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Search Engine Optimization – A Basic Idea & Its Uses

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Today, people find Internet a very effective tool to search products services that are of

interest and useful to them. Internet, off late has become a massive catalog of services,

products, subliminal and direct messages. There’s no doubt on the fact that internet has

become a channel for the right opinion and information. Therefore, a business must think of

ways to harness the benefits of the Internet to accelerate its growth. They need to be aware

of how they can take advantage of their marketing online. There are many internet

marketing companies in the market offering different types of internet marketing solutions.

One of the main internet marketing services offered by them is search engine optimization.

What is search engine optimization? Abbreviated as SEO, Search Engine Optimization is the process of improving the volumes

and quality of traffic to a website from search engines through natural search results. It can

also target different types of search, including image search, local search, and industry-

specific vertical search engines. The process of SEO works through free traffic. It is generally

a practice of improving the search engine rankings of your website.

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Benefits of SEO to businesses Search Engine Optimization strategies can have tangible impact on your business. You can

reap loads of benefits by using effective SEO strategies. Some of the benefits are:

Easy way to find your website – A website is of no use if it does not have regular visitors. It

does not matter whether the website focuses on selling a product, spreading an idea,

educating public, offering information or gaining support for any cause. Your website can

only give you the advantage if it has quality traffic. Properly executed internet marketing

strategies can help to move your listing up in the search results, allowing you to reach

diversified audience and generate more visitors to your website.

Get an edge over your competitors – If you carry out a survey, you will find that there are

dozens of websites operating in your target market. You will have to plan strategies to stand

apart from your competitors in the market. You can do this with the help of SEO.

Professional SEO activities will give you an opportunity to beat the competition in your

space and claim a top spot.

Build trust – Today, Google is considered number one search engine in the world. People

across globe trust Google to search information that they need. When you use SEO

techniques to power your website, it will get prominent ranking in Google. This will help in

transferring the same trust (that Google enjoys) to your website.

Measurable results and maximum return on investment – An effective SEO campaign can

bring higher return on your investment than any other marketing strategies. It can increase

the volume of sales and profit overall. One of the most important benefits of using SEO

strategies is that you can quantify the results of SEO by positioning reports of search

engines and visitor conversion.

Cost effective methods – Search engine optimization is one of the most cost effective ways

to increase the online visibility of any business. It requires minimum amount of capital and

gives maximum exposure to your online business. SEO is cheaper and a long term solution

than any other online marketing activity.

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What type of businesses benefit from SEO? Businesses of all kinds can benefit from search engine optimization. It is a long term strategy

that your business needs to invest in. It is considered an affordable and measurable strategy

that works well for small, medium or large business. Whether it is a business in

manufacturing, processing, hospitality, pharmaceutical, healthcare or education, everyone

can benefit from it.

Different parts of SEO

Search engine optimization is a summation of several activities including the On Page and

Off Page optimization.

On Page optimization refers to the efforts that are put on the website and is clearly visible.

Some of the activities that come under the category of On Page optimization include

optimizing the existing content, HTML code corrections, removal of broken links, adding

Meta or Alt tags, and adding Google or XML Site Map and analytic Setup. It is imperative to

perform this activity correctly on the website because it educates search engine crawlers

and spiders about the theme of the website and the keywords that are being targeted for


Off Page optimization refers to all the activities that are carried off site and are not usually

visible on the website. But, these activities too result in pushing the ranking higher on search

engines. It is a regular process and must be done ethically to yield long lasting results. It also

includes the activities such as link popularity and page rank.

Checklist of key elements of SEO Competitive Analysis

Keyword Analysis

Content Enhancement

Code Enhancement

Link Building

Ongoing Analytics

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Steps followed in a successful SEO campaign Planning

The first step to a successful SEO campaign is proper planning. You must know what you

want to achieve by using SEO strategies. A SEO campaign can only prove fruitful, if you have

done good planning of your project. By doing this, you can be successful in dominating your

online market and targeting wider audience. By doing so, you will come to know more about

your goals, and all the more find it easy to implement strategies to achieve those goals. It is

during this time that you will analyze your industry and your competitors. You need to do a

competitive analysis of your market competitors; the keywords that they are using and their

positioning in different search engines.


While executing SEO strategies for the betterment of your business, several activities must

be carried out in a well planned way. Some of the key activities include:

Keyword analysis and selection – Keyword analysis and selection is one of the most

significant aspects of SEO. During the execution stage, you need to do exhaustive analysis of

all the keywords that people look for while searching different products and services.

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Keyword selection is very crucial in the entire process of search engine optimization because

it works to direct only qualified prospects to websites. Analysis and selection of keywords is

designed in such a way that only most of the qualified users will able to find information that

they are interested in.

Content enhancement – Once the analysis of keywords is over, it is followed by the

process of content enhancement. This process involves the modification of webpage

content by checking keyword density and frequency. Content enhancement is not only all

about checking the frequency and density of keywords, but it is also a process to check that

the new content has a productive effect in search engines.

Code enhancement – The website rank will also depend on the code enhancement of

your website. This process allows search engine spiders to understand the structure and

pages of your website. The main aim of this process is to make website user-friendly so that

the spiders are able to read the web page properly.

Link building – Link building is a very important part of search engine optimization.

During this process, a particular website is submitted on a few good websites having good

rating in the industry. It helps a website to get noticed quickly by search engines and also

the search engines will keep on visiting the website periodically.

Monitoring and controlling

Once the SEO strategies are implemented, it is time to check the monitoring of all these

activities. You need to do the following checks to monitor the success of an SEO campaign:

Checking the number of visitors to your website

Checking the conversion rate of visitors to customers

Checking the number of backlinks to your website

Checking the quality of backlinks to your website

Checking the increase of fans from your social campaigns

You can do all these by preparing reports to do analysis of the implemented strategies, ROI

analysis and identify areas that need improvement to increase your conversion rate.


After carrying out proper planning, execution and monitoring, it is time to check the rewards

associated with the use of strategies. During the closing phase, you can view the

quantitative growth of your business as the result of implementation of SEO strategies.

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Google Analytics – The best monitoring tool Google has devised a very effective tool to monitor the success of any search engine

optimization process. This tool is known as “Google Analytics”. Google Analytics is a

fantastic tool used by millions of websites globally. It is extremely useful because it shows

the amount of traffic coming to your website and from where the users have found the

website. It also helps in knowing the pages that users visit while searching for the


Available sources for hiring SEO services Businesses interested in hiring SEO services for propelling their growth can take help from

professional digital marketing companies. There are several digital marketing companies in

the market today offering league of exceptional SEO services.

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About Credence Digital Marketing Credence Digital Marketing is a leading digital marketing agency offering professional digital

marketing solutions to businesses. We have the expertise to create an online approach that

yields high returns on investment. Companies craving to make valuable difference in the

online profits and long term gains prefer to choose our global Internet Marketing solutions.

We are a team of qualified and experienced internet consultants.

Credence Digital Marketing is a one stop shop for all your digital needs because it offers

integrated marketing solutions at affordable pricing. We offer a complete array of digital

services comprising SEO, SMO, Viral marketing, Web Design and Development, Content

Writing, App Development and Mobile Optimization. If you are a new startup or a small

business, we can give you a leading edge. We are the experts in the field of search engine

optimization and know all ethical tactics to direct more quality visitors to your website.

Credence Digital Marketing works in accordance with the latest Google updates. All of our

Digital Marketing Packages are based on the changing algorithm of Google and other search

engines. We provide ethical SEO services that cater directly to the requirement of clients.

Businesses choose us the internet consultants because we promise a quick ranking

sequence and make use of logical approach to improve internet marketing.

When you hire SEO services or any other internet services from us, you will start

experiencing a steady growth. We are passionate about our work and commit good results

to our clients.

For more information about Credence Digital Marketing solutions, visit:

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