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Durability in Buildings including Plumbing Installations

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Handbook: Durability in Buildings Including Plumbing Installations

Important Notice and Disclaimer The Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB) and the participating Governments are committed to enhancing the availability and dissemination of information relating to the built environment. Where appropriate, the ABCB seeks to develop non-regulatory solutions to building-related issues.

This Handbook on Durability in Buildings Including Plumbing Installations (the Handbook) is provided for general information only and should not be taken as providing specific advice on any issue. In particular, this Handbook is not mandatory or regulatory in nature. Rather, it is designed to assist in making information on this topic readily available.

However, neither the ABCB, the participating Governments, nor the groups which have endorsed or been involved in the development of the Handbook, accept any responsibility for the use of the information contained in the Handbook and make no guarantee or representation whatsoever that the information is an exhaustive treatment of the subject matters contained therein or is complete, accurate, up-to-date or reliable for any particular purpose.

The ABCB, the participating Governments and groups which have endorsed or been involved in the development of the Handbook expressly disclaim all liability for any loss, damage, injury or other consequence, howsoever caused (including without limitation by way of negligence) which may arise directly or indirectly from use of, or reliance on, this Handbook.

Users should exercise their own skill and care with respect to their use of this Handbook and should obtain appropriate independent professional advice on any specific issues concerning them.

In particular, and to avoid doubt, the use of this Handbook does not–

• guarantee acceptance or accreditation of a design, material or building solution by any entity authorised to do so under any law;

• mean that a design, material or building solution complies with the National Construction Code (NCC); or

• absolve the user from complying with any Local, State, Territory or Australian Government legal requirements.

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Handbook: Durability in Buildings Including Plumbing Installations

© Australian Government and States and Territories of Australia 2015

This work is the copyright of the Australian Government and States and Territories of Australia and, apart from any use as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no part may be reproduced by any process without prior written permission. Requests and

enquiries concerning reproduction and rights should be directed in the first instance to:

General Manager – Australian Building Codes Board

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Handbook: Durability in Buildings Including Plumbing Installations

Preface The Inter-Government Agreement (IGA) that governs the ABCB places a strong emphasis on reducing reliance on regulation, including consideration of non-regulatory alternatives such as non-mandatory guidelines, handbooks and protocols.

This Handbook is one of a series produced by the ABCB. The series of Handbooks is being developed in response to comments and concerns expressed by government, industry and the community that relate to the built environment. The topics of Handbooks expand on areas of existing regulation or relate to topics which have, for a variety of reasons, been deemed inappropriate for regulation. The aim of the Handbooks is to provide construction industry participants with non-mandatory advice and guidance on specific topics.

The Durability in Buildings Including Plumbing Installations Handbook has been identified as an issue that requires consistent uniform guidance.

The Durability in Buildings Including Plumbing Installations has been developed to foster an improved understanding of the durability issues in building and plumbing installations. This Handbook addresses the issues in generic terms. It is expected that this Handbook will be used to develop solutions relevant to specific situations in accordance with the generic principles and criteria contained herein.

This Handbook was first published in 2006 titled ’Durability in Buildings – Guideline’. This edition of the Handbook was produced to include plumbing installations and to update content to ensure its relevance to current situation in 2015.

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Handbook: Durability in Buildings Including Plumbing Installations

Acknowledgements The ABCB acknowledges the valuable contributions of the following institutions that were involved with the first edition of this Handbook -

• Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation – Manufacturing and Infrastructure Technologies (CSIRO MIT);

• The National Association of Steel-frame Housing (NASH);

• Cement and Concrete and Aggregates Australia (C&CAA); and

• National Timber Development Council (NTDC) and the Forest and Wood Products Research and Development Corporation (FWPRDC).

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Handbook: Durability in Buildings Including Plumbing Installations

Table of Contents Important Notice and Disclaimer .................................................................................. ii

Preface........................................................................................................................... iv

Acknowledgements ....................................................................................................... v

Table of Contents ......................................................................................................... vi

1 Introduction ................................................................................................. 1

1.1 Scope ............................................................................................. 1

1.2 Limitations ...................................................................................... 1

1.3 Other Handbooks by the ABCB ..................................................... 2

2 Definition of terms ....................................................................................... 3

3 Durability Performance ............................................................................... 4

3.1 Aim ................................................................................................. 4

3.2 Performance Description ............................................................... 4

3.3 Performance Criteria ...................................................................... 4

3.4 Minimum Design Life ..................................................................... 4

4 Factors Affecting Durability ......................................................................... 7

4.1 Service Conditions ......................................................................... 7

4.2 Material Characteristics ................................................................. 8

4.3 Design and Detailing ...................................................................... 9

4.4 Workmanship ................................................................................. 9

4.5 Maintenance and Inspection .......................................................... 9

5 Design for Durability ................................................................................. 11

5.1 Strategy for Reliability .................................................................. 11

5.2 Factors to Be Considered ............................................................ 11

5.3 The Assessment of Durability ...................................................... 12

6 Bibliography .............................................................................................. 16

Appendix A List of Relevant ISO Standards of Durability Testing ............. 17 A.1 Standards on how to expose specific materials outdoors ......................... 17

A.2 Standards on how to expose specific materials to artificial weathering .... 17

Appendix B Current Australian Practice on Durability Testing .................. 19 B.1 Some test methods used in Australia ....................................................... 19 B.2 Other Related Referenced Standards ...................................................... 21

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Handbook: Durability in Buildings Including Plumbing Installations

1 Introduction


This Handbook is not mandatory or regulatory in nature and compliance with it will not necessarily discharge a user's legal obligations. The Handbook should only be read and used subject to, and in conjunction with, the general disclaimer at page ii.

The Handbook also needs to be read in conjunction with the building legislation of the relevant State or Territory. It is written in generic terms and it is not intended that the content of the Handbook counteract or conflict with the legislative requirements, any references in legal documents, any handbooks issued by the Administration or any directives by the Appropriate Authority.

1.1 Scope The objective of this Handbook is to address the issue of durability within the context of the built environment. Aspects of durability relating to the objectives of safety, health, amenity and sustainability are considered.

This Handbook is intended as guidance for product manufacturers, appraisers and technical specification writers such as Standards Australia technical committees, for consideration when developing durability solutions.

1.2 Limitations This Handbook is not intended to:

• override or replace any legal rights, responsibilities or requirements; or

• provide users with the specifics of the NCC.

The NCC and this Handbook do not address the issue of durability in terms of consumer protection; for instance, defective materials or products. However, certain plumbing and drainage materials and products are required to be certified and authorised for use in a plumbing or drainage installation. These materials and products are certified and authorised through the application of the WaterMark Certification Scheme and may address durability.

This Handbook addresses durability in generic terms. It is expected that industry will develop specific solutions relevant to specific materials in accordance with the principles and criteria of this Handbook. Materials and products subject to the WaterMark Certification Scheme are not specifically addressed in this Handbook.

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Handbook: Durability in Buildings Including Plumbing Installations

1.3 Other Handbooks by the ABCB The ABCB has produced a range of Handbooks and other educational material relating to topics associated with the NCC. They can be downloaded from the ABCB website.

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Handbook: Durability in Buildings Including Plumbing Installations

2 Definition of terms A number of selected defined terms, relevant to the durability in buildings and plumbing installations are discussed in this chapter to assist with interpretation.

Durability means the capability of a building or plumbing installation to perform its function over a specified period of time.

Durability is not an inherent property of a material or component. It is the outcome of complex interactions among a number of factors. Chapter 4 of this Handbook contains a detailed discussion of these factors.

Design life means the period for which a building or plumbing installation is expected to fulfil its intended function.

Other equivalent terms such as design working life, intended life, working life, service life, reference period etc. should be avoided because they might imply slightly different meanings. Design life should not be interpreted as a guarantee. Implicit in the definition is the assumption that regular maintenance will be carried out and that there will be no unusual events such as a large earthquake. See also Chapter 4 of this Handbook.

Maintenance means the total set of activities performed during the design life to retain a building or plumbing installation in a state in which it can fulfil its intended function.

Repair means activities performed to return a building or plumbing installation to an acceptable condition. The activities may include raising the performance level or extending the design life.

Repair is more commonly used for making good any damage that impairs the original functioning and design life of a component. Hence, maintenance may lead to repair. The difference between maintenance and repair is one of intention. Maintenance activities are intended to enable a structure or component to maintain its current performance level, while repair activities might raise the performance level or extend the design life beyond the original intention. See also Chapter 5 of this Handbook.

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Handbook: Durability in Buildings Including Plumbing Installations

3 Durability Performance This chapter sets out durability performance in general terms, including the aim, performance description, performance criteria and minimum design life.

3.1 Aim The aim of durability performance is to ensure that the objectives of safety, health, amenity and sustainability are maintained for the length of time necessary to fulfil community expectations of the building or plumbing installation.

3.2 Performance Description The durability of a building or plumbing installation should be described in terms of a design life and the necessary maintenance to achieve that design life.

3.3 Performance Criteria The durability of a building or plumbing installation in its environment should be such that it remains fit for use during the design life, given appropriate maintenance.

3.4 Minimum Design Life The minimum design life for a building or plumbing installation and the components of their subsystems should be as shown in Table 3-1.

Table 3-1 Design life of building and plumbing installations and their components

Building Design

Life Category

Building Design

Life (years)

Design life for components or

sub systems readily

accessible and economical to

replace or repair (years)

Design life for components or

sub systems with moderate ease of access but difficult or

costly to replace or repair (years)

Design life for components or sub

systems not accessible or not

economical to replace or repair


Short 1 < dl < 15 5 or dl (if dl<5) dl dl

Normal 50 5 15 50

Long 100 or more

10 25 100

Note: Design Life (dl) in years

The design life of buildings should be taken as ‘Normal’ for all building importance categories unless otherwise specified.

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Handbook: Durability in Buildings Including Plumbing Installations

3.4.1 Building design life Although there is generally a correlation between the category of building design life and the importance level of a building, the concepts should not be confused. An important building may have a short design life and an unimportant building may have a long design life.


Short design life

An example of a building with a 'short' design life is a temporary building on a mining lease. An example of a building with a short design life but of high importance would be a temporary public grandstand with crowd loading.

Long design life

Examples of buildings with a 'long' design life are monumental building structures or buildings of high importance.

Normal design life

All buildings without specific 'short' or 'long' design life should be considered as 'normal'.

3.4.2 Components and sub-system design life What constitutes a product or component needs careful consideration. For example, the coating on a column for the purpose of protecting the column against the weather is just one part of the column. The recoating of the column in this case is therefore a part of the maintenance requirement. However, the coating on a wall as a barrier for health purpose (e.g. operating room in a hospital) is a product by itself and its recoating should be considered as a repair or replacement operation.

Products installed for the purpose of sustainability (e.g. energy saving devices) may impose additional cost (financial or otherwise) and should remain functional much longer than the period required to ‘break even’. Otherwise there is no rational in their use.


Not accessible or not economical to replace

Examples of products 'not accessible or not economical to replace or repair' are structural frames or plumbing products embedded in or buried beneath a concrete floor.

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Handbook: Durability in Buildings Including Plumbing Installations

Moderate ease of access but difficult or costly to replace

Examples of products with 'moderate ease of access but difficult or costly to replace or repair' are roof cladding systems or gutter and down-pipe systems.

Readily accessible and economical to replace

An example of a 'readily accessible and economical to replace or repair' item is window glass or water taps.

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Handbook: Durability in Buildings Including Plumbing Installations

4 Factors Affecting Durability The following factors should be specified or investigated when deriving durability solutions -

(a) the service conditions; (b) material characteristics including jointing material; (c) design and detailing; (d) workmanship; and (e) maintenance.


Durability is not an inherent property of a material or component. It is the outcome of complex interactions among all the factors (a) to (e). Consideration of all of these should be part of the design process.

4.1 Service Conditions Service conditions that need to be considered include environmental agents and specific conditions that might affect durability.

4.1.1 Environmental Agents The investigation of the service conditions should include at least the following environmental agents, as appropriate –

(a) temperature; (b) solar radiation; (c) humidity; (d) rainfall; (e) wind and air flow; (f) soil type; (g) exposure to airborne salt; (h) pollutants; (i) saline environment; (j) biological hazards; (k) chemical agents.

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Handbook: Durability in Buildings Including Plumbing Installations

These agents should be quantified in terms of intensity, concentration level and frequency of exposure or cycling. The effects of agents acting in combination should be considered.


The first task in the development of a durability solution should be to identify the relevant agents of degradation which characterise the environment of the building or plumbing installation and its components. Different components or materials will react differently to different agents. All relevant agents, both external and internal, should be identified, including agents that will be relevant only after the product is in use.

4.1.2 Specific Conditions Sub-systems or components, that are subject to some or all of the following specific conditions should be specified or investigated –

(a) condensation; (b) cyclic changes (from hot or cold or wet to dry); (c) agents due to usage (e.g. aggressive, inappropriate maintenance or agents); and (d) ground contact.

Actions by users can also impact on durability. Examples are direct wear caused by heavy use (e.g. foot traffic on floors), accidental impacts (e.g. spilled goods) or internal process humidity (e.g. laundries and pools).


While the location of the building or plumbing installation determines its exposure to the macro climate, the location of its components determines their exposure to the micro climates that are of particular significance in identifying the relevant agents of degradation.

4.2 Material Characteristics Material characteristics that have a bearing on durability should be specified or investigated.

Materials vary in their reaction to the agents of degradation. It is therefore appropriate that durability provisions should be provided in material design standards. Chemical and physical characteristics of materials such as fatigue, freeze-thaw, UV degradation, different rate of expansion/contraction etc. may or may not have bearing on durability

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Handbook: Durability in Buildings Including Plumbing Installations

depending on the particular circumstance. Durability performance of traditional materials is known through data and/or experience for some but may not be known for all relevant agents. Innovative materials may be designed to achieve better durability against certain agents but not others.

4.3 Design and Detailing Aspects of design and detailing that have a bearing on durability should be specified or investigated.

Design and detailing may enhance or degrade durability performance. Protection against agents or avoidance of their degrading effects, are measures that can be achieved through design and detailing. Examples of durability problems that can be overcome by appropriate design and detailing are pooling of water, interstitial condensation and dissimilar metals.

4.4 Workmanship Aspects of workmanship that have a bearing on durability should be specified or investigated.

Careful attention to other factors may be easily undone by poor quality workmanship during manufacturing or installation. The possibility of variable workmanship should be considered in design. Examples of durability problems that can be overcome by appropriate workmanship are poor connections, jointing and gradients.

4.5 Maintenance and Inspection The maintenance and inspection required for the product to achieve their design life should be specified.

The identification of essential maintenance, as distinct from maintenance for appearance only, should be considered for critical elements affecting health and safety.

Maintenance activities that can be reasonably anticipated should be taken into account in design. How much or how often maintenance should be carried out should be part of the design specification. Decisions should be made in accordance with the strategy adopted for design. However, unrealistic requirements for maintenance should be avoided.

Examples of durability problems that can be overcome by appropriate maintenance are regular removal of corrosive deposits by cleaning, renewal of elements of short design

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life, testing of components for proper functioning etc. See also Chapter 5 of this Handbook.

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Handbook: Durability in Buildings Including Plumbing Installations

5 Design for Durability This chapter discusses various aspects of design for durability. These include design strategy, factors to be considered appropriate to the selected strategy and the general problem of durability assessment.

5.1 Strategy for Reliability Design should be achieved either by a maintenance program or, in those cases where maintenance cannot (or is not expected to) be carried out, by design so that deterioration will not lead to failure.

Design for durability should take into account the natural durability of the materials as well as maintenance and inspection if used. Check for durability in limit states format should be carried out in accordance with 5.3.3.

Figure 5-1 Performance level with respect to design life

5.2 Factors to Be Considered In designing for durability, the following factors should be considered –

(a) intended use of the structure or system; (b) required performance criteria; (c) expected environmental conditions; (d) composition, properties and performance of the materials; (e) structural system;

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(f) shape of the members and the structural detailing; (g) quality of the workmanship and level of control; (h) particular protective measures; and (i) maintenance during the design life.

5.3 The Assessment of Durability This section outlines the general procedure for durability assessment and various methods of assessment.

5.3.1 General Procedure The assessment of durability should be carried out as follows –

(a) identify the service conditions; (b) identify the relevant environmental agents and specific locations that contribute to

the problem (see Section 4.1 of this Handbook); (c) identify the deterioration and damage mechanisms; (d) identify the relevant factors to be considered (see Section 4.2 of this Handbook); (e) identify the relevant limit states associated with the functional failures for the

intended use; (f) estimate the deterioration-time relationship; and (g) determine whether the anticipated deterioration is acceptable or the building

components or assemblies need to be maintained, repaired or replaced within the design life of the building.

The aim of any durability assessment is to ensure that buildings and plumbing installations and/or their components are able to maintain the required performance for the term of their design lives. The deterioration-time relationship is often non-linear.

The assessment should be carried out based on a sound understanding and application of the principles of building science in the modelling of the deterioration process.

Some assessment of the reliability of the proposed solution should be included with the durability assessment.

5.3.2 Methods of Assessment Durability should be assessed by one of the methods described in this section. Assessment should also be carried out by appropriate experts in the area.

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Handbook: Durability in Buildings Including Plumbing Installations Historical record

This method should be used only for identical components or assemblies that have been used successfully and in the same environment.

A successful historical record of performance is the best way of demonstrating the durability of a product in any particular application. Historical records, when thoroughly investigated, will be able to provide acceptable descriptive solutions. Common forms of descriptive solutions are –

• protective coatings;

• composition/thickness;

• specific design details; or

• specific installation/maintenance requirements.

Historical records, however, are location dependent. An acceptable solution at one location may become inappropriate for another location. The following points should be noted when considering the application of a descriptive solution to a new usage -

• The environment: the macro-environments and micro-environments relevant to the historical records and the new application need to be compared. This is of particular importance if the solution or product is of overseas origin.

• Materials interaction: individual materials that are durable by themselves might degrade rapidly when in contact with other materials. Typical problems are galvanic corrosion, interaction of timber preservatives with other materials, plasticiser migration in sealants, etc.

• Changes in formulation: major changes to the formulation of products and materials may make historical records irrelevant. Modelling and historical record

This method should be used for similar components or assemblies that have been used successfully in the same environment or proven components or assemblies in moderately different environments.

The modelling of the deterioration process should take into account all factors listed in Section 5.2 of this Handbook. Modelling and testing

This method should be used for innovative components or assemblies or proven components or assemblies in significantly different environments. Testing should be

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used when a new situation is encountered. It could be a new innovative material or product, or an established material or product to be used in a new environment.

Testing, if used, should follow internationally established procedures when available as this will facilitate the interpretation and comparison of results. 6Appendix A provides a list of available ISO Standards. 6Appendix B contains information on current Australian Durability testing practice.

Testing should be accompanied by documented expert interpretation of the results.

A key factor in all testing is whether the test can accurately reproduce the deterioration mechanisms that will take place in service.

Common procedures include –

• Direct testing: Durability is considered to be acceptable if a certain level of performance is achieved for a certain test. This type of criteria is often used in abrasion, fatigue or impact assessment.

• Indirect testing: Durability is considered to be acceptable if the measurements of certain characteristics, which can be correlated to durability performance, exceed a certain predetermined value. For example, hardness can be used as a substitute for abrasion resistance. Indirect testing may include extreme tests in which the product is subjected to much harsher conditions than ever encountered in real use e.g. boiling test for glued products.

• Natural ageing/weathering tests: These are the most reliable testing method if the test exposure condition can simulate the actual exposure condition accurately. The major drawback is that it may take a very long time to obtain any results.

• Accelerated ageing/weathering tests: If the key mechanism for degradation can be identified; an accelerated test can be devised to shorten the duration of the test.

The modelling of the deterioration process should take into account all factors listed in Section 5.2 of this Handbook. Specialist expertise

Data obtained from historical records, testing or modelling will rarely be adequate to cover all applicable agents and conditions. The data should be viewed as an input to forecasts of durability rather than a final judgment. All of the data will need interpretation. Expert interpretation should be sought and non-expert interpretation should be avoided.

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5.3.3 Method for checking durability in limit states format In limit states format, the requirements for durability can be expressed as –

𝑅𝑅(𝑡𝑡) ≥ 𝑆𝑆(𝑡𝑡)

𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹𝐹 0 ≤ 𝑡𝑡 ≤ 𝑇𝑇

Where –

R(t) = resistance effects at time t

S(t) = the action effects at time t

T = the design life of the product

t = time

The probability of failure should not exceed the target probability of failure. Thus:

𝑃𝑃𝑓𝑓(𝑡𝑡) = 𝑃𝑃 �𝑅𝑅(𝑡𝑡)

𝑆𝑆(𝑡𝑡)< 1.0 � ≤ 𝑃𝑃𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡𝑡

Where –

Pf(t) = the probability of failure

Ptarget = the target probability of failure

The target probability of failure for the whole building or plumbing installation should be chosen based on the importance of the building, i.e. the reliability of the building or plumbing installation affected by durability issue should be the same as that for which durability is not an issue.

The target probability of failure for a product should be chosen based on the design life of the product, the difficulty and expense of maintenance and the consequences of failure as outlined in Chapter 3.

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6 Bibliography In developing this Handbook, references have been made to the following sources –

• The European Union Directive on Durability for Construction Products;

• Canadian Standards Association, Handbook on Durability in Buildings;

• The New Zealand Building Code; and

• ISO 13823 General Principles on the Design of Structures for Durability.

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Appendix A List of Relevant ISO Standards of Durability Testing

A.1 Standards on how to expose specific materials outdoors Standard Title

ISO 8565 Metals and alloys—Atmospheric corrosion testing—General requirements for field tests.

ISO 877 Plastics—Methods of exposure to direct weathering, to weathering using glass—filtered daylight, and to intensified weathering by daylight using Fresnel mirrors.

ISO 2810 Paints and varnishes—Natural weathering of coatings – Exposure and assessment.

ISO 4665 Rubber, vulcanised and thermoplastic—Resistance to weathering.

ISO 9226 Corrosion of metals and alloys—Corrosivity of atmospheres—Determination of corrosion rate of standard specimens for the evaluation of corrosivity

A.2 Standards on how to expose specific materials to artificial weathering

Standard Title ISO 4611 Plastics—Determination of the effects of exposure to damp

heat, water spray and salt mist.

ISO 877 Plastics—Methods of exposure to direct weathering, to weathering using glass—filtered daylight, and to intensified weathering by daylight using Fresnel mirrors.

ISO 4892 Part 1 Plastics—Methods of exposure to laboratory light sources—Part 1: General guidance

ISO 4892 Part 2 Plastics—Methods of exposure to laboratory light sources—Part 2: Xenon-arc lamps.

ISO 4892 Part 3 Plastics—Methods of exposure to laboratory light sources—Part 3: Fluorescent UV lamps.

ISO 4892 Part 4 Plastics—Methods of exposure to laboratory light sources—Part 4: Open-flame carbon-arc lamps.

ISO 291 Plastics—Standard atmospheres for conditioning and testing.

ISO 9370 Plastics—Instrumental determination of radiant exposure in weathering tests—General guidance and basic test method.

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Standard Title ISO 4582 Plastics—Determination of changes in colour and variations in

properties after exposure to daylight under glass, natural weathering or laboratory light sources.

ISO 3668 Paints and varnishes—Visual comparison of the colour of paints.

ISO 16474 Part 2 Paints and varnishes—Artificial weathering and exposure to artificial radiation and weathering—Exposure to filtered xenon-arc radiation.

ISO 16474 Part 3 Paints and varnishes—Exposure of coatings to artificial weathering—Exposure to fluorescent UV and water.

ISO 4665 Rubber - vulcanised and thermoplastic—Resistance to weathering.

ISO 30013 Rubber and plastics hoses—Exposure to three types of laboratory light source (xenon-arc, fluorescent UV and open-flame carbon-arc lamps).—determination of changes in colour, appearance and other physical properties.

ISO 11431 Building construction—Jointing products—Determination of adhesion/cohesion properties of sealants after exposure to heat, water and artificial light through glass.

ISO 13638 Building construction—Sealants—Determination of resistance to prolonged exposure to water.

ISO 14615 Adhesives—Durability of structural adhesive joints—Exposure to humidity and temperature under load.

ISO 2135 Anodising of aluminium and its alloys – Accelerated test of light fastness of coloured anodic oxide coating using artificial light.

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Handbook: Durability in Buildings Including Plumbing Installations

Appendix B Current Australian Practice on Durability Testing

Durability testing is product dependent. In Australia, standards on durability testing are therefore normally included as a part of the specific product or material standard. There are also protocols for durability assessments developed by interest groups; these are often used in particular industries.

B.1 Some test methods used in Australia Product Type Australian

Standard Description

Aggregates AS 1141.25 Parts 1, 2 & 3 - and testing

Degradation factor sampling

Aluminium and alloys AS 1247 Evaluating corrosion tests

Bituminous products AS 2341 Durability determination - testing

Ceramic tiles AS 4459 7 - Abrasion, Part 5 - Impact, Part 11 -Crazing, Part 12 - Frost, Part 13 - Chemical

Cladding (impact test) AS 4040 Part 4 - Part 5 -

Sheet roofs, Wall boards

Concrete AS 1012 Part 20 - Chloride / sulphate

AS 2350 Part 14 - Sulphate resistance

Corrosion tests AS 4036 Dissimilar metals in sea water

AS 2331 Part 3 - Metallic coating

AS 3572 Part 15 - GRP pipe

AS 2205 Part 10.1 - Welds

Doors AS 4505 Durability cycle test – domestic garage

Elastomeric hose AS 1180 series

Methods of testing

Fire alarm systems tests

AS 2362 Part 13 - Part 16 - Part 23 - Part 14 -

Corrosion, Impact, Weathering, Crushing

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Handbook: Durability in Buildings Including Plumbing Installations

Product Type Australian Standard


Kitchens AS 4387 series

Domestic assemblies test methods

Masonry construction AS 2699 Parts 1, 2 & 3 - Built-in components

Masonry units AS 4456 Part 9 - Abrasion, Part 10 - Salt attack

Metal coatings AS 2331 series

Corrosion tests

Metal finish AS 3894 series

Protective, site testing

Paints and related materials

AS 1580 series

Methods of testing

Pipes and fittings AS/NZS 3707 Pressure cycling resistance

Pipe joints AS 5055 Resistance to plant root intrusion

Plastics for pipes and fittings

AS/NZS 1462 series

Methods of test

Plastics for roofs and walls

AS 4257 Part 6 - Impact, Part 7 - Impact after ultraviolet exposure

Plastics waste fittings AS 2888 Part 8 – Thermal cycling test Part 11 – Cyclic testing of plastics telescopic waste connectors

Plumbing AS 3558 series

Impact resistance, thermal shock

Plywood AS 2098 series

Methods of test for veneer and plywood

Polyurethane (cellular) AS 2282 Part 10 - Accelerated aging, Part 7 - Tear resistance

Rocks AS 4133 Part 3 - Swelling and slake durability

Roofing tiles AS 4046 Part 4 - Water absorption, Part 5 - Permeability, Part 6 - Freeze/thaw

Rubber AS 1683 Part 26 - Accelerated aging, Part 12 - Tearing

Timber stress grade tests

AS 4490 Monitoring structural properties

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Handbook: Durability in Buildings Including Plumbing Installations

Product Type Australian Standard


Tilt-up concrete elements

AS 4548 Part 5 - Long life coating

Wood-based panels AS 4266 Part 20 - Part 33 -

Abrasion, Veneer bond durability

Wood preservatives Protocol for assessment of wood preservatives

Developed by the Australasian wood preservation committee. This document refers to other European and US test methods for wood preservatives: • EN20-2, EN49-2, EN73, EN84, EN113,

EN330 and EN225 of European Standards.

• M10, M9 and M7 of American Wood Preservers' Association

B.2 Other Related Referenced Standards In addition to the major material-specific design Standards that usually devote at least one section to durability issues, the following Australian Standards also relate to durability issues although not specifically on durability testing.

Durability Issue Australian Standard

Wood preservatives AS 1605

Atmospheric corrosion AS 2312

Boilers AS 4037 (examination and testing)

Building sites AS 1289 (soil test)

Emergency lighting AS 2293 Part 2 (inspection and maintenance)

Environmental testing (electrotechnology) AS 60068 series

Fire protection systems and equipment AS 1851(maintenance)

Flooring tests AS 4155 series

Fungal growth testing AS 1157 series

Glass filament reinforced plastic AS 3572

Pliable building membrane AS 4201

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