

Safir Intelligence & Security | Comprehensive Capabilities. Precise Solutions

Insights | Litigation

Know thyself. Know thy enemy. A thousand battles, a thousand victories.

Win on the Facts and the Law- Facts, evidence & intelligence are the foundation on which legal claims and answers are built. Carl Sandburg’s old saw about arguing the facts, arguing the law or “pounding the table like hell” is increasingly informed by an expectation that litigants should have a more comprehensive command of the facts earlier to avoid, win and resolve litigation.

Kiss, Bow and Shake Hands- How, when and why you discover and present the truth matters based on where you are and who you are talking with. Culture matters and differs by country, industry and rules of evidence.

Context, Context, Context- It often pays to “zoom-in” or “zoom out” from a seemingly helpful or harmful fact to validate its context and discover new facts that may solidify or undermine what appears to be compelling.

What happened electronically is only one part of the (potential) record- E-discovery is a powerful weapon in U.S. courts and hardly a factor in many countries. The most powerful and relevant computer is the human brain. An intelligence & forensic led approach that starts with people gets you to a more relevant view of the truth better, faster and less expensively.

What We Consider• Your Strategy / Case• What You Know & Don't• Human & Forensic Sources• Acceptable Methodologies• Rules of Evidence• Industry Standards

What We Deliver What We Help You Achieve• Align legal strategy with evidence• Avoid unnecessary expense• Help prove a theory with evidence• Help debunk a theory with evidence• Inform settlement negotiations• Effectively present evidence at trial

• Early Case Assessment• Investigative Reports• Expert Analysis & Testimony• Digital & Forensic Evidence • Sworn Statements / Affidavits• Factual Complaint Drafting• Trial Exhibits

Offerings | Litigation

Examples | LitigationExpert Witness• Our Chairman, Howard Safir, served as a key expert witness in Lockheed Martin v. MTA, writing reports and testifying on how hundreds of shortcomings in the $300M security system would have impacted security operations and public safety if not otherwise corrected.Commissioner Safir was able to expertly demonstrate and clearly articulate for the court how these technical and non-technical shortcomings directly and indirectly affect MTA’s overall security operations and capabilities. • Commissioner Safir also provided expert reports and testimony in National Fire Union v. Tyco, opining on how professional burglars did not need alleged “inside information” to steal tens of millions of dollars of product from one of multiple warehouses they burglarized, helping to successfully debunk plaintiff ’s theory of liability and rebut their hired experts.Early Case Assessment and Investigations• A law firm and a manufacturing company sought to evidence the existence and scale of the infringement of an industrial component to determine if it met the law firm’s standards for size and likelihood of successful prosecution. We conducted comprehensive research of various end markets and uses of the component, investigation and analysis of shipping records, sales and interviews of various companies on the component’s supply chain to develop qualitative and quantitative evidence of the infringement and enable key decision making.• An heir to a multi-hundred million dollar American fortune was given a two-page accounting of her share of her father’s estate from a Bermuda-based trustee. We were retained by the American heir’s counsel to question the accuracy of the accounting, evidence discrepancies, find and attempt to recover such assets. By discovering and examining corporate records in island jurisdictions that dated back to the 1980s, finding and locating individuals involved in the transactions and analyzing them, we were able to determine that the Trustee sold a multi-million dollar apartment in a European country and multiple millions of art in violation of his duties. This evidence enabled attorneys to take appropriate legal action to recover funds from the malfeasant trustee.

Don’t make a necessary evil any more necessary or evil. Work to find more gain than pain.

Insights | Compliance It Matters What You Measure

- The best outcome metrics effect real world behaviors and advance (or at least do not hinder) the performance that your organization requires and the transparency and evidence demanded by regulators Clarity = Money

- The more firmly you set the goalposts with regulators, the less likely they’ll move at your expense Compliance Prevention

- Checking a box proves nothing and failing to check it too often proves what you don’t want. Demonstrating How and When can be often be just as important as What and Why

- Some people can not or will not recognize the answer without understanding the proof

What We Consider• Your compliance strategies & KPIs• Your internal controls• Your compliance staffing & training• Your compliance technology• Plain language of regulations• Industry standards & practices

What We Deliver What We Help You Achieve• Lower fines & losses• Lower compliance costs• Greater transaction throughput • Meaningful metrics / KPIs• Appropriate engagement by regulatory agencies

• Integrity Monitoring Programs• Strategies, Metrics & Systems• Transaction Reviews / Lookbacks• Cross Border Investigations (e.g. FATCA, KYC, FCPA, AML)• Regulatory Liaison

Offerings | Compliance

Examples | Compliance• An American public company sought to set up distribution networks in China, the Middle East, Africa & South America without running afoul of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act or the UK Bribery Act. We established and implemented an efficient screening procedure to identify Politically Exposed Persons, conduct “red flag reviews” and otherwise ensure compliance as effectively and efficiently as possible. In conducting these reviews, We uncovered intelligence relevant to the business that they used to advance their marketing.• The United States Department of Justice settled with a series of banks requiring them to give notice to account holders regarding certain obligations and liabilities. Counsel hired us to programmatically and efficiently evidence the whereabouts of such individuals so they – or their estates - could be contacted. We helped throughout the United States and in limited cases where U.S. citizens had moved to foreign countries.• A company acquired assets in receivership and came to suspect that the prior owners of the business were violating their non-competes with the company and defrauding municipal customers. We developed documentation, affidavits and other evidence that showed that the prior owners had set up competing companies and were providing false information to municipal customers. We helped client advance litigation with former owners and file fraud complaints with relevant jurisdictional authorities.

Integrity = Morale = Performance

Insights | Enforcement It’s not their first rodeo

- Every perpetrator has a backstory and indicators. You want to know them as early as possible. Enforcement is a team sport

- Malfeasant behavior lives in gaps or co-opts. You need enough eyes and ears and tools organized across various disciplines - and generally - for the purpose of finding and addressing wrongdoers How someone leaves can be just as important as how they got there

- A well conducted exit interview can provide precise intelligence and mitigate problems for everyone involved The “cost of doing business” is not just about the money that was taken

- Your customers, employees and shareholders care about the people they work with and the brands they represent

What We Consider• What You Know and Don't• Your HR policies & code of ethics• Your IT and document systems• Your financial controls • Your authorized supply chain• Human and electronic sources

What We Deliver What We Help You Achieve• Effective Prosecution or Resolution• Deter Future Prohibited Activities• Disrupt unauthorized supply chains• Prove and quantify damages• Decrease Liability• Improve Internal Controls & Security

• Evidence of Prohibited Activity• Law Enforcement Liaison• Access to Sources• Analysis of Prohibited Activity• After Action Reports• Process & Department Reviews

Offerings | Enforcement

Examples | Enforcement• A longstanding practice and culture of stealing time and materials in the operation of a municipal agency had been alleged by both internal and external sources. We were retained to conduct surveillance, interviews and compared GPS records to time sheets and work records to evidence discrepancies that enabled administrative and legal action against individual employees.• A multinational pharmaceutical company hired us to review their worldwide anti-counterfeiting operations and make recommendations to improve its productivity and morale. We reviewed their strategies, metrics, organizational structure, staffing, work product, workflows and technology. Based on dozens of onsite interviews, observations and the review of hundreds of documents, we presented key findings and recommendations in a substantive plan that optimized the organization and improved its performance.• A Fortune 500 company had multiple truckloads of its valuable property stolen from the custody of a third-party courier in a crime-ridden foreign country. We successfully investigated the incidents, worked with all parties and local law enforcement to ensure that the incidents would not happen again and worked with the client to best position its legal claims against the courier.• Workers in the European manufacturing facility of a luxury brand were stealing box loads of the products to sell - in a black market nearby across the border and otherwise. We sent in an undercover employee, marked the boxes with GPS, set up covert cameras andcentralized the reporting from each technology to help the US based security director make the case with the host country authorities.• An executive for a Fortune 100 gave us 4 hours notice – coincidentally during a hurricane - to provide a US Dollar estimate for the worldwide infringement of an accessory to one of the world’s leading consumer products. We analyzed confidential sales records, considered other available information and metrics and gave a sufficiently detailed, documented and actionable answer of $62 million.

Insights | Transactions

Turn Risks into Opportunities

There is no magic button- Much of what you want to know about people and organizations can not be found online. A fish rots from the head (apples, too)- A single bad manager can negatively impact the integrity of an entire project team or department. An influential bad actor can have an outsized effect regardless of their title and position. Your subject should know they’re being checked out but not how you’re doing it- Due diligence should be proactively communicated not as a lack of trust but a protection for all parties involved. The U.S. Fair Credit Practices Act requires disclosure for employment related decisions. Due Diligence can and should be about what you do want to happen- We can often find out just as much specific facts, evidence and intelligence advance the business purpose of the transaction as we can screen for negatives to prevent, mitigate and isolate downside risks It takes a fully loaded supertanker about twenty minutes to come to a complete stop- Properly align your due diligence with your transaction’s schedule so you know what you need to know – positive and negative - in time.

What We Consider• Your transaction's purpose• The value at stake• Your risk policies• Integrity risks• Operational risks• Market & political risks

What We Deliver What We Help You Achieve• Informed Investment• Risk avoidance / mitigation• Meaningful disclosures• Identify upside opportunities• Efficiently allocate risk resources across portfolio / organization

• Background Checks• Company Risk Reports• Market Risk Reports• Assistance drafting disclosures• Due Diligence Support• Quantitative Risk Analysis

Offerings | Transactions

Examples | Transactions• The partners of a major American law firm became skeptical of an investment promoter promising that they would obtain tens ofmillions of dollars of legal fees pursuant to a series of international infrastructure development deals in which he was seeking counsel from his main contact at the law firm. The law firm retained VRI to investigate the investment promoter and we discovered that he had been sued and sanctioned in Korea in an investment with similar characteristics to the one in which he sought to get the law firm involved.• In setting up operations in the U.S. a prominent foreign hedge fund has asked us to vet all new employees. We worked closely with the client to specify a screening procedure including criminal credit and litigation history, educational and employment verification, business reputation, social media & internet presence. We ensure that all services rely on the most comprehensive and accurate information sources and comply with federal, state and local regulations.• An American real estate investment company had concerns about a potential partner based in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). VRI provided a comprehensive report of the UAE entity to include information about the UAE company’s principals, affiliations, business practices, litigation history and corporate reputation. This information helped client proceed with knowledge and confidence.

Your Deeds > Your Words

Insights | Reputation Explaining is Losing | K.I.S.S.- Often a simple recitation of the facts and evidence can diffuse, dispel or disarm a reputational issue Don’t assume anything about who or what you’re dealing with- The motivations of stakeholders and adversaries (if any) should be objectively and efficiently diagnosed by a small, empowered, and closely watched team assigned to the crisis You can’t get blood from a turnip (but you can get Vitamin C)- Don’t take responsibility for any less or any more than you should based on solid facts, evidence and intelligence. Don’t say “you don’t know” when you clearly should. Don’t unnecessarily give facts or evidence to a party who only wants to use them to hurt you. It doesn’t get any better by waiting- People don’t always assume the best when an organization is under scrutiny. Clearly define what you won’t respond to as baseless and set the schedule for what you will respond to based on what you know and your objectives.

What We Consider• Your overall PR & IR Goals• Facts and circumstances that advance or set back your reputation• What you do and do not want to disclose to the public • Key influencers in your industry

What We Deliver What We Help You Achieve• Informed Public Relations & Investor Relations decision making• Prove or debunk theories to key influencers and the general public• Third party validation & verification of exonerating evidence

• Self Due-Diligence• Contest for Corporate Control Investigation• Key Influencer Analysis• Work with attorneys, PR & IR members of crisis team

Offerings | Reputation

Examples | Reputation• Management of a prominent company was receiving threatening letters from an anonymous individual alleging to have inside information about nefarious activity at the company. We worked with counsel to identify the sender of the letters based on handwriting analysis, document examination and other methods and determine to what extent the allegations had any basis in reality • The Securities and Exchange Commission subpoenaed both documentary and electronic records from a foreign company listed in the United States where it was alleged that those companies perpetrated fraud against U.S. shareholders. We worked with counsel to successfully collect required evidence and records from a difficult overseas operating environment, analyze and present such evidence in response to subpoenas from the SEC. Our quick, comprehensive professional services helped navigate cultural issues, build trust and made it easier for the parties to resolve their issues based on facts, evidence and intelligence.• Two married individuals, both public figures, had an affair in an overseas location that would be damaging to the reputation of both parties if known. When one of the individuals left a bag containing over $50,000 of valuables in a taxicab they shared returning from a U.S. airport (and had no receipt or substantive information about the cab), we quickly deployed to help them track down the taxi and recover the bag.

More Educated = Less Guessing

Insights | Competition You are Where You Sit- Salesmen sell. Accountants count. Buyers buy. Makers make. The actionable intelligence you learn about a competitive market is very often driven as much by who you are talking to as what they are saying. In God We Trust, All Others Bring Facts, Evidence & Intelligence- Though not all answers can be quantified, our competitive intelligence often works to answer questions of “how much”, “how many”, and “what is the likelihood“ with specific, verified answers to maximize the “educated” and minimize the “guessing” in endeavors that by their nature involve “educated guessing”. Hidden in Plain Sight- Social Media, traditional media, geospatial information. There are proven strategies and powerful tools to mine this Open Source Intelligence – either independently or in concert with other competitive intelligence work – to create a comprehensive and detailed picture of your competition and their activities. She With the Fastest OODA Loop Wins- Orient, Observe, Decide, Act. Repeat. Doing these fundamental activities to develop intelligence earlier and better is worth the money.

What We Consider• Your competitive strategy• Your competitive differentiators• What you know re: your competition• Your people, investments & assets• Your competitor's people, investments & assets

What We Deliver What We Help You Achieve• Identify competitors & activity• Verify competitive differentiators, strategies and plans • Identify & successfully interact with key suppliers, influencers and customers

• Intel Analysis of Competitors (open source research & HUMINT)• Customer Validation & Verification• Intel Based SWOT Analysis• Conference Advance Work• Mystery Shopping

Offerings | Competition

Examples | Competition• A public multinational corporation considered expanding to offer its products and services in certain markets in South America, Asia, North America and Europe. We worked closely with the company and conducted over 40 interviews of key decision makers, buyers and influencers in each country to contribute to an accurate, comprehensive, data-rich and nuanced report of the specific market dynamics, opportunities and competitive environment for each relevant product and service. When the company decided to move forward in two of the four foreign markets we helped them consider, we provided recruiting and business development services to help establish operations and gain new customers. • We obtained statements, found emails and conducted surveillance to show that the former CEO of a Chinese company who sold hiscompany to our client was violating his non-compete agreement by setting up his own manufacturing and distribution channels, recruiting key sales & marketing employees, and taking action to import competitive products. Our client used these findings in arbitration with the former CEO and to take action against acquired employees who continued to work for their former boss andotherwise against the company’s interest.• An intelligence firm that has been doing work for our company in certain overseas markets for many years has the lead on providing competitive intelligence in Asia for a major U.S. company. They requested open source intelligence (OSINT) monitoring of three key competitors on a regular basis to inform their client’s investment, marketing and strategic planning. We created a protocol where we use advanced tools to monitor social media and traditional media to capture, analyze and filter the most relevant information from multiple public sources.

Insights | Security Consulting

Plans are useless but planning is indispensable – Dwight Eisenhower

Real Time Security Intelligence Assessment = Money- The more current and precise your security intelligence the more money you save. This can be in immediate hard dollars through precise intelligence-led guard staffing that maximizes efficiency and minimizes waste and the purposeful design of security systems that includes the minimum necessary number of cameras, access control points, alarm sensors and command center features to support excellent and efficient security. This also includes the costs of the incidents you prevent and spend less time and money mitigating as well as valuable intelligence information you can discern from your security systems. People are the greatest defense and vulnerability- Effectively organizing and training security and non-security staff in policies, procedures, awareness, incident reporting and emergency procedures makes your investment in security systems worthwhile. Failing to do so renders them worthless. Signals in the Noise- Everything is or can be a sensor. Organizing these sensors for purpose and expertly working through what their instant, daily and periodic reports can accomplish - and how to manage them – is of tremendous value.

What We Consider• The likelihood and impact of crime, disasters, compromises, failures and accidents to cause casualties, injuries, losses and interruptions• Your people, culture, strategy, practices, policies & technology

What We Deliver What We Help You Achieve• Lower Security Incidents & Expense• Real Time Access to security intel• Informed, efficient & accurate capital & expense budgeting• High performance and loyalty from customers, staff and vendors

• Incident Prevention & Mitigation Strategies, Plans & Systems• Security Assessments & Audits• Security Policies & Procedures • Security Systems (physical & cyber)• •Event Security Plans

Offerings | Consulting

Examples | Consulting• A long term client of the firm specializes in developments that incorporate retail and entertainment activities that attract thousands of daily visitors collocated with large residential and commercial buildings. We provide comprehensive risk assessments that help clients in both English and Spanish speaking countries identify, plan for and implement plans to manage their particular risks of crime and other prohibited activities, accidents and disasters in concert with local police, Emergency Medical Services and Fire Safety. In doing so we develop Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) strategies with architects an engineers, set specifications for guard activities and other security & emergency operations with building management, design command centers with integrated camera,access control and alarm systems, and implement Real Time incident reporting & analysis capabilities through the Human Intelligence Cloud. This integration of people, processes and technology empowers better results with greater financial control and cost savings.• Due to significant success with its customers, a company with sensitive intellectual property grew its employee base to three times larger than projected a year earlier and correspondingly expanded the square footage of its office and laboratory space by 40 percent. Against this backdrop of success, IP sensitivity and rapid growth, the company desired an objective third party to assess their threats, risks and vulnerabilities and the optimal engagement of people, processes and technology to minimize the likelihood and impact of incidents. We provided a Threat, Risk and Vulnerability assessment that provided valuable insight and framework to understand why, where and how the company was at risk from both internal and external threats, a practical Security Operations Manual to establish and deploy the procedures necessary to best manage such risks and the duties and responsibilities of a recommended security director to be hired. We also advised on specific security architecture, hardware systems, software systems and data management to support a secure environment of the highest integrity.• K-12 school districts in New York & New Jersey are required to conduct annual building level and district wide security and safety assessments to specified state-level standards. We work closely with school administrators, security, maintenance and cleaning staff, teachers, parent and coaches to help school districts in both states and Connecticut to meet or exceed these standards and implement practical, organized and efficient technology and process solutions that improve and measurably sustain school safety and security.

Precise Staffing = Mission Accomplished

Insights | Staffing Military, Intelligence, Law Enforcement & Emergency Services organizations develop trustworthy, highly capable and mission-oriented professionals- We hire people with specific skills and capabilities earned evidencing facts and protecting people under significant scrutiny in consequential situations. We help them translate their skills and capabilities to drive excellent performance for private sector organizations. Why the work is accomplished is always as important – and sometimes more important –than the work itself- The best answers to when, where and how missions are accomplished always roll up to why they are executed in the first place. We specifically deploy intelligence and security professionals at the right times and places using the most precise and nimble methods that align with your culture, organizational structure and workflows to get things done. Show Don’t Tell- Education, training and experience can prepare a professional to speak your language, spot issues and do what needs to be done. Demonstrating these capabilities by having them show you how they achieved them means more than the titles of their degrees and past jobs.

What We Consider• Your security organization• Your goals and Key Performance Indicators for your security organization • Your overall Human Resources Strategies, Goals & Practices

What We Deliver What We Help You Achieve• Optimized teams that work seamlessly with your operation• Access to highly qualified intelligence & security professionals• Less downtime , training and administration for project work

• Staffing plans, job descriptions and training curricula• Specifically capable, vetted, trained & highly motivated contractors for short-term and recurring projects• Recruitment and training services

Offerings | Staffing

Examples | Staffing• A multi-national company needed to confidentially test the next generation of its consumer products in markets throughout North America, South America and Europe. We were retained to provide low-profile, highly competent security and transportation for this effort within 24 hours notice throughout all three continents. We delivered seamless and centralized vetting, training, management and deployment of security resources that maintained the highest levels of confidentiality, security, agility and customer service throughout over 200 individual operations lasting from 2 days to 6 weeks each.• A company was under legal and regulatory scrutiny based on the alleged performance of its security department. We assessed the department’s organizational structure, performance, leadership, standards and policies and particular facts and circumstances in question. Our work served to validate, verify and advance performance with prioritized, actionable recommendations.• A contractor seeking to procure a multi-million dollar staffing contract with a military agency needed to propose a program based on highly specialized law enforcement expertise. We recruited a team of highly respected specialists, identified a strategic partner with specific qualifications to meet the contract and contributed to the development of a compelling proposal for the prime.

Be Smarter than the Criminals.

Insights | Public Safety There’s not that many of you (even in 18,000 police departments)- You don’t have the staff to be anywhere close to everywhere, but you can have more eyes, and ears and sensors working for you. Purposefully engaging the public and deploying effective technology that gives precise, constitutional answers – within and across jurisdictions - is a “force multiplier” that leads to better, faster and less expensive results. Don’t just “read the ball scores”- The best intelligence is the most timely and actionable. Whether you’re running some form of “Intelligence Led”, “Data Driven” or “Predictive” policing model – committed to a “Compstat” process or otherwise – the more time your staff spends merely reciting what happened yesterday rather than doing something with that intelligence, the more likely you are to be one step behind the criminals, terrorists and tragedies. Sometimes you play chess. Some times you play checkers.- The best initiatives are the ones that your staff understand and embrace. The critical missions, technical skills and specific training of public safety are as diverse as the risks faced and controlled. Ensuring that you have the right team for each mission – and commitment at the top – is difference between success and failure in protecting lives and property.

What We Consider• Crime Trends & Drivers• Strategies & Standards• Culture, Staffing & Training• Policies & Procedures• Systems & Technology• Metrics & Results

What We Deliver What We Help You Achieve• Reduce Crime• Reduce Waste• Reduce Complaints• Increase Morale• Increase Community Engagement• Optimize Work With Other Agencies

• Crime Analyses• Workload Analyses• Technology Development• Standards Development• Best Practices Recommendations• Analyst for Hire / Contractor Staffing

Offerings | Public Safety

Examples | Public Safety• The newly elected Mayor of Jersey City, NJ wanted to assess the capabilities and needs of Jersey City’s police and fire departments and develop a strategic plan to maximize the quality and performance of their services. We recruited a high performing Public Safety Director for the City and our team of police and fire experts interviewed and interacted with hundreds of police, fire and other municipal employees, reviewed relevant documentation from all departments and functions, reviewed technology, analyzed performance andcommunicated a series of prioritized recommendations to improve performance, morale, technology systems, efficiency and community engagement . Our work in support of the Public Safety Director has helped to organize, design and catalyze actions that have led to reduced crime, lower fire incidents, greater efficiency and higher morale. • Municipal policing agencies throughout the country require crime data analysts with specific skills, training and experience identifying crime patterns, contributing data to investigations, completing strategic management and performance reports and otherwise helping reduce crime and serve the public. We recruit, vet, train, employ and deploy such analysts – embedded full-time, onsite or part-time, remotely - with customized programs to fit the needs and workflows of each customer department.


Safir Intelligence & SecurityAdam Safir, [email protected]

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