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Egood repair and neve: shouid Palmyra News ,day with his sister. "M~s.C. C. L:on-I~he ~a~ily of Allen B. Omo'11undroIHudson, J!f., and ~. and' MrS~I ey be dtsccnnected Wlt11 wet ; rad, Jr., and her family. in Scotts-] In hIS recent passing. Mr. Omohun- George Gibson, of RIClIDlond, at. ~ands. Use. ~o electrical apPl.iaJ1ces, l'J.'1homasiShittett is worntng on ville. Idro was a first. cousin of ~ttlr faith- tended the University of Virginia-m. 'the bathroom because Of etec- his degree at the University or ViT'-' AUbrey wrtgnt commissioner Oflfll} telephone operator Miss Lizzie Duke-game at SCott St~diu.m sat-trdcal shock I ", I ' ' tn en" . ;·ginia. He is commuting from 'his. Revenue, h'as been confined to his :Seay. urday. After the game ey -Just a few of the many safety h - -, I· M·:'Ia....... . " ed ' t. " orne near Palmyra. I.bome thIS week on account of ill- ar'y Curtts and Carter ~onf'ad JOY a werner roes . , _

~recaubons have bee~ men~oned i '\ Richard George and Mrs. Arifue, ness. W~ hope he will soon oo spent Sunday with their grand-' Mrs. Stafford Race, who. ~as. b~enthat must be observed In the nome. Oeorga and Mrs. Pearl Conrad at- much better. parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Cen-t convalescing at the nome or nerYou and your family may never t d ,,' d S .,.' M L E Minter :for sev-. . .. ; en ed the Revival Serwtce aft Bet- M:. and ~rs. W. J."'. Harman ra, r. whtle their parents made aunt, rs. . . I. ' 'have had ~ serious accident. Good. mont Baptist Church 1n ulatlottes- spent Monday and Tuesday night a trip to Norfolk. era] weeks, is much Improved andBut accidents occur_,":hen least ex- vllle 'rhursday night. Rev., Paul in Richmond. I We welcomed Mr. and Mrs. C. C. she and her little sOIfhave returnedpected. Take t..'1e necessary steps -0,1' , M' . " h t U· Mills. . •. .0 eVlns, a former pastor of Yseav. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Manning of annmg of Norfolk to worshIp! to theIr orne a mon .I~ your home to gururd agamst"aC-.erdam ChUIiCh in Fluvanna but No~folk spent the week-end with with us ,sunda,y. Mr. Manning I ,MI·s. Clyde Maness 'and two c~Ii1-cIdents ;', . .

nti almost one-' ;now stationed a,t ,Clarksvme, con- Mr. !1nd Mrs. P. H ll'rance. taught the Bible Class for sund~YI dren returned to Binstol Th;t~sday1alf of 'The non- \ ,ducted tlhe service. i Miss Katherine Omohunuro and Sc'hool. after spending two weeks wItn her"at J ' . . ,I Ho rd viii I The Palmyra Home Demonstra" P".:! F'f',ance attended tne district' Mr. arid Mrs. Cecil Wi:ckline and~parents. Mr I.andM~s. S. P. Har-[ ,a ~nJurIes re-I wa s e tion Cluo met in the loVJet'yhome me~;ing of Home Demonstration their guests, ,Mr. and Mrs. J::!.:,. B.lland. Mrs. Harland and Mrs ~ B.,orted in: 1951 in ,: . R ... , . . '.cI .._ th n 'ed Mrs' Maness, '_ ,of Mrs. J. R. HlXlges 'l'uesday, and County Agents which was held ogers anu daughter, Coco, OfI10:3w&yacCOIDl"'am ..he United States I B)· Vemai'd Hurt IOCtober 28. A gOOdmeetmg was in Lyn'Chbill'g,Friday. :Clifton For,ge, Mr. and Mrs. J'. T.: home for a short visit.CCltJTed. in the; Mr. and Mrs. A. L. TIlac'ker of enjoyed by a large numlJer ot mem- F'riends of the Coffeys we':"edis- i ---'--------------------------:A:: .....=:::..::_=;,-.101l1.e.'l'he 27',000: W8.lrrensPent Sunday 'evenin ~th bel's. treSsed to hear of the illness of:'ataliUes and tJle:Mr. and Mil's. John Hurt g Mrs. ~. H. France ;iaen:eted the J'ean Austin Coffee. She is a patient,

thousands of mJunes remTnct us Mr d Mr W. , National Home Demonstration in the University Hospital. Jeal}!. an s. Irns:rn Goodman' C 'I t· . I., A t· ,

that accidents in the home are us- d M' d Mr ounCI mee mg WhlC'hwas held in us ill IS the daug1hter of Mr. andan axme an . and 1\7rs. . I . "ual1y caused 'by tnoughEressness 0 N'It .t..~ Raleigh, N. C., Sunday tJIr<)llg~Mrs. J. A. Goffey of CUlpeper and, eorge u y spent daturday in ",

haste, carelessness. poor judgment R':hm d M N It i Wednesday. Over 2,000 we:re pres, Iformerly lived in Falmyra. Mr. I

nervousness. phySlC'.aJ frailty or fa: t 10 tm°l\ t' rth, U

hY . alS taking ent. She was aC'COlnpanledhome by Coffey was County A2'ent here :

· '. l~ea en s at e asPlt there . 'itigltle. I Mr d M ' " 1\Irs. M. G. Garaer. Mrs. Leona cedmg P. H. France. Their manyF . '. . an 1'5.C. N. Brown and Ba 1 d M ' 'allmg is the gteatest klHel' in J till TT tho' ' r OWe an 1's. ~.rMlk Weiss friends are wishing f,or J'ean a

. 0 ,r}Jur we~ s ppers 111 Scotts- _ .the home. Sixteen thous'and are '11 S t <la' _ who spent Wednesday night WIth qUick and complete reCovery.· . VI e on a ur y mormng. "kIlled annually by falling. ' .MeW M rl1 heI;. I The first quarterly conference of, rs.. . 0 s spent 'Thurs- '.'Steps ~o prevent talling a,re d '~, I tt ill . Mrs. 'W. F. Duncan gave a lunch- the Methodist Chu1"ch was enon-. lay In '-':l~ar0 esv e on bUSiness. I

-many. In the kIt'chen grease, spIll- V d H t C S 0' eon at her home, "Mill OresL'''I eously reported to be sC!leduled toI ernar Ul' • . lies and

ed water 01' foo-d of any k)nd such J' T I" . . ' Thursday. The IUITcheon was in meet at Palmyra on Novemoer 3.'. " Ivmg were 8.:1op.pers In . ' I '

a..~!firuitpeelings should be prompt.:. S tt '11 'fu' ....n honol' of tfie business women 0]: l The confere;nce win meet here De-'· co SVI e on es( ay <LLl..ernoqn I ily wiped up. FloO!' wax sh.ould bel M. d M H L WI' Palmyra. ,'Cember 3.

. ~. I. an ,ra. . . y,and and , -rubbed thoroug~l!y unless n: IS non-I' tw h'ld MI' d M I M, G. Oonrad, Jr .. of Newport I Mrs. C. S. Dunca-n,Mr. and Mrs.

. q C 1 reno . an rs Ken- Nrub wax. Linoleum should be tatk-., neth Car II d'MI' A .' oewsspent the week-end with his' W. F. Duncan and Mrs. Gracer:o an s. nme Gools-. 'ON "h "I d 't taked flat. If rugs are not taCKed, use b t s t d . r'1'1 parents. Mr. and mrs. M. G. Con" Dunlop were Riohmond' v~tors I' ,0, e says. on e any

y spen ',ll, ur ay III ,-,~larlottes- I: "-~k· 't. Btl •non-slip materia}." No rug should . ,rad. this week. .S__ ~ 1 U , some peop e ,~avebe at t.he head orJ foot of the stars. Ville: . Mrs. W. A. S. COlU'adspent sev- Mrs. Earl Collie wi,fe of the ordered those ~left' sandwiches.

, .' :M;ISSCourtney ,Irvmg of Rich~ . . _ I ' .When I explain to them thatA ~ubber mat should be placed m d. ' t tl k . et:'al days m Charlott~sville thIS new Methodist Minister c,oniTnues : .. mon st-'en ' Ie wee -end WIth her . ' .there's nothing to that fable that •bath tub or a soltd metal grip on b th J T I . week With her daughter, Mrs. Car- [ill at the parsonage We han.:> she J...... . •• b'" c90e ~, . ro en, . . rVlllg. I. . ' . I . .' "'-. ·....e SIgn 18 Just a usmess-getter, Iileal wall. Walk way and pathwaysj M' GI' An B I roll TraJ.num and her fanuly. .WIll soon be well again . -_.I 1'v 1_ 'th '. • ISS ona n ryant of I'" _ • ora....,D#6 pnce, ey enJoy I

shOUld be clear and electrIC cords Soh I S d I Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fles:.'1man The friends of the commurii-LY • 1• • 1 uy er spent un ay \\-ith Miss.. I . '

placed to clear:' tnppmg over them .. B tt B Iand llttle son, MIchael, spent Tues- 'WIsh to express their sy;mpaElYLo.Steps and stailways should never: e:: rown. I . CeEJ1f'iBh41952,UllUcd SUItes Brewers Foundadofa

I MISSDOI'Othy Brown spent Sun-'be a place of storage, only a clear- d aft ' h B I. ' _ . ay ernoon WIt the ryants at Iage. SIdewalks, porches, and steps S h ', . cuyler.should be 'cleared of ·ice. Adequate 1 TV[ d M Ilig'hting is a must. l~ever tryj r. an rWs.V. L. Wood. Jr ..

, I and son of ood's Store <.!'rV>nt"foohng your way" in the dark . ....."'~. I Sunday with friends here. \

:l'h-e next highest On the list are \ M.r 'H E C k 1 f ! IbUll1S, explosions, and fites for tak-l s... 00 e e- t 'ruesdaYjI t' I' f f 'I ~'jafternoon for Cartersville to spend'ng ',ne Ives 0 amI y memuol's. . \

- . some time VVithher friends there. iCareless smoking habits is a rna- M D Go 1 b 'rs. ewey ()s y spent th~ I

01' cause of fire. Many burns occur k Iin the'!titcllen because of such min- w~ ~~nd at Gladstone. . t01' things (it seems .at the time~ ...:MIS. John Crews returned to llerlas pot handles not being turned/ h~me :his. week after spending Iin, ji<ls being lifted toward face so,m.eIt1l1lleiln Florida. !..1.0, a.llow steam to escape, and Pvt. ChaJ1'lie Clements of ~ortj

I' . t . ff IEustis spent the week·errd at~is'care essness m urmng on and 0 )home here.· I

the source of heat on the range'jExplOSIOnsoften oc'Clt:'by using :Hugh .B~own.of Hopewell 'spent

gasoline or kerosene to start fireslSunday WIth hiS ;parents, Mr. and

by thoughtlessness in using pres-. Mrs. C. N. Brown.sure cookers, and by rubblsl1, mag_l Bernard C&r:roTI and Peggy Car-azines, furniture, rags, etc., stpred roll of Schuyler spent Sun(Jay witJlin closets and attics. , the Clem~n~.,Another caution to obsel've sai'e-I Miss Mary Clements of Richmond

ty in the home is that of carefuily and James Sammons of Newportstoring fl,ndhandling poisons, med-' News spe,TItthe week·end with theiei-nes, etc. Poison should oe plain-' Clements. '!ly labeled and beyond Cthildren's! Mrs. ~enn~th Carroll spent 'M.on-rea:ch. Buy baby furniture and toys day WIth Mrs. H, L. Wyland atthat are painted with nOl1.poHwri. "Social Hall."ous mat~ria1. '" I -------Electr}cal cords should always be GET THE AD READING HABIT 1

Household Hints\ B.y Nada Mays

Appalachian Home EeonemlstIs your borne a sere nome? We

should 'be aware of safe-ty princi-plea in ow' homes at all times andnot just. ,during National Sad.tyWeek or when an accident 'haa at-

. ready occunred t.o put Us on caut:.'!cus te:clmiques.Almost one-t!.tird of all tlte a'c-

cidental de a f"h s


1(J~o~Talk about beauty!

Talk about convenience I

Talk about value!

You get them all in ·thesebeautifulup~to-the~minute Crane lavatories. 'Drop in today al;ld let us show youtbe one just made for your borne.

NEUDAY LAVATORY. Porcelain_nomelon cost Iron......asy-I .. DIaI __" faucetsthat turn at '0' finger'. touch. Chromlum-plated legs and towel bar.. Conv.nlentshelf back. Sizel: 19 x 171n. and24x 1'111I.

RHODILELAVATORY, A •• m.... I_tory, high In quality-porcelain enamel ••'(ast hon. Anti-splash tJack-chr.mlu ....plated DIqI- ... faucets. Size: 20 x l' 111.OXFORD LAVATORY. Gleantlng .U .. l

r.ous china wllh convenient .helf !Miele.Dia'· ••• controll that operate ttt a .1'1.......louch. Chromium-plated Ie.. and towelbars. Size.: 19 x 17 In. and 20 x 14 •••

R. L. COLLINSPlumbing

Scottsville& ,He.ating Coutractor

Phone. 2127

Fromwhere Isit Joe Marshi

Left Ham Sandwich-4Q¢

.Am.bled over to Bob's Restau-. rallt Tuesday for Ilffich and noticed.... ugn "Left Ham Sandwich,' .. _•• Right Ham Sandwich. 30¢."..-:wIly the sign, Bob?" I asked.

flDon't tell me you believe hogs8Cl'ateb .....more with their right llIlg,than with their left-so's the leftbam i8 tender?"

a regular, old fashioned, plain hamsandwich 'all the'more!"From ~here I sit. stories like

Urigllt" hams b~ing tougher than.Uleft" ones are with us becausesome' people get ideas into their'head and hang onto them for dearl~fe. It's like thosp. wh~ think an Iadult like"myself hasn't the right ~to a glass of beer with my supper. ~I say let's keep our opinions free 'from. being "" bymisinformation.,

*Ford, • the- one that has]s car

gone ttaU out" to prove that youcan •tnto low,;a

priced car. Ford,

alone offers V-8 or

.Six engine ... your•choice of 3 drives • • •

18 different models




and it's priced with •F01domatk Dri~e. Overdti~e. andwhile llidewall tires opfional al exIraeon, Equipment, fUceS80ries and ."'m ftMbject UI cOO1l0ewilhout flO/ice,

the lowest!Of 'Fhegreatest car ever built in the low-price field!



Page 7: Scottsville Museum: A Photo Archive of Scottsville...1*!"#$%&"' (!!"# $ % %%$ &' ; (() )*( +!-./: @>>@e @ d ^./, = = @, k.,>!! e.,&? &, ')!: !,..! /;>c>* "*

, I

- ----- ~- - - ~ -- --- ----- ---. , ,

\ •!


Ranibl;n" :'gs Chat N' spent . Saturday, September- 2;;,1 in closely with county health Ieaders .,

,. _ __., (b, ,sse ews, the,home of his sisters, Mrs. J . .1:-'. man,'U Cl 1 and the Umverstty of VirgTrfia, and He g-ave a htsrcry of f1'l,uvanna

It is 'likely that by the time' this' By Mary.Z. WaltQn Eve and and Miss EVla.hnead. was instrumental in the establish- County compne-t from reco-cs anda.p~ars in 'print, everyone on both I! Mr. and :Mrs. F . .S. White left Miss Thelma Cobb and Mrs. ment of the first rural 'Cancer de- memory. ' A 29-yeal'~()ld Fluvanna man issIdes of, the politic'" scene, wnl lN"ovember 1 for Los Angeles, Cal- Frances Kie spent Tuesday in tne tection center in the naflon. "'n is Inter tl toc.not fiTee on $1,000 bond cn1a.rged withh..... h I M es mg ...e." 11e rth It,ave g'Iadty turned -,i(rom tne elec_llfornia, to visit their son and ~me 0 '1'. and Mrs. ::: M Den- Other VirginiJa agE!nts attenaing said,. "that the rnrm.utti "'. e assau .and rape of a 15-year-no t lilS' A . - ~t-' a 1011of F'Iu- old glrl last A

n 0 attend to more .personat ~aughter-in-law, Airman I-C Viv- ~ . gents' .AssOCiation Convention in vanna County in 1890 was 17'800 ug'uat at her nomematters. Pennapa they 'lad" tan W. White 'and Mrs. White. Mr. Mrs. Agnes Kte and Miss Georgia the National Home Demonstration against 7,12l m 1950 ehcwtn ti', t n¥X Troy. Bo,th are IIN' t g I - K t d ' Ch' 1'\T ' ...... ~ g 1& Th

ge away from pUblic gatner-I ~nd ~rs. Whit,~ ,will motor to cal-, Ie VISIe frrends m Cohassett l~ago ~lovembe.r 5 tfirough 8, many <?f the rural poPUlatwn had' e ~an, ~oodrow ,sr::-pp, Q:.fings and political arguments~ iilld lforma and pian to visit mlany. last Monday arn.dTuesday are .. Mrs., Leh,a -C~ Atkmson, Bed,:, m~ve.d to citIes. However, Fluvan- Tro~, Wl~ 'be glven a preliminarytake ,time t~ look at the glO~:9" of' pOin~s of interest enrou~e. j i ford, MISS Jane Onlig, Princess na has 'grown in i-ndustTiesan· - ~ hearing III Fluv:annt.t T!cial SusUceautu~n .scenery. , Bytl'd spent last MiSSThelma 1. Cobb has return- A t H d' ~'nne; Miss Viole: Navy, U-reene; velopment of schooIS,_With a'!-::e Court next Wednesday.weeken~onthe.skyline Drive E\s- ed to New York after spending gen's onore : 'ld Miss Kathenne Omo'lUndro, '!m~lic, school system and a large FI~vanna County GommQn-enhower painted ',landsoapes ~hlle' sever-al days with her sister, Mrs I I :Fluvanna. military academy. The PQPulation ~~lth s ~'ttorney MLPh Zehlel'vaoationing: it( the Rocky M'6un- Frances Kie. Mrs. 'Ruth Bur.russ Huff Albe~: ' of the county is 99.8 per cent na- ,saId the gJ.1"~ !told him 'C:"1atShipptains after the national convention: Mr, and Mrs, H. M, .Bransford marle County Home Demon~tration I C::lL Perkins Addr~sses tive born." ' ~:me to her !lome near 'I'roy 0"There is 'rest ~dTepose m ~a.lure. and daughter Judy spent the week-I agent, _land Miss Mary Walker, I' Poi'J.1\t..Of-Fork DAR! Mrs. He'lll'y M. Snead regent e mQrnm~_of August 9, when 'she

Wd f S t be H '~~,~ ." was alone ln the house '''h

I ,iUi all 1:Jhe.bally-hoo a:oout los- en 0 I ep em 1"25, with ]\I[, enrico home agent, will be among ' 'presluo:;uat the business meeting. h ' ~ . ti e saiding our money, .the winerewIth,al to i abel.le,Mar~all at Al'lington. 155 to be recognized at a luncheon I Colonel Nathaniel J. Perkins Tile chapter voted' tQ try 'fu meet . e asked for water, then forced ~'1ertruy new cars, new MUses, teleVl-: Vls'tors,m the hom~ of 'Mrs., session November 8, at the Nation- spoke to the memlyers of the Point- Bonor Roll reqUirements of the ~:~o a bedroom, wkere ne mped

slOn sets, -a pottle of _beer~etc., an: Frances Kie .sunday were Miss al Home Demonstration Agent·s; of-Fork Chapter of the 'Daught¢rs Nati'onal -Society. . .impression ,comes tha,t l.he.Ameri-I' G,eorgia V. Kie of WaShington, D.) Asso'ciation in Chicago, ,Ill. 'Ii of ,th,e Amerioan Revolution at a M'1's. iRo'bert C.-Perkins ana :::Cs. Th .C Mr T e 'center of a stancfaru' ""ase-can ideal is not a land Qif peace and;'f .and Mrs. H. T,' B8Jr-tonand l The a,g,ents are selected 'by sltate,'meetmg heM Thursday aftetnoo-n ,L-IeroyWhite reported on the dis- ....

H T J f Lo t th htr·,...... . ball is a piece of cork 1:ie sfze of

freedom, but a la"nrl

ftoWrng with son,. If., 0 Ulsa, and Mrs.; recognItion committees, and if theit' a e orne of Mrs. Andrew Se3.,y.. l,",~ meenng they atrenacct in" P R S d d Ph' '1' f r d Iat Sh . . Augu t a mavble which 'has been aged fordol~ ,billS' for,"materiar tlllngs. - , nea an son ",p, 0 ecor s meet the stanctarlis of tn~ ores. w.{;, Mrs, Phill1p Seay s . 1:; years, .With all the' stl'uggle to level the Fork Umon, I natIonal comnllttee, they are oa:p- as poor' ana upper classes, Mrs. F. S. White visited her proved to receiYe the honor ror Colonel Perl-nns a member of HALLMARKstUldy of ille In the last genera- brother, Harry Norvell, at the Uni- dlstinguls..lJ.edserv1ce. I the Sons of the American l{evo!..:- , ,bon or farther back shows that VI:9nntyHosp\tal :n CharlottesvIlle,. Mrs. Huff has been home agent I hon and headmaster ementus ofschool children, were brOUght upl un Monday. m Albemarle for 31 years. The Fork lfnion M'lltary Academy, was CHRISTMAS CARDS' dvery much the same whefuer t!hetr MISSOeorglU.V. RIe, Barah LvI early years of her serVIce were de_1 introduc.ed by the program chBlr· ' ,'.. - ,., an .families were wealth; or no1..They I ~nd Jerry Kte spent last Saturday voted rto 4--H and youth ,programs.! -=-=-==;==========;-usually 'attended the same j1c.hoo1s,I[ m tIle home of Mrs. W. W. Slater More recently she has done Out-'[I-- WRAPPINGSwore the same' clo.thes aftended near illere. standrng wo'rk m both adult tand, It was as fine a servicethe ;a,.me 'CliUrch. and d~d not em-' Mrs. P. W. Snead of Chester youth :programs. IShe has WOrkedl as I have ever attended Grandllla Moses Box ''bark on a contest to see who could "'- --'- -- ~~~' James Metcalf Box $$1.00show off the most posseSSions. it -- -~- Th 1 00was considered in poo< taste to talk " l~ ~J' e Big yalue ,Box (22 ca'rds) $1'00,,~1I0, ' Merry MISS Box 'abo.ut what things coSt. I \ .. , ., ". __ 3 59' c

A child wM is e"posed to good '\ 1¢.t..- now Scenes Boxbool,". g'lOO music, good compan- , 1!J Popular Box - , 50cionshLP. a pleasant social and <am.- ~ Qe1l9 Packs (10 cards) 50cily , life. will ,be richer tnan one vhnstmas Trains 29cWh'Q has a dollar ,bill for candy 31 . h . $1 00elg _,' 8 Reindeer' $ 0

.and a new 'bicycle. S . I M 1 00It would seem that it is a time -/c;,Cbla s-,- other, Fat)1er, Mother and Fathel:-

for faith. regardless of tne pol\tiC- i about the comforling u~ and-Son-Son mService-, IS', l'k the ROd dO ed' • qual,Hy, of our personal Sweethcal't L G d n ervlCe-

al outcome. that Amenca, 1 e ' 0111. wn. an pera' I D- h ,~, '. ove, ran mother, Grandda' ddy', t service helps to {o..ther "ug t S t B

mountain's, is here to s sY, , l' a. elf, IS er, rother, Uncle Aunt' etc Re'John F 'W,'ll,'amson build up p'ul,l,oe eou· 1 5 '

__ : :__ 0 lid "glOUS-- c to 25c each. ' ' -_ h ·9"11 I cnce in our compe· N

The round red moon eae mo, Scottsville • t d \' hO' ow on display at your Hallmark

:d:: e~':;~;~ :~:.~:: := . ence an re 'a I ilyo card center,

by the smoke from far·liang forest ~ FAULCONER'Slire'" The whole atmosphere TOYS GALORE! ~~~~~;It Is to -1-----lJ'.,.''''.i f! "'U1~NERM-HO~;"" JEWELER AND WATCHMAKERhiOlped to quell the cOlll\agrations,\ Fresh From Santa's Pack ---"'f4.>=,!i,b~;;::~';; ;;;,~~~~~~~=~~~~~~~~~=~;;;~~~~~~~=~j-_":''':'.....,'and that:. tile presen~e of smoke 18, •

a grim 'reminder to be extra caxe- Use Our Lay-Away Plan •<ful with matches and cigaret~q. \ , ---'

One man' 8 careLessness can mean iWidespread _-land terrible resuft~. ,-------.-----------------------,


Charged With Rape


with anelectric clothes, dryer



A reseR!I"ch expert and ;publicopinion surveyq,r recently ~a1.dbhat i

t of us 'are copycats and staves Iroo,:> ,te, habit. Mt~r 10 year,;' study, he I1:as found that man will freq~en~lYI

taste something, announ'Ce-,tie dlS-1likl's it ,and th~n qUickl~' maKe al~abit of it. "By na.:":ll'e,_"he says'i"most of us don't lilre the :aste of Icig",re+les, .beery(l!iVN, whlS~ey or!

'Coffel::the first '_im~we try tnt'h, .:======~~==~=======-~========~But in trying to copy someone else, I.,:,~~d up adopting some1'JUnguse, I Headquarters for II

He claimsIihat if the firsfle1low

in history to smoke ,cigarettes nad i Gas an'd Gas App'll·ances' IItaken up lic~ing $t-ones. msteald,the-re mi,ght be millions 00 p':0ple Ilicking stones every day, Tsl<-tsk, I

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Auto or Household II '~-=:.:J:>.:::::::..-=::.:..:;~=:.::.:::.--:..:-=::.-::==:::.--.!!!Payment Schedules QuiCk Service on out of Town Work IWhich Include The I

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Funeral HomePHONE 2791

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~o time wa$te~ ca~rying wash. hanging it up, takingIf down, carrrlng It back again. Your dryer is iust2 steps away from your washing machine.

,, . Far' le~s Ironing to 'do. Sheets, corduroys and maI'rJ

other dems come out of your dryer ready to ,wearor store away without ironing.


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Refrigerator Motors - Stokers - Oil BurnersNo rewashing ciothes ·t~at get soiled drying out.~o~n. No dogs, birds, soot, or dirt of ,any kind canvet at the clothes in your dryer. ,

You are !he· boss of your own tim~ when you havean electtl.c dryer •.Dry dothes anytime you plea ... ,••day or nIght, rain or shine,' •

Simply toss clothes in your electric dryer and set the- dial.

They come out as you choose: dcmp~dry' ~o jro~, or

fluff-dry ready: to wear or put away. See. yo~r 'electric

appliance dealer for Q demonstration, Seeing is''be·i.ievlng.

AppalachianElectric Power Company

Page 8: Scottsville Museum: A Photo Archive of Scottsville...1*!"#$%&"' (!!"# $ % %%$ &' ; (() )*( +!-./: @>>@e @ d ^./, = = @, k.,>!! e.,&? &, ')!: !,..! /;>c>* "*

EIGHT. --_._---....,----"-"'.,., ----- rfHE SCOTTSVILLE SUN


ClassifieD !Church NotesTHURSDA¥, NoVEMBE~ 6, lQ52


Spanish Rice is truly a recipe originated by the Spanish. Ac-cording to surveys, however it is equally popular with Arnestcansjand typical of the American \iking for variety is the fact that it mayhave ground meat, fisht cheese, or anyone of many other foods addedl:o it, and still be canea Spanish Rice.

The most American thing that has happened ,to. make the oldSpanish recipe really our Gownis a. revolutionary new quick-cookingmethod. In eighteen short minutes from the time you decide to makeit, you can serve it fragrantly steaming with all the richness and flavorthat was formerly ~cquired only by long slow cooking of the rice andtomatoes.

Called Spanish Rice Pronto, it's a home:maker's dream madepossible throuP.'h the quick*cooking advantages of pre*cooked rice andtomato sauce. You'll be pleased and amazed at the tender single grainsof delicious rice surrounded by the flavorsome goodnesj of richtomat... sauce. \

FOX MElMORIAL CHUROH Spanish Riee Pronto'% cup bacon drippings, margarine, or butter ,~ //-~

Fluvanna t. 1 medium· onion. thinl)' sliced (about % cup) .>-- .",Rev. Temple S. Collins, PastOr ..-.,.... 1At medium green peppel', dicec (abo\lt ~ cup) I .:' .~

.services eaeh first and third Sun· r.- ~ ~ ~ ~~~: t~~~:'~~:rpre~cook,ed" rice " ,'~<'/",,',~, ',' 'Iday evening 'at 8 o'clock. Services jil!"', 2 cans tomato .auce .,;', ,,,:' .>..,\;,< Ii each s~ond, fourth and fif'th Sun~ :,:#~ 1 teaspoon salt ·-;'."c.....," ~" I

, d . . Dash of pepper I' /

\ ay morning at 11 o'cloe:k.. 1 teaspoon prepar.ed mustard, if desired I'Sunday school each 'Sunday at 10 I Melt fat in saucepan. Add onion, green pepper. and ric~, and '

FOR SAJIE.: TIu"ee yo-Wlg male a.m.. I cook and stir OVC1' high heat until lightly browned. Add water, tomato i ,IITIl i'Ssuee. salt, pepper, and mustard. Mix well. Bring quickly to a boil•.

hounds 'ready to start running. e topic of the sermon this Cover tightly, lower heat. and simmer gently 10 min~tes: Makes. 4Dressed hogs to be de.liv~red the II sunda,~ will lbe "Twelve Wells of I' servings. - '~'---- -last of November. C. R. Baker. Water.' I

Scottsville, Virginla_ I 19 New Members i Turkey Supper Scheduled ~'I1HE ME'I1HODfST CHURCH ' 'I N A K 'S I: SCOTTSVlULE CHARGE II ov. 14 tents tore

LOST: One tractor seat. Please! ' CJ • EI cted T B d 'return to Jeffet'Son Mills, scotts-\ ".rack,B. Taylor, Pastor ! e 0 oar There· will be ;-"r"urkey 5upperville, Va. • Church school 10 a,.m. George T. i Nine new memners were elected' at the Kents ,Slore A.iR.C. Buim'ing

Omohundro Jr General Supt. i ~' ~ ,-______________ j .", I'to the Board of Dir~ctors of 'the' Nove-mbe, r 14, W52, from 5:::10 toi Morrnng Worship 11 :15. Sermon ·0"L'ym' g Camp~i(f1l" \ Fluvanna County Red Cross Chap* 8. 0 ~Y the pastor. 'tel" on-Monday night at the meet* ~ Tickets will be on setle at the II ing in Fluvanna County High door on the night of the supper

R '1'rumamoles I BA.P'NST CHURCHES School. They are Mrs. J. \V. Mann,' or they may be purChased from'y 1 I ;John P. EU~ott, Jr .. Bastor Mrs. Douglas L. Folkes, Ralph p.,ehurch me-mbit's now. Adults :p.~5 ~----------------------------.

C' ed B W· ht ..scorrsVllLI..d!:. Zehler, Jr., F'rank Shumaker, Alan I 'and children 75c. SECOND HAND --'---:t-._ ... _~,It Y ng: ! Swtday School, 1.0 ·a.m. Clarence Dillard, the Rev. J. A. Figg, Mrs.! -Proceeds. will go toward the i •

--L- iA. Wltltted, Supenntendent. J'!William Siegfried, Jr., Mrs. 'Lan-; building fund."Campaign lying hl\a reacll<'/! a i .R TU. 7 p,m, don PhilliPs and Mrs. W. A. Tal.' '. I

new low this year. eS_lally a.! ANTIOCH' ,ley.' Mrs. Covington, Mrs. Gl'aossI , FURNITURE'mong the TrumanilOes," Ur. DaVId l S d .seh I 2 . lWs' Mrs. Margaret 'l1homas was made To Represertt Garden Club' "McCord Wright; professor of econ~ \ un ay 1 ~o, ,p.m. coo an honorary member of the board.' __ ._

. .. 'd - f:n IDuncan, Supenntendent. I I .omiCs ana busmess a mlUIS ra on " Present officers were re~ele'cted.., :Mrs. E. Grady Covington, of. . 'f V· . I told I Worshlp Ser.vlce, 3 p.m. 'at the UniVersIty 0 lrgm a,: ~. They are:' Mrs. J'osep~ P. Snead, H(}wardsville, and Mrs. John Glass

an ele'ction eve Eisenhower raUy I B. T. U. 7.30 p.m. chapter chairman; RQbert C. Per- of Scottsville will represent the. . h-' We6nesday evenlng prayer serv- '~ I Iat Scottsville on Monday nlg.~... I. kins, vice~chairman; Mrs, .l' rank: Fair Haven Garden Club at the:

In a last minute effort to Swing! Ice. 7:30 p.m. A. Crockett, .secretary; Allen A., Woman's Forum General Federa-·the heavy voting Scottsville diS.! .--- Langford, trewmrer; Mrs. J. W'IUon of·Garden Clubs in R;i'ChmOndltlict into the RepUblican column, II'FLUVANNA.. ~,Mann was appointed publicity di~I on Thursday.Dr. Wright addressed an audience .sunday school, 10.30' a.m. Rus \ rector. I _of more than 125 persons. un(T"er\sell Collins, .sr.,. Su.perinten~ent. Mrs. H. M. BranSford., blood pro~!the spo-nsorshi,p or .the vtrgihia \ WorShlp servlce~ 11:30 a.m. I gram. chairman, a.nd Miss W~lace \Democrats for E'isenhower. Heard donor re'cruitment chair*Typical of the campaign TyThg, man, ~ad a discussion concerning Do You Want . . .

the professor said, is the statement the next visit of the bloodmobile to,that the Eisenhower supporters ~n* the county on December 11. 'rhey 1Iy llelieve. in pass1ng out L'1e u'fess- both urged the board members tolings of government to the few do all they could to encourage peo~Wlhile the Democr.ats wane- t4 give pte to donate blood.them to everyone. Fluvanna County did not meet"The real difference ..·' h~ said. ~the quota in the num.ber of pints

"is that the Eisenhower group be* \'of .blood donated at W,e last bloo<l~lieves you first: have to pr04uce the mobile visit in June. .blessings before you can redt9~~ Mrs. Snead expressed .t.J1ehope

_ ute them. 'mle men beMn'd Ste~n* \ that the citizens of Fluvannason ·seem to think production just County woul.d rally to the call for h

. f H n" bl' t erams rom eave. ood for the armed torces and Cl~Dr. Wright termed as rarse"hoods Ivilian hospitals. . I .

statements that no ~iPubrrcan a.d* j ,----------------------

ministration has been reapons1ble K E E P S 'Ifor social benefits. "Tile real t!Mer· 'ence," he said, Nis that th~ Eisel1* HEAT IN Ihower rbackers don't think ham~·! • Iouts should :'f)e carried to are po1nt I I

. -.. _. 'I Til., low-co-' m.taI and \at anyone time, of end1ll'g ......e m· felf w..-tb;- Strip caD be Icentives whioh· proauce tremenqoUB I ::-'.n~~"':rf~':-:rises in' outpuL That wouTd·be kill· I ::0;..=:.:::...40uble '\ing the -goose \hat lays the goldEn' .

egg." ed' EASIEST STRIP IN THEThe production .,of !!he t1I'l't't

State.s, the sp~a.ker stated. is the, WORLD TO PUT ONI Ienvy of the world, "but many of Anyone, rep.rd.... 0.1 .xperi~the men behind Stevenson tlilnk .nee can install Nu*W.,.the ideal system woUld be the se~ weather ·Strip .nth .pened. re-sulta. You ce,n quickly, .. ail,..'cure~ stagnatton th-n.t is nOw deB· aDd ineJtPl:nSiv!ly weatherstriptroying Englan·d. your ,ovm home. (:omeS com-

"If you want-to slow (!t}WIi pro~ pleU' with aei" liInd fullin8tNC'tioAl.

duction, increase inflation ,na. nam.~§t Tin g independent opportunity,vote fOr ,Stevenson," Dr. Wrightconcluded.


Black, radio and heater. Jack B. Taylor, Pastor1950 Chevrolet Deluxe 2 - Door SCO'fTSV1lJI.JE: I

Dark green, neater. ! !eUo'C'1Shi.pSupper tonig1l'l.'t,N'o*1947 Chevrolet 2-Door, radio and'vember 7, 6:30 o'clock at the

heater. Ichu~ch.Bring your supper and eat I194"0Dodge a-Door, radio and: with our church ramtty. !

heater. ' Church SQhool 10 a.m. U"eorge T.1.938Dodge 4-Door, radio and Omohundro, .1'1"., General ~pt. \

heater, Morning worshfp 11:15 o'clock.1938 Plymouth coupe, oeater. ,Sermon by Pastor.

Evening worship 8 o'clock. see-GUARANTEED US'ED 'VRU:OKS mon by "Pastor.1941 Ford 1% Ton long wheelbase, I Woman's Society or cnrrsttan

good tires. Service Thursday, November 13, 819311Chevrolet 1!z Ton Pickup, p.m, at the home of Mrs. Oamp-

good tires. !·ben Hoit.ii:MT. ZION: ,'I Morning worsih.f? 10 o'clock. Ser-mon by Pastor. . I

Church School 11 a.m. "DUdley\',FOR SAiLE: One gr~e polled Patterson, General Supt.white fa:ce ,bull about four months Fellowship Supper 6:3'0 p.m., fold. Price $150.00-. A. G. DUlard•. Tuesday, november 11, a.t thelStage Junction. Va.' Phone PaJ- Church.

m_.:::y.:.ra~3::2.:.F.:21;.:.,_-------'- J.,fIOWAJIDSV!.iLLE:Afternoon Worsl1ip 3 ,o"'ctOCk.,

Sermon by Pastor.







W. R. PITTSPhone 3631'





The writings of .the WiSe- are the lonly riches our posterity cannotsquander. -l.Au\~or I •

Phone 2521Scottsville

\ ' lucent ~1ntDSh of Barnard Colle~c,, IMembers To Represent Paul Green. the Pulitzer pl1Ze wm-.INelson Woman's Club nlng dra.Iru1-tlJ!t an4 Dr. M""y F'i.p.·

~I er- LangmUir, 'Chairman of~le De~I Mrs. W. J. Cauwenberg and Mis.. par-tment Of'Child studY of Vassar

ICatherine M. Whitehead of the College.Nelson County Woman's Club ale 1

I expected to/be. among those ai]end-l G veside Service! ing the "Miller & Rhoads vtrgtrua t ra): Woman's Forum in Rtcnmond. i A graveside service for Allen B.I, Thursday, November 6. OmohJUndro, 50, a native of wum-I .This is the rourtn ann~tn ses- ington, Fluvanna county, was held


!31On of the forum to. wntch tilt.', at Wilmington a.t 11 a.m., Monda)'.'1 eaderehip of the ~ember clubs of 1 Mr. Omohundlro died saturday in\ tile, several state faderati.on~ 01:' IW,inston-'Salem, N. C.. where ueI women's organizations are invited. Ihad made his home for the pastSpeakers this year are MJ:Jh·ammed.1 eAli rile Ambassador from Paki· y~.

·1 ' Istan, William 1.:'. Shirer, Dean M.i~ Get The A.d.,BeadlDg Jl&Wt


Spanish Flavor 4merican5' Favor

RUSSELL W, COWNSBuyer of Stave Timber by Truck Loads

,On Route 6, Seven Miles East of Scottsville

Phone 2282R. F. D. NO.2-Box i50

We Buy and Sell Used Furniture!FREE PARKING REAR OF STORE!


253 W. Main St., - Charlottesville, Va.

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