Page 1: School Development Plan 2015- · Perranporth School Development Plan 2015-16 ... • develop their use of English

Perranporth School Development Plan 2015-16

Perranporth Community Primary School - ‘Where the learning adventure begins…’

School Development Plan

2015- 2016

Page 2: School Development Plan 2015- · Perranporth School Development Plan 2015-16 ... • develop their use of English

Perranporth School Development Plan 2015-16

Perranporth Community Primary School - ‘Where the learning adventure begins…’

The School Development Plan enables the school’s vision to be shared and understood by the whole school community. Our aim is to work and learn together as a community in

order to improve and be the best that we can be. The School Development Plan should give everyone an understanding of where the school is going and what actions will be taken

to ensure we get there. We set clear timescales for implementation and determine how to effectively use both human and material resources to support specific goals. It also helps

us plan and prioritise our budget and guides how we plan and organise staff training. The School Development Plan is designed to give a sharp, clear focus to those aspects of our

work which we believe are most in need of improvement.

Everyone has the chance to contribute ideas as to how our school can improve. Staff and Governors meet termly to review how successful our improvements have been and

agree priorities for the coming year. We ask parents, staff and children to share their ideas through mediums such as questionnaires, coffee mornings and the School Parliament.

We want everyone to support us and help us improve and this can only happen if we are all involved.

Once we have agreed the priorities, the Leadership Team identifies targets for improvement by writing the School Development Plan. This is then shared.

There are several Key Priorities for the plan. We wish to achieve each target as fully as possible; therefore they will drive our training, resources, teaching and learning,

monitoring, evaluation and review over the next year.

Professional development INSET days are an important part of this process. In addition to this, all staff are keen to keep up to date with new initiatives. Therefore, individual

teachers and support staff undertake training throughout the year in order to further their own professional development and to strengthen the subject expertise on the staff.

Key Stage Leaders and Subject Leaders develop their own Curriculum Action Plan which identifies key areas for development within their own curriculum area for the academic


Page 3: School Development Plan 2015- · Perranporth School Development Plan 2015-16 ... • develop their use of English

Perranporth School Development Plan 2015-16

Perranporth Community Primary School - ‘Where the learning adventure begins…’

Our Vision

We are committed to improving the quality of the educational provision for all our children which will enable them to reach their full potential and attain the levels of

knowledge, understanding and skills that society demands for their future lives. High quality education at Perranporth Community Primary School will be achieved by:

• positive, caring and clearly focused leadership from the senior leadership team

• the whole staff team working together to do its best for our children’s confidence

• the whole staff team having high expectations of our children’s social, behavioural and academic performance

• well planned, exciting and challenging teaching that develops lively, enquiring and open minds in our children

• creating stimulating and attractive learning environments in which our children can take a pride

• fostering a calm, secure and purposeful working atmosphere that nurtures a positive esteem and self-image in all our children

• promoting respect for other people and their property

• working in partnership with parents, governors and the local community to enrich opportunities for our children

We will continually strive to achieve the school’s aims through the formal curriculum and through all the other experiences offered to our children. High quality education will

raise the children’s standards of attainment, enabling them to:

• develop their use of English and Maths which provide the foundation for all their other learning

• learn social skills that encourage agreeable interactions between their peers as well as adults

• treat everyone in an equal manner, irrespective of gender, race, class or disability

• develop personal and moral values that are respectful of others, leading to their appreciation and toleration of other religions and other ways of life

• learn in a safe and secure environment, in keeping with Health and Safety Regulations that are in the interests of all whom work in the school.

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Perranporth School Development Plan 2015-16

Perranporth Community Primary School - ‘Where the learning adventure begins…’

School Context

• Perranporth Community Primary School is a slightly smaller than average-sized primary school with around 200 pupils in attendance (PAN of 30).

• The Multiple Deprivation Score places our school in the most deprived 40% to 50% of Lower Super Output Areas in England (IOMD Score is 19.07).

• The school has a majority of pupils from white-British backgrounds with 6.8% from minority ethnic backgrounds, well below national average 28.7%

• 20% of children in Perranporth live in households where neither parent works. (Perranzabuloe Community Plan)

• 40% of the workforce in Perranporth relies on the tourist industry. (Perranzabuloe Community Plan)

• A broadly average number of pupils are entitled to free school meals (22.1%).

• The school has a consistently lower percentage of stability than the National Average, it is currently at 79.9% (Nat: 85.8%) this translated into 18 new pupils in 2013/14

and 18 new pupils 2014/15. In several cases this mobility of pupils has been detrimental to the results in end of key stage tests.

• Attainment on entry varies but is broadly average (on entry teacher assessment against FSP assessment criteria).

• 14.5% of pupils have special educational needs, many of these children are at concentrated in particular year groups, which has an impact on certain cohorts.

• 2% of pupils (4 pupils) have a statements of Special Educational Needs.

• Overall Absence is less than the National Average at 3.8% and has improved over the last 3 years.

• There have been no permanent exclusions in the last three years and 6 fixed term exclusions.

Significant changes since the last inspection Dec 2011 - the most significant changes has been to the number of staff changes. There is now an entirely new SLT with a new

Headteacher appointed in September 2013, a new Deputy Headteacher appointed in January 2015 and a new Key Stage 2 Leader appointed in January 2015. Since the last inspection

only 4 class based teachers remain and five new appointments have been made. The Chair of Governors has also changed since the last inspection and there have been a number

of changes to the membership of the Governing Body. There have also been changes in teaching and support staff.

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Perranporth School Development Plan 2015-16

Perranporth Community Primary School - ‘Where the learning adventure begins…’

Analysis of Data (2013 - 2015)

EYFSP Expected + GLD Average

2015 2014 2013 2015 2014 2013 2015 2014 2013

Listening &

Attention 86% 79% 91%

82% 64% 59%

2.1 2.0 2.1

Understanding 83% 75% 91% 2.1 2.0 2.0

Reading 83% 75% 86% 2.2 2.0 2.0

Writing 83% 71% 82% 2.2 2.0 2.0

Number 83% 82% 73% 2.2 2.1 1.9

Shape & Space 83% 82% 86% 2.2 2.1 2.0

Key Stage 1 Level 2+ Level 2b+ Level 3+

2014 2013 2014 2013 2014 2013

Reading 97% 87% 100% 87% 77% 100% 30% 17% 35%

Writing 87% 87% 100% 73% 56% 92% 17% 4% 15%

Maths 97% 91% 100% 83% 82% 100% 20% 17% 54%

Key Stage 1


APS Boys APS Girls APS

2015 2014 2013 2015 2014 2013 2015 2014 2013

Reading 16.8 15.4 18.2 16.5 14.8 18.3 18.2 16.2 18.2

Writing 15.3 14.1 16.4 14.3 13.6 15.9 16.5 14.8 16.7

Maths 15.9 16.0 18.8 16.2 16.0 19.5 16.5 15.9 18.3

Overall 16.0 15.2 17.8 15.7 14.8 17.9 17.0 15.6 17.7

Key Stage 2 % Level 4+ (National) % Level 5

2015 2014 2013 2015 2014 2013

R,W & M 78% (79%) 81% (79%) 87% - -

Reading 94% (89%) 92% (88%) 86% (71%) 47% (49%) 46% (49%) 67% (28%)

Writing 88% (85%) 81% (83%) 93% (62%) 34% (33%) 23% (33%) 40% (15%)

Maths 84% (86%) 85% (86%) 100% (68%) 50% (42%) 46% (42%) 47% (25%)

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Perranporth School Development Plan 2015-16

Perranporth Community Primary School - ‘Where the learning adventure begins…’

Key Stage 2 2 levels progress(National)

2015 2014 2013

Reading 100% (91%) 100% (91%) 93% (88%)

Writing 100% (93%) 100% (93%) 100% (91%)

Maths 91% (89%) 91% (89%) 100% (88%)

Key Stage 2 More than 2 levels progress

2015 2014 2013

Reading 47% (35%) 41% (35%) 27%

Writing 44% (33%) 46% (33%) 7%

Maths 34% (35%) 36% (35%) 40%

Key Stage 2 APS 2015 APS

School National 2014 2013

Reading 29.4 29.0 28.8 30.2

Writing 28.3 27.9 27.0 29.0

Maths 29.4 29.0 29.3 31.8

R, W & M 29.2 28.7 28.7 30.7

Year 6 2015 Gender (School) 2015 Gender (National) 2015 Disadvantage – (2014)

Boys Girls Gap Boys Girls Gap DPP National Gap

Reading 28.7 30.4 1.7 28.6 29.4 0.8 27.0 27.5 -0.5

Writing 28.0 28.7 0.7 27.0 28.7 1.7 27.0 26.2 +0.8

Maths 29.7 29.1 0.6 29.2 28.8 0.4 27.9 27.2 +0.2

R,W & M 29.0 29.4 0.4 28.5 28.9 0.4 27.4 27.0 +0.4

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Perranporth School Development Plan 2015-16

Perranporth Community Primary School - ‘Where the learning adventure begins…’

Progress Tables 2014

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Perranporth School Development Plan 2015-16

Perranporth Community Primary School - ‘Where the learning adventure begins…’

Analysis of Attainment and Progress of children entitled to Free School Meals (Pupil Premium)

Pupil Premium Progress Tracking 2014-15

Year 1 Reading Writing Maths

Attainment Progress Attainment Progress Attainment Progress

Autumn Non DPP 7.8 - 7.3 - 7.1 -

DPP 6.2 - 5.8 - 5.8 -

Spring Non DPP 9.8 2.0 9.2 1.9 9.2 2.1

DPP 8.0 1.8 7.7 1.8 7.7 1.8



Non DPP 11.2 3.4 10.7 3.4 11.2 4.1

DPP 9.8 3.6 9.0 3.1 9.3 3.5

Year 3 Reading Writing Maths

Attainment Progress Attainment Progress Attainment Progress

Autumn Non D PP 16.1 0.1 15.2 0.5 16.4 0.2

DPP 15.8 0.0 15.4 0.8 16.2 0.0

Spring Non D PP 18.2 2.1 17.1 1.9 17.8 1.4

DPP 19.0 3.2 17.4 2.0 17.4 1.2



Non D PP 20.1 4.1 18.3 3.5 19.7 3.5

DPP 20.7 5.2 18.3 4.0 18.7 2.8

Year 5 Reading Writing Maths

Attainment Progress Attainment Progress Attainment Progress

Autumn Non DPP 24.1 0.2 22.3 0.4 22.4 0.2

DPP 21.6 0.9 20.7 1.4 21.3 1.3

Spring Non DPP 24.9 0.8 23.8 1.4 23.9 1.4

DPP 23.0 1.4 21.9 1.1 22.7 1.4



Non DPP 27.2 3.3 25.6 3.5 25.4 2.9

DPP 24.4 2.7 23.9 3.7 23.6 2.7

Year 2 Reading Writing Maths

Attainment Progress Attainment Progress Attainment Progress

Autumn Non DPP 10.2 -0.3 10.6 0.5 10.9 -0.3

DPP 10.3 0.0 11.0 0.3 10.7 0.0

Spring Non DPP 13.8 3.6 13.7 3.1 14.5 3.6

DPP 14.0 3.7 14.3 3.3 14.5 3.8



Non DPP 16.7 6.8 15.0 5.6 16.0 5.6

DPP 17.0 6.7 16.0 6.0 15.8 5.3

Year 4 Reading Writing Maths

Attainment Progress Attainment Progress Attainment Progress

Autumn Non DPP 20.9 -0.6 19.2 -0.1 18.5 -0.2

DPP 22.0 0.0 19.5 1.0 18.5 0.0

Spring Non DPP 22.5 2.0 20.7 1.5 22.2 1.7

DPP 24.0 2.0 21.0 1.5 19.5 1.0



Non DPP 25.2 3.7 22.6 3.8 23.5 3.4

DPP 25.5 3.5 22.5 4.0 20.5 2.0

Year 6 Reading Writing Maths

Attainment Progress Attainment Progress Attainment Progress

Autumn Non D PP 26.6 1.1 24.3 0.7 26.0 1.6

DPP 24.5 2.0 22.8 0.8 23.3 1.8

Spring Non D PP 29.2 2.6 26.4 2.1 28.2 2.2

DPP 27.8 3.3 25.0 2.2 25.0 2.2



Non D PP 31.1 5.6 28.3 4.7 29.4 5.0

DPP 29.8 7.3 26.7 4.7 27.8 6.3

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Perranporth School Development Plan 2015-16

Perranporth Community Primary School - ‘Where the learning adventure begins…’

Target Area 1: Effectiveness of Leadership and Management

Success Criteria:

1. All staff understand and work effectively towards the aims of the SDP.

2. Improve staff practice and teaching, learning and assessment through rigorous performance management and appropriate professional development

3. Perranporth School is supporting other schools within TPAT and beyond through partnership, collaboration and shared resources.

4. Achievement of UNICEF’s Rights Respecting Schools Award

Key Performance Indicators and links to School Aims:

• Performance management cycle including lesson observations/support, monitoring of planning and work scrutiny evidence the school is at least ‘good’.

Objective Responsibility: Start Date: Key actions:

Resources: Evaluation of Impact and evidence:

1a: Ensure that an effective

performance management cycle

raises standards and enables the

school to operate effectively.

A. Johnson



All Staff


HIP partners


Implement performance management cycle

including termly review meetings and ensure

teachers are able to evidence performance

against the Teaching Standards.

Additional Supply

to release staff

for PM meetings.

1b: Ensure that the staffing

structure secures strong and

sustainable leadership

throughout school through Key

Stage Leaders.




Sept 2015

Ensure KSL have sound understanding of roles

and responsibilities.

Establish regular Key Stage meetings and

shared coaching/mentoring for staff.

Leadership Time

CPD, release


training costs;

1c: Continue to improve the

effectiveness of middle leaders;

A. Johnson

SLT Ongoing

Explore opportunities for high quality CPD for

new/aspiring SLT members. Continue to create

opportunities for joint lesson obs and feedback.

Continue to offer Middle Leadership release

time to support development.

Leadership Time

CPD, release


training costs;

1d: Continue to develop the

effectiveness of governors

A. Johnson

Chair of Govs




Promote Governor Training via the TPAT and

LA; Encourage attendance at

Monitoring/HIP days (learning walks, subject

interviews, pupil voice);

Possible training



release time.

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Perranporth School Development Plan 2015-16

Perranporth Community Primary School - ‘Where the learning adventure begins…’

1e: Continue to strengthen

parental engagement


All Staff Ongoing

•Seek further opportunities to develop

parental engagement through improved school

and community events improved

communication and involvement in school


•Further extend shared learning opportunities

for parents – Family Learning, parent/child

reading groups, demonstration sessions etc

Leadership Time



release time.

Target Area 2: Quality of Teaching, Learning and Assessment

Success Criteria:

1. New assessment and tracking system is embedded accurate formative assessment, clear tracking and appropriate intervention/support.

2. Teaching is consistently good or better with emphasis on effective differentiation/challenge, effective feedback and active learning

3. Teacher questionnaire outcome reflects high levels confidence in their own practice and positive attitudes towards collaborative learning with colleagues.

4. Marking an feedback scrutiny to show positive learning dialogue which is moving learning forwards

5. Pupil interviews to show positive understanding of marking systems and response to learning dialogue

6. Teaching of SPAG to be progressive and effective in delivering the expectations of the curriculum.

Key Performance Indicators and links to School Aims:

1. Maths annual attainment and progress targets – Re, Wr, Ma above 85% at the National Standard or progressing rapidly

2. 90% of lessons to be observed by SLT as ‘Good’ or ‘Outstanding’ by end of Summer Term.

3. Attainment of at least 85% age related expectation or progressing rapidly in each year group in Re, Wr and Ma from Y1 – Y6

Objective Responsibility: Start Date: Key actions:

Resources: Evaluation of Impact and evidence:

2a. To meet or exceed English

and Maths annual attainment

and progress targets – Re, Wr,

Ma above 85% at the National

Standard or progressing rapidly.

KS2 FFT Targets:

Re: 84% at Nat Standard

Wr: 77% at Nat Standard

Ma: 83% at Nat Standard

A. Johnson

All teachers Sept 2015

• Ensure that pivotal groups are

identified, monitored and that their

learning needs are met

• Ensure effective intervention is

delivered and monitored for maximum


• Ensure learning for higher attaining

pupils is effectively differentiated.

CPD as appropriate.

2b. Ensure effective

implementation of Target

Tracker for both formative

Alistair Johnson

All teachers Sept 2015

• Provide INSET on TT and regular

moderation meetings

Purchase of Target

Tracker and Rising Stars.

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Perranporth School Development Plan 2015-16

Perranporth Community Primary School - ‘Where the learning adventure begins…’

assessment and tracking. Embed

systems from Year 1 to Year 6.

• Use Rising Stars assessments half

termly to support teacher assessment

of R, W, SPAG and M

• Moderation across TPAT

• Explore potential of TT for EYFS over


x 2 assessment staff

meetings per half term.

Progress and

moderation weeks in

penultimate week of

half terms.

2c. To ensure pupils in KS1 and

KS2 achieve higher standards

consistently in maths.

A. Johnson

J. McGowan

N. Paterson

All Staff

Sept 2015

• Ensure Mastery Curriculum is

effectively implemented – AJ, JM, NP

to work with Chacewater School to

develop approaches to maths practice.

• Explore outcomes from Shanghai

Maths project and implement effective


• Ensure the consistent application of

the school’s new calculation policy

• Embedded effective system of x tables

practise across the school.

Possible training costs,

purchase of maths

resources, release time

for JM and NL.

2d. Ensure an effective and

progressive approach to the

teaching of Spelling, Punctuation

and Grammar in both KS1 and


A. Johnson

E. Smitheram



All Staff



• Review current teaching of SPAG and

ascertain potential needs/areas for


• Develop approaches to address needs

and implement ensuring an effective

and progressive approach to teaching.

Possible CPD, purchase

of SPAG resources.

2e. Embed marking and feedback

approaches establishing an

effective learning dialogue to

raise standards of attainment

supporting 85% attainment age

related in R, W M.


All Staff



Sept 2015

• Monitor marking throughout the

school in CDMs, regular book

scrutinies and as part of evidence


• Support teachers in the development

of effective learning dialogue to move

learning forwards.

• Support pupils in developing a pupil

voice in feedback in order to improve

‘ownership’ of learning and


CPD as appropriate

2f. - To maintain the consistency

of ‘Good’ or ‘Outstanding’

teaching across the school.


All Staff Sept 2015

• Maintain the collaborative culture

between staff –sharing good practice,

CPD as appropriate,

possible release of staff

for collaborative

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Perranporth School Development Plan 2015-16

Perranporth Community Primary School - ‘Where the learning adventure begins…’

by colleagues as a means of

development and improvement.

• Regular monitoring of teaching and

learning conducted, constructive

feedback provided by SLT.

• Training opportunities provided and

disseminated to staff for whole staff

development. - Focus on effective

differentiation to ensure ‘challenge’

learning and peer


2g: To maintain the consistency

and high standards of phonics

teaching and pupil attainment

set in 2014/15


All Staff

Sept 2015 •Monitor teaching of phonics across

Key Stage 1 and ensure standards are


•Keep phonics attainment as an

identified area of CDMs and termly

assessments in EYFS, Yr1 and Yr2.

•Ensure effective intervention provision

for pupils ‘at risk’ and who failed PST.

CPD as appropriate

Release time for NL and


4d: To maintain the consistency and high

standards of phonics teaching and pupil

attainment set in 2014/15

Target Area 3: Personal Development, Behaviour and Welfare

Success Criteria: Example

1. Perranporth School is a happy, vibrant learning community with high expectations for all.

2. Pupils demonstrate and can articulate a positive approach to learning using the BLP strategies and values.

Key Performance Indicators and links to School Aims:

1. There are no fixed term or permanent exclusions.

2. Whole school attendance is above 95%

3. Perranporth School achieves the ROC from UNICEF for the Rights Respecting Schools Award

Objective Responsibility: Start Date: Key actions:

Resources: Evaluation of Impact and evidence:

3a: To raise staff and pupil

understanding of ‘children’s rights’

and life in democratic UK.

A. Johnson

J. McGowan

All staff



Sept 2015

Implement and secure attainment of

UNICEF’s Rights Respecting Schools

Award. By achieving the Recognition of

Commitment (ROC)

Training costs, purchase

of RRSA resources,

release time for JM.

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Perranporth School Development Plan 2015-16

Perranporth Community Primary School - ‘Where the learning adventure begins…’

Create a representative steering group

to guide, promote and develop the

initiative. Completed the action plan.

Continue weekly debates in class

3b: All children are independent,

resilient learners who are

confident to be challenged.



All Staff



Oct 2015

Attend training on Building Learning

Power by Guy Claxton. Develop an

action Plan in order to implement the

strategies and values of BLP. Train staff

in BLP teaching approaches, share with

pupils and parents

Training costs, purchase

of BLP resources,

release time for SH.

3c. Establish a stronger pupil voice

within school development.


All Staff



Sept 2015

Regular School Parliament meetings

School Parliament to contribute to SDP

Establish RRSA Action Group made up

of pupils. Develop the role of Diamond

6’s to support school development

Seek further opportunities to develop

pupil voice within school development.


3d. Children are safe in school and



All staff





Sept 2015 Update child protect training with all


NL to attend CP training – train the


JR to ensure e-safety is implemented

effectively in curriculum

Training costs,

3e. Attendance is at least 95% plus

no child has attendance less than

85% (except high medical needs



All staff



Sept 2015 Rigorous attendance monitoring

Close liaison with EWO

Effective communication with parents

as necessary.


Target Area 4: Outcomes for Children and Learners

Success Criteria:

At least 85% of pupils in all year groups are reaching ‘age related expectation’ in Re, Wr, SAPG and Ma or progressing rapidly by the end of the academic year.

Key Performance Indicators and links to School Aims:

• Assessments to show that the gap between SEND pupils and non SEND pupils is narrowing and that SEND pupils have made equal progress to non SEND pupils.

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Perranporth School Development Plan 2015-16

Perranporth Community Primary School - ‘Where the learning adventure begins…’

• Assessments to show that the gap between FSM pupils and non FSM pupils is narrowing from previous data and that progress of FSM pupils and non FSM pupils is in line.

• Attainment and progress in maths is as good as in Reading and Writing and in line with National Average.

• SPAG attainment is in line with National Average

Objective Responsibility: Start Date: Key actions:

Resources: Evaluation of Impact and evidence:

4a: At least 85% of pupils in all

year groups are reaching ‘age

related expectation’ in Re, Wr,

SAPG and Ma or progressing

rapidly by the end of the

academic year.


All Staff


Sept 2015 • Performance Management Cycle

• Provide CPD as appropriate

• Implementation of SDP areas for

development – assessment, maths,

SPAG, teaching

• CPD – Target Tracker

Staff meeting time –

development for maths,


ordinator groups,

moderation, purchase

of Target Tracker and

Rising Stars

4b: To ensure that pupils on the

SEND register make progress

that is in line with non SEND

pupils in school and nationally.



All Staff

SEND Governor

Sept 2015 • Ensure SEND guidelines are


• Ensure effective WAVE 1 provision is

evident in daily teaching.

• Ensure individual needs are

addressed as part of HCP or

appropriate provision/interventions.

• Ensure additional adults are being

effectively deployed for maximum

benefit to pupils.

Staff meetings

Training costs, purchase

of SEND resources,

release time for

NL/other staff as


4c: To ensure that DPP pupils

make progress that is in line with

non DPP pupils in school and




All Staff

PP Governor

Sept 2015 •Ensure effective spending of DPP

funding through the use of Sutton Trust

Toolkit and other research.

•Provide quality provision for DPP

pupils which meets the needs of

learners to make progress and enrich

the curriculum.

•To ensure financial circumstance is no

barrier to DPP pupils accessing

extracurricular activities or resources.

•Pupil premium provision to be

monitored for progress and attainment.

•Ensure FSM pupils are identified on

weekly planning

CPD as appropriate

Release time for NL

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Perranporth Community Primary School - ‘Where the learning adventure begins…’

4d. 80% of children in Y1 to pass

phonics screening test

100% of resit children to pass Y2



KS1 Staff

Sept 2015 •Monitor teaching of phonics across

Key Stage 1 and ensure standards are


•Ensure effective intervention provision

for pupils ‘at risk’ and who failed PST.

CPD as appropriate

Target Area 5: The Effectiveness of Early Years

Success Criteria:

• EYFS retains Outstanding judgement by OFSTED

Key Performance Indicators and links to School Aims:

EYFS – Above average number of pupils attaining Good Level of Development to be maintained

• Maintain higher number of children who move from being at expectations at the beginning of the year to being above expectations by the end of the year.

• Expected Attainment Level: 60%

• Exceeding Expected Attainment Level: 30%

Objective Responsibility: Start Date: Key actions:

Resources: Evaluation of Impact and evidence:

5a: EYFS maintains outstanding

OFSTED judgement




Ongoing Continue implementing high quality of

teaching and leadership of EYFS .

Continue outstanding provision.

Ensure all adults understand the are

capable of delivering outstanding


CPD as necessary, EYFS


5b: To maintain the number of

EYFS children who exceed the

expected attainment level by the

end of the year and achieve GLD.




Ongoing •Ensure that pivotal groups are

identified, monitored and that their

learning needs are met.

•Seek opportunities to strengthen the

moderation between Pre School and

EYFS to ensure that any aspects of

development that the school finds to

be low on entry can receive more focus

in the pre-school provision.

•Ensure learning for higher attaining

pupils is effectively differentiated.

CPD as necessary, EYFS


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Perranporth Community Primary School - ‘Where the learning adventure begins…’

•Termly monitoring and tracking of

achievement of EYFS pupils with

particular focus upon those pupils who

are capable of moving from ‘expected’

to ‘above expected’.

5c: EYFS Staff are collaborating

and supporting other

schools/staff within TPAT.

Alistair Johnson

Nadia Lampier

EYFS Staff

Sept 2015 NL to work with other EYFS leaders to

collaborate and deliver high quality

CPD, network groups and support as

part of TPAT.

Release time/cover for


5d: Explore potential of Target

Tracker as an EYFS assessment

tool for 2016-17.

Alistair Johnson

Nadia Lampier

Spring 2015


release of

ipad app)

NL to begin gradual use of Target

Tracker alongside Tapestry to ascertain

the potential of the assessment system.

If appropriate spend time with

Perranporth Pre School to demonstrate

TT and explore the possibility of a EYFS

to Y6 assessment system.

Purchase of Target


Release time/cover for


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