
Activities 2016-17

The education at Sankalp is holistic. The students are exposed to multi activities that encoruage them to think out of the box and also build confidence levels. Our objective is to nurture our children and lay a strong foundation for the future. We strive create an environment that is happy and healthy.

The academic year 2016-17 was an exciting and action packed year.

1. Volunteers from several corporates and high school students enagaged with the students on several topics ranging from english reading, personality development and hygiene. 2. We celebrated various events and occasions with zeal with students showcasing their talents on stage 3. Students were given sweaters, uniforms, water bottles, lunch boxes etc as part of our student welfare programme 4. Fifty six students completed Class V in March 2017 and were gifted a watch as a token of appreciation. 5. Music and dance classes are conducted by professional teachers twice a week 6. A football coaching camp was conducted for the young boys in Classes 1 and 2 and a special footcamp was conducted for the girls 7. All girl students who have recahed puberty are given sanitary napkins every month 8. Special art & craft sessions are conducted every Saturday 9. Counselling sessions on “good touch bad touch” and other life skills conducted by the teachers A green your school project was conducted during spring to teach the students kitchen gardening skills

Farewell to the students of Class V

Sports Day

Football Camps

Green your school project

Distribution of water bottles , lunch boxes and sweaters

Teachers Day celebrations

Childrens Day celebrations

Republic Day 2017

Art & Craft and Fun & Games

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