Page 1: SAFETEA-LU Highlights Roger Petzold Office of Interstate and Border Planning Federal Highway Administration Transportation Border Working Group Nov. 9,

SAFETEA-LU HighlightsSAFETEA-LU Highlights

Roger Petzold

Office of Interstate and Border Planning

Federal Highway Administration

Transportation Border Working Group

Nov. 9, 2005

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Federal transportation spending authorization

Border and corridor program

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Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy

for Users (SAFETEA-LU)for Users (SAFETEA-LU)

Highways, Highway Safety, Transit, Other

5-year legislation – 2005 - 2009

Signed into law August 10, 2005

P. L. 109-59

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SAFETEA-LU Total FundingSAFETEA-LU Total Funding

FY 2005-2009 FY 2004-2009

Federal-aid Highways $193.0 B $227.4 B

Public Transportation $ 45.2 B $ 52.6 B

Highway & Motor Vehicle Safety $ 5.8 B $ 6.5 B

Totals $244.1 B $286.4 B

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IM - $25.2

NHS - $30.5

Bridge - $21.6

STP - $32.5

CMAQ - $8.6

HSIP - $5.1 (4 years)

Appalachia Highways - $2.4

Federal Lands - $4.5

High Priority Projects - $14.8

Equity Bonus - $40.9

Research - $2.3

Other Programs - $13.2

Federal-aid Highway Authorizations 2005-2009(Before $8.5B Rescission)

Total= $201.621

(In billions)

Equity Bonus


STP Bridge









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New Highway Programs

Coordinated Border Infrastructure Program Delta Region Development Program Denali Access System Program Express Lanes Demonstration Program Freight Intermodal Distribution Pilot Program Highways for LIFE Pilot Program Highway Safety Improvement Program Interstate Construction Toll Pilot Program National Corridor Infrastructure Improvement Program Projects of National and Regional Significance Truck Parking Program Safe Routes to Schools Work Zone Safety Grants

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Coordinated BorderCoordinated Border Infrastructure Program Infrastructure Program

Created in new transportation authorization Purpose: improve the safe movement of

vehicles at U.S. land borders with Canada and Mexico

Total: $833 million to be distributed by formula to states

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Section (a)Section (a)

General Authority.--The Secretary shall implement a coordinated border infrastructure program under which the Secretary shall distribute funds to border States to improve the safe movement of motor vehicles at or across the border between the United States and Canada and the border between the United States and Mexico.

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Section (b)Section (b)

Eligible Uses.--Subject to subsection (d), a State may use funds apportioned under this section only for– (1-5)

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Section (b) (1) eligible usesSection (b) (1) eligible uses

   improvements in a border region to existing transportation and supporting infrastructure that facilitate cross-border motor vehicle and cargo movements; 

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Section (b) (2) eligible usesSection (b) (2) eligible uses

  construction of highways and related safety and safety enforcement facilities in a border region that facilitate motor vehicle and cargo movements related to international trade; 

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Section (b) (3) eligible usesSection (b) (3) eligible uses

operational improvements in a border region, including improvements relating to electronic data interchange and use of telecommunications, to expedite cross border motor vehicle and cargo movement; 

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Section (b) (4) eligible usesSection (b) (4) eligible uses

modifications to regulatory procedures to expedite safe and efficient cross border motor vehicle and cargo movements; and

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Section (b) (5) eligible usesSection (b) (5) eligible uses

international coordination of transportation planning, programming, and border operation with Canada and Mexico relating to expediting cross border motor vehicle and cargo movements.

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Section (c) Apportioned Section (c) Apportioned FundsFunds

20% based on number of incoming commercial trucks ratio

30% number of incoming personal motor vehicles and buses ratio

25% based on weight of incoming cargo by commercial trucks ratio

25% based on number of land border ports of entry ratio

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Section (d) Projects in Canada and Section (d) Projects in Canada and MexicoMexico

directly and predominantly facilitate cross-border motor vehicle and cargo movements at an international port of entry

constructed to equivalent US standards properly maintained and used over the

useful life of the facility

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Section (e) Section (e) Transfer of Funds to the Transfer of Funds to the

General Services AdministrationGeneral Services Administration Transfer of Funds to the General

Services Administration Non-federal match requiredLimitation on amount that can be

transferred (lesser of)– 15 percent of the aggregate amount of funds

apportioned – $5,000,000 per year

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Section (f) Applicability of Title 23Section (f) Applicability of Title 23

obligation in the same manner as if such funds were apportioned under chapter 1 of title 23

shall remain available until expended

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g)g) Definitions.-- Definitions.--

1)    Border region.--The term ``border region'' means any portion of a border State within 100 miles of an international land border with Canada or Mexico. 

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Earmarked Border ProjectsEarmarked Border Projects

Total for northern border is nearly $340 million

Examples: Blue Water Bridge, Peace Bridge, Calais/St. Stephen

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National Corridor Infrastructure National Corridor Infrastructure Improvement ProgramImprovement Program

created in transportation reauthorization Purpose: funding for highway projects in

corridors of national significance to promote economic growth and trade

Total: $1.9 billion to be distributed on a discretionary basis

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Previous Corridors and Borders Previous Corridors and Borders ProgramProgram

Coordinated Border Infrastructure and National Corridor Planning and Development programs in TEA-21 were discretionary and from a single source

Totals: $1.4 billion for Corridors and Borders program.

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