is different

for everyone; it’s based on your fulfilled desires not anyone

else’s. Don’t let anyone else determine what makes you

happy. That’s your decision and yours only. Let’s face it,

when it is all said and done, you are the only one who has to

live with you, no matter what you do. Don’t you want to

be happy?

You have a better chance at true happiness with making the

right choices don’t let anyone convince you otherwise, no

matter what it seems like. Good things happen to good

people, who do good things, no matter how it seems.

A message from The Great Commission Ministries

Written and Created By Nikena Leason


The Value of Commitment NEW Releases

And These are just a few of our new line of books

These and many more New York Times Best Sellers

The Price of Deceit Available on –line at our Web store

By Nikena Leason


Enjoy our e-books, free books and more

E-mail: [email protected]

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The moral’s surrounding a prosperous and successful life is written in the pages of this book. Success is

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no matter where you are. Not everyone can embrace a shinning star. Your light might be so bright that

you out shine your environment. Wisdom is being cognizant of the fact that you deserve a place that

will embrace you; not a place that dims your light. The secret to success and longevity is enclosed in the

pages of this book. It’s the fundamentals of burgeoning success; its understanding how to live. Morals

and values are an essential component in living. It’s the gage that establishes the fine line between life

and strife.

The cost of deceit is not parity to auspiciousness and should not be regarded as the mode of operandi.

Deceit; It comes at a price you need to know what it is.

The Cost of Deceit

What Are you willing to Pay

Written by Nikena Leason


Knowing The Genetic Codes of Foods In Your Family Knowing What To Eat and Why Knowing How To Possess The Power Of Foods

I BELIEVE IN KNOWING By Nikena Leason The Healing Power Of Foods With Love There Comes Responsibility

Understanding the Atomic and Molecular Components in Foods

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If you are one who prides yourself on knowing; this is the book for you. If wisdom and knowledge is

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about the basis of foods, atomic and molecular structure and how it affects diet, appetite and

procreation. The chemistry of love is just what it says, it’s a chemical, learn which one it is, how to direct

it, and protect it.

Teach Me How To Eat

By Nikena Leason

Retail Sales $65.00

This book is for everyone who cares about life and living. Everything you do is controlled by foods. Every

relationship, every endeavor is stemmed from foods and environment. Food is the quintessence of your

existence. This is a road map to your body and how it performs.


100 Ways To Make Stuffing Authored by Nikena Leason

Retail Sales $45.00

This makes a great coffee table book or a wonderful kitchen counter book. This book is more than just a

countertop accessory it’s a family tradition just waiting to happen. It’s a friend in the making and an

excellent conversation piece. A book of mouth watering, tantalizing experiences that will take your taste

buds on a world wide adventure and bring you back to a cache of memories that will treasure your

treasure chest of life forever. It will leave your love one’s with an explosion of memoirs that will make

you unforgettable.






Sermons From The Heart

Written by

Nikena Leason

The Great Commission Ministries

They’re Inspiring Words, Comforting Words,

Words To Encourage During a Crisis


Words of Wisdom and Sermons From the Heart offers a compilation of

sermons and teachings. It is a delightful book full of wisdom, healing, and anecdotal teachings with a

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to walk through life.

Available Now! Retail Sales: $29.99

This book is an epic story about the gene pool of the most important creation ever created. It

reveals the history and path of the origin and formation of religions.

Take the journey with us to discover the history of mankind. The origin of

structuralism in the rarest form is depicted in the essence of its meaning, it’s an

anthropological theory that there are unobservable social structures that generate

an observable social phenomena. It provides you with the ability to examine

cultures, traditions, rituals and customs from the original source. The true

genealogy of mankind and the initial creation of the world used to follow the true

history of your gene pool. Your history will determine your future. Find out what

was spoken about your destiny.

Learn how to possess the power of auspiciousness. Unleash the power of sapience.

The truths about your family will depict the condition of your life.

Words of wisdom and sermons from the heart reveals the scolding realism about the

defining times in history when the world took a drastic turn and began to create

lifestyles that formed the wars that still exist today.


These items will be ComingSoon to the Safenets GTD Product Catalog.

Minimum order $15.00.

9 Piece Brush Kit Filled – $49.50 Empty – $28.00 Professional Makeup Brush Cleaner: Cleans and sanitizes brushes instantly. Eliminates 99.9% germs

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9 Piece Brush Kit Filled Mineral Sampler 26 Full Size Items- $99.95





















































These items are new additions soon to be added to the Safenets GTD Product Catalog.


You’ll want to purchase the entire kit so that you can mix and match foundation, blush, eye shadow and

loose powder. This will complete the polished look you desire.


This compact foundation offers an assorted colored pallet to blend and provide a wonderful contrast

for any complexion. You may blend for perfection to accomplish the perfect shade just for you. Now

your make-up can match you rather than you matching your foundation.

It starts with great skin, or least the coverage that appears as if you have

great skin. That’s the job of every cosmetic line to enhance your beauty and make you look flawless.

The rest becomes an art of developed skill that’s perfected with each application step by step, day by

day. Your face is like a blank canvas that gets better as the right colors are applied and blended with

each stroke.


You can never have

too much color when you start with the right shade. The perfect soft tone mauves and pink blushes add

the finishing touch to complete your full coverage.


These basic neutral tone colors will complete any look day or night. The heavy dark colors for night and

the translucent soft colors for day, it’s fun and exciting with this vast array of colors. The basic four are

always adequate when transforming the day to evening look.


French manicures are always in style. You can achieve the clean fresh

manicured look with these two shades. They can be worn in unison or

separately. The blended coats will tone it down or add the zest your fingers will

display with a tasteful trend of colors to accent any apparel.

There’s something to be

said about neatly polished items no matter what it is. It just says perfection and

finesse to every thing that’s polished. Your nails are not the exception to this

rule. Nail polish that will make you feel like a kid in a candy store. You’ll be

elated to apply these soft neutral tone colors.


The rosy red lip gloss is brilliantly

tantalizing and alluring. It’s every

girl’s desire to have the most

satiable, soft lips with the perfect

color. The perfect red lips with

the matching red polish makes a

statement all of its own. Whether

it’s a matte or gloss it’s




Every time you think about red lips it makes you feel sensational, alluring and

enlivened. That’s what color does it adds a little pizzazz to your life. It makes you

feel like doing something incredible. See how far red will take you. Wake – up

your inner oomph and embark upon a new you every time you apply color.


Its fun and exciting to see how many times you can create a new look

for you. The selection of colors on our color palate will enable you to

constantly re-invent your face, your style and your attitude.



How does your face compliment your style, because how your cosmetics

compliment your face when you apply your make-up is how your face will

compliment your hair and everything else about you? It doesn’t matter what

your hair looks like if your face doesn’t compliment your hair, and your hair

doesn’t compliment your face. But if you have the right cosmetics it doesn’t

matter what you wear or how you wear your hair, you can rock any style and

it just looks beautiful. People will think you are just making a fashion



Every women has a style our goal is to compliment it. What

does your style say about you? What does your spending say

about who you are?


The things you do and the things you wear say’s more about

you then you could possibly ever say. Your clothes make’s a

louder statement then any words you could ever speak.

Be proud, wear it loud the statement that’s deeper then the

surface you. It’s not superficial, it’s beneficial.

Wear the cosmetics that enhances the real you, the beauty

within; because a woman with a cause is unstoppable.


The true emphasis of life is what it means to you. You can make anything happen

that you want it’s all in the way you look at things. It’s like leaning on something

that really isn’t there, yet; for you it’s really there; it’s perspective. What’s your

perspective about life?

No matter what you say, it’s what you do that counts.

Safenets GTD it’s not just a social safety media network, it has a rotary

touch and that’s important. That should be important to you, of course it’s all in

the way you look at things. Important people know how to value important

things, and when it’s important it doesn’t matter what you have to do to become

a part of it. It’s just important that you do it.




Famous Sculptures, Statues and Art

Designed and orchestrated a message of benevolence when he introduced his

magnificent portrayal of a city being knit together, in essence; held together with

the help of a giant sized clothespin. This was Stephen Wynn’s reflection of his

feelings towards the city of Philadelphia when he purchased it years later. The

city was endearing to him and he signified his affection for what he called the city

of brotherly love with a wonderful gift that stands as an icon for giving. Oldenburg

told a reporter that the clothespin statue had become to him a Bicentennial

tribute to Philadelphia. The original purpose of Oldenburg’s statue was to

support the buildings in the business district. There had to be a percentage of

funds contributed to art for any new building, this helped beautify the city. So

they chose to work with Oldenburg who was traditionally known for his focus in

the theme of ordinary consumables such as; crude papier-mache’ facsimiles of

ordinary clothing and comestibles; food, pieces of cake and dishes of Jell-O. He

was known for original hand paintings it was called Abstract Expressionist-style.

He sold his art work not from a lofty art studio, but from a store front New York

business. The inspiration came to Oldenburg as he returned home on a flight from

New York to Chicago. He always had a clothespin around his studio because he

used them as a tool to help keep his sculptured pieces together prior to


The clothespin was designed by Claes Oldenburg and put in Centre Square Plaza,

Fifteenth and Market Streets, Philadelphia, installed June 25, 1976. It was

inaugurated earlier that month on July 1, 1976.

The clothespin was made of stainless steel and corten steel and it stood forty five

feet by twelve feet, and three and one quarter inches by four feet six inches.

Stephen Wynn earned a degree from the University of Pennsylvania and was

truly honored at his accomplishment to the city so he later bought the statue.

Art History written by Nikena Leason June 26, 2013



The Andy Warhol collection of Marilyn Monroe is on display for

Hollywood fans to view. It’s a sensational illustration of an Abstract Expressionist style of art.

There are many forms of art; Free-Style, Impressionist, Expressionist, Abstract Art, Art Noveau,

Abstract Expressionism, Optical Art, Unrealism, Fresco, Etch, Portraits, Distempers, Impastos,

Monochromes, Miniatures, Pentimenti, Sand Painting, Tankas, Spatterings, Trompe l'oeil,

Cityscape, and Watercoloring.

Abstract Expressionism is a form of art that was developed in a New York school which enabled

their students to freely utilize abstract paintings. It was one of the first important schools of

American painting to develop independently of European styles.

Impressionism is a school of late 19th century French painters who pictured appearances by

strokes of unmixed colors to give the impression of reflected light.

Unrealism is a representation having no reference to specific or concrete objects examples.

Distempers are paintings for posters.

Tankas - A Tibetan religious painting on fabric

Trompe l'oeil’s are paintings that are created with such deception that it deceives the viewer of

its reality.


These are some of the many things that you learn each day with Safenets Going the Distance,

you never stop learning, therefore; you never stop growing. We can tell what kind of person

you are when you join us. People who are interested are interesting.

This is Expressionist style art. Abstract is more un-unified, less defined. There are other

paintings of Marilyn Monroe that illustrates abstract expressionism. This type of abstract

paintings occur in Pablo Picaso’s “Women in the Window” in 1936 in a trompe I’espirit. Pablo

Picaso displayed many forms of art very much like other artist including Andy Warhol with his

Marilyn Monroe painting in the avante- garde gallery; known as one of the great artist of the

twentieth century along with Norman Rockwell and Walt Disney. This inspiration of the Marilyn

Monroe painting came from Warhol’s expression of painting of things he liked. They called it

Pop Art; it was Andy’s way of showing things are alike. This painting was painted in flavors of


yellow, orange, and mint because of Warhol’s earlier paintings of the Campbell Soup cans. He

depicted the flavors of the soup. So when he began to paint the Marilyn Monroe paintings he

transferred the same concept to the paintings to the portraits displaying his style as an original

form of art. He had a concept of things that taste good, and things in good taste. Warhol

believed that there was a fine line between the things our appetite for fine art and our appetite

for sex, food, and glamour. The theory was that if a guy sought a girl he would seek her based

on the glamorous depiction of Marilyn Monroe because that’s how they portrayed her as the

epitome of glamour. Sex appeal and glamour made her bigger than life. Her image created a

sensationalism that was considered eye candy, and every man wanted one. She portrayed the

things that are most appealing based on perception. It’s the image that’s associated with the

desire. It’s the conditioned stimulus. Even if it is his own version of his personal Marilyn it was

her who started the desire and interest.

The way Andy Warhol created the photo of Marilyn was quite unique at the time. He laid down

the “flavor” color on a canvas primed. Then he applied a preliminary black photo silkscreen of

Marilyn Monroe; he then began painting the irregular fields of color that indicates the actress’s

face, hair lips, eyes, teeth and blouse. Then another edited version of the silkscreen was placed

on top of the painting over these colors. Warhol proceeded painting some final grace notes,

the art portion of the photo. It was a way that the actual art work of Andy seemed to move

over and under the photographic image of Marilyn. The painting and the picture were

coexistent but not amalgamated.

The paintings were eventually acquired from Warhol in 1962 by Irving Blum, at that time Irving

was a director of an art gallery called the Ferus Gallery. Later it was acquired by Stephen Wynn

for the Bellagio Gallery of Fine Art.


Every tree produces something characteristic of its nature indicating what

kind of tree it really is. What has your tree produced lately?

When you are living life, you are always producing something; it’s all a

matter of what you are producing. It starts with a purpose and we are

the best purpose of all.

Safenets GTD the company who cares about people.


Purchase Warranty

All information is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed. Prices are subject to change without notice.

All sales are final. This warranty is a written assurance that some product or service will be provided or

will meet certain specifications according to the manufacturer and/or service provider.

Our good customer guarantee offers the ability to aim for satisfaction of all products even though we do

not manufacture all products within the Safenets GTD division we work with manufacturers who

guarantee the same good customer policies that we warrant and provide.

We do not take responsibility for any of our vendor or manufacturing divisions. We do not make claims

of services we do not provide nor do we guarantee the shipping time or cost of any item(s).

The products and services offered through Safenets GTD are spectacular and have been satisfactory to

our customers for many years. We strive to continue to create a satisfactory customer base that will

continue to serve you.

The purpose of this agency is to spread the premise of benevolence, we realize that your efforts to

support this cause is perpetuated in your desire to purchase our products, therefore; we aim to make

your shopping experience the best experience possible. We hope that every purchase will satisfy your

purpose and ours, to spread the message of benignancy. We start that concept with good business

ethics that protects you and our goal to serve you.

Thank you for your patronage. We look forward to a continued business relationship with you for many

years to come. Thank you for supporting the cause of making this world a safer place for all of us.

Stay connected with the company that promotes goodwill and safety Safenets Going the Distance.

Safenets GTD ©Copyright 2013



Bibliography: Art



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