  • 8/13/2019 Selected Funeral Inscriptions on the Round Altars From Stratoniceia in the Hellenistic Period



    9/2009In Honour of Marie Dufkov

  • 8/13/2019 Selected Funeral Inscriptions on the Round Altars From Stratoniceia in the Hellenistic Period


    Tr n a v s k u n i v e r z i t a v Tr n a v e F i l o z o f i c k f a k u l t a

    U n i v e r s i t a s Ty r n a v i e n s i s F a c u l t a s P h i l o s o p h i c a

    A N O D O S

    Studies of the Ancient World

    In Honour of Marie Duov


    T R N A V A 2010

  • 8/13/2019 Selected Funeral Inscriptions on the Round Altars From Stratoniceia in the Hellenistic Period


  • 8/13/2019 Selected Funeral Inscriptions on the Round Altars From Stratoniceia in the Hellenistic Period


    This publication is dedicated to Marie Duov

    by her students, graduates, colleagues and friends from Slovakia

  • 8/13/2019 Selected Funeral Inscriptions on the Round Altars From Stratoniceia in the Hellenistic Period



    Zur Einleitung .............................................................................................................................................................7

    Tabula gratulatoria ......................................................................................................................................................9

    Personal Bibliography of Marie Duov .............................................................................................................10

    DUBCOV, Veronika:Zur Problematik der herrserlien Ikonographie im minois-mykenisenGrieenland ............................................................................................................................................................. 17

    URIANOV, Andrea:The Representation of Roman Soldiers on Sarcophagi and Ash Chests in Pannonia ....................................33

    GLIK, Zdenko:The Occupation of Hlohovec by the Ancient Magyars Based on the AraeologicalFinds and Historical Information ..........................................................................................................................43

    HLAVOV, Stanislava:Interpretation of the Tholos at Epidaurus ............................................................................................................51

    HNILA, Pavol:Notes on the Authenticity of the Phaistos Disk ................................................................................................... 59

    JAKUBINOV, Miriam:Roman Findings From the Hill Fort Bojn ...........................................................................................................67

    JAKUBEC, Karol:Iconography of Daniel (Early Christian Art) ....................................................................................................... 73

    JEZN, Jitka SCHMIDTOV, Jaroslava:Villa rustica in unovo, Slovakia: From Archaeological Evidenceto Hypothetical Reconstruction ............................................................................................................................. 77

    KERU, Mial:Function of Two Achaemenian Tower Tempels From Fars ...............................................................................91

    KOPTK, Tom:Die Symbolik des Wassers ......................................................................................................................................95

    MIKOVNYOV-DAOV, Miroslava:Rmise Gemmen mit Tierdarstellungen - Funde aus Devn .......................................................................107

    NOVKOV, Lucia:Selected Funeral Inscriptions on the Round Altars From Stratoniceiain the Hellenistic Period ........................................................................................................................................111

    RATIMORSK, Priska MINAROVIECH, Jana:Roman Sanctuary of Jupiter Dolichenus in Brigetio and its HypotheticalReconstruction ........................................................................................................................................................119

    MOTLKOV, Kristna:

    The Origin of Aeolic Style.....................................................................................................................................

    133VERK, Marek:Aspekte der Romanisierung Kleinasiens anhand von Ehrenmonumenten ..................................................139

  • 8/13/2019 Selected Funeral Inscriptions on the Round Altars From Stratoniceia in the Hellenistic Period


    Zur Einleitung

    Als Dankbarkeitsbezeigung fr die bisherige Lehre und Forschungsttigkeit auf dem Gebietder klassischen Archologie an der Trnava-Universitt in Trnava, sowie fr die professionellenund persnlichen Beziehungen von Marie Duov zur Slowakei, wurde dieses Sammelbandder Beitrgen der Absolventen, gegenwrtigen Studenten, Kollegen und Freunden ihremLebensjubilum gewidmet. Es bietet gleichzeitig die Gelegenheit an, sich die vergangenen Jahreihrer fachlichen Kariere anzusehen. Einen nicht gerade geringen Raum nimmt ihre Wirkung aufdem Lehrstuhl fr Klassische Archologie der Trnava-Universitt, der vom Anfang an mit demNamen der Jubilarin eng verbunden ist. Es ist keine Bilanz, nur ein kurzes Stehenbleiben beieiner ihrer Etappe mit tatkriger Arbeit erflltem Leben.

    Klassische Archologie und Latein studierte sie an der Karls-Universitt in Prag in den Jahren1963-1968. Hier erwarb sie im Jahr 1972 auch den Titel PhDr. und 1984 CSc. Nach mehrjhriger

    Lehrttigkeit wurde sie im Jahr 2005 an der Trnava-Universitt in Trnava habilitiert. Mit Ausnahmeeiner kurzen Verpichtung im Museum der antiken Kunst in Hostinn (1968-1969), ging sie indas Nationalmuseum in Prag ber, wo sie bis heute als Leiterin der Abteilung der klassischenArchologie, eines Bestandteiles des Historischen Museums des Nationalmuseums, ttig ist.Gleichzeitig hielt sie, mit Unterbrechungen, externe Vorlesungen an der Karls-Universitt inPrag und an der Masaryk-Universitt in Brno.

    In ihrer musealen Arbeit hae sie Propagation der antiken Kunst und Bildung durcherreichbare Formen durchgesetzt. Es waren nicht nur Vorlesungen, sondern auch selbstndigoder in einer Zusammenarbeit vorbereitete Szenarien und Realisationen von Ausstellungen.Mehrere von ihnen haen einen positiven auslndischen Widerhall (Antike Kunst in dentschechoslowakischen Sammlungen, Welt der Etrusker, u. a.). Eine Anerkennung gebhrt auch

    ihrem Bemhen die antiken Denkmler auch den Blinden und Sehschwachen nher zu bringen,mit der Mglichkeit durch den Gri mit speziell fr diesen Zweck gewhlten Exponaten aus denSammlungen des Nationalmuseums in Prag, bekannt zu machen.

    Obwohl die Arbeitsverpichtungen im Nationalmuseum eine vielseitige Orientationgefordert haen, aus dem Gesichtspunkt ihres wissenschalichen Interesses stand diegriechische Antike immer im Vordergrund. So war es schon auch bei ihren ersten Arbeiten,die Unterlage fr die Verleihung der Titel PhDr. und CSc. gewesen sind. Im Jahr 1972 wares die Studie Hellenistische Bauernguts auf Delos und Chersonesos, Die griechischenTerrakoen von Ausgrabungen des Akademiker Sala in kleinasiatischem Kyme oder Diegriechischen Terrakoen im Schwarzmeer-Gebiet aus dem Jahr 1984 (Helnistick statky naDlu a Chersonsu, eck terakoty z vkopu akad. Salae v maloassk Kyme, eck terakotyv oblasti ernomo). In derselben Linie ist auch ihre weitere Publikations- und entlicheVortragsttigkeit (siehe die beigefgte Bibliographie), wo auch Themen aus der rmischen Antikevorkommen (Entstehung und Entwicklung des rmischen Portraits, Bildhauerei der rmischenRepublik, Mosaik des kaiserlichen Palastes in Konstantinopel u. a.). Der antiken Architekturwidmete sie sich in ihrer Habilitationsarbeit Doruser und Ansiedlungen der klassischen undhellenistischen Zeit. Bau-Typen im Mielmeer- und Schwarzmeergebieten (Venkovsk domya usedlosti klasickho a hlenistickho obdob. Stavebn typy ve Stedomo a ernomo). AlsOpponenten waren bedeutende Persnlichkeiten der wissenschalichen Welt: die ProfessorenPavel Oliva, Radomr Pleiner und Jan Burian. In ihre wissenschaliche Ttigkeit gehrt auchAnteil an mehreren inlndischen und internationalen Projekten, Absolvieren mehrerer Studien-und Vortragsaufenthalten im Ausland, sowie aktive Teilnahme an vielen wissenschalichenKonferenzen.

    Ein neues Kapitel in ihrem Leben trat in akademischem Jahr 1997/1998, als sie an dasneugegrndete Lehrstuhl fr Klassische Archologie an der Trnava-Universitt in Trnavaantrat, ein. Sie gehrte zu den ersten Lehrern, die die anfnglichen Schwierigkeiten einer

  • 8/13/2019 Selected Funeral Inscriptions on the Round Altars From Stratoniceia in the Hellenistic Period


    neuen Arbeitsstelle und eines neuen Studien- und wissenschalichen Faches, der in derSlowakei ohne vorherige Traditionen entstand, zu berwinden mussten. Sie war Mitglied derAufnahmekommission, die ber Wahl und Aufnahme der ersten Studenten entscheiden hae;und somit auch Mitautorin der Ansprche fr das gewhlte Studienfach, die sich als sinnvoll undvorteilha frs Formieren des Prols des knigen Absolventen gezeigt haen. Sie bernahmeinen wesentlichen Teil der Vorlesungen und Seminare des Studienprogramms aus dem Umkreisder griechischen und rmischen Antike. Sie wurde zum Bestandteil einer minimalen Zahl derMitarbeiter, die beim Formieren des Prols der Arbeitsstelle und der Konzeption ihrer weiterenZielrichtung und Entwicklung auf dem Gebiet der Erziehung und Forschung gestanden sind.

    Die Verpichtungen eines ordentlichen Mitgliedes des Lehrstuhls fr KlassischeArchologie in Trnava sowie die Mitverantwortung fr die Lehre haben ihren ganzen bisherigenArbeitsrhythmus, dessen Bestandteil auch regelmige Reisen nach Trnava wurden, gendert.Diese Tatsache forderte auch einen Eingri in ihr privates Leben, dessen sie sich ohne Zweifelvom ersten Augenblick bewusst war. Trotzdem hat sie ihre Entscheidung, bei den Anfngeneines neuen Faches in der Slowakei und der Erziehung einer neuen Generation der klassischen

    Archologen zu helfen, nicht gendert. Das Spektrum und Umfang der Verpichtungen,vor allem in Bezug zu den Studenten, wurden mit zunehmenden Jahrgngen immer grer.Grundlegender Bestandteil des Unterrichtes wurden von Anfang an die Exkursionen und damitverbundene Strapazen, die sie nie auswich und gerne an ihnen teilnahm. Vielseitigkeit, breitematerielle und theoretische Kenntnisse widerspiegelt der Umfang ihrer Vorlesungsttigkeit,wo sie alle wesentlichen Gebiete der griechischen und rmischen Antike umfasst. Whrendihres bisherigen, mehr als ein Jahrzehnt lang dauerndem Wirken im Studienfach KlassischeArchologie an der Trnava-Universitt, hae sie an der Erziehung einiger zig Studenten undAbsolventen einen Anteil gehabt. Sie fhrte und auch weiter fhrt eine Reihe von Bakkalaureus-,Magister-, Doktor- und Dissertationsarbeiten. Sie ist nicht nur Betreuerin und Beraterin, sondernauch Opponentin und stndiger Mitglied mehrerer Kommissionen (zur Studentenaufnahme,

    Staatsexamen, Verleihung des Titel PhD.). Auer der bergabe der Kenntnisse und Erfahrungenschtzen die Studenten vor allem ihren Zugang, Entgegenkommen sowie den Sinn ihre Problemeund Schwierigkeiten zu verstehen.

    Das Anwachsen ihrer Verpichtungen verminderte keines Falls ihre Leistungsfhigkeitauf dem Gebiet der forschungswissenschalichen und erzieherischen Ttigkeit, die hat sicheher intensiviert. Was die Resultate aus den letzten Jahren betri, so kann besonders ihreMitbeteiligung an der Gestaltung des Hochschullehrbuches Dejiny a kultra antickho Grckaa Rma (2006) (Geschichte und Kultur des antiken Griechenlands und Roms) hervorgehobenwerden. Sie hat einen wesentlichen Anteil an dem archologischen Teil, der der griechischen undrmischen Antik gewidmet ist. Auerdem publizierte sie ihre Beitrge auch in einigen Bnderndes Lehrstuhlsammelbandes ANODOS und ANODOS-Supplementum, dessen Namen sie einstselber vorschlug und bis heute Mitglied ihres Redaktionsrates ist. An ihrer Arbeitsstelle in Trnavahat sich Doz. Duov auch in Projekte angeschlossen, und das nicht nur als Mitarbeiterin,sondern auch als Mitautorin ihrer Konzeption. In der Rolle einer Co-Organisatorin undTeilnehmerin hat sie sich aktiv in die traditionellen, alle zwei Jahre realisierten internationalenSymposien, angeschlossen. Fr die Seminarbibliothek hat sie Buchaustausch mit renommiertenauslndischen Institutionen vermielt, wobei sie den Bcherfonds auch mit eigenen Gabenergnzte. Sie nahm teil an der Entstehung des entlichen Verbandes Pro Archaeologia Classica,das von den Mitarbeitern und Studenten des Lehrstuhls zur Untersttzung der Erziehungim Fach Klassische Archologie gegrndet wurde, wo sie bis heute auch als Mitglieder desAufsichtsrates wirkt, gegrndet wurde.

    Liebe Frau Dozentin, fr die weiteren Dezenien wnschen wir Ihnen viel Freude, Energie,Gesundheit und alles Gute im privaten und professionellen Leben.

    Mria Novotn, Klra Kuzmov

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    Veronika Dubcov, Povask BystricaAndrea urianov, Trnava

    Zdenko Glik, HlohovecJanka Hekov, Nitra

    Stanislava Hlavov, TrnavaPavol Hnila, Berlin

    Erik Hrniarik, TrnavaMiriam Jakubinov, Nitra

    Karol Jakubec, PezinokJitka Jezn, BratislavaWerner Jobst, TrnavaMichal Keru, Trnava

    Titus Kolnk, NitraEva Kolnkov, Nitra

    Tom Koptk, Trnava

    Klra Kuzmov, TrnavaIvana Kvetnov, TrnavaMiroslava Mikovnyov-Daov, Zvolen

    Jana Minaroviech, BratislavaMargarta Musilov, Bratislava

    Lucia Novkov, NitraMria Novotn, Trnava

    Karol Pieta, NitraJn Rajtr, Nitra

    Priska Ratimorsk, KomrnoJaroslava Schmidtov, Bratislava

    Kristna motlkov, BratislavaVladimr Turan, Bratislava

    Vladimr Varsik, NitraMarek Verk, Eichst

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    Personal Bibliography of Marie Duov

    1968DUFKOV, M.: Venetise Vasenmalereien im Museum zu Ferrara. Listy lologi 91,1.1968, 107-110.DUFKOV, M.: Sto let Nrodnho muzea v Praze (100 Years of Existence of the National2.Museum in Prague). For you from Czeoslovakia 3, 1968, 17-21.


    DUFKOV, M.: Antika. Katalog odlitk anti so v Hostinnm. Hostinn - Praha 1969.3.


    DUFKOV, M. - PERKA, J.: Excavations of farms and farmhouses in the ora of4. Chersonesos in the Crimea. Eirene 8, 1970, 124-174.DUFKOV, M.: Antxe araque de la collection de l Universit de pratur. Graecolatina5.Pragensia III, 1970; IV, 1971, 105, 106.


    DUFKOV, M.: Two antexes with head of Artemis Bendis. Listy lologi 94, 1971, 104-106.6.DUFKOV, M.: Univerzitn sbrka odlitk anti so (University Collection of casts of7.Greek and Roman statues). asopis Nrodnho muzea v Praze, Hist. CXL, 1971, 141-143.


    DUFKOV, M.: Hellenistic production of terracoas in Asia Minor Kyme. In Die soziale8.Probleme des Hellenismus. Liblice, 1972, 277-294.DUFKOV, M.9. - BOUZEK, J.: Anti portrt. Katalog vstavy s vodn studi. Nrodnmuzeum Praha 1972.


    DUFKOV, M.: Terracoa dancing doll in the Prague National Museum Collection. Listy10.lologi 96, 1973, 191-193.DUFKOV, M. et. al.: Umn e antiky v jin Itlii. Katalog vstavy v Hostinnm.11.Muzeum Podkrkono Trutnov 1973.


    DUFKOV, M.: Unguentaria, Terracoas. In Bouzek, J. (ed.): Anatolian Collection of12.Charles University. Kyme 1. Praha1974, 83-84, 103-163, pl. 24-45.DUFKOV, M. - BOUZEK, J. - MARSA, J.: e umn z jin Itlie (Greek Art in South13.Italy Catalogue of the exhibition). Praha 1974.


    DUFKOV, M. et. al.: Helnisti umn (Hellenistic Art. Catalogue of the exhibition).14.Muzeum Podkrkono Trutnov 1976.

    1977DUFKOV, M.: Boitsk terakotov idoly v esk sbrk (Boeotian Terracoa Idols in the15.Bohemian Collections). asopis Nrodnho muzea v Praze, Hist. CXLVI, 1-2, 1977,45-49.

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    DUFKOV, M.: Rev.: Smalz, F.: Terrakoen aus Kabirenheiligtum bei Theben. Berlin:16.W. de Gruyter, 1974. Eirene XIV, 1977.


    DUFKOV, M.: Cramique aique gures noires. In: CVA, Tchcoslovaquie 1. Prague17.1978, pls. 25-34.DUFKOV, M.: Thrck umn. Vda a ivot 8, 1978.18.


    DUFKOV, M.19. - BOUZEK, J. - ONDEJOV, I.: Classical Sculpture in CzeoslovakCollections. Sbornk NM Acta Mus. Nat. Pragae XXXIII, 1979 A.DUFKOV, M.: Terakoty. In: Bouzek J. (ed.): Anti umn v eskoslovensk sbrk20.(Greek, Roman and Etruscan Art in the Czechoslovak Collections. Catalogue of theexhibition). Praha 1979, 42-54, 66, 80.

    DUFKOV, M. - BOUZEK, J.: Umn Etrusk. Hostinn - Trutnov 1979.21. DUFKOV, M.: adkova muzejn prce. Souhrnn bibliograe prac J. adka. Zprvy22.JKF XXI, 1979, 1-3.DUFKOV, M.: Thr umn. Umn a emesla I, 1979, 27-32, 66-67.23.


    DUFKOV, M.: Rev.: Tpperwein, E.: Terrakoen von Pergamon. Berlin: W. de Gruyter,24.1976. Eirene XVII, 1980, 111-113.DUFKOV, M.:25. Terracoas. In: Bouzek, J. (ed.): The Results of the Czechoslovak Expedition.Kyme 2. Praha 1980, 121-123.DUFKOV, M.:26. Dionsos nebo Kabeiros ? (Dionysos or Kabeiros ?). asopis NM, Hist.CIL, 1980, 3-4, 198-203.DUFKOV, M.:27. Za profesorem Jindichem adkem. In: Umn a emesla I, 1980, 7-8.


    DUFKOV, M.:28. ensk torzo ve sbrce Nrodnho muzea (The female torso in the Classicalcollection of the Nat. Mus. Prague). asopis NM, Hist. CL, 1981 3-4, 223-228.DUFKOV, M.: Na okraj vstavy Anti umn v sl. sbrk. Ars vitraria 7, 1981, 133-134.29.


    DUFKOV, M.30. - SAKA, V.: man v Britnii (The Romans in Britannia). ten o antice

    1980-81. Praha 1982, 95-98.


    DUFKOV, M.: Types locaux de terres cuites grecques dans la territoire de la Mer Noire31. l poque classique. In: Concilium Eirene XVI, Vol 2. Prague 1983, 121-126.


    DUFKOV, M.: Orientln kulty v antickm ernomo (Oriental Cults in the ancient Black32.Sea Region). ten o antice 1982-83. Praha, 1984.

    1985DUFKOV, M.: Etruscan Art. Exhibition, National Museum Prague. Nrodn muzeum33.v Praze 1985.

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    DUFKOV, M. - BOUZEK, J.: Umn araiho ea. Prvodce vstavou. Nrodn34.muzeum Praha, 1985.


    DUFKOV, M.: Le muse des moulages des sculptures grecques et romaines. In: Le mou-35.lage. Actes du Colloque international 10-12 April 1987. Paris 1988, 173-179.DUFKOV, M. - BOUZEK, J.: Umn starho Kypru. Katalog vstavy (Art of ancient36.Cyprus. Catalogueof the exhibition). Hostinn 1988.DUFKOV, M.: Barbarendarstellungen in der grieisen Koroplastik. Das Altertum37.1988, 34, 24-30.DUFKOV, M.: Die ostgriechische Grabsteine im Prager Nationalmuseum. Annals of the38.Nprstek Museum Praha 15, 1988, 77-87.


    DUFKOV, M. - BOUZEK, J. - KULICHOV, L: Svt Etrusk. Prvodce vstavou39. (The Etruscan World. Guide to the exhibition). Nrodn muzeum Praha 1989.DUFKOV, M. et. al.: msk umn. Prvodce vstavou s vodn studi. Nrodn Muzeum40.Praha 1989.DUFKOV, M.: Rev.: Kranz, P.: Jahreszeiten-Sarkophage. Berlin: Genr. Mann, 1984. Eirene 1989.41.DUFKOV, M.: Rev.: Knzl., E.: Medizinise Instrumente aus Sepulkralfunden der rmis-42.en Kaiserzei. Kln - Bonn 1983. Pamtky areologi LXXX, 1989, 229-230.DUFKOV, M.: Gli Etrusi nuovamente a Praga. Vita Cecoslovacca 3, 1989, 17.43.


    DUFKOV, M.: Die Anfnge der hellenistisen Koroplastik im Swarzmeergebiet. Akten44.

    des XIII. Internationalensses fr klassise Arologie Berlin 1988. Mainz 1990, 398.DUFKOV, M.: K vstav Svt Etrusk. Umn a emesla 1990, 35-37.45.DUFKOV, M.: Cramique aique gures noires. In CVA, Tcoslovaquie 2, Prague46.Muse National. Praha 1990, pls. 30-50.


    DUFKOV, M.: Une vase de Hadra au Muse National de Prague. Listy lologick 114,47.1991, 2-3, 119-122.DUFKOV, M.: Portrait romain dune femme dans la collection du Muse National de48.Prague. tudes et travaux AN Warsovie 15, 1991, 134-137.


    DUFKOV, M.: Mistrovsk dla z anti sbrky NM (Masterpieces of Greek, Roman and49.Etruscan Art from the National Museum Prague. Catalogue of the exhibition) Nrodnmuzeum Praha esk spoitelna 1992.DUFKOV, M.: Olympie a jej slavnosti. Djiny a souasnost 1992.50.


    DUFKOV, M.: Rev.: Martin, H. G.: Rmise Tempelkultbilder. Roma: Bretsnei-der,51.1987. Listy lologi 1993, 227-228.

    1994DUFKOV, M.: Lannova antick sbrka I. In Villa Lanna, Antika a Praha (Die Antike und52.Prag 1872). Praha 1994, 44-48.

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    DUFKOV, M.53. - MATOUEK, V.: Doteky pravku a antiky I a II (Toues of Prehistory andClassical Antiquity I and II). Muzejn a vlastivdn prce 1/94, 129-139.


    DUFKOV, M.: Meerni, Koller, Lanna a Univerzitn sbrka odlitk anti so.54.Hesl. In Nov encyklopedie eskho vtvarnho umn (New Encyclopedy of the Czemodern Art). Praha 1995.


    DUFKOV, M.: Rev.: Andreae, B.: Phyromaos-Probleme. Mieilungen des Deutsen55.Arologisen Instituts, Ergnzungshe 31. Mainz, 1990. Eirene XXXII, 1996, 157-158.DUFKOV, M.: Rev.: Kreikenbom, D.: Grieise und rmise Kolossalportrts. Jahrbu56.des Deutsen arologisen Instituts, Ergnzungshe 27. Berlin - New York. EireneXXXII, 1996, 154-155.


    DUFKOV, M.: Greci nel Occidente. Vstava v Bentk (Recenze vstavy v Palazzo57.Crassi v Bentk). Areologi rozhledy 47, 1997, 186-187.DUFKOV, M.: Soubor anti pedmt ve Stedoeskm muzeu v Roztok u Prahy58.(Collection of Objects of Classical Antiquity in the Museum of Central Bohemia Roztokynear Prague). In Stedoesk vlastivdn sbornk. Muzeum a souasnost 15, Stedoeskmuzeum v Roztok u Prahy 1997, 33- 44.DUFKOV, M.: Snx na ernogurovm lkythu ve sbrce Nrodnho muzea v Praze59.(Sphinx on the Bla Figure Lekythos in the Collection of the National Museum Prague).In Studia Hercynia I, stav pro klasiou areologii UK. Praha 1997, 13-17.

    DUFKOV, M.: Ke zpsobu hodovn v lee (The Art of Feasting in Reclining Position).60. Areologi rozhledy 49, 1997, 125-126.DUFKOV, M.: Das Mnnerportrt auf einem keramisen Fragment im Nationalmuseum61.Prag. In Roman Portraits Artistic and Literary. Acts of the third Conference on the RomanPortraits held in Prague and Beyn Castle from 25 to 29 September 1989. Mainz 1997, 95-98.DUFKOV, M.62. - BOUZEK, J. - KLSOV, T.: Insk umn. Muzeum antickho umna architektury. Katalog vstavy FF UK Praha 1997. Litomyl 1997.DUFKOV, M. - PARDYOV, M. - IMOV, J.: Anti umn v moravsk sbrk63.a nleze. Prvodce vstavou. Moravsk zemsk muzeum Brno 1997.


    DUFKOV, M.64. - MATOUEK, V.: Jeskyn a lid (Caves and People). Praha 1998.DUFKOV, M. - MATOUEK, V.: Jet jednou o pozorovn (Some more Comments to the65.Observation). Areologi rozhledy 50, 1998, 864-866.DUFKOV, M.: C66. ramique aique gures noires. In Bouzek, J. (ed.): CVA Prague,Universit Charles 2. Prague 1998, 17-18.DUFKOV, M.: Katastrofa jako lexikln pojem (The catastrophe as a lexical term).67.Konference Ponen a odstren msta versus katastrofy (Randgruppen u. Katastrophen inden Stdten). In Dokumenta Pragensia XVI, Archiv hlavnho msta Prahy 1998, 145-147.


    DUFKOV, M.:68. Putovn na jih a antika v echch (Journey to the South and Classical

    Antiquity in Bohemia). In Kroutvor, J. et al.:, Cesta na jih, inspirace eskho umn19. a 20. stolet (Journey to the South, an inspiration for Czech art of the 19th and 20thcenturies). Prague 1999, 63-71.

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    DUFKOV, M.:69. Hora a jeskyn ve starovkch pramenech (Mountain and cave in ancientSources). Archeologick rozhledy LI, 1999, 457- 467.DUFKOV, M.70. - BOUZEK, J. - HOEK, R. - ONDEJOV, I. - SEGERT, S.: Corpus SignorumImperii Romani, Czech Republic, Vol. I. Roman Sculpture from Syria and Asia Minor inCzech Collections (ed. J. Bouzek), Prague, Charles University 1999.DUFKOV, M.71. - SVOBODOV, H.: Oddlen klasick archeologie. In Prvodce. Nrodnmuzeum Praha, Histori muzeum. Praha 1999, 21-26.


    DUFKOV, M. (ed.): Braunov, D. adk, J.: Corpus vasorum antiquorum, Muse de la72.Bohme de lOuest Pilsen, Rpublique tchque 4. Prague - Pilsen 2000.


    DUFKOV, M.: Das nrdlie Swarzmeergebiet in klassiser und hellenistiser Zeit.73.

    Prolegomena zur Problematik der importierten Tpferware. In Zentren und Provinzen derantiken Welt. Anodos - Supplementum 1. Trnava, 2001, 67-81.DUFKOV, M.: Fantasti svt na vyehradsk dlab. In Krlovsk Vyehrad II. Sbornk74.pspvk ke kesanskmu milniu a k posvcen nov zvon na kapit. rmu sv. Petraa Pavla. Praha 2001, 57-73.DUFKOV, M.: Zur Problematik der sog. Galater-Krieger in der grieisen Koroplastik.75.In Anodos. Studies of the Ancient World 1/2001. Trnava 2001, 81-84.DUFKOV, M.:76. Grieise keramise Produkte im nrdlien Swarzmeergebiet.In: Zentren und Provinzen der antiken Welt, Anodos-Supplementum 1, Trnava 2001, 67-81.


    DUFKOV, M.: Terracoas from Pistiros. In Bouzek, J. - Domaradzka, L. - Aribald, Z. H.77.(eds.): Pistiros II. Praha 2002.DUFKOV, M.: The Amazons in apotropaic function ? In Anodos. Studies of the Ancient78.World in Honour of Mria Novotn 2/2002. Trnava 2002, s. 91-97.DUFKOV, M.79. - ONDEJOV, I.: Daidalos und Ikaros aus Gerulata. In Zwisen Romund dem Barbaricum. Festsri fr T. Kolnk zum 70. Geb. Nitra 2002, 85-87.


    DUFKOV, M.: Aise Keramik des 5. und 4. Jhs. v. Chr. im nrdlien Swarzmeergebiet80.(Die Struktur der Funde). In Grieise Keramik im kulturellen Kontext. Akten desInternationalen Vasen-Symposions zu Kiel 2001. Mnster 2003, 234-236, tab. 36-37.

    DUFKOV, M.: Sbratelstv antiky v esk zem I. Nrodn muzeum 2003. CD ROM.81.DUFKOV, M.: Landsa und landwirtsalies Hinterland der grieisen Stdte.82.In Stadt u. Landsa in der Antike. Anodos - Supplementum 3. Trnava 2003, 35-63.


    DUFKOV, M.83. - SOUKOV, J.: Svtov kultury ve sbrk esk Republiky. Expozinzmr, Nrodn muzeum v Praze 2006.DUFKOV, M.84. - ONDEJOV, I.: Neznm antiky z esk a moravsk sbrek.Prvodce vstavou. UK v Praze, NM Praha, Nrodn pam. stav 2006, nestr.DUFKOV, M.85. - VELEBILOV, M.: Lutroforos. Prvodce vstavou. Nrodn muzeum,Praha 2006, nestr.

    NOVOTN, M. - BURIAN, J. - HOEK, R. - DUFKOV, M.86. - KUZMOV, K. - BABIC, M.- BLAHO, P. - HRNIARIK, E.: Dejiny a kultra starovekho Gra a Rma, Trnava: TypiUniversitatis Tyrnaviensis, 2006.

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    DUFKOV, M.87. - ONDEJOV, I.: Historie sbratelstv anti pamtek v eskzem / A History of Antiquities Collecting in the Cze Lands. Univerzita Karlova v Praze,Nrodn muzeum, Praha, 2006.


    DUFKOV, M.: Severn Afrika ve starovku. In: Sahara - pbh Velk pout. Brno.88.Moravsk zemsk muzeum 2007, 34-55.DUFKOV, M.: The Sea Motifs in the Greek Vase-Painting. In Acta Musei Varnaensis V.,89.Ancient Civilisations and the Sea, International Conference in Honour of Prof. MichailLazarov. Varna 2007, 93-107.


    DUFKOV, M., Zhotovil Nikosthenes ... Misti athnskch malovanch vz, signatury90.a pojmenovn (Nikosthenes made Athenian masters of painted vases, signatures and

    names). Z poklad Nrodnho muzea / The Treasures of the National Museum V. Praha,Nrodn museum 2008, nestr.DUFKOV, M.: Oo Rothmayer. Seine Zusammenarbeit mit J. Plenik und sein91.eigenstndiges Saen. In Time-Bridges: Art Deco, Cubism, Neo-Classicism and ClassicalAntiquity. Studia Hercynia XII. Praha 2008, 95-99.DUFKOV, M. Pod kdly Erta. In Cejnkov, D - Holubov, Z. - Vacht, P (eds.): 100 00092.let sexu. O lsce, plodnosti a rozkoi. Sbornk a katalog vstavy. Brno 14.11. 2008 15. 2.2009. Brno 2008, 42-77.


    BOUZEK, J. - MUSIL, J. -93. DUFKOV, M. BERAN, P.: Hrozns excavations 1924 and visit

    of the site of Shekh Saad in 2008. In Studia Hercynia XIII, 2009, 98-100.DUFKOV, M.: Anti keramika na zmku v Mniov Hraditi. In: ern, A. (ed.):94.Sbornk vzkumn prac. Praha 2009, s. 71-76. ISBN 978-80-865116-31-8.

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    Anodos. Studies of the Ancient World 9/2009, 111-118.


    1 Fedak 1990, 34-46.

    Selected Funeral Inscriptions on the Round Altars from Stratoniceiain the Hellenistic Period

    Lucia Novkov

    Keywords: Altars, Bomos (), Caria, Epitaph, Grave Temenos, Stratoniceia, SepulchralMonuments

    Abstract: This paperwork refers to the three selected funeral inscriptions on the round altars from Cariansite Stratoniceia, which represent the indisseverable element on the grave temenos in the Hellenistic

    period in the specied area. Considering fact, that none of them was found in situ, selected epitaphs

    helps us to beer understand how they functionate did and how the world of living was connected withthe world of dead. However the necropolis in Stratoniceia was almost completely destroyed by modernurbanization, we can nd parallels in region nearby, especially on the necropolis of Cnidus.

    The funerary monuments of Asia Minor span many centuries and funerary ritual is aestedas far back as prehistoric period. Based on current archaeological evidence, monumental tombarchitecture rst appeared in the western coastlands of Asia Minor. During the Hellenisticperiod, monumental tombs of rulers, such those at Halicarnassus and Belevi, were erected,which had a lasting impact on the later developments in funerary. It is important to point thattomb building oered an opportunity for dynasts and persons of authority to create new typesof structures, which were suitable to their selfimage. However, there was individuality ofexpression possible in funeral architecture beyond the canon of normal building types (sacraland secular). In literature, there is proposal of a classication system of four main types: buildtombs, rock-cut tombs, tombs of mixed construction and tumuli, which is further subdivided intonumerous groups and subgroups.1Instead they have to be viewed in the sense of a long traditionof funerary architecture in Asia Minor the features of earlier tomb styles are incorporated withthe new ones.

    Ancient site of Stratoniceia is found in Caria, a mountainous region inhabited by localCarians in southwest Asia Minor south of river Meander, with Greek cities (e.g. Cnidus andHalicarnassus) occupying the salient peninsulas and mixed communities on the shores of thegulfs. Under the rule of the Hecatomnids (395334BC), and especially of Mausolus, Caria wasintensively Hellenized and modern cities were planned to promote the Greek way of life with

    result that Caria was quickly absorbed in the later Greek world. Stratoniceia was one of themost important towns in the interior of mentioned region, situated on the eastsoutheast ofMylasa, and on the south of the river Marsyas (Fig. 1). Now is located at the present village ofEskihisar in the Mula Province, which absorbed the most of its original area. Site is situated ata distance of 1 kilometer from the intercity road that connects the district center of Yataan withcity centres Bodrum and Milas. Important is also proximity of Lagina, where the famous templeof Hecate was one of the two extramural sanctuaries of Stratoniceia.

    According to ancient writers Stratoniceia was founded by the Seleucid king AntiochusI Soter (281261 BC), who named it aer his wife. Seleucos I had a wife Stratonice, whom in294 BC he transferred to his son and it was she, in whose honor Antiochus founded Stratoniceia.Some historiographers considered this date as too early and proposed to assign the citys founder

    Antiochus II Theos (286 BC246 BC) or even later. The exact date is not known, but it must have

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    Lucia Novkov


    Fig. 1. Stratoniceia - geographical position.

    been aer 281, when Seleucids rst came into the control of this country.2It seems certain, thatthe city was founded on the site of an old Carian town. Chrysaorys is quoted by Pausanias asan earlier name for the site and territory of Stratoniceia and in Hellenistic period Chrysaorian

    became a synonym for Carian.3The reason for this was Chrysaoric League, to which all Cariansbelonged and met in the temple of Zeus Chrysaoreus (second of the two extramural sanctuariesof Stratoniceia). Long aer, between 197 167 BC, city was under the predomination of Rhodes it is important for understanding of the cultural inuence of this island in Stratoniceia.

    To be concerned on the city plan (Fig. 2), majority of preserved edicial buildings comesfrom imperial time, which is actually quite common situation for the cities on the westerncoast of Asia Minor. Our research is focused on the necropolis located on the north of the site.Necropolis was unfortunately almost completely destroyed by quarry of carbon nearby Yataan.Remains of funeral monuments are situated by main city gate or in local museum of Stratoniceia.During the rearrangement of the Museum depot of Stratoniceia in the summer season 2003,some unpublished small inscriptions and numerous fragments from Stratoniceia came to light

    2 Bean 1989, 889.3 Bean 1989, 89.

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    Selected Funeral Inscriptions on the Round Altars from Stratoniceia in the Hellenistic Period


    and are planned to be published.4Other inscriptions were founded during the excavations atLagina, which began in the summer of 1993 under the direction of prof. Ahmed Trpan of SelukUniversity of Konya and continue until now. However, most of those inscriptions on the altarscame from later period as we are concerned.5

    The main city gate led to Lagina by the way of via sacra. Funeral monuments were locatedon the both sides of this way. Majority of today preserved monuments in situ, usually in badcondition, are concentrated nearby the city walls. Necropolis was in use since Archaic till theImperial times.6Above all we would like to point out that the Hellenistic period is in comparisonwith other periods characterized by variety of funeral monuments (Tab. 1, Chart 1).

    This paperwork is focused on the funeral round altars, which we could considered to bethe frequent component of architectonical funeral monuments. With free standing statues oflions represent preserved parts of the various quite expensive tombs and grave temenos. TheMausoleum at Halicarnassus already set a trend for monumental tombs combining high podia,superstructure of a peripteral or engaged columns and roof zone oen pyramidal form. Thistype appears particularly on the west coast of Asia Minor, where the Hecatomnid dynasty had

    greatest inuence. The socalled Lion tomb at Cnidus emulated the Mausoleum in its locationoverlooking the sea. Its sacred nature was underscored by the presence of a temenos wallsurrounding the tomb and its environs. The apothropaic function of lion has a tomb guardianlater enjoyed currency in the funerary monuments of the Roman Imperial period in Asia Minor.7Although the monumental tomb of the period appears to have been the exclusive prerogativeof kings and dynasts, during the Roman Empire these prominent structures were emulated andreinterpreted by those with wealth and aspirations.

    Type of monument Total amount Epigraphic evidence Dating

    Stelai 29+ 29Middle of the 3rd century-2nd half of the

    1st century BC

    Round altars 10,00 8 1st quarter of the 1st century BC

    Fragments (boundary stones, slabs,

    statue basis)5,00 5 Hellenicstic, middle of the 1st century BC

    Secondarily used fragments 2+ 2 Hellenistic

    architectural elements

    (different architectural types)5,00 0

    Middle of the 1st centry BC-Early Impe-

    rial Period

    Tab. 1. Necropolis of Stratoniceia, typology of the funeral monuments.

    4 ahin 2005, 9.5 ahin 2002, 1, 189.6 Mert 1999, 50.7 Cormack 2004, 24.

    Chart 1. Epigraphic evidence from Stratoniceia


    Round altars

    Fragments (boundary stones,

    slabs, statue basis)

    Secondarily used fragments

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    Lucia Novkov


    Concerning the correlations between the types of the funeral monuments and epigraphicevidence, we would like to accentuate following factors, which are need to be discussed andthe consequential analysis should be treated carefully. First of all it is availability of our sources:majority of by us evaluated inscriptions from Stratoniceia are published by M. etin ahin inthe series of Epigraphica Anatolica (Anatolian Epigraphy) journal since 1984 and in InschrienGriechischen Stdte aus Klein Asien.8By the stelai we excluded those with Roman nomenclature(with one exception); however we can count with presence of Romans in Stratoniceia even beforethe year 129 BC. Stelai also represent the most popular tomb marker in almost all periods, so wecan suppose that their number is rather higher. In the most cases dating of these monumentswas quite wide (in the Hellenistic period) because of schematic shape of stelai and short spokenformulation, which we know also from later period.9

    Fig. 2. Site map of Stratoniceia.

    8 Kearsley et al. 2001, 14753.9 McLean 2002, 2616.

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    Selected Funeral Inscriptions on the Round Altars from Stratoniceia in the Hellenistic Period


    Round altar represent especially sepulchralmonument. None of up to now founded round altars in Cariawere preserved in situ exception is an example from Cnidus,which is probably in original position.10Selected functions ofthis monument are as follows: reminiscence of the dead, placefor sacrice libation and annual festivities in the honor of dead(while there is no evidence for burning sacrices practiced onthe altar himself), decorative structural element and usuallythe highest point of the grave temenos. On the Carian coastlineas Cnidus or Halicarnassus, as well as on the surroundingislands, e.g. Cos or Cnidus are the most common componentpart of grave temenos.11 They accentuate the representativeeect of quite expensive grave compositions. Very oen areconnected with hypogea, which upper roof slabs also servedas primary basement for altars. In the majority of cases do

    not denote singular grave (e.g. as stelai) and only cca 20% offounded round altars are related to the temple temenos.12Bythe regional distinction of typology is primary the upper andlower prolation (Fig. 3).

    Typical example of the round altar from Stratoniceia, nowplaced in the local museum, was published by D.Berges.13Forementioned altar does not have any inscription on the sha, sowe can presume that inscription was placed on the basis. Themost important iconographical aributes are: bucranion, fruitgarland, grapevine and snakes (Fig. 4). Garland and snakes areunderstood as outer sign of heroization, while snake has also

    apothropaic meaning. From the site we know up to nowtogether ten well preserved round altars and a couple of basis.All of them belong to the Rhodian type.14 According to thestylistic features we can date those round altars to the period

    between rst quarter and the end of the rst century BC.Mapping of the particular monuments in the Hellenistic periodrefers to the fact that round altars in Caria created essential partof necropolis in the various sites. The biggest concentrationcomes from Aphrodisias, Cnidus, and Halicarnassus and fromStratoniceia (Fig. 5). 80% of them are funeral monuments.As we mentioned before none of them was found in situ.

    Grave temenoi are usually in destructive condition and notdetailed documented. Certain visualization of them providesthe reconstruction of round altar and boarder wall of gravetemenos from relatively close necropolis in Cnidus.15

    Round altar is composed of the four main parts: upperand lower prolation, sha and basement or platform.Platform could have quadratic or stepped form. Inscriptions

    Fig. 3. Ideal prolation of the roundaltar - Rhodian type.

    10Berges 1986, 12.11Brunszgan 2002, 1047.12Berges 1986, 26.13Berges, 1567.14Mert 1999, 53; Fraser 1977, 112.15Brunszgan 2002, 1047.

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    Lucia Novkov


    were usually placed on the sha or on the basis (Fig. 6). The uniform standard apparently didnot exist. Occasionally were inscriptions situated on the sha and basis as well. In the case,that inscription does not respect the relief decoration of the sha or intersect taeniae or viae,we can presume that the inscription was used secondary. The same we can expect aer rasura,or in the case, when rasura deleted the rst inscription and the new one, later, was located onthe opposite side. The most inscriptions comprehend typical brief formulation name of dead(genivus possesivus) and supplementary information (demotikon, etnikon) and occasionallyexpression (i.e. excellent one, farewell).16

    Following three examples of inscriptions dierentiate from majority for us known epigraphsbecause of the character and form of the text. All of them were published by Ender Varinlioluin Epigraphica Anatolica 12/1988.17

    Fig. 5. Distribution of the round altars in south-west coast of Asia Minor (aer Berges 1986).

    16Berges 1986, 547.17Varinliolu 1988, 1012, 109 .

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    Selected Funeral Inscriptions on the Round Altars from Stratoniceia in the Hellenistic Period


    First inscription was placed on the basis of the round altar most probably the Rhodiantype. H.: 0.44 m; W.: 0.92 m.

    Epigram includes typical sepulchral themes as laudative of dead, pain of the parents anddenomination of the grave as permanent and somber residence of the dead. Altars probablyserved as sacral and maybe also as a decorative aribute of the family grave. This supportsa theory, that such altars were in some cases frequent components of quite expensive gravemonument. Such parallels we know from proximate Cos and Rhodes, which has political and

    cultural inuence in Stratoniceia.18

    Second inscription was located on the sha of the round altar of Rhodian type withpreserved decoration. H.: 0.74 m; W.: 0.50 m.

    Inscription is wrien in iambic trimeter and refers about auspicious ephebos who exceedin the arts and sport as well. Directive information is that the name of the dead is not referred.This suggests that this altar serves as a memorial monument and included honorary inscriptionpost mortem. The most probably it was part of a grave temenos, where the name of the deadwas wrien on the stele nearby. From Stratoniceia we know a couple of honorary inscriptions,which were made on the costs of the city.19Interesting from this point of view is also correlation

    between the architectural monuments in the form of memorial building and the inscriptions,referred the information of honored person. As Ch. Berns adverts to the fact that inscriptions didnot played a special role by the conception of this type of building (dierent as in the Imperialperiod).20 Hardly can we consider the accident that only by negligible parts of monumentare preserved whole inscriptions. Sometimes they were marked just by term (memorial) and in the case of the need there could be again erected stela with more detailedinformation.

    Third inscription is from a round altar with preserved garland decoration and prolationonly in the upper part. H.: 0.91 m; W.: 0.69 m.

    First line of the text is relatively extraordinary placed on the upper geison. It tells us thatmonument the most probably originally belonged to the family of Hekataios, son of Dionysios

    Fig. 4. Round altar from Stratoniceia, local museum(aer Berges 1986).

    Fig. 6. Reconstruction of the round altar of Rhodian type andposition of inscriptions.

    18Berges 1986, 167.19Ayda 2007, 334.20Berns 1996, 368.

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    Lucia Novkov


    of demos Lobolda. Stratoniceia was divided on the Greek model into tribes and demes andLoboldeis was one of them.21The second part of the text is stylistically dierent and aer word succeeds rasura. Flavius Karpus claimned ownership of gloskomos burialplace and all what was demarked by boundary walls. Glosokomos could be understood asa meaning of a sarcophagus or a casket with the length of the shank bone (the longest bone inthe body). This would then be placed in a family tomb or burial cave. Considering that altarwas not found in situ, we can presume that was later secondary used and the unpreservedsarcophagus was part of the grave temenos.

    So, in the Hellenistic period we can observe diversication of funeral monuments andinscriptions as well. The associations between religious architecture and funerary architecturecontinued to be exploited during the Hellenistic period. During the Late Hellenistic period,a noticeable decline in private monumental tomb building on the Asia Minor mainland mayhave been dictated by uncertain economic and political conditions. This statement, however,risks oversimplifying a complex picture, as the traditional artistic practices of temple, votive,honoric and funerary sculpture did not experience a similar decline.

    Especially round altars with their inscriptions (but also the free standing statues of lions asprotector of grave and preserved architectonical elements) indicate the hypothesis, that costlysepulchral buildings and grave temenoi were relevant part of the necropolis in Stratoniceia. Thisacute increase of the variety of the sepulchral forms could likely correspond with the extensivedevelopment of the city in the late Hellenistic period. However majority of funeral inscriptionsdistinguish with briey information about the dead, some of them bring us lile bit closer tounderstanding how was the interaction between lives and dead, even if our knowledge in thiseld is still more or less incomplete.

    Mgr. Lucia Novkov Golianova 54 SK 94912 Nitra [email protected]

    BibliographyAyda,M. 2006. Three inscriptions from Stratonikeia in Caria. EA39/2006: 1112.Ayda,M. 2007. Two new inscriptions from Stratonikeia in Caria. EA40/2007: 334.Bean, G. E. 1989. Turkey Beyond the Maeander. London.Berges, D. 1986. Hellenistise Rundaltre Kleinasiens. Berlin.Berns, Ch. 1996. Untersuungen zu den Grab- und Memorialbauten des spten Hellenismus und der frhen Kaiserzeit in

    Kleinasien. Kln 1996.Brunszgan, Ch. 2002: Knidos. Ein Fhrer dur die Ruinen.Konya.Cormack, S. 2004. The Space of Death in Roman Asia Minor. Wien.Fedak, J. 1990.Monumental tombs of the Hellenistic Age: A study of selected Tombs from the Pre-Classical to the Early Imperial

    Era. Toronto.Fraser, P. M. 1977. Rhodian Funerary monuments. Oxford.Kearsley, R. A., and T. V. Evans 2001. Mixed language Inscriptions and Linguistic evidence for cultural interaction

    untill the end of AD III. IA59/2001: 14753.McLean, B. H. 2002.An Introduction to Greek Epigraphy of the Hellenistic and Roman periods from Alexander the Great down

    to the reign of Constantine. Miigan.Mert, I. H. 1999. Untersuungen zur hellenistisen und kaiserzeitlien Bauornamentik von Stratonikeia.Kln.ahin, M. . 2002.New inscriptions from Lagina, Stratonikeia and Panamara. EA34/2002: 1, 1819.ahin, M. . 2005. New inscriptions from the Museum Depot at Stratonikeia. EA38/2005: 9.Varinliolu, E. 1988. Insrien von Stratoniekieia in Karien. EA12/1988: 101-9.

    21Ayda 2006, 1112.

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