Durham NC 27713 919-484-1600 [email protected] News & Announcements October 17, 2021

Andrew the Righteous Monk-martyr of Crete 10/17/2021
Removal and Placing of the Sacred Relics of the Holy and Righteous Lazarus 10/17/2021
But Everyone Please wear your mask!
In accordance with CDC information a few months ago, some of the pandemic restrictions were lifted for attending services. However, with the recently new surge of the Covid variance cases, we recommend that
everyone attending service(s) wear a mask, whether vaccinated or not. Masks will be available at the candle stand for those who may need them. We look forward to seeing you in person.
Matins & Great Doxology at 9:00 a.m. Broadcast Prep Time 9:55 to 10:00 a.m.
Divine Liturgy & Broadcast start time 10:00 a.m
our new ecumenical year.
Share the joy of Divine Liturgy every Sunday 10 a.m.
(or 9 a.m. for Orthros).
Enjoy fellowship with old friends and new faces
at coffee hour.
soon! Join the fun!
For adults, check out our educational resources and Bible study
offerings to explore the richness of Orthodox
theology and tradition.
lives on. Sign up online for recurring contributions.
Get involved! Everyone has a place at St. Barbara,
with many ways to serve. Learn about our ministries!
Blessed are you, O Lord, the God of our fathers.
Verse: For you are just in all you have done.
The reading is from St. Paul's Letter to Titus 3:8-15
Titus, my son, the saying is sure. I desire you to insist on these things, so that
those who have believed in God may be careful to apply themselves to good
deeds; these are excellent and profitable to men. But avoid stupid controversies,
genealogies, dissensions, and quarrels over the law, for they are unprofitable and
futile. As for a man who is factious, after admonishing him once or twice, have
nothing more to do with him, knowing that such a person is perverted and sinful;
he is self-condemned.
When I send Artemas or Tychicos to you, do your best to come to me at Nicopolis, for I have
decided to spend the winter there. Do your best to speed Zenas the lawyer and Apollos on their
way; see that they lack nothing. And let our people learn to apply themselves to good deeds, so
as to help cases of urgent need, and not to be unfruitful.
All who are with me send greeting to you. Greet those who love us in the faith. Grace be with
you all. Amen.
Στχ. τι δκαιος ε π πσιν, ος ποησας μν.
Πρς Ττον τ νγνωσμα 3:8-15
Τκνον Ττε, πιστς λγος, κα περ τοτων βολομα σε διαβεβαιοσθαι, να φροντζωσιν
καλν ργων προστασθαι ο πεπιστευκτες θε. τατ στιν καλ κα φλιμα τος
νθρποις μωρς δ ζητσεις κα γενεαλογας κα ριν κα μχας νομικς περιστασο, εσν
γρ νωφελες κα μταιοι. αιετικν νθρωπον μετ μαν κα δευτραν νουθεσαν παραιτο,
εδς τι ξστραπται τοιοτος κα μαρτνει, ν ατοκατκριτος. ταν πμψω ρτεμν
πρς σ Τυχικν, σποδασον λθεν πρς με ες Νικπολιν, κε γρ κκρικα παραχειμσαι.
Ζηνν τν νομικν κα πολλν σπουδαως πρπεμψον, να μηδν ατος λεπ.
μανθαντωσαν δ κα ο μτεροι καλν ργων προστασθαι ες τς ναγκαας χρεας, να μ
σιν καρποι. σπζοντα σε ο μετ μο πντες. σπασαι τος φιλοντας μς ν πστει.
χρις μετ πντων μν.
The Gospel According to Luke 8:5-15
The Lord said this parable: "A sower went out to sow his seed; and as he sowed, some fell
along the path, and was trodden under foot, and the birds of the air devoured it. And some
fell on the rock; and as it grew up, it withered away, because it had no moisture. And some
fell among thorns; and the thorns grew with it and choked it. And some fell into good soil
and grew, and yielded a hundredfold." And when his disciples asked him what this parable
meant, he said, "To you it has been given to know the secrets of the kingdom of God; but
for others they are in parables, so that seeing they may not see, and hearing they may not
understand. Now the parable is this: The seed is the word of God. The ones along the path
are those who have heard; then the devil comes and takes away the word from their hearts, that they may not
believe and be saved. And the ones on the rock are those who, when they hear the word, receive it with joy; but
these have no root, they believe for a while and in time of temptation fall away. And as for what fell among the
thorns, they are those who hear, but as they go on their way they are choked by the cares and riches and
pleasures of life, and their fruit does not mature. And as for that in the good soil, they are those who, hearing the
word, hold it fast in an honest and good heart, and bring forth fruit with patience." As he said these things, he
cried out "He who has ears to hear, let him hear."
κ το Κατ Λουκν Εαγγελου τ νγνωσμα 8:5-15
Επεν Κριος τν παραβολν τατην· ξλθεν σπερων το σπεραι τν σπρον ατο. κα ν τ σπερειν
ατν μν πεσε παρ τν δν, κα κατεπατθη, κα τ πετειν το ορανο κατφαγεν ατ· κα τερον
πεσεν π τν πτραν, κα φυν ξηρνθη δι τ μ χειν κμδα· κα τερον πεσεν ν μσ τν κανθν,
κα συμφυεσαι α κανθαι ππνιξαν ατ. κα τερον πεσεν ες τν γν τν γαθν, κα φυν ποησε
καρπν κατονταπλασονα. τατα λγων φνει· χων τα κοειν κουτω. Επηρτων δ ατν ο μαθητα
ατο λγοντες· τς εη παραβολ ατη; δ επεν· μν δδοται γνναι τ μυστρια τς βασιλεας το
Θεο, τος δ λοιπος ν παραβολας, να βλποντες μ βλπωσι κα κοοντες μ συνισιν. στι δ ατη
παραβολ· σπρος στν λγος το Θεο· ο δ παρ τν δν εσιν ο κοσαντες, ετα ρχεται διβολος
κα αρει τν λγον π τς καρδας ατν, να μ πιστεσαντες σωθσιν. ο δ π τς πτρας ο ταν
κοσωσι, μετ χαρς δχονται τν λγον, κα οτοι ζαν οκ χουσιν, ο πρς καιρν πιστεουσι κα ν
καιρ πειρασμο φστανται. τ δ ες τς κνθας πεσν, οτο εσιν ο κοσαντες, κα π μεριμνν κα
πλοτου κα δονν το βου πορευμενοι συμπνγονται κα ο τελεσφοροσι. τ δ ν τ καλ γ, οτο εσιν
οτινες ν καρδ καλ κα γαθ κοσαντες τν λγον κατχουσι κα καρποφοροσιν ν πομον. τατα
λγων φνει· χων τα κοειν κουτω.
40 Days Sophie Makrys
(Grandmother of Paul Kacoyanis)
On Friday, September 3, 2021, Sophie Makrys of Rockville, Maryland, raised and educated in Washington, DC, passed
away at the age of 91. Sophie was the cherished daughter of Gus and Anna Stephanos. She was preceded in death by
her loving husband, James G, Makrys, and is survived by her beloved children, Daphne Antzoulatos and her husband
George, George J. Makrys and wife Ilana, Anna Kacoyanis and husband Dennis, her four grandchildren: Sophia and
Demetri Antzoulatos, Paul Kacoyanis, Leah Cuddihy and husband Scott, as well as her five great-grandchildren: Isabella,
Max, Loukas, Christian, and Adriana, her godson, George N. Makrys, and her goddaughter, Joanne Costa.
Prior to moving to Rockville, Maryland, Sophie lived with her husband in Wareham, Massachusetts for many years and
was active in the local chapter of the Philoptochos Society affiliated with the St. George Greek Orthodox Church of N.
Dartmouth, Massachusetts, then located in New Bedford, Massachusetts.
Sophie loved to cook and all who sampled her cooking looked forward to her Greek macaroni-cheese dish, stuffed grape
leaves, signature Spanakopita, and mouth-watering desserts. And, as a proud member of the local garden club, she
would display her floral arrangements for those gatherings.
Sophie devoted her life to family and friends and would be there for you, both in difficult and joyous times. She will be
greatly missed by her family and all who knew her.
Prot. No. 231/2021
October 17, 2021
Unto the Most Reverend and Right Reverend Hierarchs, Pious Priests and Deacons, the Monks and Nuns, Presidents
and Members of Parish Councils, Honorable Archons of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, Members of Leadership 100,
the Day and Afternoon Schools, Philoptochos Societies, the Youth, Greek Orthodox Organizations, and the entirety
of the Christ-named Plenitude of the Holy Archdiocese of America.
λην τν μραν λεε κα δανζει δκαιος κα τ σπρμα ατο ες ελογαν σται. (Ψαλμς 36:26)
All the day long the righteous show mercy and lend, and their offspring shall be a blessing. (Psalm 36:26, LXX)
My Beloved Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Archiepiscopal Encyclical for National Leadership 100 Sunday Every member of Leadership 100 makes an
extraordinary commitment to endow and seed the ministries of the Church that are accessed by all Her members.
Leadership 100 is a quintessential instrument of generosity for the Archdiocese, and it has fulfilled this all-important
role for more than four decades.
Today, we are celebrating National Leadership 100 Sunday – an opportunity to learn more about the work of this
organization, and an opportunity to express our gratitude. This movement of munificence and philanthropy has given
our Archdiocese many gifts, but none greater than its support for Hellenic College and Holy Cross Greek Orthodox
School of Theology. Leadership 100 has stood in the breach for our Scholi and bridged the gap more than once, in
order to ensure that the Archdiocese would maintain a steady stream of qualified candidates for the Holy Priesthood.
Today, when we celebrate all their accomplishments, let us remember that Leadership 100 is comprised of fellow
brothers and sisters of our Church, each of whom has decided to give back to the Lord in thanksgiving for the
blessings that they have received. Let us take this day to also give thanks for them and to them, for their wise
stewardship, and for their dedication and commitment to our Holy Church.
With paternal love in our Lord Jesus Christ,

Spanakopita Prep for Philoptochos Holiday Pastry Sale – Sunday, October 24th I know we just did this a few weeks ago, but thanks to the timing of things, we are now looking for a date to
prepare the small 8x8 pans of spanakopita that we offer for the annual Philoptochos Holiday Pastry Sale.
Due to scheduling challenges, we’re going to have to try something a little different this time… we’re hoping to
gather on Sunday, October 24th, starting at approximately 1pm, after services, to assemble spanakopitas.
I know it’s a lot to ask of people to give up some of their Sunday afternoon, but if you could please consider
staying after services, or coming by for a couple of hours, we would really appreciate the help. We’re aiming to
make about 125 small pans, which is fewer than years past, so my hope is, that with enough people, we can get
it done in record time.
To ensure we have enough workers, I would appreciate if you could let me know by this Sunday, September
19th, if you are able to help on October 24th.
Thanks again for your stewardship, and your commitment to the St Barbara community!
Now that we have gotten some responses from the new altar boys and their families, we would like to plan a first training session. It will give us an opportunity to welcome boys who want to try, and give the ones who have already been coming more confidence. We will have our first altar boy training session on Sunday, October 24th, immediately following the coffee hour. If your boy(s) is(are) interested, we would love to see them there! As with all our other functions at church, we will all be fully masked and cognizant of keeping everyone safe and healthy. Thanks so much, George Glekas
October :
Monday,10/25/2021 - Cook-out lunch at Rollingview (Falls of the Neuse). *** RSVP to Toula by Wednesday, 10/20/2021 (email or 919 810-2903)
The burgers and hot dogs will be supplied. *Please brings side dishes. Van rented for transportation. Individual cars are welcomed.
Meet at the church at 10am.
November: Monday, 11/08/2021 - Field trip to Southern Supreme Fruitcake and More ... (Bear Creek, NC). *** RSV to
Toula by Wednesday, 10/03/2021 (email or 919-810-2903). We will be traveling to Bear Creek, NC to partake on this bakery's tour.
Van rented for transportation. Individual cars are welcomed. Meet at the church at 8am.
Saturday, 11/13/2021 at 1:30pm - Chair Exercises in the Multi-Purpose Room.
instructor: Lily Caltis Washington
December: Saturday, 12/11/2021 at 3pm - Holiday Music by the NC Symphony *** RSVP to Toula by Thursday,
10/21/2021 TENATIVE activity depending on attendance - trying to get group rate. Anticipated cost under $40 per person.
Tuesday, 12/28/2021 at 9am - early New Year's breakfast at Creedmoor Cafe *** RSVP to Toula by
Wednesday, 12/22/2021
Target Date to Restart Greek School Saturday October 23rd After a pandemic-induced shutdown, we are hoping to start up our St. Barbara Greek School program soon. We would like to target Saturday, October 23rd for the first day of classes. Since we have had success with masking and social distancing in our Sunday School, we are confident that we can provide a safe learning environment for our child and adult classes. If you and/or your child have interest in Greek School this year, we have attached a registration form to this email. You can also simply reply to this email with the following details (adults need not worry about age and grade level!):
Student’s name:
Telephone number:
E-mail address(es):
Since we have had such a long hiatus, we assume it might take a few weeks to determine class levels. We will then follow up with new books and a more concrete schedule. If you know of anyone else who might be interested, feel free to pass this information along. If you have any questions, please just let us know!
Thanks so much, Evy Glekas, Greek School Director George Glekas, Greek School Assistant
Stewards as of October 14, 2021
Thank you for your continuing support of St. Barbara. As of October 14, 2021 we had 153 Stewards or 96% of our 2021
goal of 160. Please join us to meet our annual goal by pledging your support. Your time, talents and treasury are
critical to the success of our ministries and meeting our operating expenses.
We continue to need your help during these trying times. Please give prayerful consideration to your 2021
contribution as soon as possible. The Church’s mission and expenses continue in the face of the Covid pandemic.
Ackerley, John & Ellie Claypoole, Chris & Michelle Heraclis, Marlena & Constance Mavrogiorgos, Dr. Nicholaos Qaqish, Dr. Olgha
Alexander, Dr. Susan Cocolas, Erie Hero, Basil & Dr. Marjory Charlot & Arboleda, Mario
Alexiades, Alec and Frances Connell, Rose Marie Hondos, Effie & Dina Megaro, Mathew & Tina Quint, Angelia
Alger, Amy Constantinou, Catherine & Jurau, Christian Messis, Panos Rheinhardt, Keith & Alexa
Amos, Matt & Vicky Wes Platt Kacoyanis, Anna Mikhaylyants, Irina Rudnick, Ben & Irene
Anderson, Pat & Antonia Constatinou, Costas Kacoyanis, Paul McGovern, Victoria Safarikas, Al & Christine
Armfield, Christina Constantinou, Lou Kalaidzidis, Gregorios & Lindsay McWhirter, MaryJon Saloupis, Peter
Arvanitis, Marina Costas, Dean Kambeseles, Jack Morris, Kostantinos Shepard, Bernadette
Assimos, Dean Dababnah, Sharon Kamilaris, Christos & Janet Nolas, Billy & Julie Stavrakakis, Mattheos & Marika
Athas, William & Donna Dafnis, Dr. Elaine Kamilaris, Nikolas Odzak, Larry & Hope Stutts, Linda
Bakis, Basile & Mary Dais, George & Helen Karamalegos, Antonios & Claire Oladipo, Richard Sullivan, Bill and Jennifer
Bakis, George & Maria Dasher, James Kash, Dr. Thomas & Dr. Zoe Paliouras, Cindy Sunas, Marian
Bakis, James Dates, John & Ana Kekis, Theoharis Paliouras, Jim & Helen Tesfatsion, Senait
Balafas, Nicholas & Eugenia Delagrammatikas, Dr. George Kepraios, William & Elaine Paliouras, John & Dena Theophanos, Rebecca
Barbee, Effie & Chrystal Klikas, Paul & Mann, Dana Paliouras, Nicholas Tise, Lauren Bonfiglio
Barton, Lance & Maria (Marinos) Demetriades, Gus & Vanessa Korach, Dr. Kenneth & Karen Paliouras, Niko Trohanis, Donna
Becak, Thalia Dennos, Anne Koutouzakis, Helen Panos, Peter & Evelyn Tylecote, Alexander & Emily
Beridze, Tamar Dennos, George & Patricia Kyper, Dr. Andrew Panov, Yuri & Eliseeva, Yelena Tryphonos, Tryphon & Suzanne
Biggs, John & Diana Dobrica Dorton, Betty Kuyper, Dr. Lee & Pauline Pantelidis, James & Stella Valakas, Antonia
Blackley, Agape Easton, Brian & Maria Lagodinos, Nikolaos & Pantermakis, George & Janet Varelas-Ruiz, Georgina
Bonfiglio, Barbara Edwards, Tia Patras, Konstantina Papazoglou, Matina Varelas, John
Bourbous, Nick Fedorovska, Natalya Lambiris, Elias & Madelene Papanikas, Kleanthis Vurnakes, Jimmy & Frances
Bourbous, Peter Ferris, Laurice Livanos, Geoge & Angelika Vlachos, Demetra
Callahan, Katherine Marie Fotinos, Nickolas & Myriam Livas, Katherine Papanikas, Sam & Cleopatra Watters, Jacques & Christine
Capsalis, Manuel Frangakis, Dr. Crist & Maria Lockett, Paul & Melanie Pappas, Joanna Wilson, Preston & Catherine
Carr, Sophie Gallins, Teddy & Helen Loden, Martha Pappas, Katherine Wippich, Robert & Roberta
Chamis, Christos & Alice Georgiou, Nicholas Lyras, Thalea Pappas, Dr. Ted & Theky Xenakis, Betsy
Christakos, Andrew & Cheryl Gkoulioumis, Konstantinos Mangum, Daniel & Dr. Hrisavgi Paraschos, Sofia Young, Davis & Georgianne
Christakos, Eleni & Mantzouka, Eleftheria Mamaies, Fr. Stavroforos Pashales, George Zaferatos, Deno & Kerri
Christakos, Lia Glekas, Dr. George & Dr. Amy Mariakakis, Johnny & Catherine Pavlidid, Pavlos & Meltem Zehia, Christina
Christi, George & Deborah Glekas, Jim & Evy Marinos, Dr. Pete & Joan Pepper, Daisy Zehia, Tony & Evelyn
Chronaki, Dr. Bessie Goodwin, Len & Elaine Martin, Azeb Przybyl, Daniel & Lori Zervakis, Anastasios
& Harriette Condes
Please remember your Church. If you have not, as yet, become a 2021 Steward of St. Barbara, please join your fellow Parishioners in supporting our beloved Church. Thank you.
2021 Mortgage Fund Donors as of October 14, 2021
Our St. Barbara Church is our spiritual home. Your pledges and donations fund our $13,000 monthly mortgage payment to M&F Bank in Durham. Thank you so very much for your active and generous support. The List Of Donors as October 14, 2021 follows:
Alexander, Susan Lambiris, Elias & Madelene
Alexiades, Alec & Frances Livas, Katherine
Amos, Matt & Vickie Loden, Martha
Athas, William & Donna Mamaies, Fr. Stavroforos
Barton, Lance & Mariakakis, Johnny & Catherine
Maria (Marinos) Marinos, Harry
Carr, Sophie Mavrogiorgos, Drs. Nikolaos
Christakos, Andrew & Cheryl & Marjory Charlot
Christakos, Eleni Megaro, Matthew & Tina
Christie, George & Deborah Nicholson, Terri
Chronaki, Dr. Bessie Odzak, Larry & Hope
Cocolas, Erie Paliouras, Cindy
Dates, John & Ana Panos, Peter & Evelyn
Dennos, Anne Panov, Yuri & Elena Eliseeva
Farmakis, Daisy Pappas, Dr. Ted & Theky
Ferris, Laurice Parzakonis, John & Eugenia
Frangakis, Dr. Crist & Maria Philoptochos
Glekas, Dr. George & Dr. Amy Przybyl, Daniel & Lori
Glekas, Jim & Evy Rheinhardt, Keith & Alexia
Goodwin, Len & Elaine Sosangelis, Savas & Linda
Green, Marlayna Stavrakakis, Mattheos & Marika
Kacoyanis, Anna Trohanis, Donna
Kacoyanis, Paul Vlachos, Demetra
Kepraios, Dean Xenakis, Betsy
Koutouzakis, Helen Zehia, Tony & Evelyn
Please prayerfully join this list to help meet and reduce our mortgage.
Thank you.
When you eat or drink or do anything else, always do it to honor God.”
1 Corinthians 10:31
Everyone looks forward to coffee hour after Divine Liturgy on Sunday. It’s a time to socialize
and catch up with other members of St. Barbara’s. Hosting coffee hour gives members a
chance to donate their time to this social ministry that feeds the body after Divine Liturgy
feeds the soul.
We need a volunteer for coffee hour coordinator. Duties DO NOT include set up and clean up
– rather the coordinator is responsible to remind the group responsible for setting up and
cleaning up for coffee hour, assisting their fellow parishioners who host coffee hour by letting
them know what is expected/needed and ensuring there are enough coffee hour supplies on
Everyone enjoys the wonderful fellowship and tasty treats that bring us together every Sunday
after socially after the Divine Liturgy. Please help if you can; we need a coordinator so that we
continue to enjoy a cup of coffee and each other’s company every Sunday. We will teach you
everything you need to know! Please contact Daniel Przybyl if you are able to help.
The Signficance of the fathers of the 7th Council
“Most glorified art Thou, O Christ our God, Who hast established our Fathers as luminous stars upon the earth, and through them didst guide us all to the true Faith” (troparion for the Fathers of the Seventh Ecumenical Council).
Holy Father, keep through Thine own Name those whom Thou hast given Me, that they may be one, as We are… Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on Me through their word; That they all may be one; as Thou, Father, art in Me, and I in Thee, that they also may be one in Us (John 17:11, 20-21). We need to bring this prayer of the Savior to mind more and more often, in order not to stray from the path within the darkness of the godless world; in order not to be deceived by the bright, shrill light of ungodly doctrines; in order to be with God always; and in order to remember that this unity is possibly only in God’s Church.
Fear not, little flock! – only believe, the Lord is with you all days (Luke 12:32). Fear not, little flock! – I shall leave you God’s Church, the pillar and ground of truth. Live in it; live through it; only it is immovable, neither changing nor deceiving, for the Lord Himself is in it. He guards the holy truth in the catholicity of the Church’s decisions.
For it seemed good to the Holy Spirit, and to us (Acts 15:28): conciliar decisions were proclaimed using these words on every occasion and at all times. The seven pillars – the Seven Ecumenical Councils – firmly and unwaveringly support the vault of the Church, while the canons protect God’s truth in the world.
My dear ones, it is the Fathers of the Seventh Ecumenical Council to whom we are obliged to give thanks that our churches, our cells, and our homes are sanctified with holy icons; that living flames glimmer before them in lampadas; that we fall down in prostration before the holy relics; and that the smoke of holy incense lifts our hearts to the heavenly abodes, parting us from earth. The grace of revelation from these holy objects has filled many, many hearts with love for God and animated many spirits that were already quite dead.
But all this might not have been, if there had not been a time in the eighth century when the Holy Fathers of the Church – holy hierarchs and monks – stood up in defense of these holy objects. Their struggle, to the shedding of blood, extinguished many bonfires made up of icons, which had been blazing over the course of fifty years.
The Seventh Ecumenical Council affirmed that iconography is a special form of revelation of Divine reality; and that through the Divine services and icons, Divine revelation becomes accessible to the faithful, to our domain. Through the icon, just as through Holy Scripture, we not only learn about God, but we come to know God; through the holy icons of the God-pleasers we touch transfigured man, a partaker of the Divine life; through the icon we receive the all-sanctifying grace of the Holy Spirit.
The icon, according to the Fathers, is also prayer. A consecrated icon is itself holy. When we pray before it, the holy words of our prayers and the visible holy image of the icon before us simultaneously transfigure us, directing even us sinners and earthly people to holiness.
But now in our highly complex and difficult times, when a new paganism has again blinded the world, does not a new iconoclasm loudly declare itself? They no longer destroy icons, but rather they gather them, they hunt for them. But some see only the beauty of antiquity and the exotic in them, while others are captivated by the professional perfection of the images, and still others sacrilegiously stretch out their hands to them, in order to turn them into silver or gold.
Is this not blasphemy?
And they hold icons in their hands and keep them on the walls of their houses, but do not know that the Holy Spirit is looking for living and inspired temples worthy of the inhabitation of holiness in the owners of icons; and not finding such, He will withdraw. And then this woeful sentence will be pronounced over them: There is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after God. They are all gone out of the way, they are together become unprofitable (Romans 3:11-12). And God’s wrath will abide on them.
My dear ones, is this not frightful? That which should sanctify man makes him even more sinful, joining to the other sins the grievous sin of offending the Holy Spirit. Then the Holy Spirit withdraws, and man becomes blind and unable to see God’s miracles.
My friends! If you have a sacred object like an icon at home, do not forget about it. Let us turn our gaze to it daily, let us speak with it in the words of prayer or of a troparion, or let us simply stand silently, clinging to it with our soul. Then we will draw daily sanctification, life for the soul, and strength from the icon.
I will not list examples of God’s gifts that we have received through the holy icons and through the holy Mysteries of the Church. They are innumerable. Every day the Holy Church glorifies the icons of the Mother of God and celebrates the memory of the holy God-pleasers. Their icons are placed before us on analogions for veneration. The living religious experience of each one of us, the experience of our gradual transfiguration through them, makes us faithful children of the Holy, Universal, Orthodox Church.
This is the true embodiment in the world of the works of the Holy Fathers of the Seventh Ecumenical Council. That is why, of all the victories over a multitude of various heresies, only the victory over iconoclasm and the restoration of icon-veneration was proclaimed to be the Triumph of Orthodoxy. The faith of the Fathers of the Seven Ecumenical Councils is the eternal and immutable foundation of Orthodoxy.
But now the terrible waves of the worldwide flood that once destroyed the human race are again covering the world with lies and falsehood, ready to engulf the universe, to destroy faith in Christ, and to distort His teaching. Our only salvation, our ark, is the Holy Church, guided on its way by its heavenly luminaries: the writings of the holy God-pleasers.
Glory to the Immortal and Unseen God the Father! Glory to the Immortal God the Son, Who has revealed Himself in the flesh! Glory to the Immortal God the Holy Spirit, Who has spoken through the Prophets, Apostles, and Holy Fathers! Most Holy Trinity, Glory be to Thee! For each and every thing, glory be to Thee! Amen.
Delivered October 14, 27, 1991

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