  • 8/20/2019 Science 8 4th Periodical Exam.docx


    Region 1Division of La Union


    Bumbuneg, San Gabriel, La Union

     4th Periodical Exam in Science 8

    Name:___________________________________________________________Section:___________________Score: __________________ 

    I !"LTIPLE CHOICE Choose the letter of the correct anser! "rite #our anser on the s$ace$rovi%e% before each number!

     _______1!&he largest %ivision of 'ing%om is calle%_________!a! class c! or%erb! famil# %! $h#lum

     _______(! )e establishe% the binomial s#stem of classi*cation!a! +ristotle c! Linnaeusb! Lamarc' %! L#le

     _______! "hich among the folloing areas of ta-onom# refers to the giving of names to livingorganisms.

    a! classi*cation c! nomenclatureb! i%enti*cation %! ta-on

     _______/! 0f humans an% mon'e#s belong to the same class, then, the# must belong to the same __________!

    a! genus c! or%erb! famil# %! $h#lum

     _______! +ll of the folloing are the threats of bio%iversit# 23C24&:a! alien s$ecies c! over$o$ulation

    b! $o$ulation e-$losion %! sanctuaries _______5! "hich of the folloing is an e-am$le of in6situ conservation metho%.a! $rotecte% areas c! a7uariab! 8oos %! terrarium

     _______9! "hich of the folloing is a %ierence beteen a foo% chain an% a foo% eb.a! ;oo% chains are linear an% foo% ebs are com$le-!b! ;oo% chains inclu%e %ecom$osers, but foo% ebs %o not!c! ;oo% chains involve onl# $lants, hile foo% ebs involve animals!%! ;oo% chains involve $lants an% animals, but foo% ebs involve onl# animals!e! ;oo% chains involve onl# $lants, hile foo% ebs involve both $lants an% animals!


  • 8/20/2019 Science 8 4th Periodical Exam.docx


     _______15! 0n a foo% eb, arros $oint in onl# one %irection! "h# is this.a! &he arros sho hich organism is biggerb! &he arros sho hich s$ecies are relate%c! &he arros sho ho energ# is transferre% from one organism to another%! &he arros sho ho energ# is $ro%uce% %ierentl# ithin each organism

     _______19! "hich of the folloing statements about foo% chains is true.a! + $ro%ucer uses energ# from other organisms to ma'e its on foo%!b! &ertiar# consumers hol% the most amount of energ# in a foo% chain!c! + $rimar# consumer can onl# obtain energ# from a tertiar# consumer!%! +n organism can be man# %ierent levels of consumers base% on hat foo% chains the#

    are inclu%e% in an ecos#stem! _______1

    a! eats onl# $lants for energ# b! ma'es its on foo% for energ#b! eats onl# animals for energ# %! %oesnt nee% an# foo% for energ#

     _______1E! &he carbon c#cle is best res$onsible fora! rain b! $ro%uction of nitrates for $lant an% animal grothb! res$iration an% $hotos#nthesis %! organic material %ecom$osing an% returning to

    the soil _______(=! &he nitrogen c#cle is most li'el# to contain hich substances:

    a! C>F C>(F Na(C>  c! )(> va$ourF li7ui% )(>F C>(b! C5)1(>5F C>(F )(> %! N(F N)/F N>

     _______(1! "hich of the folloing Nitrogen *-er is involve% in s#mbiotic association ith legumesforming root no%ules.

    a! +8otobacter c! Rhi8obiumb! Clostri%ium %! Rho%os$irillum

     _______((! "ater# substance secrete% b# the salivar# glan% aroun% the mouth! )el$s moistenan% soften foo% for salloing!

    a! bene%icts c! vitaminsb! lugols %! saliva

     _______(! + $ul$# mi-ture of foo% an% gastric uices! 4ro%uce% in the stomach, from hich it$asses into the small intestine!

    a! am#lase c! $eristalsisb! bolus %! ch#me

     _______(/! Regular muscular contractions that move foo% through the %igestive tract!a! am#lase c! $eristalsisb! bolus %! ch#me

     _______(! &his muscle hel$s move foo% to the bac' of the mouth for salloinga! li$s c! teethb! saliva glan%s %! tongue

     _______(5! + %igestive en8#me that brea's %on starch! 0t is foun% in saliva!a! am#lase c! li$aseb! gastric uice %! $e$sin

     _______(9! &he accessor# %igestive organs inclu%e all of the folloing, 23C24&: a liver c! stomach

    b! $ancreas % tongue _______(

    a! form the aci%s that brea' %on foo%b! form $roteins nee%e% in the stomachc! change foo% materials into astes that can be $asse% out of the bo%#%! change foo% substances into molecules that can $ass into the bloo%stream an% cells

     _______(E! 0n humans, the large intestine is the maor site for thea! com$letion of li$i% %igestion c! com$letion of carboh#%rate %igestionb! storage of nutrients for future use %! absor$tion of ater into the bloo%stream

     _______=! "hich substances are release% into the small intestine of a human an% ai% in the

    %igestion of the intestinal contents.a! bile, $ancreatic uice, an% intestinal uiceb! bile, h#%rochloric aci%, an% salivar# am#lasec! salivar# am#lase, intestinal uice, an% $ancreatic uice%! h#%rochloric aci%, $ancreatic uice, an% intestinal uice

     _______1! "hat is the role of teeth in %igestion.a! &he# brea' %on foo% mechanicall#, stimulating en8#me s#nthesis in the foo%!b! &he# brea' %on foo% chemicall#, mi-ing saliva ith the foo% for easier %igestion!c! &he# brea' %on foo% chemicall#, ai%ing the movement of the foo% through the


  • 8/20/2019 Science 8 4th Periodical Exam.docx


    %! &he# brea' %on foo% mechanicall#, increasing the surface area of the foo% for en8#meaction!

     ________(!0n hat $art of the bo%# %oes most chemical %igestion ta'e $lace.a! large intestine c! $ancreasb! liver %! small intestine

     _______!"hat organ $ro%uces bile.a! large intestine c! $ancreasb! liver %! small intestine

     _______/! &he large intestine is so6name% because it e-cee%s the small intestine in:a! amount of smooth muscle c! lengthb! %iameter %! number of en8#mes $ro%uce%

     _______! &he foo% that has been chee% an% mi-e% in the mouth ith saliva is calle% _________!a! bile c! bulosb! bolus %! ch#me

     _______5!0t is $art of the large intestine that has no s$eci*c function an% hich e coul% liveithout it!

    a! a$$en%icitis c! a$$en%e-b! a$$en%ices %! a$$en%i-

     _______9! &he chromosomes are $ulle% a$art b# the s$in%le *bers %uring hich stage:a! +na$hase b! 0nter$hasec! &elo$hase %! 4ro$hase


     _______E! &hese are the construction materials for bo%# $arts such as muscles, s'in, an% bloo%!a! carboh#%rates c! mineralsb! fats %! $roteins

     _______/=! &hese are com$le- organic molecules that are nee%e% b# the bo%# in ver# smallamount!

    a! carboh#%rates c! mineralsb! fats %! vitamins

     _______/1! "hich of the folloing are not inclu%e% in the 1= Kumainments.a! eat salt# foo%s c! use io%i8e% saltb! eat fruits an% vegetables %! have an e-ercise %ail#

     _______/(! Camote, rice an% brea%s are rich in_______________!a! carboh#%rates c! mineralsb! fats %! vitamins

     _______/! During inter$hase:a! &he cell gros c! &he cell $re$ares for mitosisb! Chromosomes start to %u$licate %! +ll of the above

     _______//!"hat structure insi%e the cell hel$s $ull the chromati%s a$art:a! Centromere c! Nucleus

    b! S$in%le ;ibers %! embrane _______/!Division of the c#to$lasm %uring mitosis is calle%a! C#to'inesis c! eiosisb! itosis %! Kar#o'inesis

     _______/5! C#to'inesis occurs %uring hich $hase of cell %ivisiona! $ro$hase c! telo$haseb! ana$hase %! meta$hase

     _______/9! Sister chromati%s %etach from each other %uring:a $ro$hase c! ana$haseb meta$hase %! telo$hase


    b! *ve cells %! to cells _______/E! &he folloing are the functions of mitosis 23C24&:a! groth c! reneb! re$air %! re$ro%uction

     _______=! )o man# %aughter cells $ro%uce% in meiosis.a! to %i$loi% c! four %i$loi%b! to ha$loi% %! four ha$loi% 

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