

See page 15 for Covid-19 Information correct at time of publication. Applies to all dated events including services. Please Read !


PLYMPTON TEAM MINISTRY CONTACTS PARISH STAFF Rev’d Preb. Robert Harris 209 Ridgeway, Plympton 658762 Rev’d Will Sweeney 31 Wain Park, Plympton 946084 TEAM OFFICE (both Parishes) for Baptisms, Marriages or Funerals. Also for Hall bookings (St Mary’s only) Mrs Sarah Duckworth Open 9 am to 1pm (Mon-Fri)

[email protected]

The Parish Hall and Office is closed during Covid-19 restrictions but the e-mail address is monitored. WEEKLY NOTICES Sarah Duckworth - St Mary’s [email protected] Gill Easterbrook - St Maurice [email protected]


COVID-19 (Coronavirus) March—April

In line with national advice from the Church of England, all public services at St Mary’s and St Maurice churches have been suspended until further notice.

A member of the clergy will continue to pray daily for the needs of the whole community and we can also support this prayerfully.

For urgent pastoral matters, please telephone 01752 658762, for other queries, please email [email protected] See items in this edition especially pages 14, 15 and 27 and support those who live in your community and work locally who are suffering real disruption to their lives and livelihoods during this health crisis. Take the pressure off the NHS workers by taking the precautions seriously and adapting your routines. APPEAL FOR ON-GOING SUPPORT Obviously all people will be being careful in their shopping and home finances and support for family members. If you can, despite lack of church services, remember that the churches continue to have costs of upkeep, insurances and maintaining ministry and support for people across Plympton and beyond. We ask you to continue to be as generous as you are able to support the work we do as Jesus commanded. “Love your neighbour as yourself” . Be regular in your approach to prayer and practical action and stay safe. Thank you.


April 2020

Dear Friends,

The Lord is risen! Alleluia! (If you are reading this prior to 12th April please refrain from reading the word Alleluia… (I am of course joking)). After six weeks of fasting, giving something up or taking something on we embark on the wonderful

season of Easter. We hear of the joy when the empty tomb is discovered by Mary Magdalene and how she runs to tell the other disciples of the good news. I don’t know about you but I always feel a sense of great joy as we sing the hymns proclaiming the resurrection of Jesus and all that it means for you and me. The Easter story is one that is life changing, it is the moment when Jesus overcame the finality of death, giving us the sure hope of the resurrection to an everlasting life with God. However, this feeling of excitement should be burning within us every day of our lives, not just saved for Easter Day… The empty tomb is just the surface of good news that so many around the world have yet to hear. Easter day provides us with a fresh start, an opportunity to remind ourselves of our commitment to God and His commitment to us. Christ’s death and resurrection was an act of pure love for each and every person and Easter day (as well as the whole of the Easter season and in fact every Sunday throughout the year) is an opportunity to exclaim Alleluia! The cross and empty tomb portray the death to sin and the rising to eternal life that we are all assured of. Easter day starts weeks of celebration where we remind ourselves that no matter what, no matter where we have come from or what we have done, God’s love for us is so great that He gave His only begotten son, so that we may be forgiven and have everlasting life. As we embark on our Easter season (and if you are reading this before the 12th April that season is still to come) let us rejoice with God who loves us so much and let us encourage others to rejoice alongside us saying ‘Alleluia the Lord is risen! He is risen indeed Alleluia!’. Wishing you a blessed Easter, Fr Will


ST MARY’S NOTEBOOK HOLY COMMUNION AT HOME – The Blessed Sacrament is [normally] reserved in church for the Communion of the Sick and housebound and the Sacrament of Anointing would also be available. Please contact one of the clergy. [Very regretfully suspended during the restrictions on movement and distancing] MONTHLY PRAYER GROUP

[Due to the situation with Covid-19 at time of printing, this has been suspended/postponed until further notice] Did you know that there is a prayer group normally meeting on the 2nd Friday of each month at 23 Wolrige Avenue from 3pm to 4pm? We pray for the future work and development of Christian Life in Plympton and for anything else on the hearts of the

participants. Mavis Buttle CHRISTIAN READING GROUP (SUSPENDED) The Group has now met and at our first meeting there was a united wish to study contemplative prayer. We decided to start in a very basic way and study Christopher Jamison’s book “Finding Sanctuary”. The group was meeting once a month in an afternoon. If you wish to know more about this , look out for uinformatio after current restrictions have been lifted.

MOTHERS’ UNION—St Mary’s [Due to the situation with Covid-19 at time of printing, this has been suspended/postponed until further notice] Many thanks to Rev Will Sweeney for the communion service on 4th March. We wished him well as he leaves us to start his Royal Navy career as a Chaplain. Marguerite Coaker

MIKE AT CHADDLEWWOD Mike has moved into residential care in Torquay, close to his son, but will be keen to keep in touch with the many friends he has in Plympton at some point in the future. This care home normally has no restrictions on visiting hours, but visting is currently not possible. Mike would normally be able to go out on trips and visit the nearby shops. Mike is generally in good spirits. He recently popped back to Plympton for a lunch at The Brook Inn with his family to celebrate his 70th Birthday. [from information provided by his son—redacted for web publication] HAPPENINGS Bonjour! The French evening went very well, lots of smiling faces meeting and greeting, background music, and a DVD of 84 episodes of ‘Allo ‘Allo and, as ever, the Chef de Cuisine (AKA Father Robert) and his band of helpers excelled themselves. Starters and main course were really very tasty and the desserts 'scrummy' - if you


weren't there you missed an excellent fun evening with folk from both St Mary's and St Maurice intermingling, chattering, laughing and generally enjoying themselves. The raffle went well, lots of prizes - incidentally the first ticket drawn— WELL! believe it , or not, the gentleman resplendent in French attire, who drew the first ticket, actually drew his own number - what are the odds on that happening!! So much thought, preparation and planning had obviously gone into making the evening the success it was, so a big 'THANK YOU' to everyone concerned, it really was such an enjoyable evening. Judith Bye FLOWER ROTA AT ST MARY’S I will be preparing a new Altar flower rota to run from Easter 2020 and Sunday 14th February 2021. If you would like to give and or arrange the flowers in memory of a loved one, during this period please let me know as soon as it may be possible due to the crisis. Money is not required until approx. 2weeks before the date. During the last few years the cost of flowers has risen, so please take this in consideration when making your donation, Thank You, Joan Humphries (updated by Editor 26th March)

CHORAL EVENTS There was a Lenten Service of music and readings with members of Devon choirs and Dr Sweeney on the organ. Unfortunately this was not well attended but much appreciated by those who could attend.


CONFIRMATION: Anyone who would like to be prepared for the Sacrament of Confirmation, or to learn more please speak to Fr Robert. PLYMPTON ST. MAURICE MOTHERS’ UNION APRIL 2020 DIARY

[Due to the situation with Covid-19 at time of printing, this has been suspended/postponed until further notice] Wednesday 8th 9.30am Corporate Communion Tuesday 14th 1.30 pm Branch Meeting Stations of the Cross led by Mavis Davis Friday 24th 12 noon Cathedral Prayers Tuesday 28th 12 noon Parish Lunch The Stations of the Cross in St. Maurice. There are 14 Stations of the Cross around the walls of the Nave in the Church. The wooden carvings provide stopping places for the pilgrims to contemplate following Jesus’ walk to the Cross in prayer and reflection. Each year during Lent and Holy Week the stations are followed faithfully by adults and children in a led devotion. The creator of the 14 stations was Susan Ann Oliver Morris (26.4.1938 – 6.5.2013). Many prayerful meetings and study with the rector, Rev Theo Thomas, finally resulted in the


actual choice of carvings and wood. Locally, Sue was well known for her pastoral work at the Hospice for over 20 years, and her many creative inspired works, until her retirement in 2001. Rose Jones LENT LUNCHES

[Due to the situation with Covid-19 at time of printing, this has been suspended/postponed until further notice] If this resumes in time, do join us for a simple lunch of homemade soup, bread and cheese. Proceeds to The Food Bank and The Soup Run. Further details from Kay Taylor Sue Hawes PLYMPTON ST MAURICE LADIES BREAKFAST!

[Due to the situation with Covid-19 at time of printing, this has been suspended/postponed until further notice] Do join our friendly group for breakfast, or just a coffee if you prefer, and good conversation Further details from Carol Hatcher or Sue Hawes THE SEEKERS AT ST MAURICE had to combine their Pancake Party and Big Breakfast in March due to the parents working too hard!!! We had a great time on Sunday the 1st and the hall was full of people enjoying their breakfasts including pancakes and bacon rolls. We did have a bit of an issue with the

toaster that was only partially working so we have decided to use some of the money that was raised for the church funds to purchase a new 4 slice toaster. Thank you to everyone who came and enjoyed the fellowship and supported us. We raised a fantastic £101.10 Vicky Gibbons

CHRISTMAS APPEAL – THE HOMELESS IN PLYMOUTH Wow, what can we say? Massive thanks to all of you from both parishes who donated various items for this very worthy charity. There were hats, scarves, gloves, blankets, jackets, socks, toiletries, toothbrushes, ladies products, cup a soup, cereal bars, chocolates etc . The photos say it all. We were very humbled when we delivered all this to the warehouse for sorting. Apparently we have no idea how big the homeless problem is but we now have do an idea and also we feel that we as a Team Ministry have made a contribution to hopefully helping to give a little bit of comfort to the homeless of Plymouth at Christmas. Thank you. [Photographs opposite] Jenny Dawkins Editor’s note: Apologies, this message of thanks for responding to the appeal was omitted from the February/March editions in error.


FOLK CONCERT [Due to the situation with Covid-19 at time of printing, this has been suspended/postponed until further notice] Jim Causley, a popular folk singer will be performing at Plympton St Maurice Church on Friday 24th April at 7 30pm. There will be a retiring collection in aid of Plympton St Maurice Church Funds. Teas and coffees will be served. Further details from Sue Hawes COACH TRIP - A note for your diaries but may be affected by Covid-19 There may be a coach trip to Gloucester on Saturday 6th June (subject to Covid restrictions being lifted). We will depart from the bus stop opposite St Mary's Church at 8 30am, leaving Gloucester to return at 5 30pm We will travel with Plymouth City Coach. Tickets £19 no concessions Further details, when normal travel uis resumed, and from Sue Hawes or the Parish Office.

DEVON HISTORIC CHURCHES TRUST 2020 We have received a lovely letter from Lady Burnell-Nugent, Chairman of the Devon Historic Churches Trust which is dedicated to providing funding for our church buildings in their hour of need. In her letter she writes: "Many congratulations to everyone at Plympton St Mary's involved in raising £502 as part of the Devon Historic Churches Day in September 2019. This is a wonderful sum which you have brought in for both your church and as a contribution to the work of the Trust. I hope the sixties and seventies music evening was much enjoyed, it was a great idea. You all made a wonderful effort, thank you so much. We are very grateful for your support to the DHCT. The money raised is vital in allowing the Trust to continue its work funding repairs to our parish churches and assisting them in staying open and serving their communities for future generations. Please pass my thanks to everyone concerned. Altogether last year, the Devon Historic Churches Day raised over £44,000 at this event, which in these challenging financial times is a significant achievement. During the year the Trust has provided over £97,000 in grants to Devon Churches. The key role you all play in this funding is much appreciated". Rodger Ruse



[Due to the situation with Covid-19 at time of printing, this activity has been suspended/postponed until further notice] We continue to meet in 2020 on the third Saturday of the

month, in the Church Hall, between 11.00 am and 1.00pm, by which time we’ve had fun doing themed activities, listened to a story, sung some songs, said some prayers, and most importantly for some, had lunch! So, we had great fun at Messy Church in February, with the theme of homes. We made bird boxes, bug hotels, lego houses, matched people from different countries with their

homes, thought about the homeless and refugees, decorated biscuits, sang songs and had lunch! We’re continuing to follow guidelines about containing Covid-19 so we won’t be serving food, but hopefully we will still be meeting on

Good Friday, 10th April. Usual time, of 11.00, I think. Watch the website and notice boards to keep up to date.

A FEW DATES IN THE FUTURE FOR YOU TO BE AWARE OF! APCM (Annual Church Meeting) for St Maurice on Sunday 3rd May. St Mary’s May Fair: Saturday 16th May in Parish Hall and Garden [Do not forget that the MAY Bank Holiday in 2020 will be on Friday 8th May, not on Monday 4th May, to commemorate the 75th Anniversary of VE Day.]


Important items in April’s Devon News Editor UPDATED 25TH MARCH






BAPTISMS [None to report] MARRIAGES [None to report] FUNERALS, MEMORIAL SERVICES & INTERMENTS OF ASHES 27th February Jean Mary Grimson aged 87 2nd March Timothy Roger Smart aged 73 3rd March Colin Arthur Poynter aged 83 5th March Edward George Darby aged 83 6th March Simon John Proctor aged 40 9th March Gwendoline Marion Hayward aged 93


BAPTISMS 16th February Evie Sophia Stevenson MARRIAGES [none to report]


BIBLE VERSES FOR TIMES SUCH AS THESE: John 3 : v 16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes

in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

Deuteronomy 31: v 8 8 The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”




St Mary’s and St Maurice churches HAVE BEEN INSTRUCTED TO CLOSE and therefore Plympton Team Ministry have, using Fr Will Sweeney’s IT skills, been able to set up on-line regular worship via a You Tube Channel called “Plympton Team Min-istry”. [hold ctrl key and click on the link above]


COVID-19 (Coronavirus) RESPONSE AT 25TH MARCH 2020

In line with national advice from the Church of England, all public services at St Mary’s and St Maurice churches have been suspended until further notice.

The decision to close both church halls and temporarily cancel ALL SERVICES, bookings and social events during the current crisis has also been made. This is to help to protect the whole community.

St Mary’s and St Maurice churches HAVE BEEN ISTRUCTED TO CLOSE and Plympton Team Ministry have, using Fr Will Sweeney’s skills, been able to set up on-line regular worship via a You Tube Channel called “Plympton Team Ministry”.

A member of the clergy will pray for the needs of the whole community. Please check the Facebook pages and websites for further updates. May God bless you and all for whom you care.

A network of support for the church family has been set up, via telephone and, where possible, active support.

For urgent pastoral matters, please telephone 01752 658762, for other queries, please email [email protected]

Worship on TV/Radio

BBC 1: Songs of Praise – Sundays at 1315 Radio 4: Prayer for the day – 0543 on Radio 4 Sunday worship – 0810 on Radio 4 Daily service – Monday-Friday 0945 on Radio 4 Lent Talks – Wednesdays 2045 on Radio 4

Radio 3: Choral Evensong – Wednesdays 1530 on Radio 3 (repeated Sundays at 1500)


WOMEN’S WORLD DAY OF PRAYER This year’s service for Plympton took place at Ridgeway Methodist Church on 6th March where women, and one or two men, from our local churches participated in a great wave of prayer encircling the globe, which began as the sun rose over Samoa and ended some 36 hours later back in the Pacific as the sun set over American Samoa. We joined with people in over 120 countries and islands around the world. Each year the service is written by a different country and this year it was prepared by the Christian women of Zimbabwe who called us to “Rise! Take your mat and walk”. We were encouraged to reflect on the difficulties and unrest that have plagued their country over many years. They shared the challenges they have met and the hopes they have for the future and invited us to support them as they continued their often turbulent journey towards full reconciliation. In a letter from the women of Zimbabwe we heard a little of the history of the country – the fight for independence from colonial power, the formation of a national government led by leaders supported by the majority of the population, political violence and efforts to bring all sides into a process of truth and reconciliation. There is much unemployment in their communities and many have difficulty providing for their families especially with young men and women having migrated to find work in the neighbouring countries and all over the world. Zimbabweans value their community-based culture and closely-knit families, even though individualism and domestic violence affect many people. Following a bible reading from John 5: 2-9a (omitting verse 4) where Jesus uses three verbs to enable the man, who had been sick for 38 years, to experience God’s love: “Rise! Take your mat and walk.” We should not be afraid to act on the word of God. God is offering us the steps for personal and social transformation. The women of Zimbabwe invited us to write down our commitments to support our own communities with actions of love, peace and reconciliation. These commitments were offered to be prayerfully considered and to turn them into actions at a short service held the following week led by Rev. Darren Middleton, Minister of Ridgeway Methodist Church. The women of Zimbabwe are seeking love, peace and reconciliation within their country. They need our support. Di Smith

Black—Majority of the population Green—vegetation Red—Blood shed during the liberation struggle Yellow—gold and minerals White—peace Red star—hope Bird—National Bird as depicted in Iron age ruins



ARCHBISHOP OF CANTERBURY PAYS TRIBUTE TO THE ARCHBISHOP OF YORK The Archbishop of Canterbury has paid tribute to the Archbishop of York in General Synod what would have been his final Synod. Archbishop Justin Welby praised the Archbishop of York who is currently travelling in the Pacific. He said: “He (John Sentamu) has gone to visit parts of the world which are suffering the effects of climate change right now. He has gone typically to be alongside those who are suffering: a pattern of his life throughout his ministry.” The Archbishop continued: “Speaking about Sentamu when he’s not here … means we can show our gratitude, thanks and love for him without him being able to stop us.” Recalling the Archbishop of York’s work on the Stephen Lawrence Inquiry, Archbishop Justin added that “he has said

that he himself was stopped at least eight times by the police”. Reflecting on the Archbishop of York’s impact nationally, the Archbishop of Canterbury said: “The Church of England will miss you Sentamu and the wider country will miss you. There aren’t a lot of bishops who are so well known outside the church.” John Sentimu has also written a number of books which are available on Amazon! [Adapted from an article from Parish Pump]

OUR PRECIOUS NHS On 23rd December I was rushed into Derriford Hospital for an operation for a twisted bowel. I was in great pain. From the moment that I was taken into Derriford I was giv-en exceptional care by everyone. This was the first time that I have been in hospital since I was 5 years old. I am now 70. I had my colostomy operation on New Years Eve from 21.00 hours. The operation was a success. The consideration, patience, dedica-tion and professionalism showed by all the staff from the domestic staff to the surgical team has been second to none. I get quite emotional when I think of the wonderful people that tirelessly, and with humour, looked after my every need until the day I went home on 7th January, 2020. My experience of the NHS has been quite humbling. When I look back on that very traumatic two weeks of my life, in a rather bizarre way, I have learned a lot about the kindness and caring of the healthcare professionals and also about myself. I never want to go through this again. I know that this is only one person's experience but what an experience! Having worked in the materials manage-ment team in Derriford Hospital for 19 years I saw nothing but good practice wherever I worked. Thank you NHS for being such an excellent service. Ted, St Maurice.


Thought for Today A living church is one that remembers the past, lives in the present, and works for the future.


For colouring in during any period of isolation!


CROSSWORD (Solution on page 21)

Across 1 Relating to the whole universe (6) 4 The disciple who made the remark in 8 Across (John 20:24) (6) 8 ‘Unless I see the nail marks — — hands, I will not believe it’ (John 20:25) (2,3) 9 He urged King Jehoiakim not to burn the scroll containing Jeremiah’s message (Jeremiah 36:25) (7) 10 Baptist minister and controversial founder of America’s Moral Majority, Jerry — (7) 11 ‘Look, here is — . Why shouldn’t I be baptized?’ (Acts 8:36) (5) 12 Repossessed (Genesis 14:16) (9) 17 Port from which Paul sailed on his last journey to Rome (Acts 27:3–4) (5) 19 ‘Moses was not aware that his face was — because he had spoken with the Lord’ (Exodus 34:29) (7) 21 Roonwit, C.S. Lewis’s half-man, half-horse (7) 22 Grill (Luke 24:42) (5) 23 ‘The lot fell to Matthias; so he was added to the — apostles’ (Acts 1:26) (6) 24 ‘I was sick and you

looked after me, I was in — and you came to visit me’ (Matthew 25:36) (6) Down 1 Coastal rockfaces (Psalm 141:6) (6) 2 Academic (1 Corinthians 1:20) (7) 3 Publish (Daniel 6:26) (5) 5 For example, the Crusades (4,3) 6 11 Across is certainly this (5) 7 He reps (anag.) (6) 9 Liberator (Psalm 18:2) (9) 13 Man who asked the question in 11 Across was in charge of all her treasury (Acts 8:27) (7) 14 They must be ‘worthy of respect, sincere, not indulging in much wine’ (1 Timothy 3:8) (7)

15 The human mind or soul (6) 16 ‘O Lord, while precious children starve, the tools of war increase; their bread is — ’ (Graham Kendrick) (6) 18 ‘We played the flute for you, and you did not — ’ (Matthew 11:17) (5) 20 Bared (anag.) (5)




ACROSS: 1, Cosmic. 4, Thomas. 8, In his. 9, Delaiah. 10, Falwell. 11, Water. 12, Recovered. 17, Sidon. 19, Radiant. 21, Centaur. 22, Broil. 23, Eleven. 24, Prison. DOWN: 1, Cliffs. 2, Scholar. 3, Issue. 5, Holy war. 6, Moist. 7, Sphere. 9, Deliverer. 13, Candace. 14, Deacons. 15, Psy-che. 16, Stolen. 18, Dance. 20, Debar.


ST MARY’S TABLE TOP SALES These sales are organised to raise funds to support the Church

and are not a commercial venture

10am - 1.30pm


[All subject to cancellation due to Covid-19] Saturday 4th April Saturday 2nd May Saturday 6th June Saturday 4th July

Table rents £7 for each table Book well in advance - often fully booked months ahead!

Contact Marcia Knight



By the time you read this, the grass will be growing fast. We are hoping we will have dry weather so we can strim and mow easily to ensure the grass/graves are tidy. If you may be able to help in any way, including varnishing the church doors, or improving the Parish Hall, please let Phil know so he can send you details of 1/2 day sessions after Covid-19 restrictions are lifted. If you cannot find Phil in the churchyard, the grass will be because the grass has grown tover 5’ 4” ! Thank you Philip Smith


Magazine and Publicity Matters Please submit articles by the 5th of the month for publication in the next edition. Articles can be submitted via email to [email protected] or the magazine pigeon-hole at the rear of St Mary’s, or via Val Taylor at St Maurice. Photographs, poems and extracts of materi-al submitted can only be used if permitted by the owner of any copyright. Contact information will only be put in for the articles submitted and not held or passed on for other purposes. (GDPR) When using photographs of children and young people, written permission must be obtained from parents and it is preferable to use group pictures. Forms for permission are obtainable from me or the Parish Office. For St Mary’s subscription details

contact the Parish Office or, for St Maurice, Val Taylor 07907739076. Advertisements, and any service quotes offered, do not imply recommendation by

the Church. Grateful thanks go to our advertisers, and to Walter Parson who sponsor the printing. Phil Smith Editor

ST MARY’S CHURCH MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR 2020 Most Magazine annual subscriptions and advertising contributions have now been paid. Envelopes for your donation were provided with the December/January edition which should be returned as soon as possible to the person who delivers the magazine, or direct to the Team Office. Please phone me if you need to renew and have forgotten to do so. We do not want to lose you. Thank you for your continued support. Phil Smith Editor




Daily Services

Prayer and worship is at the very heart of our lives both as individuals and as members of a wider Christian community. It is in our prayer and worship that we encounter God and that we are strengthened and fed in Word and in Sacrament. It is in our worship that we experience communion with God and with one another as we seek to live together in that unity which is God’s will for us. 8.30 am Morning Prayer, St. Mary’s WORSHIP WHEN CHURCHES ARE CLOSED? At the current time, there are no services taking place at the churches. However, regular services are available through our You Tube channel which can be accessed through a PC, smartphone, or tablet. There are services via links on the Diocese of Exeter Page and the Church of England webpages. A smart TV can usually access You Tube channels, if a family member has set it up for you. PERSONAL ACTIONS? You all remain in our prayers and we are providing Plympton - focussed pastoral support networks. We are contacting all people who ask for telephone support, prayer and other support through a network of people. Friendship and on-going contact will really help you and those whom you know to be strengthened at this time.




The Team Ministry in Plympton is currently looking at ways to support those living in Plympton—especially those suffering from food poverty, social isolation or vulnerable due to age or health. There are plans to examine whether a Foodbank can be set up in Plympton in view of the current and long term effects of the Covid-19 emergency. It is also becoming clear that there were families and individuals in need of regular help before this crisis. So the aim would be to look at long-term sustainability. Please remember to help and pray for each other but also to maintain a distance and follow guidance on handwashing etc. Keep an eye and ear open for useful contacts in the local area and beyond.

VOLUNTEERING Look out for opportunities, if you are able, via


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