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South Holland School District 150 Early Elementary Music Department Curriculum

June 12th, 2015Prepared by: Julieanna Charron

Mission Statement


South Holland School District 150’s musical education program is an excellent program for learning musical literacy and content. In the coming years, we hope to continue our success as a high achieving school district in the south suburban area. By making the music education programs one of the best in the area, we will succeed in building successful students with a life-long love for music and the arts. Some of the areas in our curriculum will include teaching more technology based lessons, hands on approaches with classroom instruments, giving public performances, and incorporating more cross-curricular lesson planning. These goals will help all current and future students of Greenwood and McKinley Elementary Schools, and it is our goal to help make the music education program one of Illinois’ best.

Teacher Practice:

Students are very technology driven, and with the updates in technology and common core standards, lessons are becoming more hands on. By having “Smart Board” technology in the music classroom, students will be engaged with hands on lessons, games, and more approaches to musical learning. Teachers are also able to view virtual concerts, audio samples, and more by using “Teacher Tube,” “You tube” and many other websites. They will be able to share and analyze student data by using “Power School,” “Power Teacher Grade book,” and behavioral programs such as “Classroom Dojo”. These programs help build better relationships with students, parents and each other by having access to grades online at all times.

School Culture:

It is our vision to have students have the best musical education and support as possible. With all students, teachers, administration, and parents working together towards high achievement, the students will have the support they need to succeed. This will encourage students to do their best at all times in and outside of the classroom.

Students will have access to a well rounded musical education. The students at Greenwood and McKinley Elementary Schools will have access to classroom instruments, personal recorder and book series, and will have the knowledge to read and write music on a basic to intermediate level. By the end of 5th grade, students will be prepared to join a musical ensemble such as Band or Choir provided at the Junior High level.

Community:All performances will be public performances allowing students to engage audience

members and share in their musical progress. Students are welcome and encouraged to invites their family members and also members of the community. Teachers are encouraged to send invitations to school board members, and administration of South Holland School District 150. This is an opportunity to share and involve community members in the development of our musical education.

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Early Elementary Illinois Music Standards

STATE GOAL 25: Know the language of the arts.A. Understand the sensory elements, organizational principles and expressive qualities of the arts.25.A.1c Music: Identify differences in elements and expressive qualities (e.g., between fast and slow tempo; loud and soft dynamics; high and low pitch/direction; long and short duration; same and different form, tone color or timbre, and beat).B. Understand the similarities, distinctions and connections in and among the arts.25.B.1 Identify similarities in and among the arts (e.g., pattern, sequence and mood).

STATE GOAL 26: Through creating and performing, understand how works of art are produced.A. Understand processes, traditional tools and modern technologies used in the arts.26.A.1c Music: Identify a variety of sounds and sound sources (e.g., instruments, voices and environmental sounds).26.A.1d Music: Relate symbol systems (e.g., icons, syllables, numbers and letters) to musical sounds.B. Apply skills and knowledge necessary to create and perform in one or more of the arts. 26.B.1c Music: Sing or play on classroom instruments a variety of music representing diverse cultures and styles.

STATE GOAL 27: Understand the role of the arts in civilizations, past and present.A. Analyze how the arts function in history, society and everyday life.27.A.1a Identify the distinctive roles of artists and audiences.27.A.1b Identify how the arts contribute to communication, celebrations, occupations and recreation.B. Understand how the arts shape and reflect history, society and everyday life.27.B.1 Know how images, sounds and movement convey stories about people, places and times.

Early Elementary National Music Standards1. Singing, along and with others, a varied repertoire of music.2. Performing on instruments, along and with others, a varied repertoire of music.3. Improvising melodies, variations, and accompaniments.4. Composing and arranging music within specified guidelines.5. Reading and notating music.6. Listening to, analyzing, and describing music. 7. Evaluating music and music performances.8. Understanding relationships between music, the other arts, and disciplines outside the arts.9. Understanding music in relation to history and culture.

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Core Arts Standards (Introduced June 4th, 2014

Key Words: Cr (Creating), Pr (Performing), Re (Responding), Cn (Connecting),

Creating-Common Anchor #1Imagine

Generate musical ideas for various purposes and contexts.Enduring Understanding: The creative ideas, concepts, and feelings that influence musicians’ work emerge from a variety of sources. Essential Question: How do musicians generate creative ideas?

Kindergarten First Second Third Fourth Fifth

MU:Cr1.1.Ka With guidance, explore and experience music concepts (such as beat and melodic contour).

MU:Cr1.1.1a With limited guidance, create musical ideas (such as answering a musical question) for a specific purpose.

MU:Cr1.1.2a Improvise rhythmic and melodic patterns and musical ideas for a specific purpose.

MU:Cr1.1.3a Improvise rhythmic and melodic ideas, and describe connection to specific purpose and context (such as personal and social).

MU:Cr1.1.4a Improvise rhythmic, melodic, and harmonic ideas, and explain connection to specific purpose and context (such as social and cultural).

MU:Cr1.1.5a Improvise rhythmic, melodic, and harmonic ideas, and explain connection to specific purpose and context (such as social, cultural, and historical).

MU:Cr1.1.Kb With guidance, generate musical ideas (such as movements or motives).

MU:Cr1.1b With limited guidance, generate musical ideas in multiple tonalities (such as major and minor) and meters (such as duple and triple).

MU:Cr1.1.2b Generate musical patterns and ideas within the context of a given tonality (such as major and minor) and meter (such as duple and triple).

MU:Cr1.1.3b Generate musical ideas (such as rhythms and melodies) within a given tonality and/or meter.

MU:Cr1.1.4b Generate musical ideas (such as rhythms, melodies, and simple accompaniment patterns) within related tonalities (such as major and minor) and meters.

MU:Cr1.1.5b Generate musical ideas (such as rhythms, melodies, and accompaniment patterns) within specific related tonalities, meters, and simple chord changes.

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Creating-Common Anchor #2Plan and Make

Plan and Make-Select and develop musical ideas for defined purposes and contexts.Enduring Understanding: Musicians’ creative choices are influenced by their expertise,

context, and expressive art. Essential Question: How do musicians make creative decisions?

Kindergarten First Second Third Fourth FifthMU:Cr2.1.K

a With guidance,

demonstrate and

choose favorite musical ideas.

MU:Cr2.1.1a With limited guidance,

demonstrate and

discuss personal

reasons for selecting musical

ideas that represent

expressive intent.

MU:Cr2.1.2a Demonstrat

e and explain

personal reasons for selecting

patterns and ideas for

music that represent

expressive intent.

MU:Cr2.1.3a Demonstrate

selected musical

ideas for a simple

improvisation or

composition to express intent, and

describe connection to a specific

purpose and context.

MU:Cr2.1.4a Demonstrate selected and

organized musical ideas

for an improvisation

, arrangement,

or composition

to express intent, and

explain connection to purpose and


MU:Cr2.1.5a Demonstrate selected and developed

musical ideas for


arrangements, or

compositions to express intent, and

explain connection to purpose and


MU:Cr2.1.Ka With

guidance, organize personal musical

ideas using iconic

notation and/or

recording technology.

MU:Cr2.1.1b With limited

guidance, use iconic

or standard notation

and/or recording

technology to document and organize

personal musical ideas.

MU:Cr2.1.2b Use iconic or standard

notation and/or

recording technology to combine, sequence,

and document personal musical ideas.

MU:Cr2.1.3b Use standard and/or iconic

notation and/or

recording technology to

document personal

rhythmic and melodic musical ideas.

MU:Cr2.1.4b Use standard and/or iconic

notation and/or

recording technology to

document personal rhythmic,

melodic, and simple

harmonic musical ideas

MU:Cr2.1.5b Use standard and/or iconic

notation and/or recording

technology to document personal rhythmic,

melodic, and two-chord harmonic

musical ideas.

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Creating-Common Anchor #3Evaluate and Refine

Evaluate and refine selected musical ideas to create musical work(s) That meets appropriate criteria.

Enduring Understanding: Musicians evaluate, and refine their work through openness to new ideas, persistence, and the application of appropriate criteria.

Essential Question: How do musicians improve the quality of their work?

Kindergarten First Second Third Fourth FifthMU:Cr3.1.Ka With guidance, apply personal, peer, and teacher feedback in refining personal musical ideas.

MU:Cr3.1.1a With limited guidance, discuss and apply personal, peer, and teacher feedback to refine personal musical ideas.

MU:Cr3.1.2a Interpret and apply personal, peer, and teacher feedback to revise personal music.

MU:Cr3.1.3a Evaluate, refine, and document revisions to personal musical ideas, applying teacher-provided and collaboratively-developed criteria and feedback.

MU:Cr3.1.4a Evaluate, refine, and document revisions to personal music, applying teacher-provided and collaboratively-developed criteria and feedback to show improvement over time.

MU:Cr3.1.5a Evaluate, refine, and document revisions to personal music, applying teacher-provided and collaboratively-developed criteria and feedback, and explain rationale for changes.

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Creating -Common Anchor #3Present

Share creative musical work that conveys intent, demonstrates craftsmanship, and exhibits originality.

Enduring Understanding: Musicians’ presentation of creative work is the culmination of a process of creation and communication.

Essential Question: When is creative work ready to share?

Kindergarten First Second Third Fourth FifthMU:Cr3.2.Ka With guidance, demonstrate a final version of personal musical ideas to peers.

MU:Cr3.2.1a With limited guidance, convey expressive intent for a specific purpose by presenting a final version of personal musical ideas to peers or informal audience.

MU:Cr3.2.2a Convey expressive intent for a specific purpose by presenting a final version of personal musical ideas to peers or informal audience.

MU:Cr3.2.3a Present the final version of personal created music to others, and describe connection to expressive intent.

MU:Cr3.2.4a Present the final version of personal created music to others, and explain connection to expressive intent.

MU:Cr3.2.5a Present the final version of personal created music to others that demonstrates craftsmanship, and explain connection to expressive intent.

Performing -Common Anchor #4Select

Select varied musical works to present based on interest, knowledge, technical skill and context. Enduring Understanding: Performers’ interest in and knowledge of musical works,

understanding of their own technical skill, and the context for a performance influence the selection of repertoire.

Essential Question: How do performers select repertoire? Kindergarten First Second Third Fourth FifthMU:Pr4.1.Ka

With guidance,

demonstrate and state personal interest in

varied musical


MU:Pr4.1.1a With limited guidance,

demonstrate and discuss

personal interest in, knowledge about, and purpose of

varied musical


MU:Pr4.1.2a Demonstrate and explain

personal interest in, knowledge about, and purpose of

varied musical


MU:Pr4.1.3a Demonstrate and explain

how the selection of

music to perform is

influenced by personal interest,

knowledge, purpose, and


MU:Pr4.1.4a Demonstrate and explain

how the selection of

music to perform is

influenced by personal interest,

knowledge, context, and

technical skill.

MU:Pr4.1.5a Demonstrate and explain

how the selection of

music to perform is

influenced by personal interest,

knowledge, and context,

as well as their personal

and others’ technical

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Performing-Common Anchor #4Analyze

Analyze the structure and context of varied musical works, and their implications for performance.

Enduring Understanding: Analyzing creators’ context and how they manipulate elements of musical provides insight into their own intent and informs performance.

Essential Question: How does understanding the structure and context of musical works inform performance?

Kindergarten First Second Third Fourth FifthMU:Pr4.2.Ka

With guidance,

explore and demonstrate awareness of

music contrasts (such as high/low, loud/soft,

same/different) in a variety

of music selected for


MU:Pr4.2.1a With limited guidance,

demonstrate knowledge of

music concepts

(such as beat and melodic contour) in

music from a variety of cultures

selected for performance

. MU:Pr4.2.1b

When analyzing selected

music, read and performs

rhythmic patterns

using iconic or standard


MU:Pr4.2.2a Demonstrate knowledge of

music concepts (such as

tonality and meter) in

music from a variety of cultures

selected for performance


MU:Pr4.2.2b When

analyzing selected

music, read and performs rhythmic and

melodic patterns

using iconic or standard


MU:Pr4.2.3a Demonstrate understandin

g of the structure in

music selected for


MU:Pr4.2.3b When

analyzing selected

music, read and performs

rhythmic patterns and

melodic phrases

using iconic and standard


MU:Pr4.2.4a Demonstrate understandin

g of the structure and the

elements of music (such as rhythm, pitch, and form) in music

selected for performance


MU:Pr4.2.4b When

analyzing selected

music, read and performs using iconic

and/or standard notation.

MU:Pr4.2.5a Demonstrate understanding

of the structure and the elements

of music (such as

rhythm, pitch, form, and

harmony) in music selected

for performance.

MU:Pr4.2.5b When

analyzing selected

music, read and performs

using standard notation.

MU:Pr4.2.3c Describe how

context (such as

personal and social) can

inform a

MU:Pr4.2.4c Explain how

context (such as

social and cultural) informs a

MU:Pr4.2.5c Explain how

context (such as social,

cultural, and historical)


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Performing-Common Anchor #4Interpret

Develop interpretation that considers creators’ intent.Enduring Understanding: Performers make interpretative decisions based on their

understanding of context and expressive intent. Essential Question: How do performers interpret musical works?

Kindergarten First Second Third Fourth FifthMU:Pr4.3.Ka

With guidance,

demonstrate awareness of expressive

qualities (such as

voice quality, dynamics, and tempo) that support

the creators’ expressive


MU:Pr4.3.1a Demonstrate and describe

music’s expressive

qualities (such as

dynamics and tempo).

MU:Pr4.3.2a Demonstrate understanding of expressive

qualities (such as

dynamics and tempo)

and how creators use

them to convey

expressive intent.

MU:Pr4.3.3a Demonstrate and describe how intent is

conveyed through

expressive qualities (such as

dynamics and tempo).

MU:Pr4.3.4a Demonstrate and explain

how intent is conveyed through

interpretive decisions and expressive

qualities (such as

dynamics, tempo, and


MU:Pr4.3.5a Demonstrate and explain

how intent is conveyed through

interpretive decisions and expressive

qualities (such as

dynamics, tempo,

timbre, and articulation


Performing- Common Anchor #5Rehearse, Evaluate, and Refine

Evaluate and refine personal an ensemble performances, individually or in collaboration with others.

Enduring Understanding: To express their musical ideas, musicians analyze, evaluate, and refine their performance over time through openness to new ideas, persistence, and the

application of appropriate criteria. Essential Question: How do musicians improve the quality of their performance?

Kindergarten First Second Third Fourth FifthMU:Pr5.1.Ka

With guidance,

apply personal,

teacher, and

MU:Pr5.1.1a With limited guidance,

apply personal,

teacher, and

MU:Pr5.1.2a - Apply

established criteria to judge the accuracy,

MU:Pr5.1.3a - Apply

teacher-provided and collaboratively-developed

MU:Pr5.1.4a Apply

teacher-provided and collaboratively-developed

MU:Pr5.1.5a Apply


and established

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peer feedback to

refine Performances.

peer feedback to

refine performance


expressiveness, and

effectiveness of


criteria and feedback to

evaluate accuracy of ensemble


criteria and feedback to

evaluate accuracy and expressiveness of ensemble and personal performance


criteria and feedback to evaluate the accuracy and expressivene

ss of ensemble

and personal performance


MU:Pr5.1.Kb With

guidance, use

suggested strategies in rehearsal to improve the expressive qualities of


MU:Pr5.1.1b With limited guidance,

use suggested

strategies in rehearsal to

address interpretive

challenges of music.

MU:Pr5.1.2b – Rehearse, identify and

apply strategies to

address interpretive,

performance, and technical challenges of


MU:Pr5.1.3b Rehearse to

refine technical accuracy, expressive

qualities, and identified

performance challenges.

MU:Pr5.1.4b Rehearse to

refine technical

accuracy and expressive

qualities, and address

performance challenges.

MU:Pr5.1.5b Rehearse to

refine technical accuracy

and expressive qualities to

address challenges, and show

improvement over time.

Performing- Common Anchor #6Present

Perform expressively, with appropriate interpretation and technical accuracy, and in a manner appropriate to the audience and context.

Enduring Understanding: Musicians judge a performance based on criteria that vary across time, place, and cultures. The context and how a work is presented influence the audience response. Essential Question: When is a performance judged ready to present? How do context and the manner in which musical work is presented influence audience response?

Kindergarten First Second Third Fourth FifthMU:Pr6.1.Ka

With guidance, perform

music with expression.

MU:Pr6.1.1a With limited guidance, perform

music for a specific

purpose with


MU:Pr6.1.2a Perform

music for a specific

purpose with

expression and

technical accuracy.

MU:Pr6.1.3a Perform

music with expression

and technical accuracy.

MU:Pr6.1.4a Perform

music, alone or with others,

with expression

and technical accuracy, and

appropriate interpretation


MU:Pr6.1.5a Perform

music, alone or with others,

with expression,

technical accuracy, and

appropriate interpretation


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MU:Pr6.1.Kb Perform

appropriately for the


MU:Pr6.1.1b Perform

appropriately for the

audience and


MU:Pr6.1.2b Perform

appropriately for the

audience and


MU:Pr6.1.3b Demonstrate performance

decorum and

audience etiquette

appropriate for the

context and venue.

MU:Pr6.1.4b Demonstrate performance decorum and

audience etiquette

appropriate for the context, venue, and


MU:Pr6.1.5b Demonstrate performance decorum and

audience etiquette

appropriate for the context,

venue, genre, and style.

Responding -Common Anchor #7Select

Choose music appropriate for a specific purpose or context.Enduring Understanding: Individuals’ selection of musical works is influenced by their

interests, experiences, understanding and purposes. Essential Question: How do individuals choose music to experience?

Kindergarten First Second Third Fourth FifthMU:Re7.1.Ka

With guidance, list

personal interests and experiences

and demonstrate

why they prefer some

music selections

over others.

MU:Re7.1.1a With limited guidance, identify and

demonstrate how personal interests and experiences

influence musical

selection for specific


MU:Re7.1.2a Explain and

demonstrate how personal interests and experiences

influence musical

selection for specific


MU:Re7.1.3a Demonstrate and describe how selected

music connects to

and is influenced by

specific interests,

experiences, or purposes.

MU:Re7.1.4a Demonstrate and explain

how selected music

connects to and is

influenced by specific

interests, experiences, purposes, or


MU:Re7.1.5a Demonstrate and explain,

citing evidence,

how selected music

connects to and is

influenced by specific

interests, experiences, purposes, or


Responding-Common Anchor #7Analyze

Analyze how the structure and context of varied musical works inform the response.Enduring Understanding: Response to music is informed by analyzing context (social,

cultural, and historical) and how creators and performers manipulate the elements of music. Essential Question: How does understanding the structure and context of music inform a


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Kindergarten First Second Third Fourth FifthMU:Re7.2.Ka

With guidance,

demonstrate how a specific music concept (such as beat

or melodic direction) is

used in music.

MU:Re7.2.1a With limited guidance,

demonstrate and identify how specific

music concepts

(such as beat or pitch) are

used in various styles of music for a


MU:Re7.2.2a Describe how

specific music

concepts are used to

support a specific

purpose in music.

MU:Re7.2.3a Demonstrate and describe

how a response to

music can be informed by

the structure,

the use of the elements of music, and

context (such as

personal and social).

MU:Re7.2.4a Demonstrate and explain

how responses to

music are informed by

the structure,

the use of the elements of music, and

context (such as

social and cultural).

MU:Re7.2.5a Demonstrate and explain,

citing evidence,

how responses to

music are informed by

the structure,

the use of the elements of music, and

context (such as social,

cultural, and historical).

Responding-Common Anchor #8Interpret

Support interpretations of musical works that reflect creators’/performers’ expressive intent.Enduring Understanding: Through their use of elements and structures of music, creators and performers provide clues to their expressive intent. Essential Question: How do we discern the

musical creators’ and performers’ expressive intent?

Kindergarten First Second Third Fourth FifthMU:Re8.1.Ka

With guidance, demonstrate awareness of expressive

qualities (such as dynamics and

tempo) that reflect

creators’/performers’ expressive


MU:Re8.1.1a With limited

guidance, demonstra

te and identify

expressive qualities (such as

dynamics and tempo) that reflect creators’/

Performers’ expressive




knowledge of music

concepts and how

they support

creators’/ Performers’ expressive


MU:Re8.1.3a Demonstrate and describe

how the expressive

qualities (such as

dynamics and tempo) are used in performers’

interpretations to reflect expressive


MU:Re8.1.4a Demonstrate and explain

how the expressive

qualities (such as

dynamics, tempo, and timbre) are

used in performers’

and personal interpretations to reflect expressive


MU:Re8.1.5a Demonstrate and explain

how the expressive

qualities (such as

dynamics, tempo,

timbre, and articulation) are used in performers’

and personal interpretations to reflect expressive

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Responding-Common Anchor #9Evaluate

Support evaluations of musical works and performances based on analysis, interpretation, and established criteria.

Enduring Understanding: The personal evaluation of musical work(s) and performance(s) is informed by analysis, interpretation, and established criteria. Essential Question: How do we

discern the musical creators’ and performers’ expressive intent?

Kindergarten First Second Third Fourth FifthMU:Re9.1.K

a With

guidance, apply

personal and expressive preferences

in the evaluation of


MU:Re9.1.1a With limited

guidance, apply

personal and

expressive preferences

in the evaluation

of music for specific


MU:Re9.1.2a Apply personal

and expressive preferences

in the evaluation

of music for specific


MU:Re9.1.3a Evaluate musical works and performances, applying established criteria, and describe appropriateness to the context.

MU:Re9.1.4a Evaluate musical

works and performances

, applying established criteria, and

explain appropriatenes

s to the context.

MU:Re9.1.5a Evaluate musical

works and performances

, applying established criteria, and

explain appropriatenes

s to the context, citing evidence from the elements

of music.

Connecting -Common Anchor #10 Synthesize and relate knowledge and personal experiences to make music.

Enduring Understanding: Musicians connect their personal interests, experiences, ideas, and knowledge to creating, performing, and responding. Essential Question: How do musicians

make meaningful connections to creating, performing, and responding?

Kindergarten First Second Third Fourth FifthMU:Cn10.0.Ka Demonstrate how interests,

knowledge, and skills relate to personal

choices and


Demonstrate how interests,

knowledge, and skills relate to personal


Demonstrate how interests, knowledge, and skills relate to personal


Demonstrate how interests,

knowledge, and skills relate to personal

MU:Cn10.0.4a Demonstrate how interests,

knowledge, and skills relate to personal

choices and

MU:Cn10.0.5a Demonstrate how

interests, knowledge, and skills relate to

personal choices and intent when


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intent when creating,

performing, and

responding to music.

MU:Cr3.2.Ka With guidance, demonstrate a final version of

personal musical ideas

to peers. MU:Pr4.1.Ka

With guidance, demonstrate

and state personal interest in

varied musical selections.

MU:Pr4.3.Ka With guidance, demonstrate awareness of

expressive qualities (such

as voice quality,

dynamics, and tempo) that support the

creators’ expressive


choices and intent when

creating, performing,

and responding to

music. MU:Cr2.1.1a With limited guidance,

demonstrate and discuss

personal reasons for selecting musical

ideas that represent

expressive intent.

MU:Cr3.2.1a With limited guidance,

convey expressive intent for a

specific purpose by

presenting a final version of

personal musical

ideas to peers or informal audience.

MU:Pr4.3.1a Demonstrate and describe

music’s expressive

qualities (such as

dynamics and tempo). MU:Re7.1.1a With limited guidance, identify and

demonstrate how personal interests and experiences

influence musical

selection for specific

choices and intent when

creating, performing,

and responding to

music. MU:Cr2.1.2a Demonstrate and explain

personal reasons for selecting

patterns and ideas for their

music that represent

expressive intent.

MU:Cr3.2.2a Convey

expressive intent for a

specific purpose by

presenting a final version of

personal musical

ideas to peers or informal audience.

MU:Pr4.3.2a Demonstrate understanding of expressive

qualities (such as

dynamics and tempo)

and how creators use

them to convey

expressive intent.

MU:Re7.1.2a Explain and

demonstrate how personal interests and experiences

influence musical

selection for specific

choices and intent when

creating, performing,

and responding to

music. MU:Cr2.1.3a Demonstrate

selected musical

ideas for a simple

improvisation or

composition to express intent, and

describe connection to

a specific purpose and

context. MU:Cr3.2.3a Present the

final version of created music for others, and

describe connection to

expressive intent.

MU:Pr4.1.3a Demonstrate and explain

how the selection of

music to perform is

influenced by personal interest,

knowledge, purpose, and

context. MU:Pr4.3.3a Demonstrate and describe how intent is

conveyed through

expressive qualities (such as

dynamics and tempo).

intent when creating,

performing, and

responding to music.

MU:Cr2.1.4a Demonstrate selected and

organized musical ideas

for an improvisation

, arrangement,

or composition

to express intent, and

explain connection to purpose and

context. MU:Cr3.2.4a Present the

final version of created music for others, and

explain connection to

expressive intent.

MU:Pr4.1.4a Demonstrate and explain

how the selection of

music to perform is

influenced by personal interest,

knowledge, context, and

technical skill.

MU:Pr4.3.4a Demonstrate and explain

how intent is conveyed through

interpretive decisions and expressive


performing, and responding to

music. MU:Cr2.1.5a Demonstrate selected and developed

musical ideas for improvisations,

arrangements, or compositions to express intent,

and explain connection to purpose and

context. MU:Cr3.2.5a

Present the final version of created music for others

that demonstrates

craftsmanship, and explain

connection to expressive intent.

MU:Pr4.1.5a Demonstrate and

explain how the selection of music

to perform is influenced by

personal interest, knowledge,

context, as well as their personal

and others’ technical skill. MU:Pr4.3.5a

Demonstrate and explain how intent

is conveyed through

interpretive decisions and expressive

qualities (such as Dynamics,

tempo, timbre, and


MU:Re7.1.5a Demonstrate and

explain, citing evidence, how

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purposes. purposes. MU:Re7.1.3a Demonstrate and describe how selected

music connects to

and is Influenced by

specific interests,

experiences, or purposes.

(such as dynamics, tempo, and

timbre). MU:Re7.1.4a Demonstrate and explain

how selected music

connects to and is

influenced by specific

interests, experiences, purposes, or


selected music connects to, and is

influenced by specific interests,

experiences, purposes, or


Connecting -Common Anchor #11 Relate musical ideas and works with varied context to deepen understanding.

Enduring Understanding: Understanding connections to varied contexts and daily life enhances musicians’ creating, performing, and responding. Essential Question: How do the other arts, other disciplines, contexts and daily life inform creating, performing, and responding

to music?

Kindergarten First Second Third Fourth FifthMU:Cn11.0.K

a Demonstrate

understanding of

relationships between

music and the other arts,

other disciplines,

varied contexts, and

daily life. MU:Pr4.2.Ka

With guidance,

explore and demonstrate awareness of

music contrasts (such as high/low,


Demonstrate understanding

of relationships

between music and the

other arts, other

disciplines, varied

contexts, and daily life.

MU:Cr1.1.1a With limited guidance,

create musical

ideas (such as answering

a musical question) for

a specific


Demonstrate understanding

of relationships

between music and the

other arts, other

disciplines, varied

contexts, and daily life.

MU:Cr1.1.2a Improvise

rhythmic and melodic

patterns and musical

ideas for a specific

purpose. MU:Pr4.2.2a


Demonstrate understanding

of relationships

between music and the

other arts, other

disciplines, varied

contexts, and daily life.

MU:Cr1.1.3a Improvise

rhythmic and melodic

ideas, and describe

connection to specific

purpose and context (such

MU:Cn11.0.4a Demonstrate understanding of relationships between music and the other arts, other disciplines, varied contexts, and daily life. MU:Cr1.1.4a Improvise rhythmic, melodic, and harmonic ideas, and explain connection to specific purpose and context (such as social and cultural).

MU:Cn11.0.5a Demonstrate

understanding of

relationships between music and the other

arts, other disciplines,

varied contexts, and

daily life. MU:Cr1.1.5a

Improvise rhythmic,

melodic, and harmonic ideas, and

explain connection to

specific purpose and context (such

as social,

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loud/soft, same/different) in a variety

of music selected for

performance. MU:Re7.2.Ka

With guidance,

demonstrate how a specific

music concept

(such as beat or melodic

direction) is used in music.

MU:Re9.1.Ka With guidance, apply personal and expressive preferences in the evaluation

of music.

purpose. MU:Pr4.2.1a With limited guidance,

demonstrate knowledge of

music concepts

(such as beat and melodic contour) in

music from a variety of cultures

selected for performance. MU:Pr6.1.1a With limited guidance, perform

music for a specific

purpose with expression. MU:Re7.2.1a With limited guidance,

demonstrate and identify how specific

music concepts

(such as beat or pitch) is

used in various styles of music for a

purpose. MU:Re9.1.1a With limited

guidance, apply personal and expressive preferences in the evaluation

of music for specific


Demonstrate knowledge of

music concepts (such as

tonality and meter) in

music from a variety of cultures

selected for performance. MU:Pr6.1.2a

Perform music for a

specific purpose with expression

and technical accuracy. MU:Re7.2.

Describe how specific music concepts are

used to support a specific

purpose in music.

MU:Re9.1.2a Apply personal and expressive preferences in the evaluation

of music for specific


as personal and social). MU:Pr4.2.3c Describe how context (such as personal and social) can inform a

performance. MU:Pr6.1.3b Demonstrate performance decorum and

audience etiquette

appropriate for the

context and venue.

MU:Re7.2.3a Demonstrate and describe

how a response to

music can be informed by

the structure, the use of the elements of music, and

context (such as personal and social).

MU:Re9.1.3a Evaluate musical

works and performances, applying established criteria, and

describe appropriaten

ess to the context.

MU:Pr4.2.4c Explain how context (such as social and cultural) informs a performance. MU:Pr6.1.4b Demonstrate performance decorum and audience etiquette appropriate for the context, venue, and genre. MU:Re7.2.4a Demonstrate and explain how responses to music are informed by the structure, the use of the elements of music, and context (such as social and cultural). MU:Re9.1.4a Evaluate musical works and performances, applying established criteria, and explain appropriateness to the context.

cultural, and historical).

MU:Pr4.2.5c Explain how

context (such as social,

cultural, and historical)

informs performances

. MU:Pr6.1.5b Demonstrate performance decorum and

audience etiquette

appropriate for the context,

venue, genre, and style.

MU:Re7.2.5a Demonstrate and explain,

citing evidence, how responses to

music are informed by

the structure, the use of the elements of music, and

context (such as social,

cultural, and historical). MU:Re9.1.5a

Evaluate musical works

and performances,

applying established criteria, and

explain appropriateness to the context, citing evidence

from the elements of


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Music Technology Core Arts StandardsCreating-Core Anchor #1

Imagine Generate musical ideas for various purposes and contexts.

Enduring Understanding: The creative ideas, concepts, and feelings that influence musicians’ work emerge from a variety of sources. Essential Question: How do

musicians generate creative ideas?

Kindergarten-Second Grade Third-Fifth GradeProficient Accomplished

MU:Cr1.1.T.Ia Generate melodic, rhythmic, and harmonic ideas for compositions or improvisations using digital tools.

MU:Cr1.1.T.IIa Generate melodic, rhythmic, and harmonic ideas for compositions and improvisations using digital tools and resources.

Creating-Core Anchor #2Plan and Make

Select and develop musical ideas for defined purposes and contexts.Enduring Understanding: Musicians’ creative choices are influenced by their

expertise, context, and expressive intent. Essential Question: How do musicians make creative choices?

Kindergarten-Second Grade Third-Fifth GradeProficient Accomplished

MU:Cr2.1.T.Ia Select melodic, rhythmic, and harmonic ideas to develop into a larger work using digital tools and resources.

MU:Cr2.1.T.IIa Select melodic, rhythmic, and harmonic ideas to develop into a larger work that exhibits unity and variety using digital and analog tools.

Creating-Core Anchor #3Evaluate and Refine

Evaluate and refine selected musical ideas to create musical work that meets appropriate criteria.

Enduring Understanding: Musicians evaluate and refine their work through openness to new ideas, persistence, and the application of appropriate criteria. Essential

Question: How do musicians improve the quality of their creative work?

Kindergarten-Second Grade Third-Fifth Grade

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Proficient Accomplished

MU:Cr3.1.T.Ia Drawing on feedback from teachers and peers, develop and implement strategies to improve and refine the technical and expressive aspects of draft compositions and improvisations.

MU:Cr3.1.T.IIa Develop and implement varied strategies to improve and refine the technical and expressive aspects of draft compositions and improvisations.

Creating-Core Anchor #3Present

Share creative musical work that conveys intent, demonstrates craftsmanship, and exhibits originality.

Enduring Understanding: Musicians’ presentation of creative work is the culmination of a process of creation and communication. Essential Question: When is creative

work ready to share?

Kindergarten-Second Grade Third-Fifth GradeProficient Accomplished

MU:Cr3.2.T.Ia Share compositions or improvisations that demonstrate a proficient level of musical and technological craftsmanship as well as the use of digital tools and resources in developing and organizing musical ideas.

MU:Cr3.2.T.IIa Share compositions and improvisations that demonstrate an accomplished level of musical and technological craftsmanship as well as the use of digital and analog tools and resources in developing and organizing musical ideas.

Performing-Core Anchor #4Select

Select varied musical works to present based on interest, knowledge, technical skill, and context.

Enduring Understanding: Performers’ interest in and knowledge of musical works, understanding of their own abilities, and the context for a performance influence the selection of repertoire. Essential Question: How do performers select repertoire?

Kindergarten- Second Grade Third-Fifth GradeProficient Accomplished

MU:Pr4.I.T.Ia Develop and explain the criteria used for selecting a varied repertoire of music based on interest, music reading skills, and an

understanding of the performer’s technical

MU:Pr4.I.T.IIa Develop and apply criteria to select a varied repertoire to study and

perform based on interest; an understanding of theoretical and structural characteristics

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and technological skill. of the music; and the performer’s technical skill using digital tools and resources.

Performing-Core Anchor #4Analyze

Analyze the structure and context of varied musical works and their implications for performance.

Enduring Understanding: Analyzing creators’ context and how they manipulate elements of music provides insight into their intent and informs performance. Essential Question: How does understanding the structure and context of musical works inform performance?

Kindergarten-Second Grade Third-Fifth GradeProficient Accomplished

MU:Pr4.2.T.Ia Describe how context, structural aspects of the music, and digital media/tools inform prepared and improvised


MU:Pr4.2.T.IIa Describe and demonstrate how context, theoretical and structural aspects of the music and digital media/tools inform

and influence prepared and improvised performances.

Performing-Core Anchor #4Interpret

Analyze the structure and context of varied musical works and their implications for performance.

Enduring Understanding: Analyzing creators’ context and how they manipulate elements of music provides insight into their intent and informs performance. Essential Question: How does understanding the structure and context of musical works inform performance?

Kindergarten-Second Grade` Third-Fifth GradeProficient Accomplished

MU:Pr4.3.T.Ia Demonstrate how understanding the context, expressive

challenges, and use of digital tools in a varied repertoire of music influence prepared

or improvised performances.

MU:Pr4.3.T.IIa Demonstrate how understanding the style, genre, context, and use of digital tools and resources in a varied

repertoire of music influences prepared or improvised performances and performers’

ability to connect with audiences.

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Performing-Core Anchor #5Evaluate and Refine

Evaluate and Refine personal and ensemble performances, individually or in collaboration with others.

Enduring Understanding: Musicians’ creative choices are influenced by their context, expressive intent, and established criteria. Essential Question: How do musicians make creative decisions?

Kindergarten-First Grade Second-Fifth GradeProficient Accomplished

MU:Pr5.1.T.Ia Identify and implement rehearsal strategies to improve the technical

and expressive aspects of prepared and improvised performances in a varied

repertoire of music.

MU:Pr5.1.T.IIa Develop and implement rehearsal strategies to improve and refine the

technical and expressive aspects of prepared and improvised performances in a

varied repertoire of music.

Performing-Core Anchor #6Present

Perform expressively, with appropriate interpretation and technical accuracy, and in a manner appropriate to the audience and context.

Enduring Understanding: Musicians judge performances based on criteria that varies across time, place, and cultures. The context and how a work is presented influence the audience response. Essential Question: When is a performance judged ready to present? How do context and the manner in which musical work is presented influence audience response?

Kindergarten-Third Grade Fourth-Fifth GradeProficient Accomplished

MU:Pr6.1.T.Ia Using digital tools, demonstrate attention to technical accuracy

and expressive qualities in prepared and improvised performances of a varied

repertoire of music.

MU:Pr6.1.T.Ib Demonstrate an understanding of the context of music through prepared and improvised performances.

MU:Pr6.1.T.IIa Using digital tools and resources, demonstrate technical accuracy

and expressive qualities in prepared and improvised performances of a varied

repertoire of music representing diverse cultures, styles, and genres.

MU:Pr6.1.T.IIb Demonstrate an understanding of the expressive intent when connecting with an audience through prepared and improvised performances.

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Responding-Core Anchor#7Select

Choose music appropriate for a specific purpose or situation.Enduring Understanding: Individuals’ selection of musical works is influenced by their interests, experiences, understandings, and purposes. Essential Question: How do individuals choose music to experience?

Kindergarten-Second Grade Third-Fifth GradeProficient Accomplished

MU:Re7.I.T.Ia Cite reasons for choosing music based on the use of the elements of music, digital and electronic aspects, and connections to interest or purpose.

MU:Re7.I.T.IIa Select and critique contrasting musical works, defending opinions based on manipulations of the elements of music, digital and electronic aspects, and the purpose and context of the works.

Responding-Core Anchor #7Analyze

Analyze how the structure and context of varied musical works inform the response.Enduring Understanding: Response to music is informed by analyzing context (social, culture, and historical) and how creators and performers manipulate the elements of music. Essential Question: How does understanding the structure and context of music inform a response?

Kindergarten-Second Grade Third-Fifth GradeProficient Accomplished

MU:Re7.2.T.Ia Explain how knowledge of the structure (repetition, similarities, contrasts), technological aspects, and purpose of the

music informs the response.

MU:Re7.2.T.IIa Explain how an analysis of the structure, context, and technological

aspects of the music informs the response.

Responding-Core Anchor #8Interpret

Support interpretations of musical works that reflect creators’/performers’ expressive intent.

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Enduring Understanding: Through their use of elements and structures of music, creators and performers provide clues to their expressive intent. Essential Question: How do we discern musical creators’ and performers’ expressive intent?

Kindergarten-Second Grade Third-Fifth GradeProficient Accomplished

MU:Re8.1.T.Ia Explain and support an interpretation of the expressive intent of

musical selections based on treatment of the elements of music, digital and electronic

features, and purpose.

MU:Re8.1.T.IIa Connect the influence of the treatment of the elements of music, digital and electronic features, context, purpose,

and other art forms to the expressive intent of musical works.

Responding-Core Anchor #9Evaluate

Support evaluations of musical works and performances based on analysis, interpretation, and established criteria.

Enduring Understanding: The personal evaluation of musical works and performance is informed by analysis, interpretation, and established criteria. Essential Question: How do we judge the quality of musical work(s) and performance(s)?

Kindergarten-Second Grade Third-Fifth GradeProficient Accomplished

MU:Re9.1.T.Ia Evaluate music using criteria based on analysis, interpretation, digital and

electronic features, and personal interests.

MU:Re9.1.T.IIa Apply criteria to evaluate music based on analysis, interpretation,

artistic intent, digital, electronic, and analog features, and musical qualities.

Connecting-Core Anchor #10Connect

Synthesize and relate knowledge and personal experiences to make music.Enduring Understanding: Musicians connect their personal interests, experiences, ideas, and knowledge to creating, performing and responding. Essential Question: How do musicians make meaningful connections to creating, performing and responding?

Kindergarten-Third Grade Fourth-Fifth GradeProficient Accomplished

MU:Cn10.0.T.Ia Demonstrate how interests, knowledge and skills relate to personal

choices and intent when creating, performing, and responding to music.

MU:Cn10.0.T.IIa Demonstrate how interests, knowledge and skills relate to personal

choices and intent when creating, performing, and responding to music.

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MU:Cr3.2.T.Ia Share compositions or improvisations that demonstrate a proficient

level of musical and technological craftsmanship as well as the use of digital

tools and resources in developing and organizing musical ideas.

MU:Pr4.I.T.Ia Develop and explain the criteria used for selecting a varied repertoire of music based on interest, music reading skills, and an

understanding of the performer’s technical and technological skill.

MU:Pr4.3.T.Ia Demonstrate how understanding the context, expressive challenges, and use of

digital tools in a varied repertoire of music influence prepared or improvised performances.

MU:Re7.I.T.Ia Cite reasons for choosing music based on the use of the elements of music, digital and electronic aspects and connections to interest

or purpose.

MU:Cr3.2.T.IIa Share compositions and improvisations that demonstrate an

accomplished level of musical and technological craftsmanship as well as the

use of digital and analog tools and resources in developing and organizing

musical ideas. MU:Pr4.I.T.IIa Develop and apply criteria to

select a varied repertoire to study and perform based on interest; an understanding of theoretical and structural characteristics of the music; and the performer’s technical

skill using digital tools and resources. MU:Pr4.3.T.IIa Demonstrate how

understanding the style, genre, context, and use of digital tools and resources in a varied

repertoire of music influences prepared or improvised performances and performers’

ability to connect with audiences. MU:Re7.I.T.IIa Select and critique contrasting

musical works, defending opinions based on the elements of music, digital and electronic aspects

and the purpose and context of the works.

Connecting-Core Anchor #11Connect

Relating musical ideas to varied contexts and daily life to deepen understanding.Enduring Understanding: Understanding connections to varied contexts and daily life enhances musicians’ creating, performing, and responding. Essential Question: How do the other arts, other disciplines, contexts and daily life inform creating?

Kindergarten-Second Grade Third-Fifth GradeProficient Accomplished

MU:Cn11.0.T.Ia Demonstrate understanding of relationships between music and the other arts, other disciplines, varied contexts and daily life. MU:Cr1.1.T.Ia Generate melodic, rhythmic and harmonic ideas for compositions or improvisations using digital tools. MU:Pr4.2.T.Ia Describe how context, structural aspects of the music, and digital media/tools impact prepared and improvised performances. MU:Pr6.1.T.Ib Demonstrate an attention to and understanding of the context of music through prepared and improvised performance. MU:Re7.2.T.Ia Explain how knowledge of the

MU:Cn11.0.T.IIa Demonstrate understanding of relationships between music and the other arts, other disciplines, varied contexts and daily life. MU:Cr1.1.T.IIa Generate melodic, rhythmic and harmonic ideas for compositions or improvisations using digital tools and resources. MU:Pr4.2.T.IIa Describe and demonstrate how context, theoretical and structural aspects of the music and digital media/tools impact and influence prepared and improvised performances. MU:Pr6.1.T.IIb Demonstrate an understanding of the expressive intent when connecting

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structure (repetition, similarities, contrasts), technological aspects, and purpose of the music influence the response. MU:Re8.1.T.Ia Explain and support an interpretation of the expressive intent of musical selections based on treatment of the elements of music, digital and electronic features, and purpose.

with an audience through prepared and improvised performances. MU:Re7.2.T.IIa Explain how an analysis of the structure, context, and technological aspects of the music influences the response. MU:Re8.1.T.IIa Connect the influence of the treatment of the elements of music, digital and electronic features, context, purpose, and other art forms to the expressive intent of musical works.

Common Core Related Standards Key Words: RF (Reading Foundational Skills), RI (Reading Informational Text) SL (Speaking and Listening), W (Writing), Math (CC) Counting and Cardinality, (OA) Operations and Algebraic Thinking.

Reading: Speaking/Listening: Writing: Math:RI.1.1-10 SL.K.1-6 W.2 K.CC.A.1, K.OA.A.1RF.1.1-4 SL.1.1-6 W.3 1.OA.A.1, 1.OA.C.6RI.2.1-10 SL.2.1-6 W.4 2.OA.B.2, 2.G.A.2RF.2.1-4 SL.3.1-6 W.5 3.OA.B.2, 3.G.A.2 RI.3.1-10 SL.4.1-6 4.OA.C.5, 4.NF.A.1 RF.3.1-4 SL.5.1-6 5.OA.B.3, 5.NF.A.1RI.4.1-10RF.4.1-4RI.5.1-10RF.5.1-4

Illinois Social Emotional Learning Related Standards

Goal 1: Develop self-awareness and self-management skills to achieve school and life success.

A. Identify and manage one’s emotions and behavior1.A.1a Recognize and accurately label emotions and how they are linked to behavior. (Examples: Through music listening and performing) 1.A.1b Demonstrate control of impulsive behavior ( Examples: not throwing tantrums, utilizing special instruments, time out or cool down centers) 1.A.2a Describe a range of emotions and the situations that cause them. (Examples: Musical listening, group conversations on musical selections) 1.A.2b Describe and demonstrate ways to express emotions in a socially acceptable manner. (Examples: Musical Listening, Conversations on Musical Selections, Written Expressions, Artistic Expressions –compositions, drawings, etc.)

B. Recognize personal qualities and external supports.

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1B.1a Identify one’s likes, and dislikes, needs and wants, strengths and challenges. (Examples: Listening to Musical Selections, Group Work performing and composing on classroom instruments, working with others) 1B.1b Identify family, peer, school, and community strengths. (Examples: Working together in groups on classroom instruments, performing alone and with others, School Assembly Performances, Community Ensemble performances)

C. Demonstrate skills related to achieving personal and academic goals. 1C.1a Describe why school is important in helping students achieve personal goals. (Examples: Creating classroom goals towards musical performances, classroom discussions based on activities and performances given towards final goals) 1C.1b Identify goals for academic success and classroom behavior. (Examples: Creating classroom goals towards musical performances, classroom discussions based on activities and performances given towards final goals)1C.2a Describe the steps in setting and working toward goal achievement (Examples: Students identify where they are lacking musically towards performance goals) 1C.2b Monitor progress on achieving a short-term personal goal. (Examples: Students identify and keep track via practice chart, on where they are lacking or excelling at performance goals.)

Goal 2: Use social-awareness and interpersonal skills to establish and maintain positive relationships.

A. Recognize the feelings and perspectives of others. 2.A.1b Use listening skills to identify the feelings and perspectives of others. (Examples: Musical Listening, classroom discussions, classroom performances and public performances) 2.A.2b Describe the expressed feelings and perspectives of others. (Examples: Audience Etiquette and reactions to musical performances and listening examples)

B. Recognize individual and group similarities and differences.

2B.1a Describe the ways that people are similar and different. (Examples: Learning about different cultures though world music and ethnic dance)2B.1b Describe positive qualities in others. (Examples: Classroom goals, instrumental and vocal performances)2B.2a Identify differences among and contributions of various social and cultural groups (Example: World Music programs, listening, and musical history)2B.2b Demonstrate how to work effectively with those who are different from oneself. (Example: Working together in ensembles –band, choral, general music setting)

C. Use communication and social skills to interact effectively with others. 2C.1a Identify ways to work and play well with others. (Example: Group Music Projects, Ensemble playing, Choral Settings, Classroom instrumental work)2C.1b Demonstrate appropriate social and classroom behavior. (Example: Group Music Projects, Ensemble playing, Choral Settings, Classroom instrumental work)

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2C.2b Analyze ways to work effectively in groups. (Example: Assign tasks to students in groups, musical composition projects, musical biography projects, musical history projects, ensemble playing)

Goal 3: Demonstrate decision- making skills and responsible behaviors in personal, school, and community contexts.

A. Consider ethical safety, and society factors in making decisions. 3A.1b Identify social norms and safety considerations that guide behavior. (Example: Given and following descriptive directions for instrumental music and classroom instrumental music)

B. Apply decision making skills to deal responsibly with daily academic and social situations.

3B.1b Make positive choices when interacting with classmates (Example: Given and following descriptive directions for instrumental music and classroom instrumental music)

C. Contribute to the well-being of one’s school and community.3C.1a Identify and perform roles that contribute to one’s classroom (Example: Leadership roles in the classroom, performances for other students) 3C.2a Identify and perform roles that contribute to the school community (Example: School Performances) 3C.2b Identify and perform roles that contribute to one’s local community (Example: Public performances)

Supplemental Materials Silver Burdett Making Music Grades K-5 (2002) Teacher Manuals for Silver Burdett Making Music (2002) CD listening & song selections- Silver Burdett Making Music (2002) Student Texts- Silver Burdett Making Music (2002, Second-Fifth Grade) Listening Maps- Silver Burdett Making Music (2002) (Illinois Music Education Association) (National Association for Music Education) (visual aids, musical selections, technology) (Visual aids, musical selections, technology) (Worksheets, coloring, listening maps, word searches,

crosswords, etc.) (Worksheets, Music Theory Lessons/ideas) (Worksheets, coloring, listening maps, word searches,

crosswords, etc.) (Classroom games, lessons, downloads) (Worksheets, lesson and unit plans, listening maps, word

searches, crosswords, theory worksheets, etc) (Worksheets, lesson and unit plans, coloring,

listening maps, word searches, crosswords, etc.)

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Primary Elementary, grades K-3

Illinois State Standard: 25.A.1.c, Core Arts Standards: (Creating) MU.Cr1.1.Ka-3a, MU.Cr1.1.Kb-3b,

MU.Cr2.1&2.Ka-3a, (Technology) &IIa, &lla.

(Performing) MU.Pr4.1.Ka-3a, Mu.Pr4.2.Ka-3a * Indicates Common Core & Social Emotional Standard(s)

Music: Identify differences in elements and expressive qualities (e.g., between fast and

slow tempo; loud and soft dynamics; high and low pitch/direction; long and short duration; same and different form, tone color or timbre, and beat).

Kindergarten First Grade Second Grade Third GradeIntroduce elements of

music: Fast-slow, high-low, loud-soft, short-long


Review elements of music: short-long, high-low, fast-slow, loud-soft


Compare high-low pitch/direction,


Identify dynamics, pitch, duration

*SL.3.1-6Introduce Steady Beat

*SL.K.1-6, K.CC.A.1, K.OA.A.1

Identify beat vs. no beat; rhythm

*SL.1.1-6,1.OA.A.1, 1.OA.C.6

Introduce rhythm and meter

*SL.2.1-6, 2.OA.B.2, 2.G.A.2

Compare rhythms and meters

*SL.3.1, 3.OA.B.2, 3.G.A.2

Introduce tone color


Continuation of tone color


Identify timbre of instruments


Identify instruments of the orchestra by

sounds*SL.3.1-6, 1B.1a

Demonstrate basic understanding of rhythm

with steady beat. Introduce Musical

Instrument Families.*SL.K.1-6, K.CC.A.1

Musical Expression, Identification of the instruments in the

Orchestra by family.

*SL.1.1-6, 1B.1a

Basic Understanding of Music Form

*SL.2.1-6, 2.OA.B.2, 2.G.A.2

Basic Understanding of Music Form, introduce more complex form.

*SL.3.1-6, 3.OA.B.2, 3.G.A.2

Introduce Basic music Vocabulary


Introduce Basic music Vocabulary

*SL.1.1-6, RF.1.1-4, W.1.2

Introduce Basic to intermediate music


*SL.2.1-6, RF.2.1-4, W.2.2

Introduce Basic to intermediate music


*SL.3.1-6, RF.3.1-4, W.3.2

Music Technologywith games, and


*SL.K.1-6, 2C.1a

Music Technology with games and lessons.

*SL.1.1-6, 2C.1a

Music Technology with games, lessons, unit


*SL.2.1-6, 2C.1a

Music Technology with games, lessons, unit


*SL.3.1-6, 2C.1a

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Utilize classroom instruments

*SL.K.1-6, 2C.1a

Utilize classroom instruments

*SL.1.1-6(Depending on

activity) RF.1.1-4, 2C.1a

Utilize classroom instruments

*SL.2.1-6, (Depending on

activity) RF.2.1-4, W.2.2, 2C.1a

Utilize classroom instruments

*SL.3.1-6, (Depending on

activity) RF.3.1-4, W.3.2, 2C.1a

Illinois State Standard: 25.B.1Core Arts Standards: (Creating) MU.Cr3.1.Ka-3a, MU.Cr3.2.Ka-3a, (Performing) MU.Pr.4.1.Ka-3a, MU.Pr4.2.Ka-3a, MU.Pr4.3.Ka-3a,

(Technology), * Indicates Common Core & Social Emotional Standard(s)

Music: Identify similarities in and among the arts (e.g., pattern, sequence and mood).

Kindergarten First Grade Second Grade Third GradeIntroduce finger

plays/hand motions*SL.K.1-6, RF.K.1.1-4

Musical literature, sound stories

*SL.1.1-6, RF.1.1-4

Musical literature, sound stories

*SL.2.1-6, RF.2.1-4

Musical literature, sound stories

*SL.3.1-6, RF.3.1-4Introduce rhyme schemes

*SL.K-3.1-, RF.K-3.1-4Introduce tone color and visual arts

(Core Arts-Technology)Incorporate dance/movement

(PE Standards)Musical Technology (Games, Stories, Smart Interactive lessons)

(Core Arts-Technology, *RF.K-3.1-4, SL.K-3.1-6 ) *2C.1a

Illinois State Standard: 26.A.1.cCore Arts: (Creating) MU.Cr.2.1.Ka-3a, MU.Cr3.1.Ka-3a,

MU.Cr3.2.Ka-3a, (Performing) MU.Pr4.1.Ka-3a, MU.Pr4.2.Ka, 1-3(a,b,c)MU.Pr4.3.Ka-3a, MU.Pr5.1Kb-3b, MU.Pr5.1.Kb-3b, MU.Pr6.1.Ka-3a,

MU.Pr6.1.Kb-3b (Technology),,,

* Indicates Common Core & Social Emotional Standard(s)Music: Identify a variety of sounds and sound sources (e.g., instruments, voices and

environmental sounds).Kindergarten First Grade Second Grade Third grade

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Discuss sounds in the environment*SL.K-3.1.1

Compare talking vs. singing*SL.K-3.1.1

Musical Expression, Instrument Families(Brass, Percussion)

*SL.K.1., 1B.1a, 2.A.1b

Musical Expression,Introduce tone color, Instrument families

(Strings, Woodwinds)

*SL.1.1.1, (Depending on lessons/activities) RF.1.1-4, W.1.1, 1B.1a


Identify sounds of instruments

(All Orchestra Instruments)

*SL.2.1.1(Depending on

lessons/activities)RF.2.1-4, W.2.2

Identify Timbre of Instrument Families.

*SL.3.1.1(Depending on

lessons/activities)RF.3.1-4, W.3.2

Utilize classroom instruments

Utilize classroom instruments

Utilize classroom instruments

Utilize classroom instruments

Compare music vs. noise*SL.K-3.1.1

Discuss sound production/creating sounds/ Sound Creating Devices and their changes. (Ex: IPod, records, tapes, CD’s,etc.)

*SL.K-3.1.1, (Depending on Activities) RF.1-3.1-4, W.2-3.2, 1B.1a

Illinois State Standard: 26.A.1dCore Arts Standards: (Creating) MU.Cr1.Ka-3a, MU.Cr2.1b-3b, (Performing) MU.Pr4.3.Ka-3a, (Responding) MU.Re7.2.Ka-3a,

(Technology),, *Indicates Common Core Standard(s)

Music: Relate symbol systems (e.g., icons, syllables, numbers and letters) to musical sounds.

Kindergarten First Grade Second Grade Third gradeIntroduction of symbols

*SL.K.1-6, K.CC.A.1, K.OA.A.1

Continue using symbol system

*SL.1.1-6, 1.CC.A.1, 1.OA.A.1

Replace symbols with rhythmic notation

*SL.2.1-6, 2.OA.B.2, 2.G.A.2

Basic understanding of rhythmic notation

*SL.3.1, 3.OA.B.2, 3.G.A.2

Introduce musical alphabet and begin musical literacy.*SL.2-3.1, 2-3.OA.B.2, 2-3.G.A.2

Introduce Music Notes; Students will begin learning about recorders and begin playing recorders in 2nd/3rd grade.

*SL.2-3.1, 2-3.OA.B.2, 2-3.G.A.2

Illinois State Standard: 26.B.1cCore Arts Standards: (Creating) MU.Cr3.1.Ka-3a, MU.Cr3.2.Ka-3a,

(Performing) MU.Pr4.1.Ka-3a, MU.Pr4.2.Ka-3a (2b, 3b-3c),

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Mu.Pr4.3.Ka-3a, MU.Pr5.1.Ka-3a, MU.Pr5.1.Kb-3b, MU.Pr6.1.Ka&b-3a&b,

(Connecting) MU.Cn10.0.Ka-3a, MU.Cn11.0.Ka-3a *Indicates Common Core & Social Emotional Standard(s) Music: Sing or play on classroom instruments a variety of music representing

diverse cultures and styles.Kindergarten First Grade Second Grade Third Grade

Singing diverse styles of music*SL.K-3.1

Playing classroom instruments*SL.K-3.1, (Musical Notation) 2-3.OA.B.2, 2-3.G.A.2, *1B.1b, 2B.2a, 2C.1a, 2C.1b, 2C.2b

Participate in public performance

*SL.K-3.1, (Musical Notation) 2-3.OA.B.2, 2-3.G.A.2, *1B.1b, 2B.2a, 2C.1a, 2C.1b, 2C.2b, 3C.2a, 3C.2b

Illinois State Standard: 27.A.1aCore Arts Standards: (Creative) MU.Pr4.3.Ka-3a, MU.Pr5.1.Ka-3a, MU.Pr5.1.Kb-3b, (Responding) MU.Re7.1.Ka-3a, MURe8.1.Ka-3a, MU.Re9.1.Ka-3a, (Connecting) MU.Cn10.0.Ka-3a (Technology),,,,,,

* Indicates Common Core & Social Emotional Standard(s) Music: Identify the distinctive roles of artists and audiences.

Kindergarten First Grade Second Grade Third gradeDemonstrate proper audience and performance etiquette

*SL.K-3.1, *1.A.2b, 1B.1b, 2C.1a, , 2C.1b, 2C.2b, 3C.2a, 3C.2b Visual Examples of performances/performers with guided discussion.

*SL.K-3.1, *1B.1a

Illinois State Standard: 27.A.1.bCore Arts Standards: (Creative) MU.Pr4.3.Ka-3a, MU.Pr5.1.Ka-3a, MU.Pr5.1.Kb-3b, (Responding) MU.Re7.1.Ka-3a, MURe8.1.Ka-3a, MU.Re9.1.Ka-3a, (Connecting) MU.Cn10.0.Ka-3a (Technology),,,,,,

* Indicates Common Core & Social Emotional Standard(s)

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Music: Identify how the arts contribute to communication, celebrations, occupations and recreation.

Kindergarten First Grade Second Grade Third gradeMusical Expression,

Introduce tone color, Instrument families(Strings, Woodwinds)

*SL.1.1.1, (Depending on lessons/activities) RF.1-3.1-4, RI.K-3.1-10, W.1-3.1, *1B.1a, 2.A.1b

Becoming aware of how music is used as a language

*SL.K-3.1, (Depending on Lesson/Activities) RF.1-3.1-4, RI.K-3.1-10, W.1-3.1, 1B.1a, 2B.2a

Discovering how music is used in everyday life. (Examples: Careers)

*SL.K-3.1, (Depending on Lesson/Activities) RF.1-3.1-4, RI.K-3.1-10, W.1-3.1, 2B.2a

Illinois State Standard: 27.B.1Core Arts Standards: (Creative) MU.Pr4.3.Ka-3a, MU.Pr5.1.Ka-3a, MU.Pr5.1.Kb-3b, (Responding) MU.Re7.1.Ka-3a, MURe8.1.Ka-3a, MU.Re9.1.Ka-3a, (Connecting) MU.Cn10.0.Ka-3a (Technology),,,,,,

*Indicates Common Core & Social Emotional Standard(s) Music: Know how images, sounds and movement convey stories about people, places

and times.Kindergarten First Grade Second Grade Third grade

Using sounds and movement to convey

stories*SL.K.1, RF.K.1-4

Learning about and viewing musicals/musical theater, opera, ballet, concerts

*SL.1-3.1, RF.1-3.1-4, RI.1-3.1-10, W.1-3.1, 2B.2a

Experience programmatic music – e.g. Peter and the Wolf, etc.*SL.K-3.1, (Depending on Activities) RF.K-3.1-4, RI.K-3.1-10, W.1-3.1

Introduction to music throughout history – e.g. ballads, songs of the sea, folk music, spiritualsSL.K-3.1, (Depending on Activities) RF.K-3.1-4, RI.K-3.1-10, W.1-3.1, 2B.2a

Musical Literature/Sound Stories/Visual Arts and Technology in relation to music. SL.K-3.1, (Depending on Activities) RF.K-3.1-4, RI.K-3.1-10, W.1-3.1

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Late elementary, grades 4-5

Illinois State Standard: 25.A.2.cCore Arts Standards: (Creating) MU.Cr1.1.4a-5a, MU.Cr1.1.4b-5b,

MU.Cr2.1&2.4a-5a, (Technology) &IIa, &lla.

(Performing) MU.Pr4.1.4a-5a, Mu.Pr4.2.4a-5a *Indicates Common Core Standard

Music: Identify elements and expressive qualities such as tone color, harmony, melody, form (rondo, theme and variation), rhythm/meter and dynamics in a variety of musical

styles.Fourth Grade Fifth Grade

Introduce more complex meters in 2, 3, and 4*SL.4-5.1, 4-5.OA.B.2, 4-5.G.A.2

Listen to and identify specific meters*SL.4-5.1

Rondo form (ABACA)*SL.4-5.1

Theme and variation*SL.4-5.1

Continue to build musical terminology

*SL.4-5.1, RF.4-5.1-4, RI.4-5.1-10, W.4-5.1

Illinois State Standard: 25.B.2Core Arts Standards: (Creating) MU.Cr3.1.4a-5a, MU.Cr3.2.4a-5a,

(Performing) MU.Pr.4.1.4a-5a, MU.Pr4.2.4a-5a, MU.Pr4.3.4a-5a, (Technology),

* Indicates Common Core & Social Emotional Standard(s)

Music: Understand how elements and principles combine within an art form to express ideas.

Fourth Grade Fifth GradeExpose students to types of musical theatrical performance, live or recorded, such as opera, ballet, musicals, concerts, etc. (Project Example: Students can create their own performance)

*SL.4-5.1, (Depending on Activities) RF.4-5.1-4, RI.4-5.1-10, W.4-5.1, 4-5.OA.B.2, 4-5.G.A.2, *1.A.2b,

1B.1b, 2.A.1b, 2B.2a, 3C.2a

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Expose students to types of world music, cultural connections, and understanding. (Project examples: Musical passport around the world, Geography Connections, Language Arts

& Word Wall Connections) *SL.4-5.1,

(Depending on Activities) RF.4-5.1-4, RI.4-5.1-10, W.4-5.1, 4-5.OA.B.2, 4-5.G.A.2, *3C.2a

Illinois State Standard: 26.A.2.cCore Arts: (Creating) MU.Cr.2.1.4a-5a, MU.Cr3.1.4a-5a,

MU.Cr3.2.Ka-3a, (Performing) MU.Pr4.1.4a-5a, MU.Pr4.2.4-5(a,b,c)MU.Pr4.3.4a-5a, MU.Pr5.1.4b-5b, MU.Pr5.1.4b-5b, MU.Pr6.1.4a-5a,

MU.Pr6.1.4b-5b (Technology),,,

* Indicates Common Core Standard(s) Music: Classify musical sound sources into groups (e.g., instrumental families, vocal

ranges, solo/ensembles).Fourth Grade Fifth Grade

Develop musical sound sources*SL.4.1,

(Depending on Activities) RF.4.1-4, RI.4.1-10, W.4.1

Identify musical sound sources*SL.5.1,

(Depending on Activities) RF.5.1-4, RI.5.1-10, W.5.1

Illinois State Standards: 26.A.2.dCore Arts Standards: (Creating) MU.Cr1.4a-5a, MU.Cr2.4b-5b, (Performing) MU.Pr4.3.4a-5a, (Responding) MU.Re7.2.4a-5a,

(Technology),, *Indicates Common Core Standard(s)

Music: Read and interpret the traditional music notation of note values and letter names.Fourth Grade Fifth Grade

Review and develop note and rest durations*SL.4-5.1,

(Depending on Activities) RF.4-5.1-4, RI.4-5.1-10, W.4-5.1, 4-5.OA.B.2, 4-5.G.A.2Continue reading the staff (lines and spaces) Further develop reading the staff

*SL.4-5.1, (Depending on Activities) RF.4-5.1-4, RI.4-5.1-10, W.4-5.1, 4-5.OA.B.2, 4-5.G.A.2

*SL.4-5.1, (Depending on Activities) RF.4-5.1-4, RI.4-

5.1-10, W.4-5.1, 4-5.OA.B.2, 4-5.G.A.2

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Illinois State Standards: 26.B.2.cCore Arts Standards: (Creating) MU.Cr3.1.4a-5a, MU.Cr3.2.4a-5a,

(Performing) MU.Pr4.1.4a-5a, MU.Pr4.2.4a-c, 5a-c Mu.Pr4.3.4a-5a, MU.Pr5.1.4a-5a, MU.Pr5.1.4b-5b,

MU.Pr6.1.4a&b-5a&b, (Connecting) MU.Cn10.0.4a-5a, MU.Cn11.0.4a-5a

*Indicates Common Core & Social Emotional Standard(s)

Music: Sing or play acoustic or electronic instruments demonstrating technical skill.Fourth Grade Fifth Grade

Demonstrate awareness of basic vocal technique (posture, breathing, diction)

*SL.4-5.1Utilize classroom instruments using proper techniques (posture, playing position, embouchure,


(Depending on Activities) RF.4-5.1-4, RI.4-5.1-10, W.4-5.1, 4-5.OA.B.2, 4-5.G.A.2, *2C.1a, 2C.1b, 2C.2b

Develop basic piano skills, including reviewing the notes, staff, and symbols associated with playing the piano or keyboard.

*SL.4-5.1, (Depending on Activities) RF.4-5.1-4, RI.4-5.1-10, W.4-5.1, 4-5.OA.B.2, 4-5.G.A.2

Illinois State Standards: 27.A.2.aCore Arts Standards: (Creative) MU.Pr4.3.4a-5a, MU.Pr5.1.4a-5a, MU.Pr5.1.4b-5b, (Responding) MU.Re7.1.4a-5a, MURe8.1.4a-5a, MU.Re9.1.4a-5a, (Connecting) MU.Cn10.0.4a-5a (Technology),,,,,,

* Indicates Common Core & Social Emotional Standard(s) Music: Identify and describe the relationship between the arts and various environments

(e.g., home, school, workplace, theatre, and gallery).Fourth Grade Fifth Grade

Discuss how music is used in everyday life (i.e. politics, celebration, communication, ceremonies, home, etc.)

*SL.4-5.1, (Depending on Activities) RF.4-5.1-4, RI.4-5.1-10, W.4-5.1, 1B.1b, 2.A.1b, 2B.2a

Musical Career Units/Projects*SL.4-5.1,

(Depending on Activities) RF.4-5.1-4, RI.4-5.1-10, W.4-5.1, 4-5.OA.B.2, 4-5.G.A.2

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Illinois State Standard: 27.A.2.bCore Arts Standards: (Creative) MU.Pr4.3.4a-5a, MU.Pr5.1.4a-5a, MU.Pr5.1.4b-5b, (Responding) MU.Re7.1.4a-5a, MURe8.1.4a-5a, MU.Re9.1.4a-5a, (Connecting) MU.Cn10.0.4a-5a (Technology),,,,,,

* Indicates Common Core Standard(s)

Music: Describe how the arts function in commercial applications (e.g., mass media and product design).

Fourth Grade Fifth GradeIdentify different art forms used in media (television, movies, commercials, etc.)

*SL.4-5.1, (Depending on Activities) RF.4-5.1-4, RI.4-5.1-10, W.4-5.1

Musical Careers specific to Media, Communications and Technology. *SL.4-5.1,

(Depending on Activities) RF.4-5.1-4, RI.4-5.1-10, W.4-5.1

Illinois State Standards: 27.B.2Core Arts Standards: (Creative) MU.Pr4.3.4a-5a, MU.Pr5.1.4a-5a, MU.Pr5.1.4b-5b, (Responding) MU.Re7.1.4a-5a, MURe8.1.4a-5a, MU.Re9.1.4a-5a, (Connecting) MU.Cn10.0.4a-5a (Technology),,,,,,

*Indicates Common Core & Social Emotional Standard(s)

Music: Identify and describe how the arts communicate the similarities and differences among various people, places and times.

Fourth Grade Fifth GradeMusicals, operas, ballets, stage performances, etc.

*SL.4-5.1, (Depending on Activities) RF.4-5.1-4, RI.4-5.1-10, W.4-5.1

Discuss and Introduce Musical History Timelines.*SL.4-5.1,

(Depending on Activities) RF.4-5.1-4, RI.4-5.1-10, W.4-5.1World Music and Cultural Connections

*SL.4-5.1, (Depending on Activities) RF.4-5.1-4, RI.4-5.1-10, W.4-5.1 , *1B.1b , 2B.2a, 2C.1a, 2C.1b,

2C.2b, 3C.2a, 3C.2b

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Public Performance of a variety of cultural music throughout the calendar year.*SL.4-5.1,

(Depending on Activities) RF.4-5.1-4, RI.4-5.1-10, W.4-5.1, *1.A.2b, 1B.1b, 2B.2a, 2C.1a, 2C.1b, 2C.2b, 3C.2a, 3C.2b

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