
ii F o r e s tF o r e s tBiogeosciences and ForestryBiogeosciences and Forestry

Seeing trees from space: above-ground biomass estimates of intact and degraded montane rainforests from high-resolution optical imagery

Mui-How Phua (1), Zia-Yiing Ling (1), David Anthony Coomes (2), Wilson Wong (1), Alexius Korom (1), Satoshi Tsuyuki (3), Keiko Ioki (1), Yasumasa Hirata (4), Hideki Saito (4), Gen Takao (4)

Accurately quantifying the above-ground carbon stock of tropical rainforesttrees is the core component of “Reduction of Emissions from Deforestationand Forest Degradation-plus” (REDD+) projects and is important for evaluatingthe effects of anthropogenic global change. We used high-resolution opticalimagery (IKONOS-2) to identify individual tree crowns in intact and degradedrainforests in the mountains of Northern Borneo, comparing our results with50 ground-based plots dispersed in intact and degraded forests, within whichall stems > 10 cm in diameter were measured and identified to species orgenus. We used the dimensions of tree crowns detected in the imagery to esti-mate above-ground biomasses (AGBs) of individual trees and plots. To this pur-pose, preprocessed IKONOS imagery was segmented using a watershed algo-rithm; stem diameter values were then estimated from the cross-sectionalcrown areas of these trees using regression relationships obtained fromground-based measurements. Finally, we calculated the biomass of each tree(AGBT, in kg), and the AGB of plots by summation (AGBP, in Mg ha-1). Remotelysensed estimates of mean AGBT were similar to ground-based estimates inintact and degraded forests, even though small trees could not be detectedfrom space-borne sensors. The intact and degraded forests not only had differ-ent AGB but were also dissimilar in biodiversity. A tree-centric approach tocarbon mapping based on high-resolution optical imagery, could be a cheapalternative to airborne laser-scanning.

Keywords: Biomass Estimation, Crown Area, IKONOS-2, Tree Community Simi-larity, Sabah

IntroductionTropical rainforests are important sinks

and sources in global carbon cycling. Annu-ally, 15 to 25% of global greenhouse gasemissions are produced by loss of tropicalrainforests, while increases in carbon with-in old-growth forests may offset 17% ofemissions (Malhi & Grace 2000). While fos-sil fuel emissions increased by 29% between2000 and 2008, emissions from land-usechanges were nearly constant (Le Quere etal. 2009). These accelerated emissions, es-pecially carbon-based emissions, are thecauses of global warming, which affects

forest ecosystems worldwide. Deforesta-tion contributes to carbon emissions fromland use changes in forests (Brown 2002),whereas forest degradation is a direct hu-man-induced activity that leads to a long-term reduction in forest carbon stocks(IPCC 2006). In Borneo, most lowland pri-mary forest has been lost as a result ofdeforestation and forest degradation overthe past 40 years (Langner et al. 2012, Ga-veau et al. 2014). The remaining uplandsrainforests are severely threatened byincreasing anthropogenic activities, partic-ularly in the uplands of the Malaysian Bor-

neon near Indonesia, where rates of lossare ten-times greater than across the bor-der (Broich et al. 2013).

Accurate carbon stock estimates areessential for “Reduction of Emissions fromDeforestation and Forest Degradation-plus” (REDD+) projects, which aims to paygovernments for reductions in carbon diox-ide emissions resulting from forest protec-tion. REDD+ is regarded as a cost-effectivemechanism for reducing global greenhousegas emissions (Stern 2007), but will onlyfunction effectively if carbon savings fromavoided deforestation can be calculatedcheaply and reliably at high resolution (As-ner et al. 2010). In the context of REDD+,forest above-ground biomass (AGBp, in Mgha-1) is best estimated from field-basedinventory datasets: stem diameter of treeswithin plots are measured by hand andindividual tree biomass calculated frompublished allometric formulae, which whensummed and multiplied by carbon contentgives above-ground carbon density (Brown2002). Whilst inventory plots will continueto contribute significantly to regional-scalecarbon assessments, a dearth of plots intropical regions and the expense of estab-lishing new networks mean that analystsare increasingly looking to remote-sensingtechnology to measure forest stocks andchanges (Brown 2002).

The ability of capturing vegetation height

© SISEF 625 iForest (2017) 10: 625-634

(1) Faculty of Science and Natural Resources, University of Malaysia Sabah, Jalan UMS, 88400 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah (Malaysia); (2) Department of Plant Sciences, University of Cam-bridge, Cambridge, CB2 3EA (UK); (3) Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo, 1-1-1 Yayoi, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8567 (Japan); (4) Forest and Forest Products Research Institute, Matsunosato 1, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8687 (Japan)

@@ Mui-How Phua ([email protected])

Received: Aug 22, 2016 - Accepted: May 04, 2017

Citation: Phua M-H, Ling Z-Y, Coomes DA, Wong W, Korom A, Tsuyuki S, Ioki K, Hirata Y, Saito H, Takao G (2017). Seeing trees from space: above-ground biomass estimates of intact and degraded montane rainforests from high-resolution optical imagery. iForest 10: 625-634. – doi: 10.3832/ifor2204-010 [online 2017-06-01]

Communicated by: Davide Travaglini

Research ArticleResearch Articledoi: doi: 10.3832/ifor2204-01010.3832/ifor2204-010

vol. 10, pp. 625-634vol. 10, pp. 625-634

Phua M-H et al. - iForest 10: 625-634

information allows airborne LiDAR to out-perform optical satellite imageries in accu-rately mapping forest AGB, but it is expen-sive for large area application. On theother hand, recent studies demonstratethat high-resolution satellite imageries canbe used to examine forest canopy struc-ture (Wang et al. 2004, Pouliot & King2005). Information about individual treecrown (ITC) can be extracted by recogniz-ing individual treetops (Wulder et al. 2002,Wang et al. 2004) and crown (Leckie et al.2003, Wang et al. 2004, Hirata et al. 2009,Phua et al. 2014). Treetop locations are usu-ally extracted from high resolution imageryusing local maximum filtering, an approachthat is most accurate for low density wood-

lands where tree spacing is less than oneindividual per 6.6 m2 (Pitkanen 2001). Treecrowns are commonly delineated fromhigh-resolution satellite imagery using ei-ther the watershed method (Pouliot & King2005, Hirata et al. 2009, Phua et al. 2014) orvalley-following method (Leckie et al. 2003,Gougeon & Leckie 2006), both of which arefounded on reflectance being highest atthe top of a crown and decreasing towardsits edges (Culvenor 2003). Tree biomassescan be calculated from these crown areaestimates. Several studies have found sig-nificant relations between imagery-esti-mated crown area and field-measured di-ameter at breast height (DBH – Leckie etal. 2005, Palace et al. 2008, Hirata et al.

2009, Phua et al. 2014), while forestershave published many papers relating DBHto above-ground biomass (Yamakura et al.1986, Bartelink 1996, Broadbent et al.2008, Basuki et al. 2009, Chave et al. 2014).Thus, in principle at least, carbon densitycan be estimated from high-resolution sat-ellite imagery using an approach analogousto traditional field inventory methods.However, ITC segmentation is not alwaysvery accurate, and small trees are invisibleon an optical remote sensing imagery, sobiases and imprecisions in carbon esti-mates can arise. Few studies have criticallyevaluated the performance of this ap-proach for estimating tropical carbon.

Most of these remote sensing studiesemphasized carbon stock estimation forREDD+, though ensuring the protection oflivelihoods and biodiversity is also centralto the mechanism (Gardner et al. 2012,Murray et al. 2015). There may be risks tobiodiversity that arise directly or indirectlyfrom the activities under REDD+ (Visseren-Hamakers et al. 2012), which needs to bemonitored as co-benefits of REDD+ pro-grammes. Monitoring tree species richnessof disturbed tropical forests is complex be-cause of high spatial heterogeneity (Sheil &Burslem 2003), and comparisons of com-munity similarity has thus been proposedas a robust and cost effective biodiversityindex for REDD+ (Imai et al. 2012, 2014).

This study aimed to estimate the carbondensity of tropical montane rainforestsfrom the IKONOS-2 imagery, by consider-ing forest degradation, and examining therelationship between the estimated AGBp

and biodiversity to ecologically validate theAGBp estimation. We examined the correla-tions between crown dimension estimatesextracted from the IKONOS-2 imagery (sat-ellite-based variables) and field-derived var-iables for intact and degraded forest types.Here, intact forest refers to relatively intactversus degraded along a spectrum fromheavily logged to reduced-impact loggingand old growth forests. We tested whetherthe dissimilarity in community compositionwas closely related to dissimilarity in forestbiomass within these ecosystems, aswould be anticipated from succession the-ory; if such a link could be found then map-ping AGB would also allow one importantaspect of forest biodiversity (namely dis-similarity to intact forest) to be mapped.Finally, a tree-level AGB (AGBT) distributionmap was produced for the study area.

Materials and methods

Study areaThe study area is part of Ulu Padas area in

the northern part of Borneo, near the inter-national border between Sabah, Malaysiaand Kalimantan, Indonesia (Fig. 1). Approxi-mately 70% of the Ulu Padas area is lowermontane oak-chestnut forest, which is dis-tributed at elevations between 1150 and1500 m a.s.l. The terrain of the study area isundulating to hilly, with steep slopes espe-

626 iForest (2017) 10: 625-634

Fig. 1 - The IKONOS-2 imagery of the study area. Green line indicates compartmentboundary of the Sabah Forest Industries (SFI). Polygon incuding yellow points (fieldplots) is land belonging to the state. Blue points are field plots collected at compart -ments P43, P44 and P53 within SFI concession area.



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Individual tree biomass estimates of montane rainforests from IKONOS-2 imagery

cially at the western part of the study area.Of the over 1500 specimens collected inour study area, more than one-quarter ofthe species correspond to the typical mon-tane forest families of Fagaceae, Lauraceaeand Guttiferae. Only seven species werefrom Dipterocarpaceae.

Almost half of the study area is owned bythe Sabah state government, with localpeople (in Long Mio and Long Pasia vil-lages) having a customary right to supporttheir livelihoods from this land, and practic-ing slash-and-burn cultivation in it. Much ofthis state-land was selectively logged in the1980s and early 1990s by commercial com-panies (personal communication, Head ofLong Mio village, July, 2012). The other halfof our study area is a concession managedby Sabah Forest Industries Sdn. Bhd. (SFI),which was established in 1983 as a govern-ment-owned company to produce pulpand paper, then privatized in 1993. SFImanages 288,623 ha of land, of which183,346 ha are zoned as integrated timberplantations intended for the production ofmaterials for pulp and paper. Currentlyabout 46,000 ha of the zone is plantedwith Acacia and Eucalyptus species, while104,822 ha are managed under so-callednatural forest management (NFM). Theharvest records of SFI indicate that thestudy area consists of an NFM area thatwas logged between 1997 and 2002. Sincethe turn of the millennium, the SabahForestry Department has required thatNFM areas are managed using reducedimpact logging methods; given the timingof the logging, it is unclear whether re-duced impact logging was employed.

Field data collectionField data were collected between Nov-

ember 2011 and October 2012. A total of 50square plots of 30 × 30 m were establishedin random locations. In 48 of these plots,all trees with a DBH > 10 cm were charac-terized by measuring their DBH, height andtree position. The remaining two plots con-sisted mostly of small trees, so all stemswith DBH > 5 cm were measured. The plotcoordinates were determined by post-pro-cessing of differential GPS data (AshtechProMark 100®, Spectra Precision, Westmin-ster, CO, USA). Tree height was measuredusing TruPulse laser range finder. The treepositions were measured in XY distanceusing TruPulse or distometer relative to theplot’s boundary. Of the 50 plots, 27 werelocated within the NFM areas, and theremainder in the state land. In total, 3709trees were measured in these plots.

The forests were classified into two cate-gories – intact and degraded forests –based on field assessment of forest condi-tion, floristic composition and land useactivities. The land use history was ob-tained from interviews with local villagersand forest management data of the SFI.Reduced impact logging areas and villagereserve forest were categorized as intact,whereas slash-and-burn cultivation and

conventional logging areas were catego-rized as degraded. Whilst forests subjectedto reduced-impact logging are likely toexhibit lower biomass than old-growth for-est, their recovery can be remarkably rapid(Sheil & Burslem 2003) and the speciescomposition is much more similar to old-growth forest than that of conventionallylogged forest (Imai et al. 2012); for this rea-son we include them in the intact forestcategory. In addition, patches with AGBexceeding 200 Mg ha-1 were classified asintact forest; this threshold is widely usedto differentiate intact and degraded tropi-cal forests (Asner 2002, Morel et al. 2012).

We used allometric equations developedspecifically for Bornean rainforest trees(Yamakura et al. 1986, Basuki et al. 2009,Kenzo et al. 2009). The AGB (kg) of trees inintact forests was calculated from DBH(cm) as follows (eqn. 1):

using a regression relationship obtainedfor lowland rainforest by Yamakura et al.(1986). This equation gives biomasses ap-proximately 25% above those obtained bythe wood-density corrected allometricmodel of Chave et al. (2014) based on aglobal dataset. In degraded forests the fol-lowing relationship, developed for thistype of forest (Kenzo et at. 2009), wasused (eqn. 2):

Biomass predictions from this formula areapproximately half that given by the intactforest equation, because the early succes-sional species found in these sites havemuch lower wood density (~0.35 com-pared to 0.36-0.81 – Zanne et al. 2009).

Atmospheric and topographic correction of satellite imagery

An IKONOS-2 imagery acquired on 28 Feb-ruary 2010 was used in this study. Ortho-rectification was conducted using the ratio-nal polynomial coefficients file and the 30-m resolution Digital Elevation Model of theShuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM-DEM) without ground control point (GCP).The ortho-rectification was assessed by cal-culating Root Mean Square (RMS) Residualfrom GCPs when compared to a Digital Sur-face Model generated from airborne LiDARdata. The RMS Residual was 1.13 m.IKONOS-2 has four multi-spectral bands of4-m resolution. The panchromatic band ofIKONOS-2 has a spatial resolution of 1 m.The spectral radiance of the multi-spectraland panchromatic bands was calculatedusing the published calibration values.

Atmospheric correction aims at removingthe scattering and absorption (Vermote etal. 1997). The scattering effect - mainly dueto path radiance - was corrected using thedark object subtraction method (Chavez1988); the dark object value for each bandwas determined by examining the lower

end of each histogram: the influence ofhaze is indicated by a sharp increase in thenumber of pixels at nonzero radiance (Cha-vez 1988).

In the hilly study area, the brightness val-ues of pixels vary as a result of differencesin shading. These effects were reduced bytopographic normalization of the IKONOS-2 imagery, using a non-Lambertian methodwith a Minnaert constant (Smith et al.1980). We resampled the SRTM digital ele-vation model to the IKONOS-2 imagery’sresolution to derive the slope and aspectfor the correction. The Minnaert coeffi-cient k describes the surface’s bi-direc-tional reflectance distribution function,where the scattering depends on the sur-face roughness (Smith et al. 1980). Thevalue of k varies between 0 and 1, with 1representing a perfectly diffuse reflectorand a small value representing anisotropicscattering specific to the scene. The pixelsof the intact forest were sampled to deter-mine the values of k using linear regressionanalysis, and a backward radiance correc-tion carried out (Smith et al. 1980).

Tree crown delineationThe geo- and atmospherically corrected

IKONOS imagery were further processedbefore applying a tree-top recognition al-gorithm. First, we used principal compo-nent pan-sharpening to combine the fourmultispectral bands of 4-m resolution withthe 1-m panchromatic band. A mask wasthen generated to filter non-vegetatedareas (bare land, clouds and cloud shad-ows) from the vegetation we wished tosegment. The mask was created by manu-ally thresholding the normalized differencevegetation index (NDVI) from the IKONOSimagery to distinguish vegetation fromnon-vegetation areas, and removing shad-ows using the panchromatic band (Asner &Warner 2003). Finally, inverse image of thepan-sharpened image was generated. Theinverted pan-sharpened image was inputinto a watershed algorithm to delineateindividual tree crowns (Hirata et al. 2009).All these analyses were conducted inArcGIS 9® (ESRI, Redwood, CA, USA). Thepolygons delineated using the watershedmethod were overlaid with the plot loca-tion to determine the crown polygons foreach plot. The segmentation results werecompared with the tree positions from theplot data to evaluate the crown delineationin each plot; polygons with centroid withina plot were considered as trees within thatplot. Because lower canopy trees cannotbe observed by the satellite sensor, weapplied the general principle that considerstree crowns spotted in high-resolution sat-ellite data are most likely to correspondwith the largest trees observed in the plot(Palace et al. 2008, Hirata et al. 2009). Saythat n trees are delineated from the image-ry in a given plot; if the stems measured inthe plot are ranked from largest to thesmallest based on DBH, then the first ntrees in the ranking are likely to corre-

iForest (2017) 10: 625-634 627



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AGBT ( intact forest )=exp(2.62⋅ln DBH−2.30)

AGBT (degraded forest )=0.0829⋅DBH2.43

Phua M-H et al. - iForest 10: 625-634

spond to the remotely sensed trees. Alongwith the ranked trees, we compared thetree position and measured crown sizebetween a delineated crown and field mea-sured crown. We discarded any delineatedcrown that was a sub-crown or includedseveral crowns.

Crown delineation accuracy was assessedby comparing automatically and manuallysegmented imageries (Clinton et al. 2010).A total of 1104 upper-canopy crowns within35 plots were visually interpreted and digi-tized to assess the delineation accuracy.The simplest test of segmentation accu-racy is to compare the number of “refer-ence crowns” (i.e., those manually seg-mented) with the number of automaticallysegmented crowns. Secondly, the degreeof spatial overlap between crowns can bedetermined. The degree to which automat-ically and manually delineated crown areasoverlap was used to calculate the over-seg-mentation index (eqn. 3):

where OS is the oversegmentation index(poor = 1, excellent = 0), X = {xi: i=1, …, n}and Y = {yj: j=1, …, n}. X are the automati-cally delineated crowns and Y are thelargest n reference crowns. For under-seg-mentation (US), it was calculated as fol-

lows (eqn. 4):

The overall quality of segmentation isthen given by the closeness index (D – eqn.5):

Lower values of D indicate better seg-mentation results.

Estimation of the above-ground biomass of trees and carbon density

Segmentation of the IKONOS-2 imagerygenerated three crown related variables:crown perimeter (CP_I) and crown area(CA_I), and the crown diameter calculatedfrom the crown area using a circular shapeformula (CD_I). Pearson’s correlation wasused to test which of these variables wasmost closely related to field-derived AGB(or structural variables), and then this vari-able was used to create a statistical estima-tion model by least squares regression.Half the plots with delineated tree crowndata were selected at random for modelbuilding, whilst the other half were keptfor model validation. The estimated tree-AGB was compared with the observedtree-AGB from the field measurements.

Tree community compositionWe initially identified species of all trees

on the plots by local names. Plant speci-mens were then taken for identification atthe herbarium of the Forest Research Cen-ter in Sandakan, Sabah. We used nonmetricmultidimensional scaling (NMDS) to ana-lyze the variation in tree community com-position among plots (Imai et al. 2012,2014), which is a nonparametric methodgiving ecologically meaningful measures ofcommunity dissimilarity. The relative basalarea of each species in 50 plots was usedto calculate the dissimilarity among plots(Chao et al. 2005). Differences among treecommunities were examined by looking atthe first and second axes of variation fromthe ordination analysis; differences amongforest types were analyzed by permuta-tional multivariate analysis of variance(PERMANOVA – Anderson 2001), using the“adonis” function in the “vegan” packageof R (Oksanen et al. 2013).


Tree crown delineationA total of 1584 upper-canopy tree crowns

were detected within the 50 plots (Tab. 1),which is almost half of the total number oftrees measured on the ground, suggestingthat the majority of trees were hiddenunder the canopy. The closeness index (D)to the reference tree crowns was 0.36 (i.e.,the accuracy of segmentation was 64%).Delineation rate varied between foresttypes: it was on average 49% accurate(range 28-93%) in intact forest, where treeswere large and densities low, but only 39%accurate (range 16-78%) in degraded forestwhere there were many small trees andlianas. The upper-canopy trees we de-tected had mean DBH = 29.7 cm (± 1 stan-dard error of mean of 14.9 cm) and meanheight of 23.2 ± 7.6 m in intact forest. De-tected trees were much smaller in thedegraded forest, with a mean DBH of 20.9± 7.6 cm and mean height of 18.5 ± 5.1 m.

Crown dimension estimates of the de-tected trees were compared to field-de-rived variables (Tab. 2). For the intact for-est, most of the field-derived variableswere significantly correlated with the satel-lite-based variables: DBH was highly corre-lated with remotely sensed crown dimen-sion variables (CA_I: r = 0.87; CD_I: r = 0.86;

628 iForest (2017) 10: 625-634

Tab. 1 - Characteristics of the delineated tree crowns for intact and degraded forests (50 plots).

Forest Type Characteristics Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Error Std. Deviation

Intact forest(26 plots)

Closeness index (%) 0.28 0.93 0.49 0.25 0.17

Field-derived DBH (cm) 10.40 122.10 29.73 0.53 14.86Field-derived Height (m) 7.60 65.90 23.15 0.27 7.55Tree density (n ha-1) 300.00 1077.78 605.13 29.82 152.06

Degraded forest(24 plots)

Closeness index 0.16 0.78 0.39 0.31 0.15

Field-derived DBH (cm) 10.10 80.80 20.90 0.27 7.60

Field-derived Height (m) 5.10 41.80 18.47 0.18 5.12

Tree density (n ha-1) 355.56 3850.00 1220.72 158.72 775.30

Tab. 2 - Correlations between the satellite-based (I) and field-derived (f) estimates ofindividual tree characteristics for the intact and degraded forests. (CA_I): Satellite-based crown area; (CP_I): satellite-based crown perimeter; (CD_I): satellite-basedcrown diameter; (Ht_f): field-derived tree height; (DBH_f): field-derived stem diame-ter; (AGB_f): field-derived above ground biomass. (**): Correlation is significant at the0.01 level (2-tailed).

Forest Type Estimates CA_I CP_I CD_I Ht_f DBH_f AGB_f

Intact forest(396 trees in 13 plots)

CA_I 1 - - - - -

CP_I 0.943** 1 - - - -CD_I 0.981** 0.960** 1 - - -

Ht_f 0.547** 0.531** 0.572** 1 - -DBH_f 0.871** 0.836** 0.862** 0.676** 1 -

AGB_f 0.734** 0.669** 0.685** 0.548** 0.915** 1Degraded forest(390 trees in 12 plots)

CA_I 1 - - - - -

CP_I 0.946** 1 - - - -

CD_I 0.976** 0.962** 1 - - -

Ht_f 0.509** 0.501** 0.514** 1 - -

DBH_f 0.811** 0.772** 0.789** 0.684** 1 -

AGB_f 0.711** 0.639** 0.639** 0.486** 0.879** 1



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OS=1−area ( x i∩y j)area (x j)

US=1−area( x i∩y j)area ( y j)

D=√OS 2+US2

Individual tree biomass estimates of montane rainforests from IKONOS-2 imagery

CP_I: r = 0.84), but field-derived tree height(Ht_f) was more weakly correlated withsatellite-based variables (r ranging from0.53 to 0.57). Field-derived AGB was mod-erately correlated with CA_I (r = 0.73), CD_I(r = 0.69) and CP_I (r = 0.67). Similarly cor-relations were found for the degraded for-est: DBH was highly correlated with thesatellite-based variables CA_I (r = 0.81),CD_I (r = 0.79) and CP_I (r = 0.77), whiletree height was less well correlated withthem. Similarly, we only found moderatecorrelations between field-derived AGBand with the three satellite-based variables(r value 0.64-0.71).

Based on these correlation analyses, thebest-performing satellite-based variable(CA_I) was used as the independent vari-able in regression models, which was thenused to estimate DBH of all upper-canopytrees in the intact and degraded forests.With field measurements, we found thatpolynomial (R2= 0.68) and linear (R2= 0.67)regression functions only differed by 1%.Therefore, we used a straight line relation-ship to estimate DBH from CA_I (m2).DBH_f and CA_I exhibited a strong positivebiophysical relationship (R2 = 0.76 and 0.66in intact and degraded forests, respectively– Fig. 2). The regression models for esti-

mating the DBH (cm) for the intact (DBHIF)and the degraded (DBHDF) forests were asfollows (eqn. 6, eqn. 7):

For intact forest DBHIF = 11.3 + 0.427 · CA_I(R2 = 0.76; SEs of parameters 0.635 and0.012, respectively), which was highly sta-tistically significant (F[1, 393] = 1236, p <0.0001). For degraded forest DBHDF = 12.1 +0.228 · CA_I (R2 = 0.66; SEs of parameters0.409 and 0.008, respectively), which was

iForest (2017) 10: 625-634 629

Fig. 2 - DBH estimation mod-els using CA_I for the intact

(a) and degraded (b) forests.Crown area was well corre-

lated with DBH, especiallybelow 50 cm. Considerable

variations were observed forDBH > 60 cm. A few old trees

with large DBH (in thedashed circle in panel a)

have relatively small crownareas. This reflects the typi-

cal condition of an intacttropical rainforest.

Fig. 3 - Observed vs. esti-mated DBH for the intact (a)

and degraded (b) forests.Overall, DBH was very well

estimated by the models forboth forests. However,

larger trees (DBH > 50 cm forintact and DBH > 35 cm for

degraded forests) seemed tobe under-estimated.



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DBH IF=0.427(CAI )+11.262

DBHDF=0.228(CAI )+12.114

Tab. 3 - Validation of DBH and tree AGB estimation for intact and degraded forests (based on independent 25 plots of validationdataset).

Forest Type Parameter Min Max Mean Std. Error Std. Deviation

Intact forest(387 trees in 13 plots)

CA_I (m2) 5.00 203.00 43.34 1.54 30.32Observed DBH (cm) 12.00 94.80 29.74 0.73 14.34Estimated DBH (cm) 13.40 97.88 29.78 0.66 12.94Observed AGB (kg tree-1) 67.39 15148.18 1125.51 86.96 1708.46Estimated AGB (kg tree-1) 89.90 16472.72 1058.00 86.30 1695.48

Degraded forest(410 trees in 12 plots)

CA_I (m2) 4.00 179.00 36.90 1.27 25.65Observed DBH (cm) 11.60 48.80 20.55 0.33 6.55Estimated DBH (cm) 13.03 52.89 20.57 0.29 5.85Observed AGB (kg tree-1) 32.00 1050.55 152.01 7.03 142.01Estimated AGB (kg tree-1) 42.41 1277.49 147.34 6.31 127.39

Phua M-H et al. - iForest 10: 625-634

also highly statistically significant (F[1, 387] =743, p < 0.0001).

Plots of observed vs. estimated DBH forthe intact and degraded forests with vali-dation datasets (Fig. 3a, Fig. 3b) had slopesof 0.97 and 0.98, when forced through theorigin, demonstrating that they were virtu-ally unbiased. The mean of the observedDBH values was very similar to the mean ofthe estimated values (Tab. 3).

Estimation of above-ground biomass of individual trees

Tree AGBT calculated from estimated DBHvalues were very similar to the observed

AGBT for the intact and the degradedforests (Tab. 3). For the intact forest, theestimated AGBT ranged between 90 kg and16,473 kg, with a mean of 1,058 kg, whichwas approximately 6% lower than theobserved AGBT for the intact forest. Boththe minimum and maximum of the esti-mated AGBT for the degraded forest weremuch lower than the intact forest: only 42kg and 1,277 kg. The mean estimated AGBT

of the degraded forest was 147 kg, whichwas about 3% lower than the observedAGBT. Regressions of observed vs. fittedvalues (through the origin) had a slope of0.89 and 0.87 for intact and degradedforests, respectively (Fig. 4).

AGBP values were calculated by summingthe AGBT of all trees delineated per plotand converting to Mg per hectare. Thefield-derived AGBP for intact and degradedforests were under-estimated by about 10%and 20% (Tab. 4), which is greater than theunder-estimation individual tree AGB. Thisadditional biomass arises because smallertrees were not visible in the imagery, andalthough they individually have low AGBT

they are numerous. RMSE of the estimateswere 135 and 20 Mg ha-1 for intact anddegraded forests, respectively, represent-ing 34% and 30% of the average observedAGBP.

Biodiversity similarity between intact and degraded forests

The first axis of the biodiversity ordina-tion accounted for 53% of the total varia-tion, reflecting a major proportion of dis-similarity among communities. There is asignificant relationship between ground-based estimates of AGBP (i.e., an indicatorof forest degradation) and NMDS axis 1scores (Fig. 5a). Similar patterns wereobserved when plotting the imagery-esti-mated AGBP against the NMDS axis 1 scores(Fig. 5b). Intact and degraded forests areclearly differentiated by NMDS: almost all(92%) of the degraded forest plots had apositive axis-1 score, whilst most (85%) ofthe intact forest plots had a negative scoreon the NDMS axis 1.

The above-ground biomass distribution maps

Object-based classification approach withthe nearest-neighbour classifier was usedin eCognition software (Trimble) to classifythe segmented IKONOS-2 imagery into in-tact and degraded forests using field ob-servations of the forest structure, speciescomposition and land use history to trainthe classifier. The NMDS results (Fig. 5a)were used to calculate overall accuracy andkappa statistic. Comparing these classifica-

630 iForest (2017) 10: 625-634

Tab. 4 - Root-mean-square error (RMSE)of the AGB estimation for intact and de-graded forests (based on 25 indepen-dent plots in the validation dataset).Average estimation was calculated aspercent of the estimated AGB to theobserved total AGB.



RMSE (Mg ha-1) 134.7 20.3

RMSE (%) 33.9 30.4

Average estimation (%) -7.7 -20.7

Fig. 5 - Relationships between AGBP and NMDS1 for (a) field mea-sured and (b) remotely sensed AGBP.

Fig. 4 - Observed vs. esti-mated tree AGB for the intact (a) and degraded (b) forests. The under-estimation of DBH for larger trees had led to under-estimation of AGB for those trees.



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Individual tree biomass estimates of montane rainforests from IKONOS-2 imagery

tions with the field plot data, the overallaccuracy and kappa statistic of the foresttype classification were 82.0% and 0.64,respectively. The producer’s and user’s ac-curacies for the intact and degraded for-ests ranged between 75% and 88%. The for-est type classification from the IKONOS-2imagery indicated that the study area had7036 ha of intact forest. Degraded forestcovered about half the area of intact forest(3542 ha).

Fig. 6 shows the AGB distribution of themontane forests at the Ulu Padas area attree level. To produce the AGBT map, eqn.6 and eqn. 7 were used to estimate DBHfor the intact and degraded forest trees inthe segmented imageries, and then AGBT

was calculated using the appropriate bio-mass allometries, i.e., eqn. 1 (Yamakura etal. 1986) and eqn. 2 (Kenzo et al. 2009) forintact forest and degraded forests, respec-tively. The map shows a strong influence ofland-use activity on the spatial distributionof AGBT (Fig. 6). Most of the trees in theintact forest possess a large crown andthus have a high AGBT (more green and yel-low colored polygons in Box A of Fig. 6). Incontrast, most of the trees in the degradedforest were of a dark shade of blue color,indicating a lower AGBT (Box B in Fig. 6).The high AGBT in the intact forest wasmainly found at forests subject to reducedimpact logging operation, whereas the lowAGBT in degraded forest in the statelandwas mainly due to shifting cultivation activ-ities.


Tree centric approaches to biomass mapping

Optical imagery collected by satellites haslong been regarded as unsatisfactory forthe purposes of estimating the biomass ordegradation status of tropical rain forest,because indices such as NDVI, based onthe spectral characteristics of pixels, areknown to saturate at high biomass (Phua &Saito 2003, Lu 2005, Langner et al. 2012).Here we show that recognizing individualtrees from high-resolution optical imagerycan overcome these problems. Crown areahas proven to be a robust and sensitivevariable for estimating DBH – and thencebiomass – because of the linear relation-ship between crown area and DBH in bothintact and degraded forests (Phua et al.2014).

Overall, DBH estimation models for intactand degraded montane rainforests innorthern Borneo were successful. The esti-mated AGBP has a mean of 647 Mg ha-1 and176 Mg ha-1 for the intact and degradedforests, respectively. The small differencesbetween the means of the estimated andobserved AGBP for both forest types pro-vided a convincing argument that the re-sults of the satellite-based approach wereconsistent, overall. The scatter-plots be-tween the estimated and observed valuesof AGB at tree level (Fig. 4) and plot level

(Fig. 5) for both forest types confirmed theconsistency of the estimation models. TheRMSE for intact and degraded forests were34% and 30% of the average observed AGBP,respectively. We also examined factorsthat affect the RMSE by analyzing thesquared residual of the estimates againsttree density per hectare and total AGB.Three outlier plots (Fig. 5), representing12% of the validation plots, with highsquared residuals were low in tree densitybut very high in total AGBP. This was due tothe presence of few old, big trees (DBH >80 cm) with relatively small crowns. Never-theless, the slopes of the regression linesthrough the origins for the scatter-plots inFig. 4 (degraded: y = 0.87 · x; intact: y =

0.89 · x) indicated that DBH estimation byconsidering forest degradation had a bet-ter fit compared with the combined foresttypes (y = 0.74 · x – Phua et al. 2014). More-over, the two forest types were clearly dif-ferent in terms of the statistics of DBH aswell as AGB (Tab. 3).

Because of the extraordinary accuracy ofairborne LiDAR in measuring canopyheight, laser scanning is the best currenttechnology for estimating the carbon den-sity of tropical forests. Asner & Mascaro(2014) have shown that simple regressionrelationships based on LiDAR estimates ofmean canopy height can provide highlyaccurate carbon maps (R2 > 0.8), and canbe applied to different regions of the world

iForest (2017) 10: 625-634 631

Fig. 6 - Above-ground biomass (AGBT) map of the study area. AGBT of trees (kg) wereassessed through DBH estimation by forest type. Boxes A and B are magnified areasof AGBT for the intact and degraded forests. Box A shows a typical area logged withreduced impact logging method, whereas Box B shows an example of regeneratedforest at a shifting cultivation area.



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Phua M-H et al. - iForest 10: 625-634

once adjusted for variation in wood densityand forest packing. Airborne LiDAR surveysoutperform spaceborne optical surveys: inMalaysian montane forests the RMSE ofAGB estimates made by LiDAR was 26% ofaverage AGB (Ioki et al. 2014), which isabout 8% and 4% lower than the results pre-sented here for degraded and intact for-ests. However, provided that space-bornesensors can deliver unbiased estimates ofAGB, they could be valuable at regionalscales, even if any given pixel is measuredat lower precision than possible from anaircraft. This is appealing, given the highcost of LiDAR data acquisition. In addition,a new generation of small satellites withoptical sensors are being launched that willcollect data much more frequently thanthe current earth observation satellites andshould thereby overcome many of theproblems associated with persistent cloudcover in the tropics.

Recently, Dalponte & Coomes (2016) sug-gested that a tree-centric approach basedon LiDAR imagery, based on fundamentalprinciples of forest mensuration, can de-liver results with a similar precision to thetop-canopy-height method. Airborne LiD-AR delivers more precise results because itmeasures both canopy height and canopyarea, whereas the optical imagery onlydelivers canopy area information, and alsobecause the 3D point cloud contains muchricher structural information than the opti-cal sensors. Future research could focusproductively on using tree-centric airborneLiDAR approaches to better calibrate thespaceborne optical sensor approach de-scribed in this paper. The relationshipsbetween satellite-based crown variablesand tree structural variables in a tropicalforest also require further investigation.DBH is known to have a strong relationshipwith crown area (Bartelink 1996) andcrown diameter (Song et al. 2010) in tem-perate forests, and a significant relation-ship has been found for an intact forest inBrazil (Palace et al. 2008), and in a mon-tane forest in Malaysia (Phua et al. 2014).However, a comprehensive analysis has yetto be published.

Biodiversity mapping in the context of REDD+

We have shown that optical imagery candifferentiate between intact and degradedmontane rainforests. This is important inthe context of REDD+. Linking biodiversitymonitoring to carbon stock estimation isvital for effective implementation ofREDD+, but even more critical is what as-pect of biodiversity needs to be monitored(Dickson & Kapos 2012). Tree communitycomposition is consistent in describing bio-diversity patterns (Su et al. 2004, Imai et al.2012) and robust in indicating the responseof tree assemblage to forest degradationdue to anthropogenic disturbances (Imai etal. 2012, 2014). Measuring tree communitycomposition is cost effective for REDD+,because only upper canopy trees are to be

measured, making it cheaper than biodiver-sity metrics based on wildlife monitoring(Imai et al. 2014). Our results demonstratedthat the relationship between AGB andNMDS axis 1 based on field data (Fig. 5a)can be successfully reconstructed with theestimated AGB from satellite imagery (Fig.5b). The intact and degraded forests wereclearly separable at a value lower than thewidely used AGB threshold of 200 Mg ha -1

(Asner 2002, Morel et al. 2012). The differ-ence could be due to the fact that the AGBof a montane rainforest is usually lowerthan that of a lowland rainforest (Aiba &Kitayama 1999). Further in-depth study isneeded to examine the application of thistree-centric approach as well as the AGBthresholds of forest degradation for differ-ent natural forest types using high-resolu-tion satellite remote sensing. More gener-ally, there is currently great interest inusing remote sensing products to helpmonitor biodiversity (Skidmore et al. 2015).Incorporating remotely sensed maps offorest disturbance into biodiversity model-ling efforts is likely to increase predictivepower considerably.

ConclusionsTropical forest biomass estimation using

high-resolution satellite imageries has beenreceiving increasing attention, but its appli-cation to montane rainforests has not beenadequately dealt with. Our results indicatethat the use of high-resolution satellite im-agery is useful in developing DBH estima-tion models, which can be used to estimatethe AGB for intact and degraded montanerainforests in Northern Borneo. The crownarea from the IKONOS-2 imagery was use-ful in estimating DBH for the intact and de-graded forests, from which biomass can beestimated using published allometric equa-tions.

Biodiversity safeguarding has been an im-portant issue in REDD+ implementation inthe tropics. The observed relationship be-tween AGBP and the NMDS axis 1, an indexof tree community dissimilarity, showedthat intact and degraded forests were welldifferentiated, allowing to use our AGBP

maps to map degradation. Tropical biodi-versity should be examined in parallel withAGB estimation using satellite remote sens-ing, because this kind of inferential infor-mation is useful in guiding REDD+ activitiesthat are related to conservation of forestcarbon stocks, sustainable management offorests and enhancement of forest carbonstocks.

AcknowledgementsThis project was funded by Ministry of

Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Re-search Council, Government of Japan. Min-istry of Higher Education, Government ofMalaysia provided “Geran Sanjungan Peny-elidikan” that motivates us for strengthen-ing our international collaborations. Wesincerely thank the Sabah Forestry Depart-ment (SFD) for research permission, the

Sabah Forest Industry (SFI) for field sup-port, and the Government of United Statesof America for some technical assistance.

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