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Page 1: Saving Santa


Scene 1The alert came over the radio: “Emergency! Santa Claus trapped in a chimney. Christmas will likely be cancelled.”

Catherine: Oh my gosh ! Guys, did you hear ? What are we going to do?

Maximiani: We have to do something. Christmas can't be cancelled !

Philip: Of course not ! We have to tell the others.

Chris: Yes, let's go. We must be quick !

Scene 2They all go to find their friends for help. They meet Fay and Marianna.

Marianna: What's the matter? Why have you been running?

Maximiani: Don't you know ? Santa Claus is trapped in a chimney near Metro Mall.

Fay: Really? That's terrible ! What are we going to do?

Catherine: We have to go there and find him.

Philip: But we need some equipment.

Chris: Yes, indeed ! We need a ladder !

Marianna: And some oil so that Santa can slide out of the chimney.

Fay: And maybe something to push him !

Philip: Yes, good idea ! So, are we ready?

Marianna: I think so. Let's gather our gear and head for the house where Santa is.

They are all searching for the gear and they finally leave.

Scene 3

They arrive at the house where Santa Claus is. They finally see him trying to get out of the chimney.

Santa Claus (Alex): Ho-ho-hoooo ! Heeelp ! Is anyone there?

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The kids altogether: Santa !! We are coming !!!

They all go to the other room. They come back with Santa Claus.

Santa Claus: Ho-ho-hoooo, thank you kids ! You saved my life !

Catherine: Thank God you are alive Santa Claus. We came as fast as we could.

Maximiani: Yes, Santa. We were afraid that Christmas would be cancelled.

Chris: We love Christmas ! What would we do without Christmas???

Fay: Christmas is my favourite time of the year !

Philip: Mine too !

Santa Claus: I know kids. I love Christmas too. And since you helped me a lot, I 'll give you all

a candy. And don't worry, you will all get your presents !

Catherine: Santa, we want to tell you something.

Maximiani: Yes, Santa, you see...

Marianna: We were thinking...

Chris: It was just an idea we had !

Fay: Yes, of course. Only an idea..

Philip: That maybe...just maybe...

Catherine: You should go on a diet!

Santa Claus: Ho-ho-hoooo, (laughing and touching his belly) , kids , you made me laugh !

They all laugh together.

Maximiani: But seriously Santa, if this happens again, what will you do?

Philip : Yes, Santa, what if next time you are alone ?

Fay: Who will come to save you?

Marriana: What if next time Christmas is cancelled?

Chris: What about the kids? What will they do?

Catherine: Especially the kids in Africa who haven't got enough food?

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Maximiani: Or clean water to drink?

Philip: Or school bags and pens or pencils?

Fay: What about the kids who don't have parents?

Chris: Or the kids who are very sick?

Marianna: And what about the poor parents who can't buy presents for their kids?

Santa: Ohhh kids you 're right...(He seems sad). I have to do something. But what can I do?

Catherine: Well, we had an idea...We could help you with that.

Philip: Yes, we can help you right now !

Santa: Now? How?

Maximiani: We could exercise together !

Chris: You will get fit in a minute !

Fay: And you will lose weight !

Marianna: Shall we start?

Santa: Okayyyy ! I am ready !

Maximiani: Ok, guys, let's show him.

Philip: So, Santa, every morning when you get up, you can start jogging for 15 minutes.

Marianna: Yes, Santa, like that ! (She starts running and then the others start as well)

Santa: Oh kids,...(He finds it hard)

Catherine: Come on, Santa, you can do it!

Chris: Do it for the kids !

Fay: Do it for us, Santa ! We need you !

Santa: Ok kids I got it. I think I am feeling better now. (He stops jogging). Is there anything

else I can do?

Catherine: Well, yes..You can cut down on candies..

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Santa: WHAT? But I love candies !

Maximiani: Yes, Santa, we love them too but you can't eat too many.

Chris: It's not good for your health.

Philip: Remember what we said, Santa? About the kids who need you?

Santa: Yes, yes...(seems quite thoughtful)

Marianna: It will be good for you Santa. You will do everything easier and faster.

Santa: Ok, kids. I will do it. But only for the kids. And especially for you all ! You helped me so

much and you are all so mature and kind. Now let me give you some candies.

They all shout together: Yayyyyyy!!!

Santa gives them candies from his huge sack. Each one says thank you.

Santa: Okayyy, now I have to find my sleigh. Have you seen it?

Fay: Yes, Santa. It's over there. (She points out somewhere)

Santa: Oh, then, I must leave. It was so nice to meet you kids. Thank you again for


Catherine: We were glad to meet you too, Santa.

Maximiani: We hope we 'll see you again soon.

Chris: Yes, really soon. Take care, Santa !

Marianna: And don't forget about the diet !

Philip: It's all about being fit these days, Santa !

Santa: Ho-ho-hoooo, you funny kids ! Meeeerry Christmas !

They all shout together: Merry Christmas, Santa !!!


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