Page 1: Saint Rita of Cascia Catholic Church Iglesia Católica ... the retreat marks a milestone in their lives, while for others it is the sowing of the faith seed that will bloom when the

Clergy Fr. Oscar Cortés, Pastor Fr. Manuel G. Gómez , Parochial Vicar Permanent Deacons Mr. Ignacio Félix, Perm. Deacon Mr. Rick Mar n, Perm. Deacon Mr. Luis Pa ño, Perm. Deacon Parish Staff Sheryl Colwell, YM/Confirma on Teresa Droeske, School Secretary Rae Eigenhauser, DRE Elizabeth Faxon, School Principal LeeAnn Grismer, Bookkeeper Janet Harner, School Bookkeeper Julieta Jacobo, Evangeliza on Ada Mar nez, RE Secretary Gregory McMahill Music Director Elizabeth Salgado, Parish Recep onist Mariela Soto, Parish Recep onist ADVISORY COUNCIL CHAIRS Dan Kocunik, Stewardship Commi ee David Green, Pastoral Council Teodoro Herrera, Hispanic Commi ee Larry Sexton, Finance Council

750 Old Indian Trail, Aurora, Illinois 60506

630.892.5918 630.892.6273

Mon - Fri, 9:00AM - 5:00PM

A Biblical Walk Through the Mass - Wednesdays - 7:00 p.m. - Parish Center Eden Mass - January 22nd - 2:00 p.m. - Eden Supporting Living Misa en Eden - 22 de enero - 2:00 p.m. - Eden Supporting Living ProLife - January 23rd - 9:00 a.m. –5:00 p.m. - Outside Planned Parenthood ProVida - 23 de enero - 9:00 a.m.-5:00p.m. - Afuera de Planned Parenthood An Evening with Tim Glemkoski - January 23rd - 6:30 p.m. - Church Una tarde con Tim Glemkoski - 23 de enero - 6:30 p.m. - Iglesia Lectio Peter - Thursdays beginning February 1st - 7:00 p.m. - Parish Center Light of the World Retreat - February 16th-19th Retiro Luz del Mundo - 16 al 19 de febrero Find more information inside

Upcoming events! - ¡Próximos eventos!

Saint Rita of Cascia Catholic Church Iglesia Católica Santa Rita de Casia

Page 2: Saint Rita of Cascia Catholic Church Iglesia Católica ... the retreat marks a milestone in their lives, while for others it is the sowing of the faith seed that will bloom when the

Page 2 | Saint Rita of Cascia Catholic Church January 20 & 21, 2018

Pastoral Message

This year for Lent, do something that will transform your life.

“Lord, there has been too much change in my life recently, and I feel overwhelmed. Because I try to be a responsible person, I sometimes forget that it is unwise for me to allow my sense of duty to override my common sense (…) Lord, help me to allow myself more time to rest, relax and pray.” Does this sound like you? Then the Light of the World Retreat may be for you. Our parish is hosting its annual Light of the World Retreat the weekend of Presi-dents’ Day, February 16 to February 19. The retreat pro-vides people with the opportunity to have a personal en-counter with Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit. While this is a weekend retreat, people go home at the end of each day. Throughout the weekend there are different opportunities to reflect on what is being said, to pray and to share. But the important element is that no matter where you are in your faith life, there is something for you. For some peo-ple the retreat marks a milestone in their lives, while for others it is the sowing of the faith seed that will bloom when the time is right. The retreat is organized and staffed by volunteers from St. Rita Parish who have gone through the retreat at least once and know what it is like to be in your shoes. They lived the retreat and it had such an impact in their lives that now they are part of it. One of the things we say in the retreat is that you should come as you are, and try to be as comfortable as possible. Nobody expects you to take notes and there is no test at the end of the retreat. What matters is what you experi-ence during this weekend. If you have questions and would like to know more about the retreat, contact Julieta Jacobo, Don Walter, or talk to the volunteers who will be in the gathering space this weekend.

Julieta Jacobo Evangelization Ministry Coordinator

Mensaje Pastoral

Esta Cuaresma ¿por qué no hacer algo que va a transformar su vida?

“Señor, últimamente ha habido muchos cambios en mi vida y me siento abrumado. Como trato de ser una per-sona responsable, a veces me olvido que no es bueno que mi sentido del deber esté por encima de mi sentido común (…) Señor, ayúdame a dedicar más de mi tiempo a descansar, relajarme y rezar”. Si esta situación le suena conocida, entonces el retiro

Luz del Mundo puede ser para usted. Nuestra parroquia está organizando la sesión anual de Luz del Mundo, la cual se realizará el fin de semana del Día de los Presidentes, del 16 al 19 de febrero. El retiro les da a los asistentes la oportunidad de tener un encuentro personal con Jesucristo a través del poder transformador del Espíritu Santo. El retiro es el fin de semana, pero los participantes regresan a casa todas las no-ches. Durante el fin de semana hay diferentes oportunidades para reflexionar en lo que se ha hablado, para orar y para compar-tir. Pero lo más importante es que no importa en qué mo-mento se encuentren en su vida de fe, el retiro tiene algo pa-ra usted. Para algunos este retiro es un momento muy im-portante en sus vidas, para otros es el sembrar de una semi-lla de fe que dará fruto en el momento adecuado. El retiro es organizado y presentado por voluntarios de Santa Rita, quienes han hecho el retiro por lo menos una vez y sa-ben lo que es estar en el lugar de los participantes. Ellos han vivido el retiro y este tuvo tal impacto en sus vidas que ahora son parte de este proceso. Algo que mencionamos con frecuencia es que las personas que participan lo hacen sin pretender ser algo que no son y tratamos de que se sientan tan cómodos como sea posible. Nadie espera que tomen notas y no hay ningún examen al final del retiro. Lo que importa es la experiencia vivida du-rante este fin de semana. Si usted tiene preguntas o necesita más información, llame a Olga Bourge al 630-892-9706 o platique con alguno de los voluntarios que van a estar en la sala de acogimiento este fin de semana. Julieta Jacobo Coordinadora del Ministerio de Evangelización

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January 20 & 21, 2018 Saint Rita of Cascia Catholic Church |Page 3

Saturday, January 20 8:00AM Mass – 4:30PM Mass – 6:00PM Misa – Emiliano Muniz Sunday, January 21 8:30AM Mass – Bishop Daminh Mai Luong 10:15AM Mass – Intentions of the See, Fosnacht & Schletzbaum Families 12:00PM Misa – Cumpleaños Raúl Ventura Hernández 7:00PM Misa – Monday, January 22 7:30AM Mass – Audrey Burns Tuesday, January 23 7:30AM Mass – Living and deceased members of the

Manville Family 9:00AM Mass – Wednesday, January 24 7:30AM Mass – Nita Neu 7:00PM Misa – Rodolfo Jaquez Thursday, January 25 7:30AM Liturgy of the Word Friday, January 26 7:30AM Mass – Michael Covelli Saturday, January 27 8:00AM Mass – 4:30PM Mass – Violet Huberty 6:00PM Misa – Modesta Correa, Juliana Valenzuela Sunday, January 28 8:30AM Mass – 10:15AM Mass – Ted Deter 12:00PM Misa – 7:00PM Misa –


All events must be scheduled through the Parish Office. No exceptions. Monday, January 22 10:00am Legión de María (Franciscan Room) 7:00pm Charismatic Prayer Group (Chapel) 7:00pm Legión de María (Augustinian Room) 7:00pm Coro (Dominican Room) 7:00pm Cub Scouts (Parish Hall) 7:00pm St. Vincent de Paul (Franciscan Room)

Tuesday, January 23 9:00am ESL Classes 7:00pm Grupo de oración 7:00pm Adult Sacramental Preparation (School) 7:00pm Tim Glemkowski (Church)

Wednesday, January 24 7:00pm Biblical Walk Through the Mass (Augustinian) 7:00pm Misa (Capilla)

Thursday, January 25 4:00pm Church Cleaning Team #6 (Church) 7:00pm Legión de María (Augustinian Room) 7:00pm Knights of Columbus (Franciscan Room)

Friday, January 26 7:00pm Grupo de oración (capilla) 7:00pm RCIA (Franciscan Room)

Saturday, January 27 8:30am Men’s Group (Francisan Room) 9:00am Retiro Luz del Mundo (Augustinian Room)


Pray for the Sick/Oremos por los Enfermos

* Ruth Ann Pineda * Irma Chávez Gamboa * Fr. Lou Busemeyer SJ * Kate Novak * Manuel Jacobo * Mary Cassidy * Deacon Bruce Water-man * Edna Rolfe * Merrilee Lubshina * Josefina García * Janet Martin * Leopoldo González * Dorothy Gallenbach * Michael Kelly * Margari-

ta Alegría * Benjamin Silva * Deacon Norb Szudarski * Velia Lizalde * Andrés Martínez * Alejandro Nieves * Art Velazquez * Daniela Sánchez

¡Damos gracias a Dios por sus bendiciones!

13 y 14 de enero de 2018

Total Colecta del Domingo: $9,614.61 EGiving: $1,259.00 (incl. correo) Sobres Arise: $ 177.00 (incluye correo y e-giving) (atmósfera, reemplazar/renovar, infraestructura, seguridad, eficiencia energética)

Utilice nuestro sistema de donaciones en Internet.

Stewardship of Treasure Report

Weekend of January 13 & 14, 2018

Total Offertory $9,614.61 EGiving: $1,259.00 (incl. mail) Arise envelopes $ 177.00 (incl. mail in & e-giving) (Atmosphere, Replace/renovate, Infrastructure, Safety/security, Energy Efficiency)

Use our secure Online Giving.

Cartas de Contribución 2017

Como ya se ha hecho en años anteriores, si quiere una carta con sus contribuciones del 2017 por favor llame a la oficina parroquial y proporcione su NOMBRE, NÚMERO DE SOBRE, DIRECCIÓN Y NÚMERO DE TELÉFONO. Las cartas se enviarán durante la semana.

2017 CONTRIBUTION LETTERS As in the past, if you would like a letter for your 2017 contribu-tions, please call the parish office and provide us with your NAME, ENVELOPE#, ADDRESS, & PHONE NUMBER. Letters will be mailed out during the week. Thank you.

Page 4: Saint Rita of Cascia Catholic Church Iglesia Católica ... the retreat marks a milestone in their lives, while for others it is the sowing of the faith seed that will bloom when the

Page 4 | Saint Rita of Cascia Catholic Church January 20 & 21, 2018

January is the month dedicated to the Name of Jesus Enero es el mes dedicado al Santísimo Nombre de Jesús

Featured CD

Contemporary Sainthood

In this incredible double feature, Mark Hart illuminates what it means to seek sanctity in the 21st century. In the first presentation, Mark dis-cusses unleashing the power of the Holy Spirit and becoming who we are meant to be: saints. In the sec-ond presentation Mark talks about the dangers of putting human expec-tations on our supreme God. These two talks will be sure to jump start your spiritual life and shed some light on what it means to be a contemporary saint.

CD de la semana

Cultura de la vida; Cultura de la muerte

Luis Soto nos lleva a través de la Escritura para explorar las raíces mismas de la cultura de la vida y de la cultura de la muerte, las cuales continúan oponiéndose una a la otra hasta nuestros días. Escucha esta plática y descubre las mentiras que engañan a mu-chos para que así puedas ser parte de la solución y construir una sociedad que respete la vida y dignidad de todas las personas de acuerdo al plan de Dios.


"There are so many different opinions and arguments flying around in the news on the Internet. Who is to say who is right? Is there even a truth? Come hear Tim Glemkowski, dynamic national speaker and founder of L'Alto Catholic Institute, a not-for-profit dedicated to renewal in the Church, unpack how cultural shifts not just in the last 50 but actu-ally in the last 500 years have led to our increas-ingly secularizing society."

Tuesday, January 23 6:30pm St. Rita

Tickets are $10.00 available after masses, Parish Center, and at the door the day of the event.

St. Rita’s Youth Group will be meeting on TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 6th.

Come join us for a Lent and Love celebration. We meet at 6:30pm in the Parish Center. The St. Rita Youth Group is open to students from 7th —

12th grade. Can’t wait to see you.

Peregrinación a

DEL 1 AL 11 DE MAYO DE 2018 mayor información Andrea 773-474-3111

[email protected]

Knights of Columbus St. Rita of Cascia Council #14825

Free Throw Contest

For all boys and girls ages 9 to 14

Sunday, January 28, 2018 2:00 p.m.

St. Rita’s School Gym

Entrance is free. Please bring gym shoes.

Caballeros de Colón Santa Rita de Cascia Concilio #14825

Concurso de Tiro Libre

Para niños y niñas de 9 a 14 años

Domingo, 28 de enero de 2018 2:00 p.m.

Gimnasio de la Escuela Santa Rita

Entrada es gratis. Por favor traigan sus zapatos deportivos.

Page 5: Saint Rita of Cascia Catholic Church Iglesia Católica ... the retreat marks a milestone in their lives, while for others it is the sowing of the faith seed that will bloom when the

January 20 & 21, 2018 Saint Rita of Cascia Catholic Church |Page 5

The Nashville Youth Mission Team will have a mandatory meeting on Thursday, Feb 8th at 7:00pm in the Parish Center. Please bring 1 parent if you are under the age of 18. We will be filling out all pa-perwork, finalizing plans for our Feb. fundraiser and getting to know each other. At this meeting $200 will be due if you have not already paid that amount. Please mark your calendars and I can’t wait to see you.

16 al 19 de febrero de 2018

Ven a vivir el retiro con nosotros en un ambiente informal, relajado y de mucha camaradería.

Si necesitas más información favor de ponerte en contacto con Olga Bourge 630-892-9706.

Las hojas de inscripción están en la sala de acogimiento.

Light of the World Retreat February 16-19, 2018

For more information call: Don Walter 630-770-3778 Julieta Jacobo 630-892-6089

Registration forms are in the

Gathering Space

Cena de Parejas

El Centro de Espiritualidad de Nazaret cordialmente te invita a una Cena de Pare-jas, Corazon con Corazon el martes, 13 de febrero de 6:30 p.m. a 8:30 p.m.

La sesión de la tarde incluye una cena para parejas junto con una presentación. El Centro de Espiritualidad de Nazaret se encuentra en 717 North Batavia Avenue, en Batavia. Cupo limitado a 20 parejas solamente. No niños por favor. La donacion sugerida es $20 por pareja o lo que puedan dar. Favor de registrarse anes del viernes, 9 de febrero con Linda Isleib al 630-879-1296 o por correo elec-tronico a [email protected].

Who introduced Peter to Jesus? a. Andrew b. John the Baptist c. James d. No one, Jesus called him

Want the answer, come to the Lectio St. Peter Study starting February 1st at 7:00 p.m. in the Parish Center. There will be a $10 material fee. Not only will this question be answered, but you’ll learn so many more mind blowing things about St. Peter, come join us.

El Grupo de la Misión Juvenil a Nashville ten-drá una junta mandatoria el jueves 8 de febrero a las 7:00 p.m. en el Centro Parroquial. Por favor traigan a uno de sus padres si son menores de 18 años. Es-taremos llenando papelería, finalizando los planes para la recaudación de fondos de febrero y conocién-donos mejor unos a otros. Tienen que pagar $200 en esta junta si aún no han pagado esta cantidad. Por favor pónganlo en sus calendarios, los espero.

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Horario de las misas Lunes-viernes (inglés en la capilla) ………………….…..…… 7:30AM Miércoles (español en la capilla)……………………..………….7:00PM Sábado (inglés en la capilla) ………………………..……………8:00AM Sábado (inglés en la iglesia) …………………..……………….. 4:30PM Sábado (español en la iglesia) ………………………………….. 6:00PM Domingo (inglés en la iglesia) …………………………8:30, 10:15AM Domingo (español en la iglesia) ……………….…….. 12:00, 7:00PM Confesiones Sábado (inglés y español en la iglesia) ……………….3:00-4:15 PM Bautismos Favor de llamar a la oficina parroquial de 3 a 4 meses antes. Llame a la oficina parroquial 630-892-5918 Rito de Iniciación Cristiana Para Adultos (RICA): Este es el proceso para adultos que están interesados en la iglesia católica para que vengan y hagan preguntas. Para más información llame a la oficina parroquial, 630-892-5918 o asista a la próxima sesión de Ven y Mira. Esta información está en el boletín. Confirmación - Muchachos del 7mo al 11vo grado Contacte a Sheryl Colwell 630-892-5918 x251. Confirmación/Primera comunión para adultos Asista a la próxima sesión Ven y Mira. Información en el boletín. Matrimonios Necesita 6 meses de preparación matrimonial. Favor de llamar a la oficina parroquial para hacer una cita con el padre. Unción de los enfermos Por favor informe a la oficina parroquial si sabe de algún feligrés enfermo tan pronto como pueda, para que un sacerdote lo visite en su casa / hospital inmediatamente. Quinceañeras Llame a la oficina parroquial para más información entre 10 y 12 meses antes de la fecha que desea la misa. Educación religiosa Contacte a Rae Eigenhauser al 630-892-9507 Escuela parroquial de Santa Rita Contacte a la directora Elizabeth Faxon al 630-892-0200. Ministerio de evangelización Contacte a Julieta Jacobo al 630-892-6089 San Vicente de Paul Para recibir ayuda parroquial llame al 630-892-6186 y deje su men-saje con su información. Registro parroquial Si usted es católico y vive dentro de los límites parroquiales de Santa Rita, lo invitamos a registrarse.


MASS SCHEDULE Monday – Friday (English).……………………….…...7:30 AM Wednesday (Spanish)……………………………….…....7:05 PM Saturday (English)……........................8:00 AM & 4:30 PM Saturday (Spanish) …………………...…………………..6:00 PM Sunday (English)......................................8:30 & 10:15 AM Sunday (Spanish)…………………………...….12:00 & 7:00 PM Eden Mass (English) every 4th Monday of each month (September—May) at 2:00pm, at Eden supportive living 311 S Lincolnway St, North Aurora, IL 60542 Reconciliation……………………………...…………..…3:00-4:15 PM Saturday (English & español) Baptisms - Infants /children Please contact the parish office 3-4 months in advance to arrange for Baptism 630-892-5918. Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA): a process for adults to come and ask questions about the Catholic Church to prepare for Baptism or entrance intro the church. For more infor-mation contact the parish office, 630-892-5918 or attend the next Come and See evening as listed in the bulletin. Confirmation - 7th grade through junior in HS Contact Sheryl Colwell at 630-892-5918 x251. Adult Confirmation/1st Communion (Sacramental Prep) Attend the next Come and See evening as listed in the bulletin. Weddings Minimum of 6 months required for preparation. Contact the parish office to make an appointment with the priest. Sick Calls Please inform the parish office of any sick parishioners as soon as possible so a Priest can visit the hospital or residence immediately. Religious Education Contact: Rae Eigenhauser at 630-892-9507. St. Rita Catholic School Contact Mrs. Elizabeth Faxon, School Principal at 630-892-0200 Ministry of Evangelization Adult formation, retreats, small communities. Contact: Julieta Jacobo at 630-892-6089 St. Vincent de Paul For emergency assistance, please call 630-892-6186 and leave a message with your contact information. Parish Registration Catholics who live within the parish boundaries of St. Rita Catholic Church are encouraged to register.


Por la vida

Se necesitan testigos de oración por la vida este martes 23 de enero de 9 am a 5 pm en las instalaciones de la clínica de abortos Planned Parenthood. El rosario se rezará a las 2 pm con un sacerdote o un diácono. Favor de inscribirse en la sala de acogimiento.

Pro Life

Prayer warriors for life are needed this Tuesday, January 23, from 9 am to 5 pm at the Planned Parenthood abortion facility. The Rosary will be prayed at 2:00 p.m. with a Priest or a Deacon. Please sign up in the gathering space.

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January 20 & 21, 2018 Saint Rita of Cascia Catholic Church |Page 7

Ministries –Weekend of January 27 & 28, 2018 Ministerios– fin de semana del 27 y 28 de enero de 2018

Sat, January 27 4:30 pm English

Sun, January 28 8:30 am English

Sun, January 28 10:15 am English

Dom 28 de enero 12:00 p.m.


EM’S Ministros de


Jerry Grimes - 1 Oanh Mai - 2

Ann Iglesias - 3 Tom Neu - 6

LaVerne Taylor - 7 Margaret Weiland - 8

Megan Bennett - 1 Julieta Jacobo - 2 Sandra Lorenz - 3

Mary Morehouse - 6 Barb Pennington - 7

Ellen Voda - 8

Tom Colwell - 1 Edgar Gonzalez - 2 María Barraza - 3 Donna Hughes - 6 Chung Hoang - 7 Maria Hoang - 8

Honorio - 1 Jesús - 2 Elena - 3

Socorro - 4 Reyna - 5

Martín S. - 6 María S. - 6

Lucia - 6

Lectors Lectores

Roisin Daly - 1 Jayna Zant - 2

Brian Pennington - 1 Georgina Valenzuela - 2

Sheryl Colwell - 1 Landa Midgley - 2

Geny Ponce - 1 Martín Venegas - 2

Altar Servers Monagillos

Nicholas Czerak Mary Grace Czerak Jillian Geronimo

Makenna Kinzer Maya Rabadan

Izabel Hommowun

Roselynne Orrala Samantha Poss

Kayla Garcia

Gaby Vargas Ana Laura Ponce

Isabella Ponce Erika Juárez

Monday, January 22 - Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children 2 Sm 5:1-7, 10; Ps 89:20-22, 25-26; Mk 3:22-30

Tuesday, January 23 2 Sm 6:12b-15, 17-19; Ps 24:7-10; Mk 3:31-35

Wednesday, January 24 - Francis of Sales 2 Sm 7:4-17; Ps 89:4-5, 27-30; Mk 4:1-20

Thursday, January 25 - Conversion of Paul, Apostle Acts 22:3-16 (or 9:1-22); Ps 117:1-2; Mk 16:15-18

Friday, January 26 - Timothy and Titus, bishops 2 Tm 1:1-8 (or Ti 1:1-5); Ps 96:1-3, 7-8a, 10; Mk 4:26-34

Saturday, January 27 2 Sm 12:1-7a, 10-17; Ps 51:12-17; Mk 4:35-41

Sunday, January 28 Dt 18:15-20; Ps 95:1-2, 6-9; 1 Cor 7:32-35; Mk 1:21-28


Lunes 22 de enero - Día de oración por la protección legal de los niños no nacidos 2 Sm 5:1-7, 10; Sal 88:20-22, 25-26; Mc 3:22-30

Martes 23 de enero 2 Sm 6:12-15, 17-19; Sal 23:7-10; Mc 3:31-35 Miércoles 24 de enero - San Francisco de Sales 2 Sm 7:4-17; Sal 88:4-5, 27-30; Mc 4:1-20

Jueves 25 de enero - Conversión de San Pablo, Apóstol Hch 22:3-16 (o Hch 9:1-22); Sal 116:1bc-2; Mc 16:15-18

Viernes 26 de enero 2 Tm 1:1-8 (or Ti 1:1-5); Sal 95:1-2a, 2b-3, 7-8a, 10; Mc 4:26-34

Sábado 27 de enero 2 Sm 12:1-7, 10-17; Sal 50:12-17; Mc 4:35-41

Domingo 28 de enero Dt 18:15-20; Sal 94:1-2, 6-8, 8-9; 1 Cor 7:32-35; Mc 1:21-28


One of the most powerful actions that we can per-form in our lives is forgiveness. When we hold onto things rather than letting them go, all they do is hold us down. This of course makes sense in regards to dealing with hurts that others have caused us, but do we ever think about the need to forgive ourselves? So often we hold on to weak-nesses from the past or to failures from long ago, and these memories keep us from having the confidence that we need so that we can step out in Faith and to go when God is calling us to go. It’s as if we’ve fallen down again and again, and we’re afraid to get back up because we fear that we’ll simply fall again. Well, it’s probably true that we will fall again, but as long as you take a few steps forward (even just one step makes a

difference!) then it’s worth all of the effort. On the other hand, if we stay down, we have a 0% chance of ending up where God is calling us, and if we don’t try to follow, then we’ll most likely not find the peace and the joy that we all seek. So to-day, do what you need to do to forgive yourself,

and let God pick you back up. A great resource for this is the sacrament of confession, when we can be assured that God wipes it all away. Since God wipes it all away, we need to try to do the same in our hearts and minds!

- Fr. Romke

Vocation Corner: Forgiving Ourselves!

Page 8: Saint Rita of Cascia Catholic Church Iglesia Católica ... the retreat marks a milestone in their lives, while for others it is the sowing of the faith seed that will bloom when the


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520 Redwood Dr., Ste. 2 Aurora, IL 60506


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