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-The Special Report-

October 2nd

2009 Limited Edition

Hidden Wealth Advisors

UN Limited

Secrets To Getting Jobs/Opportunities and

Keeping Them

©Copyright 2009 By Jade Cory Smith

All rights reserved under international copyright law. Contents and/or cover may not

be reproduced in whole or part without expressed written consent of the publisher.

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More Reports/ebooks from Hidden Wealth Advisors

Look out for more reports from Hidden Wealth Advisors in the

realm of sales, marketing, negotiating, money, business and

much more.


UN Limited

Mission: Hidden Wealth Advisors is dedicated to uncovering the untapped

and hidden wealth, which lies dormant in every individual and every business.

Who Are We and What Do We Do?

We are a Private Company and we do Peak Performance Training and Consulting for Business

Owners. We are Advisors who assist individuals and business owners with harnessing their present

resources more effectively, through for example the use of leverage; the use OPM (Other People’s

Money), OPT (Other People’s Time) and OPK (Other People’s Knowledge). We have a myriad of

innovative and ‘jack pot’ strategies that we use to improve the effectiveness, efficiency, output and

profits of our clients.

What Aspects Do We Cover?

One to One or Group Advisory: Free Advisory Session

Business Performance: Unique and effective ways to accelerate individual/business

performance and income/profits

Sales Training: How to sell your products, ideas and most importantly yourself

Negotiation Training: How to negotiate successful outcomes; transactions, deals and hostile


Innovative Marketing Strategy: Designing and implementing highly effective Online/Offline

marketing campaigns

Adversity into Opportunities Training: The essence of achievement

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Economics, Business & Financial Training: The new and real rules of the game

Opportunities/Partnerships: Referral Services: We work in partnership with other carefully

selected, successful trainers, teachers and business support services in the realm of: share

investing/trading, property investment, internet/e-commerce, network marketing and many


Free Consultation: For all services there is a free 45 minute, no obligation to buy consultation


If you require further information, contact us now: 07951 156 934


Thank you, dear reader, for requesting a copy of this report,

which I am delighted to share with you. You have taken a small,

but very significant step and if you don‟t mind, I wish to refer to

you as, “The Success-Minded High Achiever”

My name is Jade Cory Smith and I am the Owner and co-

founder of Hidden Wealth Advisors UN Limited: you may or you

may not know me, but that‟s fine all the same. We are now

officially acquainted and it‟s a pleasure to correspond with you.

I hope we get to meet someday. You might be wondering why

there is a picture of me holding a baby Alligator on the opening

page. This is a metaphor; simply to illustrate that F.E.A.R

(False Evidences Appearing Real) can cheat and rob you of

some of life‟s most wonderful experiences. You may not want

to hold an alligator, but what do you want to do that you fear


Three Quick Reasons Why You Should Read This Report

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1, If you are unemployed and are looking for jobs/opportunities

2. If your current job doesn‟t excite you

3. If you just want some new ideas and a different perspective

Warning: You may have requested this report, thinking that it

would have tips about CV‟s, interviews and all that jazz, but it

doesn‟t. It‟s much more than that. This report is special

because these are not ordinary times we‟re living in my friend,

and so it requires a unique and exceptional approach. You

have in your possession something quite remarkable and the

work of many great minds. Therefore please apply some of the

principles and put at least one idea into practise. I promise; you

will not have wasted your time. In this report, I intend to

challenge the status quo, therefore some of what I say, may

sound strange or quite new, but stick with it. It will unfold and

become clearer as you read further.

Just consider some of the thoughts and ideas laid down, you

don‟t have to accept them and no-one is forcing you to agree

with them. But they do work and that‟s all that should matter.

A Tinkle About Me.

I was born and raised in Stonebridge, near Harlesden, North

West London; you may be familiar with the place. It‟s depicted

by some folk to be the crime capital of the whole universe. But

for me, growing up in Stonebridge were the happiest days of

my childhood. Of course there were the occasional fist fights

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with friends, but apart from that everything was copacetic and

cool. Most of my friends who lived on my block turned out pretty

good and many went on to University.

Climbing Mount Everest

I‟ve been through many trials and tribulations in my life; the

majority in the last 6 years. Struggles I wouldn‟t wish on my

worst enemy, if I had any. I was pre-warned by one of my

mentors before I set out on this path. He said I would need to

prepare myself as if I was going to climb Mount Everest.

Now having been through what I have, I might just have chosen

to climb Mount Everest, naked with a 300lb Gorilla on my back.

Maybe I‟ll share with you the epic and super extended 10 hour

Lord of the Rings Version, if we ever meet. However, the fact

that I am writing and sending this out is a testament to my

creator, my strong will and the people around me. So, if you

helped me through my situation, thank you. If you didn‟t, thank

you anyway.

Moving Swiftly On

I graduated from University, what now seems like years ago,

with a very good degree in Business Economics. For various

reasons I decided that I didn‟t want to get a job, as most of my

mates were doing or study any further in the convectional way.

I could‟ve gone to work for a prestigious Investment Bank. But I

decided I wanted to own The Bank instead. I said to myself, if I

had to get a job, it needed to give me the skills and abilities to

run my own business. Now, several years later and a few

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business ventures later, I‟m writing this report. I‟m going to be

honest with you; I don‟t think having a job is the greatest thing

in the world. But that‟s just my opinion. I like to be free thinking,

free doing, setting my own rules and have a chance to earn as

much money as I desire.

What are your views?

My Reasons

You may think it strange that a business minded person is

writing a report about how to get a job; the reason? The

principle‟s I outline here are universal. My favourite music artist

said it the best, “I‟m not a businessman, I‟m a Business, man.”

What this means is that I see myself as a business and so

should you. The quicker you understand and conduct your life

by a business based philosophy (BBP), the more you will see

opportunities and be able to take advantage of them. By a BBP,

I mean the way you think and present yourself. All aspects of

life can be looked at as a business.

If you are in business, you are selling a product or a service. If

you are an employee, you have to sell your ideas to your boss

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or your co-workers and you will have to keep providing that

service on a daily, weekly basis etc.

If you have a partner, before you dated, you may have had to

sell the good qualities about yourself, for example if you are a

guy, you may have told your lady to be that, you have the

biggest stamp collection in the world or something very similar.

Every day you are selling yourself or your ideas and you are

either experiencing great results or not so great results. The

more you understand the BBP, the more powerful and enriched

you will become.

Therefore the secret is to not go out there „looking for jobs‟; well

that‟s okay if you want the bare minimum. If you want to do

better, which I believe you can. Think of problems that exist

around you and find out if you have the skills to solve them -

find out what is needed, and then deliver it, just like I‟m doing. If

you don‟t have the skills, find out how you can acquire them for

free or at little cost.

Being unemployed

If you are unemployed, identify what position you want. Find out

all the employers who offer that kind of work, phone them up,

and then offer to work for free for two weeks or however long

you can afford. You have transferable skills that can be used

almost anywhere. Your help is very much needed at this time.

Many employers have had to let people go and they are most

likely under-staffed.

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Work for free? Quite a radical proposition. But if you are

unemployed, what else would you be doing that‟s more

beneficial. At least this way you are picking up valuable skills,

you are networking and you are out of the house. Even if that

particular company does not hire you, when you do get an

interview with a company and they ask you what you have

been doing for the last couple of months, how powerful does it

sound if you have been working and learning new skills?

You will have a much superior proposition, then someone who

has done nothing, but send out CV‟s for the past few months.

You also have to be aware that most jobs are filled by word of

mouth, for example I have been offered jobs because friends

have recommended me. Therefore the more

friends/acquaintances you have, the more chances you have of

finding a position or any other opportunity. So just staying at

home and looking for jobs on the internet is a no-no, millions of

other people are doing the same thing. Therefore the results

won‟t be that great.

Society, the system and employers are insistent on making you

a commodity, to be blunt, bland, boring and the same. This will

not do! You have to make yourself unique, distinctive and

special. You already are! But you have to let your real qualities

shine through. By making yourself incomparable you will

distance yourself from the competition. Then the prospective

employer or even a love interest will have no choice, but to

embrace you and request what you have to offer.

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Remember, I‟m just an email away if you require further

explanations on anything.

[email protected]

You need to get out there and market yourself and show people

your skills, abilities and what you have offer. Go to places

where you can meet people. „Clubbin‟ is okay, but not the best

way. Come to seminars like mine, or go to free ones, there are

plenty out there. Anywhere people gather, go there and make

yourself seen and heard.

But some words of warning; don‟t just go to these events and

meetings with a “what can I get” kind of attitude. Instead you

need to be thinking “how can I solve a problem?” or “How can I

help or be of service?”

Zig Ziglar says it like this,

“You can have anything you want in life, as long as you help enough people get what

they want.”

The people with the most money in the world solve the most

and the biggest problems. Take Michael Dell and Bill Gates; the

laptop and software I‟m using are the result of problems being

solved. Therefore if you solve massive problems and help

many people, you deserve all the money you can get your

hands on. But if you are not interested in helping people (I

know this doesn‟t apply to you), you will probably find that not

many opportunities come your way or you‟ll be paid a pittance.

Being Paid How Much You’re Worth

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In this world, hate it or love it, you get paid for the value you

bring to the market place. That footballer, his name begins with

„R‟, Ronaldo, Rovaldo, Ronaldino, Ravioli or something. I‟m not

a football fan, as you can tell. A club wanted to buy him for

£100 million recently. The reason he is worth so much is

because of the millions of viewers he brings to the TV and

football stadiums to watch him play. He has great skill, which is

hard to replace. The more people that watch him (except me of

course), the bigger the revenue from adverts and

endorsements; and so the more he‟s worth.

Therefore, how in-demand are you? This is the only thing which

will determine how much you get paid and how long you keep

your job or opportunity. Think of a Dust Bin Man, I‟m not having

a bash, merely for illustration purposes. He can be easily

replaced and the skill level for the job is not that high or unique,

which is why he is not paid as much as our friend Mr Ravioli.

However, one of the Richest men in Miami USA, billionaire

Wayne Huizenga, started off as a humble Dustin Bin Man. It all

depends on your mind-set and how big your dreams and goals


Therefore how big are you playing? How big are your goals?

It‟s not are you worthy of your goals, but are your goals worthy

of you? Do you have a vision for your life? A great book, it has

sold hundreds of millions of copies all over the world and is

over 2000 years old says, where there is no vision, the people

perish. I believe this means, if you don‟t have a vision for your

life, you will end up lost, unhappy and unfulfilled. It astounds

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me how many people, have what I call “Oh No! It‟s Monday

Morning, Oh Yes! Its Friday Afternoon Syndrome or

O.N.I.M.M.O.Y.I.F.A.S. Forget a swine flu pandemic, this

condition is endemic.

Do you suffer from O.N.I.M.M.O.Y.I.F.A.S.?

Did you know that most heart attacks happen on Sunday

evening? Maybe they‟re thinking about going to work the next


“But I Just Want a Job!”

On a serious note, you might be thinking “I just want I job”

Well, you still need to know exactly what sort of job you want

and what skills you have or need to get, so that you can move

forward. As I write today, the jobless figure just went up and

there is no need to tell you that these are serious times we are

living in. Yes, we are in a recession, which could get worse. But

don‟t be put off by that, more millionaires are made during

recession times, then at any other time. Because problems

present opportunities and those who can solve the biggest

problems get rewarded the most. If you want further clarification

on anything email me at [email protected] and I will do

my very best to explain it to you.

Your mental attitude will be the only determinant on whether

you go down in defeat or survive and prosper in these times, I

am hoping for you the latter, but only you can decide. And

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that‟s all I‟m going to say about the current economic conditions

– Why? – Because whatever you focus on, you‟ll get more of.

You are constantly being bombarded with negative imagery

and words, from the media and everywhere else. In order to

have a fighting chance of prospering in these times, you will

have to shut out some of these negative influences.

Think Over This:

Thoughts lead to feelings and feelings lead to actions – Think!

No thought lives in your head rent free. There is always a

price to paid for thinking a thought – Think!

At this point I‟m going to make a suggestion, which may sound

quite radical. Go on a 30 day news holiday. Yes, get rid of

newspapers, radio news, TV news, Internet news or messages

in bottles, whatever. You will see what a dramatic and positive

impact this will have on your outlook, and as a result your life.

Don‟t worry, if the world is about to end, someone will tell you.

Try it out and then email me and let me know how you got on.

[email protected]

I like to ask questions, and I believe I‟m very good at it, so if

you don‟t like being asked questions or thinking, please stop

reading now.

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Excellent you‟re still with me.

Here are three simple questions

1. Why do you want a Job in the first place?

You may be thinking, what a silly question, who is this guy and

what planet does he live on. It‟s okay to think this way. But,

work with me, my desire for you is to become a possibility

thinker. Therefore take a deep breath and ask yourself the


Possible answers could have been:

I need the money

I have bills to pay

I have debts to pay off

To feed, clothe myself and my family.

To pay for my next holiday

This is possibly one of the most important questions you could

ever ask yourself. Questions are so powerful. I asked myself

this question many years ago and it has drastically altered the

course of my life and the person I have become. The fact is,

you will most likely spend 35 hours a week for 45 years

working. This equates to 81,900 hours.

Therefore my second question is:

2. Do you love or enjoy what you do or intend to do?

If the answer is yes – Excellent!

If the answer is no – please see the question below

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3. Final question, I promise:

Why would you spend 81,900 hours of your precious life doing

something you don‟t love, don‟t enjoy or maybe don‟t even like?

Life does not have to be this way. You always have options. I‟m

not saying that you may not have to do a job that you don‟t like

in the short term, to meet some important long term objective.

But getting a job just to „pay the bills‟, I believe, is not the

answer. If you‟re not doing what you love or even enjoy, you

are in great danger of wasting your life and missing the

purpose, I believe, you were sent here for. You have to know

and believe that you are worth much more. And you are! First

you must recognise it, and then the rest of the world will to.

What Is Your Passion?

What is your passion and what do you love to do?

Is it dealing with people and helping to solve their


Is it looking after animals

Is making or designing things

Is it being a leader or managing people

Is it writing or speaking

Is it making music

Is it buying and selling stuff

Is it negotiating and doing deals

Is it teaching young people

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Is it sports

There are as many ideas out there, as there are people on this

earth and by the time I finish writing this report there will be

thousands more. The only limits that exist are those you place

on yourself.

If the thought of a job does not inspire you, start off a little

something of your own; part time. Even if it‟s just buying t-shirts

from Primark and printing a logo/design on them and then

selling them on ebay or wherever. Isn‟t that what Nike or

Adidas do? It doesn‟t matter what you do; taking the first step is

the most important. And if you fail, you won‟t die. Just pick

yourself up, dust off your Levi‟s or whatever you wear and try

something else, until you get the results you seek. Nobody is

born a great business mind, no matter what society tells you.

How many babies do you know that own businesses? I mean

successful ones? Like everything, it takes time and effort.

Having passion or enjoyment is essential for any job or

opportunity that you undertake. Take me for example; some

years ago I got a job at a well known, up market health club as

membership consultant; in other words selling gym

membership. I found it dead boring and as far as I was

concerned, I thought it was a rip off, to be Bruno. I had a hard

time selling the membership because I didn‟t believe what I was

selling was worth it. In short, I got the sack after 6 weeks,

without even a warning.

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Now, I didn‟t have a wife and kids to support, but what if I did? I

would‟ve been up poo poo‟s creek. It took me a few months to

find another job, mainly because I didn‟t know what I wanted to

do. So if you don‟t enjoy something, it will be much harder to

perform at your best. Take the easy road, do something you


You don‟t have to re-invent the rolling pin. If you find out

someone is doing something quite successfully, then find out

how you can do it too and copy them; but make it your own.

Add your unique twist to it and trample your personality all over


You have unique talents, gifts and attributes that if discovered

and harnessed would make you unstoppable. Does this sound

unbelievable or too good to be true? If it does, just take a walk

to your local library and pick out a couple of

biographies/autobiographies of people that interest you. You

will surely find, as I and many others have, that most have had

to overcome some very difficult obstacle before they finally


It is said that almost all those who succeed in life, get off to a

bad start. So if you feel like this is the worst time in your life,

this could possibly be the birth of something quite magnificent.

Be open to the possibility.

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The starting point of all achievement is DESIRE.

Therefore what do you desire or more simply what do you want

out of life? This question will define the rest of your life.

What I‟m going to ask you to do next is so important that I can‟t

stress it enough, so please take the time to do this fun, little

exercise. You will not be disappointed. If this exercise makes

you feel uncomfortable, all the more reason to do it. You must

break out of your comfort zone and wake up from cultural

hypnosis; do the things you feel uncomfortable doing. This is

the only way you will grow as a person. If you want to be

successful and achieve the results I think you do, you‟d better

get comfortable with being uncomfortable.

You will need to be in a quiet place, where you will not be

distracted or disturbed. You will also need a piece of paper and

a pen.

Simply close your eyes and breathe in deeply through your

nose and then let the breath slowly out through your nose. Do

this 15 times or until you feel at ease; if it helps think about a

time and place when you felt completely at peace. Then when

you are ready with your eyes still shut, ask yourself the


„What do I want?‟

It may help if you ask the question aloud, which is why it is best

done where you cannot be disturbed, as someone might try

and cart you off to the funny farm.

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The above question cannot be read too many times. It does not

say what can I have? It says “what do I want?” There is no

qualifying criteria and you have an unlimited amount of wishes,

unlike Aladdin.

Now, pick up your pen and write your heart‟s desires. Write like

your life depended on it. Don‟t be bashful. Be bold, ambitious

and daring. Forget Britain‟s Got Talent and Pop Idol. This is

your time to shine; you are the star of the show. At this time

nothing else matters. Write down anything and everything. Just

keep the pen moving. No matter how audacious or trivial your

desires and wants might be, just write it down. This dream

catcher is for your eyes only; it doesn‟t have to be shared with

anyone, if you don‟t want.

If you did the exercise, well done! If you didn‟t, please find the

time to do it. Merely reading the words will have no benefit and

I want you to get the maximum value for taking the time to read

this report.

You may be wondering, “why all the questions?” Because

questions lead to clarity and with clarity comes power.

Be directional, know where you are going and know what you

want. This is not the easiest thing in world and it may take a

little while to figure out, but the time will have been well

invested. You will also save yourself many years of drudgery

and unfulfilment.

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A Question I Was Asked

My partner, on the day I write this, asked me a question. She

said, if I had only two days to live, would I still be doing what I‟m

doing. I thought about it for a couple of seconds and then I said

Yes, I definitely would. I have specifically chosen the path I‟m

on. Life is not a rehearsal and as far as I know it, you will not

get a second chance to live it again. Are you prepared to

chance it?

What would you do differently or keep the same, if you only had

two days to live?

Are you still with me? Okay, let‟s go!

The reason why a great majority of people don‟t achieve their

dreams and goals in life is because, they never write them

down and plan how they‟re going to reach them. If you want to

become successful and put yourself in the top 5% of the

population, please read on.

To achieve anything in any area in your life, firstly you must

write it down. Holding your goals in your head is okay, but I‟m

sure you want much better results; otherwise you wouldn‟t be

reading this report. Something magical happens when you write

your goal on a piece of paper, it goes from just being an

abstract thought in your mind, to being something real and

tangible, that you can see and touch. If you want faster results,

put your goal on your mirror, so that as your admiring your

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wonderful self, you can be thinking about achieving your goals

and dreams. This will give you a tremendous boost and such a

sense of purpose that O.N.I.M.M.O.Y.I.F.A.S. will seemingly

disappear, as if by magic.

When you have a goal and you are really working towards it, it

will show in your whole demeanour, behaviour, character,

actions and performance. You will communicate this thought

unconsciously to every mind you encounter, you will talk

differently and you will walk differently. People will feel that you

are a person of substance and that there is something special

about you. Try it, you will be blown away.

After you have written down your goals and dreams, take one

step today. This means making a phone call, sending an email

or even sending a note by carrier pigeon. It starts with one step,

which may be a very small one, but one step leads to another,

just like one thought leads to another. It doesn‟t matter,

whatever it takes to make it happen. Just Do it!

A quote, especially for you:

“Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always

ineffective. Concerning all acts of initiative and creation, there is one elementary

truth, the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: That the

moment one definitely commits oneself, then providence moves too. A whole stream

of events issues from the decision, raising in one’s favour all manner of unforeseen

incidence meetings, and material assistance, which no wo(man) could have dreamt

would come her/his way.”

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All this means is that, you will be assisted, guided and

supported by whatever higher power you believe exists. I wish

it could be explained further, dear reader, but you can only

experience it, if you take the first step.

You may be thinking that this sounds too easy or too hard. Try

it, and then you can really say whether it was hard or easy.

In the UK, where I live everybody has an opportunity to make

something of themselves. The poorest wo(man) or child can go

to the library, read books, educate and soak their mind in

knowledge and wisdom of the ages, all for free; until they get

thrown out. Then they can come back the next day and do it

again. For free. There are free seminars, books, reports (like

this one) and free courses. There is the internet and practically

anything you want to know is on it.

Now, if you live in a poor, remote village, where you have no

clean drinking water and you have to walk 5 miles to fetch

clean water, then maybe you could have an a good reason for

not doing as well as you want to. So I ask you, do you fit that


Excellent! Let‟s continue, if you please.

*A crucial and important fact you must know and really


You will come to believe whatever you repeat to yourself. And

you will become whatever you think about. As surely as night

follows day, if you think you are a failure, it is guaranteed that

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you will become a failure. This is Immutable law; it does not

change and it doesn‟t care who you are. If you think yourself a

failure, you will project those thoughts through your body

language: and it will be evident in your walk, your talk, the way

you stand and every other way imaginable. You will attract the

same, likeminded people who will drag you down further. You

cannot afford for this to happen. Neither can I.

Think High To Rise and Win The Prize

Therefore in order to be successful, think success. To be

healthy, think health. If you wish to be rich, cultivate rich

thoughts. You will not get the objects of your desire by thinking

about their opposites. That‟s like planting wheat seeds and

expecting to get nice juicy water melons, it just won‟t work; at

least not in London, where I live. If you hear or know different,

please let me know: [email protected].

Therefore in short, whatever you want. Study it! If you want

better relationships with people, study relationships, if you want

wealth, make it a study. If you want happiness, find out how to

attain happiness. It‟s easy. Just Do It.

Remember: you‟re a genius. It‟s probably just

nobodies‟ told you before. Do some good quality thinking and

dreaming, write down your goals, take a small step today and

then go out there and have some freakin fun.

Note: Just a little tip, any goals you set for yourself, make the

journey to them fun, otherwise you may not stick to them. And

even if you don‟t achieve all of them, at least you would‟ve had

fun on the way there. If it isn‟t fun, it ain‟t fun. I hope you found

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this report useful, interesting and scintillating. If you didn‟t,

email or call and let me know what could be improved for next


Here‟s to your success!


Jade Cory Smith

PS: Please feel free to share and spread the Love (or even this

report) with anyone who you feel could find it useful. I‟m sure

they‟d be very grateful.

PSS: Unleash the Big Hearted,

Love Tiger in You! You‟re Grrrrreat!

©Copyright 2009 By Jade Cory Smith

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