
Growth Partners

Hazina Towers, 9th

Floor P.O Box 51672-00100 Nairobi

Tel: +254 208 012 627 Cell: +254 736 638 979/ +254 721 303 864

E: [email protected] W:

Innovative Sales Excellence Courses From

AAAccctttiiivvveee LLLeeeaaarrrnnniiinnnggg MMMeeettthhhooodddooolllooogggiiieeesss CCCooommmppplll iiiaaannnttt

The Sales Excellence Academy Courses Calendar 2013

The Ultimate Sales Maximization learning Event

A must attend for every sales person who want to achieve their ambitious targets in 2013

April 25th -26

th 2013 June 13


th2013 August 15

th -16


21st Century Selling Techniques

Back to the Basics of Sales Excellence

April 11th-12

th2013 May 13

th -14

th2013 September 5

th -6


Strategic Account Management

The Structured way to penetrate, manage and

grow high value accounts

July 11th -12

th2013 March 21

st -22


Building a Results-Oriented Sales Machine

Covering every aspect that affects sales

performance of a company

March 14th-15

th2013 September 12

th -13


Excellence in Customer Engagement

Covering strategies and tactics for getting

maximum potion of customers spending

budget for as long as they are alive.

April 18th -19

th2013 May 6



The 21st Century Enterprise Selling Seminar

The Course on Best Practices in Selling to the Big Organizations

Government Institutions, International Organizations and Non-Governmental Organizations

March 14th-15

th2013 September 12

th -13


The Sales Excellence Academy Courses Calendar 2013

Active Learning Seminar Seminar Designed for: Learning Objective Dates

The Ultimate Sales

Maximization Event(A must

attend for entrepreneurs and

sales professionals)

For everyone who is involved in

selling or managing selling of

products, services and ideas in all


Understand the key drivers to excellence in sales performance and

how to build them in your sales work;

Help you uncover and build strategies to overcome your obstacles to

the achievement of sales targets ;

April 25th -26

th 2013

August 15th -16


June 13th-14


Building a Results-

Oriented Sales Machine

Sales Managers , Business Owners

and Team Leaders

Equip sales managers and leaders with skills for maximizing results

from their sales people and organization.

March 14th-15


September 12th -13


21st Century Selling


Sales People, Real Estate Sales

People, Account Executives, Sales


Provide effective and practical knowledge skills, strategies and

techniques to generate maximum sales in the highly competitive


April 11th-12


May 13th -14


September 5th -6


Excellence in Customer


All employees who interact with

customers and clients.

Equip participants with essential skills and techniques to delight the

customers at the point of interaction so as to get them buy more,

come back again and become the business’s evangelists.

April 18th -19


October 10th -11


Strategic Account


Key Account Managers, Enterprise

Sales Reps, Sales Managers

Provide the participant with a structured approach to growing sales

and profits from existing accounts and penetrate new ones.

July 11th -12


March 21st -22


The 21st Century

Enterprise Sales Seminar

Key Account Managers Entreprise

Sales Reps, Sales Engineers, High-

Tech Sales professionals,

This is a must attend course for sales people and managers keen to

take their know-how of selling to government, multinationals,

Parastatals and Non-Governmental Organizations to a higher level.

August 8th -9


April 18th -19


July 4th- 5


The dates provided are for Nairobi, Kenya Sessions. These seminars will be available in Kampala, Kigali and Dar-es-Salaam. For details contact us.

1. Recruitment Services

Growth Partners uses scientific methods to select and recommend sales people, sales managers and related professionals based on your unique

business, product and market environment.

No other recruitment agency in the market has the know-how and specialized tools to identify and select sales candidates with the highest sales potential.

Our tools are The Sales Performance Predictor (Sales P.P) to measure the person sales aptitude and the Sales Personality Profiler to figure out the

person’s sales personality.

Based on our rigorous methodology of selection we are able to recommend candidates with most of the essential ingredients for success given your

product, selling method, market situation and type of customers your target.

2. Sales Growth Strategy Development

We take you through a rigorous strategizing process based on your hidden assets, un-identified constraints, un-leveraged strengths and un-obvious

growth opportunities. Then we guide you in execution of the strategy.

3. Sales Coaching Services

We provide coaching services to individual sales people and sales managers to ensure that they are operating at their full potential.

Others Sales Excellence Services


Growth Partners

Other Clients

NIC Bank Cold Air Sudan

Rafiki DTM

Barclays Bank

Cooperative Bank

Pergamon Group

Twiga Chemicals

Next Logistics (TZ)

Hope FM

Milele FM

M&S Logistics

Kenya Ports


Mumias Sugar Ltd

Plus many more

Some of Growth Partners Clients

The Sales Excellence Academy Courses Calendar 2013

Growth Partners

Hazina Towers, 9th Floor P.O Box 51672-00100 Nairobi, Kenya

Tel: +254-20-8012627 Cell: +254 736638979 +254 721303864 E: [email protected]


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