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Global ATM and Airport SystemsGlobal ATM and Airport Systems

Predictable resultsfor unpredictable threats

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SELEX Sistemi Integrati plays aleading role in developing innovativesolutions to ensure efficient and safe management of airspace andairport traffic.

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Global ATM and Airport Systems

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SELEX Sistemi Integrati is an integrated supplier of the“Airport Global System”: from weather radar systems toATC radars, from airport-ground manoeuvres to smooth airtraffic management, the company offers a completeproduct and service portfolio by proposing itself as theideal technological partner for turnkey solutions.

SELEX Sistemi Integrati has an established customerbase in over 150 countries.

SELEX Sistemi Integrati provides total Air TrafficManagement (ATM) capability from En-Route/Approach toSurface Management systems, Gate-to-Gate Surveillancewith their family of ATC Primary and Secondary radars,new generation CNS/ATM systems such as SatelliteNavigation Augmentation Systems, Automatic DependentSurveillance (ADS) and Controller Pilot Data LinkCommunications (CPDLC).

The Company also provides Navigation and Landing Aidsby SELEX Sistemi Integrati Inc. and Weather Radarsystems by SELEX Sistemi Integrati GmbH.

To cope with the forecast growth in air traffic, the veryphilosophy of control is changing with the introductionof new Communications, Navigation and Surveillance(CNS) techniques. Active control, flight by flight andsector by sector, will give way to enhanced Air TrafficManagement (ATM).

CNS/ATM is “the adaptation of modern technology toenhance communication links between aircraft and airtraffic controllers, improve pilot’s ability to navigate theaircraft and to increase air traffic controller’s capabilityand capacity to monitor and control flights”.

The introduction of CNS/ATM technology is a majorchange in operational requirements of Air TrafficManagement and SELEX Sistemi Integrati can helpmanage this transition.

SELEX Sistemi Integrati is meeting these requirementsthrough the Air Traffic Management and Airport SystemsBusiness Unit (ATMAS) and through the subsidiaries inUSA, Germany and UK:

• SELEX Sistemi Integrati Inc.• SELEX Sistemi Integrati GmbH• SELEX Sistemi Integrati Ltd.

SELEX Sistemi Integrati is also full participant inEuropean Union, ECAC and Eurocontrol researchprogrammes, helping define the systems and standardsof the future.

SELEX Sistemi Integrati provides world-wide CNS/ATMexpertise in every domain: SELEX Sistemi Integrati’scapability is total.

Total Air Traffic Management

A complete Air Traffic Control facility package with anycombination of radars, displays, processors and data communications can be assembled into an advancedtelematic system for military or civil air traffic controlapplication, from the en-route to the airport managementenvironment. Ground Control Approach systems,Weather Radar, Navaids, GNSS/ADS, A-SMGCS andCommunication Systems can be integrated into differentfunctional architectures.

Global ATM and Airport Systems

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SELEX Sistemi Integrati’s SATCAS 2000 ATC and ATMcentres use distributed processing to ensure faulttolerance and system availability. Standard off-the-shelfpackages cover all system functions and can be tailoredto specific customer needs. Growth potential is also builtin and the architecture is open to other ATC/ATM servicesand to commercially available data processing andpresentation packages.

SELEX Sistemi Integrati has invested heavily in Human-Machine-Inter face (HMI) research. The result is theCDS-2000 controller working position, which can beintegrated readily into existing ATC centres as well asnew facilities. It features a flexible X-Windows-basedHMI that can be customised using either the SELEXSistemi Integrati Inter face Editor Toolset or other COTSproducts.

Airport turnkey solutions

The range of technical capabilities and products thatSELEX Sistemi Integrati can offer in the airportenvironment to help dealing with increasing trafficdemand, ensuring safe and expeditious flow, security ofpeople and goods and exchange of information amongairport operators, are very broad and have beendescribed in the previous paragraphs.

SELEX Sistemi Integrati, by acting as prime contractorand system architect, can help removing the burden ofmultiple procurements from our customers by providingcomplete and integrated turnkey solution for airportcovering the complete set of civil works, including airportbuildings, runway and taxiway layout as demonstrated inseveral occasions around the world.

Gate-to-Gate Surveillance

The SELEX Sistemi Integrati family of radars covers everyrequirement for primary and secondary surveillance of en-route and terminal airspace. All are fully compliant withthe latest ICAO standards and recommendations and aredesigned for remote monitoring and reconfiguration.Primary radars can be equipped with either conventionalreflector or high-performance planar array antennas. Theyinclude the S-band ATCR-33 S radar for TMA and approachcontrol and the L-band ATCR-44 S radar for long-range en-route control.Secondary radars include the conventional SIR-M and theMode-S enhanced SIR-S radars. All are configured withlarge vertical aperture antennas to provide maximumtarget information in high-density areas. The SIR-S is fullycompliant with Eurocontrol POEMS standards and usescustom VLSI chips for improved performance.

SELEX Sistemi Integrati has also pioneered the developmentof Automatic Dependent Surveillance (ADS), the techniqueintended to supplement radar surveillance in both broadcast(ADS-B) and contract (ADS-C) applications.

SELEX Sistemi Integrati delivered the world’s first ADSsystem to be fully integrated with ATC functions in theBangkok ATC Centre and, extending on the FARAWAYprogrammes, the Company is using ADS-B to investigatethe feasibility of “Free Flight” within the Mediterraneanarea through the MFF (Mediterranean Free Flight) andMEDUP (MEDiterranean UPgrade) programmes.On ground too, SELEX Sistemi Integrati is automating thesurveillance function. The advanced surface movementguidance and control system (A-SMGCS) will enhancesafety, reduce delays and improve the overall efficiency ofairports operation.

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Navigation and landing aids

SELEX Sistemi Integrati is providing the solutions toallow customers to make a smooth transition fromtraditional navaids and landing systems to newsatellite navigation products through close co-operationbetween ATMAS Business Unit and the subsidiarySELEX Sistemi Integrati Inc.

SELEX Sistemi Integrati Inc., located in Kansas, USA, is apremier supplier of systems, equipment and services toaid the in-flight navigation, landing and ground movementof aircrafts under all visibility conditions.

Offering a complete line of ground-based equipment for allphases of aircraft movement, SELEX Sistemi Integrati Inc.also provides the management, engineering and technicalexpertise to support this equipment during all phases ofproject implementation.

SELEX Sistemi Integrati Inc. designs, manufactures,installs, implements and supports ground-based radionavigation and landing aids, for use in both U.S. andinternational applications.

The Company’s comprehensive line of equipment andservices uniquely qualifies SELEX Sistemi Integrati toprovide total, turn-key solutions for en-route, precisionlanding and airport guidance requirements.With field-proven performance in hundreds of sites world-wide, the Company’s equipment is designed and built tomaximise safe and reliable operations, while minimising lifecycle costs over the service life of the equipment. Producedfor applications in both the United States and internationally,the equipment is available in multiple configurations and

with a wide range of features to satisfy the most challengingand diverse operating requirements.

The SELEX Sistemi Integrati Inc. product range includes: • VHF Omni-Directional Range (VOR)• Instrument Landing Systems (ILS)• Distance Measuring Equipment (DME)• Data Link Receiver/Transmitter

SELEX Sistemi Integrati Inc. provides management,engineering and technical services to support projectsuccess throughout all phases of implementation.

The Company’s commitment to customer satisfaction,from project inception through completion, is evidencedby its extensive record for repeat customer business.

Aeronautical Communications

SELEX Sistemi Integrati is a major contributor in changingthe way Aeronautical Communication is performed in theaviation industry, developing enhancements for existingcommunication products and investing in new CNS/ATMtechnologies to meet ever demanding user requirements.

Continuous growth in air traffic and costs incurred by airtraffic users and service providers when upgrading ATCcentres with new communication systems havecontrasting effects on the pace of migration from voicecommunication to data communication. The use of data communication instead of voice will helpto relieve some ground lines and frequency congestion,whilst also decreasing operator workload and increasingsafety.

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The first significant step in this direction has been themigration from voice messages towards data link usingACARS protocol, now used by a sizeable proportion ofairlines world-wide for Airlines Operational Communication(AOC) applications.

The use of ACARS for Air Traffic Services (ATS) applications isalso gaining momentum. The ground fixed networks (AFTN)are being upgraded to implement CIDIN (Common ICAO DataInterchange Network) ground-ground applications.

The Air-Ground data Communication scenario is muchmore diversified. Different networks will connect theaircraft avionics to the ground systems. Varioustechnologies and types of links have been identified byICAO and will coexist using the VHF frequency (ACARS,VDL 2, VDL 3,VDL 4), radar L-band (Mode S) and SatelliteL/C/Ka Bands (AMSS). Links using broad bandtechnologies will be available in the near future.SELEX Sistemi Integrati is active in:• AFTN/CIDIN systems• ATM Communication Gateway (ACG)• VDL Mode 4 networks• VDL Mode 2 network• Mode S Data Link Sub-Networks• Aeronautical Mobile Satellite Service (AMSS)• Satellite Based ADS and CPDLC

Meteorological Systems and Weather Radars

SELEX Sistemi Integrati produces weather radars andmeteorological data systems through SELEX SistemiIntegrati GmbH, located in Germany.

SELEX Sistemi Integrati is one of the leading suppliers ofmeteorological systems and equipment for transport, civilprotection and agricultural applications. Our experience inmeteorological systems is demonstrated in numerousairports around the world and has been consolidated withinthe meteorological field in web based MeteoWeb®meteorological data system and ASTERIX-Front EndProcessor.

SELEX Sistemi Integrati GmbH has become the leadingmanufacturer of meteorological radar systems worldwide.Today, SELEX Sistemi Integrati GmbH focuses on providingcustomised system and turn-key solutions that reflect adeep concern for the individual customer.

More than 40 years of experience, reliability and aprofessional approach to challenges have contributed tothe company’s excellent reputation among experts of themeteorological environment.

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Global ATM and Airport Systems

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The METEOR series weather radar systems consitute thebackbone of SELEX Sistemi Integrati GmbH’s range ofhigh-quality products. Featuring state-of-the-art technologyin perfect coordination with field-proven concepts, thesehighly sensitive detectors of meteorological phenomenaare designed for unattended operation and renowned fortheir extreme reliability and long life.

SELEX Sistemi Integrati GmbH is fully committed tomaintaining the leading position in product quality, customerservice and radar design innovation. SELEX SistemiIntegrati’s policy is to understand the real-life needs ofcustomers and satisfy those needs with reliable, cost-efficient solutions based on industrial standards.

The megatron and klystron based radars, METEOR 500and METEOR 1500, are leaders in the meteorologicalmarket. The complete METEOR product line is availablefor dual polarisation operation offering enhancedcapabilities as hydrometeor classification.

SELEX Sistemi Integrati GmbH software productssupport the complete integration of radars inheterogeneous networks. The cornerstones of SELEX

Sistemi Integrati GmbH software are Ravis® - the radarcontrol and maintenance software - and Rainbow® 5.0 -the radar application software.

Simulation and Training

SELEX Sistemi Integrati has a remarkably wide-rangingsimulation and training capability. Encompassing everythingfrom generic computer-based trainers to dedicated Trainingof Air Traffic Controllers, it ensures that customers reapmaximum benefit from their investment in SELEX SistemiIntegrati’s equipment and systems.

SATCAS 2000 can be equipped with a sophisticated"Integrated Training System" that provides bothoperational back-up and test and verification toolset forpre-release evaluation of new procedures or software.Also available is an extension for training towercontrollers in sur face movement guidance and controlprocedures.

SELEX Sistemi Integrati also takes full advantage of theinvaluable operational expertise available through the

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Consortium with ENAV, (the Italian Air Traffic ServiceProvider).

SICTA (Sistemi Innovativi per il Controllo del Traffico Aereo- Advanced Systems for Air Traffic Control) is a ResearchCentre established, together with ENAV, at the end of1993 with the purpose of R&D, validation and simulationin the CNS/ATM domain.

Complete support, world-wide

Customer support is an integral part of the systems wesupplyed by SELEX Sistemi Integrati. Modular designensures parts can be replaced readily.

The unrivalled expertise of SELEX Sistemi Integrati inintegrated logistic support means that availability,reliability and maintainability can be predicted.

A dedicated team of professionals ensure that everycustomer has ready access to the full range of supportservices.Reliability data is analysed at the design stage and

maintainability studies are conducted to optimise the meantime between failures. Built-in test equipment is configuredto maximise fault retrieval and to facilitate the integration ofremote control and monitoring systems (RCMS).

The RCMS can then be used to provide indication andlogging of failures, activation of back-up systems andremote diagnosis of line replaceable units. The result isthe highest possible standard of availability and reliabilitywith the minimum logistic resources.

SELEX Sistemi Integrati’s engineers are always on call tohelp diagnose system faults and undertake emergencyrepairs. SELEX Sistemi Integrati can also provide residentmaintenance engineers for on-site support.

To help customers reap the benefits of focus on theircore business, SELEX Sistemi Integrati can assumeresponsibility for total management of technicalfacilities.

Whatever the choice from this menu of services,customers will benefit from reduced life cycle costs,extended service life and improved performance.

Global ATM and Airport Systems

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Via Tiburtina Km 12.40000131 Roma - ItalyT +39 06 41501F +39 06 4131133

© SELEX Sistemi IntegratiAll rights reserved

Published bySELEX Sistemi Integrati External Relations

Giugno 2006

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