

SSEEAAMMEEOO--JJaappaann EESSDD AAwwaarrdd Theme for 2012: Education for Disaster Risk Reduction Supporting Partners:

Submission Form of SEAMEO-Japan ESD Award The last day for submission of entries: 25 August 2012

• To participate in the SEAMEO-Japan ESD Award, please submit the information of your school’s activity/programme on Education for Disaster Risk Reduction in English language by using this Submission Form.

• The digital format of this Submission Form can be downloaded from the SEAMEO website: or requested by sending an email to the email address: [email protected].

• The guidelines for submission of entries and the judging criteria are detailed in page 13-15 of this document.

• Schools must ensure that the SEAMEO Secretariat receives their entries by 25 August 2012. • More information, please contact the SEAMEO Secretariat, Bangkok (telephone number: +662

391 0144, fax number: +662 381 2587 and email address: [email protected]) PART I: Details of Your School 1. Name of your school : Perak Barat Elementary School

2. Full address : Tanjung Torawitan Street Number 2

Surabaya East Java Indonesia

3. Postcode : 60177

4. Country : Indonesia

5. Telephone number : 620313554422

6. Fax number :-

7. Name of the Head Master: Mrs. Murtini, S.Pd

8. Name of Teacher Coordinator: Mrs. Solicha, S.Pd

9. Email address :[email protected]

10. School website : - 11. Educational level : Grade 1 to 6 12. Number of teachers : 43 teachers


13. Number of students : 1049 students 14. Please provide the name of teachers and students who were/have been involved in the

planning and implementation of this school activity/programme on Education for Disaster Risk Reduction. Teachers: a) Mr. Momon Sugianto, S.Pd b) Mr. Subandi, A.Ma.Pd c) Mr. Yulianto d) Mr. Adi Sungkowo, S.Pd e) Mr. Taufan Wiyat Utomo, A.Ma.Pd f) Mr. Muchamad Santosa, S.Pd g) Mr. Aman Santoso, S.S h) Mr. Anton Setiawan, S.S i) Mrs. Solicha, S.Pd j) Mrs. Umaiyah, S.Pd k) Mrs. Darmiasih, S.Pd l) Mrs. Nurani, S.Pd m) Mrs. Reni Mahaningrum

Students: a) Muhammad Wisnu Darmawan b) Rheina Ayu c) Zufar Amanullah d) Putri e) Naufal


PART II: Information about the School’s Activity/Programme on Education for Disaster Risk Reduction The information of part II from no.1 to 11 should be no longer than eight pages long (A4 type, Arial font, size 11 point). A half to one page A4 of the project summary should be included. 1. Title of the school’s activity/programme on Education for Disaster Risk Reduction Minimizing the flood effect by using flood detector 2. Summary of the activity/programme (a half to one page A4) SDN Perak Barat is one of the schools concerned and cultural environment in the city of

Surabaya. Our school is implementing the learning environment with the goal to educate, train and

familiarize the students behave in caring for the environment, one of our school program or activity

is the implementation of precautions against flooding by making the detector or flood alarm. This

tool is made by students and teachers and to all school society functioned as a sign that if the

alarm goes off then all school society should immediately save themselves and save the stuffs

from flood water. Our school is already trying to prevent flood with the "biopori" holes at school.

Some buildings in our school are lower than drainage out of school so that if the environment

outside our school as well flood the water. Therefore that all school society are ready to face and

cope with the flood, all parties were trained to simulate flooding. This was done to mentally prepare

for disasters of all school society and more concerned about the environmental conditions.

This flood detector is made by fourth grader guided by their teachers. Basically, it’s only

for the learning aid especially for science subject. However, it’s functioned in real condition since

our school is often flooded during the rainy season. As a result, it’s really helpful to minimize the

loss of property from flood.

From this program, we hope to get some benefits for teachers, students and all school society.

The benefits for teachers are familiarizing students' attitudes on disaster preparedness in order to

be able to confront the disaster. Moreover, it’s also as a contextual teaching learning so that the

students are dare to face the disaster. For students themselves, this program can make them more

calm and not panic in the face of disaster, to develop a social life, to be independent, responsible

and helpful. Moreover it can increase the spirit of togetherness and to be care for the environment.

The last is for the society. This program is purposed to keep the environment clean as flood control

efforts with the 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle)

3. Background information or reasons why the school initiated this activity/programme It often happens flood in our school environment, especially in rainy season. Flood in our

school never takes some victims, however, it can be worse outside our school’s gate, within the

distance of 500 metres. The height of flood water can reach 70cm. Some classes in our school are

located in the lower level of land, or even lower than the drainage outside the school. As a result,

when there is a flood outside the school, the flood water automatically comes to some classes. Of

course, it makes some students uncomfortable to study. So that’s why, we do hope that we can


minimize the effect of flood or prevent the coming of flood by using this flood detector whenever it


4. Objectives/goals of the activity/programme

5. Period of time when this activity/programme was/has been implemented This programme has been implemented in 2012 especially before the rainy season comes. 6. Activities (Short-term actions and strategies of implementation of the short-term actions)


1. At first, there was an explanation of the headmaster to all of teachers and employees. Then

the class teacher of the 3rd until 6th grade chose 2 students as the doer of this programme.

2. Giving explanation and description to all school’s society about the way to minimize the

effect of flood at school by using this flood detector. This tool was placed at the edge of

school yard. It was attached on a wall near the drainage. This flood detector is always at

that place during the rainy season. All school society are compulsory to observe this tool.

3. This explanation was about what we should do when the bell on the flood detector is

ringing. At first, we shouldn’t be panic. We just save some important things on the first floor

to another safe place. Furthermore, other students on the 2nd and 3rd floor help their friends

on the first floor from flood. The second is, conditioning the 1st and the 2nd students not to

be panic by telling or calling the students’ parents to pick their children up immediately. The

third way is evacuating all things on the first floor not to get flood. The fourth, the fifth and

the sixth grader on the 2nd and 3rd floor are getting down by the guidance of their teachers.

Activities to be conducted after the socialization of all citizens of the school are as follows:

1. Planning a day or time of the simulation with the team

2. Setting up the tool and install the tool on a wall in a place close to "drainage"

3. Choosing cadres or driving a team of students for the real action is reminiscent of the whole

class to get ready if the alarm goes off the mark there is a simulation begins

4. The simulation has been going on, all school society do what is already a previous plan

5. All children in the classroom downstairs immediately packed up their textbooks. For class 1

and class 2, since they were little, then the class teacher will guide and direct them not to

Basically, this programme aims to encourage our school’s society to have more attention as well

as to be ready to overcome the existence of flood. They not only know how to prevent flood, but

also understand how to overcome whenever flood happens


panic and remain in the classroom

6. The class teachers of the 1st and the 2nd grader inform the parents of students to

immediately pick them up

7. In the meantime, class 3 and class 4 which is located downstairs help to save important

items such as books that have to be moved to the higher place.

8. Similarly, grade 4, grade 5 and 6 which are second floor and third floor, they must save

themselves and partly to help teachers grade 1 and grade 2. Teachers and employees who

do not help students immediately to save the items in the administration staff room, the

headmaster’s room, school health unit room and other rooms that are downstairs including

the school cooperation.

7. Resources used for implementing the activity/programme

Conducting this program, we use some resources as follows:

1. Listafarika. 2006. Ensiklopedi Eksperimen Sains Sederhana 2. Jakarta: PT Listafarika


2. Noor, Suhendiana; Kaniawati, Ida. 2007. Sains Untuk Pemula. Bandung: PT Setia

Purna Inves.

8. Monitoring and evaluation mechanism and results

Evaluation of simulation activities conducted by a team of teachers and all citizens of the

school about flood disaster preparedness. Simulation is not only done once or twice, but can be

done in a year when the new academic year and in the middle of the semester. At the beginning of

a new school to introduce the new school year that students of our school care and cultural school

environment and should be alert to the disaster. Simulation in the middle of the semester to

determine the readiness of the school society when the disaster and be able to perform self-rescue

efforts, other people and surrounding stuff

9. List of partners, local government bodies, companies or development agencies who

participated in the planning and implementation, including their roles in the activity/programme.

Name of Partners Roles or contributions

a) Local Education Department Giving recommendation to the related


b) Social Health Center Providing medicine, first aid and medical staff

c) Students’ parents Rescueing students

d) Surrounding society Keeping the environment cleanliness


10. Benefits/impacts of the activity/programme to teachers, students and the community

There are some benefits of this program for:


• familiarize students' attitudes on disaster preparedness in order to be able to confront the

disaster with either

• As a contextual teaching learning so that the students are dare to face the disaster


• Becoming more calm and not panic in the face of disaster

• Developing a social life

• Being independent, responsible and helpful

• Increasing the spirit of togetherness

• Being care for the environment


• Keeping the environment clean as flood control efforts with the 3R (Reduce, Reuse,


11. Plan for sustainability and plan for the future Plan for sustainability:

Plan for sustainability :

ü Increase the awareness of all school society to prevent flood by keeping the environment

clean, smoothen the drainage stream, increasing the number of "biopori" holes at school

ü Socialize the people around the school to maintain a healthy environment and guard

against disasters, and can cope / rescue efforts when a disaster occurs.

Plan for the future

ü Work with cleaning and landscaping services to process organic waste in schools

ü Work with the public works department for maintaining cleanliness in the school and


surrounding ditch.

ü Cooperate with the health service to provide counseling to teachers and students about the

culture of clean living to avoid disaster.

12. List of attachments such as a copy of learning/ teaching materials, samples of student

worksheet, manual, etc. Attachment 1: Observing the school drainage during the rainy season This learning aims to show the stream of drainage from our school. Eventhough the stream looks smooth, it often happens flood in our school because the height of the drainage is on the same level or even upper than our school. Attachment 2: Making the biopori holes Biopori holes are made to absorb the rain water so that it doesnt flood the school yard.


Attachment 3: The sosialization of the importance of flood detector, explained by one of the students in our school. Attachment 4: One of the students’ work, reminding us about the importance of keeping the earth from disaster.


13. Photos related to the activity/programme (The school can provide the related photos as many as you can)


This is the image of our flood detector. It is made from simple materials. They are: a cut of transparant plastic pipe, sterofoam, cable, plug, glue, alarm bell. Photo 2 This is the placement of our flood detector. It is placed on the lowest area of our school or near the drainage.


Photo 3

The procedure:

The sterofoam is permanently set on the top of pipe. The second foam is smaller than the first one

and it is placed on the bottom of the pipe so that it can move upward based on the surface of the

flood. Each foam is inserted iron on both sides. When the flood happens, both sides of iron will

meet each other. It causes the alarm bell rings.

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