Page 1: Secular Order of Jesus, Mary and Joseph - · 2013. 8. 20. · Secular Order of Jesus, Mary and Joseph “To save those souls who can

Secular Order of Jesus, Mary and Joseph “To save those souls who can still be saved”

Sept. – Dec., 2013

The Seven Graces (Promises) of Our Blessed Mother to those who daily honor Her by meditating on Her

tears and sorrows, and who pray the Hail Mary seven times, once after each meditation:

1. I will grant peace to their families.

2. They will be enlightened about the divine mysteries.

3. I will console them in their pains and I will accompany them in their work.

4. I will give them as much as they ask for as long as it does not oppose the

adorable will of my divine Son or the sanctification of their souls.

5. I will defend them in their spiritual battles with the infernal enemy

and I will protect them at every instant of their lives.

6. I will visibly help them at the moment of their death;

they will see the face of their Mother.

7. I have obtained (this Grace) from my divine Son, that those who propagate

this devotion to my tears and sorrows, will be taken directly

from this earthly life to eternal happiness since all their sins will be forgiven,

and my Son and I will be their eternal consolation and joy.

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Reparation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus Jesus: “Many who try to do reparation do it imperfectly. In some cases even lying can enter in. There is only one sure way of true reparation; unite your effort of penance with My Immaculate Mother. Together with Her, your reparation will be perfect.” If reparation is done together with the Blessed Virgin Mary it cannot be twisted and sin cannot enter into it. Penance, done united with Her, is free from imperfection. Those who unite their prayers and penance with Her do it with the faith of the Immaculate Virgin. Even if prayer and penance are done imperfectly, because of distraction, tiredness, and other things, they will be made perfect by the Immaculate Mother. We just have to ask Her,

whole heartedly and sincerely, and then She will pray with us. Sr. Natalia, “The Victorious Queen of the World”.

In Sister Natalie’s Diary, (Page 96) we have: “As I looked at Jesus, I also saw that He wishes the establishment of a new order under the name: The Order of Mary …” “…this is the will of God in order to save those souls that can still be saved.” Holy Father, John Paul II blessed our action to this on November 11 1992. We were required at a later date to change the name to the Secular Order of Jesus, Mary and Joseph since a conflict might occur with the Marinist legal name. The Order grew by leaps and bounds! We were obedient to the Command of Jesus and Mary and the Order was evident in many countries. Those who consecrated their lives to the Secular Order were to be viewed by God on the fulfillment of their life time promise. Over 26 members have since died and are now enjoying the fruit of the Promise within the Order to Our Lady. We were the first Secular Order and the first Order to promote the Divine Will spirituality. In the Diary (page 142) “The Father will have mercy on the world through the Immaculate Heart of My Mother”…”My children; you too will see the glorious arrival of my Immaculate Mother and also now She will advance to her destination. I wish all my children would learn that.” (A Founder, Ron Lee, JMJ - other JMJ founders: Chris and Ed Garnier, Patricia deWitt, John and Marla Ustick. John and Susan Dwyer)

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(Excerpts taken from Roses and Thorns by Ven. Concepcion Cabrera de Armida (Conchita)

The First Sorrow – The prophecy of Simeon

“…there was a thorn for me in the words of Simeon, which embittered my soul for life; sorrow without a

name, hearing that Jesus was destined as the ruin and resurrection of many in Israel, and to be a sign of

contradiction. Simeon said, ‘This child is destined for the ruin and the resurrection of many in Israel, and as a

sign of contradiction.’ Then he continued immediately, prophesying, ‘And a sword shall pierce your own soul.’

What sword? To see my children wander down the slope of vice, scorning the Gospel. Stay and see if

there is a greater sorrow for a mother than the eternal misfortune of her children.

The Second Sorrow – The flight into Egypt

“With what sorrow I recall the night of terror in which an angel told my spouse Joseph that we must flee

into Egypt with the Child because Herod sought to kill Him. It was not Herod who obliged the Son of

God to flee, but the son of God who wished to do this. He did not flee out of fear, but by design; not out

of need, but of power. There He was to seek out sorrow for the continuance of His path to Calvary in a

burning desert, through a pagan land, by suffering the hardships of the long road in bad weather, by living

in even greater poverty, exiled and without liberty, hiding Himself from men for your salvation.” “My

soul was crushed by the pain of what He was to suffer…” “The echo of the wailing mothers whose

children were sacrificed to save the life of the Savior – those innocent flowers, the first of the martyrs –

reached me; my soul was drowned in sorrow…”

The Third Sorrow – The loss of the Child Jesus in the Temple

“What my heart endured at that time no one can conceive. Can you even imagine Mary without her Jesus,

the Virgin Mother without her divine son, the immaculate sheep without her holy Lamb who takes away

the sins of the world? Finally, after three deathly days for my heart, we found Him in the Temple among

the doctors who looked upon Him, overwhelmed with His wisdom.” “I humbled myself although I had

no fault. Night and day I wept and sacrificed myself until I found Him. You must do the same.”

The Fourth Sorrow – The meeting of Jesus and Mary on the Way of the Cross

“With a glance of my soul, I followed Jesus as He left the house of Herod, in the white robe of a fool, the

people hissing and howling with furious delight. I saw Him as a criminal in the presence of Pilate…” “I

followed Him to the scourging, and, O child of my soul! I did not die only because I had to be your

mother. O barbarous torment, which I will never forget!” “Then I saw Him bearing the cross.” “I saw

how He spoke to the women who wept for Him with so much love.”

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The Fifth Sorrow – The Crucifixion and Death of Jesus

“And among the throng of people and the crosses and the thieves who accompanied the innocent Lamb, I

saw Him mount the hill of Calvary, staggering, and I saw Him extend Himself upon the cross in order to

be nailed to it, so that He might attract you to Him when He was raised on high. Each hammer beat

opened a deep wound in my heart.” “I saw how they nailed His purest hands, which knew only how to

bless, and His sacred feet, which became fatigued in seeking you. Then I heard those last words of life, of

pardon, of mercy. “During the three hours of torment I saw Him agonizing, and at the end, my child,

dying without any support other than the cross, the nails, and the thorns.”

The Sixth Sorrow – The taking down of the Body of Jesus from the Cross

“There I stood to defend Him with a multitude of angels, who wept at the outrageous sacrileges…” I

waited until that divine Body would pass from the cross on which He expired to the living cross from

which He was born. And thus it was that I received the holy Body of Jesus in my trembling arms; with all

the delicacy of my love, I took the crown of thorns from His blessed brow; and, my soul burning with

celestial tenderness, I tried to communicate again some warmth and life to the cold Body of my son,

because not even in death did He wish to close His arms so that He could wait for you to throw yourself

into them.”

The Seventh Sorrow – The burial of Jesus

“The next farewell was when the stone closed the holy sepulcher and one body and two hearts remained in

it: that of Jesus and mine; or, only one, so great a unity had we known! What terrible sorrow,

comprehensible only to a mother! And I remained alone, alone; because everything was as nothing for me

without Jesus.”


“There is nothing I did that did not have as its primary purpose

man’s taking possession of My Will and I of his. This was My

primary purpose in creation, and this was also the very purpose of

My Redemption. The sacraments I instituted and the many graces

imparted to My saints have been seeds, means to let man attain to the

possession of My Will…” Book of Heaven, Volume 14, Sept. 11, 1922

“He belongs to you, but more than that, he longs to be in you, living and ruling in you, as the head

lives and rules in the body. He desires that whatever is in him may live and rule in you; his breath in

your breath, his heart in your heart, all the faculties of his soul in the faculties of your soul, so that

these words may be fulfilled in you: Glorify God and bear him in your body, that the life of Jesus may

be manifest in you.”

“Finally, you are one with Jesus as the body is one with the head. You must, then, have one breath

with him, one soul, one life, and will, one mind, one heart. And he must be your breath, heart, love,

life, your all.” Saint John Eudes

“Whatever one does for God is never lost; rather, the seed is formed, which, in sprouting, makes Life

be form again, more flourishing, strong and beautiful. Everything you have done, both for yourself

and for others, is seeds that you have formed – seeds which make the Life of the Divine Will be born

again. However, our cooperation is needed – our repeated acts in the Fiat, which life beneficial water,

water the seed in order to form the life. And one the life has been formed, it takes our will united with

His to make it grow; it takes our continuous love in order to nourish is. Therefore, nothing is lost for

us, if we really want to live from the Divine Will. from Luisa’s letter to Mother Cecilia

Plant your seeds of Love into my heart that I may grow these seeds into a forest for all the birds to nest in. Lynne, JMJ

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(Private revelation) Several years ago during Adoration, I had been praying for Priests and was given a vision of a large group of Priests standing to the left of a very steep cliff. To the right of the cliff was total darkness. They were standing as though they were waiting for something. They were crowded together, some standing close to the edge of the cliff and others farther away, and they were looking about in different directions, but no one was speaking. I understood in my heart that I must increase my prayers and sacrifices for Priests. Lynne, JMJ

Jesus tells Sr. Natalia (The Victorious Queen of the World) about the approaching terrible times: “My Priest-sons! Now my Heart speaks to your hearts; such a time will come as has never been seen before on earth! Pray ceaselessly for souls and for yourselves, that the Heavenly Father shorten these sufferings, that He may not let perish those who by their prayers and sacrifice maintain the world. Plead for mercy!” “Again I am calling you to love your shepherds and to pray that, at this difficult time, the name of my

Son may be glorified under their guidance. Thank you.” (August 2, 2013 message to Mirjana)


The wonderful future to come!

“Everything that is in Scripture must be fulfilled before the end of the world comes. Humanity is on the verge of a bright future that will resemble Paradise, where the first pair of humans lived. After humanity is reborn by cleansing grace, the happiness of Paradise will await all those who convert and lie in the spirit of the Sermon on the Mount.,” The Victorious Queen of the World, pg. 86 “Pray for My Priests, that grace revitalize the lukewarm to greater fervor for repentance, reparation and a life of penitence. Await with a penitent soul the coming of the great age which is getting closer and closer with each day!” The Victorious Queen of the World, pg. 143

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This blog is courtesy of Rory and Diane Jakes. It has a wealth of information on JMJ and articles

on the Divine Will. Thank you Rory and Diane!

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