  • Sample Paper

    Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics


    Registered Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005. Ph.: (011) 47623456 Fax: (011) 47623472

    Physics, Chemistry, Biology & Mental Ability

    (for Class X Studying Moving to Class XI)

  • Regd. Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph.: 011-47623456

    Aakash National Talent Hunt Exam 2020 (for Class X Studying Moving to Class XI)

    Sample Paper ANSWERS

    1. (1)

    2. (3)

    3. (2)

    4. (1)

    5. (2)

    6. (1, 2, 3)

    7. (1, 3)

    8. (1)

    9. A(S), B(Q), C(P), D(R, S)

    10. (2)

    11. (2)

    12. (4)

    13. (3)

    14. (3)

    15. (1, 3, 4)

    16. (2, 3, 4)

    17. (4)

    18. A(S), B(P, Q, R), C(P, Q, R), D(P, Q, R)

    19. (2)

    20. (4)

    21. (2)

    22. (2)

    23. (1)

    24. (1)

    25. (1, 3)

    26. (1, 4)

    27. (4)

    28. A(Q), B(R,S), C(R), D(P)

    29. (4)

    30. (1)

    31. (4)

    32. (1)

    33. (3)

    34. (3)

    35. (1, 3)


  • 1

    Regd. Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005, Ph.: 011-47623456

    Aakash National Talent Hunt Exam 2020 (for Class X Studying Moving to Class XI)

    Sample Paper ANSWERS & SOLUTIONS

    1. Answer (1)

    Req = 4 Ω V = IReq


    I =

    = 3 A P = I2R Power dissipated across resistor R5 = (I′)2 × 3

    26 3

    9 2I = × ×

    = 3 watt 2. Answer (3) Insulator has maximum resistivity 3. Answer (2)

    4. Answer (1)

    , ?3

    = − =fu v

    1 1 1f v u

    = −

    1 1 3= +f v f

    ⇒ 1 2v f


    ⇒ 2fv = −



    = 2




    = 32

    Virtual image of magnification 32

    will be formed at

    , 02



  • 2

    (Class X Studying Moving to Class XI) - (Sample Paper) ANTHE-2020 (Medical)

    5. Answer (2)

    ∠i = 90° – 30° = 60° ∠i = ∠r ∠i + ∠r = 60° + 60° = 120° 6. Answer (1, 2, 3)

    The refractive indices are different for different

    wavelengths and speed of light is depended on refractive index i.e. light of different wavelength have different speeds.

    7. Answer (1, 3)

    m > 1 is possible only for convex lens.

    If m = 2, then object should be placed between

    F and P.

    If, m = –2, the object should be placed between

    F and C

    8. Answer (1)

    n = 6.25 × 1018 electron

    q = ne

    = –6.25 × 1018 × 1.6 × 10–19 C = –1 C

    9. Answer : A(S), B(Q), C(P), D(R, S)

    Battery is a group of cells and indicated by

    Voltmeter is indicated by

    Ammeter is indicated by

    Electric cell or battery provides electrical energy in the circuit

    10. Answer (2)

    C + O2 → CO2

    Carbon and oxygen combine to form a single product.

    11. Answer (2)

    Substance getting reduced – MnO2

    Substance getting oxidised – HCl

    12. Answer (4)

    Nettle leaf extract contains methanoic acid

    13. Answer (3)

    X, Y, Z and W are H2, Cl2, NaOH and NaCl respectively.

    14. Answer (3)

    X, S, G1 and G2 are FeSO4 ⋅ 7H2O, Fe2O3, SO2 and SO3 respectively.

    15. Answer (1, 3, 4)

    Highly reactive metals like K, Na, Ca etc. react with water to produce their respective metal hydroxides and hydrogen gas.

    16. Answer (2, 3, 4)

    M, N, X and Y are calcium, oxygen, chlorine and phosphorus respectively

    17. Answer (4)

    Ionic compounds conduct electricity in their aqueous state as well as molten state.

    18. Answer : A(S), B(P, Q, R), C(P, Q, R), D(P, Q, R)

    Aqueous solution of CO2 i.e. H2CO3 (Carbonic acid), is acidic in nature therefore it turns blue litmus red.

    Solution of milk of Magnesia, sodium oxide and lime water are basic in nature therefore their pH is more than 7 and they turn phenolphthalein pink and red litmus blue.

    19. Answer (2) The plant papaya contains either stamens/pistil,

    hence it is a unisexual plant. 20. Answer (4) Amoeba is a unicellular organism which divides

    through binary fission in any plane. 21. Answer (2) In plants, the female germ-cell or egg is present in

    ovule. 22. Answer (2) During photosynthesis, glucose is synthesized by

    plants which gets stored in the form of starch.

  • 3

    ANTHE-2020 (Medical) (Class X Studying Moving to Class XI) - (Sample Paper)

    23. Answer (1) The osmotic pressure of blood and the dialysing

    fluid is equal. 24. Answer (1) When a pea plant is self crossed then the

    offsprings produced are : VV, Vv, Vv, vv

    Out of 450, heterozygous individuals for violet

    flower colour will be 2 450 3003

    × = .

    25. Answer (1, 3) Cellular DNA is the information source for making

    proteins in the cell and in humans each trait is influenced by both mother’s and father’s genes.

    26. Answer (1, 4) Here, A is trachea, B is lung, C is rib cage and D

    is alveolus. 27. Answer (4) In snails, sex determination is influenced by the

    environmental factors. 28. Answer : A(Q), B(R,S), C(R), D(P)

    (A) Binary fission → (Q) Leishmania

    (B) Regeneration → (R) Hydra

    (S) Planaria

    (C) Budding → (R) Hydra

    (D) Multiple fission → (P) Plasmodium

    29. Answer (4)

    The correct mirror image of given figure is in option (4)

    30. Answer (1)

    84 : 8 × 4 = 32 → 23

    36 : 3 × 6 = 18 → 81

    31. Answer (4)

    Letters on odd positions shift to other odd position similarly for letter at even position.

    12 4 61 2 3 4 5 3 53 4 5 2 1 3 4 5 6 12



    32. Answer (1)

    372 = 1369, 392 = 1521, 412 = 1681 and 432 = 1849

    33. Answer (3)

    % expenditure on football = 63 100 117 %360 2×


    34. Answer (3)

    C is father of E and A is father of C hence A is grandfather of E.

    35. Answer (1, 3)

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