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Principal’s Pitch20 March 2019

What a busy few weeks we have had. It has been wonderful to see the fantastic work all classes are completing. Stories are being finalised to be made into films for our short films, STEM and Science Activities are very engaging, and Students have started learning how to read music in our music classes. Stop, Start animations are being filmed with Lego are some of the great things that I have seen happening over the last few weeks. I hope the students are loving the activities as much as their teachers are enjoying presenting the activities.

SCHOOL COUNCILOur school council AGM was held on Monday, 18 March at 7pm.

Thank you to all our parents who have volunteered to be a member of our school council. Our school council members and new office bearers are President – Elizabeth Ring, Vice President – Damian Marshall, Minute Secretary - Craig Buys, Treasurer – TBA, Facilities - Theresa Evans, PFA Rep – Belinda Young, General Members – Andrew Boyd, Elaina Tava.

PFA (Parents and friends)The PFA meeting was held on Monday at Sassy Café, thank you to all that attended.

Items discussed included fundraisers for the year which will include a Bunnings BBQ, Trivia night, Halloween on the Green, A Colour Run and a few smaller events. Some of the activities will include Mothers and Father’s day stalls, Mother’s Day Dinner and Father’s Day Breakfasts.

Our next PFA meeting is the AGM which will be held Monday 6th May at 9am. Everyone is very welcome.

CURRICULUM DAYOur curriculum day on 27th February was a very informative and worthwhile day. Our staff learnt about various aspects of classroom practice lead by consultant Glen Pearsall. We will be working to include many of the aspects that we worked on during the session.

BULLYING NO WAY!Over the last few weeks in Wellbeing we have been using resources from the website. There are also two free apps that you could also use at home to reinforce the messages that we have been looking at. The Allen Adventure is a fun app for Prep – Grade 3 students that assists in developing social skills. Take a Stand Together provides tips and advice about bullying for young people.


25th March Assembly 3pm

25th March Grade 456 Excursion

29th March-3rd April Book Fair

2nd April 9am-11am Grandparents’& Special Persons’ Day

5th April Last Day of Term 1, school finishes at 2.30pm

Sassafras Primary School

399 Mt Dandenong Tourist Rd

Sassafras Vic 3787

P: 9755 1203

[email protected]

Sassy NewsS A S S A F R A S P R I M A R Y S C H O O L N E W S L E T T E R

March 25, 2019

Check out the Sassy Book Fair

29 March to 3 April

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Principal’s PitchSome of the discussions we have been having is labelling different behaviours as Rude, Mean and Bullying. Many students have great difficulty determining the difference between these and often label all behaviours that they don’t like as bullying.

We have talked about what we can do as students if we see bullying or cyber bullying taking place. Especially who are the people that you trust and can talk to if you are worried or sad about these types of behaviours.

With BULLYING NO WAY day last Friday I have included some resources for families later in the newsletter. Students should also have received small cards with the same information.

CLEAN UP AUSTRALIA DAYThank you to all the students who participated in the Clean Up Australia day for Schools. Due to the heat on the day we cleaned up our school grounds during the morning. Majority of the rubbish found was packaging from our school lunches. With Fruit Boxes or Milk drinks thrown on the ground. We all talked about how we should care for our environment and how that starts at home and school.

BOOK FAIROn Tuesday the 2nd April we will be having a Special persons day and book fair. Please see further details later in the newsletter.

AIR CONDITIONERS ARE IN!A very big thank you to all the school community that donated approximately $1500 towards our brand new air conditioners for the BER building. It will be fantastic to not have to spend another summer sweltering while teaching and learning. The whole school community will benefit from all your generosity. A big thank you to Andrew for sourcing quotes to get us the best deal.

STEM VOLUNTARY PAYMENTSThank you to those who have donated towards our Maker Space. At this stage we have $720 to spend and I will be looking at what part of the project we will be funding first over the holidays. If anyone else would like to contribute – but haven’t yet, can you please let me know so I can make the best choices with what I purchase first.

It has been very exciting that we can start building on the equipment for the students to use for next terms STEM and Science classes.

ABSENCESJust a reminder. Could you please let the school know by 9.15am if your child is going to be absent so that we know you child is safe. Thank you!

LAST DAY OF TERM 1The last day of term is Friday 5th of April. Students will be dismissed at 2.30pm, we will have an assembly at 2pm. Sassy Kids Club will operate on this day.

The first day of Term 2 is Tuesday 23rd April. With Thursday 25th April a public holiday as well. If your family is taking holidays over this period please let us know in advance.

Sassafras Primary School always Nurturing Excellence!

Stacey Goodger

Thank you!!A big thank you to Andrew and Fabian for

donating the new stainless steel bench in the kitchen. We’ve added it to the end of the

original one so now we have one long bench which makes cooking with the kids so much

easier. We all really appreciate it!

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Class NotesPrep, Grade 1We have been busy in the Prep/1 room, continuing our work on the Hungry Caterpillar and exploring our personal histories and how Australia comes together for Harmony Week.

Our literacy work has continued to focus on Narratives, as well as exploring our personal histories. Ava’s dad Fabian came in to visit last week and share the Very Hungry Caterpillar with us in French. We were very fortunate to have him and enjoyed repeating a lot of the words and phrases in French. We are continuing to build on our knowledge about our own families and places in the community and world. It has been wonderful to have exposure to this story in so many languages and appreciate all the different languages in our own community.

In Mathematics we are continuing to work on our understandings of Place Value, enjoying taking a “Detective” approach with some riddles to help us explore the ideas and concepts around place value.In combination with our 100s chart construction, number line construction and general counting and sorting activities, we are building a strong foundation for our future learning in mathematics by ensuring these key concepts are understood and are able to be applied in varied contexts. We have also explored using shapes to make pictures, including an amazing Lyrebird collaboration completed by Sam and Toomas.

Students of the week:

Tarli-Rose Tarli, I have been so proud of the effort you have been putting into your work and the improvements we have seen in both your letter formation and your sentence construction during writing. It is so wonderful to see your efforts giving such great results!!

Sam – Sam, your efforts to be a good friend and classmate have not gone unnoticed! I love that you are showing such an interest in being a better friend and working hard to model good behaviour in the classroom. Keep up the great effort Sam!


Carol Huecherig

ArtDear Parents/Guardians,

This year to celebrate the end of term, the children will be making Easter Bonnets in Art. Each student will use their creative flare to construct a bonnet to parade at the Term 1 final assembly.

The bonnets will be made and constructed as part of the regular Wednesday class, however we do ask that each student bring in their own hat to start the project off. Hats need to be of basic design, as to be decorated and can be sourced from a range of places including, your local op shop, Arther Daley’s (FTG) or your local supermarket (Party aisle). All other materials for decorating will be provided. If your child would like to include something special in their design, they can bring in extra items from home. Anyone who wishes to bring in extra or spare hats for students who may forget are most welcome to do so.

We ask that students come prepared with hats to decorate on Wednesday the 27th of April. In class students will be provided with tissue paper, feathers, construction paper, sequins, cotton wool balls and some Easter decorative’s but if students would like to bring anything extra or some materials to share, we would be most appreciative.

We look forward to you seeing the fruits of our labour at the parade.

Ms Amy Muratore Visual Arts Teacher

The artist of the month for March is Toomas Tava (grade one)

Toomas loves creating and making, in particular free drawing in his sketchbook. Over term 1, Toomas has shown great improvement, creating some of his best work for Dalí week. This is when we explored surrealism through collage, using a range of materials to create weird and wonderful characters. See below Toomas’ fabulous Portrait made with paper, magazines and cardboard.

Well done Toomas on the excellent work you have made this term.

Ms Muratore

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Class NotesGrade 2 & 3Hi everyone,

We have had a very exciting few weeks in our classroom. Imagine our surprise when we walked into our room to find a beanstalk had grown classroom! After reading Jack and The Beanstalk we completed a writing activity that became our leaves for our beanstalk.

In Literacy we have been trying to add depth to our writing. Our focus questions for our recounts are “who, what, when and where”. We are beginning to self-assess our writing using our focus questions as our criteria.

In Numeracy we are continuing to look at shape and number. In line with our Jack and the Beanstalk theme we used our knowledge of shape and number to build the Giant’s castle and count how many blocks we used. This week we will be looking at open number problems that have a range of different answers.

In History we are looking at the First Fleet. We created our own convict love tokens for our loved ones using foil. We have really enjoyed our Science this term and loved testing different colours with Magda.

Our student’s of the week this week are Timmy, Miriam and Zara. These three students have done an exceptional job at giving every task a go. They have put in extra effort looking after our classroom and making sure they do their personal best each day. Well done to all of you on your efforts!


Natasha Marotti

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Grade 4, 5 & 6 We have been enjoying the settled Autumn weather with the lovely sunny days, the odd misty morning, and have noticed the chestnut cases on the ground. The children enjoyed preparing the garden beds for Autumn planting with lots of digging and watering and rinsing the nets. Thank you to Theresa for our garden tour earlier in the term, and Chris Saray from the Food Security Network who spoke to the children about the importance of fresh produce for food banks and also worked with the children getting the garden beds ready. Autumn has also seen a variety of games played in the mellow weather at recess with downball and castles featuring in the past couple of weeks.

In mathematics we have been looking at place value and our challenging task was to work out what to key into a calculator, that had a broken “4” button, if you wanted to work out 341 + 276. The children started on the task by themselves, then used an enabling or extending prompt and talked to each other, and then shared their strategies as a group. It is so productive for them to see their own solutions and other children’s solutions. We classified the approaches as 1) replacing the 40 with something, 2) making the 341 in a different way, 3) changing both numbers by adding to one and taking from the other, and 4) adding the hundreds, tens, and ones. All without ever typing in a “4”.

Class Notes

After the professional development day with Glen Pearsall, I have been using a new strategy called indicative marking. This involves the children thinking about what makes a good answer and improving their work before it is “handed in”. We have been watching some Behind the News clips and try to have a “3 point answer” to every comprehension question rather than a “1 point answer”. The children are becoming adept at identifying addition information and discussing whether it actually answers the question in more depth or is answering a different question. It has been great to see what table teams can come up with in response to the BTN clips as varied as women’s suffrage in Australia or a trip to Antarctica.

Student of the week is Millie for writing and illustrating a story and taking on board the feedback about talking marks and getting them correct in the final copy.

Annie Mitchell

Open Nighttwilight

Monbulk College, David Hill Road, Monbulk, VIC 3793. P: 03 9751 9000 F: 03 9751 9001W: E: [email protected]

Wednesday 27th March 2019 6-7.30 pmAn information session will be held in the College Theatre at 7:00pm

Please park at the gym (gate 4) due to building construction

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Other News

Sassafras Primary School is having a Book Fair from

Friday 29th March to Wednesday 3rd April 2019.

Come and view the books in the Music Room anytime,

all welcome.Children will have

their own wish list.

An important invitation is extended to all


Tuesday 2nd April 9am - 11 am

The purpose of the activity is to provide an opportunity for the children to share with someone

special in their life a typical session at shool. To encourage the children to be both proud and

enthusiastic about sharing their school life with a special person. There will be the opportunity to share morning tea and informally meet the staff and their

friends who they spend their school days with.

The school is also holding a Book Fair which is a wonderful opportunity to purchase a book for your

special someone and to support the school in doing so.

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Uniform Order

GARMENTUnless specified, sizes are


Item Price $ Size Quantity TOTAL PRICE

POLOS (with logo)Polo shirt short sleeve Navy with gold collar stripe 17.00

Polo shirt short sleeve Gold 17.00

Polo shirt long sleeve Navy with gold collar stripe 18.50

Polo shirt long sleeve Gold 18.50

WINTER TOPS (with logo)Polar Fleece Top with half zip Navy 24.00

Fleecy Windcheater Hoodie Navy25.50

Water repellent Microfibre Sports Jacket lined with soft cotton 35.00

PANTS & SHORTSFleecy Double Knee Track Pants Navy 19.50

Stretch Boot Leg Pants Navy (Summer) 19.00

Boot Leg Pants polyester (Winter) 32.00

Gabardine Cargo Pants Navy 22.00

Gabardine Cargo Shorts Navy 18.00

Rugby knit Shorts Navy 13.00

Bike Shorts Navy 10.00


GARMENT Item Price $ Size Quantity Total Price

7S A S S A F R A S P R I M A R Y S C H O O L N E W S L E T T E R

Other News

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Other News

DRESSES, TUNICS AND SKIRTSGabardine Skort Navy 17.50School Dress Blue & White Check 18.00Box Pleat Winter Tunic, gold, navy & white plaid, with detachable adjustable skirt

sizes 4,6,8,10,12 only



4-6, 7-10, 11-1411.00

Surf Hat (with logo)

Small or Medium

12.00[free for new


Beanie Navy

One Size5.00

Scarf Navy

One Size6.00

School Bag (with logo) 45.00





DIRECT DEPOSIT (preferred)/ CASH/ CHEQUE (Please circle)



Friday 29th March


Amanda Gambas (Natalie & Robbie)


0416 117 401

Don’t hesitate to contact me if you need help with sizes

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Other News

Back/neck painSports injuriesHeadachesOveruse injuries

Sprains/strainsFalls & balancePost-surgical rehabWomen’s health


Pilates Orthotics Remedial Massage 0400 - Opposite Mt Dandenong Hotel - 9751 0400 - Opposite Mt Dandenong Hotel

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