Page 1: Saint Robert Bellarmine - · 9/5/2008  · 12:00 pm Leonard Gorski (2nd anniv.), Eleanor Moor Raymond Bakalich, James Archibald Weekly Collections August 31, 2014 Sunday

Saint Robert BellarmineSaint Robert Bellarmine Parish Mission Statement We are a diverse Catholic community of genera ons, experiencing the living God and reflec ng our faith in ac on with one another.

September 14, 2014 Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross

Page 2: Saint Robert Bellarmine - · 9/5/2008  · 12:00 pm Leonard Gorski (2nd anniv.), Eleanor Moor Raymond Bakalich, James Archibald Weekly Collections August 31, 2014 Sunday

Mass Intentions

MON. September 15, Our Lady of Sorrows 8:30 am Susan & Otto Seiler, Cecilia McLean TUES. September 16, Sts. Cornelius and Cyprian 8:30 am Stanley & Rose Balis, Dolores Downs WED. September 17, St. Robert Bellarmine 8:30 am Michael & Mary Trush, Anthony Villicana THURS. September 18, Weekday 8:30 am Leo Puralewski Jr., Witucki Family FRI. September 19, St. Januarius 8:30 am Finoy Lukose, Santo Messina, Eleanor Moor SAT. September 20, St. Andrew Kim Tae-gon and St. Paul Chong Ha-sang 8:30 am George Furphy, Rosemary O’Donnell 5:00 pm Bernice & Eugene Gaskin, Nancy Herling, August & Filomena Chidichimo, Patricia Mion SUN. September 21, Twenty fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00 am Donald Kilton, Valentina Pena, In thanksgiving to St. Anthony 10:00 am Deceased members of the Meksula Family, Don Chernich 12:00 pm Leonard Gorski (2nd anniv.), Eleanor Moor Raymond Bakalich, James Archibald

Weekly Collections August 31, 2014

Sunday Offertory $ 8,178 Sharing $ 130 Energy $ 343

Thank you for your generosity!

St. Pascal will be hosting a Small Christian Community program this fall starting 10/5/14. Small Christian Communities are made up of 6 to 12 people who meet once a week for 6 weeks to pray and to

share the action of God in their lives. Each person shares at a level where he or she feels comfortable. No previous training is needed. The meetings will last about 90 minutes.

This coming session is from a booklet called "Why Catholic? Journey through the Catechism." This session begins the week of October 6th and ends the week before Thanksgiving.

The focus of this 6 week session will be "Christian Prayer - Deepening My Experience of God." If you would like more information or would like to join us in a Small Christian Community, please call the

St. Pascal Rectory at 773 725-7641 and leave your name and phone number. Someone will get back to you. This is an excellent way to re-energize your spiritual life.

Page 2 September 14, 2014

Please pray for our sick

Gina Brettman, Mitchell Czajkowski, Patricia Klenck, Andrzej Kochanowski

Exaltation of the Holy Cross

In the first reading from the Book of Numbers the people complain to Moses, “Why have you brought us up from Egypt to die in this desert..?” As punishment for complaining, God sent poisonous snakes which kill many people. The people then ask Moses to intercede for them after admitting their guilt. God instructs Moses to make a statue of a snake, mount it on a pole, and have those bitten look at it, which will save them. The Letter of St. Paul to the Philippi-ans reads like a song and may have originally been a church hymn. It describes how Jesus, who is the “form of God”, emptied himself by becoming man, and further humbled himself by “becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.” Because of this God “greatly exalted him”, and declares that everyone will bow to the name of Jesus and confess that he is Lord. In the gospel from John, Jesus quotes the scripture reading from the Book of Numbers to Nicodemus saying, no one has gone to heaven, except the Son of Man who has come down from heaven. He then pre-dicts his crucifixion and describes its salvific powers with the words, “just as Moses lifted up the serpent in the desert” so must I be lifted up so that everyone who believes may have eternal life. Jesus next measures the depths of his fa-ther’s love with the words, “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son.”

Numbers 21: 4b-9 Philippians 2: 6-11 John 3: 13-17

Page 3: Saint Robert Bellarmine - · 9/5/2008  · 12:00 pm Leonard Gorski (2nd anniv.), Eleanor Moor Raymond Bakalich, James Archibald Weekly Collections August 31, 2014 Sunday

Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross Page 3

From the Pastor’s Desk

Today we celebrate the Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross. This feast is a reminder that it is only by God’s power and grace, through the blood of Jesus on the Cross, that we are given the possibility of salvation. The scriptures re-mind us that it is only through total humility and gratitude for God’s awesome love for us that we can accept this free gift. We cannot attain salvation through intellectual assent to doctrinal truths nor by “being religious” or by any merit of our own. Salvation can only be received by humble acceptance.

In the reading from the Book of Numbers, the people are literally dying from their sins. When the bronze serpent was mounted on a pole, the people bitten by snakes recovered. This prefigures the gospel when Jesus tells Nicode-mus that “just as Moses lifted up the serpent in the desert, so must the Son of man be lifted up, so that everyone who believes in him might have eternal life.” Eternal life is the gift of salvation: to look upon the face of God (Jesus on the Cross) with awe and rapture realizing his incredible love for us.

The only way we can realize the gift of salvation is through personal sanctification. This simply is to put on the mind of Christ. This is not intellectual or passive acceptance; this is a personal transformation of the spirit. It comes about in our lives through humility. Humility before God is the letting go of our pride, our intellect, our ego through this self-emptying that St. Paul talks about in his Letter to the Philippians. He tells us that Jesus “humbled himself, becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.”

This reading is a beautiful hymn that St. Paul has picked up from an earlier Church tradition that reminds us of the incredible love God must have if Jesus is willing to empty himself of his glory, taking the form of a slave. God is giving up his power to become one of the powerless. We are called to give up the false illusion that we have power (we have none when it comes to sin and salvation) and accept our human weakness. To become obedient, even to the point of death is to put our trust in God and do the right thing, the loving thing, in imitation of Christ because it is the right thing. We are to love and not count the cost.

Remember that crucifixion was the most hideous form of death in St. Paul’s world. The Romans used crucifixion: only on the worst enemies of the state. Jesus was willing to die for the kingdom: not that of Rome but that of God. Because he didn’t grasp at his divinity (power) but was willing to give it all up for our sake, God “greatly exalted him”, raising him up in glory. Sin makes us enemies of the kingdom. But, if we are able to humbly accept our ina-bility to save ourselves, if we are willing to let go of our fear and empty ourselves as Christ did, then we, too, will be raised up in glory.

On a sad note, Fr. Scott’s mother, Marion Donahue passed away last Sunday after a long illness. May she rest in peace. Please keep Fr. Scott and his family in your prayers. Please see Fr. Scott’s note on page six.

There will be a second collection this weekend for the Energy Needs of our parish. There will be a second collec-tion next weekend for the Seminary.

Congratulations to our neighbors at St. Pascal’s who are closing the celebration of their 100th anniversary with a special mass and banquet today.

Stephanie Lieberman, a local attorney will be hosting an Estate Planning Seminar this Saturday, September 20th at 6 p.m. in Kernaghan Hall. The evening will provide useful information for those who have not yet made provisions for the disposition of their assets as well as those with aging parents who may still need to address this vital but often scary issue.

Next Sunday the parish will celebrate the Feast of St. Robert Bellarmine, our patron saint and patron saint of cate-chists. The Archdiocese also celebrates Catechetical Sunday. There will be a special blessing for the catechists and volunteers at the 10 a.m. mass. Members of the RE program will also host Coffee and Donuts after the masses. Thank you to these wonderful folks who give freely of their time and talent to share our faith with the children.

Have a great week. Sincerely, Fr. Neil

Page 4: Saint Robert Bellarmine - · 9/5/2008  · 12:00 pm Leonard Gorski (2nd anniv.), Eleanor Moor Raymond Bakalich, James Archibald Weekly Collections August 31, 2014 Sunday

Wedding Banns

II - Sean James Glowacz and Danielle Iba

Page 4 September 14, 2014

Please pray for the repose of the souls of

Irene Koziarz and

Theresa Stolfi And

Marion Donahue and for their families and friends.

A Warm Welcome to our New Parishioners

Mr. Lawrence Heller & Mrs Mary Fournier and Family

and Mrs. Bonnie Ladegaard

Baptized in Faith

Alfredo Hernandez III and

Leah Hernandez Children of

Alfredo Hernandez and Annett Felix

Congratulations on your Wedding…

Mr. & Mrs. Ronald and Diana (Bellus) Petterec September 5, 2014

Mr. & Mrs. Phillip and Wilma (Montilla) Rener

September 6, 2014


9:00 AM


Every week we explore the scriptures for the coming Sunday.

Learn about the scriptures through prayer and

discussion with other parishioners.

Questions? Call Bill at 773-777-2666 or email: [email protected].

Wednesday, September 17 at 7:30 pm

meet in the Church

~ Take time out to work out your body and your soul!

~ Meet other young adults and parents in the parish.

~ Come, check it out and get your heart rate moving to a new rhythm.

Faith and Fitness

A workout for your body and spirit!


Please join us for Eucharistic Adoration on

Wednesday, September 17 and pray for the needs of the

people of the world. Adoration starts after the 8:30 am Mass and

closes with Benediction at 5:00 pm. Can you spend a short time with Jesus?

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Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross Page 5


Estate Planning Do you have a will? Do you know what will happen to your money when you die?

Will it go to the people you want? Do you have a power of attorney? Planning your estate can be intimidating but it is very important.

Join us on Saturday, September 20 after 5:00 mass. Attorney Stephanie Lieberman will walk you through some very important and helpful basic information.

Please rsvp to the rectory if you plan to attend.

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Page 6 September 14, 2014

On August 31, we were honored to have Cardinal George with us to celebrate the noon mass and to give his blessing to Joe and Eileen Yankee on their 50th wedding anniversary.

Eileen and her family are old family friends of the Cardinal from St. Pascal’s.

Congratulations Joe and Eileen!

Marion E. Donahue It is with great sadness, and with hope and joy in the Lord, that my mother Marion was called home to God on Sun-day September 7, 2014. As many of you know, my mother had a wonderful life. Mom was a woman of great strength, character and ele-gance. In spite of life’s difficulties, my mother raised me and my three siblings, Kathy, Barbara and Peter in a wonder-ful and secure home environment. As many of you know, my dad was called home to God suddenly when I was in 7th grade, my sister Kathy was a freshman in high school, my sister Barbara was in 8th grade, and my brother Peter was in 5th grade. My mom embraced the challenge of raising the four of us (with help from my mother’s mother) while working every day after my dad died. Mom continued to work into her mid-70’s and never took a sick day. I can honestly say that my mother met every challenge, great and small, with her incredible sense of humor, dignity and grace. Mom was truly a woman of great strength, faith and character. My mother had a deep and abiding faith, which she practiced religiously. It was terribly important for her to teach us the importance of the love of God in our lives, and the obligation we have to put our faith into action. In the last eight years of my mom’s life, my mother courageously battled cancer, enduring six major surgeries. I can honestly say that my mom never complained or bemoaned the fact that she was ill, nor did she let her battle with cancer diminish her wonderful and life-giving personality. I believe my mother broke a world’s record for being in hospice care for over 23 months. Mom was filled with God’s grace. She laughed easily, she always had a beautiful smile, and when she smiled her eyes were filled with light. She did not complain, and she was always grateful for the support of her family and friends. My mother was a proud woman, and she was extraordinarily proud of her four children and six grandchildren. I want you to know that my mother thought the world of you, her friends. On behalf of my sisters, my brother, my nieces and nephew, I want to personally thank you for your support, friend-ship and prayers, especially during these difficult days. I am deeply grateful to each of you—your ongoing friendship and support offered great strength to my mom, and continues to offer strength to all of my family members. Blessings, Fr. Scott

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Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross Page 7

The St. Constance Women’s Club

The St. Constance Women’s Club, which has been in existence for 59 years, is a group of women dedicated to the one Woman in all our lives, Mary, Mother of Jesus. You do not have to be a parishioner of St. Constance to join. We are looking for new members to join in the fun. We are women of all ages gathering together to grow spiritually and help our community, parish, school, parishioners, charities, missions and the world with the funds from some of our activities. We sponsor a clothing drive, sell Roses for Life to help Pro Life, Lenten Reflection, Night at the Races and have our Annual Tea, Ladies Night Out, just to name a few. Our membership dues are $10.00 for the year which can be paid at the meeting. Our meetings are the fourth Monday of the month from September through May. Some months vary depending on the holidays. Our first meeting is September 22. Doors open at 6:00 and the meeting starts at 6:30 pm. Our meetings are held in Borowczyk Hall - 5856 W. Ainslie. If you have any questions regarding our club, or need a ride, call Pat at 773-858-8927. We look forward to meeting you.

In honor of September 11, we would like to honor local first responders for their contributions to our community.

Ed Tylka and the staff at Malec & Sons Funeral Home would like to invite active and retired police officers, firefighters, EMTs and their families

to an Appreciation Cookout with food, refreshments, and a jumping jack for the kids.

Held in the Parking Lot - Rain or Shine

Saturday, September 20, 2014 11 am to 3 pm

Malec and Sons Funeral Home 6000 N. Milwaukee Ave..

Chicago, IL 60646 773-774-4100

Start on the Trail to Eagle Scout

Boy Scout Troop 979 and Cub Scout Pack 3979

invite all SRB boys in Grades 1 to 8 to learn more about our scouting programs.

Grab a friend and attend a few of our meetings to see if you like it. No pressure. More info available at: or Email: [email protected]

Thank you, SRB Parishioners for being part of the Troop 979 family for more than 50 years.

Page 8: Saint Robert Bellarmine - · 9/5/2008  · 12:00 pm Leonard Gorski (2nd anniv.), Eleanor Moor Raymond Bakalich, James Archibald Weekly Collections August 31, 2014 Sunday

Page 8 September 14, 2014

$30 474 Tricia Gibula

$30 1194 Florian Zydorowicz

$30 127 Christine & Matt Pecoraro

$30 16 The Barone Family

$30 1166 Sandi Lewandowski

$30 83 Edgar Magdaleno

$30 1060 Zoe Banas

$30 1514 Robert & Yolanda Simonsis

$30 1367 Beth Staunton

$30 1157 Jerry Kurtti

$500 252 Bedon Family

$200 1106 Steve Kroll

$100 190 Erin Kadus

$100 1571 Van Houghton Family

$50 21 Saunders Children

$50 4 Bendigs Family

$30 1419 Michael Conway

$30 804 Mike Penchar

$30 514 Nichole Aumann

$30 102 Cervantes Family

$30 1342 Ms. Carole Bauer

Greg Pierce to Discuss “The Ground of Love and Truth” Sept. 21 When Greg Pierce, president of ACTA Publications in Chicago, met Benedictine Sr. Suzanne Zuercher in 2013, Sister told him “God wants you to publish my book.” Pierce will discuss Sr. Suzanne’s book, “The Ground of Love and Truth,” about how Trappist monk and author Thomas Merton grappled with the questions of personal integrity and vocational commitment, at the next meeting of the Chicago Chapter of the Merton Society at 2 p.m.

Sunday, Sept. 21, at the Rectory Assembly of Immaculate Conception

Parish, 7211 W. Talcott, Chicago.

Sr. Suzanne, who frequently spoke on Merton to the Chicago Chapter, passed away June 14, shortly after her book was published by Pierce, and chapter mem-bers will honor her memory. Free admission, refreshments. For more information call Mike Brennan evenings at 773-685-4736.

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Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross Page 9


Join the fun at the fourth annual St. Robert Bellarmine Gala, Saturday, Oct. 18. The evening begins with a special mass in the church at 5 p.m., with the celebration to follow in the school.

The 2014 event will again feature food, drink, music, and live and silent auctions items. The teachers of St. Robert Bellarmine, both past and present,

will be honored with this year's Guardian Angel Award. Tickets are $40 in advance, $50 at the door. Adults 21 or older are invited.

For more information and to order tickets please visit

Page 10: Saint Robert Bellarmine - · 9/5/2008  · 12:00 pm Leonard Gorski (2nd anniv.), Eleanor Moor Raymond Bakalich, James Archibald Weekly Collections August 31, 2014 Sunday

Daily Scripture Readings

Monday 1 Cor 11:17-26, 33 / Jn 19:25-27


1 Cor 12:12-14, 27-31a / Lk 7:11-17

Wednesday 1 Cor 12:31―13:13 / Lk 7:31-35


1 Cor 15:1-11 / Lk 7:36-50

Friday 1 Cor 15:12-20 / Lk 8:1-3


1 Cor 15:35-37, 42-49 / Lk 8:4-15

Sunday Is 55:6-9 / Phil 1:20c-24, 27a / Mt 20:1-6a

Weekly Schedule Monday, September 15

8 am – 12 noon High School Recruiting (KH) Dino’s Pizza Parent Association Benefit Night

7 pm Confirmation Candidate / Parent Meeting (KH) Tuesday, September 16

6:30 pm Novena (C) 7 pm PPC Meeting (R)

Wednesday, September 17 5 pm Benediction (C)

7 pm – 10 pm SPRED Prep (KH) 7:30 pm Faith & Fitness (C) Thursday, September 18 9 am Scripture Study (MR)

3:45 pm – 5 pm Junior High Choir Rehearsal (MR) 7 pm Adult Choir Rehearsal (MR)

7 pm RCIA (R) Friday, September 19

Saturday, September 20 9:30 am – 12 noon Religious Education Class (S)

11:30 am – 12:30 pm Altar Server Training (RE) (C) 6 pm Estate Planning Seminar (KH)

Sunday, September 21 Coffee and… after all Masses

10 am Mass Catechical Sunday 4:30 pm Contemporary Mass Choir Rehearsal (C)

6:30 pm – 8 pm Teen Club (KH)

Page 10 September 14, 2014

September 20 / 21 , 2014 Mass Pres ider Servers Lectors Auxi l iary Ministers

5:00 PM Fr. Neil Fackler

J. Griggs, K. Griggs, L. Van Houghton

W. Felckowski G. Kurtti, A. Ouper, J. Ouper

8:00 AM Fr. Scott Donahue

K. Brosnan, A. Gibula, M. White

B. Davis M. Furphy, M. Kmiec, D. Nowak, Sr. Ann,

P. Harrison, N. Hester, Sr. Mary Lou

10:00 AM Fr. Neil Fackler

J. Castaneda, A. Jablonski, J. O’Brien

J. Hearrin T. Eifert, P. Eifert, K. Ernst, C. Bell, D. Czech, N. Kriescher, J. Markfull

12:00 PM Fr. Scott Donahue

J. Hall, J. Reyes, R. Sarau-Young

Y. Simonsis A. Benages, I. Benages, M. Glowacz

5:30 PM Fr. Robert

Fedek N. Springer, J. Zaker,

J. Zaker J. Sabbath D. Ahearn, J. Ryan, E. Zaker

PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR MILITARY GySgt Timothy R. Hogan (Marines) CPT Patrick J. Collins (Army) Raymond Weernink (Navy) Sgt Scott Pekar (Marines) CPT Dan Allen (Army) LCpl Kurt Williams (Marines) SGT Joseph Konieczny (Army) Mike Janson (Navy) 1LT Brian G. Lutz (Army) SPC Sean Cheker (Army) Bernard Brennan (Marines) PV2 Michael Rosenthal (Army) Sgt Joseph VonMoser (Marines) Martin Durcan (Navy) PVT Colleen McDonald (Army) Cpl Armando Bolivar (Marines) Luke Bulanda (Navy) Capt Kevin P. O’Grady (Air Force) Capt Albert Eiffes (Air Force) Capt Daniel C. Ouper (Air Force) EM1 John J. Schmidt III (Navy) Joseph A. Casey (Navy) EM3 Abraham Ubi (Navy) PVT Michael Barry (Army) SPC David A. Torres (Army) E2 Anthony V. Tierra (Navy) Daniel Von Moser (Air Force) Sarah Faye Tierra (Navy) Sgt. Benjamin Junasz (Marines) AFC Alex Kemmeling (Air Force)

Page 11: Saint Robert Bellarmine - · 9/5/2008  · 12:00 pm Leonard Gorski (2nd anniv.), Eleanor Moor Raymond Bakalich, James Archibald Weekly Collections August 31, 2014 Sunday

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Page 12: Saint Robert Bellarmine - · 9/5/2008  · 12:00 pm Leonard Gorski (2nd anniv.), Eleanor Moor Raymond Bakalich, James Archibald Weekly Collections August 31, 2014 Sunday

Saint Robert Bellarmine Church

Mass Schedule Weekdays - Monday - Friday at 8:30 a.m. Weekends - Saturday Morning at 8:30 a.m. Saturday Evening at 5:00 p.m., Sundays at 8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m., 12:00 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. Holy Days - 8:30 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.

Rectory Office Hours Monday - Friday - 8:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. (Closed from 12:00 to 1:00 p.m. for lunch) Saturday - 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Sunday - 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.


Arrangements to be made with a priest at least six months in advance.

Please contact the rectory for date and time availability before making other arrangements.


Celebrated the second and fourth Sunday at 1:15 p.m.

Parents need to register at the rectory office. Baptismal preparation class for first time Parents

and Godparents is offered on the last Monday of the month at 7:00 p.m. in the rectory.

Please note: there are no baptisms scheduled during the season of Lent.


Saturdays 4:00 p.m. - 4:45 p.m. or by appointment.

Anointing of the Sick

1st Saturday of the month after the 8:30 a.m. mass.

Eucharistic Adoration & Benediction Third Wednesday of every month.

Adoration begins after 8:30 a.m. mass. Benediction at 5 p.m.

Please sign up at the rectory office.

Novena Mother of Perpetual Help Novena is offered on

Tuesday evenings at 6:30 p.m. in the church.

Recitation of the Rosary Monday through Saturday at 8:00 a.m.

Parish Office & Rectory 4646 North Austin Avenue

Chicago, Illinois 60630 Tel. 773.777.2666 Fax 773.777.2770


Rev. Neil E. Fackler, Pastor Rev. Scott Donahue, Resident

Tony Delgado, Deacon Kathy Goetz, Business Manager

[email protected] Barbara Donnelly, Adm. Assist/Office Mgr

[email protected] Dr. Christina Zaker, Adult Education

[email protected] Beth Farias, Youth Minister

[email protected]

Religious Education Office 6036 West Eastwood Avenue

Tel. 773.286.0956 Debi DeMario, Director [email protected]

St. Robert Bellarmine School 6036 West Eastwood Avenue

Tel. 773.725.5133 Carrie Mijal, Principal

[email protected] Chris Wilson, Secretary

[email protected]

Office of Music Director 6036 West Eastwood Avenue

Tel. 773.286.0956 Dennis Costanzo, Music Director

[email protected]

Bulletin Deadline: Thursday 12 Noon 10 days in advance

Submit articles via email: [email protected]

in person at the rectory or fax 773.777.2770

Pulpit Announcement Deadline Friday by 7:30 p.m. in the rectory.

Saint Robert Bellarmine Church

Parish Rectory & Office 4646 North Austin Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60630 Tel. 773.777.2666 Fax 773.777.2770 Website:

Rev. Neil E. Fackler, Pastor Rev. Scott Donahue, Resident Antonio Delgado, Deacon Kathy Goetz, Business Manager [email protected] Barbara Donnelly, Parish Secretary [email protected] Bill Frere, Adult Education [email protected] Beth Farias, Youth Minister [email protected]

Religious Education Office 6036 West Eastwood Avenue Tel. 773.286.0956 Debi DeMario, Director [email protected]

St. Robert Bellarmine School 6036 West Eastwood Avenue Tel. 773.725.5133 Carrie Mijal, Principal [email protected] Chris Wilson, Secretary [email protected]

Office of Music Director 6036 West Eastwood Avenue Tel. 773.286.0956 Dennis Costanzo, Music Director [email protected]

Bulletin Deadline: Thursday 12 Noon 10 days in advance Submit articles via email: [email protected] in person at the rectory or fax 773.777.2770

Pulpit Announcement Deadline Friday by 7:30 p.m. in the rectory.

Mass Schedule Weekdays - Monday - Friday at 8:30 a.m. Weekends - Saturday Morning at 8:30 a.m. Saturday Evening at 5:00 p.m., Sundays at 8:00 a.m., 10:00a.m., 12:00 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. Holy Days - 8:30 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.

Rectory Office Hours

Monday - Friday - 8:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. (Closed from 12:00 to 1:00 p.m. for lunch) Saturday - 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Sunday - 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

Weddings Arrangements to be made with a priest at least six months in advance. Please contact the rectory for date and time availability before making other arrangements. Baptisms Celebrated the second and fourth Sunday at 1:15 p.m. Parents need to register at the rectory office. Baptismal preparation class for first time Parents and Godparents is offered on the last Monday of the month at 7:00 p.m. in the rectory. Please note: there are no baptisms scheduled during the season of Lent. Confessions/Reconciliations Saturdays 4:00 p.m. - 4:45 p.m. or by appointment. Anointing of the Sick 1st Saturday of the month after the 8:30 a.m. mass. Eucharistic Adoration & Benediction Third Wednesday of every month. Adoration begins after 8:30 a.m. mass. Benediction at 5 p.m. Please sign up at the rectory office. Novena Mother of Perpetual Help Novena is offered on Tuesday evenings at 6:30p.m. in the church. Recitation of the Rosary Monday through Saturday at 8:00 a.m.

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