Download - Seed Viabillty Test

  • 8/18/2019 Seed Viabillty Test


    R.A.K. College of Agriculture,




    II Sem.

    Roll no. 11!" 

    Seed Viability Test



  • 8/18/2019 Seed Viabillty Test



    Viability means that a seed is capable ofgerminating and producing a normal seedling.

     Therefore, a given seed is either viable or

    nonviable, depending on its ability to germinateand produce a normal seedling.

     The another sense, viability denotes the degree to

    hich a seed is alive, metabolically active, andpossesses en!ymes capable of cataly!ing metabolicreactions needed for germination and seedlinggroth.

    "umerous tests e#ist for determining seed viability,

  • 8/18/2019 Seed Viabillty Test


    See% V&'&l&* Te+&ng

    Viability means that a seed is capable ofgerminating and producing a normal seedling.

     Therefore, a given seed is either viable or

    nonviable, depending on its ability to germinateand produce a normal seedling.

     The another sense, viability denotes the degree to

    hich a seed is alive, metabolically active, andpossesses en!ymes capable of cataly!ingmetabolic reactions needed for germination andseedling groth.

    "umerous tests e#ist for determining seed

  • 8/18/2019 Seed Viabillty Test



     The tetra!olium test distinguishes beteen viableand dead tissues of the embryo on the basis oftheir relative respiration rate in the hydratedstate. Although many en!ymes are active duringrespiration, the test utili!es the activity ofdehydrogenase en!ymes as an inde# to therespiration rate and seed viability.

    $ehydrogenase en!ymes react ith substratesand release hydrogen ions to the o#idi!ed,colorless, tetra!olium salt solution, hich ischanged into red forma!an. Seed viability is

    interpreted according to the staining pattern ofthe embryo and the intensity of the coloration.

  • 8/18/2019 Seed Viabillty Test



    Seeds are %rst imbibed on a et substratum to allocomplete hydration of all tissues. &or many species,the tetra!olium solution can be added to the intactseed. 'ther seeds must be prepared by cutting and

    puncturing in various ays to permit access oftetra!olium – solution to all parts of seed. Afterhydration, the seeds are placed in a tetra!olium saltsolution at ()*o*C. To hrin usually ade+uate forseeds that are bisected through the embryo, butothers re+uire longer periods of staining.

     Tests focus on seed membrane and embryo integrity

  • 8/18/2019 Seed Viabillty Test


    .predict ho seed ill perform hen plantedunder normal planting conditions. The coldgermination test involves holding the seeds at) - & for seven days folloed by - & for

    three days. Soil from the %eld that containsnatural microorganisms is used and only seedsthat emerge are counted. This test indicates theseed lot/s vigor or ability to ithstand less thandesirable condition

    Col% germ&n'&on e++

  • 8/18/2019 Seed Viabillty Test


    identi%es seeds that are viable. The seeds are %rstsoa0ed in ater to initiate germination. They are thensplit in half and put into a 12 T3 solution. The T3 ischanged to a red or deep pin0 chemical called forma!anhen it comes into contact ith en!ymes found only inlive seeds. The degree of redness is indicative on theviability of the seed

    T (er'/ol&-m c0lor&%e) e+

  • 8/18/2019 Seed Viabillty Test


  • 8/18/2019 Seed Viabillty Test


    Con%-c&ng Te+

    Conductivity tests are based on the fact that asseed deterioration progresses, the cellmembranes become less rigid and more ater – 

    permeable, alloing the cell contents to escapeinto solution ith the ater and increasing itselectrical conductivity.

  • 8/18/2019 Seed Viabillty Test


     Ec&+e% Emr*o Te++

    It is a ay of recessing seed viability in dormantseeds, especially in oody species. If the embryosof dormant seeds are carefully removed ithout

    in4ury and placed on a moist %lter paper underfavourable conditions they ill readily gro andturn green. This ill happen much more rapidthan in the intact seed.

  • 8/18/2019 Seed Viabillty Test


     H*%rogen ,ero&%e Te+

     The test is conducted by cutting the seed coat atthe radical and alloing a 12 solution of5676'676 to permeate the interior of the seed.

     This treatment results in more rapid root

    protrusion compared to the standard germiantiontest. This stimulation might occur from thedegradation of 5676'676 into 5676' 8 197'676hich enhances the environment surrounding theseeds and thus stimulates germination.

    'ther tests focus on the integrity of the seed coathich can have an in:uence on imbibitiondamage, seed lea0age, and susceptibility to

    invasion by pathogens. They include the

  • 8/18/2019 Seed Viabillty Test


    A2 $err&c C0lor&%e Te+;echanically in4ured legume seeds turn blac0

    hen placed in a solution of &eCl6(6

  • 8/18/2019 Seed Viabillty Test


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