  • 8/13/2019 Secret of Life - Part 6


    Yesterday evening I was out for dinner with some of my old business friends. They all claim that they are

    my personal friends as well. However when I analysed the situation, I found that we never call each

    other except for once in 6 months and that too only if we have some work, we never ask each other

    about our families, we never wish each other birthdays or marriage anniversaries. In fact we do not

    know till today the mindset or thought process of one another.

    During the course of dinner I heard them cheerful & talking excitedly to each other. But the only topic

    they were discussing were their own CTCs & their fancy designations. They were taking pride in how

    much money they have saved and discussing enthusiastically about their profiles, the number of people

    who report into them. For a moment I felt that they were all kings of their own kingdom and the people

    who report to them are the subjects. I was somehow feeling that I was the odd an out here.

    The goal or purpose in life should be enlightenment or in other words you should have freedom from

    the materialistic world. The path to freedom is the less travelled one because nowadays people have

    other priorities in life. They claim to be intelligent but do not understand the magic of life. In the

    spiritual sense you should be free from materialistic things and then the only thing left would be pure

    love for everything in nature.

    However my friends were claiming they were intelligent & successful and the measurement parameter

    was the CTC, bank balance, fancy designations etc. For them achievement was green paper and not

    mental peace. They argue that they can buy mental peace with green bucks.

    If intelligent means these kind of people, I sincerely hope you are not intelligent. I think we all know

    about the intention experiment and the law of attraction and manifestation.

    Manifesting is the metaphysical art and science of how we can easily bring our desires into the physical

    world. It is natural process that involves a specific vibration of energy which you experience that willattract any heartfelt desire to you quickly and effortlessly! Manifesting will happen for you

    spontaneously when you practice these 7 Manifesting Laws below along with the ancient scientific

    techniques, manifesting exercises, and 8 habit routine to raise your manifesting vibration.

    These 7 Manifesting Laws provide a foundational base for deepening the awesome manifesting powers

    within you, and for you to actually see one specific BIG desire or physical manifestation show up with

    effortless ease, you'll want to do the manifesting exercises, techniques, and meditations. The desire

    should be spreading live and happiness and balance in the ecosystem.

    The 7 Universal Laws of Manifesting

    1. Slow Down, Relax and Fully Be Here Now.

    Being ever-present to this eternal moment is one of the most essential and basic key to manifesting.

  • 8/13/2019 Secret of Life - Part 6


    The mind will jump from past to the future and back again to the past, distracting you from the Infinite

    Source of power that is only here now. The entire Universe is happening only in this moment. If you are

    thinking about anything but this moment you are missing out on the Source that is connected to

    everyone and everything in it. The mind/ego is an extraordinary tool and is what we use to manifest our

    desires with. If the mind is free from the distracting thoughts about the past and future, then the

    amazing core of your magical manifesting power has room to come through! By slowing down you areable to shut off the mind chatter and tap directly into the infinite Source of manifesting power that is

    available ONLY in the Now. The breath is closely associated with the mind, so if you're breathing from a

    lower and slower pace and space in your body you can hear your thoughts better and can control your

    mind easier. When we are relaxed we are more receptive and open to receiving what we desire. So

    practice being conscious of your breath and breathing slower and deeper throughout the day. As you

    learn how to slow down your thoughts, your breathing and the movement of your body, eventually the

    mind comes to a halt and creates space of timelessness. Here we tap into the Infinite Source and you

    make contact with a super-natural power inside. When we live throughout our day at an enjoyable

    relaxed and peace filled pace, we can truly resource the intelligence and power in this eternal moment.

    For this week experiment with walking slower, eating slower, talking slower (actually slow down to

    annunciate your words) and start driving under the speed limit (it is a speed limit, not a minimum). This

    practice will create more depth, relaxation and awareness in your being....enjoy!

    2. Practice Stillness Everyday.

    In order to stop the constant chattering of the mind, we need a conscious daily Meditation practice of

    training the mind. Practice focusing on one thing (your breath) to strengthen the mind to obey your

    every command. Manifesting happens instantly when you have made the mind your servant and YOU

    the master of it. The longer you can maintain focus on your breath, the faster your goals will manifest

    for you. The actual time it takes to manifest is directly proportional to the number of minutes you can

    concentrate on what you want without distraction. You are a beautiful powerful consciousness.

    Become the master of your thoughts, get to know this seat of consciousness inside.

    3. Make Conscious Contact With The Universe

    The first step here is to acknowledge that there is a higher power inside you right now, and its very easily

    available to you. The next step is to be open to this extremely ever-present intelligent Source that is

    always happening everywhere you are. Believe and get to know your personal conscious connection

    with this sacred omni-present Source of power. Give yourself a special time each day to be still, quiet

    and connect with this higher conscious power. When you feel some form of contact, ask God to bring

    your desired goal into form. If your request is done with sincerity you will manifest the most amazing

    results. As you progress in your relationship with this very real divine intelligence, center your mind

    closer to your heart. You will come to know that God is closer to you than your heart, your mind or your

    next breath of air.

    4. Trust in Life's Magical Unfolding Process.

    Be infinitely patient! Discover a deeper "knowingness" inside you that can help you let go of anxiety,

    disbelief and doubt. Decide and believe that your goal is on its way. The Universe is always supporting

    what you want and if you affirm what you want it will always help you to achieve it. The more you can

    surrender to this deeply wise and powerful feeling of trust and letting go, the more the Universe can

  • 8/13/2019 Secret of Life - Part 6


  • 8/13/2019 Secret of Life - Part 6


    The 3 Greatest Blocks to Manifesting

    1. An Uncontrollable Incessantly Chattering Mind.

    The mind without stillness or supervision becomes an easily distracted and weak focusing tool. By

    vigilantly watching the mind, observing your thoughts and maintaining concentration on the breath you

    will be able to control it and master it with patience. Having an untamed mind is like being in a dark

    jungle with a pack of very hungry wild tigers. With a constantly chattering mind, life becomes this roller

    coaster of emotional experiences where survival is the only priority. Taking control of this wild beast

    called your Mind is as easy as grabbing the steering the wheel of your car and directing your life down

    the off-ramp and highway to your dreams.

    2. Fear, Self-Doubt and Worry.

    Fear is like putting on the brakes of your car all the time which stop your life from going in the direction

    of your dreams. The greatest opposing manifesting force in the Universe is fear. When we discover that

    our fears are merely the shadows of negative thoughts and emotions, we can free ourselves from the

    limiting beliefs we've placed upon ourselves. When we live each day completely free of fear and doubt,

    everything we want in our lives becomes magically attracted to us in the most miraculous ways.

    3. Lack of Love for your Dream.

    This type of indifference is as if we are afraid to touch the gas pedal of our car. It is a very lazy sloth-like

    attitude where we take life for granted and only randomly appreciate being entertained by a good T.V.

    show or movie once in a while. It is similar to being in the car when its in neutral, coasting through our

    days in a daze of unnecessary boredom mixed with depression and anger. It happens when we arelacking motivation and inspiration caught in a velvet rutted comfort zone, thinking we know God. The

    truth is the Source of Existence is infinite and to discover the essence of it is an unfolding that lasts for

    eternity. When we appreciate the smaller things in life we fall deeply in love with our dream again.

    To get out of this rut, we need to give up our cozy isolated cave of non-action and false security

    pretending to be O.K. and doing just "F.I.N.E." (Fully In Need of Everything). When we are focused on

    loving what we do and doing what we love, we become unstuck from the thickest illusionary mask of our

    Ego-trip and each day becomes more memorable than the next. The best way to relinquish this block is

    to get out of the stands and onto the playing field of life. If you feel you're in a velvet rut it's time to take

    ANY kind of new action towards your life's dream.

    Note - Copyright protected. Not to be transmitted in any form, electronic or hard copy. By SSA

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