  • 7/31/2019 School Run - The First Three Chapters



    She watched the boy spinning around, his arms

    outstretched like rotas on a helicopter, hitting the other

    children who stood in his path.

    One two three! He whispered over and over again.

    Her eyes narrowed as she stared piercingly at the childs

    parent who deep in conversation with another mother -

    ignored her sons efforts to cause maximum injury to the

    other children who lined up patiently waiting for the Mr

    Harahan to ring the bell, which would signal the first day

    of school had begun.

    The low hum of other mothers voices annoyed her as she

    was not part of it, or would be - until she could think of

    something to talk about to them, or maybe, if she was

    not quite as shy.

    She had rehearsed what she would say, and how she

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    would say it, if anyone didtalk to her, or even

    acknowledge her presence. But, it was to no avail most of

    these women had known each other for years, probably

    had begun their own lives in the same school.

    St Annes junior school was surrounded by a sprawling

    council estate in the leafy suburbs of Ballygowan in


    The road to the school was lined with Silver Birch trees

    which at their best sheltered the girls and boys on their

    short journey up the busy trafficked road, from estate to


    By all accounts the houses did not look like your normal

    council estate stock.

    It was well maintained, with beautiful multi-coloured

    pansies which adorned the many flower baskets at the

    entrance to the estate.

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    The residents knew if they kept the estate looking good it

    would discourage anti-social behaviour and so a dedicated

    team of older and young parents looked after the flower

    beds and kept the streets tidy.

    The residents had grown up together and had nurtured

    their families together and so deep down they moved as

    one, interacting, entertaining and romancing each other to

    the point where large extended family members lived

    together in separate houses which formed the backbone

    of the estate.

    It had not always been like this, years before it had been

    overrun by drug sellers and takers.

    These same people had moved away or had been put

    away until eventually, a new generation of families had

    moved in and made their homes here.

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    This was where Maria Evans lived.

    She was a small girl, with rich brown hair which she would

    scrape back in a neat tidy bun.

    Her skin clear of wrinkles belied her 30 years, she could

    easily pass as a girl in her twenties.

    She had lived there for the last five years with her son

    Jack, and husband Declan, who was the assistant

    manager of a small insurance firm in Dublin city centre.

    The locals called the capital Town with many of them

    joining him on the bus on the early morning commute.

    It had been a terrible five years for her, since she had

    moved from her hometown - a small defunct mining town

    called Heolgerrig, a steep-sided village by the main road

    to Cardiff where she often stood to take the bus to Cardiff

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    town and also where she had met her husband.

    The other women on the estate did not get to know her,

    nor did she them.

    When she did have the courage to speak to anyone. She

    became flustered, acutely aware of her accent, which

    somehow, others found difficult to understand - which

    was laughable to her in the sense that, the Irish accent

    was so much harder for herto understand.

    She was classed as the Welsh Girl who lived on the corner,

    living in isolation with only Jack for company and now he

    was beginning school she felt the weight of her loneliness

    crushing down on her.

    She missed her family and friends dearly but, could tell no


    Now Jack would not be there anymore to curl up on the

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    sofa and watch those funny cartoons that she too had

    grown to love.

    As the bell sounded her heart sank.

    She followed the other mothers towards the building as

    Jacks grip on her, tightened for a moment.

    I need to use the bathroom mummy He told her.

    She ruffled his hair.

    Its okay Jack, I told you already its just nerves, when

    you go into the classroom, teacher will tell you where the

    toilet is She soothed.

    She knew he did not need to go.

    It was just a nervous thing with him, and he would forget

    about it as soon as he was in the building.

    Excitement seemed to be building as they reached the


    Miss Bird their new teacher a small grey haired lady with

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    large glasses too big for her small face, suddenly stopped

    walking and with her hand held up, she halted the line

    Now mammies and daddies, its time for you all to say

    goodbye and let your children go to their new classroom

    Her voice was loud - but, not loud enough to scare the

    children , with over 40 years experience - she had

    become the schools most value member of staff.

    Reliable and just the right temperament to look after the

    new students in their first year of school.

    Her words met with a lot of gasping, three children burst

    into tears, terrified at the idea of parting from their


    It was hard, and Maria felt her heart beating faster, the

    struggle to not cry, was enormous.

    She sucked it in and crouched down to jacks level.

    Now you have a brilliant time with all those other girls

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    and boys, you are going to make loads of friends and you

    will do all sorts of interesting things! She told him

    cheerily, more than she felt.

    Jack bit at his bottom lip.

    Ok He said and stared down at his new shoes.

    You look so smart in your uniform, so handsome like your


    And he did.

    Lifting up his chin so his brown eyes met hers, she kissed

    him once on the cheek.

    Have fun little one

    Miss Bird clapped her hands signalling the end of the


    Right all you girls and boys keep in line and follow me!

    Like the pied piper she urged them into the building, with

    a flick of the wrist.

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    A surge of parents ran to the window peering in, to see

    their children entering the classroom - which was the first

    room closest to the entrance.

    Maria did not want to.

    She had said her goodbyes and now it was time to leave

    him, she did not want to act like she was at a zoo,

    looking in the window.

    There was no sense in prolonging her agony or his.

    Solemnly she left the school wondering how she would fill

    the next two hours before Jack returned home.

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    God its cold today! Grace Murphy told her daughter as

    she pulled her brown cardigan which was way too small

    for her size twenty frame tighter around her bulging


    It was good that she did this as it hid the food stain which

    snaked its way down the once white t-shirt.

    Now mammy is going to collect you at home time, and I

    want you to be good for your new teacher! She

    instructed her daughter Karen, as she pushed the girls

    fringe away from her eyes.

    Stop mam! Karen protested, she was only five but,

    hated her mother making such a fuss.

    Are you not going yet? She locked her blue eyes onto

    her mothers face with complete concentration.

    Grace tried not to look disappointed at her childs harsh


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    Her daughter had always been too old for her years

    and never a mammys girl.

    Although she was used to it, it still bothered her today of

    all days, especially when she saw the other kids holding

    on tight to their parents, willing them not to leave.

    No Karen, you know I have to wait like all the other

    mammys she tried to keep her voice steady.

    Her other older daughter Ruth had not been like this, in

    fact on herfirst day she had stuck to her like glue and had

    cried all the way into the classroom.

    But, Karen was different.

    She had been given too much and was spoilt rotten by all

    their large extended family and neighbours she shared her

    life with.

    Grace had moved to the John OConnor Council Estate

    over 12 years ago with her partner David.

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    He had pleaded with her to marry him for years, but, she

    had not wanted things to change between them despite

    having Ruth.

    It had only been when Karen had been born that she had


    She was headstrong and independent and did not need

    anyone to take care of her let alone a man!

    Living on the estate had been easy for her, she got on well

    with her neighbours who doted on her children, and were

    always giving them money and gifts.

    But, then again they were special, so pretty, who could

    resist them?Grace thought.

    She had no end of babysitters and only had to ask if she

    needed anything.

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    Her grandmother had lived in the house before her.

    Grace had moved in with her as she was no longer able to

    look after herself.

    It had worked out well.

    The old lady had no mortgage which meant no overheads

    for Grace. Besides, it would not make sense to pay for a

    care home, when Grace was there for her.

    She had lived on for another two years until she finally

    slowed down and eventually illness took her,.

    She passed away at the grand old age of 93.

    Her granny had also not objected when David had moved

    in or complained when they bought a child into their lives.

    She had been a gentle soul and of course had left the

    house to the people that she had spent her last days with.

    Graces life was far from perfect though. In fact, she was

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    deeply troubled.

    David had changed over the years.

    He spent a lot of time away at his sales job selling riding

    equipment to stud farms - meaning long hours spent on

    the road and little time at home.

    She never asked about his work, nor did he tell her much

    about it.

    She just knew he was important and often told people


    She had let herself go over the years, and their home.

    No matter how hard she tried, their house seemed to be

    constantly cluttered and messy.

    It had started off as just untidiness, but, had escalated

    recently into dirt with the arrival of their cat which seemed

    to urinate and poop over everything.

    She knew her kids where embarrassed.

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    Hell she was too most of the time,

    She did not blame David for staying away, but, seemed

    unable to change things.

    Every time she attempted a clean up, it just all seemed to

    revert back to the same ugly, untidy mess.

    She had spoilt her girls.

    They had not learnt to tidy up after themselves.

    They would eat their dinner on their laps in front of the

    television and then leave the plates there for someone

    else to take away.

    As she was the only other person there most of the time,

    it would generally be left to herself to place the plates in

    their rickety and often too full dishwasher.

    Most of the time she just could not be bothered and so in

    return neither could they.

    They were so good together, Karen really looked up to her

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    big sister and often dresses like her.

    Ruth had a lot of time for her mini-me, and had no qualms

    about spending time with her - which was unusual in

    sisters with a big age gap.

    Going in now mam, you can go! Karen tugged at her


    Grace smiled and leaned in to give her a goodbye kiss.

    She was shocked when Karen recoiled away.

    No mam, you are embarrassing me! she pleaded pulling

    herself out of target.

    Grace shrugged and backed off.

    alright, alright, I am going - enjoy yourself

    She tried to keep the hurt out of her voice, but, it was not

    how she felt.

    She moved out of the line of parents moving towards the

    school exit, waving, yet, knowing Karen had now turned

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    her back on her and was happily trotting in.

    Grace sighed and began the journey home.

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    Connor OLeary tightened his grip on his daughter Emmas


    One of the other children was spinning around

    uncontrollably, and he was not about to let his child get


    He had only moved to the John OConnor Estate in the

    last month and it had been a struggle trying to get Emma

    into this school as it was, what with the overcrowding in a

    school which sat so close to an estate where kids

    outnumbered the adults four to one.

    He did not want to make a scene by telling the spinning

    child to stop, so instead he pulled Emma a little closer.

    As he looked around at the other fathers in the line, he

    wondered if perhaps he should have worn a suit too,

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    instead of the tracksuit he had just thrown on that


    But, he wasnt there to show off or stand out.

    Keeping a low profile was key, and he did not want to

    draw any attention to himself or his daughter.

    He stared around uneasily as he thought this, Scanning

    the other faces making sure there were no men hanging

    around the playground that did not look like parents.

    He calmed himself and returned his attention back to his


    You alright hun? He asked Emma. She smiled sweetly

    Back, which touched him when he realised she was about

    to cry.

    Its ok pet, you are going to be fine He reassured her.

    As he squeezed her hand gently.

    He hated seeing her cry, she had done too much of that in

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    her 5 short years.

    Despite his tough exterior when it came to Emma he was

    a big softy at heart.

    He felt a lump form in his throat and tried to focus on the

    peroxide overweight blonde and her daughter in front of

    him, distracting himself from the tears that threatened to


    He hated brash children and this one definitely had one of


    He stared intently at the womans chest at the stain there.

    Then realised she might think he was ogling her, so

    quickly averted his gaze when he saw her narrow her eyes

    at him, praying making eye contact had not made her

    want to speak to him.

    Luckily she turned away from his gaze and back to the

    daughter who seemed to want to get rid of her.

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    When are we going in? Emma asked pulling his attention

    back to her.

    Few minutes I guess.. He answered ruffling her hair


    Okay, and will you be here when I f inish daddy?

    Of course chicken He answered, just as the bell


    He moved with the other parents to the entrance, again

    he tried not to make eye contact, keeping himself small

    and insignificant within the mass of parents.

    To his surprise Emma did not cry.

    Thank God!He told himself silently.

    Emma was a strong girl, she had had to be, and he was

    glad when she finally entered the building so she could

    not see the lone tear that slowly dripped down his cheek.

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    He glanced around the school one more time.

    Just in case.

    Then pulling his hoody tighter around him, with his head

    down, he left the playground.

    He hated Emma to be gone, but, she was safe within the

    confines and security of the school.

    Here no-one could get to her.


    Connor walked through the gates and out of the school.

    A dark blue unmarked van started up its engine.

    It was on the other side of the road to where the school

    was, its windows tinted the occupant invisible behind


    The man within wrote something on the paper attached to

    the clipboard which he used often. Then placed the

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