Page 1: Saint Ceciliaecilia2007/06/10  · For any questions or information regarding up-coming Youth Ministry activities please contact John Hayes, Director of Religious Education, at 232-3514

SSSaintaintaint C C Ceciliaeciliaecilia Catholic Community June 10, 2007

Page 2: Saint Ceciliaecilia2007/06/10  · For any questions or information regarding up-coming Youth Ministry activities please contact John Hayes, Director of Religious Education, at 232-3514

Registration for Fall Classes Religious Education &Youth Ministry Registration forms are available in the Religious Education Office until June 15. After that date you may regis-ter in the Parish Office. Middle School Youth Group - YIKES! (Youth Increasing Knowledge About Everything Spiritual) ADVENTURELAND TRIP— Wednesday, June 27, Bus leaves at 9:00AM. Come join us for a great day! Information and permission slips can be picked up at the RE office. Reg-ister now!

Visit the Webpage at, go to “Middle School Youth Group” for a schedule of activities. Youth Ministry Grades 9-12

NCYC—Is it for you? Don’t miss a chance to wit-ness with 25,000 other Catholic teens—music, workshops, keynote speakers. Columbus, Ohio, November 8-11. $400.00 includes transportation and lodging. Contact Religious Education for more information.

Appalachia Service Trip —3 spots still available. Call John at 232-3514 by June 18. Forms must be completed with deposit of $125. For any questions or information regarding up-coming Youth Ministry activities please contact John Hayes, Director of Religious Education, at 232-3514. Adult Education

Scripture Study: Meets Mondays, 7:30-9:00PM in the Adult/Youth room. Next session: June 11. Tuesday Morning Bible Study: Meets in the A/Y Room, 9:30-10:00AM for open discussion and 10-11:00AM for Bible Study. Babysitting provided. Next session: June 12- Meet in the St. Francis Room. Note Change of Location. RCIA: Inquirer sessions for those interested in becoming Catholic or learning more about the Catholic Faith will be held on alternate Wednes-days this summer. Next session is June 13, 7:30PM in the Library Conference room. Contact John at 232-3514 for more information. Baptism Class Our next preparation session is Thursday, August 2, 6:30-9:00PM in the Adult/Youth Room. All par-ents seeking baptism for their child are ex-pected to attend a preparation session. To reg-ister for the class or schedule a baptism, please

Religious Education for the whole parish family


Vacation Bible School June 11-15, 9:00-11:30AM

Meet in the South Social Hall Monday Morning. Please use South Entrance

Tuesday-Friday sessions will begin and end in the Church Good Samaritan/Food Shelf

Next weekend is our Good Samaritan/Food Shelf Collection weekend. Suggested items include baby foods; canned meat products; packaged, shelf stable main meals; hamburger helper; peanut butter; pasta; spaghetti sauce; canned fruit; cereal; toiletries; laun-dry detergent; and disposable diapers.

St. Gertrude Circle will meet Tuesday, June 12, 1:30PM in the St. Clare room. Catholic Daughters Monday, June 11: Bring your ideas and projects to Peg Jacobson’s house. 9:00AM, 1:00PM, 7:00PM Thursday, June 14, 6:00PM: Family picnic at the Walnut Shelter at Inis Grove park. Please bring your own table service and a potluck dish big enough to serve you & your guests. Beverage furnished. Saint Cecilia Widows, Widowers, & Single Seniors will meet for breakfast on Sunday, June 24, 10:00AM at Hy-Vee West Lincoln Way. New members are always welcome. Call Pat Rood 232-3594 for information and reservations. Fellowship for Parents/Playgroup once each month during the summer. Next meeting is July 11, 10-11:30AM at Brookside Park. Contact Jenni Mortimer at [email protected] or 296-1858 or Diana Thatcher at [email protected] or 292-9511. All are welcome to attend.

All Are Invited to join a Eucharistic Procession for the Feast of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi), Sunday, June 10, after the 10:30AM Mass. The procession will go from Saint Cecilia Parish to Inis Grove Park where Fr. Nien-haus will lead Benediction. A light lunch will be served after Benediction. The Ames Police Department will provide safe crossings. Those who are unable to walk are invited to drive to the park and wait near the newest shelter on Duff Avenue. Transportation will be provided back to the Church so that driv-ers may pick up their cars and return to the park to pick up the rest of their passengers. This beautiful event will be meaningful to all who spend this time in Jesus’ Real Presence. Pope John Paul II reminded us: ”The devout participation of the faithful in the Eucharistic procession of the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ is a grace from the Lord which yearly brings joy to those who take part in it.” Ecclesia de Eucharista. Sponsored by Eucharistic Adoration & Knights of Columbus

Page 3: Saint Ceciliaecilia2007/06/10  · For any questions or information regarding up-coming Youth Ministry activities please contact John Hayes, Director of Religious Education, at 232-3514

Stewardship: In today’s Gospel, the disciples suggest that Jesus disperse the crowd so that they might individually seek food and lodging. The miracle of the feeding of the five thousand is Jesus’ powerful reminder that when we share our gifts in His name there is always more than enough.

OPPORTUNITIES TO SERVE Appalachia Committee will be sending a semi truck of clothing and household furnishings to South East Kentucky, Saturday, June 16. We especially need sum-mer clothing. Furniture and working appliances have also been requested. Items can be taken to the ware-house at 2019 Pullman on Saturday’s 9:03AM-Noon. Vol-unteers are also needed to help load the truck on June 16. Call Dan Bahr at 292-6784 or visit Volunteers Needed: Classrooms at Saint Cecilia Education Center will be painted this summer. Prepara-tion will begin in Mid-June. Many volunteers are needed for preparation and painting. Please call the school office at 232-5290 if you can help. Donate Coupons The national brand coupon fliers that come in weekend papers can be donated for use by military families. The clipping will be done lo-cally by mentally challenged adults and given to the American Legion for distribution to mili-tary families serving in four countries overseas. Local coupons not accepted. Place the coupons in the drop box in the old ushers’ room. The Volunteer Center of Story County has a new volunteer alert system called Rapid Action Volunteers (RAV) to aid nonprofit organizations and community members in Story County in times of short-term, unexpected need. For example, a woman had to rush her husband to the hospital and needed someone to watch her children for a few hours. Rapid Action Volunteers could help meet the need. Organizations, businesses, and individuals can sigh up by filling out a RAV profile form. For more information, please contact the Volunteer Center at 515-268—5323 or [email protected]. A flyer about the sys-tem in on the bulletin board. In the east corridor. Prayers for those in the Military If you have family members or relatives serving in Iraq or Afghanistan, please consider sending their names and their relationship to you, to the parish office to be added to a special prayer list. Saint Cecilia Parish, 2900 Hoover Avenue, Ames, IA 50010 Pastor: Father Ivan Nienhaus, Parish Office: 515-233-3092 School: 515232-5290 Religious Education: 515-232-3514 Rectory: 515-233-9477 Mass Schedule

Weekend: Saturday, 5:00PM Sunday, 8:30AM & 10:30AM Sunday: 5:00PM Misa en Español, Chapel Weekday: Tuesday thru Friday, 7:00AM, Chapel

• Photography begins June 12 • Pictures will be taken in the Education Center

Music Room across from the A/Y room. You may park in the back.

• Tuesday thru Friday, check in will be in the south half of the A/Y room.

• Saturday check-in it will be in the hallway near the Music Room.

• The Busson company will call to remind you of your appointment. Please call 800-685-3002 ext. 416 if you have any questions about or need to change your appointment.

Earn a 20% discount on your entire purchase by volunteer-ing as a host/hostess for a photography session (most shifts are 2 hours). You may volunteer in June for a September discount. Contact the parish office to volunteer. Is God Calling? Saint Cecilia Parish is forming a Vocations Committee to pro-mote personal and community prayer, discernment and nur-turing for all God’s callings to holiness and especially for vo-cations to the priesthood and consecrated religious life. Do you hear a call to serve on the committee? Do you know of another who may have a calling to such service: If so, please call the parish office at 233-3092 or Bill Haas at 232-7138. We’d love to share information about how the committee might operate. Crime and Punishment: Called to Justice A presentation and discussion forum hosted by the Dubuque Catholic parish will be held Sunday, June 24, 12:30PM and again Monday, June 25, 7:00PM at St. Raphael Cathedral center. The program will explore how Catholic Christians are called to respond to the needs of both victims and perpetra-tors of criminal offenses. The events are free and open to the public. Registration is not required.

Saint Cecilia Parishioners, The Knights of Columbus want to thank all parishioners who donated their pennies for our recent Pennies for Heaven fundraiser for vocations. Our council was able to donate $1500.00 at our recent state convention. We were the third highest council for donations in the state. We also want to thank those who helped us raise $4,925.00 in our annual Persons with Intellectual Disabilities Drive.

Grand Knight, Mark Bortle

Page 4: Saint Ceciliaecilia2007/06/10  · For any questions or information regarding up-coming Youth Ministry activities please contact John Hayes, Director of Religious Education, at 232-3514

Saturday, June 9 5:00PM: Melvina Wasel Sunday, June 10 8:30AM: Bill Oberg 10:30AM: Saint Cecilia Parishioners 5:00PM: Harry Svec (Misa en Español, Chapel) Tuesday, June 12 7:00AM: Raymond & Marie Frank Wednesday, June 13 7:00AM: Earl & Helen Crow Thursday, June 14 7:00AM: Edward & Paul Shevokas Friday, June 15 7:00AM: Carl & Cleone Pelzer Saturday, June 16 5:00PM: Saint Cecilia Parishioners Sunday, June 17 8:30AM: Linus Putz 10:30AM: Magdalene Walsh 5:00PM: Rose Marie Hadaway (Misa en Español, Chapel)

Prayer Opportunities (Held in the Chapel) Scriptural Rosary: Monday, 7:00AM Evening Prayer: Monday—Friday, 5:00PM Eucharistic Adoration: The chapel is open for adoration. Intercessory Prayer Group: Sunday, 9-10:00PM Rosary: Monday, 7:30PM, and Tuesday-Friday

before 7:00AM Mass . The rosary is said for Pro-life the first Monday of each month.

Christians in the Spirit: Tuesday, 7:15-9:00PM Saturday Morning Prayer: 7:00AM Chaplet of Divine Mercy: Friday, 3:00PM

Birthright, 108 Hayward Ave. 292-8414 Pregnancy tests & counseling, free and confidential.

Readings for the Week of June 10, 2007 Sunday: Gn 14:18-20/1 Cor 11:23-26/Lk 9:11b-17 Monday: Acts 11:21b-26; 13:1-3/Mt 5:1-12 Tuesday: 2 Cor 1:18-22/Mt 5:13-16 Wednesday: 2 Cor 3:4-11/Mt 5:17-19 Thursday: 2 Cor 3:15—4:1, 3-6/Mt 5:20-26 Friday: Ez 34:11-16/Rom 5:5b-11/Lk 15:3-7 Saturday: 2 Cor 5:14-21/Lk 2:41-51 Next Sunday: 2 Sm 12:7-10, 13/Gal 2:16, 19-21/Lk 7:36—8:3 or 7:36-50

Catechism of the Catholic Church Part one: The Profession of Faith Section One “I Believe”—”We Believe” Chapter Two: God Comes to Meet Man, Article I The revelation of God, II. The Stages of Revelation God Forms his People Israel, Paragraphs 63: Israel is the priestly people of God, “called by the name of the Lord,” and “the first to hear the work of God,” the people of “elder brethren” in the faith of Abraham.

Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ

We're all familiar with the movie "It's A Wonderful Life" which has become a Christmas tradition. From childhood, George Bailey has a dream of leaving Bedford Falls to see the world. Yet every time he's about to leave, someone or something demands his attention, such as his friends, the Depression, World War II, his family. Ultimately, he sacrifices his own needs in order to fulfill the dreams of others.

When faced with demands, how we react is crucial. Jesus and his disciples had gone off alone to pray, only to be followed by 5,000 people seeking his blessings and teach-ings. At the end of the day, how were they to be fed? Imagine 5,000 people dropping in for dinner, and you don't even have enough to feed your own family! How did Jesus react? He simply told his disciples to “give them something to eat."

At each Mass and especially today, we are fed by the body and blood of Christ. Through the gift of God's Son, we are fed spiritually through our faith. Through the gifts of his abundance on earth, we have the ability to feed the hungry through nothing more than our generosity. (CCC 2402) We must open our eyes and our hearts to the hundreds of millions of people in the world who hunger, both spiritually and physically. ©2007 Liturgical Publications Inc

Saint Cecilia Prayer Chain Send requests to: [email protected] Requests remain on the list for six weeks.

St. Thomas Aquinas SCUBA: Super Cool Undersea Bible Adventure Monday, July 23 through Friday, July 27, 9AM-12noon. If interested, please contact Kathy: [email protected] or call 292-3810.

Summer Blood Drive June 28, 2:00-6:00PM St. Thomas Aquinas

Schedule a time to donate at or by calling the St.Thomas office at 292-3810.

Please remember in your prayers: MIDGE WIFP, mother of Terry Wipf, and AUDREY CARNEY, mother of Tom Carney, who recently passed away. May the Lord grant peace and consolation to their families in their time of need. May they and all who sleep in Christ, find in God’s presence, light, happiness and peace.

Traveling This Summer? Use our website to find out information about church locations and mass times world wide. Click on Mass & Reconciliation Times and scroll to the last entry Mass Times Around the Nation. The default country setting is USA so you need only type in the name of the town/city, choose the appropriate one, and a list of all Catholic churches in the area will come up. If you are traveling outside the United States, just select the country and follow the same procedure.

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