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yThomas Chestna

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RCOS Summer


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rism is a Big ProblemComputer

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Science is prone to plagiarism due to the ease of

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which code can be copied and seemingly altered.

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Students copying other students' code

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creates gap in their knowledge in higher level CS

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courses. Harder to detect plagiarism in

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computer code as opposed to written language

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due to variable names being arbitrary.

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Supports Java, C#,

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C, C++, Scheme, and natural language. Looks at

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frequency of certain keywords. Free but need to

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create an account and be a member of an

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educational institute.

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ord's MossHosted by Stanford

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free for non-commercial use. Analyzes

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the structure of the program itself.

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C, C++, Java, C#, Python, Visual Basic,

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Javascript, Fortran, ML, Haskell, Lisp,

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Scheme, Pascal, Modula2, Ada, Perl, TCL,

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MATLAB, VHDL, Verilog, Spice, Assembly

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Languages, and HCL2

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ScrutinyBased off the same concept as

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Moss. Will allow for comparison of not just batch

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assignments but previous assignments. Allow for

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ignoring instructor distributed code while running

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comparisons. Able to have a database of open

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source projects and projects from other

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sources to promote better detection of copied

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languages will it Support

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?ActionScript, Ada, ANTLR,

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AppleScript, Assembly, Asymptote, Awk,

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Befune, Boo, C, C++, C#, Clojure, CoffeeScri

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pt, ColdFusion, Common Lisp, Cython, D,

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Delphi, Dylan, Erlang, Factor, Fancy,

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Fortran, F#, Gherkin (Cucumber), GL

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shaders, Groovy, Haskell, Io, Java, JavaScript,

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LLVM, Logtalk, Lua, Matlab, Modula-2,

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Objective-C, Objective-J, PHP, Perl,

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Prolog, Python, Ruby, S, S-Pus, R, Scala,

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Scheme, Smalltalk, Verilog, Visual Basic, and

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Is It?At the start of the summer

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the code to generate fingerprints for files was

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inherited from Rob Escriva. Code to run an

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all to all comparison for submitted files. Code

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to generate html files with similarities between

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documents highlighted.

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it Going?By July 8th

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support for ignoring instructor provided code. By

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July 22nd a functional database implement

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ation will be completed. By the end of the

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month support for running against back

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assignments will be completed. August will be

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spent adding several open source

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projects to the database and functionalit

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y to be hosted on a server.

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