
Section 1

III. The Rise of the Catholic Church


________ was the Frankish king who becameCatholic.


Clovis was the Frankish king who becameCatholic.


A _______ is a steep-sided valley that is an inletof the sea.


A fjord is a steep-sided valley that is an inletof the sea.


Europe is a continent, but is also a very large___________.


Europe is a continent, but is also a very largepeninsula.


On Christmas day A.D. 800, the pope crowned ________ the new Emperor.


On Christmas day A.D. 800, the pope crowned Charlemagne the new Emperor.

III. The Rise of the Catholic Church

A. Patrick (a Priest):

III. The Rise of the Catholic Church

A. Patrick (a Priest):

III. The Rise of the Catholic Church

A. Patrick (a Priest):1. Spread

Christianity in Ireland

III. The Rise of the Catholic Church

A. Patrick (a Priest):1. Spread

Christianity in Ireland

2. Created Monasteries

III. The Rise of the Catholic Church

A. Patrick (a Priest):1. Spread

Christianity in Ireland

2. Created Monasteries

3. Monks preserved Roman Learning and the Latin language.

III. The Rise of the Catholic Church

B. Gregory the Great1. Pope (590-604)2. Wanted missionary

monks to teach the Christian faith

3. Converted Ethelbert and Northern Europe

III. Rise of the Catholic Church

C. Monks helped education, health care, and politics

III. Rise of the Catholic Church

C. Monks helped education, health care, and politics

D. Pope Gregory VII and Henry IV disagreed over appointing high-ranking church officials.

III. Rise of the Catholic Church

C. Monks helped education, health care, and politics

D. Pope Gregory VII and Henry IV disagreed over appointing high-ranking church officials.

E. Gregory excommunicated Henry

III. The Rise of the Catholic Church

F. Concordat of Worms1. Agreement

between new pope and new emperor

2. Only Pope can choose church officials

3. Only King can choose government officials

III. The Rise of the Catholic Church

G. Pope Innocent III

III. The Rise of the Catholic Church

G. Pope Innocent III1. Church became


III. The Rise of the Catholic Church

G. Pope Innocent III1. Church became

powerful2. Controlled Kings

by threatening to withhold rituals from kings or people.

Practice Test

1. _______ was the Frankish king who becameCatholic.

Practice Test

2. _______ is a steep-sided valley that is an inlet

of the sea.

Practice Test

3. _______ was the capital city of Charlemagne’sempire.

Practice Test

4. ________ is an agreement between the pope and the ruler of a country.

Practice Test

5. _______ is to exclude a person from church membership.

Practice Test

6. Europe is a continent, but it is also a very large ______ .

Practice Test

7. Charles Martel helped Christianity remainEurope’s major religion by stopping Muslimsadvances at the _______ __ _____ .

Practice Test

8. On Christmas day AD 800, the pope crowned_____ the new Roman Emperor.

Practice Test

9. Catholic monk copied Christian, Roman, and Greek writings, and helped preserve the _____ language.

Practice Test

10. Pope Gregory VII and Henry IV disagreedabout who could appoint _______ .

Practice Test

1. _______ was the Frankish king who becameCatholic.

Practice Test

1. Charles Martel was the Frankish king who became Catholic.

Practice Test

2. _______ is a steep-sided valley that is an inlet

of the sea.

Practice Test

2. Fjord is a steep-sided valley that is an inletof the sea.

Practice Test

3. _________ was the capital city of Charlemagne’s empire.

Practice Test

3. Aachen was the capital city of Charlemagne’sempire.

Practice Test

4. ________ is an agreement between the pope and the ruler of a country.

Practice Test

4. Concordat is an agreement between the pope and the ruler of a country.

Practice Test

5. _______ excludes a person from church membership.

Practice Test

5. Excommunication excludes a person from church membership.

Practice Test

6. Europe is a continent, but it is also a very large ______ .

Practice Test

6. Europe is a continent, but it is also a very large peninsula.

Practice Test

7. Charles Martel helped Christianity remainEurope’s major religion by stopping Muslimsadvances at the _______ __ _____ .

Practice Test

7. Charles Martel helped Christianity remainEurope’s major religion by stopping Muslimsadvances at the battle of tours.

Practice Test

8. On Christmas day AD 800, the pope crowned_____ the new Roman Emperor.

Practice Test

8. On Christmas day AD 800, the pope crownedCharlemagne the new Roman Emperor.

Practice Test

9. Catholic monk copied Christian, Roman, and Greek writings, and helped preserve the _____ language.

Practice Test

9. Catholic monk copied Christian, Roman, and Greek writings, and helped preserve the Latin language.

Practice Test

10. Pope Gregory VII and Henry IV disagreedabout who could appoint _______ ____ _____.

Practice Test

10. Pope Gregory VII and Henry IV disagreedabout who could appoint high church officials.

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