  • 7/25/2019 Schooldays Usermanual


  • 7/25/2019 Schooldays Usermanual



    Thank you for purchasing School Days HQ from JAST USA and 0verflow.

    We welcome your feedback and input on this title. Please stop by the JAST USA forums at or find us on Twitter (@jastusa) and tell us what you think!

    Important Information Please Read

    This computer game is a work of fiction intended for consumption by mature adults only. It

    contains artistic depictions of sexual acts as a central element of its story, and asserts that sex is

    an important aspect of adult relationships. You must be 18 years of age or older to play this game

    or view the images inside. No character engaged in any sexually explicit activity is intended to be

    under 18 years of age, and no actual or identifiable minor was used during the process of creating

    the artwork or characters in this game. Any similarities to real or imagined persons, places, or

    organizations are purely coincidental.

    Please note that the completely fictional sexual encounters depicted in this game do not always

    include safe sex practices, nor do they necessarily demonstrate the full range of sensitivity,

    communication, and intimacy necessary to sustain a real life interpersonal relationship.

    School Days HQ is copyright STACK and JAST USA Ltd., All Rights Reserved. This English localized

    edition of School Days HQ is licensed for distribution exclusively outside Japan.

    Thank You

    Table of Contents

    03. Story

    04. Heroines

    06. Characters

    09. Installation and Basic Controls

    10. How to Play

    12. Options

    13. Technical Support and Troubleshooting

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    It was at the beginning of second semester that Makoto first caught sight of the beautiful

    Kotonoha reading on the train to school. Ever since, watching her read has been the one

    source of delight in his otherwise uneventful mornings.

    It wasn't that he wanted to go out with her, or even to be noticed by her.

    Just watching her from afar made his days a little bit brighter - and it's certainly not as if

    he believed in that charm that everyone was talking about...

    One day, Makoto's classmate Sekai catches sight of Kotonoha's picture on his phone and

    discovers his secret affection for her. To Makoto's surprise, Sekai gives him her full and

    enthusiastic support. Her encouragment brings fresh color to his dull, uneventful life.

    From the moment she drags the two of them to their first lunch together, the barriers

    between Makoto and Kotonoha begin to fall. Sekai, however, grows increasingly

    distracted, as if lost in her own thoughts.

    On the platform at dusk, Makoto waits for Kotonoha to arrive for their first date.

    Sekai passes by on the way home from school.

    Grateful for her part in bringing him and Kotonoha together, Makoto promises to do

    anything he can to thank her.

    A moment later, Makoto stands there on the platform, stunned.

    On the train, Sekai clasps her phone, a picture of Makoto set within.

    Kotonoha hurries towards the station, a cheerful smile on her face.

    And so, as three hearts burn with three different emotions, the story begins.



    Makoto's classmate. Sekai is acheerful and outgoing girl whoalways tries to keep the moodbright, though some studentsconsider her a bit of a busybody.She has many secret admirerslike Taisuke who are attracted toher cute features and buoyantpersonality, but every man whohas tried to make a pass at her hasfailed.

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    A first-year student in 1-4, the classnext to Makoto's. Due to her strikingappearance, Kotonoha has become ashy girl who is uncomfortable aroundmen. She is disliked by the girls in herclass, and distanced from the boys, whoprevent each other from approachingher. She has been interested in Makotoever since she noticed him watchingher, and when Sekai convinces him toask her out, she accepts.


    Itou Makoto

    A student in class 1-3 of Sakakino Academy. Drifting

    through a monotonous everyday life, he finds

    himself drawn towards the beautiful girl who shares

    his train to school. A shy person when it comes to

    romance, he is content to just watch her from a

    distance - but with Sekai's support, that uneventful

    life begins to change.

    Kiyoura SetsunaSekai's classmate and friend since childhood.

    Setsuna is a quiet girl whose expression changes

    little, but somehow she and Sekai are able to

    understand each other perfectly.

    Katou OtomeKotonoha's classmate, and Makoto's friend since

    childhood. Otome plays for the school basketball

    team, and is the de facto leader of class 1-4's girls.

    She is responsible for the bullying that Kotonoha


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    Kuroda HikariSekai's classmate and friend. Her family owns a bakery in

    town that is famous for its lemon custard cake. Behaves

    rather coldly towards Makoto, whom she believes is dating

    her friend Sekai.

    Kanroji NanamiSekai's classmate and friend. Nanami is a popular, athletic

    girl who plays for the school basketball team and is the

    center of Sekai's circle of friends. Her boyfriend is a

    hardcore otaku, a fact that has many doubting her taste in

    men. She was classmates with Kotonoha in junior high.

    Sawanaga TaisukeMakoto's best friend. Taisuke is an upbeat, carefree guy

    who has been hanging out with Makoto since junior

    high. Despite being a nice guy, Taisuke is not considered

    "relationship material" by any of the girls.

    One of Otome's lackeys. A ditzy girlwho is mentally the youngest of the


    Mori KumiOne of Otome's lackeys. Loves tocollect rumors and gossip. Best

    friends with Kumi.

    Koizumi NatsumiOne of Otome's lackeys. Anupbeat girl who is completely

    devoted to Otome.

    Obuchi Minami

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    When you place Disk 1 in your computers DVD-ROM drive, the installer menu should

    come up automatically. If it does not come up, open the DVD-ROM volume on your My

    Computer page and double-click the SETUP.EXE icon manually. Follow the instructions in

    the installer to install the game.

    Note: Please make sure that you have DirectX 9.0 installed before installing School Days


    Starting the Game

    Once installed you can start the game by selecting the School Days HQ icon in the Start

    menu, or by double-clicking the shortcut on the desktop.

    The first screen you will see when launching School Days HQ is the game's title menu.

    From this menu you can start a new game, continue a saved game, view unlocked

    H-scenes, configure your game settings, or quit the game.

    Before you begin playing the game, it is a good idea to click Options and set up the

    game the way you want to play it.

    Uninstalling the Game

    To uninstall School Days HQ, please go to Start Menu > Programs > 0verflow > School

    Days HQ and select Uninstall.

    Basic Controls

    Space Bar: Play/Pause the game.

    Mouse Wheel Up/Down: Speed up or slow down playback.

    Left-click or Enter (Return) key: Select highlighted choice.

    Right-click: Cancel

    Title Screen

    - START

    Start a new game from the beginning.

    - LOAD

    Load a saved game.

    - REPLAY

    View previously unlocked scenes.

    - OPTION

    Open the confguration menu.

    - EXIT Close the game.

    Game Mode

    [1] AUTO MODE

    Click to toggle auto mode. In auto mode, the game will

    make choices for you.


    Displays the protagonist's level of affection towards

    Kotonoha and Sekai.

    [3] PLAY/PAUSE

    Click to play or pause the video.

    [4] REWIND

    Returns to the beginning of the current scene. Click twice

    to return to the previous scene.


    Click to advance to the end of the current scene.

    [5] SKIP

    Skip to the next choice.

    Move the cursor to the top of the screen

    to reveal the control panel.

    Choices will appear in the middle of the screen. Click to

    select. If you wait too long, Makoto wont say anything!

    But sometimes silence is golden. You decide.

    [7] SPEED

    Click to change the playback speed.

    [8] SAVE

    Click to save your game.

    [9] LOAD

    Click to load a saved game.

    [10] BACKLOG

    Click to view previously displayed text.

    [11] OPTION

    Click to open the confg menu.

    [12] TOP MENU

    Click to return to the title screen.

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    General Options


    Choose widescreen (16:9) or standard (4:3) aspect ratio.


    Switch between fullscreen and windowed display modes.


    Turn this function on to enable faster playback speeds

    in unread scenes.


    Turn this function on to enable the Skip button on the

    control panel.


    Turn this function off to disable English subtitles.

    Sound Options

    - BG M

    Adjust the BGM volume.

    - SE

    Adjust the volume of sound effects.

    - VOICE

    Adjust the volume of dialogue.


    Turn this function off to disable voices for male characters.

    - MUTE Turn this function on to disable voices for all characters.

    SOMCON Options


    Displays USB ports with a SOMCON device connected.


    Press Start to test your SOMCON device.

    - SOMCON

    Toggle your SOMCON device on and off.

    *For instructions on how to connect and use your SOMCON,

    please consult the SOMCON manual.



    This is where you save your game. Access the save menu by

    selecting Save from the control panel. You have 10 pages with

    10 save slots each.




    This is where you load your game. Access the load menu by

    selecting Load from the control panel or title screen.


    Access the route map by selecting "Open Route Map" from the

    Load screen. Here you can see your progress through the game,

    including all routes and endings. Click on a node to restart the

    game from that point.


    You can view unlocked H-scenes from this screen.

    Use the backlog to review the current chapter's dialogue.


    Load scenes from your save data. During playback, the

    screen will show "Replay Mode" in the top right corner.

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    If you experience problems during installation or startup:

    - Right click on the executable and select "Run as administrator".

    - If you are using an external USB disk drive, use an internal disk drive instead.

    - If your C: drive is low on space, it can cause Windows to become unstable. Please delate

    data to free up space on your C: drive.

    - Please disable your antivirus or add School Days HQ to its list of exceptions.

    If you experience problems with text, video, or audio:

    - Upgrade to the latest drivers for your video and audio devices.

    - Reinstall DirectX.

    - Make sure that your computer has the latest version of Windows Media Player installed.

    - Uninstall third-party video codecs like ffdshow and DivX.

    - Check that your computer meets the minimum requirements for video, memory, and CPU.

    - If you are unable to play in fullscreen mode properly, please disable GPU scaling or play in

    windowed mode.

    If your game crashes, please restart the game. If it continues to crash in the same place, or

    if you experience any unexpected problems with School Days HQ, please contact JAST USA

    support. Technical support is handled through our email helpdesk at http://help.jastusa.

    com/. Be sure to include

    - a detailed description of the problem you're experiencing

    - a description of your computer system, including OS, graphics card,

    sound card and processor

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