
Science Ecology Review TermsGoal: Review the following terms for a vocabulary assessment on Friday.

Ecosystem Definition: the

community of organisms that live in a particular area, along with their nonliving surroundings

Example: Lake in New England

Habitat Definition: an

environment that provides the things an organism needs to live, grow, and reproduce

Example: Butterfly Garden

Biotic Factor Definition:

A living part of an organism’s habitat

Example: Turtle, plant, snail shell

Abiotic Factor Defintion: a

nonliving part of an organism’s habitat

Example: Air,water, the sun

Population Kid Friendly

Definition: all the members of one species in a particular area

Example: Humans on a beach

Organism Kid Friendly

Definition: A living thing

Example: Cougar

Interdependent Kid Friendly

Definition: relying or depending on each other

Example: bee needs the flower for nectar and the flower needs to bee for cross pollination

Environmental Features Kid Friendly

Definition: Parts of an environment that help an organism survive

Example: glaciers

Community Kid Friendly

Definition: all the different populations that live together in an area

Example: different organisms living in the same ecosystem

How do living organisms use their environment to survive? Answer: They use

the environment for food, water, and shelter.

Example: giraffe drinking water

List 5 Environmental Features Answer: *glaciers *Rock formations *bodies of water -

salt water ocean, pond, river, etc.

*rocky sea scape *sand dunes

How do abiotic features help support life? Answer: Water (organisms use to

drink and provide a habitat)

*Sunlight (plants use for photosynthesis)

*Oxygen (organisms use to breathe)

*Temperature (cold blooded organisms use to heat their body)

*Soil (plants use to gain nutrients)

How are Biotic Factors and Abiotic Factors interdependent? Answer: water - animals drink it or live in it /

animals take the water into their bodies and release it in a different location, so they help to move water

        *sunlight - plants need it for photosynthesis / plants take the sun's energy and change it into a form of energy that is usable by animals

        *oxygen - organisms use it to breathe / animals breathe out carbon dioxide which is a necessary ingredient for photosynthesis so the plant can make more oxygen

        *soil - animals use soil for their homes / animals add nutrients to the soil and help mix the nutrients into the soil

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