
In conjunction with the ICS Stakeholder Meeting on 1 November 2017


IAIS Annual ConferenceSasana Kijang, Kuala Lumpur2 - 3 November 2017


13IAIS Annual Conference

17Profiles of Speakers

40Sasana Museum Tour and Excursions

11ICS Stakeholder Meeting

9IAIS Distinguished Fellows 2017

3Welcome Messages

42Excursions (additional information)



Welcome Message from Yoshihiro KawaiIAIS Secretary General

I wish to extend a very warm welcome to the many Members andstakeholders attending the 24th IAIS Annual Conference in the fascinatingAsian city of Kuala Lumpur. The theme of this year’s annual conference is“Insurance Supervision: Looking Beyond…”. In keeping with this theme, I’dlike to explore what we see when we “look beyond” and contemplateinternational insurance supervisory cooperation? What do we see whenwe “look beyond” and think about the future of the IAIS? I would like totake a minute to revisit the IAIS of the past, consider the current IAIS andthen anticipate its future.

When the IAIS was established in 1994, the IAIS was an informal forumwhere insurance supervisors exchanged views once a year. No one everreally imagined the IAIS evolving into the international insurancesupervisory standard-setting body it is today. Years later, in the aftermathof the financial crisis of 2008, when the IAIS began discussing thesystemic risk of insurance companies, nobody thought it would develop aG-SII assessment methodology, identify potential G-SIIs and create policymeasures. Similarly, when IAIS Members started discussing global capitalstandards, many people thought the IAIS could never make this happen.Fast forward to today—we made it happen! The IAIS is now theinternational insurance standard-setting body. Members have developeda comprehensive set of insurance supervisory standards, analysedsystemic risk in the insurance sector, developed the G-SII assessmentmethodology and policy measures and identified G-SIIs. We have createdthe first ever global insurance capital standards—the Basic CapitalRequirement and Higher Loss Absorbency. The IAIS has releasedInsurance Capital Standard (ICS) Version 1.0 for extended field testing.

But IAIS Members have not stopped there. They are now workingintensively on developing ICS Version 2.0 and an activity-based approachto systemic risk and enhancing the assessment and peer review of IAISstandards. Despite our track record, some sceptical observers arequestioning whether or not the IAIS can achieve these ambitious goals.When I look to the past, reflect on the present and gaze into the future, Ihave no doubt that the IAIS will achieve these goals—as we have done inthe face of every significant challenge in the past.


It is easy to forget that the source of these remarkable achievements isnot legislation or binding rules but international cooperation based onour mission and goodwill. The IAIS is a group of people united in thesame mission – to promote effective and globally consistent insurancesupervision and contribute to financial stability—but with diverse viewsand sometime significant differences, operating within different insuranceregulatory and supervisory approaches. Members act to protect not onlythe policyholders of their own jurisdiction but also the policyholders fromevery jurisdiction from every region around the world.

Thanks to cooperation through dialogue based on goodwill, resilience andperseverance when challenges occur, a shared mission and aninternational mandate, the IAIS has had a remarkable past that points toa promising future. The 2017 Kuala Lumpur Annual Conference is just theplace for all of us to take a “look beyond” the present, reconfirm ourmission and our strength, enjoy fruitful dialogue and continue to “make ithappen”.


Welcome Message from Victoria SaportaChair, IAIS Executive Committee

Greetings! Welcome to the 24th IAIS Annual Conference. We are excitedto be meeting in the lovely city of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, in the heart ofSoutheast Asia.

We all know an event of this magnitude requires exhausting preparation.I want to thank the Governor of Bank Negara Malaysia and the entireevent team for graciously serving as host and extending a warm welcometo all of us.

When you attend an IAIS Annual Conference, you realise how integralthese annual gatherings are to the work we do. Through interactivepanels, robust dialogue and extensive networking opportunities, theyhelp foster and reinforce a shared commitment to a common mission anda mutual understanding and awareness of the diverse perspectives of ourmore than 210 Members. This produces the kind of cooperation andcollaboration necessary to achieve agreement when developing andsetting global insurance standards.

The theme for this year’s conference is Insurance Supervision: LookingBeyond…, which emphasises the need for the IAIS and insurancesupervisors to anticipate and prepare for what lies ahead, to be proactiveand harness the forces shaping the future insurance landscape, in orderto accomplish our mission. In short, it calls us to think about the future aswe navigate the present and progress our current priorities.

Although we will spend much of our time together “looking beyond”, wewill also take time to look back on our work over the past year. We willhonour Yoshihiro Kawai, for his enduring contributions during his longtenure as Secretary General as he will soon be retiring from the IAIS. Wewill also honour our Distinguished Fellows for 2017 – those memberrepresentatives who made substantial contributions to the work of theIAIS during their tenure.

In session 1, I will be joined by two outstanding former ExecutiveCommittee chairs to explore the future of the IAIS and the globalsupervisory landscape. We will consider the effect of current andemerging trends, risks and opportunities within the insurance sector onthe nature, role and independence of insurance supervision and howsupervisors can ensure safe globalised provision of insurance services.


In session 2, our panellists will explore ways to promote financial educationfor insurance consumers to make them less vulnerable to unfair marketpractices. They will discuss approaches adopted in selected jurisdictions,lessons learned and the role of insurance supervisors.

Session 3 is the IAIS Major Projects Update, which is back by popular demandafter a well-received debut at last year’s conference. It will provide Membersand stakeholders with a high-level status report on current IAIS prioritiesacross a number of workstreams.

Session 4 will consider current insurer business models and distributionstrategies and debate the merits of “high tech” versus “high touch”.Panellists will look at how insurers are exploiting new technologies tomanage and identify risks and conduct underwriting, and whether theregulatory and supervisory reach is sufficient to manage the impact ofdigitalisation in insurer business models.

In session 5, panellists will look beyond the current reach and address thechallenge of increasing access to insurance, covering both traditionalinsurance products and specific product types, such as Takaful andagricultural insurance. Panellists will discuss the role supervisors can play infacilitating success.

The conference will also feature two exceptional keynote speakers –Muhammad bin Ibrahim, Governor of the Bank Negara Malaysia, and WoodyMo, President and Chief Executive Officer of eBaoTech, a global leader ininsurance technology.

We have a terrific cast of moderators and panellists ready to lead us on ajourney into the future. I appreciate their willingness to give their time andshare with us their experiences, knowledge and insights. The breadth of thetopics of this annual conference is another example of the strength thisglobal organisation draws from its diverse and inclusive membership.


Welcome Message from Governor Muhammad bin Ibrahim, FCB Bank Negara Malaysia

Welcome to the 24th International Association of Insurance Supervisors(IAIS) Annual Conference. It is an honour for Bank Negara Malaysia to hostthis important event, which is being held for the first time in SoutheastAsia after more than a decade.

While Malaysia has a vibrant financial system and a deep capital market,deepening of the insurance market continues to be an important priorityto support our economic risk management and broader developmentgoals. Malaysia joins many other countries in the region in this pursuit. It istherefore timely to bring the IAIS Annual Conference to Southeast Asia,one of the fastest growing insurance markets, home to more than 600million people and a region with significant economic growth prospects.

The IAIS Annual Conference and meetings provide an excellent platformfor the insurance industry and regulatory community to review keydevelopments and issues facing the insurance sector, and priorities forbuilding resilient and effective insurance markets. The central role of theIAIS in promoting globally consistent supervisory standards and supportingcapacity building efforts will clearly be an important part of deliberationsin the coming days. Together, I am confident that we can pave the way forgreater growth and stability in insurance markets around the world.

I invite you to make the most of our facilities here at Sasana Kijang wherewe aspire to advance knowledge and learning, thought leadership andinternational collaboration in central banking and financial services.Sasana Kijang is also home to the Islamic Financial Services Board, theSouth East Asian Central Banks (SEACEN) Research and Training Centre, theAlliance for Financial Inclusion and more recently, the Research Hub of theWorld Bank Group.

In keeping with the theme of “looking beyond”, I also hope you will takesome time to experience Kuala Lumpur, a city of wonderful contrasts anddiversity. Owing to its rich history and influence of various cultures, KualaLumpur offers many attractions that reflect both the heritage of our pastand the promise of our future. We are also famous for our wide variety ofgastronomic delights, which I hope you will also be able to sample whileyou are here.

I wish you an enjoyable stay in Malaysia and an engaging conferenceahead.



IAIS Distinguished Fellows 2017

Since its creation in 2004, the IAIS Distinguished Fellows programme hashonoured former Member representatives for their substantial involvement inIAIS activities and outstanding service. Honourees are nominated and approvedby their peers. It is a special way of paying tribute to those who have selflesslycontributed their time and expertise to advance the IAIS mission. To VictoriaSaporta, Executive Committee Chair, “The Distinguished Fellows programmerecognises extraordinary dedication to this association”. This year, the IAIS isconferring this honour upon three former colleagues:

The Distinguished Fellow trophy

recognising “service with distinction”.Keith Chapman (formerly with Australia, APRA)Keith Chapman was an active member of the IAIS Technical Committee and itssuccessor, the Financial Stability and Technical Committee, having served from2010 to 2017. He also served on the Executive Committee from 2015 to 2017, theStakeholder Engagement Task Force (SETF) during 2016 and 2017, and the Auditand Risk Committee until 2017. Keith was instrumental in the rollout of the riskmanagement framework. He could be counted on to actively participate indiscussions and contribute to the drafting of IAIS documents, aided by his keen eyefor detail and ability to build consensus on difficult issues.

Takashi Hamano (formerly with Japan, FSA; now Bank of Japan)Takashi Hamano served as former Vice Chair of the Executive Committee from 2014 to2016. He also served as a member of the Coordination Group, Selection Committee,Performance and Compensation Committee, and Secretary General Selection Panel.

Takashi also served on several Executive Committee Working Groups including the G-SII Assessment Methodology Task Force and the NTNI Task Force, while also serving on

the Activity-based Assessment Drafting Group. In addition, he was an active memberof the Technical Committee and its successor Financial Stability and TechnicalCommittee, and the Supervisory Forum. Takashi chaired the SETF through the

development of the draft Stakeholder Engagement Plan.

Michael McRaith (formerly with USA, FIO)Michael McRaith served the IAIS in many different capacities. Having served on theExecutive Committee, Michael also chaired the Technical Committee from 2012 to2015 and its successor committee—the FSTC—from 2016 to 2017. He chaired theG-SII Methodology Task Force during 2015 and 2016. Michael provided oversightand leadership on signature IAIS projects such as the ICS and G-SII assessmentmethodology as they matured past their conceptual stage through the course ofnumerous consultation papers, technical specification releases, and stakeholder

events. He also served on the IAIS Strategy Task Force responsible for proposingthe 2015-19 IAIS Strategic Plan.

These individuals will be honoured during the Members-only Gala Dinner at 20:00, 2 November.Thank you for your outstanding service to the IAIS.



Wednesday , 1 November2017

12:00 REGISTRATION OPENS Foyer, Multi-Purpose Hall, Lanai Kijang

13:00 – 14:00 Lunch for ICS Stakeholder Meeting participants Residential Café ,Lanai Kijang

14:00 – 16:00 ICS Stakeholder Meeting Multi-Purpose Hall, Lanai Kijang

16:00 – 16:15 Coffee Break Foyer, Multi-Purpose Hall, Lanai Kijang

16:15 – 18:00 ICS Stakeholder Meeting (cont.)

Venue: Lanai Kijang (registration required)

NOTE: All meetings are opened to all IAIS Members unless otherwise indicated. Please bring your own meetingdocuments. Only late documents will be available in the meeting room.

ICS Stakeholders Meeting Schedule



IAIS Annual Conference Schedule

Thursday, 2 November 2017Time Event Description Speakers

07:30 Registration Opens for Annual Conference

14:30-14:45 Welcome and Opening Remarks Yoshihiro KawaiIAIS Secretary General

Victoria SaportaChair, IAIS Executive Committee; Executive Director, Prudential Policy Directorate, Bank of England

Governor Muhammad bin Ibrahim, FCBBank Negara Malaysia

14:45-15:00 Keynote Address: Governor Muhammad bin Ibrahim, FCB, Bank Negara Malaysia

15:00-16:30 Session 1 Looking Beyond the Status Quo: IAIS Leadership Roundtable on the Future of the IAIS and the Global Supervisory Landscape

Moderator: Jonathan DixonIAIS Secretary General -designate

Panellists:Peter BraumüllerIAIS Executive Committee Chair, 2008-14; Managing Director, Insurance and Pension Supervision, Austrian Financial Market Authority

Felix HufeldIAIS Executive Committee Chair, 2014-15; President, German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin)

Victoria SaportaIAIS Executive Committee Chair, 2015-Present; Executive Director, Prudential Policy Directorate, Bank of England

In this session, panellists will explore the future ofthe IAIS and the global supervisory landscape givencurrent and emerging trends, risks andopportunities within the insurance sector. They willdiscuss the IAIS role, and that of individualsupervisors, in ushering in and managing change.Within this environment, how can the IAIS andsupervisors ensure safe globalised provision ofinsurance services? Which factors are most likely toinfluence the nature, role and independence ofinsurance supervisors? How will IAIS work beimpacted? What will the insurance sector look likein 2025?

16:30-17:00 Coffee Break

17:00-18:00 Session 2Looking Beyond Traditional Approaches: Promoting Financial Education for Insurance Consumers

Moderator: Norma Alicia RosasPresident of the Insurance and Surety National Commission of Mexico (CNSF)

Panellists:Brenda CudeProfessor/Department of Financial Planning, Housing and Consumer Economics at the Universityof Georgia (USA)

Mimoza KaçiDeputy Executive Director and Board Member, Albanian Financial Supervisory Authority (AFSA)

Antonis MalagardisProgramme Director, GIZ Reg Framework Promotion of Pro-poor Insurance Markets in Asia, Philippines

Consumers in jurisdictions with low levels offinancial education can be more vulnerable to unfairmarket practices. In this session, panellists willexplore ways to promote financial education forinsurance consumers, including through the use ofsocial media and web-based applications, and enlistthe active participation of insurers. They will discussapproaches adopted in selected jurisdictions,lessons learned and the role of the supervisor.

Venue: Auditorium, Lower Ground Floor, Sasana Kijang

NOTE: The IAIS Annual Conference is a recorded event. The recording will be posted on the IAIS website( and its availability announced through the IAIS Newsletter. Powerpoint presentations will also beposted on the IAIS website following the event.


Friday, 3 November 2017Time Event Description Speakers

07:30 Registration Opens for Annual Conference

08:30-10:00 Session 3IAIS Major Projects Update

Moderator: Victoria SaportaChair, IAIS Executive Committee; Executive Director, Prudential Policy Directorate, Bank of England

Panellists:Alberto CorintiChair, IAIS Systemic Risk Assessment Task Force; Member, Board of Directors, IVASS

Elise LiebersActing Chair, IAIS Financial Stability and Technical Committee; NAIC Senior Director, Financial Regulatory Affairs International Policy and Market Surveillance

Ekrem SarperActing Chair, IAIS Implementation Committee; NAIC Chief Bilateral Relations Liaison and Senior International Relations Policy Advisor

In this annual session, IAIS leadership will provideupdates on key IAIS initiatives such as the InsuranceCapital Standard (ICS), ComFrame, macroprudentialsupervision, systemic risk assessment, InsuranceCore Principles (ICPs) and implementation.

10:00-10:30 Keynote Address: Woody Mo, President and Chief Executive Officer, eBaoTechTransforming the Online Insurance Landscape Through Technology and Innovation

10:30-11:00 Coffee Break11:00-12:30 Session 4

Looking Beyond Current Business Models and Distribution Strategies: “High Tech” vs. “High Touch”

Moderator: Yoon Yew KhuenDirector of Insurance Development Bank Negara Malaysia

Panellists:Birny BirnbaumExecutive Director, Center for Economic Justice, USA

Emma CurtisGroup Senior Manager - Insurance | Deposit Takers, Credit & Insurers, ASIC, Australia

Don ForgeronCEO, Insurance Bureau of Canada; Chair, GFIA Disruptive Technology Working Group

Lee NgChief Operating Officer, LumenLab, Singapore

Ted NickelInsurance Commissioner, State of Wisconsin (USA); President, NAIC

Many insurer business models and distributionstrategies are traditionally defined by the mantra“Insurance is sold and not bought”. Some insurersrely on well-established distribution networks, whileothers rely on close rapport with their customers—the “high touch” approach. Others, such as start-uptech companies are employing a “high tech”approach to penetrate the supply chain, reachingout directly to customers through solutions such asonline aggregators and broker portals with quickand easy price comparisons and features Panellistswill explore how insurers are exploiting newtechnologies to manage or identify risks or conductunderwriting, and whether or not the regulatoryand supervisory reach is adequate to manage theimpact of digitalisation on insurer business models.

12:30-14:30 Lunch

IAIS Annual Conference Schedule

NOTE: The IAIS Annual Conference is a recorded event. The recording will be posted on the IAIS website( and its availability announced through the IAIS Newsletter. Powerpoint presentations will also beposted on the IAIS website following the event.

Venue: Auditorium, Lower Ground Floor, Sasana Kijang


Friday, 3 November 2017Time Event Description Speakers

14:30-16:00 Session 5Looking Beyond the Current Reach: Increasing Access to Insurance

Moderator: Jessica Chew Cheng LianAssistant Governor, Bank Negara Malaysia

Panellists: Caroline da SilvaDeputy Registrar, Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services (FAIS), Financial Services Board, South Africa

Zainal Abidin Mohd. KassimActuarial Partners, Kuala Lumpur

Juan PazoSuperintendent of Insurance, Argentina

Olga SpeckhardtHead of Global Insurance SolutionsSyngenta Foundation for Sustainable Agriculture

Fiona StewartGlobal Lead for Insurance and Pensions, The World Bank

In this session, panellists will share experiences in addressing the challenge of increasing access to insurance, covering both traditional insurance products as well as more specific types of insurance such as takaful and agricultural insurance. A key focus will be on the important role regulators can play in facilitating success, and some of main challenges that remain.

16:00-16:25 Special Tribute and Recognition: IAIS Secretary General Yoshihiro Kawai

16:25-16:30 Conference Wrap-up

NOTE: The IAIS Annual Conference is a recorded event. The recording will be posted on the IAIS website( and its availability announced through the IAIS Newsletter. Powerpoint presentations will alsobe posted on the IAIS website following the event.

IAIS Annual Conference Schedule

Venue: Auditorium, Lower Ground Floor, Sasana Kijang



Yoshihiro Kawai has held the position of IAIS Secretary General since 2003.He joined the IAIS in 1998 as Deputy Secretary General and has beeninstrumental in the fast and dynamic growth of the Association.

Yoshihiro’s professional career began with Tokio Marine and Fire InsuranceCompany and the Ministry of Labour, Tokyo. He later served on theSecretariat for the OECD Insurance Committee in Paris for four years. From1995 until 1998, he acted as Advisor to the Minister of Finance and thePresident of the Insurance Supervisory Authority in Warsaw.

Yoshihiro earned his PhD in 2000 from City University, London, with histhesis on The reform of insurance supervisory systems for economies intransition. His PhD was preceded by a BA in Education and Sociology fromthe University of Tokyo and a MBA with a specialisation in Economics andFinance from INSEAD.

As part of his IAIS duties, he is also an active member of the Financial Stability Board.


Conference Moderator


Muhammad bin Ibrahim is the Governor of Bank Negara Malaysia.

Appointed in May 2016, Governor Muhammad is also the Chair of theBank’s Monetary Policy Committee and Financial Stability Committee. Inthe course of more than three decades at the central bank, his experiencespans a multitude of areas, including banking regulation and supervision,strategic planning, payment systems, insurance, offshore banking, crisisresolution, treasury and financial markets. In particular, GovernorMuhammad steered a number of key initiatives to develop the domesticand regional bond markets. He was also actively involved in promotingregional financial integration in ASEAN and enhancing the regional crisismanagement framework. During the Asian Financial Crisis, GovernorMuhammad spearheaded the recapitalisation of financial institutions asManaging Director of Malaysia’s recapitalisation agency.

Governor Muhammad is presently the Co-Chair of the Financial StabilityBoard Regional Consultative Group for Asia with the Governor of theReserve Bank of Australia. From 2012 to 2014, Governor Muhammad alsoserved as the Chairman of the Irving Fisher Committee (IFC) on CentralBank Statistics of the Bank for International Settlements where hestrengthened collaboration with other international statistical institutions.

Governor Muhammad holds postgraduate qualifications from HarvardUniversity and the International Islamic University Malaysia. He is a Fellowof the Asian Institute of Chartered Bankers and a member of theMalaysian Institute of Accountants.


Keynote Speaker 1

JONATHAN DIXONIAIS Secretary General-designate

Jonathan Dixon is IAIS Secretary-General-designate. Previously, Jonathanserved as Deputy Executive Officer for Insurance at the Financial ServicesBoard (FSB), South Africa. He was appointed to this position by theMinister of Finance in April 2008. Prior to joining the FSB in 2008, he wasChief Director: Financial Sector Policy at the National Treasury of SouthAfrica.

Jonathan has served as a member of the IAIS Executive Committee and as

IAIS Regional Co-ordinator for the Sub-Saharan Africa region. He alsoserved as chair of the IAIS Implementation Committee. He has served aschair of the Governing Body of the Access to Insurance Initiative (A2II), ajoint initiative of the IAIS and the Microinsurance Network aimed atstrengthening insurance supervision in emerging and developing markets.

Jonathan is a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA). He holds a Master ofScience (MSc) in Economics from the London School of Economics and aBachelor of Science (BBusSci), Economics Honours, from the University ofCape Town



Session 1Looking Beyond the Status Quo: IAIS Leadership Roundtable on the Future of the IAIS and the Global Supervisory Landscape

PETER BRAUMÜLLERChair, IAIS Executive Committee, 2008-14; Managing Director, Insurance and Pension Supervision, Austrian Financial Market Authority

Peter Braumüller is Managing Director for Insurance and PensionSupervision at the Austrian Financial Market Authority (FMA). Beforejoining the newly established FMA in 2002, he has worked for the AustrianMinistry of Finance since 1983. In 1999, Peter was appointed head ofInsurance Supervision after having served as head of unit for financialanalysis, on-site inspections and accounting for more than five years.

Peter has had a distinguished career in the international arena. In the IAIS,

he served as Vice Chair of the Technical Committee from early 2007 toOctober 2008 and as Chair of the IAIS Financial Stability Committee from2009 to early 2013. From 2008 until 2014 he served as Chair of the IAISExecutive Committee. In the EU, he held the position of Vice Chair ofCEIOPS from 2007 to 2009. From January 2011 until December 2014,

Peter was a member of the EIOPA Management Board and, since January2015, has been the Alternate Chair of EIOPA. He is a member of the IAISand IOPS Executive Committees and is Chair of the IAIS BudgetCommittee.

Peter has degrees in law from the University of Vienna and actuarialscience from the University of Technology in Vienna.




VICTORIA SAPORTAChair, IAIS Executive Committee; Executive Director, Prudential Policy Directorate, Bank of England

Victoria Saporta is Executive Director of Prudential Policy Directorate atthe Bank of England. Victoria has held a number of positions in prudentialpolicy, financial stability and monetary analysis in a career spanning over20 years at the Bank of England. She was at the heart of the macroprudential and micro prudential policy reforms undertaken by the Bankafter the global financial crisis.

Victoria has represented the Bank on numerous international committeesdealing with central banking and regulatory issues. Victoria is currentlyChair of the IAIS Executive Committee.

She holds a PhD in Economics, MPhil in Finance from the University ofCambridge and a BSc in Mathematical Economics and Econometrics fromthe London School of Economics. She has published a number of articles inbooks, professional journals and Bank of England publications.

FELIX HUFELDChair, IAIS Executive Committee, 2014-15; President, German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin)

Felix Hufeld is President of the German Federal Financial SupervisoryAuthority (BaFin). Previously, Felix served as Chief Executive Director ofInsurance Supervision at BaFin. Before joining BaFin, he was Partner atWestlake Partners. From 2001 to 2010, Felix served as Chief ExecutiveOfficer of Marsh Germany, Austria and Northern Europe of Marsh &Mclennan Companies Inc.

Prior to joining the insurance sector, Felix worked from 1999 to 2001 atDresdner Bank as Global Head Group Corporate Development. Prior tothat, he worked at The Boston Consulting Group (BCG) for almost eightyears, in the end as a Principal, primarily focusing on the financial servicesindustry as well as attorney focusing on corporate and tax law.

Felix studied law in Freiburg and received a Master in PublicAdministration at Harvard University. He is a member of the SupervisoryBoard of the Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM) and of the Group ofGovernors and Heads of Supervision (GHOS), the oversight body of theBasel Committee on Banking Supervision.




NORMA ALICIA ROSASPresident of the Insurance and Surety National Commission of Mexico (CNSF), Mexico

Norma Alicia Rosas is the President of the Insurance and Surety NationalCommission of Mexico (CNSF); member of the IAIS Executive Committee;Chair of the Board of Directors of the Latin American InsuranceSupervisors Association (ASSAL); Chairman of the OECD Insurance andPrivate Pensions Committee and member of the Insurance RegulationCommittee of the International Actuarial Association. She is also amember of the Mexican Financial Stability Board.



Session 2Looking Beyond Traditional Approaches: Promoting Financial Education for Insurance Consumers

BRENDA J. CUDEProfessor and the Undergraduate Coordinator in the Department of Financial Planning, Housing and Consumer Economics at the University of Georgia (USA)

Brenda J. Cude is a Professor and the Undergraduate Coordinator in theDepartment of Financial Planning, Housing and Consumer Economics atthe University of Georgia. She earned a PhD in Consumer Economics atPurdue University. She also is the director of the University of Georgia,Center for Economic Education.

Brenda has served as a funded consumer representative to the NationalAssociation of Insurance Commissioners since 1994 and on the Board of

Directors for the Consumer Participation Programme since 1996. A specificarea of expertise is consumer communication through websites,disclosures, and information/education targeted to consumers. She was amember of the Federal Advisory Committee on Insurance from 2014-16.

Brenda’s primary research interests are in consumer decision-making, withan emphasis in personal financial literacy. She has published more than200 articles and presented more than 80 papers at professionalconferences. She is a member of several academic journal editorialboards.

Brenda has been engaged in outreach throughout her career. From 1986through 1998, she was a state extension specialist in Consumer Economicsat the University of Illinois. In Georgia, she was the Statewide Coordinatorof the Georgia Peer Financial Counseling Programme from 2004 to 2010.



Brenda has served in a variety of capacities representing consumers. Themost recent of these are Public Member of the American NationalStandards Institute–Conference for Food Protection AccreditationCommittee (2007-2014); the Board of Directors, Insurance MarketplaceStandards Association (2006-2011); and the Direct Selling EducationFoundation Board, 2011-2016.

She has received numerous teaching recognitions, including ones from theUniversity of Georgia and the University of Illinois, the Direct SellingEducation Foundation, and the American Council on Consumer Interests.

MIMOZA KAÇIDeputy Executive Director and Board Member, Albanian Financial Supervisory Authority (AFSA)

Mimoza Kaçi is the Deputy Executive Director and a Board Member of theAlbanian Financial Supervisory Authority (AFSA). She was appointed by theAlbanian Parliament in December 2014 with a four-year mandate. Mimoza

has previous experiences in public administration and in the academicsector. Her academic career started in 2007 as Assistant Professor in theFinancial Department at the Faculty of Economy, University of Tirana. In2010, she continued her academic career at the European University ofTirana as Assistant Professor in the field of Corporate Finance,Investments, Risk Management, and with active contribution in researchon economics and finance.

Since 2015, Mimoza has been leading the implementation unit of theproject on capital market development and strengthening supervisioncapacities of AFSA. She is also leading the Country Team - Albania in theproject on Inclusive Insurance initiated by the Access to InsuranceInitiative. Ms. Kaçi is a member of IAIS Implementation Committee andrepresents AFSA in its meetings and working groups.

Mimoza graduated in 2005 from the Vienna University of Economics andBusiness, Austria, with a focus on Financial Markets. She also holds a PhDin Finance from the Faculty of Economy, University of Tirana, Albania. Sheis author and co-author of several publications in the field of economicsand finance. Her research work has been presented in numerousinternational conferences.



ANTONIS MALAGARDISProgramme Director, GIZ Regulatory Framework Promotion of Pro-poor Insurance Markets in Asia (RFPI Asia), Philippines

Antonis Malagardis, joined GIZ in 2009 as Programme Manager of theMicroinsurance Innovations Programme for Social Security (MIPSS) in thePhilippines. In January 2013, he was nominated Programme Director of aBMZ funded regional Programme on Regulatory Framework Promotion ofPro-poor Insurance Markets in Asia’ (RFPI Asia), which aims to adviseinsurance regulators/supervisors as well as selected insurance companiesin seven countries in Asia on inclusive insurance, strengthen the capacitydevelopment of their staff and enhance knowledge sharing on insurance

for the low-income people.

Antonis’ assignments as advisor in 24 countries covered risk management,social insurance, pension finance, health finance, public-privatepartnerships, microfinance and microinsurance and, lately, climate finance

schemes at the policy design, supervision and product development level.

Born in Athens Greece, he studied law and economics at the University ofAthens and received his PhD in Berlin in the field of InstitutionalEconomics on the topic of “Sovereign risk and insolvency of states” (1989).



Session 3IAIS Major Projects Update

VICTORIA SAPORTAChair, IAIS Executive Committee; Executive Director, Prudential Policy Directorate, Bank of England

Victoria Saporta is Executive Director of Prudential Policy Directorate atthe Bank of England. Victoria has held a number of positions in prudentialpolicy, financial stability and monetary analysis in a career spanning over20 years at the Bank of England. She was at the heart of the macroprudential and micro prudential policy reforms undertaken by the Bankafter the global financial crisis.

Victoria has represented the Bank on numerous international committees

dealing with central banking and regulatory issues. Victoria is currentlyChair of the IAIS Executive Committee.

She holds a PhD in Economics, MPhil in Finance from the University ofCambridge and a BSc in Mathematical Economics and Econometrics from

the London School of Economics. She has published a number of articles inbooks, professional journals and Bank of England publications.


ALBERTO CORINTIChair, IAIS Systemic Risk Assessment Task Force; Member, Board of Directors, Institute for the Supervision of Insurance (IVASS) (Italy)

Alberto Corinti has been a Member of the Institute for the Supervision ofInsurance (IVASS) Board of Directors since 1 January 2013. He also servesas a Member of the EIOPA Management Board and Quality ControlCommittee, and Chair of the Systemic Risk Assessment Task Force for theIAIS.

Alberto has served in many different capacities, including head of theBrussels office of the financial services consulting firm PromontoryFinancial Group (2011-2012), where he coordinated its global activity inthe insurance field; Deputy Director General and Director of Economic andFinance of the European Federation of Insurance Undertakings (nowInsurance Europe) (2007-2011); Secretary General of the then newly-established CEIOPS (now EIOPA)(2004-2007); various positions at ISVAP(1991-2004); visiting professor of "Economics of insurance companies" atthe University of Macerata (1999-2004); and since 2012, holding lectureson insurance in the "Management of Financial Institutions" course at theBocconi University of Milan. Alberto regularly contributes as a speaker atseminars and conferences on the insurance industry and is the author ofnumerous publications.

After graduating in Economics and Commerce at the "La Sapienza"University of Rome (1982) and qualifying as a chartered accountant,Alberto worked for eight years in a medium-sized Italian insurancecompany, dealing with accounting and balance sheets. He is a member ofthe Italian Association of Financial Analysts.



ELISE LIEBERS Acting Chair, IAIS Financial Stability and Technical Committee; Senior Director, Financial Regulatory Affairs International Policy and Market Surveillance, National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC)

Elise Liebers joined the National Association of Insurance Commissioners(NAIC) in the fall of 2010. She is the Senior Director, Financial RegulatoryAffairs International Policy and Market Surveillance. In her role, amongother responsibilities, she focuses on national and international projectsrelated to financial stability. Elise is currently serving as Acting Chair of theIAIS Financial Stability and Technical Committee. Nationally, Elise supportsDirector Hartt in his role as the state insurance regulators’ representativeon the Financial Stability Oversight Council.

Before joining the NAIC, Elise worked at the Federal Reserve Bank of NewYork in the Financial Sector Policy and Analyses division within BankingSupervision where she was responsible for the evaluation of the risks andrisk management at bank holding companies with insurance-relatedactivities. In addition, Elise was responsible for assessing the risks posedby the insurance sector in their interactions with the broader financialmarkets. While at the Federal Reserve Bank, Elise participated in variousprojects of the Joint Forum.

Prior to joining the Federal Reserve Bank, Elise was the Deputy ChiefActuary for the New York Insurance Department where she wasresponsible for evaluating the adequacy of the loss reserves of propertyand casualty companies licensed in the state. She was actively involved indeveloping the NAIC Risk Based Capital formula and represented the NewYork Insurance Department on various NAIC taskforces.

Elise is a Fellow of the Casualty Actuarial Society and a Member of theAmerican Academy of Actuaries. Over the years, she has served on variousAcademy committees as well as served on the Academy's Board ofDirectors. Elise holds a BSc in Mathematics



EKREM SARPER Acting Chair, IAIS Implementation Committee; Chief Bilateral Relations Liaison and Senior International Relations Policy Advisor, National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC)

Ekrem Sarper is the Acting Chair of the IAIS Implementation Committeeand Coordination Group; and the Chief Bilateral Relations Liaison andSenior International Relations Policy Advisor for the National Associationof Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) in its Executive Office in Washington,D.C.

As Acting Chairman of the IAIS Implementation Committee, Ekremoversees the assessment activity and implementation monitoring of the

Insurance Core Principles (ICPs) and the policy measures for GlobalSystemically Important Insurers (G-SIIs). He also provides strategicguidance to the IAIS Secretariat on other IAIS implementation-relatedissues.

Since 2009, Ekrem has had broad international regulatory affairsresponsibilities and extensive collaboration with international regulatorsat the NAIC. He works closely with U.S. state insurance commissioners oninternational standard setting and ensuring their alignment with domesticobjectives. Furthermore, he leads NAIC member interactions with foreignregulators and oversees frequent regulatory dialogues and technicalassistance programmes in emerging markets such as Latin America andAsia.

Prior to joining the NAIC, Ekrem served as Director, International Trade forthe Coalition of Service Industries, and as a Senior Research Associate atthe Stern Group. He has a Bachelor of Arts (Hons.) in Economics andFrench from Kingston University, London, and his Masters degree inInternational Commerce and Policy from George Mason University, Fairfax,Virginia.



WOODY MOPresident and Chief Executive Officer, eBaoTech

Woody Mo has served as President and Chief Executive Officer ofeBaoTech Corporation since co-founding the company in 2000 with acompany mission to make insurance easy. Today, eBaoTech has become aglobal leader in insurance technology, providing digital solutions toinsurance industry worldwide and serving clients in over 35 countriesacross Asia Pacific, EMEA and the Americas.

Prior to co-founding eBaoTech, Woody worked at McKinsey & Company as

a management consultant, providing consulting services to leadinginsurance and technology companies in Asia.

Before McKinsey, Woody worked at the IBM T. J. Watson Research Centeras a leading scientist.

Woody holds a PhD in physics from the University of Wisconsin-Madison,and MSc and BSc degrees from Zhongshan University, China.


Keynote Speaker 2

YOON YEW KHUEN Director of Insurance Development, Bank Negara Malaysia

Yoon Yew Khuen is the Director of Insurance Development at Bank NegaraMalaysia. He leads a team that formulates policies to develop theinsurance sector in Malaysia. The department’s immediate priority is theorderly implementation of recent liberalisation measures, particularly theremoval of motor and fire insurance tariffs. Other areas of focus includedeveloping a more inclusive insurance system to address the protectiongap, making insurance more efficient and accessible through newtechnologies, and ensuring that the insurance sector supports businesses

moving up the value chain.

Previously Yew Khuen was an Actuary in the Insurance and TakafulSupervision Department, and involved in developing Malaysia’s risk basedcapital and policies on capital adequacy assessment and stress testing.

BIRNY BIRNBAUMExecutive Director, Center for Economic Justice

Birny Birnbaum serves as an economic adviser to and Executive Directorfor the Center for Economic Justice, a Texas non-profit organization, whosemission is to advocate on behalf of low-income consumers on issues ofavailability, affordability, accessibility of basic goods and services, such asutilities, credit and insurance.

Birny has served as Chief Economist at both the Texas Office of PublicInsurance Counsel and the Texas Department of Insurance. At the TexasDepartment of Insurance his responsibilities included policy research aswell as developing data collection programmes for market surveillanceand the analysis of insurance market for competition. He is the author ofnumerous reports on consumer-related insurance subjects and has servedfor many years as a designated Consumer Representative at the National

Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC). He is a member of theU.S. Federal Advisory Committee on Insurance.

Birny holds Master’s degrees from the Massachusetts Institute ofTechnology in Management and in Urban Planning, and an AdvancedMarket Conduct Management certification from the Insurance RegulatoryExaminers Society.




Session 4Looking Beyond Current Business Models and Distribution Strategies: “High Tech” vs. “High Touch”

EMMA CURTISGroup Senior Manager - Insurance, Australian Securities and Investments Commission's stakeholder team -Deposit Takers, Credit and Insurers

Emma Curtis is Group Senior Manager – Insurance, in the AustralianSecurities and Investments Commission's (ASIC) stakeholder team -Deposit Takers, Credit and Insurers (DCI). She manages a team of

managers and specialists.ASIC is Australia's corporate, markets and financial services regulator.

A key strategic priority of ASIC is to promote investor and financialconsumer trust and confidence. The DCI team has primary responsibilityfor the conduct oversight of insurance companies (life and general), retailbanks, credit unions, building societies, credit providers, mortgage brokersand other credit intermediaries. Emma has oversight of the life andgeneral insurance work undertaken by the DCI team. Prior to joining ASICin 2009, Emma held senior in-house legal roles in various financial servicesfirms engaged in banking, life and general insurance, and fundsmanagement. She has practised law for over 20 years, working in aprominent Sydney law firm before moving into senior in-house legal andcompliance roles.

Emma holds a Master of Law and Management from the University ofNew South Wales, and a Bachelor of Arts (Hons) and a Bachelor of Law(Hons) from the University of Sydney.



DON FORGERONPresident and CEO, Insurance Bureau of Canada; Chair, GFIA Disruptive Technology Working Group

The President and CEO of Insurance Bureau of Canada since 2009, DonForgeron has a successful track record of more than 25 years in theproperty and casualty insurance industry. He has a strong foundation inthe public and private sectors, having worked for Alberta’s Department ofEnvironment and the National Research Council in Nova Scotia early in hiscareer.

As President and CEO of the Insurance Bureau of Canada, Don works with

governments and key stakeholders across the country to build a strong,stable property and casualty industry and a stronger and safer Canada. Heis leading a national conversation on the need to better prepare Canadafor an earthquake and he continues to push for a national dialogue withgovernments and consumers on the need for severe weather adaptation.

Don is active internationally on behalf of Canada’s property and casualtyinsurance industry to provide input to international regulatory bodies. Heis a founding member of the Global Federation of Insurance Associationsand leads an international working group focused on disruption.



LEE NGChief Operating Officer, LumenLab (a MetLife innovation centre) Singapore

Lee Ng joined MetLife in February 2015 as Chief Operating Officer ofLumenLab, a MetLife innovation centre, in Singapore. Also, as VicePresident of Innovation, Lee is responsible for leading the InnovationManagement Office of the first-of-its-kind innovation centre in the lifeinsurance industry. The goal of this initiative is to launch disruptive newbusiness models and capabilities for MetLife Asia.

Prior to joining MetLife, Lee worked in Silicon Valley for twenty years. Herlast assignment there was as Director of Venture Technology withSiemens. Before Siemens, Lee worked on New Business Creation forAgilent Technologies as the Business Director. Lee’s responsibilitiesincluded start-up management, where she led entrance to new marketswith start-ups, and budget management, where she was accountable for

$50M at Agilent labs, and also emerging markets, in which she pilotedefforts to discover new markets in China and emerging economies.

Lee spent the early part of her career with Hewlett-Packard, initially asManufacturing Development Engineer/Scientist and then as

Technology/Business Consultant for Product Generation Solutions.

Lee holds a BSc in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Texas atAustin, and both Master’s and PhD degrees in Materials Engineering fromthe Massachusetts Institute of Technology, with a minor in Business.



TED NICKELInsurance Commissioner, State of Wisconsin (USA); President, National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC)

Governor Scott Walker appointed Ted Nickel as Commissioner of Insurancefor the state of Wisconsin (USA) on January 3, 2011. The Office of theCommissioner of Insurance regulates the business of insurance inWisconsin. The office has a staff of 153 and is responsible for examiningindustry financial solvency and market conduct, licensing agents,reviewing policy forms for compliance with state legislation, investigatingconsumer complaints and providing consumer information. In addition toits regulatory duties, the office administers the State Life Insurance Fund,the Local Government Property Insurance Fund, and the Injured Patientsand Families Compensation Fund.

Ted became president of the National Association of InsuranceCommissioners (NAIC) in January 2017. He currently serves on theExecutive (EX) Committee, Cybersecurity (EX) Task Force, GovernmentRelations (EX) Leadership Council, International Insurance Relations (EX)Leadership Group and Internal Administration (EX1) Subcommittee. He is amember of the NAIC American Indian and Alaska Native LiaisonCommittee and serves on several other NAIC task forces and committees.In addition, he chairs the Mortgage Guaranty Insurance (E) WorkingGroup.

Ted is also active in the International Association of Insurance Supervisors(IAIS). He serves as a member of the Executive Committee and the Auditand Risk Committee. Additionally, he chairs the Site Selection Committee.In August 2014, he was appointed to the Federal Advisory Committee onInsurance, which serves as an advisory committee to the FederalInsurance Office (FIO).

Ted earned a BSc degree in Business Administration with a concentrationin finance from Valparaiso University.



JESSICA CHEW CHENG LIANAssistant Governor, Bank Negara Malaysia

Jessica Chew joined BNM in 1993 and has served in various capacities inthe formulation of prudential and strategic policies for the banking andinsurance sectors. She was involved in the preparation of the FinancialSector Masterplan and the formulation of financial sector liberalisationstrategies as part of the World Trade Organisation and Free Tradenegotiations. She was also involved in the establishment of the depositinsurance system in Malaysia and formulation of human capitaldevelopment strategies for the financial sector.

Prior to her appointment, Jessica was the Director of the PrudentialFinancial Policy Department.

Jessica holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree with a major in accountingand finance from the University of Melbourne, Australia. She is an advisormember of the Malaysian Accounting Standards Board and a member ofthe Governance and Compliance Subcommittee of the InternationalAssociation of Insurance Supervisors.



Session 5Looking Beyond Current Reach: Increasing Access to Insurance


CAROLINE DA SILVADeputy Registrar, Financial Advisory & Intermediary Services (FAIS)Financial Services Board, South Africa

Caroline Da Silva joined the Financial Services Board in September 2013 asDeputy Executive Officer. In this role, Caroline is the Deputy Registrar ofFAIS and supervises all financial service providers across all of the financialservices sectors. She is also responsible for consumer education at theFSB. In 2013, Caroline was appointed to the governing body of a newinternational organisation of financial consumer protection supervisoryauthorities aimed at advancing the G20’s financial consumer protectionagenda.

Prior to this appointment, Caroline worked in the insurance industry forthe last 27 years holding various positions in both the broking andunderwriting disciplines as well as serving as Deputy CEO of The SouthAfrican Insurance Association. She resigned as an executive of Mutual andFederal Insurance company, where she headed up sales, to join theFinancial Services Board. Throughout the 27 years in the industry, Carolinewas actively involved in regulation and sat on a number of board andadvisory committees appointed by various Ministers. She was appointedto the FAIS Advisory Board 10 years ago so is not new to the FAISenvironment.

Caroline also served on the South African Law Commission task team forthe drafting of POPI – appointed by the Minister of Justice; the Board ofSASRIA – appointed by the Minister of Finance; Manager and later Chair ofthe South African Nuclear Pool Road Safety Board – appointed by theMinister of Transport; and various other insurance company boards



JUAN PAZOSuperintendent of Insurance, Argentina

Juan Pazo is the Superintendent of Insurance of the Republic of Argentina.Before his current appointment in early 2017, Juan served as Chief-of-Staffof the Financial Information Unit, Argentina`s supervisor and regulatingagency of AML/FT. He served in this role from late 2015 to early 2017.

Prior to joining the public sector, Juan worked as a corporate attorneyadvising in a wide range of business and corporate transactions. He alsoserved as an executive director in local companies.


ZAINAL ABIDIN MOHD. KASSIMSenior Partner, Actuarial Partners, Kuala Lumpur

Zainal is the Senior Partner at Actuarial Partners Consulting Sdn Bhd. Hehas been a consulting actuary with the company since 1982. His 35 yearsof consulting experience spans the full spectrum of actuarial services,including life and general insurance consulting, family and general takafulconsulting, retirement benefit consulting and investment consulting.

Zainal is a pioneer in takaful having been involved in the takaful industrysince its establishment in Malaysia in 1986. In recognition of hisinvolvement in the development of takaful, he was presented with theLifetime Achievement Award at the 2017 International Takaful Summit inLondon. As part of his extensive experience in insurance and takafulconsulting, Zainal has consulted and presented on microinsurance andmicrotakaful in several countries. One was a project to design an

agriculture microtakaful product in Kenya and, more recently, consult onmicroinsurance regulation in Cambodia.

Zainal is a Fellow of the Institute of Actuaries of the United Kingdom andan Associate of the Society of Actuaries in the United States. He is also a

past president of the Actuarial Society of Malaysia



FIONA STEWARTGlobal Lead for Insurance and Pensions, The World Bank

Fiona Stewart, Global Lead for Insurance and Pensions, is part of theSenior Management Team in the World Bank's Finance & Markets GlobalPractice. Fiona provides policy advice on pension reform to governmentsaround the world, and is currently working on projects in East andSouthern Africa, Indonesia and Georgia. Previously, she worked for theOECD’s Financial Affairs Division for eight years and led the Secretariat ofthe International Organisation of Pension Supervisors (IOPS). Prior toworking at the OECD, Fiona worked in the pension fund industry. As headof American Express Asset Management in Japan, she was responsible forinvesting $2bn in Asian equity markets, and, as part of an internationalteam, for managing $20bn globally.

Fiona holds degrees from Oxford and Johns Hopkins Universities and aChartered Financial Analyst qualification. She also served on the advisoryboard of one of the OECD’s own pension funds.


OLGA SPECKHARDTHead of Global Insurance Solutions, Syngenta Foundation for Sustainable Agriculture

Olga Speckhardt has many years of experience in international reinsuranceand insurance. She holds a degree in law and has a solid background inunderwriting and in the development of regulatory strategies for

international insurance supervisory standards. Olga is responsible fordeveloping the Syngenta Foundation microinsurance initiatives globally,together with international reinsurance/insurance partners, governments,stakeholders and investors. These form a crucial factor for the success andsustainability of the Foundation’s microinsurance programme. Olgaadditionally is a Member of the Board of ACRE Africa and Chairwoman ofthe Swiss Capacity Building Facility.



Excursions (for all participants) Date: 4 November 2017 (Saturday)

Time: 9:00 am

Time Programme

08:30 Registration opens Foyer, Conference Hall 1, Ground Floor, Sasana Kijang

09:00 – 13:00 City tour or Heritage tour (based on option selected by the participant)


Sasana Museum Tour (for all participants) Date: 2 November 2017 (Thursday)

Time Programme

11:30 – 12:30 Guided tour for for all participants

Time Programme

12:30 – 13:30 Guided tour for EXCO members only

13:30 –14:30 Guided tour for all participants

Date: 3 November 2017 (Friday)

EXCURSIONSAdditional Information

City tour

Heritage tour

HighlightsIstana NegaraNational MonumentCentral MarketPetronas Twin TowersNational Mosque

HighlightsBatu CavesRoyal Selangor PewterBatik Printing Gallery

Important notes:

1. RegistrationOpens at 8.30 am at Sasana Kijang, Bank Negara Malaysia.

2. Transportation to and from Sasana Kijang

• Provided to and from Sasana Kijang for participants staying at Aloft Hotel, Le MeridienHotel, Hilton Hotel, Kuala Lumpur and Lanai Kijang.

• Departs at 8.00 am from the hotels above.

3. Attire• Please wear comfortable shoes and bring along a hat or a cap if necessary.• Please observe dress code for visits to places of worship (Batu Caves and National

Mosque) where short skirts, shorts and hot pants are not allowed.


City Tour

Istana Negara National Palace

Tugu Negara National Monument

Petronas Twin Towers

Istana Negara (National Palace) is the officialresidence of the Yang DiPertuan Agong, the head ofstate in Malaysia. Completed in 2011, it replaces theold Istana Negara on Jalan Duta. It occupies acomplex of an area 0f 97.65 hectares, and is borderedby a wall with the Malaysian coat of arms, featuringthe Royal Insignia of His Majesty.

The National Monument was built to commemoratesoldiers who lost their lives during the Second World War.Within the National Monument grounds is one of theworld's largest free-standing bronze sculptures. It wassculpted in 1966 by Felix de Weldon, who was also thecreator of the famous Iwo Jima monument in WashingtonDC. There are seven bronze figures of soldiers carrying theMalaysian flag; each figure denoting one of sevenqualities of leadership: courage, unity, sacrifice, strength,suffering, sacrifice and vigilance.

Towering at 451.9m above street level, this iconicbuilding is currently the world's tallest twin structureand fifth tallest skyscraper. The skybridge that links thetwo towers is a viewing platform that offers fantasticviews of Kuala Lumpur. It is also the world's highesttwo-storey bridge. The 88-storey building featuresglass and steel on the outside, and a traditionally-inspired interior, reflecting Malaysia's aspirations inmoving forward while maintaining its national identity.


National Mosque

Central Market

City Tour

Located in the heart of Kuala Lumpur, a few minutes awayfrom Petaling Street, Central Market is a famous landmarkfor Malaysian culture and heritage. The building was builtin 1888 and originally functioned as a wet market. It hassince been classified as a Heritage Site. Tourists flock toCentral Market for its variety of handicrafts, art, kebaya,songket, batik and authentic Malaysian souvenirs. A BatikEmporium houses well-known designer labels, with thebest Malaysian-made batik items ranging from clothes,shoes, bags to home furnishing.

The Central Market Outdoor Stage is where visitors cancatch colourful arts and cultural events. During thecountry’s main festivals, the area will be lit up in theme,reflecting the multiracial diversity of Malaysians. For amore contemporary take on the local arts scene, TheAnnexe Gallery, located at the back of Central Market, is apopular venue for events such as film screenings, artexhibitions and public discourses.

Spread across 13 acres, the National Mosque is able toaccommodate up to 15,000 people and is reminiscentof the Grand Mosque in Mecca, featuring abstractshapes and geometric lattice incorporated into itsroofing and ironworks. The Grand Hall is undoubtedlythe most intricate part of the mosque with verses fromthe Quran decorating the walls.

As one of Southeast Asia's largest mosques, its uniquemodern design embodies a contemporary expressionof traditional Islamic art, calligraphy andornamentation.


Batu Caves

Royal Selangor Pewter

Batik Painting Gallery

Heritage tour

Batu Caves is a an iconic and popular tourist attractionin Selangor. Site of a Hindu temple and shrine, BatuCaves attracts thousands of worshippers and tourists,especially during the annual Hindu festival, Thaipusam.A limestone outcrop located just north of Kuala Lumpur,Batu Caves has three main caves featuring temples andHindu shrines. Its attractions include a large statue ofthe Hindu God Murugan. Visitors may climb up its stepsto view the stunning skyline of the city centre.

Founded in 1885, Royal Selangor is the world’sforemost name in quality pewter. The visitor centreoffers intriguing exhibits and a chance to witness real-time pewter crafting and even hands-on experience inthe craft. Explore the events that will put you in thethick of the tin rush in colonial Malaya, and thefounding in 1885 of Royal Selangor, maker of theworld’s finest pewter.

This well-known handicraft centre offers visitors aninsight into the wide collection of beautiful andintricate local arts and crafts in Malaysia. Browsethrough and shop for exquisite souvenirs such asbatik (dyed cloth), rattan baskets, blowpipes,Sarawak woodcarvings, Kelantanese silver craft andothers.


Photo source: Tourism Malaysia

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