Page 1: SDG LAB 2019 · 2019. 1. 21. · Zeyad Alghareeb. Executive Manager, Ally, public relations consultationsco. At Davos, I want to focus on building a network to assist and help implement

DAVOS 2019


Page 2: SDG LAB 2019 · 2019. 1. 21. · Zeyad Alghareeb. Executive Manager, Ally, public relations consultationsco. At Davos, I want to focus on building a network to assist and help implement


15:00- 17:00, SDG Lab I: Trust Meltdown X

Tuesday 22. January 2019

Monday 21. January 2019

09:30- 11:00, SDG Lab II: Global Agenda Index

12:30- 13:30, Luncheon : Meet the 25+5 Citites 14:30- 17:00, UNCTAD: World Investment Trend 2019 Launch*

Wednesday 23. January 2019

10:00- 11:30, SDG Lab III: 25+5 Cities Leadership Platform15:00- 17:00, UNOPS Hidden SDG Champions*

Thursday 24. January 2019

12:30- 14:00, UNOPS Hidden SDG Champions: Affordable Housing*

14:30- 16:00, SDG Lab IV, SDG Fund, Commitment Report 500

16:00- 18:00, YPO, Profit with Purpose: A New Global Model*

Friday 25. January 2019

10:00- 12:00, UNOPS Hidden SDG Champions*: Renewable Energy

12:30- 14:00, Luncheon15:00- 17:00, SDG Lab V, CSR 2019

11:30- 12:00, „Hard Talk: Nik Gowing and Riz Khan on 25+5“

* Invitation only

Page 3: SDG LAB 2019 · 2019. 1. 21. · Zeyad Alghareeb. Executive Manager, Ally, public relations consultationsco. At Davos, I want to focus on building a network to assist and help implement

Zeyad Alghareeb

Executive Manager, Ally, public relationsconsultations co. At Davos, I want to focus onbuilding a network to assist and helpimplement all SDGs projects. My favouriteSDGs are 4 & 6.

Ibrahim Alnassar

Managing Director, Vmena Holding. AtDavos, I want to focus on water sensitizationand water treatment technologies for the bestof all SDGs. My favourite SDGs are 6 & 15.

Omar Tabtabaei

Kuwait Parliament Member. At Davos, I wantto see how to implement SDGs in developingcountries when the road to development isbarley paved. My favourite SDG is 17.

Tuula Maria Antola

Director of Economic and UrbanDevelopment (Espoo). I feel SDGs cannot bereached without both top level commitmentand practical level actions. Though, it is allabout people and my favourite SDGs are 4, 9and 13.

Anis Asghar

Executive Chairman and family office. AtDavos, I will focus on to establish a networkof like -minded individuals that can add valueto UNGSII. My passion is education, so myfavourite SDG is of course inclusive andequitable quality education (4).

Erna Ansnees

Head of International Office at Office of theGoverning Mayor in Oslo. At Davos, mt focusis the City of Oslo’s membership of the SDGLeadership Platform and my favourite SDG is11.

Prof. Marina Baaden

Project Investment Connector. At Davos, Iwould like to meet people linked to cleannatural food, drinking water production,plastic waste elimination, constructionprojects, wooden construction material,afforestation, investments and my favouriteSDG is 8.

Martin à Porta

CEO Pöyry Plc. At Davos, I want to meetpeople related to sustainable development(UNOPS and UNOG). My favourite SDGs are6, 9, 10 and 13.

Page 4: SDG LAB 2019 · 2019. 1. 21. · Zeyad Alghareeb. Executive Manager, Ally, public relations consultationsco. At Davos, I want to focus on building a network to assist and help implement

Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia

Vice President, Republic of Ghana. At Davos,I want to meet and network with peopleinterested in accelerating Ghana's economicand social development. I wants to work onall the SDGs which fits in my vision.

Zuzana Beluska

CFO of the UNGSII Foundation since 2016and CFO of Media Tenor International, since2004. At Davos, my aim is to create the mosteffective environment for SDG guest so theycan get the most out of Davos and reachtheir SDG mission. My favourite SDGs are 4,5 and 15.

Bert-Ola Bergstrand

Co-Founder of Katapult Learning FacilitatorTrondheim Municipality. At Davos, I want tobuild relations within and outside the SDGLab and bring in some good vibes and myfavourite SDGs are 4 and 17.

Alfred R. Berkeley

Chairman of Princeton Capital Management.At Davos, I plan to promote investment incompanies that are implementing SDG’s andmy favourite SDG is 4.

Antje Biber

President of the Board, FERI (Schweiz) AG.At Davos, I want to see the involvement ofthe financial industry in the implementation ofthe SDGs and my favourite SDGs are3,7,9,11,13 and 14.

Prof. Dr. James D. Bindenagel

Head, Center for International Security andGovernance, Bonn University, which isconcerned with SDG 16, security andstrategy to promote peaceful and inclusivesocieties for sustainable development,provide access to justice for all and buildeffective, accountable and inclusiveinstitutions at all levels.

Richard Bolwijn

Head of Investment Research, UNCTAD. AtDavos, I hope to hear new ideas on how topromote investment for development and myfavourite SDGs are 8, 9, and 16.

Anirudh Kumar Banerjee

World Health Forum

Page 5: SDG LAB 2019 · 2019. 1. 21. · Zeyad Alghareeb. Executive Manager, Ally, public relations consultationsco. At Davos, I want to focus on building a network to assist and help implement

Joseph A. Cajigal

Chief Executive Officer of Princeton CapitalManagement. At davos, I plan to continue thefirm’s promotion of investment in companiesthat are moving towards implementation of allthe SDGs and my favourite SDGs are 4 and5.

Klaus-Michael Christensen

Founder Swiss Impact InvestmentAssociation with the mission to makeawareness about impact investment. AtDavos, I aim for the SDG17 by networkingand connecting for all the SDGs.

Peter David Browne

Head Communications, UNOPS

Dr. Markus Bürger

Secretary General at the Austrian Council forSustainable Development and AmbassadorCSR Dialogue Forum accredited and inConsultative status of the UN. At Davos, Ifocus on Sustainable Science, Leadership,Finance and Entrepreneurship and myfavourite SDGs are 8, 11 and 17.

Dulma Clark

Director at Soul of Africa, Executive Memberat Future Footwear Foundation and JA ClarkCharitable Trust. My interests are sustainableproduction/consumption, social enterprise,philanthropy, art&culture, indigenous and myfavourite SDGs are 1,8,12 and13.

Thomas George Collins


Ajay Davessar

Senior Adviser Global SDG Cities Initiative.At Davos, I want to meet and network withpeople linked to SDG cities and my favouriteSDGs are 6, 8, 11 and 17.

Jean-Guy DeGabriac

Award-winning advisor / educator in guestexperience for Hospitality & Wellness since2004. Founder World Wellness Weekendcelebrated in 88 countries in 2018 with 40supporting organizations.

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Francesco DeLeo

Executive Chairman, Kaufmann & Partners,Founder of Green Comm Challenge(America’s Cup), Founder andDirector, At Davos, Iwant to address the challenge of food andorganic waste, on a global scale. Myfavourite SDG is 11.

Christoff Domrös

CD management consulting, Owner. AtDavos, my focus is on SDG CitiesLeadership Platform and my favourite SDG is17.

Hamed Ali Hamed El-Kady

Investment Policy Advisor, UNCTAD. AtDavos, I want to see how people designpolicies that allow more policy space for theState and that are conducive to sustainabledevelopment and inclusive growth. Myfavourite SDGs are 1, 16 and 17.

Grete Faremo


Daniel Richard Fung

Chief Legal Council , Hong Kong

Rohit Gajbhiye

CEO of Financepeer. At Davos, I want toparticipate in SDG workshops and networkwith people linked to finance and educationand my favourite SDGs are 1, 4, 8 and 17.

Pascal Bernard M. Gerken

International Chairman YPO, At Davos, Iwould like to move to impact beyond Lifelongleadership and ideas exchange. My favouriteSDGs are 2 to 6.

Gladys Ghartey

Head of UN unit, SDGs and Philanthropy atMinistry of Finance, Ghana. At Davos, I wantto focus on resilient cities and my favouriteSDGs are 4, 8 and 10.

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Nicholas Keith Gowing

President, Thinking the Unthinkable

Klaus Peter Heidinger

Head City IT Solutions, Siemens GlobalCenter of Competence Cities. At Davos, I amsupporting UNGSII to provide expertise forthe SDG Cities Diagnostic and ManagementSystem and my favourite SDGs are 7, 9, 11and 13.

Sirpa Hertell

Chair of Sustainable Developmentprogramme, Espoo Finland. At Davos, myfocus is to learn from other cities how toreach the SDGs already by 2025 in Espooand my favourite SDG is 11.

R. Yofi Grant

Chief Executive Officer, Ghana Investment Promotion Centre.

Peter Head

Chairman Resilience Brokers Ltd. At Davos, Iwant to meet/network with people to helpbuild collaboration to accelerate SDGdelivery and my favourite SDGs are 6, 11and 17.

Nicole Huber

City Director, Heidelberg, Germany. AtDavos, I look forward to joining forces onSDG projects, sharing ideas about innovativesmart city development and myfavourite SDGs are 4, 9 and 10.

Kathryn Elyse HoffmanStrategic director with LS foundation, and co-chair of NEXUS Global environment + energygroup, focused on advancing ethics + impactacross generations. Excited to meetcollaborators focused on SDGs 6-7 & 9-16,especially climate-oriented finance.

Leon Yehudah Kamhi

Executive Director – Head of Responsibility.At Davos, my focus would be how effectiveinvestor stewardship can deliver positiveoutcomes for society and my favourite SDGis 8.

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Pururuch Kehar

Executive Director, Lotus LearningFoundation, a Non-Profit committed toproviding quality education in rural parts ofIndia. At Davos, I want to see how all of uscan implement SDGs like never before andmy favourite SDGs are 2, 4, 5, 11, 13 and 17.

Caroline Mary Kende-Robb

Secretary General of CARE International. AtDavos, my focus is on meeting global leadersrelated to development and humanitarianrelief. I have CARE’s commitment toempowering the world’s most vulnerablecommunities, so my favourite SDG is 5.

Riz Khan

Freelance International Broadcast Journalist,Entrepreneur, and Conservation Activist. AtDavos, I look forward to generate content tosupport wildlife conservation and myfavourite SGD is 15.

Martin Kerenkewitz

Head of International Training and SeniorAnalyst Media Tenor International. At Davos,I want to exchange with people linked toenergy and environment. My favourite SDGsare 7,11,13,14 and 16.

Einar Kleppe Holther

Founder and creative strategist at NaturalState: Oslo: Tokyo. At Davos, I want toobserve, contribute and understand more ofwhere we are going in today's globalsocieties and market and my favourite SDGsare 3, 4, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 17.

Terrence Omdutt Kommal

Chairman, Director, Medical Doctor,Entrepreneur, Speaker and Podcast Host.Passionate about leadership development,mentoring, people and the Fourth IndustrialRevolution. Leadership starts with self-mastery! Keen on SDGs: 3, 4, 5, 9 and 16.

Dr. Praveen Kumar

CEO, World Health Forum. At Davos, I wantto meet and network with people linked toHealthcare and my favourite SDG is 3.

Imad Kassir

Owner of the “Firm” a corporate and Legal Entity and Managing Director of Nebulous

Global Trading, Ltd.

Page 9: SDG LAB 2019 · 2019. 1. 21. · Zeyad Alghareeb. Executive Manager, Ally, public relations consultationsco. At Davos, I want to focus on building a network to assist and help implement

Prof. Janne Tapio Lanie

Vice President for Innovation, AaltoUniversity, FI. At Davos, I wants to networkwith people linked to education andinnovation and my favourite SDGs are 4, 9, 7and 13.

Ilmari Emil Mikael Lastikka

Vice President of International Affairs, VTT

Majorie Ann Layden

Principal of LS foundation for ethics andleadership, focused on creating impactacross generations through education. AtDavos, I am seeking networking with otherleaders focused on ethics and civicengagement, and SDGs of interest are 4, 13,and 16.

Rolando R Lopez

Founder/Executive Director at Freedom’sShield, a counter human trafficking NGO. Iwant to partner with people focused onPeace, Justice and Strong Institutions andmy favourite SDGs are 16 and 5.

Nicolas Lorne

President and Co-founder Waterpreneurs. AtDavos, I want to present sustainableinvestable innovative water and sanitationsolutions for cities around the world and myfavourite SDGs are 6 and 17.

Georg Ludwig Mag. Redlhammer

Owner First League Communications (FLC) |Advisor of Emin Agalarov (First VP of CrocusGroup, Russia). At Davos, I want to meetpeople linked to e-Mobility for Mobilistic´19/Moscow and support to bring SDG educationto Russia and my favourite SDGs are 4,6,11,13,17.

Jukka Tapio Mäkelä

Mayor of the City of Espoo, Finland. AtDavos, I want to meet and network withpeople linked to sustainability and myfavourite SDGs are 4, 9 and 13.

Bente Kristin Malmo

Senior Advisor, BDO. At Davos, I want tounderstand how people organize and creategood processes to create awareness,development and SDG execution and myfavourite SDGs are 3, 11, 16 and 17.

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Anu Mänty

Senior Lead, Prime Minister’s Office Finland.At Davos, I want to network with people wholook for ways to improve sustainablelifestyles and my favourite SDGs are 12, 13and 17.

Markku Antero Markkula

Chair of the Board Espoo City, First Vice-President EU Committee of the Regions. We,the European cities and regions, canimplement the UN SDGs by using the bestavailable knowledge. My favourite SDGs arenumbers 4 and 9.

Pierre Paul Emile Mayeux

Head Programming Advanced Technologies.At Davos, I want to meet and network withpeople linked to water, recycling, energy andfood. My favourite SDGs are 6, 9, 11 & 17.

Prof. Allan MayoSmart City Strategist at Digital Greenwich,having developed UK Government policy inthis field. I want to network with thoseinterested in promoting/funding smart cities inthe developing world. Smart cities transcendall SDGs, particularly No11.

Archish Mittal

Co-Founder R Ventures Foundation, a Non-Profit aimed to support Refugees. At Davos,he wants to showcase his work and partnerwith like-minded organisations. My favouriteSDGs are 4, 8 and 10.

Alexia Martin

Marketer in Media & Education FestivalOrganizer in Belgium. At Davos, I wish tomeet actors in Education worldwide andexchange best practices. My favourite SDGsare 2, 3, 4 and 13.

Ashish Mittal

Investor, Financial Professional and Co-Founder Lotus Learning Foundation. AtDavos, I want to meet and network withpeople who believe that implementing allSDGs is the people’s choice and my favouriteSDGs are 4, 8, 15, 16 and 17.

Poonam Mittal

Educationist and Founder Lotus LearningFoundation, a Non-Profit aimed to providequality education. At Davos, I want to meetpeople who believe that education and skilldevelopment is the key to achieving allSDGs. So, my favourite SDGs are 4, 5, 8, 15,16 and 17.

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Kristian Mjøen

Project Manager University City 3.0Trondheim, Norway. At Davos, I want to seehow are cities lead to become platforms foropen and sustainable innovation? Myfavourite SDG is 4.

Jean Christophe Nicolas Montant

Managing Partner Sophia ConsultLuxembourg. At Davos I would like to bringhis finance expertise to fund developmentprojects and my favourite SDGs are 2, 7, 13and 14.

Scott Anthony Mordell

CEO of YPO. At Davos, I look forward tocreating specific areas of collaboration withbusiness to make the world better and myfavourite SDGs are 1, 4, 5, 8 and 9.

Michael Møller

Director-General United Nations Office atGeneva. At Davos, I would like toturbocharge global awareness of, and actionon, the SDGs. My favourite SDG is 17.

Christoph Müller

Deputy Secretary-General & Member of theAustrian Council for SustainableDevelopment. At Davos, I want to work withpeople who effectively contribute to theSDGs and the Paris Climate Agreement andmy favourite SDG is 17.

Andrei Sever Muresan

President / Founder of the Andrei Muresanu"Desteapta-te Romane!" Foundation. AtDavos, I want to present a new to bedeveloped SDG New Technologies Centerand my favourite SDGs are 2, 3, 6, 7, 11 and15.

Hilde Opoku

Special advisor on the SDGs to the Ministerof Finance, Ghana. At Davos, I want toexplore common parameters to work with atthe SDG city level. According to me, thebeauty of the SDGs is its combinations.

Ibrahim Negm

Senior Adviser to the Grand Mufti of Egyptand the Secretary General for FatwaAuthorities Worldwide. At Davos, my focuswill be on understanding the implementationof all the SDG’s and my favourite SDG is 17.

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Michael Jacob Ostro

Private Equity at UBP London. At Davos, Ilook for opportunities to match private capitalwith sustainable enterprise and my favouriteSDGs are 1, 11, 12, and 13.

Maurice Samuel Ostro

Creating collaboration betweenGovernments, NGOs and corporates makingearly stage businesses more successful andmore purposeful. Also economicdevelopment projects in Myanmar &improving interfaith relations. My favouriteSDGs are 8 & 17.

Mari Pantsar

Director, Carbon – Neutral Circular Economy, Sitra

Prof. Karl Heinz Pilny

Senior Investment Advisor GAF, Owner andMD asia21 gmbh, Author of many books,latest is ASIA 2030. At Davos, I would focuson Impact Investing, Asia and SDGs and myfavourite SDGs are 4,6,7,9,11 and 14.

Priya Prakash

Founder and CEO, HealthSetGo and on amission to nurture a healthier planet throughpreventive measures for children and healtheducation. At Davos, I would love to explorepossible partnerships with a focus on SDG 3& 4.

Gareth Presch

CEO WHIS, Expert SDG 3 & 4 UNGSII - atDavos I want to meet and network withpeople linked with health, education, energyand innovation and my favourite SDGs are 3& 4.

Matthew Simon Pickles

Freelance journalist and broadcastercovering education and sustainable businessfor BBC. At Davos, I hope to find stories,meet contacts and support UNGSII’s work. Ifeel Education (SDG 4) is vital to solving theother goals.

Ingeborg Bjerre Relph

Exec. Director Earth Restoration Alliance. AtDavos, I want to meet people who care aboutArctic ice melting, scaling of SDGs, ethics intech and finance, feminine leadership,creative peacebuilding. My favourite SDGsare 10, 13, 16 and 17.

Page 13: SDG LAB 2019 · 2019. 1. 21. · Zeyad Alghareeb. Executive Manager, Ally, public relations consultationsco. At Davos, I want to focus on building a network to assist and help implement

Bruce Reynolds

US DIRECTOR SOCIAL IMPACT at DentsuAegis Network, leaders in Marketing andAdvertising. At Davos, I want to meet andnetwork with decision makers committed topositive change and my favourite SDGs are3, 1, 4 and 5.

Pieter Willem Geerlig Riemer

Partner and member of the CorporateResponsibility Committee Linklaters LLP. AtDavos, my focus will be to engage withpeople and initiatives around helpingrefugees & migration and the rule of law andmy favourite SDGs are 4, 8, 10 and 16.

Kunal Sachdeva

Global Digital Business Advisor to Microsoft.At Davos, I want to network and exchangewith top executives on digital and its impacton economy and society and my favouriteSDG is 11.

Jarmo Sareva

Ambassador for Innovation at the Ministry forForeign Affairs of Finland in Helsinki. AtDavos, I want to network/meet with peoplewho have a vision about innovation as a toolfor sustainable development and my favouriteSDGs are 3, 4, 9 and 16.

Miray Salman

BA candidate “Communication, Culture,Management”; Corporate Strategy Intern“Audi”. At Davos I want to collaborate withpeople on Gender Equality, Digitalization,Mobility. My favorite SDGs are 5, 7, 11.

Ola Lund Renolen

Deputy Mayor of Trondheim. At Davos, Iwant to see how do we make the SDGs anintegral part of the city's core operatingsystem? And my favourite SDG is 1.

Roland Schatz

Founder, UNGSII Foundation, InnovatioPublishing and Media Tenor InternationalAG. I want to raise the best awareness for allSDG frontrunner and my favourite SDG is 17.

Steven Seagal

Actor and Humanist. I fight to make the worlda better place. At Davos, my focus would bebuilding bridges and my favourite SDGs are1, 13, 16 and 17.

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Prof. Shurbo Sen

Director, School of Management &Entrepreneurship, Shiv Nadar University. AtDavos, I would like to spend time with theSDG cities representatives and those inEducation. My Favourite SDGs are 3,4,5,9and 12

Mohammed Adjei Sowah

Mayor of Accra, Hon. M. Adjei Sowah. AtDavos, I want to engage the leadership of the25+5 Megacities to share learning and forgeclose partnerships that will enable Accrameet the SDGs quicker and my favouriteSDGs are 3, 6, 10, 11, 13 and 17.

Arild Ole Smolan

Senior Adviser, Norwegian University ofScience and Technology, Norway. At Davos Iwant to see how can the universities likeNTNU contribute to knowledge for a betterworld? My favourite SDG is 17.

Asa St. Clair

Treasurer, World Sports Alliance and CEO,VO2 Global. At Davos, my focus is to utilizethe SDG’s to promote a stable middle classeconomy using sports and renewable energyso my favourite SDG is 5

Robert Steen

Vice Mayor for Finance in the City of Oslo,Norway. At Davos, my focus is the City ofOslo’s membership of the SDG LeadershipPlatform and my favourite SDG is11.

Prof. Dr. Christoph Stückelberger

Executive Director, Geneva AgapeFoundation. At Davos, I want to meet peopleon values-driven investments, SDGs inChina, Ethics Education, Cyber Ethics andmy favourite SDGs are 4, 5, 11, 16 and 17.

Päivi Marja Anneli Sutinen

Director for City as a Service Development.At Davos, I want to meet and network withpeople linked to education and innovationand my favourite SDGs are 4, 9 and 13.

Markus Terho

Project Director at Finnish Innovation Fund.At Davos, I’m seeking to meet peopleinterested in climate action, behaviourchange, sustainable lifestyles, accelerationand funding of transformation and myfavourite SDGs are 7, 12, 13 and 17.

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Kristian Weydahl Thyasen

Head of advisory service, BDO Norway. AtDavos, I want to gain a deeper understandingof all SDGs and how they are interconnected.My favorite SDGs are 3 and 16.

Dr. Johannes Paul Tröger

Senior Vice President Strategy & BusinessDevelopment, AMERIA AG. At Davos, I amlooking to network with people linked to thedevelopment of Smart City applications andmy favourite SDGs are 9, 11 and 17.

Prof. Taina Orvokki Tukiainen

Professor, Corporate Entrepreneurship andInnovation, Aalto University. At Davos, I amexcited of SDGs and how we may changethe world together. Enthusiastic to meet all ofyou. My favourite SDGs are 4, 9, 11, 13 and17.

Vitaly Vanshelboim

Assistant United Nations Secretary General,Deputy Executive Director and COO at UNOPS. AtDavos, I want to meet people interested in large-scale investable deals in housing and renewableenergy and my favourite SDG is 17.

Prof. Dr. Jochen Vogel

Founder & CEO of VM Value ManagementGmbH, Frankfurt.

Matthias Vollbracht

Head of Research, UNGSII Foundation & MediaTenor International. At Davos, I want to exchangethoughts with likeminded people on how to use thefinancial markets to promote the SDGs and how itcan help companies to create purpose for theirstakeholders and my favourite SDGs are 1, 11 and12.

Prof. Dr. Cui Wantian

Serial Entrepreneur, Director of Centre forStudy of Religion and Business Ethics ofRenmin University, China

Aniela Unguresan

Co-Founder, Edge Foundation. At Davos, Iwant to convince as many institutions andcorporates as possible to measure their SDG5 footprint. So, my preferred SDG is 5.

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Prof. Dr. Eckart Würzner

Mayor, City of Heidelberg, Germany. AtDavos, I am looking forward to shareexperiences he made in Heidelberg so farand meeting new faces on the SDG journeyand my favourite SDGs are 7, 11 and 17.

James Zhan Xiaoning

Senior Director for Investment and EnterpriseUNCTAD, and Editor-in-Chief of UN WorldInvestment Report. As Chair of the GoverningBoard for UN Sustainable Stock ExchangesInitiative, I would like to explore partnershipfor investing in all SDGs.

Basil Matthias Weiss

Student & Master@IBM. At Davos, I want tobroaden his horizons and learn about ways toinnovate sustainably and my favourite SDG is9.

Morten Wolden

Chief City Executive, Trondheim, Norway. AtDavos, I want to see how can they can be anactive and curious partner in the SDG CitiesNetwork? My favourite SDG is 17.

Brian A. Gallagher

President, United Way International

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1 - No Poverty 2 - Zero Hunger

3 - Good Health and Well-Being 4 - Quality Education

5 - Gender Equality 6 - Clean Water and Sanitation

7 - Affordable and Clean Energy 8 - Decent Work and Economic Growth

9 - Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure 10 - Reduced Inequalities

11 - Sustainable Cities and Communities 12 - Responsible Consumption

13 - Climate Action 14 - Life Below Water

15 - Life on Land 16 - Peace, Justice and Strong Instituions

17 - Partnerships for the Goals

Favourite SDG Chart

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Page 19: SDG LAB 2019 · 2019. 1. 21. · Zeyad Alghareeb. Executive Manager, Ally, public relations consultationsco. At Davos, I want to focus on building a network to assist and help implement

InnoVatio Publishing was founded 1985 to bridge the gap between theworlds of the arts and corporations. Authors from all sectors of lifepublished their concepts on how to overcome silos and start newprojects, illustrating that solutions developed together alwaysoutperform those who thought they were better off alone. The groupwas involved in helping overcoming the East-West conflict in Europeand since then InnoVatio has focused on improving Dialogue betweencultures and religions by hosting masterclasses to Unlearn Intoleranceand developing and implementing Change Management processes.

As a strategic partner, MEDIA TENOR helps organizations understandand leverage media since 1993. Through partnership with MEDIATENOR, organizations are able to tailor messages to reach targetaudiences effectively, consequently reducing advertising cost andincreasing the return on investment from an organization’s externalcommunication. Every year experts and practitioners from media,academia, governments and NGOs meet at the International AgendaSetting Conference to exchange latest trends on Media Impact.

193 heads of state signed the SDGs in September 2015. The GlobalSustainability Impact Institute ( was founded in Mayof 2014 by academics, experts from the finance sector as well asSenior Officials of the different UN institutions from around the worldto support all sectors in life by providing impact measurement data inreal time. UNGSII’s unique research approach delivers valuable insightinto the SDG implementation process. Since August 2017 3 Miochildren in 72 countries learn about the SDG’s in school. In 2018 thisaudience is expanding to 150 Mio children in 120 countries backed bynew UNGSII program. The new Global Youth Poll, taken once perquarter, measures progress in youth perception and awareness andpredicts if and how the SDGs will become a reality in their countriesby 2030. The Global Goals World Concert, the Global Youth Run andthe Global Goals Conference will each serve to create generalawareness and activism across all generations, cultures and religions.

For over 120 years the United Way (UWW) goes beyond temporaryfixes to create lasting change in communities around the world. Bybringing people and organizations together around innovativesolutions, UWW is impacting millions of lives every year. UWW has aproven track record of creating community impact on a worldwidebasis related to health, education and financial stability. Through itsvast network of local United Ways and national and internationalcorporate partners, it has the unique capability to work both locallyand globally to improve lives and make sustainable change.

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SDG LAB 2019

Davos January 21st-25thHilton Garden Inn

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