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Section 1: From Appeasement to War

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What would you do…….

If you are a parent, you have a thousand

things to do during the day and all your child

keeps asking for is a cookie. You say no the

first time. You go back to doing your chores

and your child keeps asking for the

cookie…he/she throws a temper tantrum for

the cookie. Would you give the child the

cookie?? Why or why not???

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Define appeasement and explain how it

lead Europe into WW2.

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Setting the Stage After the horror of WWI, Western

democracies try to preserve peace during the

1930s, but ignored the signs of aggression by

Germany, Italy and Japan

Start @30:40

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Aggression Goes Unchecked Dictators took

aggressive action, but were met with verbal protest, pleas for peace, and slaps on the wrist League of Nations

couldn’t do anything due to lack of military

Mussolini, Hitler, and Tojo thought peace meant weakness.

○ Use it to continue aggression

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Japan Overruns Manchuria and

Eastern China

First “technical” act of WWII= Japan

invading Manchuria

Japan believed they deserved an empire as

large as Western Powers.

What did League of Nations do?

Condemned Japan SO Japan left League

1937: Japan overran much of eastern China

○ Again League does nothing

NOTE: USA sends aide to China-angers Japan (important

for later)

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Spain/Franco stay out of WWII because

Britain/Churchill pay them $100 million

to stay out of the war

Franco accepts!

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Italy Takes Ethiopia (Africa) Mussolini wants to build

up Italy

1st Target: Ethiopia Bitter from loss during Age of

Imperialism (Menelik II)

Italy took Ethiopia (modern warfare)

League of Nations issued sanctions (penalties)

○ no power to enforce sanctions

“It is us today, it will be you tomorrow” –Ethiopian Leader

Next target: Albania (Balkans in Eastern Europe)

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Hitler Goes Against the Treaty of

Versailles 1933: Hitler took

Germany out of League of Nations and started rebuilding military

1936: Hitler sent troops into Rhineland Leaves France &

Belgium open to attack

Gains Hitler popularity at home b/c of German hatred to Treaty

League of Nations Response:

Appeasement: giving into demands of aggressor in order to keep peace

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Keeping the Peace:

Reasons for


France: political


Great Britain: no desire

to confront Hitler

Great Britain and

France: believed fascism

better than communism

Main Focus= Great


Faith in diplomacy &


Pacifism: opposition to all

war!! Didn’t want

destruction like WW1

Fear of new modern


Believed Hitler’s actions

were justified by harsh

treatment of Treaty of


Misreading Hitler’s


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What did the US do?

Neutrality Acts (mid-1930s): a series of acts passed by the US Congress from 1935-1939 that aimed to keep US from becoming involved in WW2.1. Can’t sell arms to any

nation at war.

2. Outlawed loans to warring nations and prohibited Americans from traveling on ships of warring powers.

3. ISOLATIONISM: avoid involvement in European War

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Rome-Berlin-Tokyo Axis

Alliance= Rome-

Berlin-Tokyo Axis

(Axis Powers)


fight Soviet


Not to interfere with

one another’s plans

for territorial


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German Aggression Continues:

Hitler’s Goal: bring all German-speaking people into the Third Reich

Gain more living space for German people-Labenschraum

Eastern Europe: Because Germans are superior, Germany had the right to conquer the Slavs in the East

“I have the right to remove millions of an inferior race that breeds like vermin.”

Economic Purpose to combat the Great Depression: production of military

equipment would benefit German industry.

Gain new raw materials and markets in the east

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Austria Annexed:

Anschluss: union of Austria (Hitler’s homeland) and Germany 1. Austria refused

2. Hitler sent German Army to “preserve order”

Treaty of Versailles violation League Response:


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The Czech Crisis:


region of western

Czechoslovakia to


The people of Hainspach in Czech

Sudetenland welcome the German

troops with a banner which reads 'Wir

Danken Unserem Fuhrer!' ('We Thank

Our Leader'),

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Munich Conference: 1938

Great Britain and France met with Germany in response to Hitler’s demand

Both countries agreed to give in to Hitler’s demands to avoid war

Demanded Czechs surrender to Hitler

MUNICH PACT: Hitler promised GB

and France he would not take over rest of Czechoslovakia

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“Peace for Our Time:” Neville Chamberlain

(PM of GB) came back to GB and said he created “Peace for our time!” To Parliament: “The

Munich Pact saved Czechoslovakia from destruction & Europe from Armageddon”

In France….cheering crowds were told they were fools

Winston Churchill: British politician- said the leaders “had to choose between war and dishonor. They chose dishonor; they will have war.”

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Europe Plunges Toward War:

March 1939: Hitler

brakes Munich Pact

and took over the rest

of Czechoslovakia



Appeasement failed

The Democracies

promised to help

Poland (Hitler’s next


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Nazi-Soviet Pact (Non-Aggression Pact)

August 1939: Hitler and Stalin signed the Non-Aggression Pact Bound Hitler and Stalin to

peaceful relations.

Secretly agreed not to fight one another if one went to war.

Divide up Poland and other parts of Eastern Europe

Based on mutual need

Hitler: Hitler wanted Poland

Did not want to fight 2-front war

Stalin: Trying to protect Soviet

Union from war

Gain land

"The scum of the earth, I believe?". To

which Stalin replies, "The bloody

assassin of the workers, I presume?"

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Invasion of Poland

September 1, 1939: one week after Non-

Aggression Pact; Hitler and Soviet Union invade


Soviet Union from East

Hitler from West

2 days later- Britain and France declare war on


WWII Begins

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1. Why did Germany, Italy & Japan want empires?

2. How did re-armament affect Germany? (3 Reasons)

3. Why did Hitler feel justified in taking over Austria & the Sudetenland?

4. What convinced Britain & France to end the policy of appeasement?

5. What provoked the start of WWII in Europe?

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The Axis Attacks Sept. 1, 1939: Hitler

invades Poland from the West using blitzkrieg “lightning war”1. Luftwaffe (German air

force) bombs airfield, factories, towns, and cities. Dive bombers go after civilians and troops

2. Fast moving tanks and troops push their way into defending Polish army

3. Encircle troops from all sides, forcing surrender

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Stalin invades Poland from East

Britain & France declare war on Germany

No help to Poland since invasion was so fast

Poland fell to Germany & Soviet Union within

1 month

Stalin also seized Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia,

& Finland for military bases and access to


Hitler then uses blitzkrieg on Norway &


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Germany Heads to France May 1940:


invades France


Ardennes Forest

in Belgium (the

“invasion proof”

area not

protected by

Maginot Line)

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“Miracle of Dunkirk”, but France Falls

Germans backed Britain & France troops to English Channel at the town of Dunkirk British rescued 300,000 French & British troops to


Germany invades from north through Belgium

Italy invades from south

France surrenders in same place Germany signed armistice in WWI Germany occupied North

Set up puppet state from South: Vichy

*NOTE: Germany did not give land to Italy

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Operation Sea Lion Hitler’s Plan to invade Britain use Luftwaffe

Bomb Britain daily on military bases

RAF (Royal Air Force) battles back

Luftwaffe turns to London & other major cities, attacking civilians

London: Keep Calm and Carry On

After almost 1 year of continuous bombing, Operation Sea Lion = FAIL

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Italy’s Role

North Africa

Tried for Egypt, but stopped by British

Hitler forced to help, opening up another


○ Send Rommel- “Desert Fox”=very successful

in North Africa

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Another Mussolini Failure The Balkans

Greece○ Mussolini’s forces

couldn’t handle Greek resistance

○ Hitler had to bail Mussolini out again-now has 3 fronts

○ Axis controlled Greece & Yugoslavia, but were constantly menaced by guerillas

Bulgaria & Hungary joined Axis○ By 1941, Axis

controlled most of Europe

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Checkpoint ?

Which Regions fell under Axis Rule by

1941? Name 2

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Germany Invades Soviet Union

With Failure in

Britain, Hitler

turned to Soviet


Nullifies Nazi-Soviet


Hitler’s biggest


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Operation Barbarossa

Why invade

Soviet Union?

Ural Mountains:

raw materials

Siberia: forests

Ukraine: Wheat

Access to Middle

East: oil

End communism

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3 million Germans Invade &

Stalin is not prepared During Great Purge,

Stalin had “cleaned out” majority of officers, so military lacked leadership

Russia lost 2.5 million men right away

Russians used scorched-earth policy w/crops & destroyed factories

Germans quickly reached outside of Moscow & Leningrad (present day St. Petersburg)

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Germans sat & waited outside

Leningrad until winter set in

Germans not prepared-many froze to death

2 ½ year battle for Leningrad

> 1 million Russians died but kept Germany

from gaining the city

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Checkpoint ? :

What caused Hitler’s invasion of the Soviet

Union to stall?

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Life Under Nazi Occupation

Unless Aryan, pushed aside to provide “living space” for Germans Shot, tortured,

concentration camps○ Concentration camps:

detention centers for civilians who were “enemies of the state” Labor camps & death camps

Enemies included Jews, Poles, Slavs, Gypsies, homosexuals, disabled, political & religious opposition, P.O.Ws

Conquered countries were plundered for all resources

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Cost 6 million Jews died = 2/3 of all European


6 million others died

Some families totally wiped out

Others just learning or still searching for answers as to what happened to loved ones

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Refuge in Other Countries? Friends, neighbors, strangers protected Jews

& others Italy: despite being Axis power, did not deport or

take part in extermination

Denmark & Bulgaria saved almost whole Jewish population

Allies helped and ignored○ Strict immigration policies kept Jews from


Hitler encouraged emigration France accepted 40,000

Britain = 80,000, but refused anymore people after that

USA = 100,000 ○ Mainly persons of “exceptional merit” due to

fear of strain on the economy, spies, & own Anti-Semitism

○ St. Louis-ship-from Europe to USA no allowed to unload in USA & forced to return to Europe Occupants all died in concentration camps

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Checkpoint ? :

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Atlantic Charter Secret Meeting

between FDR & Churchill

“final destruction of the Nazi tyranny”

“support right of all peoples to choose the form of government under which they live”

“permanent system of general security”

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Hitler’s Response to Lend-Lease

Orders U-Boats to attack all supply

convoys from any country, including


FDR allows navy to attack German U-

boats in self-defense

Later becomes shoot on site

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Checkpoint ?

Does the USA sound neutral?

Where have we seen these steps the

USA is taking with the Allies before?

Do you think Hitler has a right to attack

supply ships, including ships belonging

to the USA?

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Why is Japan Angry with the USA?

1. Gentlemen’s Agreement

2. US territories in Asia & Pacific

3. US gives Aid to China after Japanese invasion & rape of Nanking

4. Cut sale of war materials, especially oil after Japan increased aggression in Asia in 1940

5. Views US as threat to their economy and goal in creating an empire

6. USA is not truly neutral

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Tojo wants to expand

USA getting in his way

After USA cuts sale of materials to Japan,

enter peace talks with Japan to avoid war

-Japan envoy told to reject all proposals by

the USA


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“The date which will live in

infamy…”DECEMBER 7, 1941:

“The United States was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the empire of Japan” –FDR

Tojo launched surprise attack by bombing Pearl Harbor in Hawaii 2400 died & majority of US Pacific

fleet & air force destroyed



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Memorial at USS Arizona

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Declaration of

WarDecember 8, 1941:

USA declares official war with Japan

December 11: Germany & Italy declare war on USA

*bombing of Pearl Harbor as big of mistake for Japan as invasion of Soviet Union by Germany

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The Allies Turn the Tide

Beginning in 1942, Germany was severely

bombing Britain & moving deeper into

the Soviet Union.

Japan had taken over most of the


BUT the USA is just now entering the


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Allies Use Total War Total War: devote all of

nations resources to the war effort

Democratic governments took more power Order factories to make

planes, tanks, guns & ammo, instead of daily necessities

Rationed food

Issued war bonds: people lend money to government to be paid back with interest after the war

Helped end depression & decreased unemployment

Used propaganda

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Japanese Internment

in USA After Pearl Harbor,

Japanese citizens lost jobs, property & civil rights

FDR orders Japanese citizens in western USA to internment camps due to possible security risk 1988: USA offers

reparations to families for improper internment during WWII

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1942-1943 Turning Points

Allies begin to take control on all 4



North Africa

Soviet Union


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The Big 3

F.D. Roosevelt – USA

Winston Churchill – Britain

Joseph Stalin – Soviet Union

Form Alliance based on need, not trust

Democracy vs communism

Agreed upon strategy

Victory in Europe 1st

Then victory in Pacific

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Pacific Theater

USA wins battle of Coral Sea

Handicaps Japanese Navy & Air Force

Battle of Midway

USA wins

Takes out major portions of Japan’s navy

and air force to the point Japan will never

launch another offensive attack the rest of

the war

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North Africa & Italy Battle of El Alamein Allies win led by General Dwight D.


Force Rommel & Germany to surrender in 1943 in Africa

Italy Defeat southern Italy within 1


Italian people overthrow Mussolini & sign armistice

Hitler sends in reinforcements and controls northern Italy until the end of the war

○ Forced Hitler to fight on another front

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Soviet Union

After being stalled at Leningrad, Hitler changed plans to hit oil fields in southern Soviet Union near Stalingrad Germany surrounded & fought

street by street

Stalin battles back and forces the German surrender in 1943

With victory in Stalingrad, Red Army continued to push Germans out of the Soviet Union

By 1944, Red Army advanced into eastern Europe

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France Under Eisenhower,

Allies planned massive invasion from Britain into France

Began with bombers flying over Germany Destroying factories,

aircraft, railroads & bridges in both France & Germany

June 5, 1944: Allies dropped paratroopers behind enemy lines

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D-Day: June 6, 1944 D-Day: Day of attack for Operation

Overlord 156,000 Allied troops stormed the

beaches of Normandy, France

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Western Front

For 2 years, Germany dealt with constant bombing of military bases, factories, railroads, oil depots & cities GOAL: cripple

German industry & destroy morale

Battle of Bulge: Belgium 1 month offensive by

Germans-last offensive

Allies won

Allies advanced to Berlin from west, Soviet Union from east

Hitler losing support & defeat was coming

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Yalta Conference-Feb. 1945 Meeting of Big 3 in Yalta, Soviet


Decided: Soviet Union would enter war vs

Japan within 3 months of German defeat

In return, Soviet Union would gain land in Asia, including area in Korea

Germany divided into 4 zones: USA, France, Britain, Soviet Union

Stalin also promises free elections in Eastern Europe

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Nazis Defeated

April 1945: Soviets take Berlin

Hitler commits suicide

May 7, 1945 Germany surrenders

In Italy, Italians execute Mussolini

V-E Day: Victory in Europe

May 8, 1945

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How did Allies Win in Europe?

1. Location of Axis Powers-forced to fight

multiple fronts at the same time

2. Poor decisions by Hitler-failed to realize

Soviet Unions abilities

3. USA entered war-industry overpowered

all Axis powers combined

4. Allied bombing disabled German

industry-oil so scarce that Luftwaffe

was grounded at D-Day

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The Pacific May 1942- Japan controlled

SE Asia & Pacific Islands

Philippines: Bataan Death March

○ 400-500 American & 10,000 Filipinos died from starvation, thirst, murder, torture

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USA Take Offensive in Pacific

After Midway & Coral Sea, USA takes offensive

Guadalcanal: Allies win

“Island-hopping” campaign begins GOAL: recapture some islands, by-

pass others

○ Captured islands=stepping stones to next objective = Japan

Americans led by Douglas MacArthur Admiral Nimitz blockaded Japan

Bombers launched attacks on industry, military bases & cities

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Japan will fight to the Death Mid-1954: Japan lost

most of navy & air force, but still had a standing army of 2 million

Iwo Jima: Critical as base from which planes could reach Japan

Okinawa: Only 200 Japanese

soldiers survive

Japanese use Kamikaze: pilot who’d fly suicide missions to destroy plans into ships

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??Invade Japan or


Manhattan Project Creating & using effective atomic bomb

Led by Oppenheimer

American scientists understood that by splitting the atom, an explosion more powerful than the world had ever seen

Harry Truman took office when FDR died

Weighed the loss of American life with an invasion of Japan vs using the bomb

Fat Boy & Little Man


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Potsdam & Hiroshima

@ Potsdam Conference, Truman issued warning to Japan

“surrender or face complete destruction and utter devastation”

Japan did not respond

August 6, 1945: USA dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima-major military center Destroyed 4 square miles &

instantly killed > 70,000 people

More were killed later due to radiation sickness

Japan doesn’t surrender

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Nagasaki & Surrender

Aug. 8, 1945: Soviet Union declared war on Japan & invaded Manchuria Japan still doesn’t surrender

Aug. 9: USA drops 2nd

bomb on Nagasaki Killing> 40,000 people

Aug. 10: Emperor Hirohito intervenes (action not usually taken by emperor) Surrenders

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What will the USA do with Japan?

Sept 1945: Formal peace treaty signed with Japan

Gen. MacArthur commands US Forces in Japan to reshape government & economy Democracy with constitution

Emperor = figurehead

1951: US leaves Japan and alliance set up between USA & Japan

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The End

Death Toll: 50 million 30 million in Europe

○ Over ½ = civilians

Total war destroyed countries to point of being unrecognizable Cities, factories, harbors,

bridges, railroads, farms & homes

Refugees, hunger, disease, mental illness

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Nuremberg Trials Horrors of Holocaust

Allies put Nazi criminals on trial for “crimes against humanity”

Nuremburg, Germany- symbolic since Hitler staged some of his first rallies to gain power there

200 tried & most found guilty○ Speer, Hess, Goering

○ Some received death penalty

Many fled and were never found-some still being arrested, tried and convicted (Nazi Hunters)

Showed political & military leaders could be held accountable-people responsible for actions during war

Similar trials were held in Japan

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United Nations Formed 50 Nations create United Nations Each nation = 1 vote in General


Security Council = 5 permanent members○ USA, Soviet Union (now Russia), Britain,

France, China

○ Have to right to veto General Assembly vote

○ GOAL: ensure peace Apply economic sanctions

Send peace-keeping military force to resolve disputes

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World Problems UN Resolves

Prevent outbreak of disease

Improve education

Protect refugees

Help nations develop economies

Includes Agencies:

World Health Organization

Food & Agriculture Organization

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Checkpoint ?

What are some major differences

between League of Nations & the United


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