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First edition 1997 Second impression 2003 Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data

Alsharhan, A.S. Sedimentary basins and petroleum geology of the Middle East / A.S. Alsharhan, A.E.M. Nairn. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-444-82465-0 1. Sedimentary basins--Middle East. 2. Geology, Structural-Middle East. 3. Petroleum--Geology--Middle East. I. Nairn, A.E. M. I1. Title. QE615.5.M628A38 1997 97-48322 553.2'8'0956--dc21 CIPBritish Library Cataloguing in Publication Data A catalogue record from the British Library has been applied for. ISBN: 0-444-82465-0

O The paper used in this publication meets the requirements of ANSI/NISO Z39.48-1992 (Permanence of Paper). Printed in Hungary.


The wealth of petroleum has made the Middle East one of the most actively explored regions of the world. The volume of geological, geophysical and geochemical data collected by the petroleum industry in the last several decades has been enormous. The Middle East may be a unique region in the world where the volume of subsurface data and information exceeds that based on surface outcrop. Because of the confidential nature of petroleum exploration, however, a large amount of the most sensitive data and interpretations have been kept in oil company files, although other less sensitive information has been published in international, regional and local scientific journals. Unfortunately, however, these published data and information have caused confusion, due to a lack of uniformity and consistency. The problem has been particularly serious in the field of stratigraphy when a regionally accepted stratigraphic nomenclature has not been established. The situation has improved substantially since the 1960s, following a number of regional conferences such as Geo '94 and "96 as well as stratigraphic meetings between the operating companies. As a first step toward solving the problems of lithostratigraphic unification and standardization in countries where they operate, the Union Internationale des Sciences Geologiques in France established seven volumes of the Lexique Stratigraphique International under the direction of L. Dubertret. Published between 1.959 and 1975, they cover some parts of the Middle East, but left the remaining parts without a detailed stratigraphic lexicon. Prior to WWI, there was little in the way of a comprehensive study of the Middle East. Since that time, syntheses of the geology have tended to be of restricted areas, conducted by such pioneers as Powers in Saudi Arabia, Bender in Jordan, Dunnington in Iraq and Glennie in Oman. Comprehensive regional geologic overviews have been left to a few authorities of whom the contributions made by Beydoun are outstanding.. In completing this volume, we are indebted greatly to these earlier workers as well as to the many other geological experts whose detailed contributions have provided the groundwork for further synthesis. The chapters included in this volume cover the main aspects of regional stratigraphic and paleographic history, and of regional hydrocarbon potential. The regional stratigraphy and paleogeography are described on a country-by-country basis. Even through some repetition of description is inevitable by this method, it may be the most informative approach for readers because the many changes of formation names or formation lithology from area to area or from country to country are rather confusing. Furthermore, such repetition may be used as an indicator of stratigraphic similarities or differences. In an attempt to smooth out the differences in the stratigraphic nomenclature, the paleogeographic section at the end of each chapter describes and illustrates lateral facies changes from one part of a basin to another. From the Permo-Carboniferous onward, the cyclicity of deposition is more apparent in the region and an early rampplatform model was proposed by Murris (1980). Subsequently generalised under the influence of ethe ideas of eustatic sea-level change, the model emphasizes both the vertical and lateral variations of facies as clastics swept from paleohighs or older Paleozoic formations onto the platform during sea-level lowstands and renewed transgression restored dominant carbonate sedimentation~

As in the case of most Mesozoic formations of the Arabian Basin, the lithological description based on outcrops around the basin margins is inadequate because coarser clastic facies are commonly replaced in the deeper platform by carbonates and in the basins by argillaceous and fine carbonate muds. Therefore, it has been considered necessary to establish new type and reference sections based on wells as well as on outcrops in different parts of the basin. We have broken away from the traditional system-by-system approach, particularly when dealing with stratigraphy of the Paleozoic sequence, because of the paucity of faunal data that could clearly establish geologic age. Instead, we have applied the sequence stratigraphic terms introduced by Sloss, which emphasize the uniformity of the geologic events of the early Phanerozoic along the northern edge of Gondwana from Algeria to Jordan and beyond. It also emphasizes the diachroneity of the basal clastic features over the unconformity that terminated the late Proterozoic-early Phanerozoic sequence. By contrast, the Mesozoic sequence, so much better known and with a greater complexity, can be more readily handled in the classical manner integrated with the sequence stratigraphy proposed by Sloss for North America. The hydrocarbon potential of the region varies a great deal; in such countries as Jordan and Turkey, there have been relatively few oil/gas discoveries, whereas abundant oil production is known in Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates and the more recent active oil explorationt begun in Yemen. Both the richness of the petroleum resource and the stage of exploration have influenced the abundance and/or availability of critical geologic data. We have attempted to collect and analyze the available data and to tabulate major play types in each area. The principal sources of data are derived from such journals as the Bulletin of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Oil and Gas

Journal, Proceedings of the Society of Petroleum Engineers (Middle East Conference), the Arab Petroleum Congress proceedings and the Organization of the Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries (OAPEC) proceedings, as well as some local journals. The discussion of petroleum potential also is made on a country-by-country basis, because most oil statistics have been published by each country and cross-references to the stratigraphic and paleogeographic chapters of this book is madee easier. We believe that an understanding of geology and geologic history is essential for assessing the regional hydrocarbon potential. Many figures and tables drawn from the literature are included. Some of these have been modified, and some have been prepared especially for this volume. The list of acknowledgments is long, not only reflecting the diversity of sources, but even more emphasizing the courtesy extended to the authors of the present work. Inevitably, much has been missed, some of it because it was unavailable, some because it was or still is covered by confidentiality agreements, and some for linguistic reasons. There are gaps in information often reflecting the lack of published data, particularly apparent in the section dealing with hydrocarbon production. The inequality of the treatment is clearly apparent in the data-survey tables. However, errors and other shortcomings are the responsibility of the authors. The ultimate measure of the success of the volume is the use it will be to those interested in the geology of the Middle East in industry and academia. The areas we have not attempted to cover, despite their importance, are those of water, mineral resources and environmental issues.

A. S. Alsharhan, AI Ain, U.A.E. A. E. M. Nairn, Columbia, SC


First and foremost, we would like to acknowledge our deep gratitude and appreciation to our wives and families for their forbearance and support, and their acceptance of the inroads c~ our time which resulted from the preparation of this volume. The book could never have taken shape without the help of many co-workers of whom we would like particularly to express our thanks to Ma. Bonita P. Valdez-Cruzada and Dhabia Bakhit for their help in all phases of writing, drafting and assembly of the book also to Eileen Ross, Jo Render and Connie Bartemus for their assistance in the preparation of the Text and to Rhonda Boyle, Valerie Gray, Joel McGee and Jamil Antar for their help in drafting the figures, and to our colleagues in the Earth Sciences and Resources Institute, especially M. Waddell, for their encouragement and support. We were fortunate to have colleagues such as R.W. Scott, K.W. Glennie, J. St6cklin, A.A. A1Laboun, R.J. Murris, J. Rogers, and K. Magara, who read critically initial rough drafts of some chapters of the book before finalization and whose comments improved the final text, and the long list of fellow scientists who provided copies of their work basic to the geology of the region. We thank our editor, Mrs. Femke Wallien, of Elsevier for her patience and encouragement from the inception of this book to its completion. The editors and publishers of many journals provided permission to reproduce many of the figures, in particular Elsevier Sciences and associate publisher Pergamon Press, American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, Geological Society of London and associate journal Petroleum Geoscience, Dr. M.I. Husseini of Gulf Petrolink, Bahrain, Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists, Journal of Petroleum Geology, American Geophysical Union, Schlumberger Middle East Technical Review, Society of Petroleum Engineers, Gordon and Breach (Modem Geology), Micropaleontology, John Wiley and Sons, Analytical Chemistry, Royal Society of Edinburgh, Palynology, Canadian Journal of Earth Science, Balkema, Cambridge University Press and associate joumal Geological Magazine, Chapman and Hall, Journal of Geophysics, International Association of Sedimentologists, Springer-Verlag, Oil and Gas Journal, and Nature. We would like to express our appreciation to His Highness Sheikh Nahyan Bin Mubarak A 1 Nahyan, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research and Chancellor of the United Arab Emirates University for his encouragement and support. In attempting to synthesize such a field as the Sedimentary Basins and Petroleum Geology of the Middle East, we have undoubtedly missed many references and under-represented a part of the field of study. We apologize for the pertinent work not cited and for the "gaps" in our text.



This book is dedicated to my mother and to the memory of my father.


This book is dedicated to my family and friends.



TABLE OF CONTENTSPART ONE Chapter 1: An Introductory OverviewG e o g r a p h i c and G e o m o r p h o l o g i c S e t t i n g ................................................................................. 1 Geologic Setting ................................................................................................................. 4 S e q u e n c e Stratigraphy .......................................................................................................... 7

Chapter 2: The Geological History and Structural Elements of the Middle EastIntroduction ........................................................................................................................ Geological History ............................................................................................................... Phase 1 T h e C o n s o l i d a t i o n of the A r a b o - N u b i a n M a s s i f ................................................ Phase 2 T e c t o n i c S t a b i l i t y ...................................................................................... Phase 3 T h e H e r c y n i a n E v e n t .................................................................................. Phase 4 T h e T r i a s s i c E x t e n s i o n a l P h a s e .................................................................... Phase 5 J u r a s s i c and C r e t a c e o u s E v e n t s ..................................................................... Phase 6 C e n o z o i c E v e n t s ....................................................................................... M a i n S t r u c t u r a l E l e m e n t s ..................................................................................................... 9 S e d i m e n t a r y B a s i n s .................................................................................................. T a b u k s u b - b a s i n , S a u d i A r a b i a ................................................................................ W i d y a n s u b - b a s i n , S a u d i A r a b i a .............................................................................. S i r h a n s u b - b a s i n , J o r d a n ........................................................................................ R u b A1 Khali and Ras A1 K h a i m a h sub-basins, Saudi A r a b i a - U . A . E ........................... Z a g r o s B a s i n , Iran ................................................................................................ P a l m y r a and Sinjar sub-basins, S y r i a - I r a q .................................................................. T h e M e s o p o t a m i a n s u b - b a s i n , Iraq ........................................................................... R e d Sea and G u l f of A d e n sub-basin, Saudi A r a b i a - Y e m e n .......................................... 9 Arches ................................................................................................................... H u q f - H a u s h i A r c h , O m a n ....................................................................................... H a d h r a m o u t A r c h , Y e m e n ...................................................................................... C e n t r a l A r a b i a n A r c h , Saudi A r a b i a .......................................................................... Q a t a r - S o u t h Fars A r c h , Q a t a r - Iran .......................................................................... H a i l - R u t b a h - G a ' a r a and K h l e i s s a Arches, Saudi A r a b i a - Iraq ........................................ M a r d i n H i g h , T u r k e y ............................................................................................. 9 T r a n s f o r m F a u l t s and N o r m a l Faults ........................................................................... S o u t h e a s t e r n A r a b i a n p l a t f o r m ................................................................................ M a s i r a h T r a n s f o r m Fault, O m a n ........................................................................ M a r a d i F a u l t , O m a n ........................................................................................ S a i w a n - N a f u n F a u l t , O m a n .............................................................................. D i b b a Z o n e , O m a n - U A E ............................................................................... O m a n Line, O m a n .......................................................................................... O w e n F r a c t u r e Z o n e , Y e m e n - O m a n .................................................................. N o r t h e r n A r a b i a n P l a t f o r m : Central Syrian F a u l t Z o n e .............................................. N o r t h w e s t e r n A r a b i a n P l a t f o r m : J o r d a n - D e a d Sea Fault S y s t e m ................................... Fold Belts: T a u r u s M o u n t a i n s , T u r k e y ................................................................... Z a g r o s , M o u n t a i n , Iran ........................................................................ O m a n M o u n t a i n s , O m a n - U . A . E .......................................................... Discussion ........................................................................................................................ PART 15 22 22 36 37 38 38 39 44 46 47 47 47 48 48 50 50 50 52 52 52 52 53 53 53 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 54 55 58 59 62

TWO Chapter 3: Infracambrian of the Middle EastIntroduction ................................................................................................................... S t r a t i g r a p h y of I n f r a c a m b r i a n R o c k s in O m a n : ......................................................................... H u q f Group: ............................................................................................................. A b u M a h a r a F o r m a t i o n ......................................................................................... Khufai F o r m a t i o n ................................................................................................ S h u r a m F o r m a t i o n ............................................................................................... B u a h F o r m a t i o n .................................................................................................. Ara F o r m a t i o n .................................................................................................... 65 69 69 70 70 70 73 73



Th e A g e of the H u q f G r o u p ......................................................................................... C o m p a r i s o n of the Huqf Group with other Outcrops in Oman ..................................................... M i s t a l F o r m a t i o n ...................................................................................................... Haj ir F o r m a t i o n ........................................................................................................ M i ' a i d a n F o r m a t i o n ................................................................................................... K h a r u s F o r m a t i o n ...................................................................................................... H i j a m F o r m a t i o n ....................................................................................................... C o m p a r i s o n of Oman with other Outcrops in the Middle East .................................................... C o m p a r i s o n with the Republic of Y e m e n ....................................................................... C o m p a r i s o n with the United Arab Emirates .................................................................... C o m p a r i s o n with Saudi Arabia .................................................................................... C o m p a r i s o n with Jordan ............................................................................................. C o m p a r i s o n with Southeast T u r k e y .............................................................................. C o m p a r i s o n with Iraq ................................................................................................. C o m p a r i s o n with Iran ................................................................................................. P a l e o g e o g r a p h y and Geologic History of the Infracambrian .........................................................

74 76 76 76 76 76 76 77 77 78 78 80 81 81 81 84

Chapter 4: The Early Paleozoic Quiescent. Phase in the Middle East: The Sauk Cycle and the Early Part of the Tippecanoe CycleIntroduction ................................................................................................................... The E arl y P a l e o z o i c of O m a n ................................................................................................ 9 The Sauk Sequence in Central and South-central Oman ................................................... H a i m a G r o u p (Cambrian? to earliest Silurian): .......................................................... The Karim and Haradh formations ..................................................................... T h e A m i n F o r m a t i o n ..................................................................................... The M a h w i s / A n d a m f o rm at i o n s ........................................................................ 9 The T i p p e c a n o e Sequence in Central Oman: ................................................................. G h u d u n F o r m a t i o n ............................................................................................... Safiq F o r m a t i o n .................................................................................................. 9The Sauk and Tippecanoe Sequences in Southern Oman (Dhofar Province): ......................... M u r b a t S a n d s t o n e F o r m a t i o n ................................................................................. 9The Sauk and Tippecanoe Sequences in Eastern and Southwestern Arabia ........................... O m a n Mountains (Oman Region): A m d e h Fo r m at i o n ................................................ Oman Mountains (United Arab Emirates Region): R a ' a n Formation .............................. S o u t h w e s t e r n Saudi Arabia: Dibsiyah F o r m a t i o n ....................................................... The Early Paleozoic of Northern Saudi Arabia and Jordan ........................................................... 9 The Sauk Sequence in North and Northwestern Saudi Arabia: ........................................... Y a t ib F o r m a t i o n .................................................................................................. Saq F o r m a t i o n .................................................................................................... 9 T h e Sauk S e q u e n c e in Jordan ..................................................................................... R a m G r o u p ....................................................................................................... S u b s u r f a c e F o r m a t i o n s : .................................................................................. Salib F o r m a t i o n ...................................................................................... Burj and Abu K h u s h e i b a formations ............................................................ A j r a m F o r m a t i o n ..................................................................................... A m u d F o r m a t i o n ..................................................................................... S u r f a c e F o r m a t i o n s : ....................................................................................... Salib Arkosic Sandstone F o r m a t i o n ............................................................ U m m Ishrin S a n d s to n e F o r m a t i o n .............................................................. Disi S a n d s t o n e F o r m a t i o n ......................................................................... U m m Sahm Sandstone F o r m a t i o n .............................................................. 9 The Tippecanoe Sequence in North and Northwestern Saudi Arabia: .................................... T a b u k G r o u p : ................................................................................................ H a n a d i r F o r m a t i o n ..................................................................................... Kahfah F o r m a t i o n .................................................................................... R a ' a n F o r m a t i o n ....................................................................................... Quwarah Formation (and its equivalent Ordovician Formations 1-5) ..................... 87 94 94 94 94 95 95 96 96 96 97 97 98 98 100 100 103 103 103 103 108 108 108 108 110 110 110 110 110 111

111111 111 111 112 112 113 114


Z a r q a F o r m a t i o n ........................................................................................ S a r a h F o r m a t i o n ....................................................................................... Q a l i b a h F o r m a t i o n .................................................................................... 9 T h e T i p p e c a n o e S e q u e n c e in J o r d a n ............................................................................ K h r e i m G r o u p ............................................................................................... S u b s u r f a c e F o r m a t i o n s : ............................................................................... Sahl as S u w w a n F o r m a t i o n ....................................................................... U m m T a r i f a F o r m a t i o n ............................................................................. T r e b e e l F o r m a t i o n ................................................................................... B a t r a F o r m a t i o n ...................................................................................... A l n a F o r m a t i o n ....................................................................................... S u r f a c e F o r m a t i o n s " . ................................................................................... H i s w a h F o r m a t i o n ................................................................................... D u b a y d i b F o r m a t i o n ................................................................................ M u d a w w a r a F o r m a t i o n ............................................................................. K h u s h s h a F o r m a t i o n ................................................................................ 9 T h e T i p p e c a n o e S e q u e n c e in Iraq: K h a b o u r F o r m a t i o n .................................................... 9 T h e T i p p e c a n o e S e q u e n c e in Kuwait: T a b u k F o r m a t i o n .................................................. 9 T h e T i p p e c a n o e S e q u e n c e in Qatar: ............................................................................. T a b u k F o r m a t i o n ................................................................................................ S h a r a w r a F o r m a t i o n ............................................................................................. 9 T h e T i p p e c a n o e S e q u e n c e in the United Arab Emirates: S h a r a w r a F o r m a t i o n ....................... T h e E a r l y P a l e o z o i c S e q u e n c e in Southeast T u r k e y and Syria ...................................................... 9 T h e S a u k S e q u e n c e in S o u t h e a s t T u r k e y : ..................................................................... S a d a n F o r m a t i o n ........................................................................................... Z a b u k F o r m a t i o n .......................................................................................... K o r u k F o r m a t i o n ........................................................................................... S o s i n k F o r m a t i o n .......................................................................................... S e y d i s e h i r F o r m a t i o n ..................................................................................... 9 T h e S a u k S e q u e n c e in Syria: Zabuk, Burj and Sosink f o r m a t i o n s ...................................... 9 T h e T i p p e c a n o e S e q u e n c e in S o u t h e a s t Turkey" B e d i n a n F o r m a t i o n ......................................................................................... S o r t T e p e F o r m a t i o n ...................................................................................... 9 T h e T i p p e c a n o e S e q u e n c e in Syria: ............................................................................. K h a n a s s e r F o r m a t i o n ...................................................................................... S w a b F o r m a t i o n ............................................................................................ Afandi Formation ......................................................................................... T a n f F o r m a t i o n ............................................................................................. T h e E a r l y P a l e o z o i c o f I r a n .................................................................................................... 9 T h e S a u k S e q u e n c e ................................................................................................... L a l u n F o r m a t i o n ........................................................................................... D a h u F o r m a t i o n ............................................................................................ M i l a F o r m a t i o n ............................................................................................. K a l s h a n e h F o r m a t i o n ..................................................................................... D e r e n j a l F o r m a t i o n ........................................................................................ I l e b e y k F o r m a t i o n ......................................................................................... 9 T h e T i p p e c a n o e S e q u e n c e : ......................................................................................... S h i r g e s h t F o r m a t i o n ...................................................................................... N i u r F o r m a t i o n ............................................................................................. L a s h k e r a k F o r m a t i o n ...................................................................................... Z a r d K u h F o r m a t i o n ....................................................................................... P a l e o g e o g r a p h y and G e o l o g i c History o f the Early P a l e o z o i c ......................................................

114 115 115 115 116 116 116 119 119 119 119 119 119 120 120 120 120 121 121 121 121 122 123 123 123 123 126 126 126 128 128 128 128 128 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 129 130 130 130 130 133 133 133 133 134 134

Chapter 5: The Early-Late Paleozoic of the Middle East: The Kaskaskia CycleIntroduction ................................................................................................................... T h e K a s k a s k i a C y c l e in the M i d d l e E a s t ................................................................................. 9 T h e K a s k a s k i a S e q u e n c e in N o r t h e r n Saudi A r a b i a ........................................................ 141 141 141



J a u f F o r m a t i o n .................................................................................................... S a k a k a F o r m a t i o n ................................................................................................ P r e - U n a y z a h Clastics ( B e r w a t h F o r m a t i o n ) ............................................................... 9 T h e K a s k a s k i a Sequence in Southwest Saudi Arabia: K h u s a y y a y n F o r m a t i o n ....................... 9 T h e K a s k a s k i a S e q u e n c e in Qatar: Tawil F o r m a t i o n ....................................................... 9 T h e K a s k a s k i a S e q u e n c e in the United Arab Emirates: .................................................... O u t c r o p F o r m a t i o n : A y i m F o r m a t i o n ...................................................................... S u b s u r f a c e F o r m a t i o n : T a w i l F o r m a t i o n .................................................................. 9 T h e K a s k a s k i a S e q u e n c e in Oman: M i s f a r G r o u p ........................................................... 9 T h e K a s k a s k i a S e q u e n c e in Kuwait: J a u f F o r m a t i o n ....................................................... 9 T h e K a s k a s k i a S e q u e n c e in Iran: ................................................................................. P a d e h a F o r m a t i o n .......................................................................................... S i b z a r F o r m a t i o n ........................................................................................... B a h r a m F o r m a t i o n ......................................................................................... G e i r u d F o r m a t i o n .......................................................................................... 9 T h e K a s k a s k i a S e q u e n c e in Iraq" . Pirispiki Redbeds K a i s t a F o r m a t i o n ........................................................................................... O r a S h a l e F o r m a t i o n ...................................................................................... H a r u r F o r m a t i o n ............................................................................................. 9 T h e K a s k a s k i a S e q u e n c e in S o u t h e a s t T u r k e y : ............................................................... D a d a s F o r m a t i o n ........................................................................................... H a z r o F o r m a t i o n ........................................................................................... Y i g i n l i F o r m a t i o n ......................................................................................... K o p r u l u F o r m a t i o n ........................................................................................ Kirtas Quartzite and H a s a n b e y l i F o r m a t i o n s ........................................................ 9 T h e K a s k a s k i a S e q u e n c e in Syria: M a r k a d a G r o u p .......................................................... P a l e o g e o g r a p h y and G e o l o g i c History of the Late Paleozoic K a s k a s k i a C y c l e .................................

141 147 148 148 149 149 149 149 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 151 151 151 151 151 151 153 153 153 154 154 156

Chapter 6: The End of the Paleozoic and the Early Mesozoic of the Middle East: The Absaroka CycleT h e L o w e r Part o f the A b s a r o k a C y c l e (Latest C a r b o n i f e r o u s - P e r m i a n ) ......................................... T h e P a l e o z o i c Part o f the A b s a r o k a C y c l e ............................................................................... A b s a r o k a S e q u e n c e South of the Central Arabian Arch ...................................................... 9 A b s a r o k a S e q u e n c e in O m a n ................................................................................ Haushi Group" . ............................................. A1 K h l a t a F o r m a t i o n ............................................................................... G h a r i f F o r m a t i o n ................................................................................... K h u f f F o r m a t i o n ........................................................................................... S a i q F o r m a t i o n ............................................................................................. 9 A b s a r o k a S e q u e n c e in the United Arab Emirates: ..................................................... S u b s u r f a c e F o r m a t i o n s : H a u s h i G r o u p : .............................................................. G h a r i f F o r m a t i o n .................................................. A1 K h l a t a F o r m a t i o n .............................................. K h u f f F o r m a t i o n ................................................... Surface F o r m a t i o n s : A s f a r and Q a m a r f o r m a t i o n s .................................................. R u s s A1 Jibal G r o u p : ................................................ B i h F o r m a t i o n ...................................................... H a g i l F o r m a t i o n ................................................... G h a i l F o r m a t i o n ................................................... 9 A b s a r o k a S e q u e n c e in Qatar: ................................................................................ H a u s h i F o r m a t i o n .......................................................................................... K h u f f F o r m a t i o n ........................................................................................... 9 A b s a r o k a Sequence in southwestern Saudi Arabia:Juwayl M e m b e r " .......... 9 A b s a r o k a Sequence in the Republic of Yemen: Akbra Shale F o r m a t i o n ........................ A b s a r o k a S e q u e n c e North of the Central Arabian Arch: ..................................................... 9 A b s a r o k a S e q u e n c e in Central and Northern Saudi Arabia .......................................... 161 161 168 168 169 169 169 171 173 173 173 174 175 175 175 175 176 176 176 176 176 177 178 178 178 178



U n a y z a h F o r m a t i o n ........................................................................................ K h u f f F o r m a t i o n ........................................................................................... 9 A b s a r o k a S e q u e n c e in Kuwait: K h u f f F o r m a t i o n ...................................................... 9 A b s a r o k a S e q u e n c e in Bahrain: K h u f f F o r m a t i o n ..................................................... A b s a r o k a S e q u e n c e in N o r t h w e s t and Northeast of the A r a b i a n P l a t f o r m ............................... 9 A b s a r o k a S e q u e n c e in J o r d a n ................................................................................. O u t c r o p Section: U m m Irna F o r m a t i o n .............................................................. S u b s u r f a c e Section: H u d a y b G r o u p ................................................................... A n j a r a F o r m a t i o n ........................................................... H u w a y r a F o r m a t i o n ........................................................ B u w a y d a F o r m a t i o n ........................................................ 9 A b s a r o k a S e q u e n c e in Iraq ................................................................................... W e s t e r n Iraq ( H a i l - R u t b a h A r c h area)" Nijili F o r m a t i o n ............................................................................. G a ' a r a F o r m a t i o n ............................................................................ N o r t h e r n Iraq (Northern Thrust Belt Area): Chia Zairi F o r m a t i o n ............................. 9 A b s a r o k a S e q u e n c e in S o u t h e a s t T u r k e y ................................................................ G o m a n i i b r i k F o r m a t i o n ................................................................................... 9 A b s a r o k a S e q u e n c e in Syria" Dolaa F o r m a t i o n ........................................................................................... Heil F o r m a t i o n ............................................................................................. A m a n u s S a n d F o r m a t i o n ................................................................................. 9 A b s a r o k a S e q u e n c e in Iran: .................................................................................. S o u t h w e s t Iran: F a r a g h a n F o r m a t i o n ............................................................ D a l a n F o r m a t i o n ................................................................ N o r t h e r n and C e n t r a l Iran: ............................................................................ D o r u d F o r m a t i o n ................................................................ R u t e h F o r m a t i o n ................................................................ N e s e n F o r m a t i o n ................................................................ J a m a l F o r m a t i o n ................................................................ T h e U p p e r Part o f the A b s a r o k a C y c l e (Triassic) .............................................................. T h e E n d o f the A b s a r o k a C y c l e in Central A r a b i a ............................................................ 9 T r i a s s i c o f S a u d i A r a b i a : ..................................................................................... S u d a i r F o r m a t i o n ........................................................................................... Jilh F o r m a t i o n .............................................................................................. Minjur F o r m a t i o n .......................................................................................... T h e E n d o f the A b s a r o k a C y c l e in E a s t e r n Arabia: ............................................................ 9 T r i a s s i c o f U n i t e d A r a b E m i r a t e s .......................................................................... A b u D h a b i and D u b a i R e g i o n ( S u b s u r f a c e Section) .............................................. S u d a i r F o r m a t i o n ................................................................ Jilh ( G u l a i l a h ) F o r m a t i o n ..................................................... M i n j u r F o r m a t i o n ............................................................... N o r t h e r n E m i r a t e s R e g i o n ( O u t c r o p S e c t i o n ) ...................................................... M i l a h a F o r m a t i o n ............................................................... G h a l i l a h F o r m a t i o n ............................................................. 9 T r i a s s i c o f O m a n ................................................................................................ C e n t r a l and S o u t h e r n O m a n ( S u b s u r f a c e Section) ................................................. S u d a i r F o r m a t i o n ................................................................ Jilh F o r m a t i o n ................................................................... C e n t r a l O m a n M o u n t a i n s ( A l l o c h t h o n o u s Units) ................................................. Mahil F o r m a t i o n ..................................................................................... Sumeini Group" M a q a m F o r m a t i o n ............................................................................. J e b e l W a s a F o r m a t i o n ....................................................................... H a w a s i n a A s s e m b l a g e ............................................................................... H a m r a t D u r u G r o u p : Z u l l a F o r m a t i o n ...................................................... W a h r a h F o r m a t i o n .............................................................................. A1 A y n F o r m a t i o n ..............................................................................

178 182 186 186 186 186 186 187 187 188 188 189 189 189 189 189 189 190 190 190 191 191 191 192 192 192 192 193 193 193 193 194 194 197 198 198 199 199 199 199 199 199 201 201 201 201 201 202 203 203 204 204 204 206 206 206 207 207



Halfa F o r m a t i o n ................................................................................. H a l i w F o r m a t i o n ................................................................................ A1 A r i d h F o r m a t i o n ............................................................................ Ibra F o r m a t i o n ................................................................................... H a y b i Complex" ...................................................................................... H a w a s i n a M61ange .............................................................................. Exotic L i m e s t o n e ............................................................................... H a y b i V o l c a n i c s ................................................................................. B a s a l S e r p e n t i n e a n d T e c t o n i c M61ange ................................................... Batinah Complex" B a r g h a h F o r m a t i o n ............................................................................. Sakhin F o r m a t i o n ............................................................................... Salahi F o r m a t i o n ................................................................................ B a t i n a h L i m e s t o n e B l o c k s .................................................................... 9 T r i a s s i c o f Q a t a r ................................................................................................ S u w e i ( S u d a i r ) F o r m a t i o n ................................................................................ G u l a i l a h (Jilh) F o r m a t i o n ................................................................................. M i n j u r F o r m a t i o n ........................................................................................... T h e E n d o f the A b s a r o k a S e q u e n c e in the E a s t e r n A r a b i a n Gulf: . S o u t h w e s t e r n Iran .................. K a n g a n F o r m a t i o n ......................................................................................... D a s h t a k F o r m a t i o n ........................................................................................ K h a n e h K a t F o r m a t i o n ................................................................................... T h e E n d o f the A b s a r o k a S e q u e n c e in the C e n t r a l and N o r t h e r n A r a b i a n Gulf: ....................... 9 T h e T r i a s s i c o f B a h r a i n : ...................................................................................... Sudair F o r m a t i o n ............................................................................................ Jilh F o r m a t i o n ............................................................................................... 9 T h e T r i a s s i c o f K u w a i t : ....................................................................................... Sudair F o r m a t i o n ............................................................................................ Jilh F o r m a t i o n ............................................................................................... M i n j u r F o r m a t i o n ........................................................................................... T h e E n d o f the A b s a r o k a S e q u e n c e in N o r t h and N o r t h e a s t e r n Arabia: .................................. 9 T h e T r i a s s i c o f Iraq: ........................................................................................... M i r g a M i r F o r m a t i o n ..................................................................................... B e d u h S h a l e F o r m a t i o n .................................................................................... G e l i K h a n a F o r m a t i o n .................................................................................... M u l u s s a F o r m a t i o n ......................................................................................... Z u r H a u r a n F o r m a t i o n ..................................................................................... K u r r a C h i n e F o r m a t i o n ................................................................................... Baluti F o r m a t i o n ............................................................................................ 9 T h e T r i a s s i c o f J o r d a n : ........................................................................................ O u t c r o p F o r m a t i o n : ....................................................................................... A b u R u w e i s F o r m a t i o n ............................................................................... U m T i n a F o r m a t i o n .................................................................................... I r q A1 A m i r F o r m a t i o n ................................................................................. M u k h e i r i s F o r m a t i o n ................................................................................... H i s b a n F o r m a t i o n ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ain Musa Formafon ................................................................................... D a r d u n F o r m a t i o n ........................................................................................ Ma'in Formation ........................................................................................ S u b s u r f a c e F o r m a t i o n : R a m t h a G r o u p : ............................................................... S u w a y m a F o r m a t i o n .................................................................................... H i s b a n F o r m a t i o n ........................................................................................ M u k h e i r i s F o r m a t i o n ................................................................................... Salit F o r m a t i o n ........................................................................................... A b u R u w e i s F o r m a t i o n ................................................................................ 9 T h e T r i a s s i c o f S y r i a : .......................................................................................... A m a n u s S h a l e F o r m a t i o n ................................................................................. K u r r a C h i n e F o r m a t i o n .................................................................................... B u t m a h F o r m a t i o n ..........................................................................................

209 209 209 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 213 213 213 213 213 213 213 214 214 216 217 217 217 217 217 217 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 218 219 219 220 220 220 220 220 220 220 221 221 221 221 221 222 222 222 222 223 223 223 223 223 224



A d a i y a h F o r m a t i o n ......................................................................................... Mus Formation .............................................................................................. Alan Formation .............................................................................................. 9 T h e T r i a s s i c o f S o u t h e a s t T u r k e y : .......................................................................... Cigli Group ................................................................................................... Cudi F o r m a t i o n .......................................................................................... Aril Formation ............................................................................................ B e d u h F o r m a t i o n ......................................................................................... P a l e o g e o g r a p h y and G e o l o g i c History of the A b s a r o k a C y c l e .............................................. T h e L o w e r Part of the A b s a r o k a Cycle (latest C a r b o n i f e r o u s - P e r m i a n ) ............................ T h e U p p e r Part of the A b s a r o k a C y c l e (Triassic) .........................................................

224 224 224 224 224 224 224 224 225 225 229

Chapter 7: The Late Mesozoic Part of the Zuni Cycle in the Middle East: The JurassicIntroduction ................................................................................................................... T h e J u r a s s i c S e c t i o n in C e n t r a l A r a b i a ................................................................................... T h e J u r a s s i c o f S a u d i A r a b i a : ....................................................................................... Marrat F o r m a t i o n ................................................................................................ Dhruma Formation ............................................................................................... T u w a i q M o u n t a i n F o r m a t i o n .................................................................................. Hanifa Formation ................................................................................................. Jubailah Formation ............................................................................................... Arab Formation .................................................................................................... Hith Formation .................................................................................................... T h e J u r a s s i c o f B a h r a i n ................................................................................................ Marrat Formation ................................................................................................. Dhruma Formation ............................................................................................... T u w a i q M o u n t a i n F o r m a t i o n .................................................................................. Hanifa Formation ................................................................................................. Jubailah Formation ............................................................................................... Arab Formation .................................................................................................... Hith Formation .................................................................................................... T h e Jurassic Section in Southern and S o u t h w e s t e r n Arabia: T h e Republic of Y e m e n ....................... Kohlan Formation ................................................................................................ Amran Group: ...................................................................................................... Shuqra Formation .............................................................................................. M a d b i F o r m a t i o n .............................................................................................. Sabatayn F o r m a t i o n ........................................................................................... Naifa Formation ................................................................................................ T h e J u r a s s i c S e c t i o n in E a s t e r n Arabia: ................................................................................... 9 T h e Jurassic of the U n i t e d Arab Emirates (Subsurface F o r m a t i o n s ) .................................... Marrat F o r m a t i o n ................................................................................................ Hamlah Formation ................................................................................................ Izhara F o r m a t i o n .................................................................................................. Araej Formation ................................................................................................... Diyab Formation .................................................................................................. Arab F o r m a t i o n and its equivalents (Fahahil and Qatar formations) ................................. Hith F o r m a t i o n and its e q u i v a l e n t s .......................................................................... The Jurassic of the Northern United Arab Emirates (Surface F o r m a t i o n s ) : M u s a n d a m G r o u p 9 T h e J u r a s s i c o f Q a t a r ................................................................................................ H a m l a h F o r m a t i o n ............................................................................................ Izhara Formation ............................................................................................... Araej Formation ................................................................................................ Diyab Formation ............................................................................................... Darb Formation ................................................................................................. H a n i f a and J u b a i l a h F o r m a t i o n s .............................................................................. A r a b F o r m a t i o n and its e q u i v a l e n t s : ........................................................................... Fahahil Formation ........................................................................................... 235 245 245 245 245 248 250 250 250 252 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 254 255 257 258 258 258 258 259 259 259 259 261 261 262 263 263 266 266 266 267 267 269 269 269 269 269



Qatar Formation Arab F o r m a t i o n .............................................................................................. Hith Formation .............................................................................................. T h e Jurassic S e c t i o n in E x t r e m e E a s t e r n Arabia" O m a n ............................................................... 9 T h e Jurassic o f N o r t h e r n Oman" M u s a n d a m G r o u p ......................................................... 9 T h e J u r a s s i c o f C e n t r a l O m a n ..................................................................................... S u b s u r f a c e F o r m a t i o n s : S a h t a n G r o u p : .................................................................... Mafraq F o r m a t i o n ............................................................................................. D h r u m a F o r m a t i o n ........................................................................................... T u w a i q M o u n t a i n F o r m a t i o n ............................................................................... Hanifa Formation .............................................................................................. Jubailah Formation ............................................................................................ S u r f a c e F o r m a t i o n s : S a h t a n G r o u p : .......................................................................... Saih Hatat F o r m a t i o n ......................................................................................... Mayhah Formation ............................................................................................ G u w e y z a S a n d s t o n e F o r m a t i o n ............................................................................. G u w e y z a L i m e s t o n e F o r m a t i o n ........................................................................... ~ T h e Jurassic o f S o u t h O m a n : K o h l a n F o r m a t i o n ............................................................ T h e Jurassic Section on the Eastern Side of the Arabian Gulf: S o u t h w e s t e r n Iran ............................. Neyriz Formation ....................................................................................................... Adaiyah Formation ..................................................................................................... Mus Formation .......................................................................................................... Alan Formation .......................................................................................................... Sargelu Formation ...................................................................................................... Najmah Formation ...................................................................................................... Gotnia Formation ....................................................................................................... Hith Formation ......................................................................................................... Surmah Formation ...................................................................................................... T h e J u r a s s i c S e c t i o n in N o r t h e a s t e r n A r a b i a : ............................................................................ ~ T h e J u r a s s i c o f K u w a i t : ............................................................................................. Marrat Formation ................................................................................................. Dhruma Formation ............................................................................................... Sargelu Formation ................................................................................................ Najmah Formation ................................................................................................ Gotnia Formation ................................................................................................. Hith Formation .................................................................................................... ~ T h e J u r a s s i c o f Iraq ................................................................................................... 1. L i a s s i c S e c t i o n o f Iraq: ..................................................................................... Ubaid Formation ............................................................................................ Butmah Formation' . ............................. Baluti Formation ............................................................................................ Adaiyah Formation ......................................................................................... Mus Formation .............................................................................................. Alan Formation .............................................................................................. Sarki Formation ............................................................................................. Sekhanian Formation ...................................................................................... 2. D o g g e r S e c t i o n o f Iraq: ..................................................................................... Muhaiwir Formation ....................................................................................... Sargelu Formation .......................................................................................... 3. M a l m S e c t i o n o f Iraq (Early S u b - C y c l e ) : ............................................................... Najmah Formation .......................................................................................... G o t n i a ( A n h y d r i t e ) F o r m a t i o n ........................................................................... N a o k e l e k a n F o r m a t i o n .................................................................................... Barsarin F o r m a t i o n ......................................................................................... 4. M a l t a S e c t i o n of Iraq (Late S u b - c y c l e ) : ................................................................ Makhul Formation .......................................................................................... Chia Gara F o r m a t i o n ....................................................................................... K a r i m a M u d s t o n e F o r m a t i o n ............................................................................ Sulaiy Formation ...........................................................................................~ 1 7 6 1 7 . 6 . 1 . 7 . 6. 1 7~ 6 . . . . . . . . . ~176 . . . . . ~ 1 7 6 1 . 6 . 7 . . . . . . . . . . . ~ 1 7 6 1 7 .6 .1 .7 . 1 7 6 . 6 . . . . . . . . ~ 1 7 6 1 7 6. . . . ~ . . . . . . ~176 . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . .

271 271 271 271 271 273 273 273 273 273 273 274 274 275 277 278 278 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 279 280 280 280 280 280 280 282 282 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 283 284 284 284 284 285 285 285 285 285 286 286 286 286 286 286 287 287



T h e Jurassic Section in N o r t h w e s t e r n and N o r t h e r n A r a b i a n Platform: .......................................... 9 T h e J u r a s s i c o f J o r d a n ............................................................................................... Surface Formations" . ............... D e i r A l i a F o r m a t i o n ........................................................................................ Zarqa F o r m a t i o n ............................................................................................. D h a h a b F o r m a t i o n ......................................................................................... U m m M a g h a r a F o r m a t i o n ................................................................................ A r d a F o r m a t i o n .............................................................................................. M u a d d i F o r m a t i o n .......................................................................................... S u b s u r f a c e F o r m a t i o n s : ......................................................................................... A z a b G r o u p ...................................................................................................... Hihi F o r m a t i o n .............................................................................................. N i m r F o r m a t i o n ............................................................................................. Silal F o r m a t i o n .............................................................................................. D h a h a b F o r m a t i o n ........................................................................................... R a m l a and H a m a m F o r m a t i o n s ......................................................................... M u g h a n n i y a F o r m a t i o n ................................................................................... 9 T h e J u r a s s i c o f Syria: Q a m c h u q a F o r m a t i o n ................................................................. 9 T h e J u r a s s i c o f S o u t h e a s t T u r k e y : Cudi G r o u p ............................................................... J u r a s s i c P a l e o g e o g r a p h y and G e o l o g i c H i s t o r y ..........................................................................

287 287 287 287 287 288 289 289 289 289 290 290 290 290 290 290 291 291 291 291

Chapter 8: The Late Mesozoic Part of the Zuni Cycle in the Middle East: The CretaceousIntroduction ................................................................................................................... T h e F i r s t Cycle" T h e E a r l y C r e t a c e o u s ..................................................................................... 9 E a r l y C r e t a c e o u s o f Saudi A r a b i a : ................................................................................ Sulaiy F o r m a t i o n ................................................................................................. Y a m a m a F o r m a t i o n .............................................................................................. B u w a i b F o r m a t i o n ................................................................................................ B i y a d h F o r m a t i o n ................................................................................................. Shuaiba F o r m a t i o n ............................................................................................... 9 E a r l y C r e t a c e o u s o f E a s t e r n A r a b i a : .............................................................................. E a r l y C r e t a c e o u s in the U n i t e d A r a b E m i r a t e s .... ....................................................... S u b s u r f a c e F o r m a t i o n s : .................................................................................. R a y d a and Salil F o r m a t i o n s ......................................................................... H a b s h a n F o r m a t i o n .................................................................................... L e k h w a i r F o r m a t i o n ................................................................................... K h a r a i b F o r m a t i o n ..................................................................................... S h u a i b a F o r m a t i o n .................................................................................... S u r f a c e Section: M u s a n d a m G r o u p U n i t 4 ........................................................... E a r l y C r e t a c e o u s in Q a t a r ....................................................................................... Sulaiy F o r m a t i o n ........................................................................................... Y a m a m a F o r m a t i o n ........................................................................................ Ratawi F o r m a t i o n ........................................................................................... Kharaib F o r m a t i o n .......................................................................................... H a w a r S h a l e F o r m a t i o n ................................................................................... Shuaiba F o r m a t i o n ......................................................................................... E a r l y C r e t a c e o u s o f B a h r a i n .................................................................................... Sulaiy F o r m a t i o n ........................................................................................... Y a m a m a F o r m a t i o n ........................................................................................ Ratawi F o r m a t i o n ........................................................................................... Kharaib F o r m a t i o n .......................................................................................... H a w a r F o r m a t i o n ............................................................................................ Shuaiba F o r m a t i o n ......................................................................................... E a r l y C r e t a c e o u s o f O m a n ...................................................................................... W e s t e r n O m a n M o u n t a i n s ( s u b s u r f a c e f o r m a t i o n s ) ............................................... R a y d a F o r m a t i o n ........................................................................................ Salil F o r m a t i o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297 311 311 316 316 317 317 319 319 319 319 319 320 321 321 321 321 324 324 324 324 324 324 324 325 325 325 325 325 325 325 325 325 325 327



H a b s h a n F o r m a t i o n .................................................................................... L e k h w a i r F o r m a t i o n ................................................................................... Kharaib F o r m a t i o n ..................................................................................... Shuaiba F o r m a t i o n ..................................................................................... Central Oman Mountains (Allochthonous Units) .................................................. Sidr F o r m a t i o n .......................................................................................... N a y i d F o r m a t i o n ........................................................................................ M a y h a h Formation C M e m b e r ...................................................................... M a y h a h Formation D M e m b e r ...................................................................... Northern Oman Mountains (Musandam Peninsula) ................................................ M u s a n d a m M e m b e r G ................................................................................. M u s a n d a m M e m b e r H and I .......................................................................... 9Early Cretaceous on the eastern side of the Arabian Gulf: southwestern Iran ........................ F a h l i y a n F o r m a t i o n ........................................................................................ G a d v a n F o r m a t i o n .......................................................................................... D a r i y a n F o r m a t i o n .......................................................................................... Garau F o r m a t i o n ............................................................................................ 9Early Cretaceous in the Northern, Northwestern and Northeastern Arabian Platform: ............. Early Cretaceous in Kuwait: ............................................................................. S u l a i y / M a k h u l F o r m a t i o n ......................................................................... M i n a g i s h F o r m a t i o n ................................................................................. Ratawi F o r m a t i o n ..................................................................................... Z u b a i r F o r m a t i o n ..................................................................................... Shuaiba F o r m a t i o n ................................................................................... Early Cretaceous in Iraq: .................................................................................. 1. Southern Iraq: ...................................................................................... Ratawi F o r m a t i o n .............................................................................. Zubair F o r m a t i o n ............................................................................... Shuaiba F o r m a t i o n ............................................................................. 2. Northern Iraq ....................................................................................... Garagu F o r m a t i o n .............................................................................. L o w e r Balambo Formation .................................................................. L o w e r Sarmord Formation ................................................................... Lower Qamchuqa Limestone Formation ................................................. Early Cretaceous in Syria: ................................................................................ Q a m c h u q a F o r m a t i o n ................................................................................ R u t b a h F o r m a t i o n .................................................................................... H a y a n e F o r m a t i o n .................................................................................... Early Cretaceous in Jordan: Kurnub Group .......................................................... Early Cretaceous in Southeast Turkey: ................................................................ M a r d i n Group ......................................................................................... A r e b a n F o r m a t i o n ................................................................................ 9 Early Cretaceous in Southern and Southwestern Arabia: ............................................ The Republic of Yemen: Qishn Formation ................................................................ The S e c o n d Cycle: The Mid-Cretaceous ................................................................................... 9 Mid-Cretaceous in Eastern Arabia: The United Arab Emirates ........................................... S u b s u r f a c e Formations: ........................................................................................ N a h r U m r F o r m a t i o n ....................................................................................... M a u d d u d F o r m a t i o n ........................................................................................ Shilaif/Khatiyah F o r m a t i o n ............................................................................. M i s h r i f F o r m a t i o n .......................................................................................... Outcrop Formations" Nahr Umr and Mauddud formations ............................................ 9 Mid-Cretaceous in Eastern Arabia: Oman ..................................................................... Western Oman Mountains (subsurface formations) ...................................................... N a h r U m r F o r m a t i o n ...................................................................................... Natih F o r m a t i o n ............................................................................................. M a u d d u d F o r m a t i o n ........................................................................................ M i s h r i f F o r m a t i o n .......................................................................................... Central Oman Mountains (Allochthonous Units): Qumayrah Formation .........................

327 327 327 327 327 327 327 328 328 329 329 329 329 329 330 330 330 330 330 330 330 332 332 332 332 332 333 333 334 334 336 336 336 336 336 336 336 336 336 337 337 338 339 339 340 340 341 341 341 341 341 344 344 344 344 344 345 345 346



N o r t h e r n O m a n M o u n t a i n s ( M u s a n d a m P e n i n s u l a ) ..................................................... O u t c r o p Section" W a s i a G r o u p .......................................................................... S u b s u r f a c e S e c t i o n : ........................................................................................ K a z d h u m i F o r m a t i o n ................................................................................. M a u d d u d F o r m a t i o n ................................................................................. K h a t i y a h / M i s h r i f f o r m a t i o n s ...................................................................... S o u t h e r n O m a n ( D h o f a r R e g i o n ) ............................................................................. Q a m a r F o r m a t i o n ........................................................................................... H a r s h i y a t F o r m a t i o n ....................................................................................... Fartaq F o r m a t i o n ............................................................................................ 9 M i d - C r e t a c e o u s in S o u t h w e s t e r n Iran ............................................................................ B a n g e s t a n G r o u p : ................................................................................................ K a z d h u m i F o r m a t i o n ....................................................................................... Sarvak F o r m a t i o n ........................................................................................... Surgah F o r m a t i o n ........................................................................................... 9 Mid-Cretaceous in C e n t r a l and E a s t e r n Arabia: .............................................................. M i d - C r e t a c e o u s in Central and Eastern Saudi Arabia: W a s i a F o r m a t i o n .......................... M i d - C r e t a c e o u s in N o r t h w e s t e r n Saudi Arabia: W a s i a F o r m a t i o n ................................... M i d - C r e t a c e o u s in K u w a i t : W a s i a G r o u p ................................................................... B u r g a n F o r m a t i o n ........................................................................................... M a u d d u d F o r m a t i o n ........................................................................................ W a r a F o r m a t i o n ............................................................................................. A h m a d i F o r m a t i o n .......................................................................................... M a g w a F o r m a t i o n .......................................................................................... M i d - C r e t a c e o u s in Q a t a r : . W a s i a G r o u p ..................................................................... N a h r U m r F o r m a t i o n ....................................................................................... M a u d d u d F o r m a t i o n ........................................................................................ A h m a d i F o r m a t i o n .......................................................................................... K h a t i y a h F o r m a t i o n ........................................................................................ M i s h r i f F o r m a t i o n .......................................................................................... M i d - C r e t a c e o u s in Bahrain: W a s i a G r o u p .................................................................... N a h r U m r F o r m a t i o n ....................................................................................... M a u d d u d F o r m a t i o n ........................................................................................ W a r a F o r m a t i o n ............................................................................................. A h m a d i F o r m a t i o n .......................................................................................... R u m a i l a F o r m a t i o n ......................................................................................... M i d - C r e t a c e o u s in N o r t h e r n A r a b i a n P l a t f o r m : ................................................................. 9 M i d - C r e t a c e o u s in I r a q ......................................................................................... 1. S o u t h e r n and S o u t h w e s t e r n Iraq: .................................................................... N a h r U m r F o r m a t i o n ................................................................................. M a u d d u d F o r m a t i o n .................................................................................. W a r a F o r m a t i o n ....................................................................................... A h m a d i F o r m a t i o n .................................................................................... R u m a i l a F o r m a t i o n ................................................................................... M i s h r i f F o r m a t i o n ................................................................................... 2. W e s t e r n Iraq: ............................................................................................. R u t b a h F o r m a t i o n .................................................................................... M ' s a d F o r m a t i o n ...................................................................................... 3. N o r t h e r n and N o r t h e a s t e r n Iraq: ..................................................................... R i m S i l t s t o n e F o r m a t i o n .........................................................

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