
Se iv Atit, mid P)'1 Po JFe

Dear Jim, 1/25/78 You may or nay not need this informatioa in some of the POIA cases but I want

a memo in file.

Last night I had a long phone conversation with Gary pack. Of minor consequence is the successful effort of time who ultimately were able to do something with the Bronson film to keep others, including those they worked with, from knowing its ante-c edent*. dory made the trip to see Bronson with earl Gols after Jerry got the Bronson report* to Sole. Neither know I obtained these reports in C.A078e0322, therefore neither Phoned as to see what else I knew or had.

Mack has been in touch with Robert Croft, who is se diffident he refuses to check his slides now even for the POI. Just won't talk about subject or make his slide available. He also surfaced in the sees eat. I don't know if all I gave reached Wank so when I have time ItIl duplicate the files and send it.

Gary made a voluntary switch from TV to the PM station Oa. Be says it tope all ARS in Dallas-Port Worth area. M7/2925656. Home 817/ 73i-6301. Personal preference and he likes what he is doing better. leaking out fine.

When he first heard the Dallas police tape in 1977, Penn's copy, he was sur-prised that nobody had ever wondered if an open mike picked up sound of; elate. He got sary's better Copy and did the original filtering based on which he detected seven events. he ham not called all of them *hate. You may remember he wrote a piece for Penn's newsletter that Paul W. sent me.

His information from inside the committee is that xetended this as the ultimate put-down, the Super Umbrelleaan ploy. It backfired. And after McLain was tentatively identified Blakey used *ichard {nut) Sprague t. prove Kele does not show in any pi*. Simple with nisidentifioations. Meanwhile' %Woo had located other films, including one taken from other side of triple underpass and they leave no doubt that MCIe's recollection is quite wrong when he says he tore off, sirens screaming, with the motoeease. He didn't, alhtough be may have gone later. Therefore he had no siren on.

Gary says that Bronson and bin wife and fine people, unselfish and helpful sad that the lewyer is sharp but reasonable and anxious not to have misuses, irresponsibility'. etc. Jlefuses any Eequirer offer, for example, and was not taken in by typical Lint effort to snalTle orielnal. They did not accept bis offer of a tamer copy for examination. He is having computer analysis ne4e by a tudversity, separate from Blakey, whose cost estimate was eight times higher than the job is being done for. I suppose that when it is done he'll see what he can got for his client. Separately study copies will be available.

I bad thought that the FBI dismissed the film es it usually did because it did not study the marginal material, between the sprocket holes. You may recall my early criticism of this sank- .sclosure of what the FBI avoided, But in the one* I was wrong. Golz spotted a brief view of the TAD on projection. Turns out to be a seqpence of 92 frames, I suppose including those in which the beildene Aees not show on projection.

One frame was selected for computer analysis, T think by the comeitee's photo panel. Babby Runt alone recommended against analysis. This one frame shows images ine two 6th floor windows. The analysis fixed on the less clear one as a test of potential. It shows a man in a white shirt. 8o eery believes that when the analysis also focuses on the more clear it will be more de:native. Be says that two men show in this frame and that the (green?) color of his shirt is apparent. I think he said that other frames show 3 men in all.

I am prepared to believe this on a very ample basis: it merely tends to confirm my own earliest work, in the first book,on the fact that someone had to be there to move the boxes postures I located show had been moved.

More on rate and I was correct in describing his tape as a fake. Fate had been criss-crossing ahead of the motorcade for his part of KBOX's coverage. 48 was at the Ste:wens

U .4rp am. & di not have a ap the west of It. Gary has spoken to

aliEg with .ear ala than 'with the Washington length and l se he hoe or New to* Prosea

had his own auto, norsal in radio reporting. with AK, polio. and station hadios.

The setup was that when he was prepariag to broadcast his AK was cut off automatically

boot not the mate° radio. AB broadaaat of his own station would have meant feedback,

I'm sure. So there he waft, tha aotorcame approachiag sad his polioa radio on. He heard

about that happened on the police radio.

Before he left that etatioa that morniag be left eori for all the brouilaast to be

led. It waaa All the tapes seem to have disppeared very fast. Mere is how he learned

that. (Q'arY. hir the weir. has located ana heard eopies of soma, avaral hours of it.)

Arecord oomPenl, having heard that it was all taped, as :t for tha tapes for its

reeer4i6 what lator appeared in YOur_Dars. They could not find any of those tapes so they

auto a vraconstruation" of what aave oallad the fake. ant is.

ary has aulti-eource reports of of her pix ha hae not been able to obtain.

e can perhaps explaia MoGreight a refusal to make a date for mY examine or of pix they have at as aamathing sore tha. their usual stoneaalliaa.

e I recall from this conversation with Gary is an aocident. The GBSaTV station was


laing a turkey shoat Jolt before the one referred to am a veteran recalls only that

petapis were involved in

ation, at atortedrome, when by accident The son of the owner reoalls this well.

barzaaed the footage and he has not seen it hat. ary has descriptions. One did resemble Oswald.

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