  • 8/13/2019 Sales Management Structure


    Sales Management structure

  • 8/13/2019 Sales Management Structure


    Sales Management structure

    It defines how sales job and tasks are formally divided,

    grouped, and coordinated in a sales organization.

    Sales management structure ensures delegation and effective

    sales management and control.

  • 8/13/2019 Sales Management Structure


    Key elements

    1. Job /work specialization

    2. Chain of command

    3. Span of control

    4. Centralization and decentralization

    5. Formalization

  • 8/13/2019 Sales Management Structure


    Factors influencing structure

    a)Product and service related factors

    b) Organization related factors

    c) Marketing mix related factors

    d) External

  • 8/13/2019 Sales Management Structure


    Product and service related factors

    Nature of product and service

    In FMCGsize is large due to large customer base and

    high demanding market.

    Quantity of the products to be marketed and assortment

    size decide the structure.

    The structure will be complex depending on the quantity

    of sale targeted per category

  • 8/13/2019 Sales Management Structure


    Organization related factors

    Structure will be simple if enterprise is small in

    product and customer base.

    Organizations with specialized products and niche markets

    have simple structure.

    Size is large for firms with large production volume and

    sales happening with multiple channels.

    Organization with financial constraints engage intermediaries

    for distribution

  • 8/13/2019 Sales Management Structure



    Financially sound companies directly reach the consumers

    and those companies have complex sales organization.

    Centralized organization have simple structure

    Decentralized organization will have large and complex


  • 8/13/2019 Sales Management Structure


    Marketing Mix related factors

    Size of the market. Ex : MNC companies

    Companies with selective distribution strategy have simple


    Companies with intense distribution have complex


    Pricing of goods can influence structure.

    Low priced goods with large markets have large sized


  • 8/13/2019 Sales Management Structure



    High priced goods with limited market will have small

    sales organization.Aggressive sales policy follow a large and complicatedsales structure

  • 8/13/2019 Sales Management Structure


    External factors

    Level of competition and past policies and traditions can

    determine the structure .In intense competitive environment organization tends to

    expand to serve and reach new and existing customers.

  • 8/13/2019 Sales Management Structure


    Changes in structure

    Various factors that changed sales structure

    1. New technologies like internet, telephones can provide alternate

    channels to reach the consumer. Ex: online buying

    2. Now companies are becoming more customer driven.

    3. Changing market conditions.

    4. Reduction in the no of vendors.

    5. Closer customer relationships.

    6. Changes in the regulations and international prices due to rapid


  • 8/13/2019 Sales Management Structure


    Sales Management Positions

  • 8/13/2019 Sales Management Structure


    Sales Management Positions

    Its the different hierarchical roles of sales force in any


    Requirements of the sales executive jobs vary from

    company to company.

    Sales executives role is more action oriented and less

    planning oriented.

    Sales Management is more concerned with present .

  • 8/13/2019 Sales Management Structure


    Sales Management Positions

    It is possible to generalize about activities and

    responsibilities of sales manager.

    Most companies have concise statements of duties

    associated with various positions known as job or position


  • 8/13/2019 Sales Management Structure


    Job description

    Sales Manager

    Reporting relationship : Sales managerdistrict reports to

    next higher authority in sales depending on the organization

    structure. Ex : Regional managers, GM- Sales, VP-Sales etc

    Job objective : To maximize the sales volume through

    effective development and execution of sales program and

    sales policies of all products sold by the division.

  • 8/13/2019 Sales Management Structure


    Duties and Responsibilitiesa) Sales Program : He decides on the development of detailed

    sales program to improve competitive positions, reduce

    selling and other distribution expenses .

    Establishing short and long range goals of the division with

    other executives

    Reviews and approves sales policies, sales strategies and

    pricing policies.

  • 8/13/2019 Sales Management Structure


    b) Organization : He or she establishes an effective plan of

    organization and methods of controlling the activities of sale


    It can provide sufficient time to carry out full line of

    departmental responsibilities.

    Provide leadership , self development of sales force

  • 8/13/2019 Sales Management Structure


    c) Sales force management

    Recruitment and development of new sales force.

    Training to sales force.

    Establishing a system of sales supervision that controls

    waste and in efficiency.

    Sales force motivation

  • 8/13/2019 Sales Management Structure


    d) Internal and external relations

    Developing effective working relations with other

    departments heads.

    Maintaining effective working relationship with sales,

    training and the other key personnel involved.

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    e) Communications

    Establishes a system of communications with other sales

    personnel and provide information about overall

    departmental sales objectives , results and problems.

    f) Control

    Reviews and approves sales and expense budgets.

    Consults production manager for precise inventory


  • 8/13/2019 Sales Management Structure


    f) ControlContinued

    Delegates authority and develop control records and

    performance standards.

    Ensuring proper balance of various activities.

    Performance Criteria

    Based on sales volume, profit contribution , sales plansand turnover rate of sales personnel

    C f f

  • 8/13/2019 Sales Management Structure


    Characteristics of successful sales man

    a) Ability to understand and perform roles assigned by the company.

    b) Leadership qualities.

    c) Skill in recruiting, training and delegating duties to sales force.

    d) Good product and market knowledge.

    e) Proper planning and implementing skills.

    f) Effective client and employee relationships.

    g) Time and client management.

    h) Communication and convincing abilities

  • 8/13/2019 Sales Management Structure


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