  • 7/28/2019 Sales Force Automation Presentation - Unitedworld School of Business


  • 7/28/2019 Sales Force Automation Presentation - Unitedworld School of Business


    Marketing Project

  • 7/28/2019 Sales Force Automation Presentation - Unitedworld School of Business


    Sales Force Automation

    Sales force automation(SFA) is a technique of usingsoftware to automate the business tasks of sales.

    SFA perform diverse task like

    Order processing Contact management

    Information sharing

    Order tracking

    Customer management

    Sales forecast and analysis

    Inventory monitoring and control.

  • 7/28/2019 Sales Force Automation Presentation - Unitedworld School of Business


    Purpose of SFA

    Increase Revenue: Improve day to day operationand give competitive advantages.

    Reduce cost: Reduce the amount of time salesforce spends on administrative and other non-sales related task , hence reduce the cost of sales.

    Increases availability of customer information:SFA allows different departments and individualin a organization to access specific informationabout their customer.

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    Sales forecasting: AS SFA are equip with moresophisticated tools, it help to do salesforecasting. SFA help managers to successfullypredict sales and make intelligent business

    decisions. Improve tracking by management: SFA allows

    managers to better monitor the activities of thesales force by reporting on the activities of the

    sales force. SFA also allows managers to comparethe sales force progress with all other territoriesor teams.

  • 7/28/2019 Sales Force Automation Presentation - Unitedworld School of Business


    Case study: Hewlet Packard(Dyche , 2002)

    Hewlett Packard (HP) is one of the world largest and

    most successful information technology organizations thatoperates in nearly every country. HP markets its products to

    households, small to medium size businesses and enterprises,

    both directly, via online distribution, and indirectly through

    consumer-electronics and office-supply retailers, software

    partners and major technology vendors. HP was always

    thought of as an innovative organization focused on

    delivering an industry-leading customer experience. For this

    reason, in the nineties HPs. CRM program director Mike

    Overly was in charge of rolling out a worldwide CRM programthat included a complex SFA system. The following sections

    will discuss what HP did, their main challenges in

    implementation, and the results and learning from the


  • 7/28/2019 Sales Force Automation Presentation - Unitedworld School of Business


    What HP did

    Mike Overly and his CRM team knew that in order to deploy aglobal CRM solution they would need to influence the entire

    organization. HP chose an FSA system from their business

    partner, Oracle. With the introduction of the new system HP

    had to phase out numerous data, business processes and

    technology systems. HP goal was to provide the companys

    global sales force with an automated and standard way to

    perform contact management and account planning.

    Everyone had their own rules and guidelines about managing

    their customer activities, Overly said. But what makes acustomer happy is pretty universal (Dyche, 2002, p. 99). With

    customer activity data in an Oracle customer database.

  • 7/28/2019 Sales Force Automation Presentation - Unitedworld School of Business


    HP could provide a remote salesperson with

    the ability to track a customers activities

    across organizations. For instance, the SFA

    system allowed a salesperson to find out

    which of his/her customers contacted a

    company help desk, or could check up on how

    particular customers were doing in terms of arecent marketing campaign.

  • 7/28/2019 Sales Force Automation Presentation - Unitedworld School of Business


    The Challenges

    Implementing a worldwide SFA system obviously resultsin many challenges and HP was no exception. Overlyexplained that the most challenging aspect of the SFAimplementation was creating a uniform system for thediverse sales force. Overly and his team found that no

    matter where in the world they went, the salesrepresentatives shared a common goal of being assuccessful and productive as possible; however, every salesperson had a preferred way of getting the job done. Duringthe SFA system implementation Overly and his team had to

    overcome habits and assumptions that were often not onlyorganizationally ingrained but also culturally embedded.However, Overly was committed to creating an HPsolution, and he worked with Oracle to design a

  • 7/28/2019 Sales Force Automation Presentation - Unitedworld School of Business



    system that allowed the sales force to customize their interfaces toinclude client information and contact activities as well as data from

    external news sources and the global financial markets. HP also developed

    a training program in order to help the sales force apply the technology to

    their specific job.

    Results and Learning

    Overly measured the overall success of the system based on three

    primary measures increased revenue, decreased costs and industry-

    leading total customer experience. The overall results from the SFA

    implementation were positive and Overly was confident that the systemwould continue to pay off in the future. Overly was reluctant about

    estimating the revenue generated by the SFA system, however his

    optimism made it clear HP expects additional revenue to be generated by

    the improvements resulting from the system.

  • 7/28/2019 Sales Force Automation Presentation - Unitedworld School of Business



    Based on his experience with HP, Overly advisedother organizations that might be deploying CRM tobe mindful of three success metrics. First, organizationsshould obtain sustained executive presence, meaning

    that executive leadership must be engaged throughoutthe CRM lifecycle. Second, organizations should alwayskeep one eye on the problems of today, and the otheron tomorrows problem. Third, organizations need toensure change leadership, with emphasis on the world

    leader. Finally, Overly stressed that Every day there anew challenge you need someone who has a goodunderstanding of the problem and the authority to fixit.

  • 7/28/2019 Sales Force Automation Presentation - Unitedworld School of Business


    Campus Overview

    907/A Uvarshad,


    Highway, Ahmedabad


    Ahmedabad Kolkata

    Infinity Benchmark, 10th

    Floor, Plot G1,

    Block EP & GP,

    Sector V, Salt-Lake,

    Kolkata 700091.


    Goldline Business Centre

    Linkway Estate,

    Next to Chincholi Fire

    Brigade, Malad (West),

    Mumbai 400 064.

  • 7/28/2019 Sales Force Automation Presentation - Unitedworld School of Business


    Thank You

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